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To     "add" MAJORITY ethnic group Sinhala majority ethnic group in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-relentless-insult"     http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-17362691      to dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil  citizen of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-injuries     1939     http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen     (calendar year nineteen thirty-nine)  and *ONGOING* *TODAY* in 2018 (twenty-eighteen):      https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2017/11/08/dozens-of-men-say-they-were-abducted-raped-and-tortured-by-sri-lankan-forces.html     with Truly Limitless Horizon-less Boundless Political Repercussions ON 09/30/2013 (calendar year twenty-thirteen):  SYRIA'S FOREIGN MINISTER said [as reported by The BBC]:"There is no 'civil war' [in Ceylon-Sri Lanka's 'tragic case' a _GENOCIDE_:     https://web.archive.org/web/20170106090659/https://www.un.org/en/preventgenocide/adviser/pdf/osapg_analysis_framework.pdf      has been 'labeled'/'labelled'  a 'civil war' - since 1939 [nineteen thirty-nine]  in Syria-ONLY a war against "terrorists." Syria's foreign minister has claimed that "terrorists from more than 83 countries" are killing soldiers+civilians across [SYRIA] the country. Sri Lanka's openly genocidal Sinhala fascist neo-Nazi [Former] Foreign Minister Professor G.L. Peiris continued~UNTIL his leader Mahinda Rajapakse was voted out of office on January 8th, 2015 (calendar year twenty-fifteen)~and YES! "we" know that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-eighteen)~PRECI$ELY_ _OUR_ _MAIN_ "political point!"~"by" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ citizen-voters~in 2015 (calendar year twenty-fifteen)~and YES! "we" know that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-eighteen)~PRECI$ELY_ _OUR_ _MAIN_ "political point!"~5~6-7 calendar years"after" the 2009" (calendar year two-thousand and nine)  so-called 2009  (two-thousand and nine) _utter_military DEFEAT +decimation PRECI$ELY as Syria's Free Syrian Army was "roundly" "defeated" in Aleppo-$yria THANKS! to the Relentlessly-Labeled-Brilliant-By-Obama's-Internationally-Situated-Minion$-Globally "Brilliant Obama-Foreign Policy" on Syria~PRECISELY "as" the akin-to France's resistance to Hitler and To Hitler's Nazis during WWII indescribably _BRAVE_ French resistance fighters "understanding" that Hitler and Hitler's Nazis _COULD_ _NEVER_ have been "militarily defeated" withOUT Britain's Bulldog Churchill~"labeled" o "Hideous International-effect" "by" Current on January 8th, 2017 (in calendar year twenty-seventeen) U$A Pre$dent Obama So-Called "Leader" of The "Free" World:     Mahindha Chinthana Rajapakse-Perpetrated NAKED GENOCIDE-Perpetrated for _GENERATIONS_:     Opposing"Dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE Criminal Terrorists" _INSISTING_"most recently" IN October 2013 [twenty-thirteen]-that Sri Lanka government's DECADES-long BUDDHIST-fundamentalist-funded "war on Eelam Tamils" was_PRECISELY TARGETED_ and directed _ONLY_ at decimating "Dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE Criminal Terrorists"+_NOT_ aimed at decimating the CIVILIAN, NON-VIOLENT, NON-arms-bearing, EELAM Tamil population in Sri Lanka from 15% (fifteen percent) of Ceylon's-("Ceylon" changed its name officially to "Sri Lanka" in 1972 (nineteen seventy-two) [Sri Lanka's] population in 1948 (nineteen forty-eight) _DOWN_ to 3.9% (three point nine percent) of the population~in 2015 (in calendar year twenty-fifteen):     https://web.archive.org/web/20170307013705/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html     SINCE_ we first wrote the preceding sentence NOTE with "alarm" [but no "surprise"] on June 19th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) [and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has NOW! long past gone calendar year 2016! (twenty-sixteen)~and yes! the  _perpetration_ of CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY PERPETRATED IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA on innocent Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka _CONTINUES_ to be "the reality" for Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil citizens located in concentrated populations in the northern+eastern provinces of Ceylon-Sri Lanka NOW! in calendar year 2016]~ that The USA Central Intelligence Agency which _HAD_ in the "recent" past~as in 2015 (twenty-fifteen) [and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has NOW! long past gone calendar year 2016! (twenty-sixteen)~and yes! the  _perpetration_ of CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA CRIMES perpetrated on innocent unarmed civilian babies+the elderly-Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka _CONTINUES_ to be "the reality" for Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil citizens located in concentrated populations in the northern+eastern provinces of Ceylon-Sri Lanka NOW! in calendar year 2016]~inside its WORLDFACTBOOK~ "routinely" "described" the percentage of The Eelam Tamil population in Ceylon-Sri Lanka as 3.9% [three point nine percent] has "artfully" "modified" this "statistic" "to" to 11.2% [ELEVEN POINT TWO PERCENT] of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's populations:  
     https://web.archive.org/web/20170307013705/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html     ["Naturally"~we leave you~Our Illustrious Reader~to draw you own "conclusions" about "the-suddenly-changed-numbers."]  What are metaphorically referred to as "the former" "conflict" "zone areas" in the northern and eastern provinces of Sri Lanka HAVE BEEN _LIKENED_ by USA HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR EVA MOZES KOR-she OUGHT TO KNOW [June 9th, 2013]-to Hitler's Nazi Germany:     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=36401     ~_because_of STARK WITNESS to Sri Lanka's_GENOCIDE_perpetrated on dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils [in Ceylon/until it was re-named Sri Lanka by the "majority" Sinhala fascist government in 1972]~beginning in 1948+_ONGOING_"today"~relentlessly with zero letup~in 2015.  When it comes to_NOT_crushing the lives of LEGITIMATE asylum-seekers DID the United Nations so-called HUMAN RIGHTS CHIEF PILLAY [UN HUMAN RIGHTS CHIEF IN 2014-2015 is a Johns Hopkins University-educated-Prince of Jordan]-at-that-time-in-history- _not _bear the SLIGHTEST responsibility??????????????????????????? to vigorously PURSUE Nuremberg Trials for generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Colombo-centric regimes in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-enduringly-genocidal on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka TODAY'S Maithripala Sirisena-Ceylon-Sri lanka-totalitarian fascist regime?????
To     "add" generations (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") of Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric-totalitarian-Sinhala insult"     directly to generations of dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamil injuries     1949     (calendar year nineteen forty-nine)+*ONGOING* *TODAY* in 2016 (twenty-sixteen) with Truly Limitless Horizon-less Boundless Political Repercussions:     http://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1462910033&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka    
The BBC's reporter-on-the-ground-in-Colombo, Sri Lanka The BBC's Illustrious Mr. Charles Haviland reported on     March 25th, 2013     (calendar year twenty-thirteen) and *STILL* in 2016 (twenty-sixteen) *MERRILY* continuing to *INSIST* in 2016 (twenty-sixteen)~*EXACTLY* in the identical manner employed by Mr. Haviland in 2008 (calendar year two-thousand-and-eight) "before" the "2009" (calendar year two-thousand-and-nine)  loudly "trumpeted" by The BBC's Illustrious reporter-on-the-ground-in Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Illustrious Charles Haviland "in close+careful-concert" with generations of (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly+relentlessly-genocidal on it "own" unarmed, non-combatant, civilian, one hundred percent innocent of any/all criminality military-perpetrated genocide and crimes against Eelam Tamil HUMANITY-perpetrating Mahinda Chinthana Rajapakse Colombo-centric 2009 (two-thousand-and-nine) -totalitarian regime (Mahinda Chinthana Rajapaske was replaced by An Ever-So-SLIGHTLY-LESS-egregiously+nakedly-genocidal on Ceylon-Sri Lanka's "own" Eelam Tamil civilian Maithripala Sirisena neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!~twenty-sixteen) "military" "defeat" of "dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE criminal terrorist rebel separatists" MORE THAN FOUR WHOLE CALENDAR YEARS *AFTER* what Mr. Haviland Merrily Insists With His Queen's [HRH-Great Britain's-QE II-NOT THE OCEAN-LINER [!] But Rather The Personage-The-Ocean-Liner-Was-Named-After~The Ever-Smiling Elizabeth II Queen of England:     http://www.srilankaguardian.org/2012/06/queen-appeared-to-fleetingly-shake.html     ]+Ceylon-Sri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian DICTATOR'S multifarious/multi-faceted *DAILY*BLESSINGS* was the *DEFEAT* in 2009 (calendar year two-thousand-and-nine)  of "dirty" Tamil Tiger LTTE criminal separatist rebel "terrorists"~like TODAY'S 2016 (twenty-sixteen) USA-backed Kurdish YPG+PKK Peshmerga militias fighting "TODAY" IN 2016 (twenty-sixteen's) ISIS-ISIL~WHILE LIKE members of the group calling itself Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) "still" "firmly" entrenched" on "everyone who MATTERS in the world's" "international" "list of terrorists" _STILL_ in calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen_ _WHILE_ generations of ISIS-ISIL-emulating long before ISIS-ISIL generations (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as a "metaphor!") of Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric totalitarians continue being "internationally" "celebrated" "for" 'defeating" those "dirty' LTTE Tamil Tiger "criminal" "terrorists" with official May 2009 (two-thousand-and-nine) United Nations Security Council-issued "congratulations" ENDURING _THROUGH_ TODAY December 12th, 2016 (twenty-sixteen):    https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims     with an "element of surprise" even [?]  that the "otherness" assigned by Sri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascists to "any/all" generations (the English word generations alas!+alack! not employed here as "a metaphor!") generations of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka has "since" been "turned" onto Muslim citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka and Even Very Occasionally On The Majority Ethnic Group In Cenylon-Sri Lanka Ethnic Sinhala citizen of Ceylon-Sri Lanka.  Imagine!  What A Truly Miraculous Wonder of Reportage! [Sarcasm!]
The BBC's reporter-on-the-ground Mr. Charles Haviland's reporting [February 27th, 2012 (twenty-twelve)~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!~twenty-sixteen) through March 23rd, 2012 (twenty-twelve~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!~twenty-sixteen)] on the United States-introduced "so-called" HUMAN RIGHTS RESOLUTION "which sat" at The Ever-Illustrious United Nations     Human Rights Council     Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland [Geneva Meeting is:  February 27th, 2012 (calendar year twenty-twelve) and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen) through March 23rd, 2012 (calendar year twenty-twelve)~ and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen) included the following words:     The UNITED NATIONS Human Rights Council is due to discuss a US resolution asking Ceylon-Sri Lanka to "explain" [Precisely+Very Politely-LIKE Quakers- Members of The Religious Society of Friends~get this~had an audience with Hitler+And Very Politely-Asked Hitler To PLEASE! STOP BOMBING! generations (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!")  of Jews Into Oblivion During WWII+Equally-Naturally-Hitler-Adamantly-refusing The Very Polite Quaker request To Stop Bombing Jews in European Into Oblivion [Imagine that!]  to asking Hitler and Jitler's Third Recih to "explain" their insanity~unleashed on Jews and/or anyone labeled "terrorist" and/or "other" and/or members of Europe's LGBTQ community "by" Hitler's+Germany's "own" nakedly-genocidal on Jews in Europe-Nazi Third Reich during WWII!)  how it will ensure justice and reconciliation for its people.  From Colombo, the BBC's Ever-Illustrious reporter-on-the-fround~Charles Haviland reports     .

(1)  THE CASUAL READER WOULD NEVER "GET" FROM THE EVER-ILLUSTRIOUS BBC NEWS SERVICE REPORTER THE EVERLASTINGLY-ILLUSTRIOUS MR. HAVILAND'S WRITING AND REPORTING:     The     United Nations' Illustrious Human Rights Council     is NOT the appropriate and legally-binding international venue for     "determining"     the legal consequences for     GENOCIDE     and for CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA SINCE~get this!~calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine):    http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen     perpetrated on generations (the English word generations alas!+alack! not employed here as "a metaphor!")  of dark-skinned ethnic minority (precisely like The Ever-Illustrious Obama-Johnson family are members of a dark-skinned ethnic minority group in the Ever-Illustrious USA-EXCEPT NO ONBE WOULD BEGIN TO GUESS THIS!~NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!) Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka by generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist regime between 2006 and 2015.  The proper and appropriate and just INTERNATIONALLY LEGALLY-BINDING VENUE" for this discussion to take place is The United Nations Security Council.  "Naturally" since generations of Ceylon- Sri Lanka's ethnic Tamils have no nuclear weapons and no oil reserves~with a nice heaping, steaming dollop of breath-taking bigotry evinced toward dark-skinned ethnic minority     Eelam     Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka INCLUDED at "no extra charge"~Mr. Charles Haviland's readership~and others feel that "dignifying" Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka with PROPER AUTHORITATIVE United Nations actions is "entirely OUT OF THE QUESTION!" for addressing the     egregiously-perpetrated-acts of relentless-GENOCIDE+crimes against Eelam Tamil humanity in Ceylon-Sri Lanka     we "repeat" and RELENTLESS CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA perpetrated with not "merely" TOTAL ONE HUNDRED PERCENT LEGAL+INTERNATIONAL-IMPUNITY on dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka but _ALSO_ with "relentless"+OPEN "celebrations" by NO LESS HIGHLY-PRIZED-HIGHEST-APPROVAL-PRESTIGIOUS QUEEN ELIZABETH II of Great Britain~with cordially-issued warm invitations to Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly-genocidal on his "won" Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Mahinda Chinthana Rajapakse to "personally" attend Her Royal Majesty's Diamond Jubilee~in quid pro quo "return" "for" Rajapakse's "vote yes!" to Change The UK Constitution to make any/all female offspring of The Universally-+Relentlessly-Embraced by The Universe-cuties Prince William+Kate Middleton-The Duke+Duchess of Cambridge in 2012 (twenty-twelve) "immediate" female monarchs of England+Great Britain:     http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2054467/UK-royal-succession-laws-Commonwealth-agrees-historic-change-sex-equality.html     at the direct "expense"~no big deal~just a few hundreds-of-thousands-of innocent, unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka "slaughtered" almost "casually"+soundlessly- in "today" raucous"Age of information"-2011 (calendar year twenty-eleven)  of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's so-called "triumph" over "dirty" LTTE Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~since~get this~calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine):     http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen   In other words:    

If Wills and Kate have a girl first, she'll be queen! Commonwealth agrees historic change to give sex equality in Royal succession

in "direct" quid pro quo "exchange" "for" Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's YES! VOTE! at the Commonwealth Meeting of 2011 9twenty-eleven) in Australia Mate! where on God's green earth _ARE_ Australia's "famous" "gallants?"  when EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF DEYLON-SRI LANKA to a person [!]  in such desperate "need'"of them?????????:      http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2054467/UK-royal-succession-laws-Commonwealth-agrees-historic-change-sex-equality.html#ixzz48HpBEqqo

      "Naturally"     China     and Russia~as in the case of confronting     Syria     ~are  hugely to "blame" for this "exceptionalism!"

(2)  THE CASUAL READER WOULD NEVER "GET" FROM MR. CHARLES HAVILAND'S WRITING AND REPORTING FOR THE ILLUSTRIOUS BBC:  A "secret embassy cable" sent waaaaay back in 2010 (twenty-ten~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long sincee gone calendar year twnety-sixteen)~BY United States' Ambassador Patricia Butenis [NEVER TO BE REPORTED ON BY THE BBC'S REPORTER-ON-THE-GROUND-IN-COLOMBO, CEYLON-SRI LANKA MR. HAVILAND IN A MILLION YEARS!] to Sri Lanka's genocidal regime TO PRESIDENT OBAMA'S UNITED STATES' STATE DEPARTMENT~A SECRET EMBASSY CABLE whose existence we [the public]~tragically~would NOT KNOW OF~BUT FOR the much-personally-persecuted by US President Obama WikiLeaks~we would NEVER HAVE KNOWN THIS FROM THE ESTEEMED REPORTING BY THE BBC'S REPORTER-ON-THE-GROUND MR.  CHARLES HAVILAND!~IMAGINE THAT!!!!~indicates the following:
"there are no examples we know of a regime undertaking wholesale investigations of its own troops or senior officials for war crimes while that regime or government remained in power."  http://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes

(3)  THE CASUAL READER WOULD NEVER "GET" FROM MR. HAVILAND'S WRITING AND REPORTING:  What Mr. Haviland appears to mean when he employs the word "reconciliation" to describe Sri Lanka's "post-war" shenanigans


is:  ONGOING POLITICAL AND PROPAGANDA SUPPORT for Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian bloody-handed regime~as it CONTINUES its "ongoing since 1949" GENOCIDE on dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils in Sri Lanka.  THEREFORE WE MUST ARRIVE AT THE SAD CONCLUSION that The BBC's/Mr. Haviland's CONSISTENT so-called "reporting" SERVES SOLELY AND ONLY the nefarious aims of Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime:  TO ENTIRELY ESCAPE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY~perpetrated between 2006 and 2009~*and* "ongoing in 2012"~and in 2013~and in 2015~GENOCIDE on dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka in 2015.  ANYONE [as in MOST PEOPLE~not "even" the approximately 1 million diaspora Tamils worldwide~have been following the "intricacies"] who has NOT been following the "intricacies" of THE GENOCIDE ON TAMILS PERPETRATED BY SRI LANKA would EVER "get this!"~from all of Mr. Charles Haviland's/The BBC's reporter-on-the-ground-in-Colombo-Sri Lanka's-COUNTLESS stories filed!"
Even "after" the slaughter of 1.4 MILLION dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Mr. Charles Haviland's/The BBC's reporter-on-the-ground-in-Colombo-Sri Lanka's-COUNTLESS countless stories filed!~OBDURATELY  REFUSES to employ the word "GENOCIDE"~the word employed by most "normal English-speakers"~to describe the pernicious actions of Sri Lanka's totalitarian regime whose political and propaganda causes Mr. Charles Haviland's/The BBC's reporter-on-the-ground-in-Colombo-Ceylon-Sri Lanka has served so COMPLETELY "admirably!"~over the period of so many years!:  CEYLON-SRI LANKA ESCAPING SCOT-FREE "EVEN" AT THIS LATE DATE IN 2015 WITH ZERO CONSEQUENCES FOR PERPETRATING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ON DARK-SKINNED EELAM TAMIL ETHNIC MINORITY+MUSLIM+EVEN VERY OCCASIONALLY A "MAJORITY" CEYLON-SRI LANKA ETHNIC GROUP-SINHALA CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA~since~get this!~CALENDAR YEAR 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine)

(4)  THE CASUAL READER WOULD NEVER EVER "GET" FROM THE BBC's Illustrious-reporter-on-the-ground-in-Colombo-Sri-Lanka MR. HAVILAND'S WRITING AND REPORTING not "even" in 2015~5 years BEYOND the genocidal slaughter of dark-skinned ethnic minority EELAM TAMIL citizens of Sri Lanka:  That "since" United Nations' official John Holmes HAS "already" BEEN so SUPER-DUPER CRYSTAL CLEAR [March 15th, 2012 (in calendar year twenty-twelve) and [and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has NOW! long past gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen)~and yes! the  _perpetration_ of CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA on innocent Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka _CONTINUES_ to be "the reality" for Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil citizens located in concentrated populations in the northern+eastern provinces of Ceylon-Sri Lanka NOW! in calendar year 2016]  regarding the topic of:     "NOTHING MORE CAN BE DONE WITHOUT REGIME CHANGE IN SRI LANKA" [at the United Nations Human Rights Council Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland from February 27th, 2012 (twenty-twelve) until March 23rd, 2012 (twenty-twelve and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen)     and in March 2013 (twenty-thirteen and YES! we know that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen)     and in 2015 (twenty-fifteen)~and NOW! in 2016 (twenty-sixteen)~TO HOLD THE PERPETRATORS OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY "ACCOUNTABLE" IN SRI LANKA~CRIMES perpetrated with TOTAL IMPUNITY between 2006 [(two-thousand-and-six-the beginning of Mahinda "Chinthana" Rajapakse's nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Colombo-centric  rule in Ceylon-Sri Lanka~Mahinda Chintaha's Presidency voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential Office on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) to be replaced by The-Ever-So-SLIGHHTLY-LESS-Egregiously-Genocidal-On His "Own" Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric totalitarian dictator Maithripala Sirisena] and the present day~January 7th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)~CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA-HUMANITY PERPETRATED ON MINORITY EELAM TAMILS IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA~"still" on April 10th, 2013 [twenty-thirteen and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-ixteen) and _NOTHING_ has essentially _CHANGED_ for Eelam Tamil+Muslim+"even" The Very Occasional "Majority" Ethnic Group-Sinhala citizen of Ceylon-Sri Lanka facing _DAILY_ "habitual" "routine" acts of brutality+of CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST HUMANITY at the hands of "their own" "government" as in ZERO NO "good guy" 'government" NOT IN THE USA-UK-ANYWHERE IN THE EUROPEAN-WE ARE THE GOOD GUYS-WORLD-HAS EVER NOT ONCE! "recalled" ANY of GENERATIONS of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Amnassadors to register even the _MILDEST_ "diplomatic" "protest" over the RELENTLESS perpetrateion of GENOCIDE and of CRIMES AGAINST MUSLIM+EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA-NOT A ONE! and these are "the good guys!"]     10 ஏப்ரல், 2013 - 16:50 ஜிஎம்டி     [and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has NOW! long past gone calendar year 2016!~and yes! the  _perpetration_ of CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA on innocent Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka _CONTINUES_ to be "the reality" for Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil citizens located in concentrated populations in the northern+eastern provinces of Ceylon-Sri Lanka NOW! in calendar year 2016]     :     http://www.bbc.co.uk/tamil/sri_lanka/2013/04/130410_srilankaarmycourtreport.shtml     *BEING* "blamed" by the NAKEDLY GENOCIDAL neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Rajapakse regime [since turned Maithripala-Sirisena-regime SQUARELY on LTTE or Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam~the SOLE+ONLY+ONLY+ONLY EVER political+legal+judicial+financial+MILITARY RESISTANCE to Ceylon-Sri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist BRAND of racist ideology against *ALL* non-Sinhala-non-Buddhist minorities in Ceylon-Sri Lanka EVER! it appears to follow "naturally" that JUST LIKE in the case of Egypt and in the case of Libya [there are other countless innumerable "world" precedents!] energetic efforts MUST IMMEDIATELY be made INTERNATIONALLY to effect expeditious regime change-with ZERO violence~"naturally!"
Even "after" the slaughter of MORE THAN 1.4 MILLION dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils citizens of Sri Lanka  The BBC' reporter-on-the-ground-in-Colombo, Sri Lanka-Mr. Charles Haviland OBDURATELY REFUSES to employ the word "GENOCIDE"~"even" in NOW! in calendar year 2016 [twenty-sixteen]~the word employed by most "normal English-speakers"~to describe the unspeakably pernicious actions of Sri Lanka's totalitarian regime whose political and propaganda causes Mr. Haviland has served so COMPLETELY "admirably!"~over the period of so many years!:  SRI LANKA ESCAPING SCOT-FREE WITH ZERO CONSEQUENCES FOR ITS REGIME'S CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY

(5)  THE CASUAL READER WOULD NEVER "GET" FROM MR. HAVILAND'S WRITING AND REPORTING [OR for that matter from _The Washington Post's_ illustrious journalist Simon Denyer]:  The PROFOUNDLY LOPSIDED and GENOCIDAL NATURE of the VIOLENCE that dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils in Sri Lanka FACE ON A DAILY BASIS face in 2015~have faced~SINCE 1949.  Not "even" the nakedly genocidal Sinhala neo-Nazi fanatics~so in love with bending the FACTS~beyond ALL RECOGNITION~fanatics that Mr. Haviland has CLEARLY known [possibly loves] and covered~throughout his distinguished reporting career~can "claim" with any level of accuracy that 1.4 MILLION (one point four Million)+ MAJORITY ETHNIC GROUP SINHALA citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka have been "killed by dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE criminal terrorists!"~in THIRTY YEARS [also known as THREE DECADES].

To     "add" Majority Ethnic GroupSinhala In Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Ethnic Landscape-Sinhala insult"     to dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamil injuries~Sri Lanka's so-called "international cricket stars" and The BBC's reporter in Colombo [Charles Haviland] were craftily "used" in only ONE of the "latest" MAGNIFICENT-if habitual-for-thirty-years-and-ongoing public relations moves for whitewashing Sri Lanka's EGREGIOUS CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY presenting the SYSTEMATIC and PLANFUL and OBSCENE EXTORTION of money from war-ravaged,     UNCOMPENSATED-FOR-THEIR-WAR-LOSSES-and-WAR-INJURIES EELAM Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka     by so-called "cricket stars" all in the name of "fundraising to fulfill     AN ALREADY OBSCENELY WEALTHY Sinhala fascist cricket star's craven calendar year 2009 (two-thousand-and-nine) fund-raising dreams!"
To     "add" egregiously+unecessarily-genocidal-on-unarmed-non-combatant-innocent-of-any/all-criminality-civilian-Eelam-Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-neo-Nazi Sinhala-Government- insult"     to dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamil injuries" Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric totalitarian DIVTATOR Mahinda Chinthana-Rajapakse [in power in Colombo-Ceylon-Sri Lanka until her was voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential office on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) to be replaced by The Ever-So-SLIGHTLY-LESS-egregiously-genocidal-on-Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri lanka+Muslim citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka and YES! "Even" EVER-SO-OCCASIONALLY  perpetrated on the majority ethnic group in Ceylon-Sri Lanka Sinhala citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena Colombo-centric Ceylon-Sri Lanka nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamils]-regime remainED UNARRESTED by authorities in Houston, Texas, USA~on a so-called "private visit"~"private visits" automatically PRECLUDE the conditions needed for "1000% Head-of-State-Diplomatic-Immunity" from ARREST for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY~from January 19th, 2011 until January 27th, 2011 (twenty-eleven) and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen)~a visit during which he     reportedly enjoyed a "private meeting" with United States' Under Secretary of State+Trusty Oxford University-UK-England college buddy-Robert Blake     ~BEFORE HE [Rajapakse] RETURNED TO CEYLON-SRI LANKA~to CONTINUE his     reign of Distinctly-Hitler-flavored-terror-unleashed-on-ethnic-minority-Eelam-Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka     as "official DICTATOR" of Ceylon-Sri Lanka UNTIL HE WAS VOTED OUT OF SRI LANKA'S PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE-BY CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S VOTERS-NOT BY ANY OTHER AGENCY-on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) and YES! we _KNOW_ that it ahs long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen) .  Rajapakse CONTINUED his     SHAMELESS,     GLEEFUL, "endless"     CELEBRATIONS     of his very "own" brand of NAKED     GENOCIDE     ~perpetrated with *ZERO* INTERNATIONAL CONDEMNATIONS and     *PRECISELY* *ZERO* MEANINGFUL-LEGALLY-BINDING-INTERNATIONAL LEGAL CONSEQUENCES and/or BILLION$ OF U$A-DOLLARS IN LEGAL FINES-PAID IN REPRATIONS DIRECTLY TO GENERATIONS OF EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA NOW! IN 2016 (twenty-sixteen)      "personally" either to His Own Illustrious Self-himself or to his totalitarian neo-Nazi Sinhala     fascist     COLOMBO-CENTRIC-DICTATORSHIP:  
     http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-11225723     .  While the US "CLEAR" military message [during the time of "The Libyan Revolution"] to Libya's Qaddafi [remember him?] was:     "Stop killing your own people!"     NO SUCH IDENTICAL United States "military message" appears to have been sent by you [O Illustrious USA President Obama] to generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's     "Very Own" nakedly-genocidal-on-Eelam Tamils citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka     Mahinda Chinthana Rajapakse [voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential (aka neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian DICTATOR'S) office on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen) ] now Maithripala Sirisena~as of January 7th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen).  In fact QUITE DISTINCTLY THE OPPOSITE:  With the United States' Illustrious State Department handing out "official" brochures "advertising" Sri Lanka as a WONDERFUL     "paradise" tourist destination     ~FAILING UTTERLY to even casually     "mention"     not "even" "casually" in "passing" the     NAKED-GENOCIDE     PERPETRATED by LITERALLY _GENERATIONS_ [the English word _GENERATIONS_ alas!~tragically!~NOT employed here as "a metaphor!"] PERPETRATED RELENTLESSLY UPON _GENERATIONS_ OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S ETHNIC MINORITY-IN-PRECISELY THE IDENTICAL WAYS THAT MEMBERS OF THE USA'S ILLUSTRIOUS OBAMA-JOHNSON FAMILY ARE MEMBERS OF AN ETHNIC MINORITY POPULATION INSIDE THE USA-EXCEPT NO ONE WOULD _EVER_ GUESS THIS IN CALENDAR YEAR 2016! (twenty-sixteen) OR IN A MILLION YEARS [!] THE _PROVERBIAL_ INCONVENIENT TRUTH REARING ITS UGLY HEAD UP AGAIN [?]  RELENTLESS PERPETRATION OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA-GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED ON EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA *being* perpetrated BY Ceylon-Sri Lanka's government~     *ongoing*     through January65th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)~UNTIL and LONG "after" this "particular"  announcement made available  by the     Eelam Tamil Language BBC Service _ONLY_ "warning" American tourists of the dangers of visiting Ceylon-Sri Lanka as tourists     ~as of this writing of this sentence on June 29th, 2013 (twenty-thirteen~and YES!~we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016~twenty-sisteen)~tourism to Ceylon-Sri Lanka has     INCREASED     rather than DECREASED~Ceylon-Sri Lanka's
"rich" and     "ongoing"     and "everlasting-dividend-paying" OPEN-GLEE+CELEBRATION-PACKED:     http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753     REWARD~inlcuidng at ritzy intenrational luxury-Manhattan, New York addresses (Remember Liby'as genocidal-on-his-"own"-citizens Lbya's genocidal dictator Moammar Quaddhafi [?] "Even" he had such powerful "political enemies" in New York, USA he was never permitted to rent a luxury New York City hotel room but was "forced" whenever he "freely" visited The United Nations Headquarters  from the United States' government/Specifically The Illustrious Obama Administration/From USA President Obama "personally":     http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753     ~and from "others" in the "international community"~including~but not limited to~Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II~Herself~"Personally"~"In Person"~REWARDING fascist Dictator Rajapakse~"personally"~with warm+Everlastingly-Cordial handshakse extended Directly to a fascist Dictator at Blenheim Saloon at Marlborough House~NAMED "Blenheim" in THE FIRST PLACE~for no less An Illustrious Address Than "for" Blenheim Palace The Very Birthplace And Self-Described-Daily-Inspiration "for"  Nazi-Fascism-DEFEATING Glorious     Winston Churchill     ~aka Winnie of Hitler-Defeating-Fame.  Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II went "further" "even" than     Great Britain's At That Moment-In-Time-hamberlain dreamed of proceeding     with appeasement of Nazi Germany's Adolf Hitler~in rewarding Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Rajapakse specifically "for" perpetrating spectaular+relentless acts of GENOCIDE on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka in Ceylon-Sri Lanka     WITH OUTSTANDINGLY SPECTACULAR SUCCESS [in quid pro quo "return" for William+Kate's-The Duke+Duchess of Cambridge's daughter Charlotte [or indeed any other~besides UK Princess Charlotte~daughters born to their marriage and/or any of their descendant's legally-recognized-marriages]  being "British-Constitutionally" "permitted" to "inherit" The British throne-were things to head in that particular directions~on dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils~with such an astonishing ABSENCE OF INTERNATIONAL OUTCRY AND SUCH A JAW-DROPPING ABSENCE OF INTERNATIONAL LEGAL+JUDICIAL IMPEDIMENT.  "Naturally" *any*     independent journalist     inside Ceylon-Sri Lanka who     DARES to EVINCE THE AUDACITY TO ACCURATELY REPORT     Rajapakse's nakedly+egregiously-genocidal CRIMES AGAINST EELAM  [MAHINDA CHINTHANA RAJPAKSE WAS VOTED OUT OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE~BY CEYLON SRI LANKA'S VOTERS~ON JANUARY 8TH, 205.  IN SPITE OF THIS:  HE [SRI LANKA'S RECENTLY-FORMER-NAKEDLY-GENOCIDAL ON GENERATIONS OF (the English word genocuide alas!+alack! not mentioned here as "a metaphor!) EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA-DICTATOR-MAHINDA RAJAPAKSE] REMAINS [IN CALENDAR YEAR 2016 _STILL_] CULPABLE AND/OR EMINENTLY-PROSECUTABLE UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAWS PERTAINING TO GENOCIDE+CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST HUMANITY "FOR" PERPETRATING CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY ON EELAM TAMILS IN SRI LANKA 2005-2015~ongoing in calendar year 2016 at the brutal hands of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Maithripala Sirisena regime] dark deeds is magically
     "disappeared"~the sanitized term for-murder-with-complete-impunity-courtesy-the-Rajapakse-regime-effectively-implicitly-and-explicitly-and-openly-applauded-by-The-Illustrious-Obama-Administration:     http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753    
"Even" Sri Lanka's [weak and unpopular] "former main political opposition leader~and current in 2015 Prime Minister of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~Ranil Wickremasinghe~risked his own life to speak out against the neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist     Rajapakse (Rajapkse was voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential Office on january 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) by Ceylon-Sri Lanka's "own" voters only to be replaced by An-Ever-So-Slightly-LESS-egregiously-genocidal on unarmed innocent of any/all criminality Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena regime on January 8th, 2016) regime's atrocities on Eelam Tamil citizens+Muslim citizens+YES! Even The Very Occasionally Majority Ethnic Group in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Sinhala citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka in Ceylon-Sri Lanka     .  "Even" Ceylon-Sri Lanka's [weak and unpopular] "former main political opposition leader"/Rajapakse predecessor [     Chandrika Kumaratunge]~TOO LITTLE!~TOO LATE!~"finally" [July 25th, 2011 (twenty-eleven)] PUBLICLY BERATED [perhaps ONLY "because" Ceylon-Sri Lanka's egregiously genocidal on Eelam Tamils citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's "acts" of genocide+crimes perpetrated against Eelam Tamil humanity in Ceylon-Sri Lanka was being been reported on The UK's "mainstream" television channels~viewings that caused Chandrika Kumaratunge''s "own" biological children to telephone her from London, UK (where majority ethnic Sinhala citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka appear to confront precisely _ZERO_ "impediments" to free travel all over Schengen-visa-Ever-Illustrious-European Union countries~while ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri lanka are "massively" "impeded" by EU "officialdom" "all over The Illustrious EU~wherever they even _THINK_ of traveling!) to report viewing the eminently Illustrious-documentary- _Sri Lanka's Killing Fields_ the courageous documentary of the relentless+unspeakable+relentlessly-genocidal on unarmed Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Mahinda-Chinthana-Government-Perpetrated CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA since~get this!~calendar year 1939:    http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen      the nakedly genocidal n
neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Rajapakse regime:     http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-14274988     ~risking her own LITERAL-PHYSICAL-life~at some level to do so~since so many politicians/     journalists     /critics of the regime have been     "magically disappeared"     [the sanitized term for the cold-blooded murder of political opponents of the Rajapakse regime]
~OR in the case of     Britain's-The UK's Channel 4 television-journalist-documentarians~expelled within days of arriving in Colombo-Sri Lanka in calendar year 2012 (twenty-twelve and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016! (twenty-sixteen!)     ~while You and Your Administration/The Obama Administration have *YET* [as of today~April 14th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) and [and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has NOW! long since gone calendar year 2016!~and yes! the  _perpetration_ of CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA on innocent Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka _CONTINUES_ to be "the reality" for generations of (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil citizens located in concentrated populations in the northern+eastern provinces of Ceylon-Sri Lanka NOW! in calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen)] NOT "MERELY" FAILED to PUBLICLY AND OFFICIALLY condemn Ceylon-Sri Lanka's war criminals in the Rajapakse-now-The-Ever-So-Slightly-LESS-egregiously-genocidal on his "own" Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Maithripala-Sirisena-Sinhala fascist-totalitarian-ruling-Ceylon-Sri Lanka-regime but "celebrated" Ceylon-Sri Lanka's generations of GENOCIDE and CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA with ritzy celebrations in Manhattan, New York, USA's ritziest _POSSIBLE_ venues~with partying+lavish champagne-flowing-freely-dinners~"especially" perfect [Sarcasm!] because LITERALLY (the English word literally not employed here as "a metaphor!") generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka _VICTIMS_ of generations (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Government perpetrated CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY lie in unmarked graves at the bottom of the sea~LITERALLY~NOT metaphorically BLACKENED~in "name" in "political aspirations" in "viable future" :     http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen       [Something about "Obama:  The Relentlessly+Much-Praised-"Even-"NOW" in 2016 (calendar year twenty-sixteen) Deemed Eminently+Relentlessly "Worthy" of winning The Nobel Peace Prize in calendar year 2009 (two-thousand-and-nine) The Eminently-Illustrious 2009 Nobel Peace-Prize Committee Undoubtedly  "Relying" on what they thought was ACCURATE NAD/OR DEEPLY-INSIGHTFUL USA-JOURNALIST-reportage on Candidate-Obala-USA-President Obama Endlessly-Celebrated-Cross-between-Lincoln-and-Johnson-and-     Mandela     -and-Martin Luther King, JR-Civil-Rights Icon", eh?]:    "Proclamations" like the one issued by you President Obama on August 4th, 2011 (twenty-eleven) [and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has NOW! long since gone calendar year 2016!~and yes! the  _perpetration_ of CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA on innocent Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka _CONTINUES_ to be "the reality" for Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil citizens located in concentrated populations in the northern+eastern provinces of Ceylon-Sri Lanka NOW! in calendar year 2016]~*SOUND WONDERFUL*~you are so "clever" some say "brilliant" that way!~BUT are "sadly typical" of the "eyewash" your administration has become so incredibly "famous for"~among human rights activists:  Loopholes for human rights violators that any clever lawyer could drive several semi-trucks through~all at the same time~side-by-side-by-side-by-side-by-side.
The TRUTH of the contention that "Your/President Obama's proclamation SOUNDS WONDERFUL"~but is in ACTUAL FACT "total hooey" is borne out by the FACT
 that Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist President Rajapakse ENTERED the United States *UNIMPEDED* in September 2011 [calendar year twenty-eleven and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016! and Eelam Tamil+Muslim citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka _CONTINUE_ _DAILY_ _ROUTINELY_ _RELENTLESSLY_ to struggle to live in the face of "routine" rapes+murders "by" Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly-genocidal on Eelam Tamils+Muslim citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~"after" The Habitual Obama Proclamation~"on his UNIMPEDED path" to the United Nations Meeting in Manhattan [New York] New York, USA~entirely UNIMPEDED by Obama's "clever" proclamation~and gave a speech from the UN podium demonizing "alien religions invading Sri Lanka"~meaning that the predominantly Hindu members of the Liberation Tigers of Tamils Eelam are "not MERELY dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE criminal terrorists" they are~perhaps more importantly to Rajapakse's hideously Hitler-esque worldview~"of an ALIEN RELIGION."
Your official spokesperson Jay Carney has "justified" the cold-blooded extra-judicial assassination of bin Laden [in May 2011~calendar year twenty-eleven~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016! and Eelam Tamil+Muslim+YES! even The Occasional Majority Ethnic Group Sinhala citizen of Ceylon-Sri Lanka _CONTINUES_ facing "daily" in 2016 "routine" "habitual" crimes against humanity perpetrated on them by-get this- THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT'S "MILITARY" and/or "POLICE" PERSONNEL [!]] ~as "legal" and "appropriate" under international law because bin Laden was a mass murderer.  HOWEVER~in spite of your actions against what you term "a mass murderer"~you and your administration CONTINUE a  REFUSAL to PUBLICLY VERBALLY AND LEGALLY CONDEMN Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal Sinhala neo-Nazi fascist totalitarian dictator [Mahinda Rajapakse] for the alleged mass murder of approximately 330,000 [THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY THOUSAND]
~some independent estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered.~[The TimesOnLine article
with the headline '1,400 Tamil civilians a week dying at Manik Farm concentration camp' is NO LONGER AVAILABLE ONLINE WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION
~SADLY~and perhaps MOST CONVENIENTLY for the genocidal Sri Lankan State:  http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6676792.ece
] unarmed, dark-skinned, non-combatant ethnic minority Tamils in Sri Lanka in 2009. 
Not "even" the nakedly genocidal Sinhala neo-Nazi fanatics~so in love with bending the FACTS~beyond ALL RECOGNITION~fanatics that your administration has
CLEARLY known [possibly loved] can "claim" with any level of accuracy that 1.4 MILLION+ "majority ethnic group" SINHALA citizens of Sri Lanka have been
"killed by dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE criminal terrorists!"~in THIRTY YEARS [also known as THREE DECADES]~of so-called "conflict"~"conflict" the "FANTASTICALLY
popular INaccurate  euphemism" employed globally to describe Sri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist assualts on dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils~since 1949
Not "even" the nakedly genocidal Sinhala neo-Nazi fanatics~so in love with bending the FACTS~beyond ALL RECOGNITION~fanatics that your administration
~and the esteemed Bush Administration before your "own" Obama Administration~have CLEARLY known [possibly loved] can "claim" with any level of accuracy that 1.4 MILLION+  UNARMED, NON-COMBATANT CIVILIANS have been successfully slaughtered by "the mass murderer" Osama bin-Laden.
Not "even" the nakedly genocidal Sinhala neo-Nazi fanatics~so in love with bending the FACTS~beyond ALL RECOGNITION~fanatics that your administration
~and the esteemed Bush Administration before your "own" Obama Administration~have CLEARLY known [possibly loved] can "claim" with any level of accuracy that 1.4 MILLION+  UNARMED, NON-COMBATANT CIVILIANS have been successfully slaughtered by "the Obama-Administration-labeled mass murderer" Osama bin-Laden
~and AFTERWARDS RECEIVED enduring and longstanding political, legal, judicial and economic "cover" for GENOCIDAL ACTS~perpetrated SCOT-FREE
~in the way that Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascists have received enduring and long standing political, legal, judicial and economic
"cover" from The Obama Administration~for its "ongoing in 2015" ACTS OF GENOCIDE ON ETHNIC TAMILS.
You and your administration CONTINUE OBSTINATELY to REFUSE to press the International Criminal Court [ICC] in The Hague, The Netherlands to pursue OFFICIAL investigations of CREDIBLE, video-taped war crimes allegations against Rajapakse~in the "face" of calls from humanitarian agencies like International Crisis Group
The ICC is the appropriate international authority for handling CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY~a court that has "historically" exercised vast-to-the-point-of-unlimited "prosecutorial discretion" in pursuing perpetrators of crimes against humanity.  Sri Lanka being a "non-signatory" to the Rome Statute is the "excuse" regularly and routinely "trotted out" for "international consumption"~regarding the ICC's ONGOING, deafening *SILENCE* and the complete absence of ICC prosecutorial proceedings against Sri Lanka's crimes against humanity.
You and your administration have gone "on record" as actively SUPPORTING and ENCOURAGING for a *second* 5-year term [a*first 5-year term* was CLEARLY "an INsufficient amount of *GENOCIDE* for any "given" UN Chief to "support" and act as "accessory to" and be "complicit with" and "supervise"] the United Nations Chief Candidacy of current UN Chief Ban Ki-moon
[The _Times of London_ [online] reported on July 10th, 2009~that "1,400 civilian Tamil civilians per week dying at Manik Farm concentration camp.' 
The TimesOnLine article with the headline '1,400 Tamil civilians a week dying at Manik Farm concentration camp' is NO LONGER AVAILABLE ONLINE WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION~SADLY~and perhaps MOST CONVENIENTLY for the genocidal Sri Lankan State].
were dying in the concentration camps at Manik Farm Concentration Camp~under the control of the neo-Nazi GENOCIDAL Sinhala fascist Sri Lankan government of
Mahinda Rajapakse]
~"a relentlessly-rich and ample and ONGOING reward" to Mr. Ban~for "looking the other way"
~DURING the massacre accomplished by Sri Lanka's Rajapakse on what is estimated to be 330,000 unarmed, non-combatant, dark-skinned, ethnic minority civilian Tamils in Sri Lanka in 2009~some independent estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered~[The TimesOnLine article with the headline '1,400 Tamil civilians a week dying at Manik Farm concentration camp' is NO LONGER AVAILABLE ONLINE WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION~SADLY~and perhaps MOST CONVENIENTLY for the genocidal
Sri Lankan State: 
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6676792.ece]~and now that the massacre has been "successfully accomplished"
~"a rich and ample and ONGOING reward" to Mr. Ban~for ACTIVELY WHITEWASHING Sri Lanka's CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY
~for ACTIVELY PREVENTING The International Criminal Court in The Hague from "doing its job."  "Naturally" some of the loudest,
most persistent applause for Mr. Ban's swearing-in ceremony for a second 5-year term~on Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011
~emanated from Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist delegation to the United Nations General Assembly.  Naturally [!]
*PLEASE* use you "world-famous" charm [used extensively and effortlessly to get yourself continuously elected and re-elected to public office] to persuade the International Criminal Court to immediately bring to trial the perpetrators of Sri Lanka's CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY~*exactly* like the criminal trials planned for the *NON-SIGNATORY-TO-THE-ROME-STATUTE* Qaddafi regime~for far less egregious crimes than those committed by Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal Rajapakse regime. 
The ICC has clearly demonstrated the speed at which it is capable of proceeding by "already" issuing international criminal arrest warrants for Qaddhafi and his family members [June 27th, 2011].  While US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced US recognition of Libya's Transitional National Council on July 21st, 2011~as the interim government of Libya~and the International Monetary Fund [IMF] announced recognition of Libya's Transitional National Council [NTC] the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam [LTTE] remain as ever firmly on the United States' list of "terrorist organizations"~for their unflagging and implacable opposition to Mahinda Rajapakse's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Sri Lankan dictatorship.
PLEASE JOIN "traditional" and "long-standing" US allies in the so-called "war on terror"~The United Kingdom and The Netherlands~in seeking ANNULMENT of Council regulations (EU) No 83/2011+Council Regltn (EC) No2580/2001 as NOT applicable to the LTTE:  Victor Koppe Action was published in the JO C179 06/18/2011.

It is indeed highly commendable that United States' Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "found time" in her whirlwind schedule in India to meet one-on-one with
Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu [Jayalalithaa] for a whole hour on July 20th, 2011.  However~GIVEN that "until" the time of Secretary of State Clinton's visit
Jayalalithaa Jeyaram had been CONSISTENTLY vocal and CONSISTENTLY and ADMIRABLY very public about her demands on the central government of India [under Manmohan Singh] to speedily place economic sanctions against Sri Lanka~and GIVEN that this news story in Tamil reports the signing of a major lucrative trade deal between India and Sri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian government~*AFTER* Secretary of State Clinton's visit to India~ALL indications SADLY point to United States' *ONGOING* COMPLICITY IN THE GENOCIDE OF TAMILS IN SRI LANKA IN 2011~and in 2015.  The United States' and your [President Obama's] administration continuing to~VERY VOCALLY, VERY PUBLICLY "push" India's "model of democracy"~in a "tone-deaf manner"~bordering on the obscene~on the "remaining" Tamils~who continue to face genocide-committed-with-TOTAL-impunity on a daily basis" in Sri Lanka~is cause for deep alarm.  "In the face" of what is now globally considered incontrovertible evidence of the heinous acts of genocide perpetrated on a mass scale by Sri Lanka's current neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Rajapakse regime on its own dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamil population~it is IMPERATIVE The United States "at a minimum" use its global political reach~The World's Sole Remaining Super Power Status
~to push for IMMEDIATE war crimes investigations at The International Criminal Court, in The Hague, The Netherlands~at the earliest POSSIBLE opportunity
~"already" MORE THAN THREE CALENDAR YEARS "after" the successful 2009 genocide by Rajapakse~with what appears to be the *OBVIOUS* possibly *ENTHUSIASTIC* SUPPORT of successive United States' administrations.  SIGNED:  Your Name

Please go to:
to sign the petition to get criminal prosecution of President Rajapaksa as described CLEARLY in the petition.

Add YOUR "voice"
to Dr. King's Historical Reverberating Voice
TODAY! and send the following e-mail
TO:  United States' Attorney-General Holder: [askdoj@usdoj.gov]
To quote your hero and mine~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.~"The time is always right to do what is right."
As America's FIRST EVER African-American Attorney-General~you owe an "extra special responsibility" to the dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil
population of Sri Lanka~who remain DESPERATE for protection from GENOCIDE~perpetrated by the luridly blood-stained hands of the nakedly genocidal
neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Rajapakse regime and its cronies.
LEFT~for the United States FAILING TO CALL FOR THE IMMEDIATE ARREST of the nakedlygenocidal Sri Lankan neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist [RAJAPAKSE]http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/us-embassy-cables-documents/243811.  [UNFORTUNATELY the article that "originally appeared" on the web site:  http://www.independent.co.uk/
as http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/sri-lanka-accused-of-war-crimes-in-final-onslaught-1975611.html~no longer appears to be "available" online
~an *IMMENSE* convenience~no doubt~for the nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist regime of Mahinda Rajapakse~still "firmly entrenched" in luxurious power.]
~following Rajapakse's "private visit" to Houston, Texas, USA~"private visits" automatically PRECLUDE the conditions needed for "Head-of-State-Diplomatic-Immunity" from ARREST FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY~which commenced Wednesday, January 19th, 2011~and continued through January 27th, 2011.  Since Rajapakse reportedly enjoyed a "private meeting" with US UnderSecretary of State Robert Blake during his 2011 "private visit" to Houston, Texas, USA~"private visits" automatically PRECLUDE the conditions needed for "Head-of-State-Diplomatic-Immunity" from ARREST FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY~it appears increasingly CLEAR that President Obama/the US State Department are DIRECTLY COMPLICIT in the genocide of dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils in Sri Lanka.  MERE DAYS after
Libyan Dictator Qaddafi decided to slaughter his own citizens-the International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands-HIGHLY LAUDABLY-"already"
opened a criminal investigation into the Libyan Dictator's actions:
While "even" the casual MENTION-in-an-e-mail of the two words in the name Trayvon Martin~elicited the following [Please see below] IMMEDIATE

automated response from The United States' Department of Justice:
------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: Your email regarding Trayvon Martin
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2012 12:23:24 +0000
From: ASKDOJ <ASKDOJ@usdoj.gov>
To: Dr. Saku W. Gunasegaram <saku@isaacfalconer.com>

The Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice, the United States Attorney=s Office for the Middle District of Florida, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation have opened an investigation into the facts and circumstances of the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.  The department will conduct a thorough and independent review of all of the evidence and take appropriate action at the conclusion of the investigation.  The department also is providing assistance to and cooperating with the state officials in their investigation into the incident.  With all federal civil rights crimes, the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the subject acted intentionally and with the specific intent to do something which the law forbids - the highest level of intent in criminal law.  Negligence, recklessness, mistakes and accidents are not prosecutable under the federal criminal civil rights laws.

THE QUITE *LITERALLY* THOUSANDS OF E-MAILS SENT regarding the     GENOCIDE     perpetrated by generations (the English word generations alas!+alack! not employed here as "a metaphor!") Sri Lanka on 1.4 (one point four ) MILLION+[one point four MILLION with an "m" PLUS] of it's "own" dark-skinned ethnic minority unarmed, non-combatant, civilian+babies+infants+the elderly     Eelam     Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka[previously known as Ceylon]~and "consequential" for United States' judicial policy - have elicited PRECISELY _ZERO_ RESPONSES from your [current] Loretta Lynch-United States Department of Justice~as of January 7th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen).  While [former] USA Attorney-General Eric Holder appeared to have had "plenty of time"- to make forceful threatening public statements against "anyone who harms American citizens" - it _APPEARS_ [upon superficial "hearing" of Eric Holder's own spoken and printed words] that [USA African-American male-child-citizen] Trayvon Martin's "American citizenship" "status"-at the precise moment that he [Trayvon Martin] was murdered by George Zimmerman - in cold blood - in broad daylight - in "all of our children's" n Trayvon Martin's own neighborhood[s] - appears entirely to have "escaped" "Holder-as-America's-First-Now-Former-African-American-Attorney-General-Eric-Holder/NOW USA ATTORNEY-GENERAL Loretta Lynch's attention."
USA attorney general Eric Holder     "freshly" teamed with Republican Senator Rand Paul are "keenly" pursuing the restoration of voting rights for felons convicted of NON-violent crimes     seeing that issue as "a bigger political priority" for themselves than expediting the legal adjudication of the LEGAL naturalization papers of documented, law-abiding, LEGAL residents of The United States [February 11th, 2014-at the time these words were typed originally~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it's long since gone calendar year 2016!]  An _estimated_ [by United Senator Grassley USA Senate-R-IOWA] 1.5 MILLION legal residents of the USA [     never ONCE discussed by The NON-antisemitic-NON-racist-Wolf Blitzer on CNN     ] are "still waiting" [DECADES!] for the naturalization papers that will permit them to vote~give law-abiding residents and citizens their LEGAL VOTING RIGHTS.  "Someone" need to "break the news" to Michelle Obama     [It's America's male African-Americn USA comedian Chris Rock _NOT_ "us"~alas! [?] who in his saintly way has spent years trying to persuade Eminently Illustrious-USA-First Lady Michelle Obama to stop using dangerous chemicals to straighten her own hair+her daughters' hair~using dangerous chemicals~dangerous for _ALL_ African-American ladies _AND_ dangerous for African-American children     http://www.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/homestyle/11/04/o.chris.rock.good.hair/]     that a child sitting on Michelle Obama's lap "worrying" publicly that her mother might be deported [USA President Obama has deported more immigrants~Chinese nationals who have lived in The USA State of California for decades~for example~and has invaded more countries than USA President-Son-Bush-43-The-War-Monger-listen up!~so-called "liberals!"~than USA President Bush~listen up! "liberals!"]~an image beamed instantaneously on national and international television screens is _NOT_ "living in the shadows" "some people's" "famous phrase" to excuse the granting of Amnesty [a gesture PERFECTLY FINE _IF_ legal residents numbering perhaps more than NINE (9) million were treated _EQUALLY_ on "a par" with aforesaid "undocumented" residents of The United States' of America]~while USA LAW-ABIDING resident~NOT "sitting in Michelle Obama's lap" ARE _TRULY_ those "living in the shadows"~and _FOR_ENDLESS_DECADES_ at that.

The International Criminal Court's [ICC] Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo [Ocampo's successor as Chief Prosecutor of the ICC~appointed on June 15th, 2012 [calendar year twenty-twelve~and YES! we _ARE_ aware that it has long since gone calendar year 2016]
~is Fatou Bensouda]  CLEARLY LABELED Dictator Qaddafi's actions~in the IDENTICAL WAY this article "labels" "a different GENOCIDE"~and his son Saif al-Islam's actions~PERPETRATED AGAINST HIS OWN CITIZENS:  CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-12636798
MERE DAYS after Libyan Dictator Qaddafi unleashed murder and mayhem [*NOT* NEARLY AT THE SCALE OF GENOCIDE] upon HIS OWN CITIZENS~the citizens of Libya~European Union Foreign Affairs Minister Baroness Ashton called for the world to SHUN QADDAFI.
MEANWHILE Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal dictator Rajapakse LAUGHS ALL THE WAY TO HIS BANK for the following reason:  MORE THAN THREE CALENDAR YEARS AFTER his [Rajapakse's] 2009 *GENOCIDE* of as many as 330,000 dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils~some independent estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered~[The TimesOnLine article with the headline '1,400 Tamil civilians a week dying at Manik Farm concentration camp' is NO LONGER AVAILABLE ONLINE WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION~SADLY~and perhaps MOST CONVENIENTLY for the
genocidal Sri Lankan State:
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6676792.ece]~THERE IS ABSOLUTELY *NO SIGN* of ANY "condemn Qaddafi-style" DENUNCIATION of Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Rajapakse by Baroness Ashton~for operating "the world's largest concentration camp~*OR* a "Qaddafi-Must-Go!" style call by the heads of state of 27 EU member countries~telling the world "Rajapakse must go!" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-12711162 *OR* of any "Qaddafi-Is-A-Psychopath-And-Must-Be-STOPPED"-style CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION of Sri Lanka's war crimes at The International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands.  Sri Lanka's war crimes-perpetrated against its OWN dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamil citizens that are almost *IDENTICAL* in nature to war crimes perpetrated in the 1990's by Croatians who HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFULLY CONVICTED OF THEIR WAR CRIMES AT THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, in The Hague, The Netherlands.  The *MINIMUM* level of "justice" that Ceylon-Sri Lankan citizens~of ALL ethnicities~"ought" to be able to expect are CRIMINAL TRIALS exactly like the criminal trials "in process" at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands for former dictator LAURENT GBAGBO~for the perpetration of
*NOTABLY* FAR LESS EGREGIOUS CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY than Sri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime] of Sri Lanka's war criminals
~conducted *WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY*~at The International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands.  SIGNED:  Your Name

Historically, and into the present day [in 20151] Tamils are a viciously+unto-death-persecuted minority ethnic population in Sri Lanka~in the identical ways that Jews were persecuted in Europe~in Medieval times~and in a little-known incident during the American civil war~because the "majority" Sinhala population of Sri Lanka~acting in carefully
choreographed concert WITH certain members of the dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamil population of Sri Lanka~believe themselves to be members of an "Aryan Master Race"~like Hitler's Nazi "Aryan Master Race"~and therefore feel "perfectly and naturally entitled" to the fascist subjugation of "minority Tamils"~in every sense of the word "subjugate"~including committing the crime against humanity that is genocide.  Since 1949 [Nineteen Forty-Nine] Sri Lankan Tamils have faced genocide.  Between May 18th and December 1st, 2009 [two thousand and nine]~1,400 unarmed civilian Tamils were dying each week~at the concentration camps at Manik Farm~controlled SOLELY by the totalitarian Sri Lankan government of Mahinda Rajapakse~since all those so conveniently "labeled" and with such spectacular "global success" labeled: "dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE tcriminal terrorist"~had "already" been successfully SLAUGHTERED in genocidal murder~with spectacular success~and with ZERO "international" "notice"~let alone anything "LIKE" or AKIN in any way/shape/form to "international" "condemnation" with the "normally" attendant INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE CRIMINAL CONSEQUENCES a la The International Criminal Court located in T
he European Union [The Same European Union that won the 2012 Nobel peace Prize!] in The Hague, The Netherlands.  The *ongoing* *TODAY* in 2015 GENOCIDE is being
perpetrated by Sri Lanka's SMILING-ALL-THE-WAY-while-sporting-brilliant-WHITE-ROBES-in-order-TO-HIDE-pitch-BLACK-SOULS-nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist.  These Rajapakse-led [MAHINDA RAJAPAKSE WAS VOTED OUT OF SRI LANKA'S PRESIDENTIAL nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala Sri Lankan fascists serve as SERIOUS "historic"
rivals to Hitler's Nazi war-propaganda machine~the "same Nazi propaganda machine~that so spectacularly succeeded in "persuading" the "world" and the "international community" for *YEARS* that Jews were *HAPPY* under Nazi rule
~except not "even" The Nazis during The Holocaust "had" United States' President Obama's 24/7 Applause+Celebration
Machine~in their pockets~to HELP them in their egregious+exterminating "cause."  While illustrious/famous luminaries like United States' "elder statesman reporter" Ted Koppel have plenty of time/remuneration/leisure to remark on accounts:    
"A Fascinating Insight into a Virtually Unknown Chapter of Nazi Rule in Germany, Made All The More Engaging Through A Son's Discovery Of His Own Remarkable Parents." -Ted Koppel, ABC News~concerning events that took place of 80 (eighty) years ago~     precious     as they are~Distinguished Reporters like Elder-Statesman-In-Reporting-USA Ted Koppel appear to have *ZERO**IDENTICAL* to Nazi-Holocaust Commentaries-80-years-after-the-FACT~"quantities" of time for     "remarking"on
offering *identical* Illuminating Quotes on Ceylon-Sri Lanka's     Distinctly Hitler+Nazi-Third-Reich-In-Germany-During-WWII-flavored     *ONGOING*     *TODAY*      in 2016
GENOCIDE on dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka.

Even though approximately 130,000 [one hundred and thirty-thousand] unarmed Eelam Tamil civilian non-combatant non-military non-LTTE (Members of The Group calling itself "Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam"~labeled by GENERATIONS of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly-genocidal-on-Eelam Tamils Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric totalitarians in Ceylon-Sri Lanka "Dirty LTTE Eelam Tamil Tiger LTTE criminal terrorists" "followed" "naturally" by _GENERATIONS_ of USA Presidents and/or USA Members of Congress and/or USA Senators "attaching" the identical label "to" LTTE notwithstanding "backing" The LTTE-like Kurdish Peshmerga PKK+YPG "militias fighting ISIS-ISIL on "behalf" of "all civilized entities"~in the Middle East "today" in calendar year 2016!~[since this number "130,000"(one hundred and thirty-thousand) is a Distinctly Hitler-Flavored
neo-Nazi fascist totalitarian Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric government     -generated number~with     NO INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION     or access~keen observers in "real time" suspected it WAS~as *INDEED* it turned out to be~Surprise! Surprise!~a complete, typical, and habitual fabrication by     Rajapakse's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala totalitarian fascist Ceylon-Sri Lankan government voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential office on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen) only to be replaced since January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) by The Slightest-Bit-LESS-genocidal on Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil citizens by Ceylon-Sri Lanka's "own" voters    
Maithripala Sirisena Colombo-centric Sinhala fascist regime ~were told by the neo-Nazi fascist and genocidal totalitarian Sinhala Rajapakse government [SUCCESSFULLY VOTED OUT OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE BY CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S CITIZENS ON JANUARY 8th, 2015 (calendar year twenty-fifteen)~and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year twenty-sixteen and that _IS_ essentially OUR POINT~and _GENERATIONS_ of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's  Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians have yet to be placed on trial for their CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA~not "even" _NOW_ in calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen)]
~that they were "free to leave
     Manik Farm     concentration camp" on December 1st, 2009 (calendar year two-thousand-and-nine) and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 0216!)~it turned out to be "habitual" and "cynical" and "typical" Rajapakse-fabrication~with
as many as 550,000 (five hundred and fifty-thousand) completely destitute, unarmed, civilian Eelam Tamil refugee citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka remain LACKING IN FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT~TODAY~in 2016     ~imprisoned [     for all intents and purposes     ~even though they are no longer "purely technically" housed within the "previous" boundaries of generations (the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!) of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Government-unleashed-concentration camps     ] by the neo-Nazi, Sinhala-fascist and genocidal [ethnic majority] Sinhala Ceylon-Sri Lankan government~including 100,000 ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizen-children of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~as of TODAY, January 7th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)As many as     20,000     [twenty-thousand~slightly more "recent" reports suggest that     15,000      fifteen thousand]     innocent, unarmed     Eelam     Tamil civilians citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka remain     imprisoned     and/or remain "permanently" missing outside the "OLD" boundaries of the "finally" closed in 2012 [calendar year twenty-twelve]     Manik Farm     concentration camp~     having lost all they possess     ~including     ENTIRE families     ~in the     ceaseless artillery bombardments and bombings     they have been exposed to between     2006 (calendar year two-thousand-and-six) and (calendar year) 2009 (two-thousand-and-nine)~and "ongoing in 2015" *DAILY* threats to their lives and to their livelihoods in 2010, 2011~and in 2015~and in 2016:     http://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-International/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1462628176&sr=1-2&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka     ~NOT at the hands of those "dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE criminal terrorists" The     Liberation      Tigers of Tamil Eelam [LTTE] but at the hands of     GENERATIONS (the English word generations alas!+alack not employed here as "a metaphor!") OF THEIR "OWN "TOTALITARIAN, NEO-NAZI, FASCIST, AND OPENLY GENOCIDAL ON EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA [Sinhala is the ethnic majority] SINHALA CEYLON-SRI LANKAN GOVERNMENT     ~as of TODAY, January 7th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen).  The BBC news service~a la it's Illustrious "reporter" on the ground in Colombo-Ceylon-Sri Lanka~Charles Haviland~among others~reports this~and other egregiously-nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi TOTALITARIAN Sinhala fascist atrocities perpetrated against GENERATIONS of ethnic Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka" as:     "Whoever masterminded the war victory The BBC's reporter-on-the-ground-in-Colombo-Sri-Lanka-The Illustrious-CHARLES HAVILAND clearly not having the remotest acquaintance with the slightest ideas regarding HITLER'S GENOCIDE ON JEWS+OTHERS and/or The UK's historic role in rescuing Hitler's Jewish+Other Holocaust victims from Hitler's Evil Grasp!~most Ceylonese-Sri Lankans are heartily glad it is all over"     ~thereby IMPLICITLY implying that "most" dark-skinned minority ethnic Eelam Tamils+Mulsims+even the Occasional eEthnic Majority Sinhala Citizen of Ceylon-Sri Lanka are NOT "Ceylon-Sri Lankan"~at least by     The Illustrious-All-Ways-But-In-This-Instance BBC's illustrious "definition" of "Ceylonese-Sri Lankans"     .

Even though Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly and unabashedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala totalitarian fascist Rajapakse announced on     September 21st, 2011 (twenty-eleven and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016~that he [Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian DICTATOR Rajapakse] was "finally closing"
the notorious Manik Farm concentration camp     ~the world's largest concentration camp~a camp which journalists at ABC World News with Diane Sawyer [winner of not one/not two/not three/not
four but FIVE-count them!-Edward R. Murrow Awards for _conscientiously_ AVOIDING the slightest _HINT_ of coverage of the decimation of the dark-skinned ethnic minority
Eelam Tamil population in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-reduced from 15% (fifteen percent)of the total Ceylon-Sri Lankan population down to 3.9% (three point-nine percent) as a percentage of the total Ceylon-Sri Lankan population 
SINCE_ we first wrote the preceding sentence NOTE with "alarm" [but no "surprise"] on December 31st, 2016 (twenty-sixteen )that The USA Central Intelligence Agency which _HAD_ in the "recent" past~as in 2015 (twenty-fifteen and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen)~inside its internationally-consulted-and-held-up-as-a-standard-CIA WORLDFACTBOOK~"routinely" "described" the percentage of The Eelam Tamil population in Ceylon-Sri Lanka as 3.9% (three point nine percent) has "artfully" "modified" this "statistic" "to" to 11.2% [ELEVEN POINT TWO PERCENT] of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's populations:     https://web.archive.org/web/20170307013705/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html
["Naturally"~we leave you~Our Illustrious Reader~to draw you own "conclusions" about "the-suddenly-changed-numbers."]  _Former ABC News anchor Diane Sawyer [whose husband ~Mike Nichols~survived Hitler's Nazi Holocaust~perpetrated on 6 millions Jews and on "a total" of an estimated 55 million human beings] and     CNN's Anderson Cooper
     are TORN between a hard place     NOT COVERING     :  Jumping COMPLETELY MINDLESSLY onto the popular Son-Bush-43 (forty-three)-Administration followed by The Hope and Change Obama Administration "ANY Eelam Tamil/Non-EELAM-Tamil who actively resists nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala totalitarian fascism with force in Ceylon-Sri Lanka IS A TERRORIST!" bandwagon~AND a rock NOT COVERING:  "having absolutely NO TIME TO SPARE mentioning the     GENOCIDE     of 1.4 (one point-four) MILLION+ dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamilcitizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka"~during a period of MORE THAN SIX CALENDAR YEARS that have elapsed since the so-called      "triumph over "dirty-Eelam Tamil Tiger LTTE criminal terrorsts"~DECLARED BY A DISTINCTLY HITLER-FLAVOED-NEO-NAZI SINHALA FASCIST-TOTALITARIAN-DICTATOR-Rajapakse-NOW-Sirisena-since Januarty 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen) egregiously-genocidal-On-Eelam-Tamil-citizens-of--Ceylon-Sri Lanka "confronted" ONLY "by" persons-declared "universally" "first' by _GENERATIONS_ of Distinctly Hitler-Flavored LONG _BEFORE_ ISIS-ISIL-emulating "military" "tactics" GENERATIONS of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-GOVERNMENT Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric despotic totalitarians-declared-"followed" by GENERATIONS of "good guy" government-countries-"dirty Tamil LTTE criminal terrorists "by" Ceylon-Sri Lanka's _GENERATIONS_ of Distinctly Hitler-Flavored long before The group Calling Itself ISIS-ISIL-emulating ISIS-ISIL's terrifying+gruesome acts of criminality+CRIMES AGAINST EELAM-TAMIL HUMANITY perpetrated on _GENERATIONS_ (alas!+alack!~the English word _GENERATIONS_ _NOT_ employed here as "a metaphor!" of unarmed non-combatant-innocent civilian Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka in Ceylon-Sri Lanka."     Rajapakse (successfully voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential office by Ceylon-Sri Lanka's "own" voters on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) nly to be repelaced by The-Ever-So-SLIGHTLY-LESS-egregiously-genocidal on _GENERATIONS_  of Dark-Skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil innocent-non-combatanat-unarmed-civilian babies+elderly-citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~has become "notorious" for his endless floods of deep     deceit     ~for qualities of character that would even make jaded old Machiavelli blush for shame~and therefore this announcement was declared EMINENTLY UNTRUSTWORTHY~as evidenced by the ONE-YEAR-LATER-IN-2012 (twenty-twelve~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!~twenty-sixteen-ANNOUNCEMENT of the     "final closure"     of Manik Farm Concentration Camp~     the world's largest IN-REAL-TIME-concentration camp    that NO United States NEWS OUTLET WILL *EVER* DISCUSS.  The "freshest" IN-REAL-TIME-AS-IT-HAPPENED-AS-IT-UNFOLDED- Rajapakse shenanigan
[September 23rd, 2012 (twenty-twelve~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!~twenty-sixteen)] is what he calls     "emptying"    Manik Farm concentration    camp     completely [WAIT A HOT SECOND!  Was this NOT ALREADY '"done" in December 2009???? (calendar year two-thousand-and-nine~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!~twenty-sixteen)
AS PER RAJAPAKSE'S REPEATED BLATANTLY_FALSE_     ASSURANCES     GIVEN TO THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY????] WITHOUT the barest, most minimal, SUB-HUMAN-animal-level-subsistance-completely-UNdignified what Rajapakse with habitual cynical euphemism"terms"     Eelam Tamil Internally Displaced Persons-citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka [IDP] "displaced persons" the "polite term" for those who have "suvived" repeated genocidal assault by "their own government" all done "in the name" of "wiping out" "LTTE terrorists"-resettlement arrangements

GOTTA LOVE CNN's _ANDERSON COOPER 360_:  On the "one hand":  Asma Assad~wife of the CURRENT Syrian dictator~sent e-mails suggesting her coldness of heart
~and horrifically "inhumane and LUXURIOUS detachment"~as unarmed Syrian citizens were BEING SLAUGHTERED in 2011 (calendar year twenty-eleven~IN REAL TIME _AS_ these words werebeing posted online IN REAL TIME in/are BEING slaughtered~in 2015 (twenty-fifteen) and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long sncne gone calendar year 2016! (twenty-sixteen)~on the streets of Syria~and ETHICALLY, HONORABLY and with superb JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY CNN's _Anderson Cooper 360_ is "all over the story!"  On the "other hand" President Obama TO-DATE~in 2016 (twenty-sixteen)~has ABSOLUTELY_ADAMANTLY REFUSED TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE EGREGIOUS     GENOCIDE     of what "independent sources" say are 1.4 MILLION HUMAN BEINGS: 
http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2012/02/Representations_of_Mass_Killings_in_Sri_Lanka_edits.pdf     ~
in Ceylon-Sri Lanka~absolutely refused to acknowledge the "routine" "habitual" "culturally" "normalized" "daily"     rape     of     Ceylon-Sri Lanka's children of ALL ETHNICITIES~EelamTamil+Sinhala+Muslim     ~and CNN's _ANDERSON COOPER 360_ has not ONE WORD TO SAY ABOUT IT
~FOR THREE WHOLE CALENDAR YEARS RUNNING~EXCEPT of course to "publicly label" M.I.A [one of the LONE voices calling attention to Sri Lanka's CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY]
~a "terrorist!":
The UK's _Guardian_ "naturally" FOUND "time" to mention the carnage in Sri Lanka in 2010:    http://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes~
in the IDENTICAL WAY _The Guardian_ ~and NOT CNN~"found time"~in 1982 [nineteen eighty-two] to call attention to the atrocities committed against Syrian citizens by CURRENT
Syrian dictator Assad's FATHER.  Imagine that!

To hear the CIA "tell it"~The United States Central Intelligence Agency~whom NO ONE would EVER accuse of being "aligned" IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, FORM with LTTE [Liberation
Tigers of Tamil Eelam]:
  Dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils have declined from 15% [fifteen percent] of the Sri Lankan population to 3.9% [three point nine percent] of the Sri Lankan population [CIA World Factbook~please see "Sri Lankan Tamil" 3.9%~at the top of the linked page] [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.htm
SINCE_ we first wrote the preceding sentence NOTE with "alarm" [but no "surprise"] on June 19th, 2015 that The USA Central Intelligence Agency which _HAD_ in the "recent" past
~as in 2015~inside its WORLDFACTBOOK~ "routinely" "described" the percentage of The Eelam Tamil population in Sri Lanka as 3.9% [three point nine percent] has "artfully"
"modified" this "statistic" "to" to 11.2% [ELEVEN POINT TWO PERCENT] of Sri Lanka's populations:   https://web.archive.org/web/20170307013705/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html 
_SINCE_ we first wrote the preceding sentence we duly NOTE with "alarm" [but no "surprise"] on June 19th, 2015 that The USA Central Intelligence Agency which _HAD_ in the "recent" past~as in 2015~inside its WORLDFACTBOOK~ "routinely" "described" the percentage of The Eelam Tamil population in Sri Lanka as 3.9% [three point nine percent] has "artfully" "modified" this "statistic" "to" to 11.2% [ELEVEN POINT TWO PERCENT] of Sri Lanka's populations:   https://web.archive.org/web/20170307013705/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html  ["Naturally"~we leave you~Our Illustrious Reader~to draw you own "conclusions"~or "concussion~if you are a fan of the old USA sitcom _Green Acres_ about "the-suddenly-changed-CIA-numbers."]~a decimation in population resulting from both a DIRECT~as well as an INDIRECT result~of relentless genocidal acts perpetrated against them by successive genocidal neo-Nazi fascist Sri Lankan Sinhala administrations~dating back to 1949~[30 years prior to 1979~in other words looooooong before the founding of the genocide-OPPOSING~genocide-RESISTING~liberty-seeking LTTE in 1979~long before the birth of the founding members of LTTE]~or of the Tamil National Alliance
~and continued currently by the totalitarian government of the neo-Nazi fascist Sinhala President Mahinda Rajapakse]~now~even "after" the so-called "military defeat" of  the LTTE
on May 18th, 2009 [two thousand and nine]~even AFTER the so-called "triumph over dirty Tamil LTTE criminal terrorists."

[http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/asia/167253/amnesty-urges-s-lanka-to-end-post-poll-clampdown~alas! this link NO LONGER AVAILABLE~thanks to the "editorial interference" of Sri Lankan government stooges]

To hear a [presumably] illustrious opinion columnist at _The New York Times_ tell "the same story":
"Since Sri Lanka’s independence from Britain in 1948, members of the island’s Tamil minority have insisted that they face linguistic, educational, land and
employment discrimination from the Sinhalese majority, which controls the government."  [Please see 6th paragraph down from the top].

Most "normal" English-speakers employ the English word "GENOCIDE" to describe the specifically-targeted systematic murder of minority ethnic populations.
What gives?
***CAN*** the "systematic" targeting of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils for death
~in 1949
~in 1956
~in 1979
~in 1983
~in 2009
~"ongoing" in 2015 INDEED truthfully be described in the English language "merely" as "discrimination" against the dark-skinned ethnic [Eelam] Tamil "minority"?

What gives?

On the "one hand":  According to The BBC: "There is outrage in India after its top sports body was suspended by the International Olympic Committee ahead of elections in which officials accused of corruption were to be appointed."  We say:  Kudos! to the habitually "sleepy" IOC [International Olympic Committee]
for suspending India for THE BEST+MOST RIGHTEOUS OF REASONS.

On the "other hand":  EXACTLY like "all other" "authorities" and "INTERNATIONAL powers":  http://www.bbc.co.uk/tamil/sri_lanka/2011/10/111022_usgsp.shtml
~and  EXACTLY like the "authorities" "in power" during Hitler's 1936 Berlin, Olympic Games:  http://www.ushmm.org/museum/exhibit/online/olympics//  The International Olympic Committee~from 2006 until 2009~HAS OBDURATELY REFUSED ["to-date" as we write this in December 2012] TO SUSPEND SRI LANKA~indeed as it has "already" suspended India for "corruption"~for GENOCIDE PERPETRATED BY THE NEO-NAZI SINHALA FASCIST SRI LANKAN GOVERNMENT ON ETHNIC TAMILS:
Stated another way:  There is ZERO "similar" outrage~expressed via the method of "suspension" by The International Olympic Committee at Sri Lanka's NAKED GENOCIDE: 
Perpetrated on dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka
and "ongoing" in 2015:
On the "one hand":
Liberia's dictator     Charles Taylor     assisted in the slaughter of approximately 50,000 [fifty thousand] unarmed, non-combatant, civilian citizens of neighboring Sierra Leone~and he has "already" been     convicted [April 26th, 2012 (twenty-twelve) and [and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has NOW! long since gone calendar year 2016!~and yes! the  _perpetration_ of CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA on innocent Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka _CONTINUES_ to be "the reality" for Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil citizens located in concentrated populations in the northern+eastern provinces of Ceylon-Sri Lanka NOW! in calendar year 2016]]~for his CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY~by The International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands~with the heavy involvement of
Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo~the "new" Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court appointed on June 15th, 2012 (twenty-twelve and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016! and Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka face DAILY acts of BRUTALITY+TORTURE+RAPE+MURDER at the "hands" of GENERATIONS (The English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric totalitarian dictators) is 
Fatou Bensouda] .

On the "other hand":
Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Dictator [successfully voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential Office by Ceylon-Sri Lanka's voters on January 8th, 2015~and almost "immediately" ran for a parliamentary seat in Ceylon-Sri Lanka's parliament~so as to "escape" any/all "internationally-credible" investigations into his (Rajapakse's) nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric totalitarians-Mahinda Rajapakse     ordered the slaughter
     ~between 2006 (calendar year two-thousand-and-six) and "ongoing     TODAY in 2016     (calendar year twenty-sixteen)"
~of what COULD TURN OUT TO BE "counted"~as MANY as     1.4 MILLION     [one point four million]~UNARMED, NON-COMBATANT,     NON-VIOLENT     CIVILIAN dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka and to-date~as of January 7th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)~The International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands~including Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo~[Ocampo's successor as Chief Prosecutor at ICC is Fatou Bensouda]~had NOT ONE SINGLE WORD OF CONDEMNATION REGARDING [the "after Ocampo" Chief Prosecutor of The International Criminal Court appointed on June 15th, 2012 [twenty-twelve and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 and that _GENERATIONS_ of Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians isnide+outside Ceylon-Sri Lanka have been spectacularly successful at "re-defining"~with the _RELENTLESS_ "assistance" of The USA's Illustrious Obama Administration~of "all sizzle and no steak fame"~the legally-appropriate "label" "for" relentless acts of _GENOCIDE_ and of CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY perpetrated by _GENERATIONS_ of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regimes in Ceylon-Sri Lanka _ANYTHING_ _BUT_ GENOCIDE_ and of CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY~"worthy" of CRIMINAL PROSECUTION on the "international stage"~be that stage be located in Geneva, Switzerland and/or in New York~USA~and YES! we _KNOW_ that _WILE_ The Illustrious+Worshiped-by-All-Especially-by-persons-of-color-in-the-USA [97% of them voted him in is Fatou Bensouda] Sri Lanka's neo-Nazi Rajapakse's CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY-"ongoing in 2016."

TRAGICALLY while the 20/20 LENS OF HINDSIGHT permits US authors like Andrew Nagorski
~author of     Hitlerland     ~to be EXCELLENT and proficient and highly-skilled at
pointing out the CULTURE of anti-Semitism that made the spectacular Nazi success at GENOCIDE POSSIBLE
~"famous" authors and intellectuals with internationally-recognized
reputations like Mr. Nagorski [who is by no means alone or any kind of standout in his choice of subject] would not DREAM IN 2006~in 20009~in 2011~in 2015 (twenty-fifteen)~in 2016~of writing     RAJAPAKSELAND     ~"ongoing" in
2015-2016     ~which MIGHT HAVE SAVED THE LIVES of an estimated 1.4 MILLION HUMAN BEINGS IN SRI LANKA~between 2006 and 2015~and might save them STILL SAVE LITERALLY COUNTLESS HUMAN LIVES~*TODAY* in 2018.  I guess we simply cannot "have" this type of "life-saving" action in the world in 2016.
  Wouldn't be prudent [to quote an esteemed former United States' President].  It MIGHT "suggest"-in an entirely untoward manner-to the world that 50,000 (fifty-thousand) are actually NOT
"more" than 1.4 MILLION-and we
CANNOT HAVE THAT-CAN WE[Sarcastically stated!~Of course!]

On the "one hand":
Syria's repressive regime tragically slaughtered 7,500 of its "own citizens"~some said this number was a gross underestimation~at the time of publication~and as of May 30th, 2012
(twenty-twelve)  [far later than this original date of publication] the number of Syrian citizens slaughtered by Assad's forces is said to be 15,000 [fifteen thousand] Please see 7th paragraph down from the top of the article]~and increased once again to an estimated 17,000 murdered by Assad~and the United States'
is "immediately on the case"~ADMIRABLY and HONORABLY and LEGALLY and ETHICALLY and LAUDABLY~http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-16796616~referring to al-Assad's Syrian government as "a brutal regime"
that will "soon fall" [Please see third paragraph down from the top]:
  "The White House said President Bashar al-Assad had lost control of Syria, adding "he will go."  United States' Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ~ADMIRABLY and HONORABLY and LEGALLY and ETHICALLY and LAUDABLY and BEAUTIFULLY~says people have watched events in Syria unfold "in horror  [Please see caption under photograph at the top of the article 31 January 2012 Last updated at 23:27 ET]US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has ALSO described as a "travesty" Russia and China's veto of a UN resolution condemning Syria's crackdown against anti-government protesters [Please see the first paragraph at the top of the article 5 February 2012 Last updated at 13:20 ET ]

On the "other hand":
330,000 [three hundred and thirty-thousand]~some RESPECTED INDEPENDENT estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered~dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils were slaughtered in cold-blood~in 2009~http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc~they are ***BEING SLAUGHTERED*** through today in 2015 by the neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Sinhala forces of Sri Lanka's President Rajapakse~http://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes~and The United States' State Department and "Hope and Change" President Barack Obama
have maintained a remarkable silence on this "delicate" subject.  If ANYTHING The United States' State Department and "Hope and Change" President Barack Obama have actively and energetically engaged in SILENCING ethnic Tamils who remain outraged by "not only" the genocide itself~but "also" by the complete and utter SILENT CONGRATULATION with which the United States has APPEARED TO "MEET" the GENOCIDE of Tamils by Sri Lanka~since 1949 and "ongoing" in 2015.
The Asian Human Rights Commission issued a statement on Monday [December 12th, 2011] highlighting the latest case~http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-16142640~[of protesters against the neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian government of Sri Lanka being "magically disappeared": 
Please see 6th paragraph down from the top] and calling on the government to ensure that cases of "forced disappearances" are thoroughly and effectively investigated.
Isn't ASKING the entity RESPONSIBLE for these countless "magical disappearances" to investigate its own crimes rather like asking Wijesinhe fox and Rajapakse fox to guard the proverbial hen house THEMSELVES???

To ADD INSULT TO INJURY United Nations Chief Ban Ki-moon was "busy" [in January 2012] SUCCESSFULLY appointing Sri Lankan ex-army general Shavendra Silva~http://www.lankastandard.com/2011/11/shavendra-not-entitled-to-immunity-in-war-crimes-suit-say-lawyers-in-formal-response/~as "special advisor" to a UN peace-keeping body~then DENYING VIGOROUSLY~that "he"~Mr.Ban has "any jurisdiction" any "power" over this vital appointment.  If UN Chief Mr. Ban has "no jurisdiction" over Shavendra Silva's appointment~THEN WHO DOES????  Mr. Ban's "latest politically-motivated appointment" is A COMPLETE TRAVESTY  since Shavendra Silva is a Sinhala neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist war criminal who has PUBLICLY POSTED photographic evidence on his Facebook Page~of the GENOCIDE he has so successfully perpetrated WITH COMPLETE IMPUNITY on dark-skinned ethnic minority Sri Lankan Eelam Tamils~and has publicly and repetitiously "crowed" over the atrocities he perpetrated on hundreds of thousands of UNARMED dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils in Sri Lanka~"publicly crowing" as "recently" as in 2015.

WHY *EXACTLY* is it??? that 10,000 Syrian citizens [or "even" 15,000 Syrian citizens for that matter!~Please see 7th paragraph down from the top of the article]~are actually "more" than 330,000 [or"even" 1.4 MILLION+] dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil Sri Lankan citizens???
Just curious.

On the "one hand":
Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad has been brutalizing his own citizenry~for approximately 1 year~beginning in 2011~and has effectively accomplished the slaughter of a conservatively estimated 15,000[fifteen thousand~Please see 7th paragraph down from the top of the article]~unarmed, non-combatant Syrian citizens~and Britain's former Ambassador said in March 2012~[ADMIRABLY, LAUDABLY, COMMENDABLY]~of the brutally repressive Assad regime:  "They are launched down a cul-de-sac, they haven't reached the end yet but they can't turn back."

On the "other hand":
The Roman Catholic Bishop of Mannar, Sri Lanka~Rayappu Joseph estimates that MORE THAN 1.4 MILLION [ONE POINT FOUR MILLION] dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka have been slaughtered by "their own government"~which aforementioned nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime CONTINUES ITS GENOCIDE IN 2015
and Former British Ambassadors to Sri Lanka have NOT ONE WORD TO SAY about it [!]

This "suggests" that 10,000 [ten thousand] Syrian citizens~or "even" 15,000 [fifteen thousand] Syrian citizens~Please see 7th paragraph down from the top of the article]~are actually "more" than 1.4 MILLION Eelam Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka.

Isn't *THAT NICE*?????

No less a LIGHT than South Africa's Nobel Peace Prize-winner Desmond Tutu has referred to this global NON-RESPONSE to the GENOCIDE OF TAMILS IN SRI LANKA as "A DEAFENING GLOBAL SILENCE."

What the *ENDING* of the "deafening global silence" by the "united" in The Worship of All Things Obama United States' Press Corps. "might cost" are "open revelations" of US President Barack Obama's *RAW COMPLICITY*
DURABLE political complicity: 


DURABLE military complicity:


DURABLE financial complicity:


~in Sri Lanka's ***GENOCIDE**** on dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils. 

On the "one hand":
President Obama said [honorably-appropriately-justly and righteously] on April 23rd, 2012 (twenty-twelve) [and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has NOW! long since gone calendar year 2016!~and yes! the  _perpetration_ of CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA on innocent Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka _CONTINUES_ to be "the reality" for Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil citizens located in concentrated populations in the northern+eastern provinces of Ceylon-Sri Lanka NOW! in calendar year 2016]-naturally! in the presence of massive television coverage and "free and unlimited" Presidential Election publicity:  "National sovereignty is never a license to slaughter your people." [Please see 4th paragraph down from the top]

While India's _The Ground Report_ records that the Sri Lankan government's massacres are "more cruel than the Nazi massacres."  [Please see fifth paragraph down from the top]
Australian citizen and former United Nations official Gordon Weiss employs the phrase "Sri Lanka's Srebrenic Moment"~to describe THE GENOCIDE OF DARK-SKINNED ETHNIC MINORITY TAMILS IN SRI LANKA,

On the "other hand":
President Obama has "determined" in PRIVATE NON-TELEVISED MOMENTS that energetically and determinedley and steadfastly SHIELDING Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist President Rajapakse from even the TAMEST CONCEIVABLE private lawsuits filed in United States' civil court~[The Obama Administration Justice Department-administered civil courts] civil is THE RIGHT THING TO DO:
District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly said that she had to dismiss the suit against President Rajapaksa because the Obama administration had said he was immune from litigation [in OTHER WORDS THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION/*OUR* President Obama actively and energetically *PROTECTS* RAJAPAKSE FROM "even" the TAMEST CONCEIVABLE CIVIL PROSECUTIONS in The United States~"even" as The Esteemed Obama Adminstration *MIGHT HYPOTHETICALLY HAVE DONE* in "protecting Hitler from civil prosecution" as a foreign head of state
  [Please see seventh paragraph down from the top under the bold heading Naval firing]

the LEGAL phrase "foreign head-of-state immunity from prosecution"~employed by the esteemed Obama Administration to describe IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION FOR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and GENOCIDE that Tamils in Sri Lanka have faced at the "hands" of Sri Lanka's genocidal President Rajapakse!and that previous generations of Tamils have faced at the hands of "other Sinhala Presidents BEFORE Rajapakse"~since 1949~ENTIRELY FAILS~to "capture" and accurately "describe" the FACT that POSSIBLY 1.4 MILLION HUMAN BEINGS HAVE BEEN EXTERMINATED BY SRI LANKA WITH President Obama's ENDURING AND DURABLE-THROUGH-THIS-DAY-IN-THE-YEAR-2015 COMPLICITY IN SRI LANKA'S GENOCIDE ON TAMILS
Most "normal" English speakers employ the word
GENOCIDE to refer to the cold-blooded extermination of thousands of human beings~by Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian government
~or by ANY OTHER agency.
TRAGICALLY while the 20/20 LENS OF HINDSIGHT permits US authors like Andrew Nagorski~author of _
Hitlerland_~and highly esteemed "intellectuals" like President Obama~celebrated immensely-thoroughly-internationally and continuously-as "an intellectual thinking man"~TO BE EXCELLENT at pointing out the CULTURE of anti-Semitism that made the spectacular Nazi success at GENOCIDE POSSIBLE~"famous" authors and intellectuals like Mr. Nagorski [who is not by any means alone or any kind of standout in his choice of subject~and Mr. Obama~would not DREAM IN 2015 of writing _RAJAPAKSELAND_~"ongoing" in 2015~[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-17268307]~which MIGHT HAVE SAVED THE LIVES of an estimated 1.4 MILLION HUMAN BEINGS IN SRI LANKA~between 2006 and 2015~and might save them STILL~
in 2015. 

The "latest MASK" on the truth is "The Rajapakse-Obama-Trans-Pacific-Alliance" effectively recruiting Tamil National Alliance [TNA] politician Sumanthiran
to "pretend"~to make "public statements" saying effectively "as late" as in March 2012:
"Naturally!"~we can't have THAT [!]  Can we?????
Mr. Sumanthiran's "cogently" argued position as reported by BBC Sinhala Service and by BBC Tamil Service in February 2012 *APPEARS TO BE* as follows:  "Since Cambodia followed a UN-backed court proceeding [and *NOT INTERNATIONALLY-RECOGNIZED CRIMINAL TRIALS* AT THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT, THE HAGUE, THE NETHERLANDS~which court *****DID NOT EXIST 30 YEARS AGO*****~for Cambodia to "use" 30 years ago!]~such that Cambodian victims of the Khmer Rouge received AS*****NEAR*****-ZERO JUSTICE AND COMPENSATION FOR THEIR GRIEVOUS LOSSES AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE TO IMAGINE.  *THEREFORE* it follows "naturally"~as has been so ENTHUSIASTICALLY PROPOSED BY United States PRESIDENT OBAMA'S Light+Sound Show~that the "identical system" of "justice"~a "system" THAT HAS SO COMPLETELY AND *UTTERLY* FAILED CAMBODIAN PEOPLE FOR 30+ YEARS [!] appears to be "just" *THE VERY PERFECT SOLUTION* for holding Obama-Best Buddy-Sri Lanka's Rajapakse and his neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime "accountable"~for THE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY~that the Rajapakse regime ITSELF~enthusiastically+passionately supported by USA President Obama~beginning on January 20th, 2009 with UNRELENTING persistence in 2015 with NO END IN SIGHT~perpetrated on dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils~between 2006 and the present day in 2015 [!]"
What's the enormous great *HURRY*???? [Sarcastically stated!~Of course!] in HOLDING THE PERPETRATORS OF CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY "accountable" for their war crimes~*ANYWAY* ??????  [Sarcastically stated!~Of course!]

Why not *WAIT* until every last dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil in Sri Lanka has been SLAUGHTERED IN GENOCIDE???  [Sarcastically stated!~Of course!]
Why not *WAIT* for THIRTY YEARS~as the UN-backed court "investigating" Cambodia's war crimes so EFFECTIVELY *DID*
[Sarcastically stated!~Of course!]
Why not *WAIT* 42 years as Bangladesh has done~so as to GUARANTEE that any form of "justice" would be utterly meaningless~to the VICTIMS of Rajapakse's GENOCIDE ON EELAM TAMILS~of Obama's "love"for Sri Lanka's Rajapakse~as in Dr. King went to JAIL so that musical artist Beyonce could dance for Qaddafi for U$ 1 million~and JUST so that Obama can be "best buddies" with Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian dictator Rajapakse [!]

*ENERGETICALLY IGNORING GENOCIDE* is probably [PURELY conjecturally~PURELY HYPOTHETICALLY!] *EXACTLY* "the thing" that United States President Obama WOULD [
PURELY HYPOTHETICALLY!] DO if we were discussing Nazi Germany's Hitler [!] needing "official" United States' government "military protection" and "heavy political cover" from criminal prosecution for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY~and not SRI LANKA'S BRUTAL NAKEDLY GENOCIDAL REGIME~at the "international" 2015 United Nations level!

On the "one hand"
appropriately, ethically, honorably and justifiably~US news reporters and their vast and influential audiences continue to express outrage over the FACT that the rape of a child was NOT STOPPED *IMMEDIATELY*at the TIME THAT IT HAPPENED~back in 2002.

On the "other hand"
there has not been ONE SINGLE PEEP OF OUTRAGE expressed by US news reporters and their vast and influential audiences over the FACT that President Obama was FULLY INFORMED IN "REAL TIME" about the GENOCIDE of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka~in 2009~and "ongoing in 2015"~perpetrated BY the neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Rajapakse regime in Sri Lanka~and YET turned the proverbial "blind eye" on *GENOCIDE*  Are McQueary and Obama *TRULY * that *DIFFERENT*?~each in his *INDIVIDUAL UTTER ABSENCE OF RESPONSE* to CRIMES AGAINST VULNERABLE AND DEFENSELESS HUMANITY?
If ANYTHING President Obama's "CURRENT and ACTIVE policies" towards the neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime currently governing Sri Lanka effectively serve to actively "support" and "encourage" the "ongoing in 2015" GENOCIDE of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka~with a U$ TAXPAYER-FUNDED $147 MILLION DOLLAR-A-YEAR throught the fiscal year 2015 MONETARY REWARD~at a time of general fiscal unease in the United States:  Are the two "situations" *REALLY* so very *DIFFERENT*?
~that they warrant such *DIFFERENT* levels of US media coverage? 
How on EARTH is The Obama Administration's generous GIFT of  U$A TAXPAYER $147 MILLION
-[NOTE THE CONTRAST:  A "mere" US $100 MILLION given to The BRAIN project for scientific research into the working of the human brain]-EACH-AND EVERY
-SINGLE FISCAL YEAR through 2015 NOT "providing material support" to Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal Beyond-Iran-More-Like-Distinctly+Distinctly+Overwhelmingly-Hitler-Flavored-Terror-Sponsoring neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Rajapakse Regime????

On the "one hand"
the tragic and heart-breaking self-immolations breaking out among Tibetan monks and nuns are accurately seen and "read" by the international English-language Press
[and by no less an eminence than His Holiness The Dalai Lama of Tibet]
as "a Tibetan cry against Chinese-ruler repression and injustice."
The same "interpretation" takes place JUSTLY in the case of a Chinese citizen's tragic self-immolation in October 2011 [calendar year twenty-eleven].

On the "other hand"
former member of the group calling itself Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam [LTTE]~or Liberation Tigers or Tamil Tigers~
_FAR_ from being "read" by the "international"
"English-speaking press" as
"a TAMIL cry against SINHALA-ruler-perpetrated GENOCIDE-since-1949[nineteen forty-nine] repression and injustice"~CONTINUE [four years "after" the RAJAPAKSE-declared the utter decimation and "defeat" of the "dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE terrorists"]~receiving the PERFECTLY LOVELY designation "terrorist"~through TODAY:  April 289h
, 2016~from The Obama Administration and from the nakedly genocidal totalitarian Rajapakse Regime in Sri Lanka~and from European Union member countries~for their IDENTICAL-TO-TIBETANS-ENGAGING-IN-SELF-IMMOLATION-DESPERATE CRIES AGAINST DECADE-AFTER-DECADE OF UTTERLY HUMILIATING/SOUL-DESTROYING/LIFE-DESTROYING INJUSTICES.  FORMER Liberation Tigers CONTINUE~[in 2015]~receiving the PERFECTLY LOVELY designation "terrorist" from The-Firmly-Located-In-The-Deep-Pockets-Of-The-Relentlessly-Corrupt-Relentlessly-Genocidal-Sri-Lanka-Rajapakse-Regime-Obama Administration and from the nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Rajapakse
Regime in Sri Lanka
~and from European Union member countries~through TODAY:  August 31st
, 2015.
ASKING THE PERPETRATORS OF WAR CRIMES TO INVESTIGATE THEMSELVES [!] as President Obama and his United States' State Department have done REPETITIOUSLY
~since January 20th, 2009~ASKING WIJESINHE FOX AND RAJAPAKSE FOX to guard
the proverbial hen house THEMSELVES is rather like politely asking Hitler to investigate his own crimes against Jewish humanity.  IMMENSELY LAUGHABLE~but for "all that" will *NEVER* "make it" to the "laugh list" of _Saturday Night Live_~in stark and dramatic contrast to
Sarah Palin's being "able to see Russia from her house"~which _Saturday Night Light_ was "all over" in a heartbeat.  TRAGIC:  Sarah Palin's being able to "see Russia from
her house" has *UTTERLY FAILED* to RESULT in the cold-blooded SLAUGHTER~by a neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian DICTATOR~of an estimated 1.4 MILLION human beings [!]

The designated label "terrorist" is the THANK YOU! that members of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam have received "from the so-called international community" for THEIR CRIES AGAINST INJUSTICE~for their cries against DECADE AFTER DECADE AFTER DECADE AFTER DECADE of SOUL-DESTROYING INJUSTICES and GENOCIDE~suffered at the hands of nakedly genocidal Sinhala neo-Nazi totalitarian fascism.
To hear the CIA "tell it"~The United States Central Intelligence Agency~whom NO ONE would EVER accuse of being "aligned" IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, FORM with "dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE terrorists" [Liberation Tigers]:

Dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils have declined from 15% [fifteen percent] of the Sri Lankan population to 3.9% [three point nine percent] of the Sri Lankan population [CIA World Factbook~please see "Sri Lankan Tamil" 3.9%~at the top of the linked page] [https://web.archive.org/web/20170307013705/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html]
SINCE_ we first wrote the preceding sentence NOTE with "alarm" [but no "surprise"] on June 19th, 2015 that The USA Central Intelligence Agency which _HAD_ in the "recent" past~as in 2015~inside its WORLDFACTBOOK~ "routinely" "described" the percentage of The Eelam Tamil population in Sri Lanka as 3.9% [three point nine percent] has "artfully" "modified" this "statistic" "to" to 11.2% [ELEVEN POINT TWO PERCENT] of Sri Lanka's populations~PLEASE! Feel FREE to "jump to your own concussions!~quoting directly from the words of an old USA sitcom _Green Acres_:   https://web.archive.org/web/20170307013705/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html~a decimation in population resulting from both a DIRECT~as well as an Indirect result~of relentless genocidal acts perpetrated against them by successive genocidal neo-Nazi fascist Sri Lankan Sinhala administrations~dating back to 1949~[30 years prior to 1979~in other words looooooong before the founding of the genocide-OPPOSING~genocide-RESISTING~liberty-seeking LTTE in 1979~long before the birth of the founding members of LTTE]
~or of the Tamil National Alliance~and continued currently by the totalitarian government of the neo-Nazi fascist Sinhala President Mahinda Rajapakse]~now~even "after" the so-called "military defeat" of  the LTTE on May 18th, 2009 [two thousand and nine]~even AFTER the so-called "triumph over dirty Tamil LTTE terrorists."

n the "one hand"
Amnesty International [a Nobel Peace prize-winning internationally-recognized human rights organization] reports [in November 2011] that the nakedly genocidal [against dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens-of-Sri-Lanka] neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Sri Lankan government of Mahinda Rajapakse owns and operates SEVEN [7] top-secret torture locations
On the "other hand"
news reports in Sri Lanka [from November 2011] indicate that the United States' Congress recently authorized MILLIONS OF US TAXPAYER DOLLARS to "reward" the neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist regime currently governing Sri Lanka with an American GSP Plus Trade Agreement worth MILLIONS OF US TAXPAYER DOLLARS through 2015~and President Obama is FULLY EXPECTED TO SIGN IT [AT THE TIE OF THIS ORIGINAL WRITING].  So much for the "do-nothing Congress" President Obama is supposedly ran against in 2012!

On the "one hand":
Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour issued pardons to more than 200 convicted persons in January 2012 and the newspaper _USA Today_, as well as other US news outlets are CORRECTLY, ETHICALLY, PROPERLY "all over the story."
On the "other hand":
Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist president Rajapakse "personally" "ordered" the cold-blooded murder of what "best estimates" suggest are MORE than 330,000
some independent estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered~UNARMED, DEFENCELESS, for the most part completely destitute, dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka in 2009~and there's been NARY a peep out of _USA Today_~or [to be perfectly fair] out of any
other US news outlets~coverage in any way "commensurate" with the scale of this massive genocide.
  To hear the CIA "tell it"~The United States Central Intelligence Agency~whom NO ONE would EVER accuse of being "aligned" IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, FORM with "dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE criminal terrorists" [Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam]:

Dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils have declined from 15% [fifteen percent] of the Sri Lankan population to 3.9% [three point nine percent] of the Sri Lankan population [CIA World Factbook~please see "Sri Lankan Tamil" 3.9%~at the top of the linked page] [https://web.archive.org/web/20170307013705/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html]
SINCE_ we first wrote the preceding sentence NOTE with "alarm" [but no "surprise"] that The USA Central Intelligence Agency which _HAD_ in the "recent" past
~as in 2015~inside its WORLDFACTBOOK~ "routinely" "described" the percentage of The Eelam Tamil population in Sri Lanka as 3.9% [three point nine percent] has "artfully"
"modified" this "statistic" "to" to 11.2% [ELEVEN POINT TWO PERCENT] of Sri Lanka's populations:   https://web.archive.org/web/20170307013705/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html
Please!  feel FREE to "jump to your own concussions"~if you happen to be a fan of The USA's old sitcom _Green Acres_!~a decimation in population resulting from both a DIRECT
~as well as an INDIRECT result~of relentless genocidal acts perpetrated against them by successive genocidal neo-Nazi fascist Sri Lankan Sinhala administrations~dating back to 1949
~[30 years prior to 1979~in other words looooooong before the founding of the genocide-OPPOSING~Genocide-RESISTING~liberty-seeking LTTE in 1979~long before the birth of the founding members of LTTE]~or of the Tamil National Alliance~and continued currently by the totalitarian government of the neo-Nazi fascist Sinhala President Mahinda Rajapakse]~now~even "after" the so-called "military defeat" of the LTTE on May 18th, 2009 [two thousand and nine]~even AFTER the so-called "triumph over dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE terrorists."

SINCE_ we first wrote the preceding sentence NOTE with "alarm" [but no "surprise"] on June 19th, 2015 that The USA Central Intelligence Agency which _HAD_ in the
"recent" past~as in 2015~inside its WORLDFACTBOOK~ "routinely" "described" the percentage of The Eelam Tamil population in Sri Lanka as 3.9%
[three point nine percent]
has "artfully" "modified" this "statistic" "to" to 11.2% [ELEVEN POINT TWO PERCENT] of Sri Lanka's populations:   https://web.archive.org/web/20170307013705/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html
Please!  feel FREE to "jump to your own concussions"~if you happen to be a fan of The USA's old sitcom _Green Acres_!
The "best" the esteemed opinion columnist at _The New York Times_  appears to be able to "manage" is the following:
"Since Sri Lanka’s independence from Britain in 1948, members of the island’s Tamil minority have insisted that they face linguistic, educational and employment discrimination
from the Sinhalese majority, which controls the government."  [Please see 6th paragraph down from the top].

Most "normal" English-speakers employ the single English word "GENOCIDE"~perhaps even the TWO English words "NAKED GENOCIDE"
~to describe the specifically-targeted, systematic, intent-driven murder of precisely-targeted minority ethnic populations.

Here's how NON-EELAM-TAMIL-NON-SRI-LANKAN, highly-regarded and respected British physician Dr. Rachel Joyce describes the plight of Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka since 1948:

Australian citizen and former United Nations official Gordon Weiss [http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/sri-lanka-faces-its-srebrenica-moment/story-e6frg6ux-1226043466322]
has used the phrase "Sri Lanka's Srebrenica Moment" ~to describe THE GENOCIDE OF ETHNIC MINORITY EELAM TAMILS IN SRI LANKA~in stark contrast to the "discrimination
against Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil+muslim minority" term employed by the esteemed opinion columnist referred to here [link above]~at _The New York Times_.

The International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands [to-date~as of January 7th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)
] *HAS TAKEN _PRECISELY_ ZERO ACTION*~to hold perpetrators of *GENOCIDE* on Eelam Tamils
in Ceylon-Sri Lanka "accountable" for allegations of
War Crimes [http://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc]

What gives?

***CAN*** the "systematic" targeting of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils for murderous slaughters
~in 1939
~in 1949
~in 1956
~in 1979
~in 1983
~in 2009
~in 2014
~"ongoing" in 2015
INDEED be described in English by no *LESS* an "authority" than _The [Illustrious/Highly Regarded/Worshiped by USA Intelligentsia/New York Times_~merely as "discrimination
_or_ indeed "even" as "mere" "human rights violations" perpetrated against Sri Lanka's dark-skinned ethnic Eelam Tamil "minority?"

United States' President Barack Obama and his State Department continue their energetic support for Rajapakse's [NOW! in 2016 Maithripala Sirisena's] nakedly genocidal-against ethnic Tamils neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Rajapakse regime~actively opposing even the"tamest" civil suits~brought against Rajapakse in United States' courts:  President Obama and his State Department CONTINUE protecting Rajapakse and NOW! in 2016 protecting Ceylon-Sri Lanka's "freshest" ISISL-ISI-emulating [long preceding ISIS-ISIL and long following Hitler's Nazi Germany~Sirisena "even" from the "tamest" ***CONCEIVABLE*** United States' courts-introduced civil prosecutionslet alone internationally-credible legally-binding CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Government-perpetrated CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY in Ceylon-Sri Lanka~since~get this!~calendar year 1939 [nineteen thirty-nine]:     http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen  

What gives?

While India's _The Ground Report_ records that the Sri Lankan government's massacres are "more cruel than the Nazi massacres."  [Please see fifth paragraph down from the top],
Australian citizen and former
United Nations official Gordon Weiss has used the phrase "Sri Lanka's Srebrenica Moment" http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/sri-lanka-faces-its-srebrenica-moment/story-e6frg6ux-1226043466322~to describe THE GENOCIDE OF ETHNIC MINORITY EELAM TAMILS IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA
The Central Government of INDIA underlines and re-energizes 30 (thirty calendar years) years of its "merry" DURABLE COMPLICITY in Sri Lanka's GENOCIDE on dark-skinned ethnic minority
Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka~
by sending a delegation [April 2012 (twenty-twelve)
[and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has NOW! long since gone calendar year 2016!~and yes! the  _perpetration_ of CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA on innocent Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka _CONTINUES_ to be "the NOW! in calendar year 2016 reality" for Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil citizens located in concentrated populations in the northern+eastern provinces of Ceylon-Sri Lanka NOW! in calendar year 2016] of INDIAN GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS TO CEYLON-SRI LANKA~to help CEYLON-Sri Lanka "celebrate" Ceylon-Sri Lanka's "government" [MORE like a Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric totalitarian regime than "a government" elected by free citizens!] with "getting away' SCOT-FREE with perpetrating RELENTLESS ACTS OF BRUTAL GENOCIDE on dark-skinned ethnig minority Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka~ THIRTY " STRAIGHT YEARS OF IT [!]~WITH INDIA'S "marvy" and DURABLE `nf $ *ONGOING* in 2015-2016 COMPLICITY IN SRI LANKA'S GENOCIDE ON TAMILS. The article referred to here from _The Times of India BOLDLY TRUMPETS:
-please see the very last paragraph of the article-at the bottom:
"The primary focus of the delegation will, however, be in the areas recovering from thirty years of conflict in the North and East of Sri Lanka where development assistance projects for the resettlement and rehabilitation of IDPs and reconstruction of areas affected by the conflict are being undertaken by India," the ministry of external affairs said.

the phrase "thirty years of conflict"~employed by the esteemed _Times of India_ to describe what Tamils in Sri Lanka have faced since 1949~

Most "normal" English speakers employ the "created" by a Jewish intellectual English word     GENOCIDE     to refer to the cold-blooded extermination of literally [NOT a metaphor!] thousands of human beings~by Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian government

~or by ANY OTHER agency.

The Ever-Illustrious Government of Australia     rolled out its "proverbial" RED CARPET for Ceylon-Sri Lanka's unabashedly, unrepentantly *GENOCIDAL* against ethnic EelamTamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka neo-Nazi fascist Rajapakse [voted out of Ceylon-Sri lanka's Presidential office on January 8th, 2016~ONLY TO BE "REPLACED" by An Ever So Slight LESS-Genocidal on Eelam Tamil Humanity Maithirpala Sirisena totalitarianr Sinhala fascist regime~during his     [October 2011~twenty-eleven] Perth visit to the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting     [laudably BOYCOTTED by Canada's "traditional ally in America's war on terror" AT THE TIME THESE WORDS WERE TYPED ORIGINALLY Prime Minister Stephen Harper~YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!~twenty-sixteen~and Canada's voters voted in Justin Trudeau~as Canada's Prime Minister]~while "at the same time" an ethnic     Eelam Tamil asylum-seeker hoping to find "a new life" in Australia committed suicide     while enduring "endless detention"at Australia's infamous Christmas Island Detention Center~or at a different time~     detained indefinitely     in unspeakable conditions.  A *PERFECT* and *PERFECTLY CHARACTERISTIC* "juxtaposition" of images~when it comes to the "question" of ethnic Eelam Tamil *and*     non-ethnic-minority Eelam Tamil self-determination     ~inside Ceylon-Sri Lanka~and "in the world"     outside Ceylon-Sri Lanka's genocidal State-sponsored terrorism     against dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils.

It must be so *ROUGH* [Sarcastically stated!~Of course!] for     the nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Ceylon-Sri Lankan State     ~"getting away"     100% SCOT-FREE     with the MASSIVELY SUCCESSFUL     CEYLON-SRI LANKA-STATE-SPONSORED *genocide*     perpetrated on its "own" dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil population of citizens.
Up through     April 19th, 2013     [calendar year twenty-thirteen~yes! we KNOW that it's since long gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen) and NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN ESSENCE FOR UNARMED NON-VIOLENT PEACEFUL PEACEABLE PEACE-DEMANDING EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS ON THE GROUND IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA FACING CEYLON-SRI LANKA-GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY ON A ROUTINE-DAILY BASIS NOW! IN CALENDAR YEAR 2016] UK Prime Minister David     Cameron     HAD continued paying VIGOROUS "lip service" to Commonwealth *IDEAS* about "human rights issues" in Ceylon-Sri Lanka~MORE THAN FOUR *WHOLE* CALENDAR YEARS "AFTER" SRI LANKA'S SPECTACULARLY SUCCESSFUL GENOCIDE ON TAMILS~a *GENOCIDE* "made to order" by Rajapakse~whose "bloodied" HAND Cameron~and other "world leaders" at the Commonwealth Heads of Government [CHOG] Summit in Perth, Australia in October [twenty-eleven and yes! we KNOW that it has long since gone calendar year 2016] 2011, no doubt took a great deal of pleasure in shaking [!]
The UK's David Cameron's government "ongoing" deportations of EELAM TAMILS back to Sri Lanka to face torture and death at the hands of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian dictator Rajapakse~UNTIL a high court order of April 19th, 2013~[twenty-thirteen~and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 and NOTHING HAS CHANGED FOR EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA FACING DAILY OCCURRENCES OF CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS AND CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY NOW! IN 2016!~which has ineluctably altered the _conditions_ for the UK  deportation [in 2011~and in 20132 and in 2013 and "ongoing" in 2015 and in 2016] of ETHNIC EELAM TAMILS ~LEGAL RESIDENTS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA WHO FACE TORTURE~BACK TO CEYLON-SRI LANKA TO FACE "EVEN MORE EGREGIOUS AMOUNTS OF (calendar year twenty-thirteen and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!) TORTURE+DEATH*~at the bloodied hands of their Distinctly Hitler-flavored Sinhala neo-Nazi totalitarian captors~illustrates CLEARLY his [Cameron's] personal [heartbreaking] "ongoing" UNTIL April 19th, 2013 [calendar year twenty-thirteen~yes! we KNOW that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 and _NOTHING_ in essence has CHANGED on the ground for Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka facing routine-daily-taken-for-granted- acts of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Government-perpetrated CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY NOW! in 2016!]     COMPLICITY in GENOCIDE~in 2011~and in 2012 and in 2013 and "ongoing" in 2015 and in 2016~in spite of VIGOROUS "lip service" suggesting the contrary.  While Cameron HAD been making the usual "lying-politician"-SWEET-"pronouncements" about deporting Eelam Tamil asylum-seekers back to Sri Lanka~to be GUARANTEED tortured~probably DEATH~by neo-Nazi Sinhala fascists in Ceulon-Sri Lanka~     the UK courts are to be commended and *CELEBRATED* on a daily basis~for their judicial INDEPENDENCE~in overturning the deportation orders of failed Eelam Tamil asylum-seekers~based on *INTERNATIONAL*LAWS*GOVERNING REFUGEES* and demonstrating the court's deep and precious "understanding" of the "by-now" world-renowned appalling prospects for *any* Eelam Tamil in Sri Lanka~that Cameron HAD "kept up" an elaborate *pretence* of not seeing!" "until" April 19th, 2013     [calendar year twenty-thirteen~and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 and that NOTHING in essence has _CHANGED_ for Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka facing Ceylon-Sri Lanka -Government-perpetrated CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY NOW! IN 2016]~[Emulating The Illustrious+Hilarious The Schultz "defence?"]~which is *WHY* he [Cameron]~together with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II *insisted* on *CELEBRATING* [for the *UMPTEENTH* time~since celebrating Celebrating Ceylon-Sri Lanka's GENOCIDE ON EELAM TAMILS IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA at The Queen's Diamond Jubilee in June 2012 was clearly an *INSUFFICIENT* quantity of CELEBRATION of Sri Lanka's GENOCIDE ON TAMILS~by "UK STANDARDS."  Therefore UK Prime Minister David Cameron hand-in-hand with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II *INSIST* on RE-CELEBRATING and RE-RE-RE-CELEBRATING Ceylon-Sri Lanka's *spectacular* GENOCIDE~"ongoing" *TODAY* in 2016 [twenty-sixteen]~on dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~by *deliberately* and *planfully* and *deceptively* with "exquisitely-crafted choreography"~*CHOOSING* Colombo, SRI LANKA~"for" the Illustrious VENUE of the 2013 [yes! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 and that NOTHING in essence has CHANGED for Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil citizens who are TRYING TO STAY ALIVE in the face of incredible odds] Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.  Valiant "international" protests *AGAINST* Sri Lanka's *HOSTING*-and getting to GLOAT at being The Commonwealth HEAD for [AT THE TIME THAT THESE WORDS WERE TYPED] "the next TWO YEARS UNTIL 2015 [calendar year twenty-fifteen]"-Sri Lanka's prize+opulent REWARD-from HRH QEII Herself-FOR-Perpetrating-Genocide-AND ACTS OF CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA~On-Dark-Skinned-PRECISELY-LIKE-The-Illustrious-Lustrous-Obamas-in-The-USA-White-House-In-Ceylon-Sri-Lanka-Ethnic-Minority-Eelam-Tamils~1949 [calendar year nineteen forty-nine]-And~Ongoing~Durably~Today-In-2016 have fallen on the *STONE* DEAF EARS of Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain and of UK PM David Cameron~"to-date"~in 2016~this in spite of David Cameron's invaluable "personal trip" to Jaffna, Ceylon-Sri Lanka~when he went to Jaffna [the "political" ans "spiritual capital" of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's minority ethnic Eelam Tamils] _BEFORE_ journeying to Colombo, Sri Lanka [Ceylon]-for The Commonwealth Heads of State Meeting~in calendar year 2013 (twenty-thirteen) and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016~and NOTHING has changed "in essence" for Dark-Skinned Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka staring down DAILY ACTS OF CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY~perpetrted by _GENERATIONS_ of Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian fascists~NOW! in 2016!~

[and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 and that NOTHING in essence has _CHANGED_ for Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka facing Ceylon-Sri Lanka -Government-perpetrated CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY NOW! IN 2016] David Cameron's "ongoing mass deportations" until the High Court ruling in Great Britain on April 19th, 2013 [calendar year twenty-thirteen~and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 and that NOTHING in essence has _CHANGED_ for Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka facing Ceylon-Sri Lanka -Government-perpetrated CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY NOW! IN 2016]of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils~back to Sri Lanka~to face GUARANTEED TORTURE~is in DIRECT VIOLATION OF REPEATED AND CLEAR LEGALLY-BINDING RULINGS BY THE EUROPEAN COURT OF JUSTICE.  Most "recently"~on March 27th, 2013~UK Home Secretary Theresa May HAD lost her "final" appeal to deport Abu Qatada~because the court ruled there is ZERO chance he will get a fair trial "at home" + YET Abu Qatada _was_ being deported to Jordan [July 6th, 2013] in the "face" of European Court of Justice concerns~repeatedly expressed~in several legal opinions~that he will _NOT_ receive a fair trial at "home" in Jordan~BUT the UK and Jordan have signed a treaty to _ensure_ he _does_ receive a fair trial "at home" in Jordan.
In *CONSISTENTLY* deporting dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil refugees~back to Sri Lanka to FACE TORTURE and imprisonment~Mr. Cameron INSISTED on "emulating" his Chinese counterparts~in China~authorities who refer to North Korean migrants as "'illegal economic migrants' who must be returned home"
[Please see fourth paragraph down from the
top headline].
  Mr. Cameron may well be "perfectly politically-correctly" [who WOULD expect anything else???] aligned with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II~who extended
a MOST cordial formal official British Monarch invitation to her June 2012 Diamond Jubilee Celebrations [naturally!~Sri Lanka's genocidal tyrant Rajapakse is not mentioned
EXPLICITLY by name in the article!]~in London, UK~to Sri Lanka's unapologetically and nakedly genocidal neo Nazi Sinhala fascist President Rajapakse~an Absolutely Brilliant Good Show Hail Fellow Well Met REWARD DIRECTLY + GRACIOUSLY AWARDED NO LESS A PERSONAGE THAN THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND~for the slaughter of an estimated 1.4 MILLION HUMAN BEINGS~with ZERO INTERNATIONAL *CRIMINAL* CONSEQUENCES~as of
April 25th, 2016.  Wouldn't YOU???~the reader of these words~if *YOU* "happened" to be a nakedly genocidal Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist DICTATOR~who had only "recently" "celebrated" perpetrating DISTINCTLY-HITLER-FLAVORED-GENOCIDE on a dark-skinned ethnic minority population~in your country~wouldn't *YOU*???~feel completely THRILLED, EXCITED and OVERJOYED???~to be _REWARDED_ by NO LESS AN EXALTED PERSONAGE than Her Royal Majesty, The Queen of England~HERSELF~with warm+cordial invitations extended to attend Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee~_ESPECIALLY_ since Bahrain's invitation to Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee was _ACTUALLY_ RESCINDED _BECAUSE_ of The Government of Bahrain's egregious "human rights abuses"~since _WHEN_ do "human rights abuses" _TOP_ GENOCIDE_???????????????????????????~if *YOU*~the reader of these words~were Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Sri Lanka President until Sri Lanka's voters ousted him from office on January 8th, 2015-nakedly genocidal Rajapakse?~and had "finished* GETTING AWAY SCOT-FREE WITH PERPETRATING GENOCIDE ON  _POSSIBLY_ 1.4 MILLION OF *YOUR* FELLOW-HUMAN BEINGS???
For "their Illustrious Part" British Members of Parliament traveling to Sri Lanka consistently were essentially SPITTING in the face of their Gloriously ANTI-Fascist Churchill-led Nazi-defeating British Past by "celebrating" Sri Lanka's nakedly-genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist government's "post-war success."
"Meanwhile"~back at the ranch [Sarcastically stated!~Of course!]~UK Prime Minister Cameron has _relaxed_ visa rules for Chinese nationals visiting Britain~ one of the "internationally-delivered" British-Perks-Given-To-China "for" it's massive/ongoing/relentless role in the spectacular genocide perpetrated by China's political stooge [Sri Lanka's Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian-China-esque-Dictator-Rajapakse
-followed-by-Sirisena~on dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils in Ceylon.

Human Rights group Amnesty International [That notorious terror group!~Sarcastically stated!~Of course!] through its General Secretary Claudio Cordone says:  "One would be hard pressed to imagine a more complete failure to hold to account~those who abuse human rights [and perpetrate relentless genocide against ethnic Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka]."
"Competing" with AUSTRALIA to host "yet *ANOTHER* world MEGA-SPORTING event in 2018: Please see last paragraph of article "SLC's financial troubles come at a time Sri Lanka is competing with Australia to host another mega-sporting event, the Commonwealth Games in 2018.  "It must be so *ROUGH*!!! 'nuff tears here to fill the troughs of at *LEAST* a *BILLION* [billion with a "B"]crocodiles!

On the "one hand"

United States' Ambassador to Syria~Robert Ford's highly laudable courage "stands out"~
IN STARK CONTRAST TO THE ABJECT COWARDICE OF OTHERS.  By "others"~one may comfortably include United States' envoy to Sri Lanka~Patricia Butenis.  "Mr. Ford angered Syrian authorities by showing solidarity with activists involved in an uprising against President Bashar al-Assad's rule."
*CONTRAST* US Ambassador Ford's profound "stand out" courage and integrity
[by showing SOLIDARITY WITH Syria's ACTIVISTS~a "STAND OUT" IN VIVID *POSITIVE* CONTRAST] with the "behavior" and ACTIONS/LACK OF ACTION of United States' Envoy to Sri Lanka~Patricia Butenis.

On the "other hand"
United States' envoy to Sri Lanka~Patricia Butenis~"stood by" and "watched silently" in 2009~as an estimated *MINIMUM* 330,000 [three hundred and thirty thousand]~some independent estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered~dark-skinned, ethnic minority CIVILIAN Eelam Tamils were murdered in cold blood by Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala totalitarian fascist Dictator Rajapakse and his totalitarian armed forces. 
As *IF* the perpetration of *GENOCIDE*with near-total impunity were "insufficient" CRIME Rajapakse and his compatriots-in-genocide have been working systematically~and with extraordinary global  SUCCESS~to DISCREDIT Britain's Channel 4 [*INDEPENDENT* of "dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE terrorists"] June 2011 broadcast of Sri Lanka's Killing Fields
.  Sri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Totalitarian Dictator Rajapakse ~if *ANYTHING*~puts Syria's Assad to SHAME~with his almost "CASUAL" *GENOCIDE* of Tamils.

While many "commend" Ambassador Patricia Butenis [United States' Ambassador to Sri Lanka] for *AT LEAST* sending
"secret Embassy cables"~"back" to The US State Department~and reportedly for bringing her cables to President Obama's direct "attention"~dark-skinned ethnic minority ethnic Tamils~and diaspora Tamils cannot be truly faulted for "feelings of bitterness" that if *PERHAPS* United States' Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford had been the United States' Envoy to Sri Lanka~and not Ambassador Patricia Butenis~"a different outcome" than *GENOCIDE* on Tamils may have been indeed *POSSIBLE*  Sadly~unexpectedly~US Ambassador Butenis~like *SO MANY OTHERS* has been *IF ANYTHING* silently and not-so-silently *COMPLICIT* in the "ongoing in 2011 and in 2012 and in 2013 and in 2015" genocide of Tamils in Sri Lanka~in STARK and VIVID *CONTRAST* to US Ambassador-to-Syria Robert Ford's highly laudable "stand out" courage.

South Africa's noble Nobel Peace Prize-winner Desmond Tutu has called this "general" not-"just"-US Ambassador Butenis-maintaining-*SILENCE*-in-the-face-of-*GENOCIDE*~this "global" *LACK OF RESPONSE* to Sri Lanka's *GENOCIDE* of Tamils~"a deafening global silence."  In fact "some secret Embassy cables" demonstrate clearly Ms. Patricia Butenis's distinctively NEGATIVE 2009 ATTITUDE toward ACTIVIST TAMILS.  She "even" went so "far" as to employ the words "hard-liners" to describe ethnic diaspora Eelam Tamils who were quite literally *SCREAMING IN DESPERATION* for her help~in 2009~and "ongoing" in 2011~and NOW in 2015.

While Syria's brutality towards its own citizenry~"even" citizens as young as age 2~is an unspeakable tragedy on a mass scale~an estimated 3,500 [three thousand five hundred~BACK IN 2011~more recntly~in 2015 this number has risen to more than 175,000] Syrian citizens have been murdered by the ruling Assad regime~*AT THE VERY LEAST*~the tribulations and trials of the VICTIMS of Syria's brutal regime are BEING REPORTED ON steadily and with profound and unwavering compassion in the INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH-SPEAKING, ENGLISH-READING-press.

On "the one hand":  Approximately 3,500 Syrian citizens have been murdered [This number has tragically INCREASED to 7,500+~perhaps as many as 10,000 in 2012~and constantly rising past even "the number" 15,000 Syrian citizens]~and increased once again to an estimated 17,000 murdered by Assad~
BY THEIR OWN totalitarian regime and admirably, honourably and displaying the most ELEVATED ethical standards EU Foreign Ministers have been speaking out in force~stating on October 10th, 2011~as reported by CNN~that:  Syria's President Bashar al-Assad "must step aside," European Union foreign ministers said in a blistering statement Monday, adding the Syrian government's crackdown on anti-government protesters may amount to crimes against humanity.

These *same* "admirable" "compassionate" "international law-abiding" "ethical" and "HONOURABLE"~world leaders of the US, UK, France, Germany and the broader EU umbrella~
have utterly *FAILED*~THREE WHOLE CALENDAR YEARS AFTER THE 2009~and "ongoing in 2010/2011/2012/2013/2014/2015"~GENOCIDE OF TAMILS IN SRI LANKA~to call for the *IMMEDIATE* stepping down of Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian dictator Mahinda Rajapakse~and for the IMMEDIATE commencement of INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE WAR CRIMES INVESTIGATIONS at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands.

The RELEVANT March 2013 Geneva, Switzerland United Nations Human Rights Council Meeting "replicated" the "beautiful results" "expected" by the neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Sri Lankan regime "replicating" November 2012 Geneva-Switzerland sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council ENDED in November 2012~and before that  the RELEVANT September 2011 Geneva-Switzerland sessions of the United Nations Human Rights Council ENDED on September 30th, 2011, with the neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Rajapakse regime being handed "yet another" victory~in the seemingly "limitless" series of "victories" by United Nations Chief Ban Ki-moon and by the so-called "international community" COMPLICIT IN GENOCIDE~right through to "TODAY" [January 23rd, 2014] at the time these words were typed originally. 
Even More Heartbreakingly:  The February 2013 and The February 27th through March 23rd, 2012 United Nations sessions in Geneva, Switzerland~and the January 2013 Human Rights Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland~were "CONFIDENTLY* expected~and it turned out "as usual" *ACCURATELY* expected" by SRI LANKA to YIELD *ZERO* INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT [ICC-Ocampo-the new Chief Prosecutor of The International Criminal Court appointed on June 15th, 2012 is Fatou Bensouda] CRIMINAL TRIALS scheduled for Sri Lanka's genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime.  Members of  the representative Tamil political party The Tamil National Alliance [TNA] has been sending "mixed signals" about participating in *CONTINUED* fruitless exercises~in Geneva, February 27th through March 23rd, 2012~and *WHO* can really blame them???~given President Obama's *DETERMINATION* and *IRON-CLAD POLICY* to energetically support and provide rather exquisitely-engineered political "cover" to the PERPETRATORS of Tamil genocide by Sri Lanka.  While the author of the article cited here writes with great precision and accuracy that [Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist dictator] "Rajapakse is revisiting Hitler’s crimes"~President Obama's State Department spokespersons [Victoria Nuland] stated on August 9th, 2011:  We want to see the Sri Lankans do this themselves [HOLD THEMSELVES ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR OWN CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY] in a way that meets international standards

Heart-breakingly-tragically~one is NOT hard pressed to *IMAGINE* a world where Hitler~or the perpetrators of GENOCIDE in Rwanda or in Srebrenica~for that matter~would be politely asked
by The Obama Administration
by United Nations Chief Ban-Ki-moon
by the leaders of Germany, France, and other "human rights-respecting" EU member countries
by International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands' Chief Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda~
to "hold THEMSELVES accountable for THEIR OWN war crimes!"

We must all work hand-in-hand to create a world in which such elusive justice is *UNIMAGINABLE*
We must all work together to confront honestly the perpetrators of CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY~
in stark contrast to China's consistent and indelible catastrophic record on human rights issues~all the while China keeps up the "pretence" that it is indeed "a worthy member" of the so-called "international community"~including its tenacious grip on its "seat of power"~with veto-rights at the United Nations Security Council.

On the "one hand":
The US State Department spent *TENS OF THOUSANDS* of US TAXPAYER DOLLARS purchasing copies of President Obama's books~and US State Department spokesperson Noel Clay has called it:  "engag[ing] key audiences in discussions of foreign policy.”  [The "scandal" is that no other US President in history has ever acted in this manner until they were cleanly *out* of Presidential Office.]
Another report~records that U.S. embassies around the world spent more than $70,000 collectively on Obama’s autobiographies as gifts and for their libraries. Carney referred people to the State Department saying that this was an “embassy by embassy based decision.”
On the "other hand":
A LEGAL TAXPAYING RESIDENT of the United States spent *LESS THAN US $17.00* on an "independently-authored" book~"explaining" the *GENOCIDE* of dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils in Sri Lanka~a *genocide* 100% energetically "supported" by President Obama's "policies" on the neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Sri Lankan State~and the US State Department "felt the need" to "officially" TREAT THIS AS AN ATTEMPT AT BRIBERY:

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Books Sent to Secretary Clinton
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 10:26:16 -0400
From: Russo, Robert V <RussoRV@state.gov>
To: <saku@isaacfalconer.com>

Hello Dr. Gunasegaram:
Thank you for the copies of the book, “The Tamil Genocide By Sri Lanka,” that you have sent to Secretary Clinton.  Please know her office has received them.

Per of the Office of the Legal Adviser of the U.S. Department of State, there is a monetary limit for the value of gifts that the Secretary is able to receive.  We would like to kindly ask that you do not send another copy of this book, as it will have to be returned to you.  

Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thank you and best wishes.  

Robert Russo
Office of the Secretary of State
U.S. Department of State

On the "one hand":
"admirably" "compassionately" "legally" "ethically" and "HONOURABLY"~the leaders of the US, UK, France, Germany and the EU have all called for Syria's President Assad to step down over his brutal suppression of protesters.
On the "one hand": The UK and France under the admirable [in the case of Libya] leadership of David Cameron and Nicolas Sarkozy respectively~acted with the most amazing and praiseworthy and admirable speed to help those in Libya fighting against the Qaddhafi dictatorship~and stayed the course "until" Libya's dictator Qaddafi perished on October 22nd, 2011.
On the "other hand":
these *same* "admirable" "compassionate" "international law-abiding" "ethical" and "HONOURABLE"~world leaders of the US, UK, France, Germany and the EU have utterly *FAILED*~MORE THAN THREE CALENDAR YEARS AFTER THE 2009 GENOCIDE OF AN ESTIMATED 330,000 TAMILS IN SRI LANKA]~
some independent estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered~to "even" *BEGIN* to call Sri Lanka's action against "its own citizenry "a genocide"~or "even" to call for the *IMMEDIATE* stepping down of Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal ["4,000" vs. "330,000" OR PEHAPS "as many as" "1.4 MILLION+"] neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian dictator Mahinda Rajapakse~or "even" to call for the IMMEDIATE commencement of INTERNATIONALLY CREDIBLE WAR CRIMES INVESTIGATIONS at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands.  While ON 09/30/2013:SYRIA'S FOREIGN MINISTER said [as reported by The BBC]:"There is no civil war in Syria-ONLY a war against "terrorists." Syria's foreign minister has claimed that "terrorists from more than 83 countries" are killing soldiers+civilians across [SYRIA] the country. Sri Lanka's openly genocidal Sinhala fascist neo-Nazi Foreign Minister Professor G.L. Peiris continues~in2015~6 years"after" the 2009" so-called 2009 _utter_military DEFEAT +decimation of the"dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE criminal terrorists"
_INSISTING_"most recently" IN October 2013-that Sri Lanka government's DECADES-long BUDDHIST-fundamentalist funded "war on Tamils" was_ONLY_directed at decimating "dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE Criminal Terrorists"+_NOT_ aimed at decimating the CIVILIAN, NON-VIOLENT, NON-arms-bearing, EELAM Tamil population in Sri Lanka from 15% of Sri Lanka's population in 1948_DOWN_ to 3.9% of the population~in 2015:     https://web.archive.org/web/20170307013705/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html     SINCE_ we first wrote the preceding sentence NOTE with "alarm" [but no "surprise"] on June 19th, 2015 that The USA Central Intelligence Agency which _HAD_ in the "recent" past~as in 2015~inside its WORLDFACTBOOK~ "routinely" "described" the percentage of The Eelam Tamil population in Sri Lanka as 3.9% [three point nine percent] has "artfully" "modified" this "statistic" "to" to 11.2% [ELEVEN POINT TWO PERCENT] of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's populations:   https://web.archive.org/web/20170307013705/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html  Please!  feel FREE to "jump to your own concussions"~if you happen to be a fan of The USA's old sitcom _Green Acres_!  What are metaphorically referred to as "the former" "conflict" "zone areas" in the northern and eastern provinces of Sri Lanka HAVE BEEN _LIKENED_ by USA HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR EVA MOZES KOR-she OUGHT TO KNOW [June 9th, 2013]-to Hitler's Nazi Germany:     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=36401     ~_because_of STARK WITNESS to Sri Lanka's_GENOCIDE_perpetratedOnEelamEthnicTamils1948+_ONGOING_"today"in 2015~When it comes to_NOT_crushing the lives of LEGITIMATE asylum-seekers DOES so-called United Nations HUMAN RIGHTS CHIEF PILLAY _not _bear the SLIGHTEST responsibility?????to vigorously PURSUE Nuremberg Trials for Sri Lanka's genocidal fascist regime?????_NOT WAIT FOR MARCH 2015?????????  While "The BBC's Frequently and Regularly-Worshipped Human Rights Idol" [THE BBC-USA~for example "sees" ABSOLUTELY _ZERO_ "conflict of interest" in plastering USA President Obama's visage "all over" The BBC-USA LOGO-while NO UK CITIZENS would "tolerate" The BBC-UK-LOGO _EQUALLY_ plastered over by Cameron's visage~SEEING _THAT_ as "a serious journalistic conflict of interest!]  President Obama said [honorably-appropriately-justly and righteously~albeit regarding Syria and Iran~NOT regarding SRI LANKA'S NAKEDLY GENOCIDAL NEO-NAZI SINHALA FASCIST REGIME~since the two named countries Syria and
Iran are "millions of times more important" to President Obama's Make Friends With Israel And US Jewish Voters In Time For 2012 Re-Election Agenda"] on April 23rd, 2012 [calendar year twenty-twelve and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!]-naturally! in the presence of massive television coverage and "free and unlimited" Presidential Election publicity:  "National sovereignty is never a license to slaughter your people."

[Please see 4th paragraph down from the top]

While India's _The Ground Report_ records that the Sri Lankan government's massacres are "more cruel than the Nazi massacres."  [Please see fifth paragraph down from the top]
While Australian citizen and former United Nations official Gordon Weiss has used the phrase "Sri Lanka's Srebrenica Moment"~to describe THE GENOCIDE OF DARK-SKINNED ETHNIC MINORITY EELAM TAMILS IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA

~The Illustrious BBC's Illustrious Reporter-On-The-Ground-in-Colombo-The Illustrious Mr. Charles Haviland SHAMELESSLY CONTINUES labeling THE GENOCIDE of 1.4 MILLION
innocent human beings
as of TODAY  September 29th, in 2012 (twenty-twelve and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!) "civil war," "civil war," "defeated," "war," "celebrates," "victory," "victory," and "long civil war": 
"civil war": PLEASE SEE 12th line down from the top of the article and
"...26 years of bloody civil war in 2009 (calendar year two thousand and nine and _YES!_ we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016): PLEASE SEE 14th paragraph down from the top of the article and
"... defeated separatist rebels..."PLEASE SEE 4th paragraph down from the top of the article and  defeated separatist rebels
"...in 2009 after 26 years of war." PLEASE SEE 4th paragraph down from the top of the article and
"...celebrates the third anniversary of end of the war" PLEASE SEE 4th paragraph down from the top of the article and
"...led the army to victory..." PLEASE SEE 3rd paragraph down from the top of the article and
"...victory over the Tamil Tiger rebels." PLEASE SEE 9th paragraph down from the top of the article and
"...civil war..." PLEASE SEE 20th paragraph down from the top of the article and
"The army defeated the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) rebels after 26 years of a bloody civil war in May 2009 ]two thousand and nine]"...PLEASE SEE 7th paragraph down from the top of the article
ETERNAL SHAME on The BBC's Charles Haviland!!! for enduring [as long as he has done] in his shameless propaganda support for Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist regime-OBDURATELY~through December 1st, 2013~when The BBC's Fergal Keane appears to have become a "desperately needed-for-Sri-Lanka's-democratic-ideals-reporting" journalistic voice for The BBC on the ground in Sri Lanka [?]~as in:     As "recently" as on May 2nd, 2013 [twenty-thirteen]~when The BBC's [Haviland] report aired:   http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/n3cstnp1 there is ULTRA-HYPER-careful AVOIDANCE of the ACCURATE ENGLISH word _GENOCIDE_ -as in _GENOCIDE_ not mentioned ONCE~in a 30 minute-long program on the most UNSPEAKABLE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY PERPETRATED ON EELAM TAMILS+ON OTHERS IN SRI LANKA BY SRI LANKA'S NEO-NAZI SINHALA FASCIST PRESIDENT RAJAPAKSE AND HIS GENOCIDAL FASCIST REGIME
[Please see 3rd line up from the very bottom of the article] HUMAN BEINGS KILLED BETWEEN 1983 and 2009 [by "dirty Tamil Tiger criminal LTTE criminal terrorists"] and 1.4 MILLION HUMAN BEINGS KILLED BETWEEN 1949 and 2006 and "ONGOING" in 2015-TODAY with NO END IN SIGHT [by Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Rajapakse Regime's military forces]

While the genocides in Rwanda and Srebrenica were unspeakable tragedies on a massive scale~*AT THE VERY LEAST*~THEY HAVE BEEN~AND CONTINUE TO BE~REPORTED ON steadily and with compassion and with ACCURATE terminology in the INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH-SPEAKING-ENGLISH-READING-press.  CERTAINLY Rwanda and Srebrenica WERE*NOT*/and ARE *NOT*referred to as "a war victory" for the PERPETRATORS OF SUCH SPECTACULAR GENOCIDEhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8690408.stm~
[Please see the tenth word on The Very First Line at The Top]  
CERTAINLY no statements HAVE EVER BEEN MADE in the international press such as The BBC's reporter-on-the
-ground-in Colombo~[Mr. Haviland's statement]:  "Whoever masterminded the war victory most [Rwanda and Srebrenica residents as compared to ethnic Sri Lankan Eelam Tamil residents] are heartily glad its all over."  It appears that in Mr. Haviland's [and presumably in The BBC's Highly Esteemed and Illustrious] eyes the cold-blooded slaughter of what is
currently estimated to be 330,000 [three hundred and thirty-thousand]~some think 1.4 MILLION+~unarmed, non-combatant, dark-skinned ethnic minority civilian Eelam Tamil
s *IS* INDEED "a war victory"~
[Please see the tenth word on The Very First Line at The Top]~for the nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Sri Lankan government, eh?
CERTAINLY the unspeakably horrific tragedies in Rwanda and Srebrenica did NOT receive international press coverage that *WHITEWASHED* over stories of *GENOCIDE* with
*OBSCENE* stories of "cricket stars" EXTORTING MONEY from completely DESTITUTE [!] war-devastated Eelam Tamils [!]~facing "ongoing" slaughter on
a DAILY BASIS "even" in 2015~all in the breathtakingly CYNICAL "name" of "fund raising for cancer research!"~to "satisfy" the "craven dreams" of an already OBSCENELY
 WEALTHY "international cricket star!"~who has NEVER "experienced" the trouble that the preponderance of dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils "experience" getting a visa to travel abroad~IN ORDER TO LEAVE GENOCIDE BEHIND.
  CERTAINLY The BBC's "coverage" of the IMMENSE TRAGEDIES in Rwanda and Srebrenica *STAND OUT* in starkest contrast to the SILENT GENOCIDE~referred to so aptly and so perfectly by Nobel-Peace-Prize-winner Desmond Tutu as "a DEAFENING GLOBAL SILENCE."
What "transpired" in Sri Lanka in 2009~"away" from the prying camera lenses of the world's press~and from "even" the jammed-in-2009 Tamil language service radio signal of The BBC~has not even "begun" to be "labeled" or "certified" *A GENOCIDE*~as of
January 23rd, 2014 [at the time these were typed originally]~and _STILL_ on September 18th, 2015~by The BBC~or indeed by "international" "AUTHORITIES"~like United Nations Chief Ban Ki-moon~like "then" United States' Secretary of State Hillary Clinton [the "new"~beginning in 2013
~United States' Secretary of State is John Kerry]~like Nobel Peace-Prize-winning "Hope and Change" United States' President Barack Obama~like The International Criminal Court
in The Hague, The Netherlands.  For example The BBC labeled the atrocities perpetrated by Sri Lankan government forces in 2009 in the following profoundly offensive and racially-prejudiced-againt-dark-skinned-ethnic-minority-Eelam-Tamils and racially-bigoted-against-Eelam-Tamils-in-Sri-Lanka-manner: 
Sri Lanka's army defeated the separatist Tamil Tigers in May [two thousand and nine] 2009

"The army defeated Tamil Tiger rebels in 2009 to end more than 25 years of bloody civil war."  [Please see sixth paragraph down from the top ]
and in other similarly offensive ways:
"crushing defeat" for "politically opposed" LTTE fighters~as recently as on January 27th, 2012~AS IN:  "As commander of the key 58 division in 2009 he was instrumental in the crushing defeat of the Tamil Tiger rebels, who were fighting for a separate homeland. " [Please see EIGHTH PARAGRAPH DOWN FROM THE TOP:  ] "military"..."victory" as RECENTLY as on November 18th, 2011~Please see "war victory" fifth paragraph down]~and
as "defeated" and "civil war"
as recently as on January 17th, 2012~
PLEASE SEE THIRD PARAGRAPH DOWN FROM THE TOP:  "Sri Lankan government forces defeated Tamil Tiger rebels fighting for a separate homeland in May 2009 [two thousand and nine] after 26 years of civil war"].
The BBC TRUMPETS LOUDLY [Sarcastically stated!~Of course!]:  Rwanda and Srebrenica are "actually" WAR VICTORIES for the "military" "warrior" perpetrators of GENOCIDE.
It ***IS*** indeed "within the realm of possibility" for The BBC to be "informed" by the "moral example" set by both houses of The French Parliament and by France's President Sarkozy~both houses of The French Parliament have "already" passed legislation effectively BANNING THE DENIAL [by present-day Turkish government officials] OF THE GENOCIDE OF ARMENIANS BY OTTOMAN TURK "warriors."  It is "within the realm of possibility" for The BBC to be "informed" by the moral example set forth by Cambodia's Parliament
which makes it ILLEGAL for Cambodians to downplay the atrocities committed by The Kmer-Rouge during Cambodia's dark days.  It ***IS*** indeed "possible" to "envision" that PUBLIC AND OFFICIAL DENIALS of THE TAMIL GENOCIDE BY SRI LANKA [http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_0_9?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka&sprefix=the+tamil%2Cstripbooks%2C181] will one day "also be banned-legislatively"~perhaps even "internationally."

While other respected new agencies and internationally-credible independent entities have employed terms like *CRIMES* and  *GENOCIDE*  and carefully-planned-in-advance mass murder
to describe the actions of Sri Lankan government forces in 2009 and "ongoing" through *TODAY* in 2015~it is NOTEWORTHY that writers and broadcasters at The BBC
employing terms like "army" and "military" and "defeated" and "military victory" AS FOLLOWS: 
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-17218697 "The army defeated Tamil Tiger rebels in 2009 to end more than 25 years of bloody civil war."  [Please see sixth paragraph down from the top ] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-16795442:  "The conflict in Sri Lanka ended in 2009 when the military defeated
Tamil Tiger rebels after decades of fighting." [Please see fourth paragraph down from the top:

The BBC CONTINUES in 2015~employing terms like "defeated" and "civil war"
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-16599778 [PLEASE SEE "Sri Lankan government forces defeated Tamil Tiger rebels fighting for a separate homeland in May 2009 [two thousand and nine] after 26 years of civil war"~THIRD PARAGRAPH DOWN FROM THE TOP:  17 January 2012 Last updated at 10:47 ET] and "military"..and "victory" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-15787672~Please see FIFTH PARAGRAPH DOWN FROM THE TOP:  18 November 2011 Last updated at 08:51 ET]
~and "military" and "victory" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-15787672:  "Sarath Fonseka led Sri Lanka's military to victory against the Tamil Tigers in 2009." [Please see FIFTH PARAGRAPH DOWN FROM THE TOP: to describe the neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Sri Lankan government's actions in
the cold-blooded slaughter of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka

Are words like "military defeated" and "crushing defeat" and "military"..."victory" the SAME WORDS that The BBC employed~and continues employing in 2015???~to describe the GENOCIDES perpetrated by "warriors" [Sarcastically stated!~Of course!] and government "military" in Rwanda and Srebrenica as well???
Perhaps "even" the genocide perpetrated by "warrior" government "military" Turks [Sarcastically stated!~Of course!] on minority Kurds???

Are the terms "military" and crushing defeat" and "defeated" and "civil war" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-16599778 [PLEASE SEE "Sri Lankan government forces defeated Tamil Tiger rebels fighting for a separate homeland in May 2009 [two thousand and nine] after 26 years of civil war"~THIRD PARAGRAPH DOWN FROM THE TOP]~the SAME WORDS that The BBC employed to describe the GENOCIDES perpetrated perpetrated by "warriors" [Sarcastically stated!~Of course!] in Rwanda and Srebrenica as well???  Perhaps "even" the genocide perpetrated by "warriors" [Sarcastically stated!~Of course!] in Ottoman Turkey on Armenians???  Perhaps "even" the genocide by "warriors" [Sarcastically stated!~Of course!] in Sudan???

Perhaps "even" the GENOCIDE perpetrated on his "own Syrian citizenry" by Hafez al-Assad [father of current Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad] in Homa, in Syria, in 1982???

Just curious.

Tell the esteemed editors-in-chief of the UK's BBC News Service and the UK's _The Economist_ magazine to:  TELL IT to the 1.4 MILLION slaughtered in GENOCIDE~why don't you???  It's a tragic commentary on the "never again" [Oops! the "true meaning" of "never again" is that it is meant to refer to "Jewish lives ONLY! PLEASE!] pledges of the so-called "CIVILIZED INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY"~and of the so-called "state" of so-called "international justice"~and of the so-called "international" leadership of International Superstar Obama-Led Global Political Leadership that  INSTEAD of staring 2006 CRIMINAL CHARGES IN THE FACE~at the International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands~in 2006~for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY [2006 is when the precisely targeted genocidal assaults on dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils~spearheaded by Sri Lanka's esteemed genocidal Fonseka began "in earnest"]~Sri Lanka's "National Hero"~along the lines of "other" Asian "National Heroes"~is "celebrated" in 2015~for his HEROIC PERPETRATION OF NAKED GENOCIDE perpetrated on dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils in Sri Lanka.
PLEASE!  [Reader of These Words!] PLEASE! TRY TO REMEMBER:  It was NOT THAT LONG AGO that in the identical manner adopted by Sri Lanka's Rajapakse and Sri Lanka's Fonseka ~top Cambodian Khmer Rouge leader Nuon Chea [also] says he served the nation but prosecutors say he murdered and terrorised Cambodians, on the second day of his genocide trial

On the "one hand":
Syria's repressive regime tragically slaughters 5,000 of its own citizens [estimates in late February 2012 suggested this number tragically rose to more than 7,500+~MORE LIKELY closer to the number 10,000~and in May 2012 [twenty-twelve]~escalated tragically past the 15,000 number]~and increased once again to an estimated 17,000 murdered by Assad~and INCREASED _since_ that time~and the United Nations has been "immediately on the case"~ADMIRABLY and HONOURABLY and LEGALLY and ETHICALLY and LAUDABLY~calling for Syria to be referred to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, the Netherlands for criminal prosecution:  Navi Pillay said she felt widespread killings and torture in the country [in 2011 Syria] "constituted crimes against humanity."  Ms Pillay estimated the number of those killed by [Syrian] security forces in the nine-month uprising [at that time the "date" was 2011] at more than 5,000.
On the "other hand"
330,000 dark-skinned ethnic minority UNARMED Eelam Tamils were slaughtered in cold-blood~some independent estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered~in 2009~they are***BEING SLAUGHTERED***through TODAY [January 23rd, 2014 when these words were being typed originally] by the neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Sinhala forces of Sri Lanka's President Rajapakse and Ms. Pillay managed to successfully MAINTAIN her remarkable "deafening global silence" [to quote~directly~Beautiful-Spirit~Nobel Peace Prize-winner Desmond Tutu's words exactly] on this "delicate" subject~"until"~NOW THAT ALL THE ARMED OPPOSITION TO GENOCIDE HAVE BEEN IRREVOCABLY SLAUGHTERED AND OBLITERATED~"managed" to do the "BARE minimum":  In September 2012~"INCLUDING"~Sri Lanka~"finally"~on the "official" United Nations' list of 16 countries who intimidate, torture, and murder their critics. [Ms. Pillay has _SINCE_ THE TIME OF THE ORIGINAL WRITING OF THESE WORDS been replaced ~oncer her [Navaneetham Pillai's] term as United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights came to it's normal-natural prescribed end~as United Nations' High Commissioner for Human Rights~by Jordan's Prince Zeid Ra'ad Al-Hussein <InfoDesk@ohchr.org> <InfoDesk@ohchr.org> as United Nations' High Commissioner for Human Rights]

The Asian Human Rights Commission issued a statement [on Monday, December 12th, 2011 (twenty-eleven)] highlighting the latest [AT THAT TIME ON DECEMBER 12th, 2011] case of protesters against the neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian government of Sri Lanka being "magically disappeared":   Please see 6th paragraph down from the top] and calling on the government to ensure that cases of "forced disappearances" are thoroughly and effectively investigated.
Isn't ASKING the entity RESPONSIBLE for these countless "magical disappearances" in the "first place" to investigate their own crimes rather LIKE asking the fox to guard the
"proverbial" hen house???

WHY *EXACTLY* is it??? that 5,000 Syrian citizens "were" COUNTED as actually "more" than 330,000
dark-skinned, ethnic minority, Eelam Tamil, Sri Lankan citizens???~or even
some independent estimates suggest~more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered dark-skinned, ethnic minority, Eelam Tamil, Sri Lankan citizens???

It's nice to know [Sarcastically stated!~Of Course!] that NOTHING HAS CHANGED~_SINCE_ January 23rd, 2014 [at the time these words were typed originally~and CONTINUING _STILL_
on September 18th, 2015]~in the "slant"~[undoubtedly FORCED [?] ON The BBC's reporter stationed in Sri Lanka Mr. Charles Haviland~UNTIL October 2013~by Sinhala fascists] of
Mr. Haviland's [Mr. Haviland appeared to have been replaced [TEMPORARILY?????????] by The BBC's Fergal Keane in October 2013]"reporting"-on-the-ground~
on the neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Sri Lankan government's ongoing in 2015 "shenanigans"~including relentless langrabs of land previously legally owned by Eelam Tamils~often historic family landholdings going back generations.  OBVIOUSLY Mr. Haviland keeps himself "ultra-SUPER-busy" [poor thing!] reporting on the Haviland-labeled "JOY RIDE" HIGHWAYS BUILT ON THE BLOOD OF THE OPPRESSED     .  The BBC's TAMIL LANGUAGE SERVICE AT LEAST appears to be GROUNDED in a "sufficient" sense of reality to report that Eelam Tamil detainees CONTINUE [in 2015~the war on Eelam Tamil citizens of Sri Lanka was declared OVER by Dictator Rajapakse in 2009!~REMEMBER????] to live in the most UNSPEAKABLY APPALLING CONDITIONS
in the North and East of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~in camps that "reasonable" reporters have called     "concentration camps" in the style and flavour of Hitler's Nazi-era Third Reich-run-Nazi-run camps     ~where Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-detainees were~until their "eventual" release in calendar year 2012 (twenty-twelve) and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen)~almost "routinely" exposed to sexual assaults and crimes of every kind at the hands of the proverbial "foxes concentration camp foxes that guard the proverbial hen houses"     ~where generations of (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka"routinely" face     torture in SEVEN (7) SEPARATE LOCATIONS INSIDE CEYLON-SRI LANKA identified by Nobel-Peace-Prize-winning     internationally-recognized human rights group Amnesty International~that notorious international "terror group' {Sarcasm! of course!)
The TimesOnLine article with the headline '1,400 (fourteen hundred aka one thousand four hundred) Eelam Tamil unarmed non-combatant one hindred percent innocent of any/all "criminality" except of course "the criminality" "permanenl;y" 'affixed" to the "backs" of Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka by generations of (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") generations of civilian citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka a week dying at     Manik Farm     concentration     camp     [in 2009] is NO LONGER AVAILABLE ONLINE WITHOUT A 2015 (twenty-fifteen)  SUBSCRIPTION~SADLY~and perhaps MOST
     CONVENIENTLY     for the nakedly+egregiously+relentlessly=seemingly-unstoppably-genocidal on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric Ceylon-Sri Lankan State:     http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6676792.ec

India's _The Ground Report_ records [MORE STARKLY] that generations (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") generations of Ceylon--Sri Lanka[-Government-Perpetrated] massacres are "more cruel than the Nazi massacres."  [Please see fifth paragraph down from the top].

The "slant" against the political and human rights of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka appears to be CONTINUING "unabated" through "today" September st, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) and YET "another" Entirely" "Different" "today" on January 7th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) in Mr. Haviland's {Dear Internet Trolls trolling our site on behalf of The BBC's Illustrious Reporter-on-The-Ground-In-Ceylon-Sri lanka Charles Haviland STOP IT! SHAME ON YOU!)  and other BBC reporters' reporting of     quotations     .  South Indian Tamil politician Jayalalithaa Jayaram [since these words were first written~deposed from her
democratically-legally-politically-elected-in-India position as Tamil Nadu First Minister through eighteen years of corrupt Machiavellian political machinations against her crusade to grant BASIC human and civil rights to Eelam Tamils in Ceylon/Sri Lanka~then     "exonerated" of her "crimes"     ]  has spoken out [literally] INNUMERABLE/COUNTLESS times on behalf of Eelam Tamils rights as reported by "other" than BBC News agencies.  Naturally! she has been~_SINCE_ the time of her speaking up on behalf of dark-skinned Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka she has been unceremoniously JAILED and then released on bail.  The corrupt authorities who JAILED Ms. Jayaram are very much "in control" of her life and more importantly of her _political_ life_ insuring that the legal actions against her~taken  in INDIA incapacitate her 100~as "an once powerful political advocate" on behalf of dark-skinned Eelam Tamils in
Sri lanka in 2015."  Ms. Jeyaram has  _OFTEN_ BEEN the "lonely political voice" for Eelam Tamil Rights in Sri Lanka [remember Ms. Jayaram is an INDIAN politician with "plenty" on her political hands WITHOUT having to constantly advocate on behalf of generations (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") Eelam Tamils IN SRI LANKA!]    Dramatic and~what "Western" reporters [MOSTLY The BBC's Charles Haviland~let's face it!] might consider "harsh" statements have been made by Ms. Jeyaram~against the nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian government in Sri Lanka that has so successfully perpetrated a spectacular     genocide     perpetrated on generations of (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") on Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka.
After all~330,000 (three-hundred-and-thirty-thousand) Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri lanka slaughtered~possibly as *MANY* as     1.4 MILLION+     (one-point-four-million PLUS) dark-skinned ethnic minority EelamTamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka slaughtered~are probably [Sarcastically stated!~Of course!] "insufficient number" to deserve "harsh statements in English"~at The Ever Illustrious [NOT sarcasm!] BBC New Service:
(1)  Replying to a calling attention motion, she [Jayalalithaa Jayaram] alleged that thousands of Eelam Tamils were killed by the [Sri Lankan] military as the Sri Lankan military crushed the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in 2008-09:
(2)  [Jayalalithaa Jayaram] said that Lankan defence secretary's [Ghotabaya's] statement is like the Devil quoting from scriptures:  http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/lanka-war-crimes-jayalalithaa-hits-back-at-gotabaya-rajpaksha/1/147754.html

Read more at: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/story/lanka-war-crimes-jayalalithaa-hits-back-at-gotabaya-rajpaksha/1/147754.h
Mr. Haviland/and other BBC news reporters/editors CONSISTENTLY, deliberately and carefully "choose" Jayalalithaa Jayaram's MILDEST statements to "reprint for the world in English."  Statements on the order of:  Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, who was elected this year, wanted the [Ferry between India and Sri Lanka] service suspended and state officials did not attend the waving off of the Scotia Prince. [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-16044961]

330,000 [three hundred and thirty-thousand] Eelam Tamils slaughtered~*POSSIBLY* as "many" as 1.4 MILLION+ dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils slaughtered [by Sri Lanka's military] are obviously an "insufficient number" to justify "harsh statements in English" [?]

What gives??? 

t's SO NICE to know [Sarcastically stated!~Of course!] that "some things" NEVER CHANGE.  And they say death and taxes are the ONLY THINGS we can rely upon.
The nakedly-genocidal-against-Eelam-Tamils Sinhala fascists among Sri Lanka's ruling political elite have been FULLY CAPABLE of being "relied upon" to deceive and perpetrate GENOCIDE ON DARK-SKINNED ETHNIC MINORITY EELAM TAMILS

~since 1949.

To hear the CIA "tell it"~The United States Central Intelligence Agency~whom NO ONE would EVER accuse of being "aligned" IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, FORM with LTTE
[Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam ]: Dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils have declined from 15% [fifteen percent] of the Sri Lankan population
to 3.9% [three point nine percent] of the Sri Lankan population [CIA World Factbook~please see "Sri Lankan Tamil" 3.9%~at the top of the linked page] [https://web.archive.org/web/20170307013705/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html]
SINCE_ we first wrote the preceding sentence NOTE with "alarm" [but no "surprise"] on June 19th, 2015 that The USA Central Intelligence Agency which _HAD_ in the "recent" past
~as in 2015~inside its WORLDFACTBOOK~ "routinely" "described" the percentage of The Eelam Tamil population in Sri Lanka as 3.9% [three point nine percent] has "artfully"
"modified" this "statistic" "to" to 11.2% [ELEVEN POINT TWO PERCENT] of Sri Lanka's populations:   https://web.archive.org/web/20170307013705/https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ce.html
Please!  feel FREE to "jump to your own concussions"~if you happen to be a fan of The USA's old sitcom _Green Acres_!
~a decimation in population resulting from both a DIRECT~as well as an INDIRECT result~of relentless genocidal acts perpetrated against them by successive genocidal neo-Nazi
fascist Sri Lankan Sinhala administrations~dating back to 1949~[30 years prior to 1979~in other words looooooong before the founding of the genocide-OPPOSING~fiercely-GENOCIDE-RESISTING~liberty-seeking LTTE in 1979~long before the birth of the founding members of LTTE]~or of the Tamil National Alliance
~and continued currently by the totalitarian government of the neo-Nazi fascist Sinhala President Mahinda Rajapakse]~now~even "after" the so-called "military defeat" of  the LTTE
on May 18th, 2009 [two thousand and nine]~even AFTER the so-called "triumph over dirty Tamil LTTE terrorists."

[http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/asia/167253/amnesty-urges-s-lanka-to-end-post-poll-clampdown~alas! this link is no longer "available" because of direct "editorial interference"
by generations (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's-Government stooges]

"As ever" it's a COMPLETE THRILL and JOY [sarcastically stated!~of course!] to note that while "fellow-reporters" continue expressing [in 2015] SERIOUS concerns about the massive killings perpetrated on dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~     in 2009     (two-thousand-and-nine) ~and "ongoing" in 2010 (twenty-ten)  and     in 2011
     (twenty-eleven)~and in 2012 (twenty-twelve) and in 2013 (twenty-thirteen) and in 2015 (twenty-fifteen)~in their heart-rending reporting~The BBC's "primary"-reporter-on-the-ground-in Colombo, Ceylon-Sri Lanka~Charles Haviland has SO MUCH EXTRA journalistic room TO SPARE~to write about     long-tusked elephants     [!]~and about     "cricket"     thereby succeeding~perhaps even "beyond" the wildest dreams of the nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist
totalitarian regime in "normalising"~even in "elevating" the so-called "culture" of the barbaric "clowns" in Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Rajapakse regime.
 BBC journalists with The BBC's Tamil language service continue "elevating Sri Lanka's international cricket team"~the cricket team that serves so gloriously!~so effectively!~so internationally!~as ***THE PUBLIC FACE***of the nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Rajapakse regime~as "recently" as on February 16th, 2012
Mr. Haviland's stories are somewhat eerily reflective of the manner in which Nazi German "culture" was "normalised" and "celebrated" and "elevated"~"even" by cultured and
"high-class" and highly intellectual, and highly-culturally sophisticated American     "observers"of Hitler's totalitarian Nazi fascist regime     .
With all due respect to cricket fans around the world THERE IS ABSOLUTELY *NO POINT* IN RECRUITING *COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY DESTITUTE* MALE EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA-CRICKET when the injustices that Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~particularly EXCRUCIATINGLY committed AGAINST Eelam Tamil MALE _HUMANITY_ ~SUFFERED BY ALL CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA~and     GENERATIONS OF (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") CEYLON-RI LANKA'S MUSLIM CITIZENS     ~near and far~     ON A DAILY BASIS     are so heinous-so obscene~so CLEARLY SANCTIONED AND ENCOURAGED and CELEBRATED by The Rajapakse regime~and     CONTINUE BEING PERPETRATED ON A DAILY BASIS ***IN*** 2014-2015-2015 (twenty-fourteen-fifteen-sixteen) WITH such *COMPLETE AND UTTER LEGAL-IMPUNITY AND COMPLETE+UTTER SOCIAL IMPUNITY     *~meaning that perpetrating relentless acts of GENOCIDE and CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY from Calendar year 2005 (two-thousand-and-five) and calendar year 2015 (2015 was when Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly+irrepressibly-genocidal on generations of Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka- Rajapakse was"eventually"  voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's-Presidential office on January 9th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) only to almost _INSTANTLY_stand for+win a Ceylon-Sri Lanka parliamentary seat (Kurunegala) so as to escape any/all "faintest" "hints" and/or "faintest" "whispers" of internationally-credible VISIBLE as _JUSTICE_ for generations of Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka internationally-credible legally-binding CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS OF HIS (Mahinda Chinthana's) CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRII LANKA 2005 (two-thousand-and-five)-2015 (twenty-fifteen):      https://www.amazon.com/Sky-No-Roof-Kusal-Perera-ebook/dp/B00CPWCPKO?ie=UTF8&keywords=sky%20no%20roof&qid=1463338152&ref_=sr_1_1&s=books&sr=1-1     and replaced by An-Ever-So-Slightly-LESS-egregiously+relentlessly-genocidal on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena Colombo-centric regime~continue being committed with such complete and utter DISREGARD for BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.

Having said all this~The BBC reporter in Colombo [Ceylon-Sri Lanka's capital] is to be "more than commended" for writing on October 8th, 2011 (twenty-eleven)~now that EVERY CREDIBLE SHRED of political and military "opposition" to deeply+firmly+for-generations (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") deeply+entrenched Distinctly Hitler-Flavored Sinhala neo-Nazi     despotic Sinhala fascism in Ceylon-Sri Lanka     ~IN EVERY FORM~has been UTTERLY SUCCESSFULLY ANNIHILATED by the Mahinda Chinthana Rajapakse-gencoidal Colombo-centric Ceylon-Sri Lanka totalitarian regime "until' he {Rajapakse] was voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential office only to be replaced by An-Ever-So-SLIGHTLY-LESS-egregiously-genocidal-on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena Colombo-centric totalitarian regime. regime~Please see the second paragraph up from the last paragraph~at the bottom of the article]:     "The violence underlines the fact that, although the government regularly says it defeated terrorism with its war victory, much politics here is underpinned by violence, and government politicians with guns hold sway in various parts of the country."

It's "a fascinator"~albeit "obviously" not *quite* on a par with "fascinators" belonging to Catherine Middleton [The Duchess of Cambridge] [Sarcastically stated!~Of Course!] that as has become "habitual practice" in the writing of      these types of stories     generations of (alas!+alack! the English word genreations not employed here as "a metpahor!") ~Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist dictator [Sinhala President Mahinda Rajapakse]
is *NOT* featured "prominently" in The BBC's "most helpful to us all" proverbial rogues' gallery of mass murderers~or *EVEN* featured AT ALL[!]
Since "the majority" of the readers of The BBC news pages are not "diplomats" and since "most BBC readers" have "no plans" ever to "shake" Rajapakse's! NOW! in twenty-sixteen Maithripala Sirisena's  hand~LURIDLY-STAINED-WITH-the-BLOOD-of-more-than-330,000-Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~some independent estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered~and since BBC web readers and listeners and watchers have "observed" coverage of Rajapakse's gleeful triumphalism~demonstrated clearly in some of the "seemingly endless celebrations" of his so-called Rajapakse-Sirisena-LABELED-and that to "spectacualr international effect"  "triumph over dirty Tamil LTTE criminal terrorists"~it's *quite* difficult for BBC listeners, watchers and readers of The BBC's web publishing to "understand" precisely *WHY* Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly and unapologetically genocidal Rajapakse-Sirisena gets SO "conveniently LEFT OUT" of stories that "supposedly" cover issues so eminently "to do" with DICTATORS and with MASS MURDERERS.  It certainly remains a puzzle~OR as "The Beautiful Spirit" Desmond Tutu so aptly puts it~it appears to be all part of the "ongoing" and "pre-determined" United States' Illustrious President Obama-With Illustrious Daily-Toxic-Chemical-Straightening-Makes My Hair+My Daughters' Hair Look Better-Wife-Especially-When-We-POSE-Shamelessly-Endlessly-For-photos-With-Civil-Rights-ICON-Nelson-Mandela-LED"     *DEAFENING GLOBAL SILENCE*     ~when it comes to addressing Ceylon-Sri Lanka on its regime's "ongoing in 2015" (twenty-fifteen) 2016 (ytwenty-sixteen) CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY.

On the "one hand"     AT THE TIME THESE WORDS WERE PUBLISHED Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard's     FRAGILE governing political  coalition appearED for a few brief moments AS _IF_     it COULD be "brought down" by a NOT-PERSONALLY-Julia Gillard-scandal over the misuse of an Australian MP's government credit card [!]
On the "other hand"     UNITED NATIONS Chief Ban Ki-moon     who     "stood by and watched"   [in quid pro quo "return" for his "elevated" "social" "status" "position" as United Nations Chief [?] doing *NOTHING* in 2009
[calendar year two thousand-and-nine~and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016-twenty-sixteen-and that NOTHING in essence has _CHANGED_ for Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka facing Ceylon-Sri Lanka -Government-perpetrated CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY NOW! IN 2016 (twenty-sixteen)~as 330,000 [three hundred and thirty-thousand]~*POSSIBLY     AS MANY     AS 1.4 (one point-four)  MILLION [one point four million]+*     unarmed, non-combatant, innocent, civilian Eelam Tamils were slaughtered in cold blood     ~all the while "claiming" that *he* [United Nations Chief Ban Ki-moon] was conducting QUOTE UNQUOTE "quiet diplomacy"~with Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascists~"to-date" [as of January 67h, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)] faces ZERO "political" *international* SCANDAL  Pronounced and enunciated in     Mr. Ban's     distinctive South Korean accent the words "quiet diplomacy" *sound* remarkably like "quiet dipROMAcy"~when he says it/pronounces it~which is beyond profoundly ironic~in the context of "The Rome Statute"~supposedly "the ONE! the SOLE! the ONLY! THING" standing between The United Nations and internationally-recognized criminal trials for The _GENERATIONS_ of CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY-perpetrating-Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Colombo-centic-Rajapakse regime [!] until Rajapakse was voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential office on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) only to be replaced by The Ever-So-SLIGHTLY-LESS-genocidal on Ceylon-Sri Lanka's ethnic minority dark-skinned [dark-skinned precisely like The Illustrious Obama-Johnson Family are members of a dark-skinned ethnic minority population inside The USA-except no one would ever make ANY SUCH "connection"] Maithripala Sirisena nakedly genocidal on dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka.  In fact *QUITE THE OPPOSITE* to encountering SCANDAL [!]     Mr. Ban     was/and is thoroughly and VERY PUBLICLY "celebrated" in     COUNTLESS-"international"-accolades-filled     ceremonies and in his RE-appointment to A SECOND FIVE-YEAR TERM as head of the United Nations.  Mr. Ban is a United Nations Chief who has "followed up" a whole lot of *NOTHING* with even "more " *NOTHING*~in the PARTICULAR CASE of prosecuting Ceylon-Sri Lankan government-perpetrated-war crimes at The International Criminal Court, in The Hague, The Netherlands.  NO-ONE~not "even" Eelam Tamils inside Ceylon-Sri Lanka~or     so-called "international"     diaspora     Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka *ACTUALLY* WANT TO     THINK     THAT Mr. Ban is bigoted against dark-skinned ethnic minority like The Ever-Illustrious-USA-Obamas in The USA-Eelam Tamils!~but many are at a complete and utter *LOSS* to know *WHAT* to think~in the "face" of Mr. Ban's determinedly obdurate MORE THAN SEVEN (seven!) WHOLE CALENDAR-YEARS LONG *INACTION* on Ceylon-Sri Lanka's excruciatingly well-documented, unspeakably egregious war crimes.  Mr. Ban's behavior *APPEARS*~upon surface examination~to be a manifest demonstration of his racist attitude and probably     UNCONSCIOUS bigotry toward dark-skinned ethnic minority PRECISELY as The UNIVERSALLY-DECLARED-Illustrious members of The USA-Obama-Johnson-Family are a dark-skinned ethnic minority population in The USA-except NO ONE "ever" makes this "connection" Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka     ~as in NEARLY *SEVEN WHOLE CALENDAR YEARS* OF *NOTHING* not "even" releasing     his "own" report on Ceylon-Sri Lanka-GOVERNMENT-perpetrated- *GENOCIDE* on ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka     ~"until" ferocious pressure was applied~by valiant activists and intrepid and valiant and determined journalistsMr. Ban has been "handily" *RE-APPOINTED* to a *second 5-year term in office as UN Chief* [*CLEARLY* a "first" 5-year term marked by     UNAPOLOGETIC*GENOCIDAL SLAUGHTER IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA*     [Oops! NO _REALITY_ actually _MATTERS_ at "the highest levels" of "international power-celebrity" [?]  has been found "PROFOUNDLY* INsufficient]~with *ZERO* protest and *ZERO* opposition *ZERO* international outcry~from *any one in authority*~"especially' *NOT* from 24/7 "celebrity" "Hope and Change" United States' President Barack Obama~and *with* the "hearty approval" of no *LESS* a "personage" than Ceylon-Sri Lanka's     nakedly genocidal on its "own" Eelam Tamil citizens     Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist President "Rajapakse HIMSELF" [!]~voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential office by Ceylon-Sri Lanka's "own" voters on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) ONLY to be "replaced" by The-Ever-So-SLIGHTLY-LESS-genocidal on Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil population Maithripala Sirisena Colombo-centric totalitarian Sinhala fascist regime  IMAGINE THAT [!]
While Mr. Ban very "publicly" and very "loudly" very "admirably" very "properly" touts the [United Nation's] obligation to “help the most defenseless in the modern world”~in WORDS to be found in his public speeches~[Please see the third paragraph down from the top~the eleventh line down~for Mr. Ban's EXACT WORDS] his ACTIONS have TO-DATE [April 1st, 2013~calemdar year twenty-thirteen~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year twenty-sixteen!] put the proverbial "lie" to his "publicly-confessed" obligations to “help the most defenseless in the modern world."  Mr. Ban's DETERMINED INACTION as of April 1st, 2013 (calendar year twenty-thirteen~and _YES_! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!)~to adamantly and obstinately and determinedly *refuse* to PROCEED WITH CONDUCTING *IMMEDIATE* internationally credible criminal trials for Ceylon-Sri Lanka's CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY at The International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands [The International Criminal Court operates under the jurisdiction of the United Nations and Mr. Ban's leadership of it]~completely refutes Mr. Ban's OWN COUNTLESS "never-ending pretty speeches" and "empty" WORDS regarding “help the most defenseless in the modern world.”

Heart-breakingly:  The September 2011 UN sessions in Geneva Switzerland ENDED [September 30th, 2011] with NO CRIMINAL TRIALS SCHEDULED for Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist regime~PERHAPS a continued manifest demonstration of UN Chief Ban's racist attitude and bigotry toward dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka.
Even More Heartbreakingly:  The February 27th through March 23rd, 2012 United Nations sessions in Geneva, Switzerland had been "CONFIDENTLY expected" by CEYLON-SRI LANKA [in spite of massive rent-a-mob-to-protest-America's-UN-resolution hysterics unleashed all over the island nation!] to YIELD *ZERO* INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT [ICC-Ocampo~
the "new "-in-2012-Chief Prosecutor of The International Criminal Court appointed on June 15th, 2012 is Fatou Bensouda] CRIMINAL TRIALS scheduled for its [Sri Lanka's] genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime~and guess what??? Surprise! Surprise!~AND SO IT TRANSPIRED:  The February 27th, 2012 through March 23rd, 2012 United Nations Human Rights Council Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland *and* the November 2012 United Nations Human Rights Council Meeting in Geneva, Switzerland have been SUCCESSFULLY CONCLUDED WITH ZERO INTERNATIONALLY CREDIBLE CRIMINAL TRIALS FOR CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S GOVERNMENT PERPETRATORS OF CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA SINCE CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE _BEFORE_ THE FORMATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS IN OCTOBER 1945 [nineteen forty-five in Lake Sucess, new York, USA to MAKE the sweet English phrase "Never again!" ttruly-true and _NOT_ some "sick joke" for _GENERATIONS_ of unamred civilian citizens staring down genocide "firsT" at the hands of Father Hafez al-Assad and now at the "hands" of Son-Bashar al-Assad JUST LIKE _GENERATIONS_ of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal on eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri lanka Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric totalitarians[!]~as confidently and boastfully "predicted" by Ceylon-Sri Lanka's China-backed neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime~with much trumpeted [particularly by Britain's _The Economist_ magazine] ACCLAIM for The Obama Administration~for pulling off ESSENTIALLY NOTHING.  Members of the representative Tamil political party The Tamil National Alliance [TNA] had been sending "mixed signals"~prior to the February 2012 (calendar year twenty-twelve) Geneva [Switzerland] Meeting~about participating in *CONTINUED* fruitless exercises~in Geneva, February 27th through March 23rd, 2012 [twenty-ywelve]~and *WHO* can really blame them???~given President Obama's relentlessly praised on all media known to humanity- *DETERMINATION* and *IRON-CLAD POLICY* of energetically supporting [with United States$ TAXPAYER hard-earned DOLLARS $147 MILLION-A-YEAR-THROUGH-2015 [calendar year twenty-fifteen]-EACH and EVERY SINGLE FISCAL YEAR SINCE January 20th, 2009 [two-thousand-and-nine-when-The USA's Hope+Change President "watched" as hundreds of thousands of innocent unarmed civilians were carper-bombed by Obama-Friend-Rajapakse!]~THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2015 (twenty-fifteen)~With Limitless Future Possibilities!]~and provide "ideal" and rather exquisite political "cover" and "protection from INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL prosecution" for the PERPETRATORS of Tamil genocide by Ceylon-Sri Lanka~"all the way" through April 1st, 2013 [calendar twenty-thirteen] and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year twenty-sixteen]~as ONLY President Obama's Light+Sound Obama a~la 2008+2012 Presidential Campaign Light+Sound Shows can "pull off?"  How on EARTH is The Obama Administration's generous GIFT of U$ $147 MILLION?????-EACH-AND EVERY-SINGLE FISCAL YEAR~beginning on January 20th, 2009 and *CONTINUING* ceaselessly~through 2016~with a truly limitLESS future of SUPPORT-for-Sri Lanka's genocide-on-Tamils*****NOT*****providing "material support" ????? to the nakedly genocidal Even-Way-Beyond-Iran-More-Like-Hitler-Type of terror-sponsoring neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Rajapakse Regime?????
To ADD INSULT TO INJURY UN Chief Ban Ki-moon "busied himself" [in January and February 2012] appointing Sri Lankan ex-army general Shavendra Silva~to an important and powerful United Nations' job.  Shavendra Silva is an accused war criminal who POSTED ONLINE graphic photographic evidence of the genocide he successfully perpetrated on Tamils on his Facebook Page and publicly "crowed" over the atrocities he perpetrated on hundreds of thousands of ethnic Tamils~"publicly crowing" about his "accomplishments" [SLAUGHTERING TAMILS EN MASSE] as "recently" as in 2015 (two thousand and fifteen).

Even though Sri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist President Mahinda Rajapakse was "officially" served with legal papers on June 19th, 2011~summoning him to a US civil court~alas! *not* a United States' CRIMINAL court~a summons alas! *not* issued by The International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands~as the summons *ought* to have been!~he "laughs" at the summons~and "dismisses" all "private" and "civil" attempts to bring him to justice as "the mere laughable dastardly plot of dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE criminal terrorists and their "rump LTTE" "proxies."    When Rajapakse LAUGHS AT TAMIL EFFORTS TO BRING HIM TO JUSTICE he understands that he enjoys the full and energetic and enduring political, judicial and financial-backing-and-full-support-to-the-tune-of $147 MILLION U$ taxpayer dollars from The Obama Administration~EXACTLY the way he enjoyed FULL and ENERGETIC United States' backing and support under The Bush Administration.  How on EARTH is The Obama Administration's generous GIFT????????of  U$ $147 MILLION-EACH-AND EVERY-SINGLE FISCAL YEAR through 2015 NOT ***DIRECT***"providing material support" to the Even-Beyond-Iran-In-Its-Terror-Perpetrating nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Rajapakse Regime????  Rakapakse's nakedly genocidal extra-judicial behavior makes it absolutely *imperative* that The International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands *ACT* immediately and appropriately to bring *criminal* [not "merely civil"] charges of WAR CRIMES and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY against Rajapakse himself~and against all his "cronies-in-genocide."

While the United Nations has acted swiftly, and justly, and ethically, and honorably, and appropriately, and perfectly~in declaring Somalia's famine in Bakool and Lower Shabelle "immediately in July 2011"~no such United Nations OFFICIAL RECOGNITION has to-date~as of April 1st, 2013 (calendar year twenty-thirteen and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!)~been granted the GENOCIDE of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka.  MORE THAN SEVEN WHOLE CALENDAR YEARS "after" ["after" 2009~calendar year two thousand and nine] what COULD BE the cold-blooded genocidal slaughter of 330,000 [three hundred and thirty thousand~some independent estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered~[The TimesOnLine article with the headline '1,400 Tamil civilians a week dying at Manik Farm concentration camp' is NO LONGER AVAILABLE ONLINE WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION~SADLY~and perhaps MOST CONVENIENTLY for the nakedly genocidal on its own Eelam Tamil citizens Ceylon-Sri Lankan State:  http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6676792.ece]~dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils at the hands of their "own" nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist government~these cold-blooded "mass murders perpetrated BY GENERATIONS of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric totalitarians regimes in Ceylon-Sri Lanka~since~get this! calendar year nineteen thirty-nine~"governments" and "mass planned slaughters perpetrated BY GENERATIONS of Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Ceylon-Sri Lankan genocidal regimes" and "mass and carefully-planned deaths perpetrated BY GENERATIONS of Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Colombo-centric Ceylon-Sri Lanka nakedly genocidal on eelam Tamils-regimes"~of dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils in Sri Lanka~have "not yet" [as of April 1st, 2013~calendar year twenty-thirteen~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!] been "officially declared" *a GENOCIDE* by the United Nations.  The devastating drought conditions in areas of Ceylon-Sri Lanka inhabited predominantly by dark-skinned ethnic Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka reported in a BBC Tamil language news report will [alas!] never receive "official recognition" at The United Nations~thanks to GLOBAL Predominantly United States' President Obama-led and United Nations-led COMPLICITY in Sri Lanka's GENOCIDE on its "own" dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil population.

While the "newest country in the world"~South Sudan has "already" been admitted [on July 16th, 2011] to The United Nations as it's "official" 193rd member~shamefully~there is NO SUCH EFFORT being made~by The United Nations~or by ANYONE on the "world stage"~not "even" by Combination-Lincoln-and-Johnson-and-Mandela-and-King-Civil-Rights-Icon-Obama~to "formally admit" the Country of Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka~to the United Nations as its "194th member state."

While The BBC reported on July 21st, 2011 and on October 5th, 2012~that 4 [four] elderly Mau Mau Kenyans have been granted permission to take legal action over alleged British colonial atrocities committed during the Mau Mau uprising~"in the modern world"~MORE THAN THREE CALENDAR YEARS "after" ["after" 2009] what COULD BE the cold-blooded genocidal slaughter of 330,000 [three hundred and thirty thousand~some independent estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered~[The TimesOnLine article with the headline '1,400 Tamil civilians a week dying at Manik Farm concentration camp' is NO LONGER AVAILABLE ONLINE WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION~SADLY~and perhaps MOST CONVENIENTLY for the genocidal Sri Lankan State:   http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6676792.ece]~dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils at the hands of their "own" nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist government has "not yet" "even" been "officially declared" *a GENOCIDE* by the United Nations Security Council~let alone by any other "legal or governmental or international authority."

"4,000" [four thousand] is ACTUALLY more than "330,000" [three hundred and thirty thousand]~or as some independent [published in February 2012] estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered-in-GENOCIDE by Sri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascists.
Sarcastically stated! Of course!

 On the "one hand"
~"legally" and "ethically" and "honourably" and "appropriately" and "justly" and "justifiably" the UK tabloid newspaper _News of the World_  has been "shut down forever" as of Sunday, July 10th, 2011~and the central suspects "already" charged for their alleged crimes [May 15th, 2012 (twenty-twelve)]~because the voicemail messages of approximately 4,000 [four thousand] British service members, celebrities, murder victims and others~were hacked into *ILLEGALLY*~"hacked by newspaper"~and in the words of UK prime Minister David Cameron hacked *DESPICABLY*

"330,000"~some independent estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered.
On the "other hand"
~Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi fascist totalitarian dictator~"responsible" for ordering the cold-blooded slaughter [A DIFFERENT TYPE OF "HACKING"~some might call it "more serious hacking than voicemail hacking"] of an estimated 330,000 [three hundred and thirty thousand~some independent estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered~[The TimesOnLine article with the headline '1,400 Tamil civilians a week dying at Manik Farm concentration camp' is NO LONGER AVAILABLE ONLINE WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION~SADLY~and perhaps MOST CONVENIENTLY for the nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamils+Muslims in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-State:  http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6676792.ece]~ *unarmed* *noncombatant* *dark-skinned* *ethnic minority* *Tamil* *civilians* in Sri Lanka in 2009 *MORE THAN THREE AND ONE HALF CALENDAR YEARS AGO AS OF 2015*~REMAINS UNARRESTED~as of 2016~MORE THAN SEVEN CALENDAR YEARS "AFTER" he successfully perpetrated the crime against humanity that is genocide~and is "getting away with PERPETRATING SPECTACULAR ACTS OF GENOCIDE AND CRIMES PERPETRATED ON EELAM TAMIL+MUSLIM CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA" 100% scot-free.  These 330,000 (three hundred and thirty-thousand)~some independent estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION (one point four million~counting _FROM_ calendar year 1939:     http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen     ) unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka slaughtered~[The TimesOnLine article with the headline '1,400 Tamil civilians a week dying at     Manik Farm     concentration     camp     ' is NO LONGER AVAILABLE ONLINE WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION~SADLY~and perhaps MOST     CONVENIENTLY     for the nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamils+on Muslims-Ceylon-Sri Lanka State:  http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6676792.ece     ]~dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils have been/and are being "hacked by Rajapakse" spiritually and physically and emotionally and intellectually with bombs~with *lies*~with labels of "criminal" and labels of "terrorist"~"hacked by Rajapakse" who has successfully PERPETRATED     GENOCIDE     ~and continued to perpetrating NAKED GENOCIDE on his "own" DARK-SKINNED ETHNIC MINORITY EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA "until" the "moment" he was voted out of Ceylon-Sri lanka's Presidential office on January 8th, 2014 (twenty-fifteen) only to be "replaced" by An-Ever-So-SLIGHTLY-LESS-gnakedly genocidal on Ceylon-Sri lanka's minority ethnic Eelam Tamils Maithripala Sirisena Colombo-centric totalitarian Sinhala fscist neo-nazi regime "TODAY" IN 2016.  Rajapakse remainED UNARRESTED by authorities in Houston, Texas, USA~on during his so-called "private visit"~"private visits" automatically PRECLUDE the conditions needed for "Head-of-State-Diplomatic-Immunity" from ARREST FOR CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL+MUSLIM+YES! EVEN ON THE OCCASIONAL SINHALA ETHNIC MAJORITY SINHALA CITIZEN OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA-HUMANITY~from January 19th, 2011 (twenty-eleven) until January 27th, 2011 (twenty-eleven and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen) ~IN CALENDAR YEAR 2011 (twenty-eleven) *MORE THAN THREE CALENDAR YEARS* "after" PERPETRATING     CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA     .  Rajapakse~voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential office on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) ONLY to be "replaced" by An-Ever-So-SLIGHTLY-LESS-genocidal-on-Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena totalitarian neo-nazi regimes on January 8th, 2015 9Twenty-fifteen) "also" remainED UNARRESTED by authorities in Oxford, England, UK~on a so-called "private visit"~in 2010 (twenty-ten~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!)~"private visits" AUTOMATICALLY ***PRECLUDE*** the conditions needed for "Head-of-State-Diplomatic-Immunity" from ARREST FOR CRIMES PERPETRATED  AGAINST HUMANITY~in spite of the FACT that the     United Kingdom [UK] has a system of "universal jurisdiction"     over     war crimes     arrests and prosecutions.  While Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist President Rajapakse received *FIRM* ASSURANCES OF IMMUNITY FROM WAR CRIMES PROSECUTION "before" he was even GRANTED OFFICIAL PERMISSION to visit the UK from November 30th-December 2nd, 2010 (calendar year twenty-ten~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long gone calendar year twenty-sixteen)~by UK Prime Minister David     Cameron     ~this "same" UK prime Minister Cameron "warned" [March 2nd, 2012~calendar year twenty-twelve] of a     "day of reckoning" for the Bashar al-Assad genocidal dictator of Syria-regime-the Son Bashar al-Assad's-henocidal-on-Syria's "own" civiliain citizenses Following In The Egregiously+Nakedly-Genocidal onn his "own" unarmed civilian Syrian-citizenry nakedly-genocidal Father Hafze al-Assad's (the name of Father al-Assad sometimes spelled Hafiz al-Assad)  nakedly-genocidal-on civilian citizens-regime~for the Bashar al-Assad regime's~to-date [April 1st, 2013 (calendar year twenty-thirteen)~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!~twenty-sixteen)]     FAR LESS EGREGIOUS [***UNIMAGINABLE***as this might SEEM!~to you~O Illustrious Reader of these our printed+online-words~to an "international" audience] CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA THAN those perpetrated by GENERATIONS of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka+Muslim citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka+Yes Even Very Occasionally On The Very Occasional Majority Ethnic Groups in Ceylon-Sri Lanka Sinhala citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric totalitarian DICTATOR-RAJAPAKSE.  How ironic!  The UK~a close ally of the USA~     granting Rajapakse OFFICIAL PERMISSION to speak at the invitation of The Oxford Union IS INDEED an ACT OF COMPLICITY IN CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY-AGAINST GENERATIONS OF NON-PXFORD-UNIVERSITY-ATTENDING-CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA AND THE CRIMES MEET THE INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE LEGAL-DEFINITION FOR CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY AND GENOCIDE     ~since the killings with impunity of ethnic Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka+Muslim citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~on a DAILY BASIS NOW! IN CALENDAR YEAR 2016 (twenty-sixteen)~continues UNIMPEDED~through     TODAY     (January 67h, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) "in the face of" "I Am Obama-And THEREFORE-It-Automatically-FOLLOWS-That there is _NO_ genocide taking place in Ceylon-Sri Lanka _BECAUSE_ I have "already received" MILLION$ OF U$A- in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-citizen-taxpayer-dollar$:     
    http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          in quid pro quo "return" to _REPEAT_ ad nauseum_ ~ ever since January 20th, 2009 (two-thousand and nine)~My Proud-Obama-IS-President-Inauguration Day:  There is no genocide of Eelam Tamils citizns+Muslim citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka for the SIMPLE "reason":  I Obama TELL YOU SO!As was widely anticipated by Eelam Tamil successfully naturalized citizens of Australia~the Australian government of Australian Prime Minister "Liberal"Julia Gillard     UTTERLY *FAILED* in ARRESTING Ceylon-Sri Lanka's genocidal Precident Rajapakse October 22nd 2011 [twenty-eleven]    [The Australian Government~in stark "contrast" encounters zero* magical *IMPEDIMENTS* to arresting and demeaning and torturing (EELAM TAMIL)     ASYLUM-SEEKERS to Australia    [!] Return [!]~*MUCH* to neo-Nazi-Rajapakse's GLEE+The BBC's Charles Haviland's CONTRIBUTING words published "internationally" by The BBC~"ongoing" in 2016~contributinç *DAILY* in 2016 "to" Rakapakse's Internationally GLEEFUL CELEBRATIONS OD HIS SECTACULAR+SPECTACULARLY-intårnationally-relentlessly-CELEBRATED  GENOCIDE ON TAMILS CELEBRATION of naked GENOCIDE ON EELAM TAMILS "applauded" by Australia+The World~in spite of the Australian Federal Police initiating a criminal investigation into Rajapakse's CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA~it was most likely "too late" for Australia to proceed with an arrest by the time of Rajapakse's physical presence in Australia~during the     Commonwealth Heads of Government [CHOG] meeting in Perth, Australia, which took place in in October 2011 (twenty-elevn) and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!~and that _NOTHING_ has "changed" 'for"  Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka facing DAILY ROUTINE "NORMAL" HABITUAL CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY~perpetrated by _GENERATIONS_ of Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-nazi Singhala fascist Colombo-centric totalitarian regimes in Ceylon-Sri Lanka in 2016)

While Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard's government is to be congratulated and applauded and celebrated for REFUSING to cave to opposition party proposals to "return"
refugees     and     asylum     -seekers BACK TO THE TREACHEROUS SEAS and/or BACK TO THE GREEDILY-GENOCIDAL "WAITING" KILLING MACHINE RUN BY _GENERATIONS_ OF DISTINCTLY HITLER-DLAVORED-EGREGIOUSLY-GENOCIDAL ON EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA NEO-NAZI SINHALA FASCIST COLOMBO-CENTRIC TOTALITARIAN DICTATORS~including "current" since he displaced nakedly-genocidal on GENERATIONS of Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Mahinda-Chinthana-Rajap-pakse-neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians regime[s] in Ceylon-Sri Lanka voted out of Ceylon-Sri lanka's Presidential office by Ceylon-Sri Lanka's OWN VOTERS on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) as in many previous cases over the years~to die~it is deeply disappointing that the Australia's proud-to-be-complicit-in-LITERALLY-GENERAIONS (the English word GENERATIONS alas!+alack! emphatically _NOT_ employed "here"as a "metaphor!) of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly-genocidal on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka GENERATIONS of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-GOVERNMENT neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians-government[s] CONTINUES to RETURN ETHNIC TAMIL REFUGEE CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA [and others] TO INDONESIA~Please see the very last paragraph at the bottom of the article~as "recently" as in 2012~because Indonesia is a country whose government has categorically refused to comply with international regulations on the human rights of refugee and asylum-seekers~and to Kerala in India~as the Tamil-language BBC Service story illustrates the life-threatening dangers that Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka face~outside the Western world.

On the "one hand"
~"legally" and "ethically" and "honorably" and "appropriately" and "justly" and "justifiably" AT THE TIME THE ARREST WAS MADE~
The head of the International Monetary Fund [Dominique Strauss-Kahn] was REMOVED from a Paris-bound flight in New York minutes before takeoff Saturday afternoon [May 14th, 2011 (twenty-eleven)] and was [appropriately and legally]     arrested in connection with sexual assault     on a housekeeper at a Manhattan [NY] hotel earlier that day.  As of July 1st, 2011 the MEDICAL EVIDENCE in the case APPEARED irrefutable~[PLEASE SEE THE LINES:  "Investigators had earlier said they found traces of Strauss-Kahn's semen on the maid's uniform, indicating an encounter, and they haven't backed away from that"]  *STILL* in spite of Strauss-Kahn's release without bail on July 1st, 2011~and in spite of the fact that ALL CHARGES against Strauss-Kahn were dropped on August 23rd, 2011~HE WAS APPROPRIATELY AND LEGALLY APPREHENDED ON UNITED STATES' SOIL FOR HIS ALLEGED CRIME.
All charges have since been dropped~in spite of irrefutable physical evidence suggesting an inappropriate encounter~in spite of Mr. Strauss-Kahn's "international"
"much-corroborated-reputation" for inappropriate conduct and     violence perpetrated on "subjugated" "subservient" women     .  Updates on this case are available here:     http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14619921     and here:     http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14637803     ~and in spite of Strauss-Kahn's "own words"~basically confessing to a violent, aggressive, inappropriate physical encounter:     http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14967295     Other issues involving this case are discussed in these article:     http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-14642617     and     http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15837717     and     http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-17085787     and     http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-17110618
and accuser Nafissato Diallo's "civil [NON-CRIMINAL SEXUAL HARASSMENT] case" against Dominique Strauss-Kahn was "finally" settled for US $6 million~in 2012 (twenty-twelve): http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/30/dominique-strauss-kahn-settles-lawsuit_n_2217133.html     A legally *UNRELATED*~albeit _illuminating_ under the circumstances~legal case against Strauss-Kahn has finished its proceedings in France:     http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-20780775     Here is the "latest" incarnation [July 27th, 2013 (twenty-thirteen) and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen)] of the legal charges filed by French authorities against Former International Monetary Fund Chief Strauss-Kahn:     http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-23467433
On the "other hand"
Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi fascist totalitarian dictator Rajapakse "until" he was successfully voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential office on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) only to be replaced by The-Ever-So-Slightly-LESS-genocidal on Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil ethnic minority Dark-Skinned PRECISELY mirroring The Illsurtious Obama-Johnson-Family-members of a dark-skinned ethnic minority population inside The Illustrious USA~"responsible" for ordering the cold-blooded slaughter of an estimated 330,000 [three hundred and thirty thousand]~*POSSIBLY AS MANY AS     1.4 MILLION     [one point four million]~HAS YET TO BE ARRESTED FOR HIS CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA as of "today" January 7th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) [The TimesOnLine article with the headline '1,400 Tamil civilians a week dying at     Manik Farm     concentration     camp     '~initially "freely" available online~is NO LONGER AVAILABLE ONLINE WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION~SADLY~and perhaps MOST CONVENIENTLY for the nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamils+Muslims in Ceylon-Sri Lankan State:     http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6676792.ece     ]~*unarmed* *noncombatant* *dark-skinned* *ethnic minority* *Tamil* *civilians* in Sri Lanka in 2009 *MORE THAN SEVEN WHOLE CALENDAR YEARS AGO AS OF 2015 (twenty-fifteen)~REMAINS UNARRESTED~as of 2015 (twenty-fifteen)~     MORE THAN SIX (COUNT THEM 6!) WHOLE CALENDAR YEARS    _EXCEPT_ NO_ONE who "counts" on the so-called "international" humanitarian "stage" not _EVER_ The Extremely-Moving George+Amal Clooney-let's stop-Sudan's dictator's genocide perpetrated on his "own" citizens by "creating" the "world's' "newest" country South Sudan _ZERO_ "mention" of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-GOVERNMENT-perpetrated-relentless-UNSPEAKABLE:      http://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1463064678&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka     acts of genocide and CRIMES perpetrated against Eelam Tamil humanity in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-since-get this! calendar year 1939:     http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/     "AFTER" HE SUCCESSFULLY PERPETRATED RELENTLESS ACTS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA-GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-     GENOCIDE     PERPETRATED ON ETHNIC EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS+MUSLIM CITIZENS+YES! EVEN ON THE VERY OCCASIONAL MAJORITY ETHNIC GROUP IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA-SINHALA CITIZENRY OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA.  Rajapakse remainED UNARRESTED by authorities in Houston, Texas, USA~on a so-called "private visit"~"private visits" automatically PRECLUDE the conditions needed for "Head-of-State-Diplomatic-Immunity" from ARREST FOR     CRIMES PERPETRATED BY GENERATIONS OF (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") GENERATIONS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S OF (the English word generations alas!+alack not employed here as "a metaphor!")~GENERATIONS OF NAKEDLY GENOCIDAL ON HIS "OWN" EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS UNTIL HE WAS VOTED OUT OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE ON JANUARY 8TH, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) ONLY to be "replaced" by An-Ever-So-Slightly-LESS-egregiously-genocidal on Eelam Tamil Humanity in Ceylon-Sri Lanka Maithripala Sirisena Sinhala fascist totalitarian Colombo-centric totalitarian regime     ~from January 19th, 2011 (twenty-eleven and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016) until January 27th, 2011 (calendar yeat twenty-eleven)~*MORE THAN THREE CALENDAR YEARS* "AFTER" PERPETRATING
  To add "insult" to "injury"~during Rajapakse's USA calendar year 2011-(twenty-eleven)-private-visit to an internationally-renowned M.D.Anderson Cancer Clinic in Houston, Texas, USA he     reportedly enjoyed a "private meeting" with his college buddy from Oxford days USA Undersecretary of State Robert Blake     this _DURING_ Australia's+The UK's+The USA's relentless deportation of the VICTIM-"SURVIVORS" of Rajapakse-perpetrated-Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Government--Perpetrated-GENOCIDE on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~VICTIMS who _STILL_ "today" in calendar year 2016 are "blackened" and/or lie in unmarked graves fathoms under the sea _WHILE_ Ceylon-Sri Lanka's "freshest" Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Colombo-centric DICTATOR Sirisena traverses the globe with PRECISELY ZERO "international" "legally-binding" impediment [even Libya's Muammar Quaddhafi-remember him?-has such powerful "political enemies" in Super-Duper-Luxurious-Manhattan, New York, USA that hew as barred from renting ANY hotel rooms in Manhattan, New York and was "forced" by the "power" exerted by his " [Muammar Qaddhafi's] powerful  "political enemies" to pitch a tent in Central park NOT LUXURIATE IN RITZY MANHATTAN HOTEL ROOMS in the "manner" that _GENERATIONS_ of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians who not merely "visit" luxury-fileld Manhattan, New York but _ALSO_ "get celebrated" at luuxurious parties-galore year-upon-year-upon-year-since calendar year 1939:      were _BEGGING_ for _ANY_ "news" of "permanently diappeared-courtesy-egreguously+relentlessly-genocidal on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri lanka "labeled" "other" first by Ceylon-Sri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Mahinda-Chinthana Rajapakse until he was replaced by The-Eve-So-Slightly-LESS-egregiously-genocidal-on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Maithriapala Sirisena Ceylon-Sri Lanka neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime by Ceylon-Sri lanka's "own" voters on January 9th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!~twenty-sixteen) (Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal on unarmed one hundred percent innocent of any/all criminality Dark-Skinned members of an ethnic minority group in Ceylon-Sri Lanka _PRECISELY_ akin To members of The Ever-Illustrious-Obama-Johnson Family are members of a Righteous-Dark-Skinend Ethnic Minority Group Inside The-Ever-Illustrious-USA-Except-Get-This!-NO ONE IN THE USA WOULD EVER _GUESS_ IT!~not in a million years!~and _NO_ "mainstream" USA television journalist would _EVER_ dare "mention it!"~EVER [!] NOT "even" close to SEVEN WHOLE YEARS "after" the so-called "military defeat" of the persons referring to themselves as "LTTE Tamil Tiger Freedom Fighters" were all slaughtered with speacular Distinctly Hitler-Flavored Success loved ones this ~BEFORE HE [Rajapakse] RETURNED TO CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S COLOMBO "world capital of nakedly genocidal Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist acts of GENOCIDE and of CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY~perpetrated~since~get this!~calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine):     http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen     ~to CONTINUE his     reign of terror     ~as "official TOTALITARIAN-puts-the-likes-of-Chavez-to-Eternal-Shame-DICTATOR" of Ceylon-Sri Lanka.  As of these writings in 2009+2010+2011+2012+2013+2014+2015+2016~Rajapakse CONTINUES [in spite of being voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential office on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) only to be "replaced" by An-Ever-So-Slighlty-LESS-egregiously-genocidal-On-Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Distinctly Hitler-Flavored Colombo-centric Maithripala Sirisena neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime his SHAMELESS, GLEEFUL, "endless"     CELEBRATIONS     of NAKED GENOCIDE~perpetrated with PRECISELY _ZERO_ INTERNATIONAL CONDEMNATIONS and     *ZERO* INTERNATIONAL LEGALLY-BINDING-LEGAL and/or JUDICIAL-CONSEQUENCES
     to himself or to his Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Colombo-centric totalitarian Sinhala     fascist     neo-Nazi "personally" + "relentlessly" USA-President-Obama-celebrated:      regime.
Surprise!  Surprise!:  To "add" insult to unquantifiably dire injuries caused by him to dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils~Rajapakse has [in January 2012~twenty-twelve and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016!] turned his "own" Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist forces "on" to cause injury to protesting~MAINLY UNARMED INNOCENT NON-COMBATANT-ETHNIC MAJORITY _LIKE_RAJAPAKSE-HIMSELF-SINHALA~students~in Ceylon-Sri Lanka.

After all the United Nations Chief who "stood by and watched" doing *NOTHING*~as 330,000 (three hundred and thirty-thousand)~some independent estimates suggest this number is actually more than 1.4 MILLION (one point four million) unarmed, innocent,  non-combatant, civilian Tamils slaughtered in GENOCIDE~[The TimesOnLine article with the headline '1,400 Tamil civilians a week dying at Manik Farm concentration camp' is NO LONGER AVAILABLE ONLINE WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION~SADLY~and perhaps MOST CONVENIENTLY for the genocidal Sri Lankan State:     http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6676792.ece     ]  innocent, unarmed, noncombatant, civilian Tamils were slaughtered in cold blood n borad daylight~all the while "claiming" that he [UN Chief Ban Ki-moon] was conducting "quiet diplomacy"~with Ceylon-Sri Lanka.  Pronounced in Mr. Ban's South Korean accent these words *sound* like "quiet dipROMAcy"~when he says it~which is ironic~in the context of "The Rome Statue"~supposedly THE ONLY THING standing between "internationally-administered" "justice" and internationally-recognizable as "justice" for Eelam Tamil+Muslim citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka criminal prosecutions of The Rajapakse regime [!]  on the international stage~be it geneva, Switzerland and/or New York, USA.  Mr. Ban is a UN Chief who has "followed up" a whole lot of *NOTHING* with even "more " *NOTHING*~as in *MORE THAN SEVEN CALENDAR YEARS* OF *NOTHING* not "even" releasing his "own" report on Ceylon-Sri Lanka'-GOVERNMENT-perpetrated-*GENOCIDE* of EelamTamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri lanka~"until" ferocious and unrelenting pressure was applied to him~by valiant activists and journalists~has been "handily" *RE-APPOINTED* to a *second 5-year term in office as UN Chief* [*CLEARLY* a "first" 5-year term marked by *GENOCIDE* has been found "insufficient"]~with *NO* protest and *NO* opposition *NO* international outcry~from *any one in authority*~"especially' *NOT* from 24/7 "celebrity" "Hope and Change" US President Barack Obama~and *with* the "hearty approval" of no *LESS*a "personage" than Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist President "Rajapakse HIMSELF" [!]  IMAGINE THAT [!]

Rakapakse's completely carefree and cavalier and gleeful and celebratory "attitude" regarding the *GENOCIDE* that he has so successfully perpetrated on dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils in Sri Lanka
makes it absolutely *imperative* that "YOUR COURT" "OUR COURT"~The International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands~*ACT* immediately to bring *criminal* [not "merely civil"] charges~against the perpetrators and enablers of *GENOCIDE* within the totalitarian Rajapakse regime~against the perpetrators of WAR CRIMES and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.

The Commonwealth Secretariat's "official statement"~posted on The Commonwealth Secretariat's very "own" web page on June 23rd, 2011~"uselessly" suggesting that Sri Lanka INVESTIGATE ITS *OWN* CRIMES~is rather like politely asking Hitler or Mladic to INVESTIGATE his "own" war crimes and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.  In other words:  a *COMPLETELY USELESS* exercise~not to mention *unheard of* in the storied annals of law-enforcement and legal history [!]~not to mention "way too little"  "way too late."

What the Commonwealth Secretariat~and its Secretary-General *ABSOLUTELY MUST DO* and *DO IMMEDIATELY* and *DO NOW* is to *demand* that The International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands~particularly Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo [
the new Chief Prosecutor of The International Criminal Court appointed on June 15th, 2012 is Fatou Bensouda]~*ACTUALLY EMPLOY* its sweeping legal powers and authorities and vast-to-the-point-of-unlimited "prosecutorial discretion" to apprehend the perpetrators of WAR CRIMES and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY in Sri Lanka's WAR CRIMES.  *FAILURE* to do so is quite *SIMPLY* The Commonwealth Secretariat's Secretary-General's *OWN* *and*~and The Commonwealth Secretariat's *OWN* *COMPLICITY* with Sri Lanka's perpetration of *GENOCIDE* on its "own" dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamil population.

The BBC story story     linked here reveals that the Sri Lankan government produced "a propaganda film" [surprise! surprise!] in August 2011~fascinatingly produced in the English language     ~not in the Sinhala language or in the Tamil language~as could be expected~lambasting Britain's Channel 4~for its IMMENSELY COURAGEOUS TRUTH-TELLING~at a time when the "NON-CHANNEL 4-world" is "SO full of fabrications" re. generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric-Totalitarian-perpetrated-generations of relentless     genocide     on generations of Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~     by broadcasting Callum Macrae's stunning documentary     .  Britain's Channel 4 has CLEARLY and IRREVOCABLY demonstrated IMMENSE journalistic courage at ALL levels of production~narration~and broadcasting.
*IF* what Mahinda Rajapakse's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime is "telling the world" in "its OWN version" [the English-language documentary mentioned in The BBC story~linked above] is "The Truth" THEN how DOES the Sri Lankan regime "explain" ??????? photographs of the _Uthayan_ [Tamil daily] publication journalist Gnanasundaram Kuhanathan, news editor of the Tamil daily _Uthayan_
] whose head was broken open [literally!]~and who was LEFT FOR DEAD "by" the government forces controlled by Mahinda Rajapakse~as it was reported by The BBC on July 30th, 2011~"just because" and "ONLY BECAUSE"     the Eelam Tamil citizen children of generations (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") Ceylon-Sri Lanka-journalist DARED publish a truthful account of the recent elections     in which Mahinda Rajapakse's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi totalitarian fascist regime suffered electoral setbacks.  The photographs making "international news" of the Tamil _Uthayan_ journalist has "nothing whatever" to "do" with the "end of the conflict" in 2009~OR with what Rajapakse SAYS [over and over and over] are the "BLATANT LIES" that Britain's Channel 4 is "telling."

NEITHER do the "following" events~described in a statement from the International Federation of Journalists:
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) joins its Sri Lankan affiliates in expressing outrage at a brutal attack on Gnanasundaram Kuhanathan, news editor of the Tamil daily _Uthayan_, in the Northern city of Jaffna on July 29 [2011].
According to reports received from Ceylon-Sri Lanka, Kuhanathan, 59, (fifty-nine years of age at the time these words were initially punlished and YES! we _KNOW_ that it ahs long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen) was left for dead after being attacked with iron rods by two unidentified men while on his way home in the evening. He was discovered in a critical condition by passers-by and taken to Jaffna General Hospital, where he is on life-support.
"The IFJ is shocked at the viciousness of the attack on Gnanasundaram Kuhanathan, which extends a long sequence of targeted attacks on _Uthayan_," IFJ Asia-Pacific said.
On May 28, 2011 (twenty-eleven) and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen) and _THAT_ is _PRECISELY_ the _POINT_ we are _MAKING_ HERE PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S. Kavitharan, a reporter with _Uthayan_, was attacked in Jaffna in a similar manner while on his way to work.  No investigations into the incident have since been conducted.
In January 2006, S. S. Sukirtharajan, a reporter for the newspaper in Trincomalee, in the Eastern Province, was shot dead in evident retribution for his role in exposing the execution-style killing of five Tamil students by Sri Lankan armed forces.

In numerous parts of "even" so-called "developing-world democracies"~amongst which democracies CEYLON-SRI LANKA STEADFASTLY CLAIMS IT *IS* NUMBERED FOREVER+FOR ALWAYS [!]~publishing "accurate reports" of "news" is NOT "a crime" PUNISHABLE BY DEATH! [Imagine that!]
Oops!  It's easily forgotten!  The publication referred to the recent elections in Sri Lanka in which the nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime suffered electoral setbacks.
Curiouser and curiouser AND curiouser~isn't it?

Even though violence had been "expected" in Sudan's "vote for independence"~*NO VIOLENCE* had *YET* taken place~as of January 10th, 2011~and *COMMENDABLY* and *LAUDABLY* powerful and globally recognized organization~including that "rare combination":  Hollywood celebrities and evangelical Christian churches had~been "already" teaming up with astonishing success to *PREVENT* the "expected" violence in Sudan.  [Unfortunately~some sporadic violence has "since" taken place in Sudan.]  "In the end" Southern Sudan's vote for independence from the north has turned out to be a spectacular political success story~with the birth of "a new country" in an effort to END CONFLICT with the north~in the same way that Kosovo's independence from Serbia has been a success story~in stark and miserable contrast to the constant audible negative commentary of Norway's Erik Solheim~arbiter of Sri Lanka's Peace Treaty with the LTTE.  Erik Solheim "remains" dourly negative~to this day in 2015~whenever the topic of dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamil Southern-Sudan-Kosovo-mirroring aspirations for self-determination and independence from their genocidal Sinhala neighbors is discussed~to the point where Solheim's public verbal and explicit statements to The BBC make him an actor~TRAGICALLY but alas! directly complicit~in the Rajapakse regime's "ongoing" genocide of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka~in 2015~regardless of his "own opinion" on the GENOCIDE his words and actions have made "possible."

AS IF the accomplishment of a spectacularly successful *GENOCIDE* of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka were "insufficient cause for utter despair"~ a new report described by The BBC Tamil Service reports that Norway's esteemed Mr. Solheim~and his esteemed Norwegian Peace-Making colleagues have "washed their hands" ENTIRELY of ALL responsibility for their FAILURE to prevent *GENOCIDE* in Sri Lanka.

In the same way that the United States' refuses [in 2011] to grant official recognition to the Libyan people's struggle for their basic political and human rights~no United States' administration~since 1949~including The "Hope and Change" Obama Administration~*ever* came "close" to granting "official recognition" to THE FACT that dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils in Sri Lanka have faced genocide~since 1949.

In 2009~The Central Government of India~under the leadership of Manmohan Singh~actively enabled and acted in active and energetic complicity in Sri Lanka's carefully orchestrated mass-scale genocide on its own dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil population.  However~now that the 2009 mass-scale genocide on Sri Lanka's dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil population has been successfully perpetrated~for the most part~with only smaller-scale incidents of ethnic Eelam Tamils being murdered with complete impunity~as "recently" as in 2011~[and also in 2015]~India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has urged investigation into the war crimes committed by Sri Lanka's government~as reported in Tamil language BBC July 15th, 2011.

Interestingly~in the context of Eelam Tamil efforts to establish A GENOCIDE-FREE TAMIL HOMELAND~Manmohan Singh's Central Government of India has set a beautiful example for itself~by signing an agreement for greater political and economic autonomy with the most important Gorkha ethnic group in the Indian state of West Bengal.
A "similar" process of increasing political and economic autonomy for India's citizenry is beginning in the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh~in response to Indian Uttar Pradesh citizens' demands for better representation by their State and local governments~"proving" the almost COMPLETE LACK OF DEMOCRACY in Sri Lanka~a country that APPEARS to be "a democracy" in NAME ONLY.

In "imitation" of the beautiful example set by The Central Government of India [as described above]~under the leadership of [FORMER] Prime Minister Manmohan Singh [current PRIME MINISTER OF INDIA~since 2015 is Narendra Modi] ~the Government of Nepal has "finally" [on November 1st, 2011] settled a long-running conflict with the country's Maoist rebel groups.

However~sadly~the Central Government of India~continues to trample~on a daily basis~on the fishing rights of Eelam Tamil fisherman who wish to fish for a living IN THEIR OWN WATERS
a situation that's "ongoing" continuing through 2015~with indefinite consequences..

In the aftermath of the 2009 genocide of dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils in Sri Lanka~the Central Government of India appeared obviously "not in the mood" to work actively to prevent the ongoing genocide of Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka~"ongoing" in 2015~in spite of Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Jayalalithaa Jeyaram's [yes! a successful and powerful female Tamil politician!] valiant calls for an end to Tamil genocide in Sri Lanka~including her reference to Sri Lanka's current President Rajapakse as "a war criminal."
It is highly commendable that United States' Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "found time" in her whirlwind schedule in India to meet one-on-one with Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu [Jayalalithaa] for a whole hour on July 20th, 2011.  However~GIVEN that "until" the time of Secretary of State Clinton's [John Kerry has _SINCE_ become America's Secretary-of-State] visit Jayalalithaa Jeyaram had been CONSISTENTLY vocal and CONSISTENTLY and ADMIRABLY very public about her demands on the central government of India [under Manmohan Singh] to speedily place economic sanctions against Sri Lanka~and GIVEN that this news story in Tamil reports the signing of a major lucrative trade deal between India and Sri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian government~*AFTER* Secretary of State Clinton's visit to India~ALL indications point to United States' *ONGOING* COMPLICITY IN THE GENOCIDE OF TAMILS IN SRI LANKA IN 2011~in 2012~and in 2015.  The United States' and The Obama Administration continuing to~VERY VOCALLY, VERY PUBLICLY "push" India's "model of democracy"~in a "tone-deaf manner"~bordering on the obscene~on the "remaining" Eelam Tamils~who continue to face genocide "on a daily basis" in Sri Lanka~is cause for deep international alarm.  "In the face" of what is now globally considered incontrovertible evidence of the heinous acts of genocide perpetrated on a mass scale by Sri Lanka's current neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Rajapakse regime on its own dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil population~it is IMPERATIVE The United States "at a minimum" use its global political reach~the world's only remaining Super Power status~to push for IMMEDIATE war crimes investigations at The International Criminal Court, in The Hague, The Netherlands~at the earliest POSSIBLE opportunity~"already" MORE THAN THREE CALENDAR YEARS "after" the successful mass-scale 2009 genocide on Tamils by Rajapakse.

On the "one hand" 
"Authorities [at The International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands] successfully extradited the former Bosnian Serb army chief [Ratko Mladic] to the war crimes tribunal in The Hague to face accusations including a genocide7,500 [seven thousand five hundred] Bosnian Muslim men and boys at Srebrenica in 1995".  This "in spite of THE FACT" that Ratko Mladic committed his alleged crimes against humanity in the 1990's~long before the founding of the court~[Please see the line that states:  General] Mladic has faced genocide charges over atrocities committed during the Bosnian conflict in the 1990s.]  In other words General Mladic committed his crimes long "before" the July 2002 date the "Rome Statute" "EVEN" became *INTERNATIONAL* *ENFORCEABLE* *LAW*  Sri Lanka's "non-signatory status" in the "Rome Statute" is quoted "famously" and "ad nauseum" by officers at The International Criminal Court~directly~in response to Dr. Gunasegaram's~REPEATED~WRITTEN~March 2009~INQUIRIES~as the "official excuse" for the court's PROFOUND FAILURE in fulfilling its internationally-funded mandate~the court's *FAILING* to actively pursue *INDEPENDENT* *INTERNATIONAL* *CREDIBLE* investigations into Ceylon-Sri Lanka's CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL+MUSLIM HUMANITY.
charge over the killing of
more than 1.4 MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Eelam Tamils slaughtered:  [The TimesOnLine article with the headline '1,400 Eelam Tamil civilians a week dying at Manik Farm concentration camp' is NO LONGER AVAILABLE ONLINE WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION~SADLY~and perhaps MOST CONVENIENTLY for the genocidal Ceylon-Sri Lankan State:  http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6676792.ece]~UNARMED, dark-skinned ethnic minority civilian Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka were
     massacred between calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine)  and calendar year 2009 (two-thousand-and-nine) ALONE

On the "other hand"
what *COULD BE* as many as 330,000 [three hundred and thirty thousand] some independent estimates suggest this number is actually     more than 1.4 (one point four) MILLION unarmed, non-combatant, civilian Eelam Tamils slaughtered:  [The TimesOnLine article with the headline '1,400 Eelam Tamil civilians a week dying at Manik Farm concentration camp     ' is NO LONGER AVAILABLE ONLINE WITHOUT A SUBSCRIPTION~SADLY~and perhaps MOST     CONVENIENTLY     for the genocidal Ceylon-Sri Lankan State:  http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article6676792.ece]~UNARMED, dark-skinned ethnic minority civilian Tamils were     massacred in 2009 (calendar year two-thousand-and-nine)~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016! and _NOTHING_ has "changed" politically "in essence" for GENERATIONS of etnic minority Eelam Tamils+Muslim citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka facing _DAILY_ acts of CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL+MUSLIM HUMANITY+YES! "EVEN" THE ETHNIC MAJORITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA MAJORITY ETHNIC GROUP SINHALA CITIZENRY AT THE HANDS OF THIE _OWN_ Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric "gvernment-in-name-ONLY" as _IF_ this is "normal" "routine" "habituaal" "legal! IN ANY COUNTRY ON EARTH-EVEN SYRIA"     [MORE THAN SEVEN WHOLE CALENDAR YEARS AGO]:
[UNFORTUNATELY the article that "originally appeared" on the web site:     http://www.independent.co.uk/      as      http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/sri-lanka-accused-of-war-crimes-in-final-onslaught-1975611.html     ~no longer appears to be "available" online~an *IMMENSE* convenience~no doubt~for the nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist regime of Mahinda Rajapakse~still "firmly entrenched" in luxurious TOTALITARIAN power]~in what Australian citizen and former      United Nations official Gordon Weiss     has termed "Sri Lanka's Srebrenica Moment":     http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/world/sri-lanka-faces-its-srebrenica-moment/story-e6frg6ux-1226043466322
and The International Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands [to-date~as of December 31st, 2016 (calendar year twenty-sixteen) *HAS TAKEN PRECISELY _ZERO_ ACTION OF ANY KIND*~to hold the perpetrators of  *     GENOCIDE     * perpetrated on Eelam Tamil+Muslim+Yes! "even" The Very Occasional "Majority" Ethnic Group in Ceylon-Sri Lanka Ethnic Sinhala-citizen of Ceylon-Sri Lanka "accountable" for allegations of      War Crimes     and Crimes Perpetrated Against Eelam Tamil Humanity BY GENERATIONS of Ceylon-Sri Lanka government Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi Colombo-centric totalitarians in Ceylon-Sri Lanka.  In fact quite the _OPPOSITE_ is true openly+publicly+energetically thwarting any sense of any mention or any recommendation "for" "internationally"-credible investigations into generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Government-perpetrated crimes perpetrated against Eelam Tamil humanity in Ceylon-Sri Lanka~since the court formed.  The "reasons" appear to be that since Ceylon-Sri Lanka is not "located" on the African Continent there must not "be" any crimes against humanity being perpetrated there [?] in calendar year 2006 [two thousand and six~when "we" first wrote directly to the court~and "now" in calendar year 2016[!]

200,000 [two hundred thousand]~perhaps even as many as 330,000 [three hundred and thirty thousand]~UNARMED, dark-skinned ethnic minority civilian Eelam Tamils were utterly "bamboozled" by Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist President Mahinda Rajapakse~into what he called     a "safe-from-shelling" "no-fire zone"     ~areas which at the "late date" of April 27th, 2012 (twenty-twelve and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year twenty-sixteen) the United Nations has "finally admitted" were bombed with     INTERNATIONALLY ILLEGAL NOT-PERMISSIBLE-EVER-CLUSTER BOMBS     .
The United nations is "happy" release what would have been INVALUABLE INFORMATION in 2006 [calendar year two-thousand-and-six]~now that it's LITERALLY _DECADES_ (the English word decades _NOT_ employed hereas a "metaphor!") "too late" and 2016 [calendar year twenty-sixteen~at the time these words were typed originally]  and the information is of ZERO earthly use to the human beings threatened by in the *IDENTICAL* manner adopted by Ratko Mladic [at the time of this writing originally facing *     GENOCIDE     * charges at The International Criminal Court in The Hague].  Civilian Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri lanka+Muslim citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka and YES! "even" The Very Occasional Ethnic Majority group Sinhala citizen in Ceylon-Sri Lanka Sinhala  indeed on ANY/ON ALL ethnic majority+ethnic minority-alike-legally-citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka were slaughtered "after" months and months of being "planfully with the utmost careful Obama-Flavored brilliant [sarcasm!]  Light+Sound-Show choreography [!]  starved into submission" *BY* GENERATIONS [TRAGICALLY:  the English word generations _NOT_ employed here as "a metaphor!"] Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamil citizens+Muslim citizens+YES! "Even" On The Very Occasional "Majority" Ethnic Groups Sinhala citizen of Ceylon-Sri Lanka in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-genocidal-DICTATOR-Rajapakse [voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential office on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen)~alas! to be "replaced" by An Ever-So-SLIGHTLY-LESS-genocidal on Ceylon-Sri Lanka's "own" citizens:  Maithripala Sirisena Colombo-centric totalitarian~once again~in the *IDENTICAL* manner adopted by Radovan Karadzic:     http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2016/03/serb-leader-karadzic-guilty-bosnia-genocide-160324143936393.html     [in calendar year 2016~twenty-sixteen successfully prosecuted at the proper judicial venue at The International Criminal Court in The Hague, The netherlands *     GENOCIDE     * since he was "originally" charges at The International Criminal Court in The Hague~for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY perpetrated in the early-to-mid 1990's "too little" 'too late" with many "survivors" and "incidental" victims long-dead decreasing the _meaning_ of "justice" at it very HEART]
*Sadly* [for the international community~fully funding the international mandate of the court] MORE THAN SEVEN WHOLE CALENDAR YEARS AFTER THE 2006-2009 SPECTACULAR *     GENOCIDE     * of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil+Mulsim+YES! "Even" Perpetrated Very Occasionally on A "majority" Ethnic Group in Ceylon-Sri Lanka Ethnic Sinhala citizen of Ceylon-Sri Lanka by Ceylon-Sri Lanka's "own" government *ZERO INTERNATIONAL PROCEEDINGS* against the nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric totalitarian regimes governine Ceylon-Sri Lanka since calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine):     http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen      responsible for the *GENOCIDE* of Tamils have even "begun" to be "begun" in The FAMOUSLY United Nations-led-Reserved-Strictly+ONLY-for-Africa+for Africa's Distctatorial regimes-ONLY-The International Criminal Court~the "appropriate authority" for trying "international"     *WAR CRIMES*      and *CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY*:     http://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-International/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1462454514&sr=1-2&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka    

You will note that     United Nations Chief Ban Ki-moon     was remarkably "against" releasing his "own" UN report on Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Government-perpetrated relentless-since-calendar-year 1939 [nineteen thirty-nine] perpetrated GENOCIDE+CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST INNOCENT UNARMED NON-COMBATANT CIVILIAN  per"universally" mislabeled as "a 26-year-long civil war"     instead of the accurate wordswar crimes:    
http://www.theweekendleader.com/Causes/475/Rajapaksa%E2%80%99s-paranoia.html     ~and CRIMES PERPETRATED RELENTLESSLY AGAINST UNARMED INNOCENT EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY INSIDE CEYLON-SRI LANKA+ALSO OCCASIONALLY ABROAD AS EVIDENCED BY INIDENTS IN PARIS FRANCE AND AT OTHER EU LOCATIONS:     http://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-International/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1462454514&sr=1-2&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka     and has publicly stated that "Sri Lanka is responsible for conducting its own war crimes inquiries."
How strange given that Serbia's Ratko Mladic [in stark contrast to Sri Lanka's Rajapakse] was *NEVER* *ONCE* expected to "hold himself accountable" for HIS OWN EGREGIOUS
     WAR CRIMES     !
You will note also that     United States Undersecretary of State Robert Blake     ~a "personal college [university] friend of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamil+Muslim+YES! "Even" Very Occasionally on Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Ethnic "Majority" Sinhala citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Mahinda Rajapakse's since their days together at Oxford University" has "sided with his old school chum" and publicly stated that "Our strong preference is that the Sri Lankan government establish its own transparent process..."  http://www.bbc.co.uk/sinhala/news/story/2011/04/110405_geeel.shtml
How "strange" given that Serbia's Ratko Mladic [in stark contrast to Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Rajapakse] was *NEVER* *ONCE* expected to "hold himself accountable" for HIS OWN WAR CRIMES!
In "a just world"~public statements such as those made by     United States Undersecretary of State Robert Blake     on GENERATIONS [the English word _GENERATIONS_ _NOT_ employed "here" as "a metaphor!"] of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-GOVERNMENT-perpettrated *     GENOCIDE     * of Tamils" would make him an "accessory" to the international crime of *
     GENOCIDE     * and CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA _CITIZENS_ OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA IN NAME ONLY HUMANITY IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA:     http://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-International/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1462454514&sr=1-2&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka    

While the United Nations has officially and formally and legally     lifted bans on former Taliban~Taliban personnel who have historically posed and continue to pose *direct and dramatic military threats* to foreign targets in the United States, in Canada, in Australia and in Europe     ~in a manner *NEVER ONCE CONTEMPLATED* by the group calling itself "Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam-LTTE" and labeled to much _GREATER_ far more _SPECTACULAR_ "international effect" in the identical way used by Germany's Hitler and/or by Turkey's Erdogan of USA-backed Kurdish-Pesherga-YPG and or PKK-militias battling memberso s of the group calling itself ISIS-ISIL  _GENERATIONS_ of nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric totalitarians-LTTE so that no money can legally be raised "internationally" no free travel is "permitted" ~literally~ "anywhere" whether inside Ceylon-Sri Lanka or "internationally"~a similar lifting of the ban on former LTTE "dirty Tamil Tiger rebels" personnel is distinctly and definitely *NOT* being considered by the United Nations~let alone effected.  Similarly~Afghan President Karzai "confirmed" on     June 18th, 2011 (twenty-eleven and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2016! and "even" 'today" in calendar year 2016 Ceylon-Sri Lanka's multi-ethnic citizens face DAILY-BRUTAL-SENSELESS-TROUTINE-"NORMALIZED"-since calendar year 1939-RELENTLESS-UNSTOPPABLE-ACTS OF RAPE+BRUTALITY+GENOCIDAL SLAUGHTERS at the "hands" of their "own" "government" aka genocidal Colombo-centric Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime[s])that the United States is "in direct peace talks with the Taliban."     Since     the Taliban are so intricately and inextricably linked to al-Qaeda     ~operationally and organizationally and culturally~the UN's move to remove former Taliban from its "terror list"~the US engaging in direct peace talks with the Taliban~speaks proverbial "volumes" about the political powerlessness within the international Tamil-speaking community~to protect and safe-guard their own community members' internationally "guaranteed" political and legal and
*     BASIC* human rights     .
An "added irony"~and insult~to the unjust treatment of Liberation Tigers by The United States~labeling them "terrorists"~lumping them in with al-Qaeda and the Taliban~acting at the "beck and call" of the neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Rajapakse regime~is the fresh springing up of     the hydra that is Islamic fundamentalism in the Eastern Batticaloa province of Ceylon-Sri Lanka     ~a scenario *literally unheard of* while the territory remained under the control of Liberation Tigers [before 2009~calendar year two-thousand-and-nine.]  The "latest" incident demonstrating "evidence" of spreading Islamic fundamentalism in Sri Lanka involved     two seventeen-year old girls falsely arrested~"allegedly"~for "viewing unsuitable material at an internet cafe."

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