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As "recently" as on November 8th, 2016 (twenty-sixteen) [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY -TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:     http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-37907811     "We"/as in "our" editorial staff "noticed" "magical" "mystical" Eminently NOT Made By Us" "alterations" of our "original" publication on May 4th, 2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) but "we" acknowledge that our words could have been altered long ago~and "our" "editor" only "noticed" the "magical" "mystical" NOT "altered by "us" "alterations" to "our" originally published words on May 4th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) "our" "originally" published words "INTERnational" community "altered" "relentle$$ly" "to" The Eminently American-English-Word _AND_ The Eminently-English-English-Word-"National" "by" the 24/7 365 INTERNET TROLL$ Nakedly-Genocidal-On-LITERALLY-ALAS+ALACK! NOT-Metaphorically-Eelam-Tamil-Citizens-Of-Ceylon-$ri-Lanka-neo-Nazi$-Ru$$ian-Chine$e+Otherwi$e Who Relentle$$ly Troll Thi$ Internet $ite 24/7-365-$ince At LEA$T Calendar Year 2009 (two-thousand+nine) had been been "magically" "mystically" "altered" "to" The Eminently American-English-English-Word "National"~such as to _IMPLY_ that  _LITERALLY_ DECADE$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Government-Relentle$$ly Perpetrated  (yegads!) GENOCIDE:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          PERPETRATED "by" Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ GENERATION$:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-51049916          of so-called "political leaders" who have "consistently" "see" Ceylon-$ri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians for the nakedly-genocidal perpetrators of _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-11108059          perpetrated on Eelam Tamils "on location" in Ceylon-Sri Lanka for what they TRULY _ARE_ CONTINUE asking United States' President Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel for an INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE legally-binding NON-Obama-Extremi$t-Administration [which ENDED IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-SIXTEEN!]-Controlled INTERNATIONALLY-LEGALLY-BINDING+INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE-INDEPENDENT EELAM TAMIL HOMELAND-LIKE THE JEWISH STATE OF ISRAEL WAS CREATED AFTER WORLD WAR II (TWO):          https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/creation-israel          TO PROTECT JEWS FROM _GENOCIDE_:          https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/coining-a-word-and-championing-a-cause-the-story-of-raphael-lemkin          _ACCOMPANIED_ BY CRIMINAL PROSECUTION$ CONDUCTED "BY" Switzerland's Attorney-General-The Sole-The ONLY-The Lonely-Internationally-CREDIBLE-Prosecuting-Authority-On-Planet-Earth-2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) on the INTERNATIONAL LEGAL-$TAGE located in Geneva, Switzerland, The European UNION STAT! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen).  The Eminently-American-English _AND_ Eminently-English-English-Word-"International" "originally" published by "us" online "magically" "mystically" "altered" "to" The Eminently American-English _AND_ Eminently English-English-Word "National""by" 24/7 365 INTERNET TROLL$ "to" The Eminently American-English _AND_ Eminently English-English-Word-"national" news media FOUND "TIME"~ethically+honorably/honourably+justly+appropriately+laudably+PRAISE-worthily~to "report" on The Group Calling Itself ISIL-ISIS-DAESH [Islamic State in The Levant-DAESH etc.]~and The Relentless Horrors Perpetrated On Generations of Syrian Citizen$~being $LAUGHTERED~first "by" Hafez al-A$$ad [FATHER to Current Syrian Dictator Bashar al-Assad~Hafez al-Assad~who wiped the village that Bashar al-A$$ad's wife grew up in~contemporaneou$-+in-REAL-time-reporting _ONLY_ "by" The UK'$ VALIANT _The Guardian_ ~Hafez al-A$$ad~father to Syria'$ Current Genocidal totalitarian$ Dictator Bashar al-A$$ad generations of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ DI$TINCTLY Hitler [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored/Flavoured neo-Nazi-$inhala-fa$cist-nakedly-genocidal-on generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's-GOVERNMENT-Perpetrator$ of _GENOCIDE_:                  https://www.amazon.com/Redefining-Genocide-Settler-Colonialism-Ecocide-ebook/dp/B01H243CK6/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1478098653&sr=1-3&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka          ]     Perpetrated on _GENERATION$_ 0f Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$-Dark-Skinned-Ethnic-Minority-Eelam Tamil Citizens-IN NAME _ONLY_~alas!-HUMANITY_ to _PRECI$ELY_ _ZERO_ "avail"-to date on January 9th, 2020 (twenty-twenty) (November 7th, 2016)] _WHILE_ Quite Literally-generation$ of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-GOVERNMENT neo-Nazis AIDED+ABETTED "BY" NO LE$$ THAN "the" Mo$t Powerful Force$ On Planet Earth 2016 (twenty-sixteen)  Current U$A Pre$ident Obama:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753      _AND_ POTEMTIAL-Future Pre$ident Hillary Rodham Clinton-BACKED _GENOCIDE_:         http://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          _CONTINUE_ Perpetrating Structural _GENOCIDE_ on QUITE-LITERALLY generation$ (Oh! how we _WI$H_ that it "were" "mere" metaphor!"):          https://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-International/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1484413560&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka     of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Dark-$kinned-Preci$ely _AKIN_ to "The Everlasting-Everglowing Ever-Glittering Obama-Former-First Couple [U$A Pre$ident Trump was inaugurated U$A Pre$ident on January 20th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)~Also The Obama-Former-Fir$t0Couple-Eminently+Coincidentally Members of A Dark-skinned Minority Ethnic Group in their "native" country of The United States but Shhh! NO ONE NAMED "Obama" in The USA~and/or NO ONE _NOT_ NAMED "Obama" wants to hear such "disgraceful"  One Hundred Percent _HONEST_ analogies (!)  in the United States:              http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          but SHHHH! The Fomer Fir$t Couple-Obamas TURNED+Lily-White-The $plit-$econd that They Entered The White Hou$e~way back in calendar year 2009 (two-thousand and nine)-["We"/as in "our" editorial staff "noticed" "magical" "mystical" Eminently NOT Made By Us" "alterations" of our "original" publication on May 4th, 2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) but "we" acknowledge that our words could have been altered long ago~and "our" "editor" only "noticed" the "magical" "mystical" NOT "altered by "us" "alterations" to "our" originally published words on May 4th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) "our" "originally" published words "INTERnational" community "altered" "relentle$$ly" "by" the 24/7 365 INTERNET TROLL$ Nakedly-Genocidal-On-LITERALLY-ALAS+ALACK! NOT-Metaphorically-Eelam-Tamil-Citizens-Of-Ceylon-$ri-Lanka-neo-Nazi$-Ru$$ian-Chine$e+Otherwi$e Who Relentle$$ly Troll Thi$ Internet $ite 24/7-365-$ince At LEA$T Calendar Year 2009 (two-thousand+nine) had been been "magically" "mystically" "altered" "to" The Eminently American-English-English-Word "National"~such as to _IMPLY_ that  _LITERALLY_ DECADE$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Hitler-Rajapak$e-Government-Relentle$$ly Perpetrated  (yegads!) GENOCIDE:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          PERPETRATED "by" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GENERATION$ of so-called "political leaders" who have "consistently" "see" Ceylon-$ri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians for the nakedly-genocidal perpetrators of Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka for what they TRULY _ARE_ CONTINUE asking The United Nations for an INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE legally-binding NON-Obama-Extremi$t-Administration-Controlled INTERNATIONALLY-LEGALLY-BINDING+INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE-CRIMINAL PRO$ECUTION$ CONDUCTED "BY" Switzerland's Attorney-General-The Sole-The ONLY-The Lonely-Internationally-CREDIBLE-Prosecuting-Authority-On-Planet-Earth-2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) on the INTERNATIONAL LEGAL-$TAGE located in Geneva, Switzerland, The European UNION STAT! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen).] "Our" "originally" published Eminently-American-English _AND_ Eminently English-English-Word-"INTERnational" "magically' "mystically" "altered" "to" The Eminently American-English _AND_ Eminently-English-English-Word-"National" "by" 24/7 365 INTERNET TROLL$ trolling this internet site~nationally_CELEBRITY_FAMOU$_ GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's Dark-Skinned _PRECI$ELY_-_AKIN_To-The Obama-U$A-First-Couple Being Members of A Dark-$kinned Ethnic Minority Racial Group IN$IDE THE USA but SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! NO ONE "named" Obama and/or no one _NOT_ "named" Obama "even" "wi$he$" to _HEAR_ any "whisper" any "hint" any "diaphanou$ allegation" any "shadow" in relation to this~to "them" + to "relentless" "internally"-placed "minions"- $CANDALOU$+overarchingly to Their Illu$triou$ Highne$$e$'-EYE$-_prepo$terou$_ "race-ba$ed" "analogy" "today" on January 26th, 2025 (twenty-twenty-five) in calendar year 2025 (twenty-twenty-five)~Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ _HUMANITY_ PRECI$ELY_ _LIKE_ GENERATION$ of Pale$tinian$ in The Occupied We$t Bank _AND_ in The Occupied Gaza $trip~"continue" experiencing MA$$IVE+_GUARANTEED_ by "both" Current U$A-Pre$ident Obama'$ policie$ _AND_ _PO$$IBLY_  _FUTURE_ U$A Pre$ident-HILLARY-RODHAM-CLINTON'$ [BOTH HAVE RECEIVED MILLION$ in legal-unethical million$ to their MULTIPLE campaign war che$t$ in quid pro quo return "for" "expected" policie$ "on" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Relentle$$_GOVERNMENT-OF-CEYLON-$RI-LANKA-Perpetrated+For generation$ _GENOCIDE_:          http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-10-10/sri-lankan-tamils-struggling-to-rebuild-in-post-war-jaffna/6843180          ~AS REPORTED~DILIGENTLY+HONESTLY+RIGHTEOUSLY~by USA-based _Foreign Policy_ magazine in _direct_ quid pro quo "return" "for" "blanket" "INTERnationall"-["We"/as in "our" editorial staff "noticed" "magical" "mystical" Eminently NOT Made By Us" "alterations" of our "original" publication on May 4th, 2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) but "we" acknowledge that our words could have been altered long ago~and "our" "editor" only "noticed" the "magical" "mystical" NOT "altered by "us" "alterations" to "our" originally published words on May 4th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) "our" "originally" published words "INTERnational" community "altered" "relentle$$ly" "to" The Eminently American-English-Word _AND_ The Eminently-English-English-Word-"National" "by" the 24/7 365 INTERNET TROLL$ Nakedly-Genocidal-On-LITERALLY-ALAS+ALACK! NOT-Metaphorically-Eelam-Tamil-Citizens-Of-Ceylon-$ri-Lanka-neo-Nazi$-Ru$$ian-Chine$e+Otherwi$e Who Relentle$$ly Troll Thi$ Internet $ite 24/7-365-$ince At LEA$T Calendar Year 2009 (two-thousand+nine)] had been been "magically" "mystically" "altered" "to" The Eminently American-English-English-Word "National"~such as to _IMPLY_ that  _LITERALLY_ DECADE$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Government-Relentle$$ly Perpetrated  (yegads!) GENOCIDE:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          PERPETRATED "by" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GENERATION$ of so-called "political leaders" who have "consistently" "see" Ceylon-$ri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians for the nakedly-genocidal perpetrators of Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka for what they TRULY _ARE_ CONTINUE asking The United Nations for an INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE legally-binding NON-Obama-Extremi$t-Administration-Controlled INTERNATIONALLY-LEGALLY-BINDING+INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE-CRIMINAL PROSECUTION$ CONDUCTED "BY" Switzerland's Attorney-General-The Sole-The ONLY-The Lonely-Internationally-CREDIBLE-Prosecuting-Authority-On-Planet-Earth-2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) "since" then "turned" into December 31st, 2020 (twenty-twenty_~Oops!]-"INTERnational" "legal impunity" "criminal neglect" "from" ANY whisper/hint/faint rumors (rumours) of _JUSTICE_ "for" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]    -Flavored/Flavoured-Eminently-neo-Nazi $inhala fa$i$t-Colombo-centric-Totalitarian$:          http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          Donation$ "made" "by" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's GENOCIDAL on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON-$RI LANK-HITLERIAN-FA$CI$T-totalitarian-dictators:          https://www.amazon.com/Sinhalese-Buddhist-Nationalist-Ideology-Implications/dp/1932728643           are _MORE THAN CAPABLE_~"naturally'"In U$A-Pre$ident Obama's Self-Reported Fabulous "judgment" the "same-Obama" that "labeled" ISIS-ISIL "strictly juvie league!"~take THAT O Abu Bakkar al-Baghdadi (!)~THE ORACLE-OBAMA THUS _SPOKE_:     http://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes           of "funding" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ neo-Nazi fa$ci$ts "conducting CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS into their _OWN_ CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN-HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA (!)  Thanks in many ways to the "protection" PURCHASED WITH MONEY-$$$$$$$$$ donated directly TO _MULTIPLE_ U$A-CURRENT-PRE$IDENT-OBAMA+TO_MULTIPLE _FUTURE_ U$A-PRE$IDENT- HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON "funds"~generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's genocidal fascists from any/all _WHISPER[S]_ of-"We"/as in "our" editorial staff "noticed" "magical" "mystical" Eminently NOT Made By Us" "alterations" of our "original" publication on May 4th, 2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) but "we" acknowledge that our words could have been altered long ago~and "our" "editor" only "noticed" the "magical" "mystical" NOT "altered by "us" "alterations" to "our" originally published words on May 4th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) ["since" "that time" "turned" into December 31st, 2020 (twenty-twenty_~Oops!] "our" "originally" published words "INTERnational" community "altered" "relentle$$ly" "to" The Eminently American-En glish-Word _AND_ The Eminently-English-English-Word-"National" "by" the 24/7 365 INTERNET TROLL$ Nakedly-Genocidal-On-LITERALLY-ALAS+ALACK! NOT-Metaphorically-Eelam-Tamil-Citizens-Of-Ceylon-$ri-Lanka-neo-Nazi$-Ru$$ian-Chine$e+Otherwi$e Who Relentle$$ly Troll Thi$ Internet $ite 24/7-365-$ince At LEA$T Calendar Year 2009 (two-thousand+nine) had been been "magically" "mystically" "altered" "to" The Eminently American-English-English-Word "National"~such as to _IMPLY_ that  _LITERALLY_ DECADE$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Government-Relentle$$ly Perpetrated  (yegads!) GENOCIDE:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          PERPETRATED "by" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GENERATION$ of so-called "political leaders" who have "consistently" "see" Ceylon-$ri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians for the nakedly-genocidal perpetrators of Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka for what they TRULY _ARE_ CONTINUE asking The United Nations for an INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE legally-binding NON-Obama-[OBAMA ADMINISTRATION ENDED IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-SIXTEEN-remember???????????????????????????]-Extremi$t-Administration-Controlled INTERNATIONALLY-LEGALLY-BINDING+INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE-CRIMINAL PROSECUTION$ CONDUCTED "BY" Switzerland's Attorney-General-The Sole-The ONLY-The Lonely-Internationally-CREDIBLE-Prosecuting-Authority-On-Planet-Earth-2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen)]-NATIONALLY-CREDIBLE _CRIMINAL_ PROSECUTIONS conducted on the

"We"/as in "our" editorial staff "noticed" "magical" "mystical" Eminently NOT Made By Us" "alterations" of our "original" publication on May 4th, 2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) but "we" acknowledge that our words could have been altered long ago~and "our" "editor" only "noticed" the "magical" "mystical" NOT "altered by "us" "alterations" to "our" originally published words on May 4th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) "our" "originally" published words "INTERnational" community "altered" "relentle$$ly" "to" The Eminently American-En glish-Word _AND_ The Eminently-English-English-Word-"National" "by" the 24/7 365 INTERNET TROLL$ Nakedly-Genocidal-On-LITERALLY-ALAS+ALACK! NOT-Metaphorically-Eelam-Tamil-Citizens-Of-Ceylon-$ri-Lanka-neo-Nazi$-Ru$$ian-Chine$e+Otherwi$e Who Relentle$$ly Troll Thi$ Internet $ite 24/7-365-$ince At LEA$T Calendar Year 2009 (two-thousand+nine) had been been "magically" "mystically" "altered" "to" The Eminently American-English-English-Word "National"~such as to _IMPLY_ that  _LITERALLY_ DECADE$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$-Government-Relentle$$ly Perpetrated  (yegads!) GENOCIDE:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          PERPETRATED "by" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GENERATION$ of so-called "political leaders" who have "consistently" "seen" Ceylon-$ri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians for the nakedly-genocidal perpetrators of Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka for what they TRULY _ARE_~CONTINUE asking United States' President Trump and German Chancellor Merkel for "The Creation" of a GENOCIDE-FREE INDEPENDENT EELAM TAMIL HOMELAND (Eelam vebum!) _AND_ "perhaps" less importantly INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE legally-binding NON-Obama [while The Obama Administration ENDED in CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-SIXTEEN~these words were originally published _DURING_ The Illustrious+Never-Ending-Obama-Administration]-Extremi$t-Administration-Controlled INTERNATIONALLY-LEGALLY-BINDING+INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE-CRIMINAL PRO$ECUTION$ CONDUCTED "BY" Switzerland's Attorney-General-The Sole-The ONLY-The Lonely-Internationally-CREDIBLE-Prosecuting-Authority-On-Planet-Earth-2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen)-NATIONAL $TAGE located in Geneva, Switzerland, The EUROPEAN UNION~"BY" SWITZERLAND'S Illustrious The Sole-The Only-The LONELY-The Last Man Standing In 2017 (twenty-seventeen)]- _NATIONALLY_-LEGALLY-CREDIBLE_ _UNBRIBABLE_ EMINENTLY _IN_CORRUPTIBLE/NONCORRUPTIBLE-prosecuting authority Left Standing On Planet Earth 2017 (twenty-seventeen) [NOW it's January 26th, 2025 (twenty-twenty-five)~Oops!~~in the "sense" that The Everlastingly-Illustrious-Obamas ARE "members of an "ethnic minority group" in The U$A~Oops! we _FORGOT_ $INCE U$A-Pre$ident-Obama ANNOUNCED Hi$ Po$t-racial Pre$idency  in calendar year 2009 (two-thousand and nine)~there are purportedly _PRECISELY_  _ZERO_ "issues" for Eelam Tamils facing routine+relentless acts of GENOCIDE+CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL  _CITIZEN_HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA (Oops!) [Sarcasm! naturally!]:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          _GENOCIDE_-Perpetrated on GENERATIONS of Eelam Tamil Citizen of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'S EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN _HUMANITY_ in Ceylon-$ri Lanka~A$IA~not "merely" "with" One Hundred Percent Legal+Judicial+["We"/as in "our" editorial staff "noticed" "magical" "mystical" Eminently NOT Made By Us" "alterations" of our "original" publication on May 4th, 2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) but "we" acknowledge that our words could have been altered long ago~and "our" "editor" only "noticed" the "magical" "mystical" NOT "altered by "us" "alterations" to "our" originally published words on May 4th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) "our" "originally" published words "INTERnational" community "altered" "relentle$$ly" "to" The Eminently American-English-Word _AND_ The Eminently-English-English-Word-"National" "by" the 24/7 365 INTERNET TROLL$ Nakedly-Genocidal-On-LITERALLY-ALAS+ALACK! NOT-Metaphorically-Eelam-Tamil-Citizens-Of-Ceylon-$ri-Lanka-neo-Nazi$-Ru$$ian-Chine$e+Otherwi$e Who Relentle$$ly Troll Thi$ Internet $ite 24/7-365-$ince At LEA$T Calendar Year 2009 (two-thousand+nine) had been been "magically" "mystically" "altered" "to" The Eminently American-English-English-Word "National"~such as to _IMPLY_ that  _LITERALLY_ DECADE$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Government-Relentle$$ly Perpetrated  (yegads!) GENOCIDE:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          PERPETRATED "by" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GENERATION$ of so-called "political leaders" who have "consistently" "see" Ceylon-$ri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians for the nakedly-genocidal perpetrators of Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka for what they TRULY _ARE_ CONTINUE asking The United Nations for an INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE legally-binding NON-Obama-Extremi$t-Administration-Controlled INTERNATIONALLY-LEGALLY-BINDING+INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE-CRIMINAL PRO$ECUTION$ CONDUCTED "BY" Switzerland's Attorney-General-The Sole-The ONLY-The Lonely-Internationally-CREDIBLE-Prosecuting-Authority-On-Planet-Earth-2017 (calendar year twenty-seveen).  The Eminently American-English _AND_ The Eminently English-English Word "International" "altered" "to" The Eminently American-English _AND_ The Eminently English-English Word "National" "by" the 24/7 365 INTERNET TROLL$ trolling this internet site with]-_IMPUNITY_ but "in celebration$" in "world capital$" AROUND THE GLOBE:              http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753               ~"with" _NATIONAL_ _LEGAL_ United Nation$ $ecurity Council-I$$UED_Congratulatory Re$olution$:                https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims           _WHILE_ Eelam Tamil Citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka Citizen _HUMANITY_"continue" being ["We"/as in "our" editorial staff "noticed" "magical" "mystical" Eminently NOT Made By Us" "alterations" of our "original" publication on May 4th, 2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) but "we" acknowledge that our words could have been altered long ago~and "our" "editor" only "noticed" the "magical" "mystical" NOT "altered by "us" "alterations" to "our" originally published words on May 4th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) "our" "originally" published words "INTERnational" community "altered" "relentle$$ly" "to" The Eminently American-English-Word _AND_ The Eminently-English-English-Word-"National" "by" the 24/7 365 INTERNET TROLL$ Nakedly-Genocidal-On-LITERALLY-ALAS+ALACK! NOT-Metaphorically-Eelam-Tamil-Citizens-Of-Ceylon-$ri-Lanka-neo-Nazi$-Ru$$ian-Chine$e+Otherwi$e Who Relentle$$ly Troll Thi$ Internet $ite 24/7-365-$ince At LEA$T Calendar Year 2009 (two-thousand+nine) had been been "magically" "mystically" "altered" "to" The Eminently American-English-English-Word "National"~such as to _IMPLY_ that  _LITERALLY_ DECADE$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Government-Relentle$$ly Perpetrated  (yegads!) GENOCIDE:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          PERPETRATED "by" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GENERATION$ of so-called "political leaders" who have "consistently" "see" Ceylon-$ri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians for the nakedly-genocidal perpetrators of Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka for what they TRULY _ARE_ CONTINUE asking The United Nations for an INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE legally-binding NON-Obama-Extremi$t-Administration-Controlled INTERNATIONALLY-LEGALLY-BINDING+INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE-CRIMINAL PRO$ECUTION$ CONDUCTED "BY" Switzerland's Attorney-General-The Sole-The ONLY-The Lonely-Internationally-CREDIBLE-Prosecuting-Authority-On-Planet-Earth-2017 (calendar year twenty-seveen)]-_NATIONALLY_DI$CRIMINATED_ AGAIN$T_ "by" Ban Ki-moon$ Illu$triou$-NO-DOUBT_ _BUT_ "for the _TINY_~een$ie$t-ween$ie$t~"issue" of MILLION$ of  [["We"/as in "our" editorial staff "noticed" "magical" "mystical" Eminently NOT Made By Us" "alterations" of our "original" publication on May 4th, 2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) but "we" acknowledge that our words could have been altered long ago~and "our" "editor" only "noticed" the "magical" "mystical" NOT "altered by "us" "alterations" to "our" originally published words on May 4th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) "our" "originally" published words "INTERnational" community "altered" "relentle$$ly" "to" The Eminently American-English-Word _AND_ The Eminently-English-English-Word-"National" "by" the 24/7 365 INTERNET TROLL$ Nakedly-Genocidal-On-LITERALLY-ALAS+ALACK! NOT-Metaphorically-Eelam-Tamil-Citizens-Of-Ceylon-$ri-Lanka-neo-Nazi$-Ru$$ian-Chine$e+Otherwi$e Who Relentle$$ly Troll Thi$ Internet $ite 24/7-365-$ince At LEA$T Calendar Year 2009 (two-thousand+nine)] had been been "magically" "mystically" "altered" "to" The Eminently American-English-English-Word "National"~such as to _IMPLY_ that  _LITERALLY_ DECADE$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Government-Relentle$$ly Perpetrated  (yegads!) GENOCIDE:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          PERPETRATED "by" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GENERATION$ of so-called "political leaders" who have "consistently" "_REFUSED POINT BLANK TO see" Ceylon-$ri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians for the nakedly-genocidal perpetrators of Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka for what they TRULY _ARE_ CONTINUE asking The United Nations for an INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE legally-binding NON-Obama-Extremi$t-Administration-Controlled INTERNATIONALLY-LEGALLY-BINDING+INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE-CRIMINAL PRO$ECUTION$ CONDUCTED "BY" Switzerland's Attorney-General-The Sole-The ONLY-The Lonely-Internationally-CREDIBLE-Prosecuting-Authority-On-Planet-Earth-2017 (calendar year twenty-seveen)].  INTERnationally_-_DI$PLACED_ SYRIAN-refugee$~MORE REFUGEE$ ON THE PLANET THAN AT ANY _OTHER_ TIME IN RECORDED _HI$TORY_ THAN DURING WWII (!) _APPARENTLY_ "a cause for celebrating _BOTH_ U$A-Pre$ident Obama'$ "track record in brilliance"_AND_ Current United Nation$ Chief Ban Ki-moon'$ "track record" in being "complicit'" in _GENOCIDE_ in the "political" _AND_ "judicial" _AND_ "economic" "systems" of the countrie$ that GENERATIONS of Eelam Tamil Citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka _HUMANITY_ "flee to" in _TERROR_ only to be mi$treated/tortured/ill-u$ed for GENERATIONS by "the so-called "good guy$~in the-so-called "developed" Fir$t-World.  Thi$ "torture" and ill-treatment of GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's Eelam Tamil _CITIZEN_ _HUMANITY_ is "then" "topped"  by "the en masse deportation(s)" from any/all "developed" countrie$~$upposedly"~E$PECIALLY Un$peakably-BIGOTED Au$tralia! MATE$!~"all $igned up"+SIGNED UP _FOR_ literally _DECADE$!~with The United Nation$ "re$pon$ibilitie$ _TOWARD$ refugee$" from VIOLENT CONFLICT$ "around the world!"~but E$PECIALLY-The United Nation$ under United Nation4' Chief Ban ki-Moon~and are then "succe$$fully" "returned"~"BY" drove$ of $o-called "developed" "countrie$" "back" to Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]    -Flavored neo-NAZI $inhala fa$ci$t Colombo-centric totalitarian _DICTATOR$_"Succe$$ive"-Governments of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-PERPETRATOR$ OF DECADE$ OF GENOCIDE "waiting" "arm$" "waiting" to $LAUGHTER _WITH_ COMPLETE_ + _UTTER_INTERnational "INTERnational" INTERINTERnationalINTERINTERINTERnational _JUDICIAL_ _AND_ LEGAL_ AND "beyond" One Hundred Percent _IMPUNITY_ in the "$en$e that Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GOVERNMENT-Perpetrated _GENOCIDE_ Perpetrated ON GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN _HUMANITY_ :          https://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-national/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475473573&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka          GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-GOVERNMENT_-Perpetrated _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-national/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475847965&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka       "featured" in the link following of Illustrious-Muti-German Chancellor Merkel giving "a personal-guided-tour" of Hitler's [           https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     Third Reich-Nazi-era Holocaust Memorial Museum on February 17th, 2016 (twenty-sixteen):          http://newsfirst.lk/english/2016/02/president-sirisena-meets-german-chancellor-angela-merkel-video/128686          and the Even _MORE_ Illu$triou$ U$A-Pre$ident Obama "celebrating" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ genocidal-on-ANY/ALL-Eelam Tamil citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Mahindha Chinthana Rajapak$e'$ DI$TINCTLY-Hitler [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -FLAVORED-NEO NAZI SINHALA FA$CI$T COLOMBO-CENTRIC TOTALITARIAN REGIME:     https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          "naturally" in DIRECT quid pro quo _RETURN_ for MILLION$ in campaign war che$t "contribution$" made to _MULTIPLE_ Obama-For-U$A-Illu$triou$-$enate _AND_ Hillary-Rodham-Clinton-For-U$A-$enate _AND_ to _MULTIPLE_ Obama-For-U$A-Pre$ident:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          _AND_ to _MULTIPLE_ Hillary-Clinton-For-U$A-Pre$ident+to "everyone" "for" The Clinton Foundation in the "name" of "saving elephants" _ZERO_ whispers/hints/softest _MENTION$_ of generations of  DI$TINCTLY-Hitler [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -FLAVORED NEO NAZI-$INHALA-FA$CI$T-COLOMBO-CENTRIC-TOTALITARIN CEYLON-$RI LANKA-_GOVERNMENT_PERPATRATOR$ OF _GENOCIDE_ and _CRIME$-RELENTLESSLY PERPETRATED AGAIN$T EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN-HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LAN-A$IA~"naturally!"~after all it _IS_ The Obama-Forever-Hillary Clinton Forever Everla$ting-Light+$ound-$how-Forever, eh? [NO ONE "HERE" IS A CANADIAN CITIZEN!]:          http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          .

As "recently" as on November 2nd, 2016 (twenty-sixteen) [it['s NOW! January 26th, 2025 (twenty-twenty-five)~Oops!~:          http://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-37852136         
["We"/as in "our" editorial staff "noticed" "magical" "mystical" Eminently NOT Made By Us" "alterations" of our "original" publication on May 4th, 2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) but "we" acknowledge that our words could have been altered long ago~and "our" "editor" only "noticed" the "magical" "mystical" NOT "altered by "us" "alterations" to "our" originally published words on May 4th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) "our" "originally" published words "INTERnational" community "altered" "relentle$$ly" "to" The Eminently American-English-Word _AND_ The Eminently-English-English-Word-"National" "by" the 24/7 365 INTERNET TROLL$ Nakedly-Genocidal-On-LITERALLY-ALAS+ALACK! NOT-Metaphorically-Eelam-Tamil-Citizens-Of-Ceylon-$ri-Lanka-neo-Nazi$-Ru$$ian-Chine$e+Otherwi$e Who Relentle$$ly Troll Thi$ Internet $ite 24/7-365-$ince At LEA$T Calendar Year 2009 (two-thousand+nine) had been been "magically" "mystically" "altered" "to" The Eminently American-English-English-Word "National"~such as to _IMPLY_ that  _LITERALLY_ DECADE$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Government-Relentle$$ly Perpetrated  (yegads!) GENOCIDE:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          PERPETRATED "by" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GENERATION$ of so-called "political leaders" who have "consistently" "see" Ceylon-$ri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians for the nakedly-genocidal perpetrators of Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka for what they TRULY _ARE_ CONTINUE asking United States' President Trump and his political ally German Chancellor Merkel "for" a GENOCIDE-FREE Independent Eelam Tamil Homeland to safeguard Eelam Tamils from _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-11108059          The United Nations for an INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE legally-binding NON-Obama-Extremi$t-Administration-Controlled INTERNATIONALLY-LEGALLY-BINDING+INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE-CRIMINAL PRO$ECUTION$ CONDUCTED "BY" Switzerland's Attorney-General-The Sole-The ONLY-The Lonely-Internationally-CREDIBLE-Prosecuting-Authority-On-Planet-Earth-2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) on the INTERNATIONAL LEGAL-$TAGE located in Geneva, Switzerland, The European UNION STAT! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen).]-"INTERnational" news media FOUND "TIME" to "report" on The Di$tinctly Hiltler-Flavored $inhala-Fa$ci$t-Bleached-White-$mile$:             http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753         AND -Forever-"INTERnational"+NATIONAL CRICKETING _FACE_ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$-Di$tinctly-Hitler [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$cist Totalitarians:         
http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38469          Mahela Jayawardene [no _LESS_ an
["We"/as in "our" editorial staff "noticed" "magical" "mystical" Eminently NOT Made By Us" "alterations" of our "original" publication on May 4th, 2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) but "we" acknowledge that our words could have been altered long ago~and "our" "editor" only "noticed" the "magical" "mystical" NOT "altered by "us" "alterations" to "our" originally published words on May 4th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) "our" "originally" published words "INTERnational" community "altered" "relentle$$ly" "to" The Eminently American-English-Word _AND_ The Eminently-English-English-Word-"National" "by" the 24/7 365 INTERNET TROLL$ Nakedly-Genocidal-On-LITERALLY-ALAS+ALACK! NOT-Metaphorically-Eelam-Tamil-Citizens-Of-Ceylon-$ri-Lanka-neo-Nazi$-Ru$$ian-Chine$e+Otherwi$e Who Relentle$$ly Troll Thi$ Internet $ite 24/7-365-$ince At LEA$T Calendar Year 2009 (two-thousand+nine) had been been "magically" "mystically" "altered" "to" The Eminently American-English-English-Word "National"~such as to _IMPLY_ that  _LITERALLY_ DECADE$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Government-Relentle$$ly Perpetrated  (yegads!) GENOCIDE:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          PERPETRATED "by" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GENERATION$ of so-called "political leaders" who have "consistently" "see" Ceylon-$ri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians for the nakedly-genocidal perpetrators of Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka for what they TRULY _ARE_ CONTINUE asking The United Nations for an INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE legally-binding NON-Obama-Extremi$t-Administration-Controlled INTERNATIONALLY-LEGALLY-BINDING+INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE-CRIMINAL PRO$ECUTION$ CONDUCTED "BY" Switzerland's Attorney-General-The Sole-The ONLY-The Lonely-Internationally-CREDIBLE-Prosecuting-Authority-On-Planet-Earth-2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) on the INTERNATIONAL LEGAL-$TAGE located in Geneva, Switzerland, The European UNION STAT! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen).] INTERnational power "in favor"/"favour" of Truth+Justice than South Africa's Nobel Peace Prize-winner Archbishop Desmond Tutu has spent _DECADES_ and _BOUNDLESS_ spiritual energy _LITERALLY_ _BEGGING_ The "INTERnational" _AND_ Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$-NATIONAL-GLOBAL-cricketing "authorities" to "INTERnationally" CRICKET-SANCTION -LITERALLY generations of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ DI$TINCTLY Hitler [              
https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored neo-Nazi-$inhala-fa$cist-nakedly-genocidal on generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's-GOVERNMENT-Perpetrator$ of _GENOCIDE_:    
    https://www.amazon.com/Redefining-Genocide-Settler-Colonialism-Ecocide-ebook/dp/B01H243CK6/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1478098653&sr=1-3&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka          ]     Perpetrated on _GENERATION$_ 0f Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$-Dark-$kinned-Ethnic Minority-Eelam Tamil Citizen-IN NAME _ONLY_HUMANITY_ to _PRECI$ELY_ _ZERO_ "avail"-to date on November 7th, 2016] _WHILE_ generation$ of Ceylon-Sri lanka-GOVERNMENT neo-Nazis AIDED+ABETTED "BY" NO LE$$ THAN "the" Mo$t Powerful Force$ On Planet Earth 2016 (twenty-sixteen)  Current U$A Pre$ident Obama:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753           _AND_ Future Pre$ident Hillary Rodham Clinton-BACKED _GENOCIDE_:         http://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          _CONTINUE_ Perpetrating Structural _GENOCIDE_ on LITERALLY generation$ of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Dark-$kinned-Preci$ely _AKIN_ to "The Everlasting-Everglowing Everglittering Obama-First Couple in the United States:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          but SHHHH! The Obama's TURNED-"INTERnationally"_CELEBRITY_FAMOU$_+Lily-White-The $plit-$econd that They Entered The White Hou$e~way back in calendar year 2009 (two-thousand and nine) GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's Dark-Skinned_AKIN_To-The Obama-U$A-First-Couple ARE Members of A Dark-$kinned Ethnic Minority Racial Group INSIDE THE USA~Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka _HUMANITY_ PRECI$ELY_ _LIKE_ GENERATION$ of Pale$tinian$ in The Occupied We$t Bank _AND_ in The Occupied Gaza $trip~"continue" experiencing MA$$IVE+_GUARANTEED_ by "both" Current U$A-Pre$ident Obama'$ policie$ _AND_ _FUTURE_ U$A Pre$ident-HILLARY-RODHAM-CLINTON'$ [BOTH HAVE RECEIVED MILLION$ in legal-unethical million$ to their MULTIPLE campaign war che$t$ in quid pro quo return "for" "expected" policie$ "on" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Relentle$$_GOVERNMENT-OF-CEYLON-$RI-LANKA-Perpetrated+For generation$ _GENOCIDE_~AS REPORTED~DILIGENTLY+HONESTLY+RIGHTEOUSLY~by USA-based _Foreign Policy_ magazine in _direct_ quid pro quo "return" "for" "blanket" "INTERnational" _AND_"national" "legal impunity" "criminal neglect" "from" ANY whisper/hint/faint rumors (rumours) of _JUSTICE_ "for" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$i$t:     http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/     Donation$ "made" "by" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's GENOCIDAL on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON-$RI LANK-NEO-FA$CI$T-totalitarian-dictators:     https://www.amazon.com/Sinhalese-Buddhist-Nationalist-Ideology-Implications/dp/1932728643      are _MORE THAN CAPABLE_~"naturally' In U$A-Pre$ident Obama's Self-Reported Fabulous "judgment" the "same-Obama" that "labeled" ISIS-ISIL "strictly juvie league!"~take THAT O Abu Bakkar al-Baghdadi (!)~THE ORACLE-OBAMA THUS _SPOKE_:     http://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes      of "funding" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ neo-Nazi fa$ci$ts "conducting CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS into their _OWN_ CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN-HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA (!)  Thanks in many ways to the "protection" PURCHASED WITH MONEY-$$$$$$$$$ donated directly TO _MULTIPLE_ U$A-CURRENT-PRE$IDENT-OBAMA+TO_MULTIPLE _FUTURE_ U$A-PRE$IDENT- HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON "funds"~generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's genocidal fascists from any/all _WHISPER[S]_ of INTERnationally (in Geneva, Switzerland, The European Union _AND_ in New York, New Yorj (Manhattan) U$A _AND_"internally"-INSIDE Ceylon-$ri Lanka-NATIONALLY-CREDIBLE _CRIMINAL_ PROSECUTIONS conducted on the NATIONAL $TAGE located in Geneva, Switzerland, The EUROPEAN UNION~"BY" SWITZERLAND'S Illustrious The Sole-The Only-The LONELY-The Last Man Standing In 2017 (twenty-seventeen) _INTERNATIONALLY_-LEGALLY-CREDIBLE_ _UNBRIBABLE_ EMINENTLY _IN_CORRUPTIBLE prosecuting authority Left Standing On Planet Earth 2016 (twenty-sixteen)~in the "sense" that The Everlastingly-Illustrious-Obamas ARE "members of an "ethnic minority group" in The U$A~Oops! we _FORGOT_ $INCE U$A-Pre$ident-Obama ANNOUNCED Hi$ Po$t-racial Pre$idency  in calendar year 2009 (two-thousand and nine)~there are purportedly _PRECISELY_  _ZERO_ "issues" for Eelam Tamils facing routine+relentless acts of GENOCIDE+CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL  _CITIZEN_HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA (Oops!) [Sarcasm! naturally!]:     https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539_GENOCIDE_-Perpetrated on GENERATIONS of Eelam Tamil Citizen of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'S EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN _HUMANITY_ in Ceylon-$ri Lanka~A$IA~not "merely" "with" One Hundred Percent Legal+Judicial+national _IMPUNITY_ but "in celebration$" in "world capital$" AROUND THE GLOBE:    http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753     ~"with" _NATIONAL_ _LEGAL_ United Nation$ $ecurity Council-I$$UED_Congratulatory Re$olution$:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims     _WHILE_ Eelam Tamil Citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka Citizen _HUMANITY_"continue" being _NATIONALLY_DI$CRIMINATED_ AGAIN$T_ "by" Ban Ki-moon$ Illu$triou$-NO-DOUBT_ _BUT_ "for the _TINY_~een$ie$t-ween$ie$t~"issue" of MILLION$ of NATIONALLY_-_DI$PLACED_ SYRIAN-refugee$~MORE REFUGEE$ ON THE PLANET THAN AT ANY _OTHER_ TIME IN RECORDED _HI$TORY_ THAN DURING WWII (!) _APPARENTLY_ "a cause for celebrating _BOTH_ U$A-Pre$ident Obama'$ "track record in brilliance"_AND_ Current United Nation$ Chief Ban Ki-moon'$ "track record" in being "complicit'" in _GENOCIDE_ in the "political" _AND_ "judicial" _AND_ "economic" "systems" of the countrie$ that GENERATIONS of Eelam Tamil Citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka _HUMANITY_ "flee to" in _TERROR_ only to be mi$treated/tortured/ill-u$ed for GENERATIONS by "the so-called "good guy$~in the-so-called "developed" Fir$t-World.  Thi$ "torture" and ill-treatment of GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's Eelam Tamil _CITIZEN_ _HUMANITY_ is "then" "topped"  by "the en masse deportation(s)" from any/all "developed" countrie$~$upposedly"~E$PECIALLY Un$peakably-BIGOTED Au$tralia! MATE$!~"all $igned up"+SIGNED UP _FOR_ literally _DECADE$!~with The United Nation$ "re$pon$ibilitie$ _TOWARD$ refugee$" from VIOLENT CONFLICT$ "around the world!"~but E$PECIALLY-The United Nation$ under United Nation4' Chief Ban ki-Moon~and are then "succe$$fully" "returned"~"BY" drove$ of $o-called "developed" "countrie$" "back" to Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -Flavored neo-NAZI $inhala fa$ci$t Colombo-centric totalitarian _DICTATOR$_"Succe$$ive"-Governments of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-PERPETRATOR$ OF DECADE$ OF GENOCIDE "waiting" "arm$" "waiting" to $LAUGHTER _WITH_ COMPLETE_ + _UTTER_ NATIONAL _JUDICIAL_ _AND_ LEGAL_ AND "beyond" One Hundred Percent _IMPUNITY_ in the "$en$e that Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GOVERNMENT-Perpetrated _GENOCIDE_ Perpetrated ON GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN _HUMANITY_ :     https://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-national/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475473573&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka      GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-GOVERNMENT_-Perpetrated _GENOCIDE_:     https://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-national/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475847965&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka       "featured" in the link following of Illustrious-Mutti-German Chancellor Merkel giving "a personal-guided-tour" of Hitler's [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     Third Reich-Nazi-era Holocaust Memorial Museum on February 17th, 2016 (twenty-sixteen):       http://newsfirst.lk/english/2016/02/president-sirisena-meets-german-chancellor-angela-merkel-video/128686    and the Even _MORE_ Illu$triou$ U$A-Pre$ident Obama "celebrating" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ genocidal-on-ANY/ALL-Eelam Tamil citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Mahindha Chinthana Rajapak$e'$ DI$TINCTLY-Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -FLAVORED-NEO NAZI SINHALA FA$CI$T COLOMBO-CENTRIC TOTALITARIAN REGIME:     https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539     "naturally" in DIRECT quid pro quo _RETURN_ for MILLION$ in campaign war che$t "contribution$" made to _MULTIPLE_ Obama-For-U$A-Illu$triou$-$enate _AND_ Hillary-Rodham-Clinton-For-U$A-$enate _AND_ to _MULTIPLE_ Obama-For-U$A-Pre$ident:     http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753      _AND_ to _MULTIPLE_ Hillary-Clinton-For-U$A-Pre$ident+to "everyone" "for" The Clinton Foundation in the "name" of "saving elephants" _ZERO_ whispers/hints/softest _MENTION$_ of generations of  DI$TINCTLY-Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -FLAVORED NEO NAZI-$INHALA-FA$CI$T-COLOMBO-CENTRIC-TOTALITARIN CEYLON-$RI LANKA-_GOVERNMENT_PERPATRATOR$ OF _GENOCIDE_ and _CRIME$-RELENTLESSLY-PERPETRATED AGAIN$T EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN-HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA-A$IA~"naturally!"~after all it _IS_ The Obama-Forever-Hillary Clinton Forever Everla$ting-Light+$ound-$how-Forever, eh? [NO ONE "HERE" IS A CANADIAN CITIZEN!]:         http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/

As "recently" as on October 30th, 2016 (twenty-sixteen):     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38466    
GENERATIONS [alas!+alack! the English word  GENERATIONS [alas!+alack! the English word  GENERATIONS _NOT_ EMPLOYED "HERE" A "A METAPHOR"~"WE"_WISH THAT IT _WERE_ "MERELY A METAPHOR!" WITH _ALL_ OUR HEART$]~OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S _UNARMED_ PEACEFUL-PEACFULLY-NON-VIOLENTLY-PROTESTING EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA:     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38460      Eelam Tamil Citizen _HUMANITY_ Citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-CITIZEN$-in "name ONLY"~continue to "routinely" "habitually" "daily"~ UNCOVER THE SKELETAL _REMAINS_ ASSOCIATED WITH _MASS_ HUMAN GRAVE$~from as long-ago as The Nineteen Nineties [1990's]  _MURDERED_ in cold-blood "by" GENERATION$ [alas!+alack! the English word  GENERATIONS OF CURRENT-U$A-PRE$IDENT-OBAMA-BACKED _AND_ FUTURE U$A-PRE$IDENT-HILLARY-CLINTON-BACKED CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S _UNARMED_ PEACEFUL-PEACFULLY-NON-VIOLENTLY-PROTESTING EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA"  OBAMA+FIRST LADY ALL $MILES _AND_ POSING FOR _OFFICIAL_ PHOTOGRAPHS WITH FORMER CEYLON-$RI LANKA-nakedly genocidal on generations of Ceylon-Sri lanka's Dark-skinned Ethnic Minority Eelam Tamil Citizen _HUMANITY_~since~get this! calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine)    http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753      of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's-Government-Perpetrators of _GENOCIDE_:     http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf     ~perpetrated since~get this!~calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine):      https://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen     _AND_ $ince" _ALL_THE FORE-MENTIONED_ IS CLEAR:Y _IN$IFFICIENT_ HIBRI$ fpror LITERALLTY _GENERATION$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's nakedly genocidal on generations of Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka in _NAME ONLY_ Di$tinctly Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$ci$t Colombo-centric totalitarians _AL$O_ "featured" in the link following of Illustrious-Mutti-German Chancellor Merkel giving "a personal-guided-tour" of Hitler's [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     Third Reich-Nazi-era Holocaust Memorial Museum on February 17th, 2016 (twenty-sixteen):       http://newsfirst.lk/english/2016/02/president-sirisena-meets-german-chancellor-angela-merkel-video/128686     

As "recently" as on October 25th, 2016 (twenty-sixteen):     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38461     _AND_ As "recently" as on October 26th, 2016 (twenty-sixteen):     http://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-37771506    
GENERATIONS [alas!+alack! the English word  GENERATIONS _NOT_ EMPLOYED "HERE" A "A METAPHOR"~"WE"_WISH IT _WERE_ "MERELY A METAPHOR!" WITH _ALL_ OUR HEART$]~ OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S _UNARMED_ PEACEFUL-PEACFULLY-NON-VIOLENTLY-PROTESTING EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA: :          http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38460     Eelam Tamil Citizen _HUMANITY_ Citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-CITIZEN$-in "name ONLY"~continue to mourn the deaths of _TWO_ Jaffna University students _MURDERED_ in cold-blood "by" GENERATION$ [alas!+alack! the English word  GENERATIONS OF CURRENT-U$A-PRE$IDENT-OBAMA-BACKED _AND_ FUTURE U$A-PRE$IDENT-HILLARY-CLINTON-BACKED CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S _UNARMED_ PEACEFUL-PEACFULLY-NON-VIOLENTLY-PROTESTING EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA" of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's-Government-Perpetrators of _GENOCIDE_:     http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf     ~perpetrated since~get this!~calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine):      https://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen   

As "recently" as on October 24th, 2016:     http://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-37750658    
GENERATIONS [alas!+alack! the English word  GENERATIONS _NOT_ EMPLOYED "HERE" A "A METAPHOR"~"WE"_WISH IT _WERE_ "MERELY A METAPHOR!" WITH _ALL_ OUR HEART$]~ OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S _UNARMED_ PEACEFUL-PEACFULLY-NON-VIOLENTLY-PROTESTING EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA:                http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38460          _AND_      https://www.amazon.com/Redefining-Genocide-Settler-Colonialism-Ecocide-ebook/dp/B01H243CK6/ref=sr_1_12?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1476279855&sr=1-12&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka     not employed here as "a metaphor!"] of  EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA _HUMANITY_:     https://www.amazon.com/Redefining-Genocide-Settler-Colonialism-Ecocide-ebook/dp/B01H243CK6/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1477223597&sr=8-3&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka      "continue"~PRECI$ELY_ _LIKE_ GENERATIONS of Pale$tinian$ in The Occupied We$t Bank _AND_ The Occupied Gaza $trip~"continue" experiencing MA$$IVE+_GUARANTEED_ by "both" Current U$A-Pre$ident Obama'$ policie$ _AND_ _FUTURE_ U$A Pre$ident-HILLARY-RODHAM-CLINTON'$ [BOTH HAVE RECEIVED MILLION$ in legal-unethical million$ to their MULTIPLE campaign war che$t$ in quid pro quo return "for" "expected" policie$ "on" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Relentle$$_GOVERNMENT-OF-CEYLON-$RI-LANKA-Perpetrated+For generation$ _GENOCIDE_~AS REPORTED~DILIGENTLY+HONESTLY+RIGHTEOUSLY~by USA-based _Foreign Policy_ magazine in _direct_ quid pro quo "return" "for" "blanket" "national" "legal impunity" "criminal neglect" "from" ANY whisper/hint/faint rumors (rumours) of _JUSTICE_ "for" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$i$t:     http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/     Donation$ "made" "by" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's GENOCIDAL on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON-$RI LANK-NEO-FA$CI$T-totalitarian-dictators:     https://www.amazon.com/Sinhalese-Buddhist-Nationalist-Ideology-Implications/dp/1932728643      are _MORE THAN CAPABLE_~"naturally' In U$A-Pre$ident Obama's Self-Reported Fabulous "judgment" the "same-Obama" that "labeled" ISIS-ISIL "strictly juvie league!"~take THAT O Abu Bakkar al-Baghdadi (!)~THE ORACLE-OBAMA THUS _SPOKE_:     http://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes      of "funding" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ neo-Nazi fa$ci$ts "conducting CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS into their _OWN_ CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN-HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA (!)  Thanks in many ways to the "protection" PURCHASED WITH MONEY-$$$$$$$$$ donated directly TO _MULTIPLE_ U$A-CURRENT-PRE$IDENT-OBAMA+TO_MULTIPLE _FUTURE_ U$A-PRE$IDENT- HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON "funds"~generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's genocidal fascists from any/all _WHISPER[S]_ of NATIONALLY-CREDIBLE _CRIMINAL_ PROSECUTIONS conducted on the NATIONAL $TAGE located in Geneva, Switzerland, The EUROPEAN UNION~"BY" SWITZERLAND'S Illustrious The Sole-The Only-The LONELY-The Last Man Standing In 2016 (twenty-sixteen) _NATIONALLY_-LEGALLY-CREDIBLE_ _UNBRIBABLE_ EMINENTLY INCORRUPTIBLE prosecuting authority Left Standing On Planet Earth 2016 (twenty-sixteen)~in the "sense" that The Everlastingly-Illustrious-Obamas ARE "members of an "ethnic minority group" in The U$A~Oops! we _FORGOT_ $INCE U$A-Pre$ident-Obama ANNOUNCED Hi$ Po$t-racial Pre$idency  in calendar year 2009 (two-thousand and nine)~there are purportedly _PRECISELY_  _ZERO_ "issues" for Eelam Tamils facing routine+relentless acts of GENOCIDE+CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL  _CITIZEN_HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA (Oops!) [Sarcasm! naturally!]:     https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539_GENOCIDE_-Perpetrated on GENERATIONS of Eelam Tamil Citizen of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'S EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN _HUMANITY_ in Ceylon-$ri Lanka~A$IA~not "merely" "with" One Hundred Percent Legal+Judicial+national _IMPUNITY_ but "in celebration$" in "world capital$" AROUND THE GLOBE:    http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753     ~"with" _NATIONAL_ _LEGAL_ United Nation$ $ecurity Council-I$$UED_Congratulatory Re$olution$:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims     _WHILE_ Eelam Tamil Citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka Citizen _HUMANITY_"continue" being _NATIONALLY_DI$CRIMINATED_ AGAIN$T_ "by" Ban Ki-moon$ Illu$triou$-NO-DOUBT_ _BUT_ "for the _TINY_~een$ie$t-ween$ie$t~"issue" of MILLION$ of NATIONALLY_-_DI$PLACED_ SYRIAN-refugee$~MORE REFUGEE$ ON THE PLANET THAN AT ANY _OTHER_ TIME IN RECORDED _HI$TORY_ THAN DURING WWII (!) _APPARENTLY_ "a cause for celebrating _BOTH_ U$A-Pre$ident Obama'$ "track record in brilliance"_AND_ Current United Nation$ Chief Ban Ki-moon'$ "track record" in being "complicit'" in _GENOCIDE_ in the "political" _AND_ "judicial" _AND_ "economic" "systems" of the countrie$ that GENERATIONS of Eelam Tamil Citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka _HUMANITY_ "flee to" in _TERROR_ only to be mi$treated/tortured/ill-u$ed for GENERATIONS by "the so-called "good guy$~in the-so-called "developed" Fir$t-World.  Thi$ "torture" and ill-treatment of GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's Eelam Tamil _CITIZEN_ _HUMANITY_ is "then" 'topped"  by "the en masse deportation(s)" from any/all "developed" countrie$~$upposedly"~E$PECIALLY Un$peakably-BIGOTED Au$tralia! MATE$!~"all $igned up"+SIGNED UP _FOR_ literally _DECADE$!~with The United Nation$ "re$pon$ibilitie$ _TOWARD$ refugee$" from VIOLENT CONFLICT$ "around the world!"~but E$PECIALLY-The United Nation$ under United Nation4' Chief Ban ki-Moon~and are then "succe$$fully" "returned"~"BY" drove$ of $o-called "developed" "countrie$" "back" to Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -Flavored neo-NAZI $inhala fa$ci$t Colombo-centric totalitarian _DICTATOR$_"Succe$$ive"-Governments of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-PERPETRATOR$ OF DECADE$ OF GENOCIDE "waiting" "arm$" "waiting" to $LAUGHTER _WITH_ COMPLETE_ + _UTTER_ NATIONAL _JUDICIAL_ _AND_ LEGAL_ AND "beyond" One Hundred Percent _IMPUNITY_ in the "$en$e that Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GOVERNMENT-Perpetrated _GENOCIDE_ Perpetrated ON GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN _HUMANITY_ :     https://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-national/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475473573&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka      GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-GOVERNMENT_-Perpetrated _GENOCIDE_:     https://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-national/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475847965&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka       "featured" in the link following of Illustrious-Mutti-German Chancellor Merkel giving "a personal-guided-tour" of Hitler's [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     Third Reich-Nazi-era Holocaust Memorial Museum on February 17th, 2016 (twenty-sixteen):       http://newsfirst.lk/english/2016/02/president-sirisena-meets-german-chancellor-angela-merkel-video/128686    and the Even _MORE_ Illu$triou$ U$A-Pre$ident Obama "celebrating" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ genocidal-on-ANY/ALL-Eelam Tamil citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Mahindha Chinthana Rajapak$e'$ DI$TINCTLY-Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -FLAVORED-NEO NAZI SINHALA FA$CI$T COLOMBO-CENTRIC TOTALITARIAN REGIME:     https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539     "naturally" in DIRECT quid pro quo _RETURN_ for MILLION$ in campaign war che$t "contribution$" made to _MULTIPLE_ Obama-For-U$A-Illu$triou$-$enate _AND_ Hillary-Rodham-Clinton-For-U$A-$enate _AND_ to _MULTIPLE_ Obama-For-U$A-Pre$ident:     http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753      _AND_ to _MULTIPLE_ Hillary-Clinton-For-U$A-Pre$ident+to "everyone" "for" The Clinton Foundation in the "name" of "saving elephants" _ZERO_ whispers/hints/softest _MENTION$_ of generations of  DI$TINCTLY-Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -FLAVORED NEO NAZI-$INHALA-FA$CI$T-COLOMBO-CENTRIC-TOTALITARIN CEYLON-$RI LANKA-_GOVERNMENT_PERPATRATOR$ OF _GENOCIDE_ and _CRIME$-RELENTLESSLY PERPETRATED AGAIN$T EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS IN MAE ONLY-HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA-A$IA~"naturally!"~after all it _IS_ The Obama-Forever-Hillary Clinton Forever Everla$ting-Light+$ound-$how-Forever, eh? [NO ONE "HERE" ISA ACNADIAN CITIZEN!]:         http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/   
As "recently" as on October 7th, 2016 (twenty-sixteen)     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=38440    
GENERATIONS [alas!+alack! the English word  GENERATIONS:     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=38429      not employed here as "a metaphor!"] of  EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA _HUMANITY_ "continue"~PRECI$ELY_ _LIKE_ GENERATIONS of Pale$tinian$ in The Occupied We$t Bank _AND_ The Occupied Gaza $trip~"continue" experiencing MA$$IVE+_GUARANTEED_ by "both" Current U$A-Pre$ident Obama'$ policie$ _AND_ _FUTURE_ U$A Pre$ident-HILLARY-RODHAM-CLINTON'$ "expected" policie$ "on" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Relentle$$_GOVERNMENT-OF-CEYLON-$RI-LANKA-Perpetrated+For generation$_GENOCIDE_-Perpetrated on GENERATIONS of Eelam Tamil Citizen of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'S EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN _HUMANITY_ in Ceylon-$ri Lanka~A$IA~not "merely" "with" One Hundred Percent Legal+Judicial+national _IMPUNITY_ but "in celebration$" in "world capital$" AROUND THE GLOBE:    http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753     ~"with" _NATIONAL_ _LEGAL_ United Nation$ $ecurity Council-I$$UED_Congratulatory Re$olution$:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims     _WHILE_ Eelam Tamil Citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka Citizen _HUMANITY_"continue" being _NATIONALLY_DI$CRIMINATED_ AGAIN$T_ "by" Ban ki-Moon$ Illu$triou$-NO-DOUBT_ _BUT_ "for the _TINY_~een$ie$t-ween$ie$t~"issue" of MILLION$ of NATIONALLY_-_DI$PLACED_ SYRIAN-refugee$~MORE REFUGEE$ ON THE PLANET THAN AT ANY _OTHER_ TIME IN RECORDED _HI$TORY_ THAN DURING WWII (!) _APPARENTLY_ "a cause for celebrating _BOTH_ U$A-Pre$ident Obama'$ "track record in brilliance"_AND_ Current United Nation$ Chief Ban ki-Moon'$ "track record" in being "complicit'" in _GENOCIDE_ in the "political" _AND_ "judicial" _AND_ "economic" "systems" of the countrie$ that GENERATIONS of Eelam Tamil Citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka _HUMANITY_ "flee to" in _TERROR_ only to be mi$treated/tortured/ill-u$ed for GENERATIONS by "the so-called "good guy$~in the-so-called "developed" Fir$t-World.  Thi$ "torture" and ill-treatment of GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's Eelam Tamil _CITIZEN_ _HUMANITY_ is "then" 'topped"  by "the en masse deportation(s)" from any/all "developed" countrie$~$upposedly"~E$PECIALLY Un$peakably-BIGOTED Au$tralia! MATE$!~"all $igned up+SIGNED UP _FOR_ literally _DECADE$!~with The United Nation$ "re$pon$ibilitie$ _TOWARD$ refugee$ from VIOLENT CONFLICT$ "around the world!"~but E$PECIALLY-The United Nation$ under United Nation4' Chief Ban ki-Moon~and are then "succe$$fully" "returned"~"BY" drove$ of $o-called "developed" "countrie$" "back" to Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -Flavored neo-NAZI $inhala fa$ci$t Colombo-centric totalitarian _DICTATOR$_"Succe$$ive"-Governments of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-PERPETRATOR$ OF DECADE$ OF GENOCIDE "waiting" "arm$" "waiting" to $LAUGHTER _WITH_ COMPLETE_ + _UTTER_ NATIONAL _JUDICIAL_ _AND_ LEGAL_ AND "beyond" One Hundred Percent _IMPUNITY_ in the "$en$e that Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GOVERNMENT-Perpetrated _GENOCIDE_ Perpetrated ON GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN _HUMANITY_ :     https://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-national/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475473573&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka      GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-GOVERNMENT_-Perpetrated _GENOCIDE_:     https://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-national/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475847965&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka

As "recently" as on October 22nd, 2016 (twenty-sixteen):     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38458      GENERATIONS [alas!+alack! the English word  GENERATIONS:     https://www.amazon.com/Redefining-Genocide-Settler-Colonialism-Ecocide-ebook/dp/B01H243CK6/ref=sr_1_12?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1476279855&sr=1-12&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka     not employed here as "a metaphor!"] of  EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA _HUMANITY_:     https://www.amazon.com/Redefining-Genocide-Settler-Colonialism-Ecocide-ebook/dp/B01H243CK6/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1477223597&sr=8-3&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka      "continue"~PRECI$ELY_ _LIKE_ GENERATIONS of Pale$tinian$ in The Occupied We$t Bank _AND_ The Occupied Gaza $trip~"continue" experiencing MA$$IVE+_GUARANTEED_ by "both" Current U$A-Pre$ident Obama'$ policie$ _AND_ _FUTURE_ U$A Pre$ident-HILLARY-RODHAM-CLINTON'$ [BOTH HAVE RECEIVED MILLION$ in legal-unethical million$ to their MULTIPLE campaign war che$t$ in quid pro quo return "for" "expected" policie$ "on" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Relentle$$_GOVERNMENT-OF-CEYLON-$RI-LANKA-Perpetrated+For generation$ _GENOCIDE_~AS REPORTED~DILIGENTLY+HONESTLY+RIGHTEOUSLY~by USA-based _Foreign Policy_ magazine in _direct_ quid pro quo "return" "for" "blanket" "national" "legal impunity" "criminal neglect" "from" ANY whisper/hint/faint rumors (rumours) of _JUSTICE_ "for" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$i$t:     http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/     Donation$ "made" "by" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's GENOCIDAL on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON-$RI LANK-NEO-FA$CI$T-totalitarian-dictators:     https://www.amazon.com/Sinhalese-Buddhist-Nationalist-Ideology-Implications/dp/1932728643      are _MORE THAN CAPABLE_~"naturally' In U$A-Pre$ident Obama's Self-Reported Fabulous "judgment" the "same-Obama" that "labeled" ISIS-ISIL "strictly juvie league!"~take THAT O Abu Bakkar al-Baghdadi (!)~THE ORACLE-OBAMA THUS _SPOKE_:     http://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes      of "funding" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ neo-Nazi fa$ci$ts "conducting CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS into their _OWN_ CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN-HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA (!)  Thanks in many ways to the "protection" PURCHASED WITH MONEY-$$$$$$$$$ donated directly TO _MULTIPLE_ U$A-CURRENT-PRE$IDENT-OBAMA+TO_MULTIPLE _FUTURE_ U$A-PRE$IDENT- HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON "funds"~generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's genocidal fascists from any/all _WHISPER[S]_ of NATIONALLY-CREDIBLE _CRIMINAL_ PROSECUTIONS conducted on the NATIONAL $TAGE located in Geneva, Switzerland, The EUROPEAN UNION~"BY" SWITZERLAND'S Illustrious The Sole-The Only-The LONELY-The Last Man Standing In 2016 (twenty-sixteen) _NATIONALLY_-LEGALLY-CREDIBLE_ _UNBRIBABLE_ EMINENTLY INCORRUPTIBLE prosecuting authority Left Standing On Planet Earth 2016 (twenty-sixteen)~in the "sense" that The Everlastingly-Illustrious-Obamas ARE "members of an "ethnic minority group" in The U$A~Oops! we _FORGOT_ $INCE U$A-Pre$ident-Obama ANNOUNCED Hi$ Po$t-racial Pre$idency  in calendar year 2009 (two-thousand and nine)~there are purportedly _PRECISELY_  _ZERO_ "issues" for Eelam Tamils facing routine+relentless acts of GENOCIDE+CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL  _CITIZEN_HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA (Oops!) [Sarcasm! naturally!]:     https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539_GENOCIDE_-Perpetrated on GENERATIONS of Eelam Tamil Citizen of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'S EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN _HUMANITY_ in Ceylon-$ri Lanka~A$IA~not "merely" "with" One Hundred Percent Legal+Judicial+national _IMPUNITY_ but "in celebration$" in "world capital$" AROUND THE GLOBE:    http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753     ~"with" _NATIONAL_ _LEGAL_ United Nation$ $ecurity Council-I$$UED_Congratulatory Re$olution$:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims     _WHILE_ Eelam Tamil Citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka Citizen _HUMANITY_"continue" being _NATIONALLY_DI$CRIMINATED_ AGAIN$T_ "by" Ban Ki-moon$ Illu$triou$-NO-DOUBT_ _BUT_ "for the _TINY_~een$ie$t-ween$ie$t~"issue" of MILLION$ of NATIONALLY_-_DI$PLACED_ SYRIAN-refugee$~MORE REFUGEE$ ON THE PLANET THAN AT ANY _OTHER_ TIME IN RECORDED _HI$TORY_ THAN DURING WWII (!) _APPARENTLY_ "a cause for celebrating _BOTH_ U$A-Pre$ident Obama'$ "track record in brilliance"_AND_ Current United Nation$ Chief Ban Ki-moon'$ "track record" in being "complicit'" in _GENOCIDE_ in the "political" _AND_ "judicial" _AND_ "economic" "systems" of the countrie$ that GENERATIONS of Eelam Tamil Citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka _HUMANITY_ "flee to" in _TERROR_ only to be mi$treated/tortured/ill-u$ed for GENERATIONS by "the so-called "good guy$~in the-so-called "developed" Fir$t-World.  Thi$ "torture" and ill-treatment of GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's Eelam Tamil _CITIZEN_ _HUMANITY_ is "then" 'topped"  by "the en masse deportation(s)" from any/all "developed" countrie$~$upposedly"~E$PECIALLY Un$peakably-BIGOTED Au$tralia! MATE$!~"all $igned up"+SIGNED UP _FOR_ literally _DECADE$!~with The United Nation$ "re$pon$ibilitie$ _TOWARD$ refugee$" from VIOLENT CONFLICT$ "around the world!"~but E$PECIALLY-The United Nation$ under United Nation4' Chief Ban ki-Moon~and are then "succe$$fully" "returned"~"BY" drove$ of $o-called "developed" "countrie$" "back" to Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -Flavored neo-NAZI $inhala fa$ci$t Colombo-centric totalitarian _DICTATOR$_"Succe$$ive"-Governments of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-PERPETRATOR$ OF DECADE$ OF GENOCIDE "waiting" "arm$" "waiting" to $LAUGHTER _WITH_ COMPLETE_ + _UTTER_ NATIONAL _JUDICIAL_ _AND_ LEGAL_ AND "beyond" One Hundred Percent _IMPUNITY_ in the "$en$e that Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GOVERNMENT-Perpetrated _GENOCIDE_ Perpetrated ON GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN _HUMANITY_ :     https://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-national/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475473573&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka      GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-GOVERNMENT_-Perpetrated _GENOCIDE_:     https://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-national/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475847965&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka       "featured" in the link following of Illustrious-Mutti-German Chancellor Merkel giving "a personal-guided-tour" of Hitler's [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     Third Reich-Nazi-era Holocaust Memorial Museum on February 17th, 2016 (twenty-sixteen):       http://newsfirst.lk/english/2016/02/president-sirisena-meets-german-chancellor-angela-merkel-video/128686    and the Even _MORE_ Illu$triou$ U$A-Pre$ident Obama "celebrating" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ genocidal-on-ANY/ALL-Eelam Tamil citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Mahindha Chinthana Rajapak$e'$ DI$TINCTLY-Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -FLAVORED-NEO NAZI SINHALA FA$CI$T COLOMBO-CENTRIC TOTALITARIAN REGIME:     https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539     "naturally" in DIRECT quid pro quo _RETURN_ for MILLION$ in campaign war che$t "contribution$" made to _MULTIPLE_ Obama-For-U$A-Illu$triou$-$enate _AND_ Hillary-Rodham-Clinton-For-U$A-$enate _AND_ to _MULTIPLE_ Obama-For-U$A-Pre$ident:     http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753      _AND_ to _MULTIPLE_ Hillary-Clinton-For-U$A-Pre$ident+to "everyone" "for" The Clinton Foundation in the "name" of "saving elephants" _ZERO_ whispers/hints/softest _MENTION$_ of generations of  DI$TINCTLY-Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -FLAVORED NEO NAZI-$INHALA-FA$CI$T-COLOMBO-CENTRIC-TOTALITARIN CEYLON-$RI LANKA-_GOVERNMENT_PERPATRATOR$ OF _GENOCIDE_ and _CRIME$-RELENTLESSLY PERPETRATED AGAIN$T EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN-HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LAN-A$IA~"naturally!"~after all it _IS_ The Obama-Forever-Hillary Clinton Forever Everla$ting-Light+$ound-$how-Forever, eh? [NO ONE "HERE" ISA ACNADIAN CITIZEN!]:         http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/   
As "recently" as on October 7th, 2016 (twenty-sixteen)     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=38440    
GENERATIONS [alas!+alack! the English word  GENERATIONS:     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=38429      not employed here as "a metaphor!"] of  EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA _HUMANITY_ "continue"~PRECI$ELY_ _LIKE_ GENERATIONS of Pale$tinian$ in The Occupied We$t Bank _AND_ The Occupied Gaza $trip~"continue" experiencing MA$$IVE+_GUARANTEED_ by "both" Current U$A-Pre$ident Obama'$ policie$ _AND_ _FUTURE_ U$A Pre$ident-HILLARY-RODHAM-CLINTON'$ "expected" policie$ "on" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Relentle$$_GOVERNMENT-OF-CEYLON-$RI-LANKA-Perpetrated+For generation$_GENOCIDE_-Perpetrated on GENERATIONS of Eelam Tamil Citizen of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'S EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN _HUMANITY_ in Ceylon-$ri Lanka~A$IA~not "merely" "with" One Hundred Percent Legal+Judicial+national _IMPUNITY_ but "in celebration$" in "world capital$" AROUND THE GLOBE:    http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753     ~"with" _NATIONAL_ _LEGAL_ United Nation$ $ecurity Council-I$$UED_Congratulatory Re$olution$:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims     _WHILE_ Eelam Tamil Citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka Citizen _HUMANITY_"continue" being _NATIONALLY_DI$CRIMINATED_ AGAIN$T_ "by" Ban ki-Moon$ Illu$triou$-NO-DOUBT_ _BUT_ "for the _TINY_~een$ie$t-ween$ie$t~"issue" of MILLION$ of NATIONALLY_-_DI$PLACED_ SYRIAN-refugee$~MORE REFUGEE$ ON THE PLANET THAN AT ANY _OTHER_ TIME IN RECORDED _HI$TORY_ THAN DURING WWII (!) _APPARENTLY_ "a cause for celebrating _BOTH_ U$A-Pre$ident Obama'$ "track record in brilliance"_AND_ Current United Nation$ Chief Ban ki-Moon'$ "track record" in being "complicit'" in _GENOCIDE_ in the "political" _AND_ "judicial" _AND_ "economic" "systems" of the countrie$ that GENERATIONS of Eelam Tamil Citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka _HUMANITY_ "flee to" in _TERROR_ only to be mi$treated/tortured/ill-u$ed for GENERATIONS by "the so-called "good guy$~in the-so-called "developed" Fir$t-World.  Thi$ "torture" and ill-treatment of GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's Eelam Tamil _CITIZEN_ _HUMANITY_ is "then" 'topped"  by "the en masse deportation(s)" from any/all "developed" countrie$~$upposedly"~E$PECIALLY Un$peakably-BIGOTED Au$tralia! MATE$!~"all $igned up+SIGNED UP _FOR_ literally _DECADE$!~with The United Nation$ "re$pon$ibilitie$ _TOWARD$ refugee$ from VIOLENT CONFLICT$ "around the world!"~but E$PECIALLY-The United Nation$ under United Nation4' Chief Ban ki-Moon~and are then "succe$$fully" "returned"~"BY" drove$ of $o-called "developed" "countrie$" "back" to Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -Flavored neo-NAZI $inhala fa$ci$t Colombo-centric totalitarian _DICTATOR$_"Succe$$ive"-Governments of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-PERPETRATOR$ OF DECADE$ OF GENOCIDE "waiting" "arm$" "waiting" to $LAUGHTER _WITH_ COMPLETE_ + _UTTER_ NATIONAL _JUDICIAL_ _AND_ LEGAL_ AND "beyond" One Hundred Percent _IMPUNITY_ in the "$en$e that Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GOVERNMENT-Perpetrated _GENOCIDE_ Perpetrated ON GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN _HUMANITY_ :     https://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-national/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475473573&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka      GENERATIONS of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-GOVERNMENT_-Perpetrated _GENOCIDE_:     https://www.amazon.com/Tamil-Genocide-Sri-Lanka-national/dp/0986085375/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1475847965&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka

As "recently" as on October 10th, 2016 )twenty-sixteen):     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38444      
GENERATIONS [alas!+alack! the English word  GENERATIONS:     https://www.amazon.com/Redefining-Genocide-Settler-Colonialism-Ecocide-ebook/dp/B01H243CK6/ref=sr_1_12?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1476279855&sr=1-12&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka     not employed here as "a metaphor!"] of  EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA _HUMANITY_ "continue"~PRECI$ELY_ _LIKE_ GENERATIONS of Pale$tinian$ in The Occupied We$t Bank _AND_ The Occupied Gaza $trip~"continue" experiencing MA$$IVE+_GUARANTEED_ by "both" Current U$A-Pre$ident Obama'$ policie$ _AND_ _FUTURE_ U$A Pre$ident-HILLARY-RODHAM-CLINTON'$ [BOTH HAVE RECEIVED MILLION$ in legal-unethical million$ to their MULTIPLE campaign war che$t$ in quid pro quo return "for" "expected" policie$ "on" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Relentle$$_GOVERNMENT-OF-CEYLON-$RI-LANKA-Perpetrated+For generation$~AS REPORTED~DILIGENTLY+HONESTLY+RIGHTEOUSLY~by USA-based _Foreign Policy_ magazine in _direct_ quid pro quo "return" "for" "blanket" "national" "legal IMMUNITY- impunity" "criminal neglect" "from" ANY whi$per/hint/faint rumors (rumours) of _JUSTICE_ "for" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$i$t:     http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/     Donation$ "made" "by" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's GENOCIDAL on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON-$RI LANK-NEO-NAZI-$INHALA--fa$ci$t totalitarian-dictators:     https://www.amazon.com/Sinhalese-Buddhist-Nationalist-Ideology-Implications/dp/1932728643      are _MORE THAN CAPABLE_~"naturally' In U$A-Pre$ident Obama's Self-Reported Fabulous "judgment" the "same-Obama" that "labeled" ISIS-ISIL "strictly juvie league!"~take THAT O Abu Bakkar al-Baghdadi (!)~THE ORACLE-OBAMA THUS _SPOKE_:     http://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes      of "funding" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ neo-Nazi fa$ci$ts "conducting CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS into their _OWN_ CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN-HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA (!)  Thanks in many ways to the "protection" PURCHASED WITH MONEY-$$$$$$$$$ donated directly TO _MULTIPLE_ U$A-CURRENT-PRE$IDENT-OBAMA+TO_MULTIPLE _FUTURE_ U$A-PRE$IDENT- HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON "funds"~generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's genocidal fascists from any/all _WHISPER[S]_ of NATIONALLY-CREDIBLE _CRIMINAL_ PROSECUTIONS conducted on the NATIONAL $TAGE [AKA VENUE] located in Geneva, Switzerland, The EUROPEAN UNION~"BY" SWITZERLAND'S Illustrious The Sole-The Only-The LONELY-The Last Man Standing _NATIONALLY_-LEGALLY-CREDIBLE_ _UNBRIBABLE_ prosecuting authority Left Standing On Planet Earth 2016 (twenty-sixteen)~in the "sense" that The Everlastingly-Illustrious-Obamas ARE "members of an "ethnic minority group" in The U$A~Oops! we _FORGOT_ $INCE U$A-Pre$ident-Obama ANNOUNCED Hi$ Po$t-racial Pre$idency  in calendar year 2009 (two-thousand and nine)~there are purportedly _PRECISELY_  _ZERO_ "issues" for Eelam Tamils facing routine+relentless acts of GENOCIDE+CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL  _CITIZEN_HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA (Oops!) [Sarcasm! naturally!]: