Go to Bio  Bio A  Bio B  Page 44  Page 43  Page 42  Page 41  Page 40  Page 39  Page 38  Page 37  Page 36  Page 35  Page 34  Page 33  Page 32  Page 31  Page 30  Page 29  Page 28  Page 27  Page 26  Page 25  Page 24  Page 23  Page 22  Page 21  Page 20  Page 19  Page 18  Page 17  Page 16  Page 15  Page 14  Page 13  Page 12  Page 11  Page 10  Page 9  Page 8  Page 7  Page 6  Page 5  Page 4  Page 3  Page 2  Page 1

The "brand name"/"the listing" "Isaac Falconer" is EMPHATICALLY+EMINENTLY _NOT_ any of the things listed here in CLEAR RED lettering:  "a person and/or persons with "issues" regarding monogamous-straight-relationships"~AS IN NO ONE "HERE" IS CLOSETED-GAY-BI-CURIOUS-GAY-NO-ONE-HERE SUFFER$ FROM GENDER DY$PHORIA-NO ONE "HERE" IS SEARCHING "for" "anything"~"a person associated in any way/shape/form with the Trident Asset Scam run out of Alpharetta, Georgia, U$A (a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia, U$A):     http://www.ripoffreport.com/r/Trident-Asset-Management-LLC/Alpharetta-Georgia-30022/Trident-Asset-Management-LLC-OPS-10-LLC-BMG-scam-sold-account-Alpharetta-Georgia-824764     ~"a person named Lizetta Guerva (304) 8296336" with a residential address on Church Street (Calle Chiesa) and NO! NO ONE "HERE" is a fluent "native" and/or non-native speaker of Spanish~"a person with a desperate interest in "receiving" "homework help" from Amazon-com-account-DAILY "targeted" college admi$$ions-targeted FREE ECHO WITH Princeton Review (!)~"a person with a [USA State of] Colorado _second_ family" Hello?  CLASSIC NET PHISHING EXPEDITIONS ON HIGH SPAM ANYONE?:     http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/What+is+VOIP     ~a person whose grocery list was _NOT_ stolen at a Giant Eagle grocery store location in Pennsylvania USA~a person whose car keys+remote-control car-door-opener were _NOT_ stolen in calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen) [and Yes! "we" know that it has long since gone 2019 (calendar year twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Potent Political Point Here!]~"one of The-U$A-Nationally-Known-Menendez-Fraternal-Twin$ convicted of planning+then carrying out the murders of both parents in Los Angeles, California, U$A~"a straw man"~"a shell company" LOCATED INSIDE THE USA~a white male Caucasian-a dark-skinned NON-white male-a person under age 18 (eighteen)~a person with a desperate "interest" in receiving relentle$$ telephone call$ "purportedly" "from" SSI +1 3046587898~so "frequently" that these calls "magically" "mystically" "occur" during NATIONALLY-Observed Holiday Weekend$ in The U$A~since~get this!~calendar year 2002 (two-thousand+two)~and for Italian _PLATONIC_ as in PRECI$ELY zero/zilch/nada/"sex acts" involved (!) friend(s)~especially Mario Vicentini~NO! Halloween is  emphatically not "a U$A-Federal-Government-ob$erved-U$A-National-Holiday-Weekend-in-The-U$A~IN YET _ANOTHER_ In A Long Series Of Spectacular+Unbelievable Coincidences U$A Pre$ident Obama "pardoned" Thanksgiving Turkeys "tater"+"tot" JUST as "we" were reading Nobel Prize-winner for Literature Ernest [The famous author's name "Ernest" as "we" published it was "altered" "by" the 24/7 365 internet trolls "to" "Earnest."  "We" discovered it on 04/28/2017 but it could have been altered for far longer than that.)  Eminently American author Earnest Hemingway's _A Moveable Feast_:    https://www.amazon.com/Moveable-Feast-Restored-Ernest-Hemingway/dp/143918271X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1479995942&sr=1-1&keywords=a+moveable+feast+ernest+hemingway      in an "intimate" part of our building~the book makes repeated reference to Earnest Heminway's first wife Hadley whose nickname "for" her husband was "Tatie" AS WE HAVE ALREADY _STATED_ "merely" YET _ANOTHER_ In A Long Series Of Spectacular+Unbelievable Coincidences a person with a desperate "personal interest" in receiving/returning relentless SCAMMER telephone calls that others beside ourselves have reported as SCAMS that our caller id DISPLAYS AS     http://800notes.com/Phone.aspx/1-304-658-7895     http://www.surveysampling.com      ~whenever "she" "he" they" telephone an ~GET THIS!~AN EIGHTY-YEARS_PLUS-ELDERLY-PLATONIC-CHRI$TIAN-FRIEND_ON_SSI (Social Security)~due to advanced age (!)~a person under age 21 (twenty-one)~a person who "confuses" one hundred percent (100%) LEGITIMATE and ABOVE-BOARD FINE ART  COMMISSIONS with sex acts.  PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK THAT FOLLOWS:    http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us     then type in the English words <fine artist> to "arrive at" the following "result":     https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/fine_artist      PLEASE CLICK ON THE LINK THAT FOLLOWS:     http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us     and/or:     https://www.google.com/search?q=commission&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8     "We" are sure it's Merely A Spectacular COINCIDENCE (!) aka Coi-ink-i-dink~"A Mere Another In A Series of Spectacular "Coincidences" Since 2007 that:     http://www.tvguide.com/tvshows/2-broke-girls/episodes/324803/     that The October 17th, 2016 (twenty-sixteen) [and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent-Political Point Here)] episode of The U$A $it-com_Two Broke Girls_ [Please! PRECISE$LY _NO_ONE_ "HERE" IS BROKE!~alas!+alack! that so _MANY_ are so _DE$PERATELY_ raci$t and/or $exi$t-to even think it!] ]  mentioning "The Oxford English Dictionary Definition of Something!  Since "we" had been "raised" to think that "commissions" of art work were the "primary" "meaning" of that "Queen's/King's English English word"~and _SINCE_ Oxford English Dictionary-arbiters of the English language in its current STAT! in calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen) [and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent-Political Point Here)] "echoed" "our" "admittedly" "elite" "education" _IMAGINE_ how _STUNNING_ it "felt" to be "greeted" with THIS copied+pasted DIRECTLY _FROM_ the online/net/world wide web Oxford English Dictionary-web page online~Purportedly Oxford-English Dictionary "definition:"An instruction, command, or role given to a person or group.
‘one of his first commissions was to redesign the Great Exhibition building’
[with infinitive] ‘he received a commission to act as an informer’
  1. 1.1An order for something, especially a work of art, to be produced specially.
    ‘Mozart at last received a commission to write an opera’
‘he received a commission to act as an informer’     How +PRECI$ELY_ _DOE$_??????????????????????????? the "definition" of an [King's English-Queen's-English] English word "magically" "mystically" "change" and/or "alter" _PRECI$ELY_ _ON_ "the dot" om September 15th, 2016 [ON THE DOT ON SEPTEMBER FIFTEENTH TWENTY-SIXTEEN]  _PRECI$ELY_ (???????????????????????????)  _Before September 15th, 2016 (twenty-$ixteen) [and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!] "we" had been "able" to"routinely" type in the English word <commissioned>     [and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]]~withOUT the English word "commission[ed]" used (linguistically)  as an euphemism for financial bribery~_EXCEPT_ for "rogue" $tate$ LIKE China~like Putin'$ HYPER-DE$POTIC-RU$$IA~EXCEPT "for" the totalitarian$ who "rule" Iran~except for Chine$e Government-agent$ who "traver$e" the net 24/7 365~OUTRIGHT $tealing" "everything"~Please see CB$' new$ Illustrious (NOT SARCASM!) _60 Minute$_ Sunday televi$ion new$ magazine for "detail$~_WHO_ I$ IT??????????????????????????? who is "commi$$ioned' to "inform" on _ANYONE_ (???????????????????????????) _OUT$IDE_ of "rogue" $tate$~like tho$e "mentioned" in the $entence$ "preceding?"???????????????????????????  One September 21st, 2016 [in calendar year twenty-sixteen) and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineeen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!] "we" "noticed" the Oxford English Dictionary definition of the word "commissioned" was _DELIBERATELY_ (?) and _PLANFULLY_ and "magically" (?) _ALTERED_ to describe fine art commissions as the preponderant CENTRAL meaning of the English phrase  "fine art commissioned"~but "then" on  September 22nd, 2016 (twenty-sixteen_ [and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]~the "definition" was once more "re-altered" and _BACK_ to underlining/emphasizing/the _MAXIMUM_ "negative" definitions of the English word "commissioned"~UNDERLINED "pointedly" so as to make  the definition of <fine art commissioned> "sound" "criminal" and/or "the next THING" to "criminality" (!)~FINE ART COMMISSIONS "happen" when a one hundred percent (100%) above board and a one hundred (100%)  percent honest non-lawbreaking individual approaches a carefully chosen (to quote the words of one fine art-commissioner~Carol Reynolds, MD~directly:  "I went to every single art gallery+fine art museum in my geographical location~I "even" went everywhere online where fine art is sold and/or created~that's how I found your work and wanted to commission a piece) fine artist~from the crowd of fine artists~to request a portrait and/or other non-portrait projects in quid pro quo return for a pre-arranged-mutually-agreed-upon-price _ZERO_ sex acts "involved"~_ZERO_ named+unnamed "favors" involved [!]~hello? just because _YOU_ [readers of our word]~fine artists and/or NON-fine-artist trolls trolling our site 24/7/365 have _NEVER_ ONCE heard/seen/experienced a fine art commission "in person" does NOT mean they never happen [!] TO _REAL_ FINE ARTISTS [!]~we "understand" that The USA'S Dog U$A-Nationally-Acclaimed-Whisperer Cesar Milan has been paying The USA's OVATION television channel so as to showcase his dog training strategies~and _SINCE_ Cesar Milan's fame+presumable massive fortune far exceeds "ours" we can easily understand how "strangers" in The USA and/other "national     [     INTER_NATIONALLY-credible [the 24/7 365 _INTERNATIONALLY_UBIQUITOUS "always" ONLINE "presence" of Amazon.com-trolls and./or NON-Amazon.com internet Trolls is "evident" in the "goblinization" of OUR word PUBLISHED BY _US_ "as" INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE "PUTIIN-Goblinized" INTO" The English word "NATIONAL"     ]     persons might "assume" WRONGLY IN _OUR_ CASE~that the ONLY method "available" "for" showcasing dog-training work and/or fine art commissions would be TO PAY FOR A SHOWCASE~hello?  This is _NOT_ the case whatsoever with "our" site~a person whose "television is their god"~"WE" think "back" to calendar year 2012 (twenty-twelve) The Romney-For-U$A-President vs. Obama-For-U$A-President relentless USA Presidential campaign at which time "we" were relentlessly "targeted" for "give money to $AVE animal$ [!] _NATURALLY_ the LIVE HUMAN BEINGS THAT "WE" ARE THE _SOLE_ VOICE "for" are _NEVER_ "relentlessly advertised" because Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is "long dead"and the "fresh crop"of Celestial leaders can't Hold The Proverbial _Candle_ etc. etc. etc.  Dr. Gunasegaram was raised by a loving Christian family~and taught to be generous~as part of being a "good" human being~enoucraged in her generosity by loving grandparents+aunts+uncles+extended family members galore_AND_ "everyone" in her family "routinely" emply the word "darling" in common-everyday-usage-when-speaking-in-a-normal-everyday-fashion-with-close-family-friends+family.  TRAGICALLY:  In an over-sexed-under-loved-broken-world in which Massive Entities such as Amazon+Google+The Obama Admini$tration'$ National $ecurity Agency "rule $upreme"~as never before "seen" social influences in our society~wielding "global influence" in way$ that "our" grandparenst at least would never have imagined "possible"~our gestures of friendship+generosity are grossly+massively MISREAD  100% INNOCENT+100% _PLATONIC_ friendships are "viewed" and "used" and "sent" "back" to "us" as "impure" +"purely sex-related" and/or "finances-related." etc.~a person afflicted with the medical condition labeled "selective mutism"(!) and/or ADHD (attention-deficit issues)~and/or agoraphobia and/or schizophrenia (Dr. Gunasegaram's father gave out her telephone number to a male sufferer of paranoid-schizophrenia)~and/or depression and/or anxiety disorder~a relentlessly overweight person who earns million$/billion$ each year dispensing "pseudo-medical" advice to salivating DELIGHTED-TO-PAY-THROUGH-THEIR-NOSES-FOR-WHAT-THEIR-TAXES_ALREADY_-PAY-FOR-SEVERAL-TIMES-OVER-"customers" to their "daily dispensation of advice" on "everything"~a person who relentlessly advises "others" to "be honest" to "come out of his and/or her gay closet _WHILE_ that person himself-herself never "takes" [AS IN "HER" TAKE MY ADVICE!~I'M NOT USING IT!]~ her/his own advice" on being closeted and/or non-closeted homiosexula/lesbians/gay Americans as "convenience" and "outright" "limitless money-grubbing" leads while gay~a person with a desperate est in receiving JUNK-USPS-delivered print mail from "MortarBoard-Senior Honor Society"~"we" are so "old" that The MortarBoard Honor Society that "we" were inducted into was a Third Year-Junior Year Honor Society~when did this change?~a person with such severe hearing loss that the individual  requires relentless-USPS-delivered paper JUNK PAPER mail advertising "free" [?] Siemens hearing aides mailed from Wheeling, West Virginia USA 26003~an individual with an easily accessible and easily searchable online criminal record-a "credit-challenged" "senior citizen" with and/or without Medicare-Medicaid-related CenturyLink-related-telephone provider-a seriously credit-challenged-white female "senior citizen" Caucasian named Candy Cooper with a desperate est in Viking River Cruise USPS-delivered-paper-junk mail The One Planet We All Share Planet-Destroying Whether We Like Acknowledging It Or FIERCELY OPPOSING IT LIke All Elected Republicans In The USA Global-Warming-Deniers-ALL paper Catalogs and/or without Medicaid/Medicare with and/or without Medicare-Medicaid-linked-CentruyLink telephone provider~a person named "Mrs. Rapp" and/or a DISEASED person named Hilda Rajak and/or Anju Ramjee and/or Ramjee with no other named attached and/or S. Gunasegaram and/or Sam Gunasegaram and/or Aruni S. Gunasegaram and/or Aruni Gunasegaram and/or Sue Gunasegaram and/or Marla Gunasegaram~a white female "senior citizen" Caucasian named Abby Csaplar and/or Sandy Hauck McLaughlin and/or Sandy with no last name-with and/or without Medicare-Medicaid with and/or without Medicare-Medcaid-related CenturyLink telephone service provider~a white male Caucasian named Ronald Parks and/or Roland Parks with a Direct TV account out of Wheeling, West Virginia, USA-an African-American out+proud+loud member of the LGBTQ community from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA-a person "in the market" for a used and/or new-pointedly-planet-destroying-fossil-fuel-burning motor vehicle-a resident of The USA State of Oregon and/or a resident of The USA State of Kansas and/or The USA State of Missouri and/or The USA State of California/and/or The USA State of Texas and/or The USA State of New Mexico and/or The USA State of North Carolina and/or The USA State of Arizona and/or The USA State of Georgia and/or The USA State of Florida and/or more specifically _NOT_ a resident of Miami, Florida-and/or The USA State of Kentucky USA and/or The Country Mexico and/or a resident of Bella Vista in The USA State of Arkansas and/or a resident of The Twin Cities, Minnesota USA~"We" attended AN IVY LEAGUE East Coast, USA university~never to be confused with schools like "The Seven Sisters"~especially colleges like Smith College+Wellesley College~that actually PRINTED STUDENTS' LEGAL SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBERS ON THEIR STUDENT ID CARDS~and "our" student ID card was stolen in the USA State of Pennsylvania during the EARLY nineteen-nineties~Is it "conceivable" [?] that whoever stole our student ID card [?]-during the nineteen ninetees~in The USA State of Pennsylvania-with our LEGALLY-DOCUMENTED social security number printed on it-uses it in The USA State of California [?]~all these DECADES "later?"~someone at our work place in the early nineteen-ninetees _DID_ move to The USA State of California~from the USA State of Pennsylvania~around the time that "our" student ID card was stolen!~in a similar but definitely not identical vein:  "Our" valid~legal motor vehicle driver's license~was stolen at a Mexican restaurant in/around the town of Farmville, Virginia, USA~in calendar year 2003 [two thousand and three]~and even though we reported the theft of our license to the driver's license "authorities"~immediately~our VALID LEGAL DRIVER'S LICENSE was never recovered~and we were issued another~by the proper-legal-authorities in calendar year 2003 [two thousand and-three]  In a similar but _NOT_ "identical" vein~we found out from a news report online~that "our bank's" computer system was hacked into by a Chinese criminal gang~and even though all/almost all the Chinese nationals/culprits were apprehended all of "our bank" information~including the information of _ALL_ our bank's customers was stolen~including addresses and other sensitive information.  "Naturally" [Sarcasm!] "our bank" felt zero "need" to "share" the spectacular news of this massive breach with any of its customers~we found out by "accident" by "chance" on line~that hackers had stolen "our" account data _LITERALLY_ YEARS "after the fact!"~a Spanish speaker-with the first name spelled with two s's and one a as in "Issac" a One Thousand Percent NON-EXISTENT "resident" at our address-the USPS-mail delivered to "Issac" appears to "happen" in "cycles"-the first name "Issac" DELIBERATELY+POINTEDLY+SCREAMINGLY-suggestive of Islamic male first names-can anyone spell "terrorist?"-"Issac" the listing invented out of whole cloth by Verizon Telephone-YEAR$ AGO-but revised since-and in spite of repeated polite-written requests for our listing to be CHANGED-for YEARS-nothing got changed for YEARS-so naturally the scammers-the non-scammers-go to town with addressing junk mail to our address-addressed to a One Hundred Percent Never-Existed-"person"-over the age of sixty-five (THE RELENTLE$$ WORK OF IDENTITY-THIEVE$?~-in debt to the point of bankruptcy-therefore receiving DAILY telephone calls from what caller ID displays as 8663416530-and/or from 3043819190 and/or 3043819196-TOLL FREE CALLER-organ eyed climb-the last r in caller missing-from what net reporting suggests is a bankruptcy law firm-FORGHANY LAW PC-bankruptcy lawyers-located on Pearl Street in Massachusetts, USA-we want these calls to our numbers HALTED_BECAUSE_ guess what???????????????????????????-PRECISELY NO ONE "here" has _EVER_ been in debt of _ANY_KIND-school-business-personal-credit card-EVER_NEVER_-yet the calls continue day+night-OFTEN several times each day-on week days-isn't there a law[?] AGAINST harassing consumers who have _NEVER_ _EVER_ been in debt for _ANYTHING_[?]-an out of work artist who shops all day [!]~named Joseph Piniziotto of Toms River, New Jersey, USA/Steubenville, OH 43952, Houston, Texas, USA/Thibodaux, Louisiana,USA/Hawaii, USA/Wyoming, USA/California, USA/Dallas, Texas, USA/Eagle, Idaho, USA/Bluefield, WV/Ridegeley, WV/Wheeling, WV/Beckley, WV/Belle, WV/Charleston,WV/Parkersburg, WV/Barboursville, WV/Huntington, WV/Fairmont,WV/Kenova, WV/Weirton,WV/Wheeling, WV, USA/Morgantown-WV-USA  with telephone number 3043814513"-a person with a desperate est in:"Click here to view your arrest record NOW!"-Sorry to disappoint all those sexist/racis$ist/bigots+racists out there:  NO ONE "HERE" HAS AN ARREST RECORD!~THE RELENTLE$$ WORK OF IDENTITY THIEVE$?~NO ONE "HERE" IS AN UNDE-RAGE _CHILD_ in $pite of "us" being CHARGED monthly for the dental health of TWO CHILDREN-COURTE$Y-OBAMA-CARE-THAT PRECI$ELY-NO-ONE-HERE_HAS~NO _CHILD_ HA$ LIVED "here" since 1996 (nineteen ninety-$ix)~THE WORK OF RELENTLE$$ 24/7 IDENTITY THIEVE$?~a person with a de$perate est in Warning About Low Free T:  Discrete&safe Free Testosterone trick for Men over the age of 40 (THE RELENTLE$$ WORK OF IDENTITY THIEVE$?~-this ad "happened" within HOURS of a conversation during which we said: "Have you heard of CNN's Pulitzer-prize-winning reporter:  SARA GANIM?  She managed to overcome all the testosterone located at Penn State~to successfully expose Jerry Sandusky's "doing$" at Penn $tate"-a person with a desperate est in Mandarin Hotel's online ads featuring "Caitlin" Jenner's face _NEVER_ MIND that it's "a made-up" face+emphatically _NOT_ Caitlin Jenner's _TRUE_FACE-alas! TRAGEDY ALL 'ROUND-the "latest" on line China-Government-innuendo[?] as told by spies-spying for the China's totalitarian dictator-for-life-President Xi Jinping~located in Venice, ITALY/Bologna, ITALY/San Juan Puerto Rico/New York, New York/London, UK-a person with a desperate est in "FAMILY LAW:  Search for Local Family Lawyers for Free at FindLaw.com" This "ad" "happens" each time we use a land line to telephone ELDERLY FRIENDS OF OURS with ZERO LIVING RELATIVES-who live FAR AWAY-and are so _GRATEFUL_ that we care about their well-being that they use words like DARLING+SWEETIE_ when talking to us-in THE MOST PERFECTLY_PLATONIC_ ELDERLY-ways but it APPEARS no one in America since 1988 (nineteen eighty-eight) _HAS_ ANY platonic friends ANY LONGER _ONLY_ STRICTLY sex partners [?]-a person with a desperate est in: TRY Chinese Date for Free-a person with a desperate est in "Ship a car? Get no obligation quotes from up to 15 reliable car shippers in seconds~a la ISIS/ISIL/other organized crime rings operating inside+outside The USA-a person with a desperate est in Social Security Sucks: Born before 1969? (nineteen sixty-nine) You can get an extra $4,098 monthly with this[!] NO ONE HERE IS COUNTING ON SOCIAL SECURITY~alas for the sexist-bigoted-racists galore-a person with a desperate est in "Free online learning: 6,000+Courses to choose from.  Get a Free Guide to online learning."-a person with a desperate est in "Try Secret® Clinical Deodorant For 100% Confidence & Fearlessness"~IS IT BECAUSE??? PERSONS OF COLOR FAIL TO SUCCEED BECAUSE THEY NOT MERELY LACK CONFIDENCE THEY _ALSO_ "SMELL BAD"? TO RACISTS+TO BIGOTS?-a person with a desperate est in "H&R Block Tax Prep Class:  Enrol in a Tax Prep Class Today! You Could Earn Extra Income"~a la ISIS/ISIL recruiting-NO ONE HERE IS NAMED RATNAVEL/RATNAVALE~a person with a desperate interest in Obamacare Enrollment 2015 (twenty-fifteen)and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!] :  Obamacare 2015 (twenty-fifteen)and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!] Plans Available Now. Rates Under $50/Month. See Options!"~a la ISIS/ISIL "data mining" operations conducted _DAILY_ online-a person with a desperate est in online ESL [English as a Second Language] Courses Earn Your MA Today! Develop ESL Skills Across Reading, Writing and Listening!"-a person with a desperate est in "How To Remove Dark Spots-Watch This Video"-a person with a desperate est in "New Writers Wanted:  9 Ways to Make Good Money Writing.  Start Your Freelance Career Today!~a la ISIL/ISIS recruiters [!]-a person who "lives/works/plays" in Weirton, Wheeling. West Virginia, USA and/or in Steibenville-OHIO and/or i Columbus-OHIO-U$A~"-a person with a desperate est in "Click here to view your arrest record"-NO ONE HERE HAS AN ARREST RECORD!~Oops! Sorry bigots+racists!~A MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT TO THE RACISTS+BIGOTS OF THE WORLD!-NO ONE HERE IS A CANCER SURVIVOR!-in spite of Eminently-Trolli$h-DALY-Internet-Insinuations [!] as "recently"as in calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen) and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]~a person with a desperate interest in "Data Mining Courses:  Online Data Mining Courses, earn World-Class Credentials. Learn More"a la ISIS/ISIL recruiting methods-a person with a desperate intereste in "Enroll interest in 2015 (calendar year twenty-fifteen[and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen~Our MAIN Potent Political Point Here! after all) NO ONE "HERE" IS IN "CNA Classes"-"A white male Caucasian-over the age of 30-looking for dates [!] on the net"-a la ISIL/ISIS recruiting techniques-a person with a desperate est in Dating Russians "Match Me Now" "Dating Russian And Find My Next Love"-"Browse 1000 Asian Women's Profiles"~a la ISIS/ISIL recruiting techniques-a person with a desperate est in "Dating for Seniors.com"-HELLO? NO ONE HERE IS "A SENIOR"-a person with a desperate est in "Get Inspired by Blinds.Com"-a person with a desperate est in "1 Rule Of A Flat Stomach"-a person with a desperate est in "Free Arrest Records" and in "Secret Lists of Arrest Records"-a white male Caucasian named Leslie Charles Merritt of Rice, Virginia, USA-a person named Leslie-a person named Charles-a person named Merritt-a person "eligible" "for" Amazon Mom Discounts-NO ONE HERE IS A MOM!-NO ONE HERE HAS _EVER_ BEEN A MOM!-NO ONE HERE _EVER_PLANS_ TO BE A MOM!-hello? 7.2 [seven point two] _BILLION_ with "a B" persons "already" living on earth-more than in all of the "rest" of recorded history _combined_-_PLUS_ July 2015 has now been confirmed by earth scientists to be the "hottest month in recorded history on planet earth"-some sources say:  July 2015 the hottest month since The Bronze Age-a person with a desperate est in "Used Cars For $1,000"-persons named Wilfrid Csaplar and/or Abby Csaplar-a person named Jeffrey Leigh Falwell Sprouse Csaplar of Lynchburg, Virginia, USA-an individual named Shanti Gunasegaram and/or Shanthini Gunasegaram-an individual named Stacey Csaplar, Nancy Csaplar, Linda Csaplar~a person with a desperate est in dating "Runners Singles" and "Weirton Singles"-a person with a desperate est in "Retire with $4,098 /month Using Reagan's Secret Social Security "Loophole"- a person with a desperate est in enrolling at "Grand Canyon University"-a person with a desperate est in "How To Get An Unlimited Food Supply into a 4 ft by 4 ft Space"-a "troubled" Christian girl with life/emotional issues-with a desperate need to seek "therapy" in "North Carolina, USA"-[the _single_ instance in which "anyone here" has travelled to North Carolina was to lunch-conference with Professor Ed Tower, Economics Professor Emeritus at Duke University.  Professor Tower is the proud+distinguished father of     The New Yorker_  [USA]     extraordinarily-talented-writer Wells Tower]-a person with a desperate est in purchasing art to hang in a freshly-remodeled home-a person with a desperate est in earning a special-armed-forces-benefit college degree from "Grantham University:  A Military Friendly University. Kick Start Your Career Today!`since there is _NOTHING_ QUITE_ like "advertising" military universities to Conscientious Obejector-Quakers [?]:     http://www.georgefox.edu/about/history/namesake.html     -NOT THAT "ANYONE" IN CALENDAR YEAR 2017 (twenty-seventeen) AMERICA KNOWS WHAT Conscientious Objectors _ARE_-a person with a desperate est in _EARNING_ her stripes by enrolling in a Stanford University since The Wharton School at The University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia not "good enough" [?] "for" Stanford [?]- management skills program-a person with a desperate est in "Stanford Computer Science"-a person with a desperate est in Coupons.Com-a male Hispanic-Spanish-speaker [NO INDIGENOUS PERSONS HERE-NO-Spanish-Speaker[S]-Here!-Ever!]-and in sharp+dramatic contrast to USA Presidential Candidate Jeb Bush "we" have _never_EVER_ written "Hispanic" down on ANY application form-whatsoever-a person with a desperate INTest in "Find The Sweet Woman You Are Meant To Be With:  www.ChNLOVE.COM"-a person with a desperate est in LowerMyBills.Com-since there is nothing _QUITE_ like insulting persons who have paid their bills on time for LITERALLY _DECADES_ and have never been in any type of debt at any time whatsover-CONFIRMED BY ALL THREE USA CREDIT RATINGS AGENCIES~FORMAL-LEGAL-REPORTS!~thanks to conscientious grandparents/parents/extended family/family friends-a glittering array of  academic mentoring on all kinds of levels-"It Takes A Village" etc.-a person with a desperate est in "plus size sheath dresses sold by online vendor Home Shopping Network [HSN]"-ESPECIALLY SINCE NO ONE AT OUR LOCATION WEARS A PLUS SIZE!!!+Nothing _QUITE_ like insulting "potential customers" with incorrect dress size "insults" in order to attract them to shop at HSN.COM [!]-a person with a desperate est in "the Disadvantages of A Reverse Mortgage"-the scammers+hackers simply _REFUSE_ to believe-based on their own criminal activities-that _ANYONE_ under the age of sixty-five is "capable" of "owning a home in the USA"-a person with a desperate est in Atlantic Queen Fishing "gift certificates sailing from Rye Harbor, New Hampshire, USA"-a person with a desperate est in "Casa de Campo" real estate-a person with a desperate est in www.FilipinoCupid.com~a la ISIL "recruiting techniques!"-a person with a desperate est in "active games for kids"-a person with a desperate est in "Get your construction management degree 100% online from Everglades"-we are guessing that unconstitutional [in The USA]-illegal aerial surveillance of our building recorded that we are doing a tiny reconstruction project in our garden and voilá the "targeting" for this particular web ad-a person with a desperate est in "Christian self publishing"-a person with a desperate est in "10,000 scholarships no GPA necessary"-whatever THAT MIGHT BE-as a "criterion!"-a NON-VIOLENT, PACIFIST Member of The Religious Society of Friends [Quakers:     http://www.georgefox.edu/about/history/namesake.html     are IN ACCORDANCE WITH U$A _LAW$ ON THE BOOK$ _exempted_ from military service as per USA Founding Father     George Washington     -The USA Constitution-for PURE reasons of conscience] with a desperate INTest in "V[eterans] A[dministration] Home Loans for Veterans"-a person with a relentless daily est in  www.thecreditsolutionprogram.com-the web site entitled www.thecreditsolutionprogram.com was exposed as a fraud a long long time ago!:  Man Cheats Credit Score:  "1 Simple trick and my credit score jumped 217 points. Banks hate this!"-a person/or persons allergic to dogs with a desperate est in "Potty Train Dog In Six Days" [and thereby "safely" keep Cesar Millan's "career" "alive" in 2015? (in calendar year twenty-fifteen) and YES! "we" know that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen) Which Is After All Our Most Potent Political point here]-a Quaker [A Member of The Religious Society of Friends] with a desperate est in "Concealed Carry Gun Classes"-a person with a desperate INTERest in earning "A Penn State Degree Online" [ADVERTISEMENT generated by persons unable/purposefully/unwilling to make the "distinction" between Ivy League University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA-and Irreversibly-Tainted-By-Jerry-Sandusky-Scandal-Penn STATE University[?!] located in State College, Pennsylvania, USA-a person with a _DESPERATE_ "interest" [YES! "we" "noticed" The Relentle$$ 24/7 354 Internet Troll$ have "already" "been" and "gone" "altering" "word" publi$hed on _OUR_ INTERNET SITE (!_ WITH_OUT_ "OUR" permission (!) "altering: whaa word that "we" had publsihed as "interest" "down" "to' 'the NON-existent (?) American-English word "est" in working for "Drive with Uber and Be Your Own Boss-working for U$A 21.00 per hour"-we've never before heard of persons with several _prestigious_advanced academic degrees needing to do this-but we guess Uber has [?]-and Penn State University has [?]-a person with a desperate est in "register for Summer Classes at West Liberty University"-a person with a desperate est in "Careers for Seniors"-NO ONE AT OUR LOCATION IS NAMED DR. MANOHARAN-NO ONE AT OUR LOCATION HAS TWO CHILDREN-NO ONE AT OUR LOCATION HAS _ANY_ CHILDREN _WHATSOEVER_-NO ONE AT OUR LOCATION IS OVER THE AGE OF SIXTY-FIVE-NO ONE "HERE" AT "OUR" "LOCATION"  HAS ANY "INTEREST" IN SILVERSEAS-EGREGIOUSLY-POLLUTING-SEAS-SENIOR-CRUISES-NO ONE AT "HERE" AT OUR LOCATION SUFFERS FROM TYPE 2 DIABETES-NO ONE "HERE" AT OUR LOCATION IS AN ALCOHOLIC-NO ONE "HERE" AT OUR LOCATION HOLDS THAI NATIONALITY     [     INTER_NATIONALLY-credible REPORTING OF the 24/7 365 _INTERNATIONALLY_UBIQUITOUS "always" ONLINE "presence" of Amazon.com-trolls and./or NON-Amazon.com internet Trolls is "evident" in the "goblinization" of  OUR word PUBLISHED BY _US_ "as" INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE "PUTIIN-Goblinized" INTO" The English word "NATIONAL"     ]         -NO ONE "HERE" AT OUR LOCATION IS A CLOSETED+/_NON-CLOSETED HOMOSEXUAL-NO ONE AT OUR LOCATION HAS EVER HAD A DESPERATE INTEREST IN EARNING "A CIA DEGREE"-NO ONE AT OUR LOCATION WEIGHS OVER 300 POUNDS-HAS A RED FACE-A GREYING MUSTACHE-AN EASILY SEARCHABLE ON LINE CRIMINAL RECORD IN THE U$A-NO ONE "HERE" AT OUR LOCATION WORKS AT HOME-NO ONE AT OUR LOCATION HAS A DESPERATE "INTEREST"  IN JOBS AT FED-EX OR IN PIPE-MARKING WALL CHARTS-but alas! these _TRUE__FACT[S]_ FAIL_ENTIRELY_ to deter the daily on line incursions+excursions of unsolicited telemarketers+on line scammers+trolls+ The NSA?!-"other" venal parties with "the proverbial" axe to grind"-a person with a desperate est in "Blow S*** Up-Join Me~a la ISIS/ISIL IN AMERICA"-a person with a desperate est in "Stop Aging Skin Today"-a person with a desperate est in "Gondola Shelving Prices"-a person with a desperate est in "Muslims4Marriage.com" a la ISIL [the outfit calling itself Islamic State RECRUITERS~who gain USA naturalized citizenship "status" DECADES in front of Peace-Loving-Non-Violent-Non-Gun-Toting-As-A-Matter-Of-Conscience-Peace-Preaching-Peace-Promoting-Quakers in the USA-a person with a desperate est in "Lung Institute treatments" with a desperate est in treatments for pulmonary disorders+"Stem-Cell Treatment for Lung Diseases:  Find Out If You Are A Candidate[!]"-a Peace-Loving-Peace-Promoting-Peace-Preaching-Quaker [Member of The Religious Society of Friends] with a desperate est in "Joining the National Rifle Association [NRA]"-a person with a desperate est in "37 Defining Images"-a person with a desperate est in "4 Signs of a heart attack"-a person with a desperate est in "Premier Sober Living"-a  person suffering from Crohn's Disease and/or from ulcerative colitis and/or from relentless types of inflammatory bowel diseases~"NATURALLY" "we" get "relentlessly"-targeted~REGARDLESS of "facts!"~ person with a desperate est in "Free Arc Flash Safety" and "Free Arc Flash Safety Handbook" [welding?-we are not sure]-a person with a desperate est in "These 13 Words will get your e-mails flagged by NSA"-a person with a desperate est in "Sending Remittances To Sri Lanka"-a person with a desperate est in "4 Ways of Avoiding Running Out Of Money During Retirement"-a person with a desperate est in "telephoning Sri Lanka at an 8 cents-a-minutes-rate"-a NON-VIOLENT Quaker person with a desperate est in "Handgun Accuracy Ability"- a person with a desperate est in an "IT Bachelor's Degree Online or Boston Campus at Norttheastern University"-a person with a desperate est in "Translator Tool Bar"-a person with a desperate est in "Four Foot Farm Blueprints"-a person with a desperate est in "Instant Tax Foreclosures"-a person with a desperate est in becoming an "AFA accredited financial analyst"-a person with a desperate est in finding "Vietnam War Veteran military records" online and offline-a person with a desperate est in "Vietnam Era Vets:Over 1.8 Million Veterans Have Registered"-a person with a desperate est in being educated at "Liberty University online:  Fully Accredited Bible College. Low Tuition & Flexible. Call Now!"-a person with a desperate est in "The 7 Signs of Parkinsons Disease"-a person with a desperate est in "How To Do It Yourself" videos-a person with a desperate est in listening to "Live Talk Radio"-a person with a desperate est in "Purchasing HUD HOMES at a 50% discount for US $10,000"-a person with a desperate est in "How I Study For Exams"-a person with a desperate est in earning "A Master's degree in finance online" on the net-a person with a desperate est in "Marriott's Spring Hill suites"-a person with a desperate est in "Help Get Ghana Visa"-a person with a desperate est in checking out "12 facilities" for "Assisted Living Costs"-a person with a desperate est in "Low Income Cell program"-a person with a desperate est in "locating" "military and war Veteran buddies!" via the net-a person with a desperate est in searching out "military records" and "military uniforms" and "police uniforms" on line on the net a la ISIS/ISIL Recruiter Techniques-a person with a desperate est in enrolling in "Clinical Trials"-a person with a desperate est in "Best Buy Wedding Registry"-a person with a desperate est in "Saying I Do In The Carribean"-a person with a desperate est in Ford F-550 bucket trucks-a person with a desperate est in "used machinery"-a person with a desperate est in "Business Law San Diego"-a person with a desperate est in "Ga[e]tting [Yes! the word "get" was spelled incorrectly as "gat"] a Master's Degree in Communications by "concentrating" on "social media"-a person with a desperate interest in "Dell Employee discounts" [NO ONE HERE IS A DELL EMPLOYEE]-a person with a desperate intest in items sold on the Amazon-emulating web site Wayfair.com-a person with children [in spite of the fact "we" are being "charged" on "our" health insurance plan "for" the dental care of children we do not have-WITHOUT OUR PRIOR CONSENT-Blue Cross told us in 2014 "This is Obamacare!"]-a person with a desperate est in becoming "a fitness trainer" and getting "ISSA" "qualified"-a person with a desperate est in dating "Hot Phillipine Women Online www.iDateAsia.com"-a person with a desperate est in Thai girl photos-a la ISIL recruiting techniques-a person with a desperate est in IRS information for cancellation of between U$A $20,000 and U$A $ 200,000 in "back taxes"-a person with a desperate est in getting "a CIA intelligence degree" taught by former CIA, FBI, DOD-USA government officials-a person with a desperate est in "Saba's Medical School" and/or "Medical Schools Abroad" in "The Americas" "High USMLE Scores, US residency"-a person or persons with a desperate est in "Joining the National Rifle Association"-"a single Mom" with a desperate est in a $5,730 "educational grant"-a person with a desperate est in "taking his/her career to a higher level" with a GMAT-WAIVED-ENTRY to a program at Duquesne University located in a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA-a person with a desperate est in "7 Concealed Carry Myths"-a person with a desperate est in "saving time+money" with Amazon [online retailer] Mom-a person with a desperate est in ads "for" "Obama Urges Homeowners to Apply For A Fifteen-Year-Fixed Mortgage!"-a person who has EVER lived in the USA State of Georgia-OR "the country" Georgia [formerly part of The Soviet Union]-a person with a desperate est in "Alberta W Cabins"-a person with a desperate est in adopting stray cats+stray dogs-impossible to "do" when persons have severe allergies to stray+non-stray cats+dogs-a person with a desperate est in viewing their own "Public Arrest Record" for white male Caucasians with criminal records-an obese male person-as in a male person weighing more than300 (three hundred pounds)-a red-faced Caucasian man with a fierce greying mustache with a USA criminal record "Get The Public Arrest Records They Don't Want You To See"-with a desperate est in online ads "for" "Date Arab Women"-"Date Arab Singles"-a la ISIL-"Charming Russian Date" and "Charming Ukrainian Date" and "Fall In Love With Russian Beauties" russiadatingonline.com-with a relentless daily est in "Man Cheats Credit Score Ads"-named Ben Parks or Gordon Parks-a person with a relentless desperate est in Medicare supplement plans-a person who declared bankruptcy in the year 2002 [two thousand and two]-a man feared by grocery stores-a man "Feared By The Diabetes Industry"-a person desperate to learn how to get "his Veteran's ID card"-a Vietnam war Veteran who applied for a Veteran's ID card and was turned down for it-a Vietnam war Veteran who applied to receive Veteran's benefits and got turned down for them-a hoarder-stingy with the groceries-a person ested in selling an old car in return for a new car that has surveillance built-into-the-new-car-a survivalist-a person with a relentless, daily need for information on concealed carry weapons permits-named Jerald/Gerald Fuqua and/or Jerald/Gerald Fuque and/or Debbie Fuque and/or Debbie Fuqua or Candy Cooper-a person in desperate need of information on retiring on "$1,300 a month"-a person with such "serious" blood sugar "issues" that 24/7 365 on line web-based ads by Google finds it "appropriate" to "target" "Isaac Falconer" with daily "Sanjay Gupta's blood sugar cure" ads~"5-Minute Blood Sugar Killer"-ads+"watch this video" ads accompanied by GRAPHIC photographs of hard-boiled eggs and/or fried eggs coloured in lurid shades of yellow and green no ham-not understanding that Quakers have no paid ministers in their non-sexist 400 year history Google "targets" "Isaac Falconer" "for" "Earn your Master's Degree in Divinity"-100% entirely inappropriate to "Isaac Falconer"-getting high on SSI money-with a desperate need for information on time shares-a person desperately in need of both adult and children's Huggies brand diapers-with a desperate daily est in Cover Girl brand cosmetics-or any cosmetics at all-with a desperate est in "Ellen Degeneres Lied ads"-with a desperate est in _Down Dog_ the movie featuring the Chinese yin-yang sign-with a desperate est in the Amazon-made movie _Transparent_ featuring a middle-aged-droopy-cheeked-crone-like-Chicano-Mexican-woman-with-greying-hair-belonging-to-a-family-with-boundary-issues-living-in-L.A.-a routine patron of Hobby Lobby [a chain craft store with locations all over The USA]-a desperate est in russiadatingonline.com or "Date Soft Chinese women" or "Mature Dating for Men" online 24/7 365 ads by Google-a person with "nerve problems"-a person who watches television all day long+"lives" in a "television groove"-a person who lives in Weirton, West Virginia, USA" "Wellsburg, West Virginia USA Wheeling West Virginia, USA Steubenville, Ohio, USA, Columbus, Ohio USA or anywhere in The USA States of Kansas/Missouri/Texas/California/New Mexico/Arizona/Wyoming/Colorado/Florida/Tennessee/Kentucky/Georgia/Alaska/Hawaii/Arkansas USA.

Isaac:  Hebrew, meaning     laughter     ~ deeply ironic when taken in the context of current and     historic     Arab-     Israeli     conflict in the     Middle East     ~ where in 1983 (nineteen eighty-three)  [and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2020 (twenty-twenty)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent-Political Point Here)]+endless     The State of Israel ~freely-elected-to-power by Israel's Free Citizen-Voters~continues its brazen illegal [according to national _AND_ INTERNATIONAL_[     INTER_NATIONALLY-credible REPORTING OF the 24/7 365 _INTERNATIONALLY_UBIQUITOUS "always" ONLINE "presence" of Amazon.com-trolls and./or NON-Amazon.com internet Trolls is "evident" in the "goblinization" of OUR word PUBLISHED BY _US_ "as" INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE "PUTIIN-Goblinized" INTO" The English word "NATIONAL"     ]     law] land grabs     from out of the hands of legal Palestinian ownership. 
As in     Nazis     ~NOT the     PALESTINIANS     ~exterminated Jews in Europe during     WWII     ~NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with     Palestine     ~or with the Palestinian
     people     ~or with     the Gaza Strip     ~and as a "tragic result"     The Palestinian people     _NOT_ free Israeli-citizens for the most part have been     forced      into a desperate homelessness     ~ and the "recipients" of "routine" "daily" meting out of
     "collective" punishment     at the "hands" of Israell's Prime Minister-As-Illustrious-As-USA-President-Obama-Netanyahu's-current-at-the-time-of-this-typing and/or current at the time of the initial net posting-online-Israeli government~in direct retaliation for "individual" acts of      doomed-defiance-by-INDIVIDUAL-Palestinian     s~
and utter destitution and     state-lessness     for more
than SIX     DECADES.     How on God's green earth????????? _CAN_     SUCH an extremely~boastfully~cinematically-PROUD+ETERNAL "ally" of Israel     stand a snowball's chance of convincing     Israelis     and     Palestinians     that     Peace     is in best interests of Palestinians/     Israelis     /the     world     ????????????? "after" VETOING~for all intents and purposes~Palestinian Statehood at The United Nations Security Council Meeting in 2011 (twenty-eleven)    [calendar year twenty-eleven and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]     All of USA Secretary of State     Kerry     's most energetic investment of     "personal" Kerry-attention and "personal" Kerry-energy+ a dozen "in-person" Kerry trips to-date in 2015-2016-2017 to the Middle East     have failed to erase the "power" of the 2011 (calendar year twenty-eleven and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]  USA-Obama-USA-     Illustrious-State-of-Israel-Prime-Minister-in-2016 (twenty-sixteen)-Netanyahu     -Foreign Policy VETO~and the     pretended_ December 2014 (calendar year twenty-fourteen~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!] ~"NON-VETO-Veto-by-Ever-Illustrious-I-Am-Lincoln-Actually-USA-President-OBAMA     "~VETO cast against a politically independent separate Independent State of Palestine~like the State     Eelam     Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka+Muslim citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka+The very Occasional Ethnic Majority Group in Ceylon-Sri Lanka Sinhala-citizens of     CeylonSri Lanka     [Ceylon] have been     begging     for since~get this!~calendar year     1939     [nineteen thirty-nine]:     http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen    
Just like they have done in the case of An Independent State for Palestinians~former United States' Secretary of State Clinton~and current [at the time these words were published initially] the United States' Secretary of State Kerry
[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]-and United States' Ambassador to The United Nations~Samantha Power~together with United States' President Obama~have categorically opposed~to-date in 2016~when these word were initially published (calendar year twenty-sixteen)+ONGOING and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!] :     https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/torture-and-sexual-abuse-in-sri-lanka-four-years-after-war-frances-harrisons-bbc-documentary/     ~the desperate pleas:      http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf     made by dark-skinned ethnic minority     Eelam     Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka in Ceylon-Sri Lanka for a politically and economically _ INDEPENDENT_-of-Ceylon-Sri-Lanka's-genocidal:     http://hrbrief.org/2015/01/the-legal-case-of-the-tamil-genocide/     against-Dark-Skinned-Like-The-Illustrious-Obamas-Even-Though-No-One-Would-Know-It-      Not-In-A-Million-Years-Eelam     -Tamil-politics-A Separate      GENOCIDE     -FREE State of Tamil Eelam in Ceylon/Sri Lanka~just like the "Velvet Divorce" that created     a peaceful, prosperous and politically Independent Czechoslovakia
~just like the Independence-from-Spain~pleaded for~for decades by     Spain's Catalonians     in The European Union country of Spain.  Now! in September 2015 (calendar year twenty-fifteen~
and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]  when "even" Catalans (citizens of The European Country of Spain) "already" received the opportunity for a FREE+FAIR _VOTE_ on whether or not to to "choose" Catalonia's Political+Economic+Legal Independence of The European UNION country of Spain:     http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34372548     ~OR~to remain~as a part of Spain~as they have been for centuries:     http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34372574     It seems to Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka in _NAME_ _ONLY_ that  _TRYING_ to remain alive in the northern+eastern provinces of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~the Eelam Tamil citizens in _NAME_ _ONLY_ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka are the _ONLY_dark-$kinned  minority ethnic group on The Planet~to be prohibited from Any Such Voting Experience~thanks to the decisions made by +_GENERATIONS_ of Distinctly Hitler     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     -Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Colombo-centric Sinhala fascist totalitarians for _GENERATIONS_ nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka, South Asia~neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarians~over a period of MORE THAN SEVEN DECADES[!]~"older" than 'even" the FOUNDATION of the Illustrious United Nations~founded "proudly" in Lake Success, new York, in October 1945 (nineteen forty-five) to "make" the beautiful English words "Never again!" truly-true for _GENERATIONS_ )the English word _GENERATIONS_ alas! _NOT_ employed "here" as "a metaphor!") of unarmed, non-combatant, 100% innocent of any/all criminality Dark-Skinned ethnic minority _PRECISELY_ _LIKE_ Precisely Akin-To-Illustrious-Members of The Illustrious Members of The Obama-Johnson Family are "a Dark-Skinned ethnic minority population inside The Illustrious USA"
In the "case" of Tamil     Eelam  ~"a Separate and Independent of _GENERATIONS_ of egregiously+nakedly genocidal on unarmed, civilian, non-combatant Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka ~the pleas~IGNORED POINT-BLANK+"nationally" are "for" an Independent State of Tamil    Eelam    _FREE_ of     GENOCIDE     ~perpetrated on dark-skinned ethnic minority     Eelam     Tamil "citizens" of  Ceylon-Sri Lanka, South Asia~ except Oops! and Oprah!  Oops! and Obama with~get this!~_ZERO_ "civic" "rights" accorded to "normal" "citizens" of )ANY_ "country"~Oops!

Falconer: taken from the William Butler Yeats poem, "The Second Coming" (1921): "Turning and turning in the widening gyre, the     falcon     cannot hear the     falconer     . . ." ~ an Irish poet's deep lament for the fragmented human relationships which mar     post-modern life.

Paraphrasing     Mark Twain:
"The difference between the right     word      [GENOCIDE] and the almost right word [APARTHEID] is really a large matter.  'Tis the difference between lightning and a lightning bug."

c. 1925  Charles Scribner's Sons.  Copyright renewed.  F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby
  "...and the holocaust was complete." [referring to the death of two characters:  Wilson & Gatsby~just the two].

"Remembering [Hitler's Holocaust on Jews] is not enough.  We must take all actions possible to stop, and prevent genocides     such as in [Ceylon]-Sri Lanka today"  [THESE_next_PARANTHETICAL WORDS ARE OURS_NOT_ Kor's:  Ceylon-Sri Lanka's     GENOCIDE PERPETRATED ON EELAM TAMILS IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA     perpetrated with the full and complete and      smiling complicity of "I-Am-Actually-Lincoln+Mandela-all-Rolled-In-One"-USA President Obama     ~"even" in     2014     ~[calendar year twenty-fourteen~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!] ~Eva Mozes Kor, Holocaust Survivor,  June 9th, 2013 (calendar year twenty-thirteen)~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!] The National Mall, Washington, DC, USA

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."     ~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Letter from Birmingham Jail, April 16, 1963 (nineteen sixty-three) TRY IT!  TRY and *IMAGINE*~Dr. King or Nelson Mandela [President Obama (with his "own"      "signature"     + so     proud     of it!~     24/367 BLANKET-National Security Agency-NSA-surveillance of NON-criminal USA residents- program     [and Former _DISGRACED_ U$A Pre$ident Nixon _ROLLING_ in his "Quaker-in-label_ONLY_grave thinking "WOW! ALL that "i" (Horrible Nixon) "did" was to wire tap my _POLITICAL "enemies" and Here's Hi$ Illu$triou$ Maje$tyical-Monarch-Hi$-Excellency-U$A-Pre$dent-Obama-wire-tapping ANY/ALL U$A rei$ident$ REGARDLE$$ of "crminality" and/or NON-"crominality" "status!"  "away" as _IF_ her were Son-Bush-43 (USA President Forty-Three_) and neary "a whisper" of "impeachmaent" (?) WOW!  + as long ago as waaaaay "before The Obama Administration + NOW! [in 2015 (calendar year twenty-fifteen)]~[and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)] which is _PRECISELY_ "the point" that we are making "here"+"everywhere"~DURING The Obama Administration so proud that as "recently" as on June 11th, 2015 (calendar year twenty-fifteen) and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]  _The Guardian_ [UK] reported-please see the sentence near the photograph of Edward Snowden     "The [FORMER Administration "since" January 20th, 2017) US [Obama Hope+Change-Admini$tration] had not stopped bulk data collection..."
and proud of the "power" to grant "special favors" to "special" complicit in Obama-NSA-surveillance-     friends    and "naturally" The USA Administration is "now" The Trump Admninistration since January 20th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) .

+ so     PROUD     of his     relentless-STILL-in-calendar year 2017 (twenty-seveneen) unmanned drone-strikes program _adores_ NOTHING MORE THAN     RELENTLESSLY+FAVORABLY comparing     [USA President Obama's] his own     Illustrious-Far-More-Like-Trump-Than-Anyone-Inside-The-Ever-Illustrious-USA-Will-Ever-DREAM-Of-Acknowledging [!]      -self to admittedly relentlessly-climate-change-denying     Senate Republicans    and to     South     Africa's     Luminous Civil Right     Icon Nelson Mandela [Nelson Mandela "himself" was on the     USA     's "terror watch list" until     2008     (two-thousand-and-eight) because he was a member of The African National Congress-ANC] at _every_ opportunity~to relentless     applause and glory     from any/all so-called mainstream particularly television media outlets~but     obdurately     and _consistently_     refuses_ to _emulate_ South Africa's Luminous First African-American President_AND_ South Africa's Shining Civil Rights Icon-Mandela's     ethics_ (Oops!~South Africa's Civil Rights Icon +First-Ever-Black President MANDELA COMPLETELY _FORGOT_ TO BLANKET-wiretap [!] Mandela NEVER -EVER- WIRE-TAPPED his "own" South African citizens beginning on his (Mandela's)  Presidential Inauguration Day in 1994 (nineteen ninety-four)+MANDELA never EVER conducted surveillance on his own citizens with the staggering scope+NSA scale that USA President Obama has done~beginning on Inauguration Day January 20th, 2009 (calendar year two thousand+nine)~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Potent Political Point Here!]  and ONGOING with NO END IN SIGHT in 2015-2016-2017~because "anyone" critical of USA President Obama's GOVERNMENT policies is "instantaneously" branded a "racist" by Obama "prime minder" Oprah Winfrey of the $38,000 + NO $38,000 Swiss handbags are"Eminently-P[rah-Declared- NOT "obscene" because Oprah Winfrey herself does not THINK them "obscene"     and _moral stature_in the form of standing UP to+AGAINST the     genocide     perpetrated on generations (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!")  of Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka, South Asia      in 2015 (twenty-fifteen)~and YES! "we" know that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen):     +INSTEAD is ALL SMILES+deeply complicit with generations (the English word generations alas!+alack! not employed here as " a metaphor!") generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia-Government-Perpetrated-GENOCIDE_+CRIMES PERPETRATED RELENTLESSLY ON GENERATIOND OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S "own" Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon- in Sri Lanka~since~get this! calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine)~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]      Images like this one:     http://www.bbc.co.uk/tamil/global/2014/05/140510_michelle_obama.shtml      [It's America's male African-Americn sainted USA comedian Chris Rock _NOT_ "us"~alas! [?] who in his saintly way has spent years trying to persuade First Lady Michelle Obama to stop using dangerous chemicals to straighten her own hair+her duaghters' hair~using dangerous chemicals~dangerous for _ALL_ Africn-American ladies _AND_ African-American children     http://www.cnn.com/2009/LIVING/homestyle/11/04/o.chris.rock.good.hair/]     "magically" beamed across every media known to humans are "designed" in "The Obamas-Exquisitely-Constructed+Choreographed-for their own self-serving purposes-Universe" to somehow "magically" "mysteriously" _ERASE_ 8 (eight)     relentless years of the slaughter of UNARMED Afghan civilians     _INCLUDING_ tiny Afghan children+babies and a continuation of     torture     ~to quote President Obama's words directly:  "Yes we     torture     some folks." SUBTEXT:  What???on God's green earth is ANYONE'S problem??? _especially_ the recently "magically"-documented by Obama-fiat-40 [a guesstimated] 5 (five) MILLION UNDOCUMENTED-identity thieves [PLEASE! NO ONE "HERE" IS" BLAMING" IMPOVERISHED UNDOCUMENTED OFTEN WAR-RAVAGED __AND_ QUITE _LITERALLY_ "fo" FOR "GENERATION$" "ALREADY" REFUGEE$ FLEEING nakedly-genocidal-on-their own citizen$-DICTATOR$Hip$ _LIKE_ Syria'$ Basha al-A44af _LIKE_ Ceylon-$ri lanka'$ Ranil Wickremasinghe-Maithripala-$iri$ena-led GENOCISAL-on their own citizen$-DICTATOR$HIP$ U$A RESIDENT$ FOR THE DECADES OF MISGUIDED_OFTEN-DELU$IONAL-USA IMMIGRATION POLICIED INFLICTED BY THE MONEYED+THE RELENTLESSLY-POWERFUL!] "Now" DOCUMENTED~ the "national" "guesstimate" of the _NUMBER_ of "stolen" identities is FORTY MILLION:     http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-03-13/target-missed-warnings-in-epic-hack-of-credit-card-data     ~the ONLY path for their _operations_ both inside the USA and abroad is to steal the identities of VALID-documented-citizens and/or VALID-documented-residents-THERE IS NO OTHER PATH TO PAYING LEGAL-OFFICIAL-USA TAXES which is _precisely_ "the reason" that the VALID USA-LEGALLY-ASSIGNED-social security numbers are the _MOST_ stolen documentation On Planet Earth~as in _GENERATIONS_ of USA territory of Puerto Rico residents [USA networks CBS-PBS much -lauded-much-celebrated anchor Charlie Rose said on _60 Minutes_ and this is a direct quote"~Puerto Ricans "immigrate" to the USA:     http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/puerto-ricans-become-u-s-citizens-are-recruited-for-war-effort     ~where they do not know anyone IN "THE USA"!] when "all the while" Puerto Ricans _ARE_ and  HAVE _BEEN_ citizens of The United States since 1917 (nineteen-seventeen):     http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/puerto-ricans-become-u-s-citizens-are-recruited-for-war-effort     ~ with _GENERATION$ of Puerto-Ricans "losing" their OFFICIAL USA-documented social security numbers "to" LITERALLY MILLION$ of UNDOCUMENTED $outh-American re$ident$ of The USA~but _BECAU$E_ Puerto-Rican citizens of The USA are "far away" from the "consciousness" of _MO$T_ U$A-politician$ "their" fiscal lives being turned LITERALLY UPSIDE_DOWN_ elicits _LITTLE_-to-ZERO_ "sympathy"-"empathy" "with" their OWN elected political repre$entative$ inside The U$A :( alas!~and for _DECADES_ "the advocates" televised 24/7 on all the _MAJOR_ _USA_ networks have _INSISTED_ for LITERALLY_DECADE$ AND THIS IS _NOT_ a metaphor- that undocumented workers "pay USA-taxes"_NO_ONE _WITHOUT_ a valid-legal social security number _CAN_ even "pay" U$A"taxes" (HELLO? OLA? CIAO? VANAKKAM? U$A-Congre$$per$on-Luis Guttierez~Ola? Do you have _ZERO_ "allegiance:" with "The Be$t-e$t-INTERESTS-Of-The-U$A-AS-A-Country-Ola? See? The Ubiquitous 24/7 365 Internet International-Troll$ Have "Been+gone" "altering" what "we" publi$h to "reflect" their $pectacularly-P{er$onal-$pecial-"Intere$t$!) Imagine! ) with the USA government officially torturing prisoners and then lying about aforesaid torture?  _WHILE_ "USA-Democrats" go on about Republican Congressman who UNKNOWINGLY spoke to "a hate group"_NO_ "Democrat" will _EVER_ "dare" suggest that USA President Obama _annually_ posing next to Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist DICTATOR Rajapakse:      is "a hate monger" on "a par" with     Steve Scalise.  Dr. King DID NOT GO TO JAIL "just" so that/in ORDER that the USA's First Relentlessly-Self-Described-African-American President Obama could     "freely"     +"openly" construct     24/7-blanket-urveillance programs on his "own" NON-criminal-NON-terrorists-NOT accused of ANY CRIMINALITY WHATSOEVER-citizenry beginning on Inauguration Day January 20th, 2009     (calendar year two-thousand+nine) and YES! "we" know that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen) which _IS_ "precisely" "our" potent political point "here" After All~and  blatantly fabricate "stories" regarding the "irredeemable-damage" to USA citizens'     "privacy rights     - then openly cavort + "celebrate" with openly+nakedly genocidal on generations of Eelam Tamil citizen$ of Ceylon--$ri Lanka in _NAME_ _ONLY_potent political Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~since~get this!~calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine)~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]:     http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen    Di$tinctly Hiler-Flavored/Flavoured-NAKEDLY-    genocidal     on dark-$kinned ethnic minority (preci$ely in the "manner" that U$A Obama-Fir$t Couple are members of a dark-$kinned ethnic minority racial group in the United $tate$ but SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH no one "named Obama" and no one NOT named Obama in The U$A "even" wi$he$ to _BEGIN_ to "hear" ANY "whi$per/"thought"/"hint" and/or "shadowy" "diaphanous/     diaphonous     " "hints" and/or "pale" "allegations" of ANY "such" to "them" LITERALLY $candalou$ To The Obama$ _AND_ To Their Countle$$ Numberle$$ MILLION$ Of Admirer$ Globally~Particularly Their Admirere$ Inside World-Journali$m~"racial-group-ba$ed- analogy!"]  Eelam Tamil citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka in _NAME_ _ONLY_ Di$tinctly Hitler     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     -Flavored/Flavoured neo-Nazi     $inhala     fa$ci$t Colombo-centric totalitarian heads of state in Ceylon-Sri Lanka~     most recent cavorting on September 25th, 2014 (calendar year twenty-fourteen and _YES_ we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen) Which Is After All Our Potent Political Point Here!) and NOTHING has changed in essentce for LITERALLY (a;as!+alack! 'we" desperately WI$H this WERE "mere metaphor" "mere poetic license :(" LITERALLY generations of Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri lanka in NAME ONLY _AND_ +Muslin citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka in NAME ONLY "desperately" "valiantly"  TRYING TO REMAIN PHYSICALLY+ECONOMICALLY+POLITICALLY- ALIVE in Ceylon-Sri Lanka NOW! in 2019! (twenty-nineteen) at The Highly Prestigious-nationally-Famous-As-Of-Recently-Government of China and/or Chinese-National-Owned Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City, USA  [Ceylon=$ri Lanka'$ nakedly-genoocdial on generations of Ceylon=$ri Lanka's dark-skinned precisely like The Obama-First Couple in The US are members of "a dark-skinned ethnic minority racial group but SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! no one "named Obama" and NO ONE _NOT_ named Obama in The USA "even" wants to "hear" $uch a $candalous racial-analgy!"-"ever!" Ceylon-$ri Lanka's Di$inctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala-fa$ict-DICTATOR Mahindha "Chinthana" Rajapakse was voted out of power on January 8th, 2015 in calendar (twenty-fifteen)~[and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our  Potent Political Point Here!]~and YES! "we know that Ceylon-$ri Lanka's Di$tinctly Hitler     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     -Flavored/Flavoured Mahindha "Chinthana" Rajapakse:         https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1475770774&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=sri++lankas+rajapaksa+getting+away+with+murder     "even" "resorted" to "forcing" Ceylon-$ri lanka'$ $pecifically-TRAINED-To-Be-Inflictor$-Of-Naked-Genocide on LITERALLY _GENERATION$_ of  NAKEDLY-GENOCIDAL:     http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf     AGAIN$T-dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka, South Asia in _NAME_ _ONLY_ civilian$ "military" to "re-anoint" him (Mahindha "Chinthana" Rajapaks) Pre$ident of Ceylon-$ri Lank, South Asia~"mentee" of generation$ of China'$ totalitarian-coummuni$t-regime$~ even "after" he (Mahindha "Chuinthana" Rajapakse) "officially" LOST the Ceylon-$ri Lanka-Presidential Vote of January 8th, 2015 (calendar year twenty-fifteen)~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!~Which Is After All Our Main Potent-Political Point Here]"we" _KNOW_ that it ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!~Which IS The Potent Political Point That We Are Making Here After All~reportedly asked Ceylon-Sri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$-army/military personnel [feted+coddled _BY_ generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka, South Asia'$ Di$tinctly Hitler     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -Flavored neo-Nazi-$inhala fa$ci$t DICTATOR:     Mahindha "Chinthana" Rajapakse:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1475770774&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=sri++lankas+rajapaksa+getting+away+with+murder     being given "freely""donated" " to" Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia-military personnel:     http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/8055453.stm     ~with Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$-OMINIPOTENT+ALL--powerful-military permitted to run organized crime ring-styled operations and/or business ventures~with ZERO "legality"+with One Hundred Pecent Immunity form prosecution to help his stay in power by force even after knowing he had been defeated in Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$-Presidential Elections~the army declined~so Rajapakse has been out of power as of January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) [~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!+fee$l "free" to "blanket"     wire-tap-like-the-NOTORIOUS-East German Secret Police~known to German Chancellor Angela Merkel+other prominent dissidents as "The Notorious East German secret police" known to generations of East European as "TheStasi"     his own     citizenry     with complete+     utter impunity     ~and no! we are not talking about     "accidentally""oops!"  "inadvertent" spying     .  IMAGINE South Africa's Eminent Nobel Peace-Prize-winner+Former Anglican Archbishop (Anglican is Episcopalian in The U$A) South Africa's Desmond Tutu or South Africa's Nobel Peace Prize-winner Nelson Mandela [PLEASE! _NOT_ The Everlastingly Illustrious USA President Barack Obama and/or Former USA Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton-carefully culitivated and/or nurtured To The Tune Of U$A-taxpayer BILLION$ Aung San Suu Kyi:     https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/nov/18/myanmar-deadly-crackdown-muslims-rohingya      ] [and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here! ]or The COUNTRY Burma-Myanmar, South Asia where In South-East Asia-India, South Asia's-Eminently-NON-Nobel Peace-Prize-winner (!) "after all"  " a sitting" "pretty" 2009 (calendar year two-thousand+nine) ~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!!~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]~U$A Pre$dent prosecuting war$+military incur$ion$ on several of the world'$-continents has "already' _WON_ Hi$ Nobel Peace prize "for" QUITE _LITERALLY_ "deva$tating" the "world" with Hi$ Excellency's Oh-$o-Ca$ual LIE$ (!) Mohandas     Gandhi     :  Nominated-five-times-but-     NEVER-ever-won-The-Nobel-Peace-Prize-Ever     -not-even-posthumously~Mahatma (Mohandas[PLEASE SEE SIXTH PARAGRAPH DOWN FROM TOP OF ARTICLE]     Gandhi who was "even"declared "a terrorist" for his Peace-Making Efforts as we read in a rare British Parliament paper from 1932.  (calendar year nineteen thirty-two)~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]  _AND_ In the 1980s, (nineteen eighties) UK Prime Minister     Margaret Thatcher called the Nelson Mandela's-African National Congress (ANC) "a terrorist group"     IMAGINE! The Country     India's National Independence-From-The British-Hero Mohandas Gandhi     ~and/or Nelson Mandela~signing off on "secret KILL LISTS" of persons of colour/color [no less!] who will NEVER *EVER* SEE legal due process INSIDE A COURT OF     LAW     IN THE UNITED STATES~before being     murdered in cold blood     with zero due process:     http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/29/world/obamas-leadership-in-war-on-al-qaeda.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0     Oops! South Africa's First African President _INCREASED_ the political+personal     freedoms     of his "own" people~his "own' South African fellow-citizens~and did NOT _SERIOUSLY_+EGREGIOUSLY+_MASSIVELY_+NEGATIVELY_ IMPACT+NEGATIVELY-DESTROY+UTTERLY DECIMATE+     decrease the political+personal freedoms of his "own" people     .  Oops!  How _silly_ of us to _forget_ that FABULOUS/     relentless photo-opportunities with "celebrity" - LEGITIMATE - HUMAN RIGHTS campaigners     somehow "magically" "erases" the NON-MEMORY [Sarcasm!] of "     secret     -Obama-kill-lists" +     secret+ubiquitous+universal-BLANKET-eavesdropping-ON EMINENTLY-NON-CRIMINAL-USA-residents+USA-citizens-programs/programmes     ~established right from the get-go_on_     January 20th, 2009     (calendar year two-thousand+nine)~and YES! "we" know that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen) which _I$_ Ultimately The Very Potent Political Point That "We" Are Making Here~once all is said+done~Ooops! TALK _ABOUT_ AN _INCONVENIENT "TRUTH!"     http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/8055453.stm     ~leaving aside     ANY     level of     guarantee     of     freedom from illegal surveillance     by The     United States'     Government/     The Obama Administration     ~since     January 20th, 2009     (two-thousand+-nine)~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Potent Political Point Here!]:     http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/in_pictures/8055453.stm     Perhaps the person _most_ in "need" of much-touted-daily-by-the-national-press-Obama-     reviews     -of-national-     surveillance     is USA     President Obama     himself [?] + His USA-President-Obama's $elf-described _exquisite_+_perfect_     judgment     on "all issues" at "all times"~_especially_ when he explicitly told the drooling+swooning journalists around him during the two Presidential campaigns:      "I don't believe I have ever _met_ the Kenyan-born uncle who has been living in the USA without SANS-USA-LAW-LEGAL-IMMIGRATION-documentation"     ~for get this! FIFTY YEARS [!] [In actual fact~not ONLY had President Obama MET his uncle~he LIVED with the undocumented-for-fifty-years-in-the-USA uncle.
_IF_ Pre$ident Obama is _sincere_ about telling "the whole wide world" that Mandela was his USA-PRESIDENT-OBAMA-IN-2007 (two thousand-and-seven)  life's     "inspiration"     would this sincerity NOT be expressed? in NOT _continuing_ to label _IN_     2017     (twenty-seventeen)     Liberation Tigers of Tamils Eelam "dirty terrorists" in 2017 (twenty-sieventeen)_still_ USA-listed as "dirty Eelam Tamil Tiger LTTE "criminal" "terrorists" after their complete+utter annihilation and :PROUDLY+"internationally"+"relentlessly" "tagged" "as" Ceylon-Sri Lanka "defeating" "those" "dirty Eelam Tamil Tiger criminal terrorists" "internationally"+"proclaimed" "military defeat' "by" Government of China-DIRECT military "assitance" "provided" at "cost" to literally GEBNERATION$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$ci$t Colombo-centric totaChina-style-China-flavored/flavoured- totalitarians _DICTATIORS~since~get this!~calendar year 2005 (two-thousand+five)     at the "relentlessly-bloodied-hands" of generation$:     https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539      of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's     nakedly genocidal     on Eelam Tamil civilian citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian     Rajapakse Mahinda Chinthana-until-he {Mahinda Chinthana SMILINGLY-Relentlessly-Genocidal on quite LITERALLY  "generations" [you Our Illustrious Reader Cannot Have ANY ODEA how MUCH "we" wish it _WERE_ "mere metaphor!"~"for  dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka~since~get this!~calendar year 2005 (two thousand+five)
~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]-nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamil Rohingya-in-Burma-Myanmar-LIKE-ethnic-Eelam Tamil-non-citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-Dictator of Ceylon-$ri Lanka)-was-voted-out-of-Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Illustrious Presidential office on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen) +and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long $ince gone calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!+almost _IMMEDIATELY_ stood for+WON a CEYLON-SRI LANKA-PARLIAMENTARY SEAT IN ORDER TO SUCCESSFULLY FEND-OFF "even" the VAGUEST "suggestions" "hints" "whispers" "diaphonous allegations" of INTERNATIONALLy-legally+judicially-PROSECUTABLE-Crime$ Perpertarted Agan$t Eelam Tamil HUMANITY in Ceylon-$ri Lanka~since~get this!~calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine)  Dear 24/7 365 Internet-Troll$! allegations"-that he {Mahinda Chinthana) CAN be tried INTERNATIONALLY ["Naturally' The 24/7 365 INTERNATIONA Internet Troll$ of Our $ite~"even "The24/7 365- Internet Troll$ Believe Out Humanitarian work VALID+PRECIOUS" but "never" "our" "personal acquaintances/friends/ fellow--Quakers [Members of The Religious Socviety of Friends (Quakers) platonic friends/blood relations (!_~for His Distinctly Hitler-Flavored-Relentless Perpetration-With-Massive_Assistance-ALL-THE-WAY-From-The-Government-Of-China's "We understand Mahinda's "need" to erase Eelam Tamil citizens from Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Peoplescape/sLandscape s since "we" Government-Of-China-Totalitarians have been "working"  VALIANTLY JUST-LIKE-CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA'$-Ever-So-Merrily-GENOCIDAL-While-Sporting-A-Spottless-Gleaming-Whit-Smile-To-Hide-His-Black-Soul+WEARING SPOTLESS UNWRINKLED WRINKLE-FREE-SPOTLESSLY-WHITE CLOTHING TO HIDE HIS MASSIVELY-genocidalBLACK-GENOCIDE-PERPETRATING-SOUL-On-Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Pals [!] -DICTATOR-MAHINDA-CHINTHANA [!] BIRDS OF A FEATHER-INDEEDY! to Erase Tibetans+Uigers from China's Magnificent-Peoplescape-Landscape!)  of CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EGENERATIONA OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA'$ ELAM TAMIL CITIZENS IN NAME ONLY  HUMANITY PERPETRATED IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA+To-Date-On-Januar 13th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)-Spectacular Success In Avoiding Any-All-INTERnational-"Whisper" "hint" "diapjonaous aklegation' :hint" "Mention"-Of-ANY-SUCH INTERnational criminal prosecution$ on theI NTERNATIONA: (yes! tThe Ubiquitous 24/7 365 Obama-Directed- (?) Internet Troll$ Have Been+Gone "altering" The American-English-word "we" published as "INTERnational" "down" to The American-English word "national!"~stage$ ("located" in Geneva, Switzerland and/or Munich,Germany~(Nuremberg, Germany, The European UNION~the "location" where The Historic Prosecution$ of WWII Nazi war-criminals were conducted-Nuremberg Trials were held).  Mahindha "Chinthana" Rajapakse "only" to be replaced by An-Ever-So-SLIGHTLY-LESS-nakedly-genocidal on generations of his "own" Ceylon-Sri Lanka Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka IN NAME ONLY-Maithripala Sirisena_Ranil Wickremasinghe-nakedly genocidal with Not mere One Hundred Percent INTERNATIONAL LEGAL+JUDICIAL-IMPUNITY FOR PERPETRATOR$ of NAKED DENOCIDE Perpetrated O Generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka alas! "citizens" in NAME _ONLY_ in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen)  but "also" One Hundred Percent GRATUITOU$-EXPEN$IVE _AND_ "open" "INTERNATIONAL" "celebration$" conducted OPENLY_IN BROAD-DAYLIGHT "on" the so-called "INTERNATIONAL" legal-judicial stage$ "located" in "we are the GOOD-guys countries" of Switzerland and The USA~neo-Nazi Sinhala afscist totalitarian dictator Maithripala Sirisena~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen) regime     ~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]~and Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ "getting away with perpetrating GENOCIDE on generations of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka, South Asia in _NAME_ _ONLY_ Mahindha "Chinthana" Rajapakse:     [     https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1475770774&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=sri++lankas+rajapaksa+getting+away+with+murder     ]~voted out of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Pre$idential office BY Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ _VOTER$_ on January 8th, 2015 (calendar year twenty-fifteen)~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]+"replaced" by Ceylon-Sri Lanka's voters on January 8th, 2015 (in calendar year twenty-fifteen) "by" The-Ever-So-Slightly-LESS-egregiously-genocidal on Burma-Myanmar's minority Rohingya populations-PEACEFUL-PEACEABLE-Eminently-NON-combatant Eelam Tamil civilian citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka as The Government of China has been relentlessly genocidal on its "own" Chinese+Tibetan+Taiwanese-CITIZEN$ "even" in Relentle$$ly+Very Particularly-"singling" OUT His Holiness The Dalai Lama of Tibet for "Special Government of China "royal" "international" " treatment(s) in terms of LIMITING his "rights" to guide and lead HIS OWN TIBETAN SPIRITUAL _FLOCK_+"torture-by-distance" The Government of China "leaning" so _HEAVILY_ Upon "Even" The Obama-Admini$tration Applying "political pre$$ure" in such "A Pointed Manner" that "even" "during" Th-$0-Called- Hope+Change-U$A-Obama Admini$tration The Dailai Lama of Tiber _NOT_ of China is "met" by "sitting" U$A Pre$ident$ _INCLUDING_ Obama in "The-In-Terms-Of-$tatu$-LOWLY-Map Room" of The U$A-White House _WHILE_ The Communi$t Leader$ of Totalitarian CHINA _AND_ "above" "all" A Government of China that _I$_nakedly-genocidal upon ITS _OWN_ Chinese citizens+it's "own" Tibetan$ under crushing Government of China_RULE_-and/or Taiwanese-Citizens-Of-China-Labeled-TIBETAN$ _AGAIN$T_ THEIR _ (Tibetans') OWN_ "political will" "internationally" "tagged"+"labelled"" for "international political consumption"  CITIZENS OF CHINA~with Taiwanese national$ _DEPORTED_ "by" Foreign-To-China-Governments-"back" to CHINA~in $pite of _BEING_ CITIZEN$ OF TAIWAN _NOT_ "Citizen$" of CHINA+ IN $PITE OF CARRYING TAIWANESE PASSPORTS (!) :     https://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/13/world/asia/taiwan-china-kenya.html?_r=0      and THE COMMUNIST-GOVERNMENT-OF-CHINA-LABELED _NOT_ -Citizens-Of-China-Self-Labeled-UIGHER:     http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-26414014     CITIZENS OF CHINA~IN GOVERNMENT OF CHINA KNOWN FOR ITS RUTHLESSNESS-COVERED-IN-SMILES+CELEBRATIONS+ALAS! IN MANY BUT _NOT_ _ALL_ citizen of Chine-eyes SUB-HUMAN Tibetan citizens of China~SUBHUMAN IN GOVERNMERENT OF CHINA EUES- Uigher citizen fo China [!] LOOK WHOSE _RACIST_ +UTTERLY _BIGOTED_ against "other" "races" ":     http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-26414014     "NOW! in calendar year 2014 (twenty-fourteen):     http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-26414014          ~with relentless Obama-Current-In-Calendar Year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) Cheer-Leading:     Illustrious USA President-"I Am Actually _LINCOLN_ Can't You -All-Just-See-The-Relentless-Resemblance-Not-Least-A-One-Hundred-Percent-Resemblance-To-South Africa's-Nelson-Mandela (Oops! South Africa's Illustrious First Black President Nelson Mandela categorically+utterly _FAILED_ to "blanket"-wire-tap+blanket AGAINST THE USA Constitution's-imperatives Helo? Harvard Universy-Purveyors of Illustrious Constitional Law degrees???????????????????? "do" "blanket surveillance" on any/all His [Mandela's] "own" citizens his won citizenes-since-get-this-His First Day In Office As USA Illustrious President ????? Obama assistance? in "recognizing"
     Tibetan     National Independence NOT merely "limiting" His Illustrious Self     "posing" with The Relentlessly+Ultra-Ultra Pure Dalai Lama of Tibet-Distinguished Symbol Of national Peace Between The Tibetan People and Their relentlessly-genocidal-On-ANY/ALL-Tibetan-nationals-Government of China-His Holiness The Dalai Lama of Tibet     so as to relentlessly-his own irretrievably tarnished     human rights     "credentials"?
And all this "happening" in an atmosphere of "foreign governments+their agents acting in the manner of      "rogue states"     [!]

This     clip in English from the USA State Department spokesperson+USA I PURCHASED MY USA AMBASSADORSHIP TO CEYLON-SRI LANKA AND I HAVE NO REGRETS-OBAMA-LIGHT+SOUND-EYEWASH-NISHA BISWAL(who purchased her USA Ambassadorship-To-Generations-of (alas+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") -neo-Nazi-Sinhala fascist totalitarians Ceylon-Sri Lanka- (country south of India) Governments[s]-NISHA BISWAL replaced by Atul Keshap (no one knows how much Atul Keshap paid for his USA Ambassadorship to Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Distinctly Hitler-Flavored/Flavoured for LITERALLT+Eminently NOT-Metaphorically-generations ISIS-ISIL-emulating long before ISIS-ISIL nso-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime "for sale" for cold cash donations to multiple Obama-For-President political campaingn contributions)~on December 4th, 2013 (calendar year twenty-thirteen) and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen) and that Illustrious USA Envoy to CEYLON-SRI LANKA-NISHA BISWAL has been laughing all the way to her bank~and why should she NOT BE?~"given" "Big Boss"Obama's profligacy[?}     :  The DARK-skinned USA State Department spokesperson for strictly EYEWASH Obama Light+Sound purposes - fiercely+_BEGINS_+IMMEDIATELY _supports_ USA President Obama's FIERCELY {Remembers/ "I-Am-Obama-Lincoln-Because-I-Opened-My-2008 (two-thousand-and-eight)-Obama-For-USA-President-In-2008-Race-In-Lincoln's-Own-Backyard-In-The USA State Of Illinois-Which-Light+Sound-Show-Immediately-MADE-Me-Which-Immediately-MAKES-Me-Obama-Linncoln+relentlessly-AT THAT [!]     REGREGIOUSLY+RELENTLESSLY-PRO-GENOCIDE USA GOVERNMENT POLICIES CRAFTED BY A POLITICIAN THAT USA "moderates" and "progressives" have relentlessly labeled "brilliant" "for" his Harvard Law Degree in Constitutional law [Oops! does earning this most-prized most-prestigious of law degree$ from The Best University On Planet Earth [Harvard Univer$ity] "automatically" "qualify" a USA President to 24/7 365 "blanket wiretap" Eminently NON-Criminal-"everyone" IN TRHE U$A "everyday" "forever" [?] A Very Special Qualification [?] That No One Likes To Talk About [?]THAT UACeylon-Sri Lanka government policies     + serves MERELY to_UNDERLINE_ the _DESPERATE_TRUTH_ :  Decisions regardingTAMIL EELAM_INCLUDING COUNTING THE _possibly_ 1.4 MILLION DEAD_SINCE 1939_ (calendar year nineteen thirty-nine):     http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen     from generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's crimes perpetrated against Eelam Tamil humanity in Ceylon-Sri Lanka ~OUGHT TO be taken by citizens of Ceylon-Sri lanka in TAMIL     EELAM     .  United $tate$-ENVOY to Ceylon-Sri Lanka Patricia BUTENIS~TO HER ETERNAL+EVERLASTING- _CREDIT_~stated "as FAR back" as in 2010 [twenty-ten] [calendar year twenty-ten~SEVEN (7) calendar YEARS ago FOR those WHO count! in calendar year twenty-seventeen (2017)]:     https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1475770774&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=sri++lankas+rajapaksa+getting+away+with+murder          Ceylon-Sri Lanka's PRESIDENT RAJAPKSE is _responsible_ FOR CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY by generations (alas!+alack! the American-English word generation~alas!+alack! is Eminently NOT employed here as "a metaphor!") :     http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPWCPKO/ref=cm_cr_dpvoterdr?ie=UTF8&keywords=the%20tamil%20genocide%20by%20sri%20lanka&qid=1459280751&s=books&sr=1-13&thanksvoting=cr-vote-R2MHYILDVU4OOZ#reader_B00CPWCPKO     +"it's _unsurprising_ that WAR CRIMINALS~who "coincidentally" "happen" to be United States "citizens"~_FAIL_ to "investigate" THEMSELVES[!]  USA President Obama has been _consistently_+_unwaveringly     "All Smiles"_quid pro quo COMPLICIT_in Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$OUTH A$IA'$-GENOCIDE-PERPETRTAED-UPON-EELAM TAMILS-GENOCIDE     PERPETRATED ON GENERATIONS OF ITS "OWN" EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS+MUSLIM CITIZENS AND YES!~Very Occasionally "Even" On Its Very "OWN" MAJORITY ETHNIC $INHALA-BUDDHI$T-MAJORITY-GROUP IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA-SINHALA CITIZENS OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA~stepping up the intensity of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia--Government-perpetrated CRIMES RELENTLESSLY PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA CITIZEN$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA, SOUTH ASIA IN _NAME_ _ONLY_:     https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes     HUMANITY on January 20th, 2009 (calendar year two-thousand+nine)~ [and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen_~Which IS Our Potent Political Point Here After All)]:     http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPWCPKO/ref=cm_cr_dpvoterdr?ie=UTF8&keywords=the%20tamil%20genocide%20by%20sri%20lanka&qid=1459280751&s=books&sr=1-13&thanksvoting=cr-vote-R2MHYILDVU4OOZ#reader_B00CPWCPKO     +_ONGOING_ "today"in     2016     (calendar year twenty-sixteen)~and YES! we" know that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen) Which Is After All The Potent Political Point That We Are Making "Here" After All:     http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf     with NO END IN SIGHT~except for some "lame" words with ZERO "conviction" expressed by a USA State Department spokesperson on      December 4th, 2013     (in calendar year twenty-thirteen) and  Perpetrrated In Ceylon-$ri Lanka IN     2015     (calendar year twenty-fifteen)~[and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen~Which IS Our Central Potent Political Point Here After All~is _still_HOLOCAUST-TORMENTED-in-          2017          [and _YES_ we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen)~Which Is After All Our Potent Political Point Here!]~and that Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka, $outh A4ia _trying_ VALIANTLY "to" _REMAIN_ ALIVE in Ceylon-Sri Lanka, $outh A$ia'$ northern+eastern provinces continue facing DAILY-ROUTINE_RELENTLESS acts of rape+brutality+criminality+mayhem+crimes perpetrated against _HUMANITY_ on A DAILY BASIS IN CALENDAR YEAR 2018 (calendar year twenty-eighteen)~NOW!]-Ceylon-Sri Lanka,$outh A$ia AKA Rajapakseland UNTIL January 8th, 2015 (calendar year twenty-fifteen)~[and Yes! "we" know that it has long since gone 2018 (calendar year twenty-eighteen)~Which Is After All Our Potent Political Point Here!] "when' Ceykllon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -Flavored/Flavoured neo- Nazo $inhala fa$ci$t Totalitarian Colombo-centric DICTATOR Mahindha "Chinthana" Rajapakse and "since then"+~NOW "Currently" in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) Maithripala-SIRISENA-LAND-Ranil-WICKREMASINGHE-LAND.  "Naturally"     United Nations Chief Ban Ki-Moon's     + USA President Obama's personal" "pet" genocidal "dictators":     http://hrbrief.org/2015/01/the-legal-case-of-the-tamil-genocide/      fascist "state" Ceylon-Sri Lanka is_EXEMPT FOREVER_from any/all ACCOUNTABILITY for CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA IN NAME _ONLY_ _HUMANITY _ONGOING_ in     NOW! in calendar year 2017 (in calendar year twenty-seventeen).     (twenty-seventeen).  A      report FROM the YEAR _2011     (calendar year twenty-eleven~ [and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-eighteen)_ [MORE THAN EIGHT (9)  whole CALENDAR years AGO!] suggests that UK CHANNEL 4 television REMAINS and has ALWAYS been MORE deeply VESTED in DEMANDING JUSTICE ~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twentyeighteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here!]for VICTIMS of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia's GENOCIDE on EELAM TAMILS IN CEYLON-SRI LANKA-SOUTH ASIA than USA President OBAMA is AT a "late date" IN_2016_.  Sri Lanka's_nationally-successful"new" MOPPING up OPERATION_NARRATIVE_"FOR Ceylon-Sri Lanka, South Asia's fiercely-in-2016-OBAMA-supported-fiercely-PRO-GENOCIDE STANCE is that:  "After 30 years of war":     http://hrbrief.org/2015/01/the-legal-case-of-the-tamil-genocide/     ~during which_successive_Ceylon-Sri Lanka_administrations SINCE 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine) :     http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen     ~_slaughtered_POSSIBLY as many as 1.4 (one point four million with an "m")MILLION of it's "own" CITIZENS!~Sri Lanka is "FINALLY at peace" EVEN_as_ CEYLON-SRI LANKA, SOUTH ASIA'S - USA President OBAMA-FIERCELY-celebrated     GENOCIDE     ON GENERATIONS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA, SOUTH ASIA'S DARK-$KINNED ETHNIC MINORITY EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-SOUTH ASIA IN _NAME_ _ONLY_  _continues_     UNABATED     in     2016     (twenty-sixteen) [and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-eighteen~Which IS Our Central Potent Political Point Here After All].   While United States' Vice President Biden is "public" and     "proud" about encouraging Chinese citizens to "challenge" their own government     ~as he well should + DID [on December 4th, 2013 (twenty-thirteen)] [and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-eighteen~Which IS Our Central Potent Political Point Here After All -"anyone" like Edward     Snowden     and/or     Julian Assange     [and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-eighteen~Which IS Our Central Potent Political Point Here After All and/or Bradley Manning who _DARES_  openly      "challenge" USA President Obama's
     ONGOING in calender year twenty-fifteen)     2015     "fairy tales" are _immediately_ declared     "certified criminal$" by USA President Obama     AKA "Anyone Who Criticizes Me Is Either A Dirty Racist and/or A Dirty Republican" and/ _OR_ A Dirty CRIMINAL [!]  President Obama _CONTINUES_ to  _still_ INSIST~in 2015 (twenty-fifteen) on _APPLAUDING +_FIERCELY_ +_PASSIONATELY_+_VIGOROUSLY_ SUPPORTING_ generation$ (alas!+alack! the Engli$h word generation$ _NOT_ employed  here as "a metaphor!") generation$ of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal on generations of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanja ~ince~get this!~calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nibnne):     neo-Nazi Sinhala totalitarian GOVERNMENT-PRE$IDENT+TOTALITARIAN_RULER Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ "then" Pre$ident     Rajapakse     "narrative"/"story line"/"fairy tales" by enduring in "classifying" the ONLY _credible_ "political opposition" to Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian regime~the Members of The Group:     https://www.amazon.com/War-Journey-Diary-Tamil-Tiger/dp/0143417363/ref=pd_sim_14_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=51g7id86rQL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL320_SR206%2C320_&psc=1&refRID=E43XXM9RWQSYXW78DXX6      "tagging" "labeling" "amointing" Members of The Group Calling Themselves Liberation Tigers of Tamils     Eelam
     [LTTE]~in 2015 (calendar year twenty-fifteen) as "Dirty" Tamil Tiger LTTE Criminal "terrorists."

TRY IT!  TRY and *IMAGINE*~Illustrious Nobel Peace Prize-winners _ALL_:  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. or Nelson Mandela or Desmond Tutu Eminently NOT-Aung San Syuu-ki:     http://statecrime.org/data/2015/10/ISCI-Rohingya-Report-PUBLISHED-VERSION.pdf     known to have "personally" "ordered" the literal "razing to the ground:"     http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-4002398/Now-Bangladesh-Rohingya-rape-murder-Myanmar.html     of FIVE (5) minority Rohingya-Musliim villages in Burma-Myanmar's Rhakin State:      https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&ved=0ahUKEwiNkvGO-7zRAhWLMyYKHYpOA4sQFgg9MAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amnesty.org%2Fdownload%2FDocuments%2FASA1653622016ENGLISH.PDF&usg=AFQjCNFz66yVEyrMa5ID1hrb3CYoHar5Tg&cad=rja     in Burma-Myanmar:      Aung San Suu Kyi or Mohandas~called "Mahatma" Gandhi in honor/honour of his "large soul"~     Gandhi     :  Nominated-five (5)-times-but-NEVER-ever-won-The-Nobel-Peace-Prize-Ever-not-even-posthumously-Mohandas-     Gandhi     ~[PLEASE SEE SIXTH PARAGRAPH DOWN FROM TOP OF ARTICLE]:      Gandhi who was "even" dclared "a terrorist" for his [Mihanda "Mahayma" Gandhi's-Profoundly NON-violent AHIMSA-inspired-Peace-Making Effortss~according to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's own personal words~a "personal insppiration" for King's own profoundly non-violent-Peace-making efforts  as we read in a rare British Parliament paper from calendar year 1932 (nineteen thirty-two) 1932     [in calendar year nineteen thirty-two+writings nd YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-eighteen~Which IS Our Central Potent Political Point Here After All]~putting on A Habitual+Spectacular Never-Ending Light+Sound Show NEARLY ONE YEAR into A SECOND TERM as "Leader of The     Free     World"~after pledging to "close" Guantanomo Bay Prison in CUBA~geet this!~     "within 6 months     (SIX MONTHS) of taking USA Presidential Office for His Excellency's "first term" as USA President on January 20th, 2009 (calendar year two-thousand+nin) ~ [and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-eighteen)~Which IS Our Central+Most Potent Political Point Here After All:       http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-22358351     .

"Naturally" nationally-renowned Obama apologists like the limitlessly brilliant Nobel Prize-winner Paul Krugman~find it vitally "necessary "to present America's Sunday talk show-watching "public" with a patently false choice [as if there is NOTHING in-between!] between "Cheney-Bush-Republican-flavored/flavoured-water-boarding" and other 'general' forms of unspeakably horrendous torture of America's "enemies" and "Obama-flavored murderous-international-$laughter$--without-legal-due-process-of-any-kind of America's enemies"

Oops! No! *WAIT* One Hot Second! It's Those~Let's Round Up the Usual Suspects, Shall We?~Horrible Bad Boy Republicans Absolutely *FORCING* Poor Innocent Not In Control Of One Thing NOT Even In Control ~"we" the GULLIBLE "public" are EXPECTED to SWALLOW it WHOLE-HOG that President Obama + HIS National Security Agency [NSA] are TRULY "separate" entities with Illustrious President Obama NOT IN CONTROL OF HIS VERY _OWN_ NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCT'S/THE NSA'S relentle$$ DAILY 24/7 365-National $ecurity Agency (NSA) in contravention of centurie$ of legal+judicial-precedent _AND+_ centurie$ of adherence to The U$A Con$titution-Spying of Eminently NON-criminal-U$A re$udent$ _AND_ U$A-citizen$  spying!]~Of Obama-Directed+CONTROLLED     NSA with horrifying shades of East Germany's notorious Secret Police-known "personally" to German Chancellor Angela Merkel~Merkel originally from The Former Communist East Germany _AND_ "personally" spied upon by cadres of East Germany's NOTORIOUS Stasi "Secret Police" agents-Stasi-24/7 365-Spies _since_ January 20th, 2009 (calendar year two-thousand+nine~[and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-eighteen)~Which Is After All Our Main Potent-Political Point Here]~Spying On "The Whole World" including on USA long-term political+economic+trustworthy-America's-long-standing-ally German Chancellor Angela Merkel~a "survivor""Per$oally-Experienced-"by"German Chancellor (Mutti to her devotees) Angela Merkel Herself "in person"]  of East Germany's notorious Stasi Secret Police of youre "new" to The United $tates~Faultlessly Glorious Everlastingly SHINY President Obama to sign off on KILL LISTS of persons of color *FAITHFULLY* each and every SINGLE Tuesday Afternoon [Moody Blues anyone?] Without Cessation~Ever Since January 20th, 2009 calendar year two-thousand+nine[~and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-eighteen)~Which Is After All Our MostPotent-Political Point Here:     http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPWCPKO/ref=cm_cr_dpvoterdr?ie=UTF8&keywords=the%20tamil%20genocide%20by%20sri%20lanka&qid=1459280751&s=books&sr=1-13&thanksvoting=cr-vote-R2MHYILDVU4OOZ#reader_B00CPWCPKO    

AS FOR THE-INTERNATIONALLY-FAMOUS-OBAMA-APOLOGIST-ARGUMENTS PRESENTED IN THIS ARTICLE:     http://blogs.chicagotribune.com/news_columnists_ezorn/2008/06/reality-check-t.html
     ~*EXACTLY* how *MANY*????????? home-owners WITHIN the voting American USA Public-population~and among successfully-elected United States' politicians~are even remotely ACQUAINTED *in the first place* with A Well-Known Mobster?~in the way that The Obamas are?  ["Then" United States Senator Obama+Since January 20th, 2009 (calendar year two-thousand+nine)~[and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-eighteen)~Which Is After All Our Potent-Political Point Here]-President Obama-knew/knows The Mobster personally]"~let alone~"know" A Mobster so well [Obama knew The Mobster well-enough to place The Mobster's son in an UNPAID n position in his United States SENATE (Illinois) office] that THEN United States' Senator From Illinois Obama placed The Mobster's son in an unpaid n position within a United States' Senator of Illinois' OFFICE?????  It's the "degree-of-separation" that the_Chicago Tribune_  journalist+author of the linked article above MISSES~entirely.  "Naturally!"~we "understand" that for "SOME" United States' voters~his/her/their Head-of-State's extensive personal intimacies with A Well-Known Mobster~and the      Eminently Unlimited surveillance of The U$A'$ private citizens     ~is STRICTLY A *NON-ISSUE* and A ZERO DEAL-BREAKER+NON-STARTER ON ANY LEVEL WHATSOEVER~as clearly demonstrated by the linked _Chicago Tribune_ piece [above]

"To sin by silence     when     they     should     protest makes cowards of [wo]men."~Abraham Lincoln

"The future belong to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."~     Eleanor Roosevelt

_Woman [NOT excluding Sarah Palin] Is The Nigger of The World_ 1972 (nineteen seventy-two) song lyric by John Lennon of The Beatles

"All that is necessary for     the triumph of evil     is that good [     women     and] men     do     nothing."~Edmund Burke [perhaps a mistaken attribution~but nonetheless an often-REPEATED attribution to Edmund Burke]

"Few Are Guilty, But All Are Responsible."     ~Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel

TO:      CNN.COM     :  *PLEASE* be so *KIND* as to forward this *URGENT* e-mail message to All Distinguished Members of The United States' Senate, USA, North America and To All Distinguished and Honorable Members of The United States' House of Representatives, USA, North America.  Thank You!  We "understand" that "Wall-to-Wall News Coverage" and "Daily News Discussion" of the Duchess of Cambridge [Katherine Middleton] proudly+triumphantly smiling+ _proudly_ +triumphantly flashing her  _NOTORIOU$_     Ceylon (Ceylon became $ri Lanka in 1972 (nineteen seventy-two) Blue Sapphire     and Relentle$$ly-$hown-Off+"internationally"-"globally" "to" the "drooling-swooning" "we" are "crazy-for-TOTALLY One Hundred Percent (100%) _CREATED_ OUT OF WHOLE CLOTH to "suit" The British Monarchy-"perfectly"-celebrities-"audiences" Diamond Ring:     http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35226276     ~as she holds her Baby George up to the adoring gaze of at _least_ 2 BILLION people [that's how many~2 billion~watched her Kate Middleton-Royal Wedding on television!]~the Royal Blue Ceylon Sapphire _Proud_Supremely Royal+Supremely British POLITICAL  _symbol_ of the oppression-to-the-death of _possibly_ 1.4 MILLION dark-skinned ethnic minority     Eelam     Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri lanka in _NAME_ _ONLY_ +     other-citizens     of     Ceylon-$ri Lanka     ~since~get this!~1948 (calendar year nineteen forty-eight) ~ [and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-nineteen~which _I$_ "preci$ely" "our" ULTIMATE "political" POINT!~after all) [Sri Lanka was called Ceylon by The British Royal Family~going back generations!] is a FAR *FAR* more important exercise to be engaged in than paying _CLOSE_ _CAREFUL_     attention     to     discussing     in minute+painstaking-detail USA President Obama's     ALL $MILES     OPENLY_ _AND_ "internationally" "globally"-smiling complicity to the "tune" of MILLION$ in Ceylon-$ri Lanka-TAXPAYER-dollar$~AS REPORTED~DILIGENTLY+HONESTLY+RIGHTEOUSLY~by USA-based _Foreign Policy_ magazine:     http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/     in _direct_ quid pro quo "return" "for" "blanket" "INTERNATIONAL [and YES! Once Again! the "ubiquitous" "international" 24/7 365 "internet U$A-troll$ _HAD_ brazenly and _WITHOUT_ "our" prior-written permission+"authorization" "altered" the Eminently-American-English word "INTERNnational" "reducing" The Eminently-APT American-English word "international" it "down" "to" The Eminently NON-APT-American-English word "national"~which we" noticed for the Very First Time on January 8th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)~[and Yes! "we" know that it has long since gone 2018 (calendar year twenty-eighteen)~Which Is After All Our Potent Political Point Here!]~but may have been "published" on our site "by" forces unknown to "us" _BEFORE_ Januay 8th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) _BUT_ nonetheless have been "variously "described in the USA "mainstream" television journalist-produced newscasts "as" 24/7 365 INTERNATIONAL-internet-troll$ of USA internet web pages~[and Yes! "we" know that it has long since gone 2019 (twenty-nineteen) Which Is After All Our Potent Political Point Here!]~but COULD have been "lingering" on "our" internet site for "much longer" unnoticed "by" "us."  "Naturally" (?) "unnaturally" quite LITERALLY _GENERATION$ of  Ceylon-$ri Lanka's Di$tinctly Hitler     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]   -Flavored/Flavoured neo-Nazi $inhala fa$ci$t Colombo-centric totalitarian DICTATOR$ nakedly-genocidal on literally generation$ of Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka, South Asia _HUMANITY_ for Quite Literally generation$:           http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          ~"with" FOR DECADE$ "already"not "merely"-U$A _AND_ "INTERnational" "legal impunity" ON THE INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS STAGES LOCATED IN GENEVA, SWITZERLAND-The European UNION _AND_ IN New York, New York, U$A~both Current Until June 230h, 2019 (twenty-nineteen) FORMER-SINCE January 20th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) [AT THE TIME THAT THESE WORDS WERE PUBLISHED INITIALLY~OOPS!] [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]~U$A-Pre$ident Obama _AND_ U$A Pre$ident Obama'$ FORMER $ecretary of $tate Hillary Rodham Clinton have "valiantly"+"legally"+"judicially"+INTERNATIONALLY "protected" AGIN$T ANY/ALL "hint" "whi$per" "diaphanous allegation$" "$HADOW-OF-A-HINT-OF-RUMOUR$/RUMOR$ OF ALLEGATION$" regarding INTERNATIONALLY-LEGALLY+JUDICIALLY_DURABLE_ CRIMINAL PRO$ECUTION$ OF GENERTATION$ OF GOVERNMENT-OF-CEYLON-$RI LANKA-SOUTH ASIA-PERPETRATED-$INCE~GET THIS! calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine) CRIME$ OF _GENOCIDE_:          http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf           AND OF CRIME$-PERPETRATED AGIN$T EELAM-TAMIL CITIZEN$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA in _NAME_ _ONLY_:             http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen     I     IN DIRECT QUID PRO QUO "return"~WHAT EL$E??????????????????????????? Current Until January 20th, 2016 (twenty-$ixteen) [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]~U$A-Pre$ident Obama _AND_ Former U$A $ecretray-of-$tate- Hillary Rodham Clinton-_HAVE_ "already" _BEEN_  "grateful" "HIGHLY-APPRECIATIVE-"recipient$" of MILLION$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia-tax-payer dollar$~"donated" "po$$ibly-probably-"technically"-LEGALLY (?) "under" "current" U$A-political-campaign-rules+w$ (!)~over a period of MULTIPLE Obama-Clinton political campaign war che$t$ over a period of multiple calenda/fi$cal-year$~but DILIGENTLY+HONESTLY+RIGHTEOUSLY~by USA-based _Foreign Policy_ magazine in _direct_ quid pro quo "return" "for" "blanket" "NATIONAL-U$A _AND_ "INTERnational" "legal impunity" ON THE INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS STAGES LOCATED IN GENEVA, SWITZERLAND-The European UNION _AND_ IN New York, New York, U$A from "legal criminal charges" "criminal neglect" "from" ANY whisper/hint/faint rumors (rumours) of _JUSTICE_ "for" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$i$t$:          http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          donation$ and/or multiple technically "legal" political contributions "made" "by" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia's NAKEDLY GENOCIDAL+ FOR LITERALLY _GENERATION$_  on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lankam South Asia IN NAME ONLY Eelam Tamils "by" OVEWHELMINGLY-GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA'$ DI$TINCTLY HITLER     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]    -FLAVORED/FLAVOURED--NEO-FA$CI$T-totalitarian-dictators:     https://www.amazon.com/Sinhalese-Buddhist-Nationalist-Ideology-Implications/dp/1932728643           are _MORE THAN CAPABLE_~"naturally' In U$A-Pre$ident Obama's Self-Reported+Afterwards Confirmed by Million$ of USA _AND_ "national" Journalists'-Fabulously-Perfect-Legal+Political-"judgment/judgement."  MILLION$ of "technically" "LEGAL" (?) "technically LAWFUL" (?) Ceylon-$ri Lanka TAXPAYER-funded MULTIPLE campaogn war chest contributions made over "a period of MULTIPLE USA political election cycles+years:    generations of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ GOVERNMENT-Pereptrator$ of GENOCIDE PERPETRATED ON EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA- _HUMANITY_~since~get this!~calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine):     :      from any/all "whi$per$" "hint$" "allegation$" and/or "$hadow$" of INTERNATIONALLY-JUDICIALLY _AND_ LEGALLY-DURABLE and _ENDURING_ "for" ALL Ceylonese-$ri Lankan$ both inside _AND_ outside the "international"  Eelam Tamil diaspora  "LEGAL-criminal charges" "criminal neglect" "from" ANY whisper/hint/faint rumors/rumours of _JU$TICE_ "for" quite _LITERALLY_ generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]    -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$i$t Colombo-centric Totalitarian$+ Their International Minion$:"     http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/     in quid pro quo _DIRECT_ "return'"from INTERNATIONALLY-CELEBRATED:     https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims     donation$ and/or multiple technically "legal" political contributions "made" "by" generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-South Asia's NAKEDLY GENOCIDAL on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-SOUTH ASIA--NEO-FA$CI$T-totalitarian-dictators:          https://www.amazon.com/Sinhalese-Buddhist-Nationalist-Ideology-Implications/dp/1932728643      are _MORE THAN CAPABLE_~"naturally'" In U$A-Pre$ident Obama's Self-Reported+Afterwards Confirmed by Million$ of USA _AND_ "national" Journalists'-Fabulously-Perfect-Legal+Political-"judgment." ~ to the "tune" of MILLION$ in in Ceylon-$ri Lanka's-$outh A$ia'$--tax-payer RUPEE$ GENERATION$ (alas!+alack! "we" _WISH_ that "we" were enploying the American-English word _GENOCIDE_ as "mere metaphor!~we are _NOT_!~of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-_GOVERNMENT_-Perpetrated _NAKED_ _          genocide          :     http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          on it's "own" TAMILS~THROUGHde 2015 (calendar year twenty-fifteen~[and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-eighteen):          http://hrbrief.org/2015/01/the-legal-case-of-the-tamil-genocide/           _and_-to-the-tune-of-          U$A hard-earned taxpayer dollar$ 147 MILLION each-and-every-fiscal year since January 20th, 2009       (calendar year two-thousand+nine~[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]~ACTIVE *TODAY* in 2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen~ [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]~U$A taxpayer-dollar$ _and_ United States Secretary of State Kerry's          DESPERATE NEED FOR APPLAUSE for  his 2013/2014/2015/2016/2017-reducing"           of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's U$A-TAXPAYER-FUNDED TO THE TUNE OF $ 8 (eight) MILLION in YEARLY FINANCIAL SUPPORT "down" to U$ 6 MILLION in financial support "for" the nakedly          genocidal          Di$tinctly Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]    -Flavored neo-Nazi Sinhala               fascist     Friend-of-Obama-Totalitarian-          illegal          -land-          grabbing          +          illegally          -Eelam Tamil citizens in _NAME_ _ONLY_ +               Muslim Citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-South Asia- for GENERATION$-LAND$          -seizing-     "Then" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$-$outh A$ia$-President     Rajapakse-Regime-In-Britain's "former" colony of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia- "
     ~and          forcibly          ~with brutal          Sinhala fascist          neo-Nazi military force          PREVENTED from resettling in lands LEGALLY belonging to them          ~and INSTEAD~          forcibly+illegally resettled          in          lands          assigned to them by Ceylon-Sri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist military personnel.
To PUT THIS IN SOME PERSPECTIVE:  Try it!  TRY and IMAGINE               Winston Churchill               PAYING Nazi Germany $6 million UNITED KINGDOM TAXPAYER-FUNDED DOLLAR$ "to" Hitler's     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]          NAZI          THIRD REICH-UNSPEAKABLY-BRUTAL-FA$CI$T TOTALITARIAN STATE.  Try and IMAGINE HOW the "world's media outlets" would have "reacted" IN REAL TIME~if he HAD done!  [In the "identical" way while verbally "condemning" Israel's 2014-2015 bombings of The Gaza Strip          the USA _continues_ supplying arms to generations of Israelis _relentlessly          .]  Try and IMAGINE being a Jew forced to live _AGAINST_YOUR_WILL_      in a Nazi German concentration camp in Nazi-occupied-~"then" HEARING that "because"           Winston Churchill          had REDUCED ENGLAND'S TAXPAYER-PAID-PAYMENTS-TO-HTLER'$-THIRD-REICH+NAZI-GERMANY "payments" to Hitler's     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     Nazi Germany~from the "previous" U$A 8 (eight) MILLION dollar$ each year-down to U$ 6 (six) MILLION dollar$ each year-you are "called upon" to CELEBRATE this "enormous          progress          !"  TRY IT!     THE          LINK          connects to short film in the          Eelam Tamil          language featuring NON-combatant/UNARMED/civilian/female/Tamil-language TV-journalist          Isaippiriya          BEFORE she was murdered-in-the-line-of-HER          journalism-duties          "NATURALLY" LABELED/LABELLED "propagandi$t" "locally' by GENERATIONS OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA $INHALA FA$CI$T TOTALITARIAN NE-NAZI$ WHO _THEM$ELVE$_ HAVE ENGAGED RELENTLE$$LY IN HITLER-FLAVORED/FLAVOURED PROPAGANDA:          https://www.ushmm.org/information/exhibitions/traveling-exhibitions/state-of-deception          WEAPONIZED propaganda unleashed INTERNATIONALLY:          https://www.google.com/search?q=Queen+Elizabeth+II+greets+sri+lanka%27s+rajapaksa+at+blenheim+palace&client=firefox-b-1&sa=X&biw=1192&bih=618&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=pie4C2P2l9rrAM%253A%252C7QxdiIJV1f7mLM%252C_&usg=__xbU8l8rFo1_p0-Pn5HwI494oQpg%3D&ved=0ahUKEwiBlrXuvdrZAhVBzlkKHUvFBmEQ9QEIKTAA#imgrc=_          by LITERALLY generation$ of Ceylon-S$ri Lanka's Di$tinctly Hitler     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$ci$t totalitarian Colombo-centric nakedly-genocidal on generations of hapless dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia-~since~get this!~calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine)     fascist         regime          in 2009 (calendar year two-thousand and nine):          http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPWCPKO/ref=cm_cr_dpvoterdr?ie=UTF8&keywords=the%20tamil%20genocide%20by%20sri%20lanka&qid=1459280751&s=books&sr=1-13&thanksvoting=cr-vote-R2MHYILDVU4OOZ#reader_B00CPWCPKO          ] of          routine          *HORRORS*The GENERATION$ of Government of Ceylon-Sri Lankan_ regimes_-Perpetrated IS the perpetrator of     *TODAY* STAT! in calendar year twenty-seventeen (twenty-seventeen)      (in calendar year twenty-seventeen) ":when: these words were published "initially"~the perpetrator of "routine" "daily' "habitual" "almost second-nature" "quotidian" "horrors" HORRORS~as recently as on     August 24th, 2013     (in calendar year twenty-thirteen)[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]~ and on     October 28th, 2013 (twenty-thirteen)    ~and on     February 2nd, 2014 (in calendar year twenty-fourteen)     ~[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]     perpetrated          upon Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-jounrlaists and "citizens" in NAME _ONLY_ with precisely _ZERO_ "civic rights" whatsoever _JUST_ like The Citizens of Mainland China     and          Muslim          and Sinhala journalists alike/     regardless:     http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-22013779   and     http://www.bbc.co.uk/tamil/sri_lanka/2013/04/130403_uthayan_attack.shtml     and/or discussing in minute detail the     United States'     OFFICIAL-Ethnic-Group-Life-Determining-          USA-introduced United Nations so-called Human Rights RESOLUTION on Ceylon-Sri Lanka\          's GOVERNMENT-Perpetrated-GENOCIDE:     http://hrbrief.org/2015/01/the-legal-case-of-the-tamil-genocide/     ~and its *IMMEDIATE* and *DIRECT* and unutterably *TRAGIC*     consequences for dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil "citizens" of Ceylon-Sri Lanka with PRECISELY _ZERO) "civic rights" to speak of (!)  _WHILE_ "located" "on the ground" in Sri Lanka          ~especially          journalists          ~Ceylon-$ri Lanka's literal PHYSICAL          genocide          and          LITERAL CULTURAL GENOCIDE          perpetrated on          dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam TAMILS by Sri Lanka's neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Rajapakse regime 2006 and *ONGOING* *IN THE RECENT PAST* and also in 2016 (calendar year twenty-sixteen)~[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]          http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=38201     with Limitless Horizon-less Future Genocides:     http://hrbrief.org/2015/01/the-legal-case-of-the-tamil-genocide/          Anticipated~passed on March 21st, 2013 (calendar year twenty-thirteen_+YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]~Which Is After All Our Potent Political Point here~at          The United Nations Human Rights Council Meeting in Geneva Switzerland, The European UNION-March 2013     [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]~regarding the "national" *NON-RESPONSE* to the          DEAFENING GLOBAL OBAMA SILENCE+World SILENCED-slaughter-by-genocide          of an estimated 1.4 million -1,400,000,000,000          unarmed          ,          non-combatant          , completely          innocent          , DARK-SKINNED-LIKE-USA-PRESIDENT-OBAMA-TELLS-US-THAT-HE-IS-DARK-SKINNED, ethnic minority          Eelam          Tamils in Sri Lanka~enabled/applauded/celebrated "all the way" from January 20th, 2009 (calendar year two-thousand+nine)~and YES! "we" know that it has long since gone calendar year [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:          http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPWCPKO/ref=cm_cr_dpvoterdr?ie=UTF8&keywords=the%20tamil%20genocide%20by%20sri%20lanka&qid=1459280751&s=books&sr=1-13&thanksvoting=cr-vote-R2MHYILDVU4OOZ#reader_B00CPWCPKO           through          March 15th, 2013          (calendar year twenty-thirteen~"when" these words were published "initially"~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!] and Eelam Tamil+Muslim citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka _CONTINUE_ facing DAILY-in-2016-[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]acts of brutal rape and/or brutal acts of "general" crimes against Eelam Tamil humanity~including" "routine" murders and "routine" government-perpetrated "disappearances~in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-NOW! in calendar year 2016!)~with a limitless horizon-less FUTURE anticipation of          Obama-Applause-For-Ceylon-Sri-Lanka-South Asia's-Government-perpetrated-Genocide-perpetrated-On-Dark-Skinned-Ethnic-Minority-Eelam-Tamils+Muslims+'even" The Occasional Majority Sinhala-citizen of Ceylon-Sri-Lanka          ~let alone the     fascist attitudes          on full display on a daily basis in Ceylon-Sri Lanka          exhibited by "majority" ethnic Sinhala authorities          in Ceylon-Sri Lanka~and the          blocking of The BBC's Tamil language service broadcasts by Ceylon-Sri Lanka          South Asia's neo-Nazi Sinhala          fascist     totalitarian regime~and the active+energetic     Sinhala fascist political reference     where Eelam Tamils live in concentrated populations inside Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia.  We "understand" that "Daily News Coverage" and "Daily News Discussion" of the intricacies of     improving the FOOD MENUS of Spiritually+Physically Unhealthy Buddhist Monks in Sri Lanka, South Asia     is a FAR *FAR* more important  exercise to be engaged in than paying attention to/discussing in minute detail the          slaughter-by-genocide          of an estimated 1.4 million     unarmed     , non-combatant, completely          innocent          , dark-skinned,          ethnic minority Eelam Tamils          in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia.  We "understand" that discussing whether or not Beyonce's performance at Super Bowl 47's half-time show was "more about Beyonce's looks" "more about the stadium's power outage" than about "more about Beyonce's sound"~[          Beyonce performing for~since~deceased~Dictator Quaddafi          for U$ 1 million strictly a *non*-issue!~in contrast to discussions about lip-syncing~naturally!]~is "that much" more "crucial" to "cover" 24/7~in "all" /"every" United States' media outlet.  In *exactly* the "same way" we "understand" that counting every needle mark on Michael Jackson's body in April/May 2009 [calendar year two thousand and nine] [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]_WHILE_ The Michael Jackson Family _LITERALLY_ _BEGGED_ "for" _FAMILY_ _PRIVACY_! and yes! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]and _NOTHING_ has essentially _CHANGED_ for Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia~previously "defended" from generation$ of:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Journey-Diary-Tamil-Tiger/dp/0143417363/ref=pd_sim_14_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=51g7id86rQL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL320_SR206%2C320_&psc=1&refRID=E43XXM9RWQSYXW78DXX6     (alas!+alack! the Engli$h word generation$ not employed here as "a metaphor!") GENERATION$ of Di$tinctly-Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$ci$t-Colombo-centric-Totalitarian genocidal dictator$ facing not _merely_ generation$ of U$A=European Union-$upported-TO-THE-MAXIMUM-HILT criminals+crimes perpetrated by Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Government-perpetrators of CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN-HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA, $OUTH A$IA~but a one hundred percent erasure of their entire culture:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Journey-Diary-Tamil-Tiger/dp/0143417363/ref=pd_sim_14_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=51g7id86rQL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL320_SR206%2C320_&psc=1&refRID=E43XXM9RWQSYXW78DXX6     ~symbols of their culture dropped in broad daylight in 2016 (twenty-sixteen) ~temples and other cultural institutions DESTROYED in broad daylight]:          http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPWCPKO/ref=cm_cr_dpvoterdr?ie=UTF8&keywords=the%20tamil%20genocide%20by%20sri%20lanka&qid=1459280751&s=books&sr=1-13&thanksvoting=cr-vote-R2MHYILDVU4OOZ#reader_B00CPWCPKO           was a FAR *FAR* more important  exercise to be engaged in than paying attention to/discussing in minute detail the slaughter-by-          genocide          of an estimated 1.4 million (one point-four million~ 1,4,000,000,000)          unarmed          , non-combatant, completely          innocent          , dark-skinned, ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia:          http://hrbrief.org/2015/01/the-legal-case-of-the-tamil-genocide/           + the systematic torture of ALL Ceylon's-Sri Lanka's-South Asia's- citizens~regardless of ethnic origin          by generations          (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!")          generation$ Ceylon-Sri Lanka's brutal militarized Police Force.          Tragically~The BBC's reporter-on-the-ground Charles Haviland~as "recently" as on May 24th, 2013 (calendar year twenty-thirteen~when these words were initially published online and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]_PRECISELY_ "our point!"]~CONTINUED "characterizing" generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia- _GOVERNMENT_ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's-$outh A$ia'$-UNAPOLOGETIC/DENIAL-FILLED          GENOCIDE          http://hrbrief.org/2015/01/the-legal-case-of-the-tamil-genocide/          -PERPETRATED-ON-GENERATION$-OF-EELAM-TAMIL-CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA IN NAME  _ONLY_ IN CEYLON-SRI-LANKA-SOUTH ASIA-WITH _PRECISELY_ _ZERO_ "ATTENDANT"-CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS" LET ALONE "CITIZEN$HIP-PRIVILEGES (!)  AS _IMPLICITLY_ a "moral" and "military" "defeat" for "Eelam Tamil Tiger rebels" ~"euphemism" for "Dirty Tamil Tiger          LTTE          "Labeled" "internationally" and To Spectacular-Political-"Effect" "international terrorists"~a joke! when "considering" and _HOW_ The Ceylon-$to Lanka passport is an International-JokeFest "giving" international travellers" preci$ely _ZERO_ visa-free "entrie$!"  to _ANY_/ALL NON-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-countrie$ (!) "as" Turkey's genpocidal-On-His-Own Citizens-Erdogan has "labeled" Kurdish YPG-PKK Kurdish Pershmerga fighters "terrorists" in the _IDENTICAL) manner in which Germany's Holocaust-Perpetrator Hitler     [        https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     "labeled" ANY/ALL political "opponents" "terrorists"~in the _IDENTICAL_ manner in which France's Indescribably _BRAVE_ French Resistance to Hitler and to Hitler's     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     Nazis _RESISTANCE-France's resistance fighters "knowingly"  "recruiting' CHILDREN to do the _VITAL_ clandestine operations that _ONLY_ children could carry out "under the Very Noses" of Hitler and Hitler' Nazis     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     during WWII UNNOTICED Criminal Terrorists:"          https://www.amazon.com/War-Journey-Diary-Tamil-Tiger/dp/0143417363/ref=pd_sim_14_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=51g7id86rQL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL320_SR206%2C320_&psc=1&refRID=E43XXM9RWQSYXW78DXX6          (REMEMBER? Hitler+Hi$ Nazi$     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     "labeled" member$ of France' Unspeakably+Unutterably-BRAVE+Life-Giving-Life-SAVING Resistance Fighters 'relentle$$ly" "labeled"  "criminal terrorists" by both France's Un$peakably-Cowardly+Therefore-Limitle$$ly-Da$tardly-WWII (World War II)-Vichy-Government_AND_"by" Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Himself_AND_ "by" Hitler'$-Third-Reich France's INDESCRIBABLY- BRILLANT+BRAVE French Resistance Fighters who OPPO$ED Hitler+Hi$[Hitler'$]-Third-Reich PLACING_ their _OWN_ PHYSICAL_+THER OWN _FINANCIAL+_THEIR OWN SOCIAL-$TATU$-LIVE$ (the price of their bravery so HIGH~A TINY MINORITY~VERY FEW  OF FRANCE'S CITIZEN$ "agreed"+ that "freely" to "pay" it~in quid pro quo "exchange" for the _PHYSICAL_+FINANCIAL_+$OCIAL-LIVE$-OF-$TRANGER$ (!):          https://www.amazon.com/War-Journey-Diary-Tamil-Tiger/dp/0143417363/ref=pd_sim_14_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=51g7id86rQL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL320_SR206%2C320_&psc=1&refRID=E43XXM9RWQSYXW78DXX6           laying down Their Very Own Physical Lives:          http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPWCPKO/ref=cm_cr_dpvoterdr?ie=UTF8&keywords=the%20tamil%20genocide%20by%20sri%20lanka&qid=1459280751&s=books&sr=1-13&thanksvoting=cr-vote-R2MHYILDVU4OOZ#reader_B00CPWCPKO           "in QUID PRO QUO exchange" for ENDING          GENOCIDE          ON ALL CEYLON-SRI LANKA'S EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN$-OF-CEYLON-$RI LANKA:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Journey-Diary-Tamil-Tiger/dp/0143417363/ref=pd_sim_14_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=51g7id86rQL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL320_SR206%2C320_&psc=1&refRID=E43XXM9RWQSYXW78DXX6
           [Please see 4th paragraph down from the top of the article]:         
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-22652210          generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ army "defeated":          https://www.amazon.com/War-Journey-Diary-Tamil-Tiger/dp/0143417363/ref=pd_sim_14_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=51g7id86rQL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL320_SR206%2C320_&psc=1&refRID=E43XXM9RWQSYXW78DXX6           "separatist" "for" _WANTING_ to END "daily" "routine" "spectacular" acts of genocide+crime$ perpetrated again$t Eelam Tamil humanity in Ceylon-$ri Lanka for "generation#"~(alas!+alack! the Engli#h word generation$ not meployed here as "a metaphor!")  Tamil Tiger rebels after a brutal 26-year war in 2009 (two-thou$and+nine):          http://hrbrief.org/2015/01/the-legal-case-of-the-tamil-genocide/             *BUT* having *said* that....
RE:  WHY????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

On God's Green Earth has OBAMA Secretary of State "          Foreign [Policy] Service is in my genes"          [~which is precisely *WHY* I [Kerry] went to "all the time and trouble" for the lengthy duration of twenty-eight straight years [28 years]~some of it in the Very Company of Kerry's-Very-Own-Trusty-Channeler-of-Sri-Lanka's-          neo-Nazi-ideologies          -Staffer Nilmini Gunaratne Rubin:          http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nilmini-gunaratne-rubin/          The Very Mouthpiece+Trusty Channeler Extrordinare of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist          Rajapakse          regime~"right here"~she was located "right here" *IN* Kerry's Very Own United States' Senate Armed Service Committee legislative office.  "Together" with Nilmini [I~Kerry~I am *so* ULTRA-cool I actually "work" with Asian women!~unlike those *HORRID*ATROCIOUS*Republicans!~get it?] we *together* *PROUDLY* and *BOASTFULLY* WROTE The Very United States' Foreign Policy that would [we anticipated!] and did [aren't we CLEVER?!] *100% GUARANTEE* the slaughter-by-Ceylon-$ri-Lanka's-Nakedly-Genocidal-On-Dark-$kinned-ethnic minority[PRECISELY As The "Everlastingly-TRIUMPHANT-In-ALL-Things-Obama--First-Couple ARE Members of An Ethnic Minorioty Group In The U$A"except SHHHH! _PRECISELY_ _ZERO_ U$A journali$t$ have Ever Acknowledged This In _PUBLIC_ and Heaven Forbid That They Ever _WOULD_ (!)  Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka in NAME ONLY-Citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist armed forces-by-     GENOCIDE     -of an estimated 1.4 MILLION dark-skinned ethnic minority Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka:     http://hrbrief.org/2015/01/the-legal-case-of-the-tamil-genocide/      2006 through 2015~and decimation of the religious     +cultural+     linguistic integrity     of an entire ethnic group in Sri Lanka~and "ongoing!"~TODAY IN 2015-2016]     Illustrious United States' Secretary of State KERRY'S _profoundly_ Anti-Churchillian APPEASEMENT:     http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/special_report/1999/08/99/world_war_ii/430071.stm    

WITH     GENOCIDE:     http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jun/13/sri-lanka-war-crimes?intcmp=239

programmatic legislative action:     http://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/SRI.pdf

which has led *DIRECTLY* to these~the UNUTTERABLY TRAGIC:     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=36042     "leavings-after" of GENOCIDE:

~so eerily "echoing" and "mirroring" literally millions of "similar" tales of "never again" tragedy described by Jewish survivors of Hitler's     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]      Holocaust~and of their "we will never forget" descendents:     http://www.amazon.com/Everything-Illuminated-Elijah-Wood/dp/B000DWMN2S/ref=sr_1_1?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1359447549&sr=1-1&keywords=everything+is+illuminated+movie

~been *STRICTLY* a *NON*-*STARTER*?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? in the so-called NATIONAL/national "conver$ation" for one of "the" HIGHEST muckety-muck political "positions of power" [United $tates' $ecretary of $tate po$ition] "ever" on "the planet"????????????????????????
What gives?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

I~Kerry feel *FABULOUS*~and laugh myself hy$terical with outright mirth~whenever+wherever I make REPEATED public/campaign-related political speeches RIDICULING That Horrid Female ($arca$m! of Cour$E!) -From-Preci$ly-Nowhere (Sarcasm! of Course!)  (WHAT _WOULD_ "our" Illu$triou$ "world" would _BE_ "like" _IF_ Michelle Obama and _NOT_ $arah Palin had "been" Governor of Ala$ka (?) Republican "Cougar" Sarah Palin~for~of all things!~"being able to see Russia from her house!"~*WHILE* I Kerry-have-REMAINED-$PECTACULARLY-$UPERIOR as I wrote/continue to write The Very United State$'  BOUGHT+PAID-FOR-WITH-U$A-TAXPAYER-$PECTACULAR-AMOUNT$-OF-KERRY-IN-U$A-$PENT-U$A-TAXPAYER-DOLLAR$DOLLAR$ _WHILE_ U$A-Voter$-Find their DAILY "quality-of-life-$teadily "de$cending"~Ever $ince Republican-God Ronald Reagan "decided" to "per$onally" _AND_ "$ingle-Handedly-DI$$MANTLE" The U$A-$trong-Middle-Cla$$ (!) Foreign Policy legislation that has VIRTUALLY_ *GUARANTEED* the          rape of unarmed Tamils in police custody+the rape of unarmed Tamils in Sri Lankan Sinhala military custody and  GUARANTEED the perpetration of $exual crimes against Eelam Tamil     citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka:          http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-21577866          +the portrayal by generation$ of (alas!+alack! the Engli$h word generation$ not employed here as "a metaphor!") generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka's government authorities relentle$$+$NATIONALLY-$PECTACULAR-nationally-media-BACKED-"labeling" of ANY/ALL EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA- (regardle$$ of "membership" and/r or NON-MEMBERSHIP IN THE GROUP CALLING ITSELF LTTE ("labeled" "national" "Dirty-LTTE-Eelam Tamil Tiger LTTE "criminal" terrorists" "for" being THE SOLE_THE ONLY_THE LONELY_ _DEFENDER$ AGAIN$T generation$ of (alas!+alack! the Engli$ word generation$ not employed here as "ametaphor!") generation$ of  Di$tinctly-Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored-GENERATION$-OF-HORRIFYING-I$I$-I$IL-EMULATING-ON-THE-NATIONAL-$TAGE-FOR-LITERALLY-GENERATION$-PRECEDING-THE-CURRENTLY-IN-2016-LONG "LABELED" "The Juvy League-"by" U$A-Pre$ident-Obama+Hi$ LITERALLY-LEGION$-OF-U$A-HOLLYWOOD-POWER$+NATIONAL-"$LAVE-EMULATING-PANTING-FOLLOWER$ (!) and THAT "nationally"+THAT for _LITERALLY_ _DECADE$_ on the so-called "national" "$TAGE" located "even" in Geneva, Switzerland (famed for it'$ _GOVERNMENT+POLITICAL-NEUTRALITY_ to Hitler'$     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     Third Recih+Therefore "capable" of $AVING_ the LITERAL _PHY$ICAL_ LIVE$ of Jewi$h Citizen$-of-Europe-Fleeing-Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     +Hi$ [Hitler's]-Third-Reich:              http://blog.unwatch.org/index.php/category/sri-lanka/          ~in the _HEART_+$OUL_ of so-called "European Value$" $TAT! "even" "now"  in calendar year 2016 (twenty-$ixteen)      by generation$ of Di$tinctly Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored neo-nazi $inhala fa$i$t-Colombo-centric totalitarian DICTATOR$+relentle$$ "ethnic clean$er$" loooong "before" the "English term" "ethnic clean$ing" wa$ "even" "invented" to "de$cribe" the event$ de$cribed _UNIVER$ALLY_ "A$" _GENOCIDE_ and _CRIME$ PERPETRATED AGAIN$T EELAM TAMIL CITIZEN$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA-HUMANITY-PERPETRATED IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA "since"~get this!~calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine):          https://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/185-0175659-9033401?ie=UTF8&keywords=Damit%20wir%20nicht%20vergessen&qid=1366288028&ref_=sr_1_1&s=books&sr=1-1                Bo$nia-Herzegovna~"de$cribed" in A BEAUTIFUL HOLLYWOOD-FINANCED-FILM:          https://www.theguardian.com/film/2011/dec/18/angelina-jolie-bosnia-war-film           "by" Hollywood $uper$tar Angelina Jolie Her$elf+Fully $upported-By-Unlimited-$uper$tar-Hu$band-Brad-Pitt~Angelina Jolie who _APPEAR$_ to have _ZERO_ "time" and/or zero/zilch/nada/NOTHING and/or "inclination" _NOTHING_ to "$ay" in "film language" UNLIKE Ang Lee'$ _LIFE OF PI_:          https://www.amazon.com/Life-Pi-Suraj-Sharma/dp/B00BSBT8M6/ref=sr_1_1?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1467932143&sr=1-1&keywords=life+of+pi          or in any other "dorm" to generation$ of UNARMED/INNOCENT OF ANY/ALL "crime$" _EXCEPT_ of cour$e the "univer$ally" affixed "crime" of fleeing GENERATION$ of Di$tinctly Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored Ceylon-$ri Lanka-South Asia-GOVERNMENT-FA$CI$T-DICTATOR$-IN-CEYLON-$RI LANKA~The Generation$ of Di$tictly-Hitler-     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$ci$t-Colombo-centric genocidal dictator$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka _GOVERNMENT_-Perpetrated-Relentle$$- _GENOCIDE_ and _CRIME$ PERPATRATED AGAIN$T EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA:  Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka _UTTETLY_ DEVA$TATED by "generation$ (alas!+alack! the Engli$ word generation$ not employed here as "a metaphor!") of _U$A-backed-UK-Backed-European-Union-Backed+AT THAT _LIMITLE$$-$UPPORT+LIMITLE$$-FINANCING_$UPPORT" "for" generation$ of (alas!+alack! the Engli$ word generation$ not employed here as "a metaphor!") of Di$tinctly-Hitler-     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]          -Flavored-neo-Nazi-$inhala-fa$ci$t-toalitarian-Colombo-centric nakedly-genocidal on generation$ of Eelam Tamil citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka~$outh A$ia-dating back to calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Journey-Diary-Tamil-Tiger/dp/0143417363/ref=pd_sim_14_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=51g7id86rQL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL320_SR206%2C320_&psc=1&refRID=E43XXM9RWQSYXW78DXX6     OPPOSING THE          GENOCIDE          ON HER ENTIRE ETHNIC MINORITY GROUP as at LEAST COUNT:          a horrid disturbing nuisance          at WORST:          dirty Tamil Tiger LTTE criminal terrorists          ~not to "mention" the *TINY* matter of the slaughter-in-ISID-ISIL-EMULATING-genocide+crime$-Perpetrated-by generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$-GOVERNMENT-agencie$-waaaaaay "before" I$I$-I$IL          genocide\
          :     http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/jun/13/sri-lanka-war-crimes?intcmp=239      of a guesstimated 1.4 (1,4,000,000,000) MILLION dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils in Sri Lanka:          http://hrbrief.org/2015/01/the-legal-case-of-the-tamil-genocide/          ~and          a few Tamils slaughtered casually          [after all *these Tamil lives* do not hold the "meaning" that Nilmini Gunaratne-Rubin's:          http://www.huffingtonpost.com/nilmini-gunaratne-rubin/            does to me~fabulously NON-RACIST-Kerry!]
[I (Kerry) REMAIN SUPERIOR-in 2015 [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]-as I participate FULLY in The Ongoing Obama Light+Sound Show which *INCLUDES* a heavy pretending that I SUPPORT Palestinian rights to self-determination~while SIMULTANEOUSLY+energetically SABOTAGING any hope of an Independent Palestinian State which would have "already" BEEN HISTORY had Obama not determinedly          USED USA veto power in the United Nations Security Council to STAND-IN-THE-WAY and STOP A Palestinian State for "already being created.          "]

TRAGICALLY~the "latest" Obama-with-Kerry-Administration-[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]~As-Ever-Beautifully-Constructed totally smoke+mirrors United Nations charade~however well-intentioned [guess what? we are emphatically *NOT* "registered" Republicans!~OR "registered" Democrats!~either! ]:          http://www.bbc.co.uk/tamil/sri_lanka/2013/01/130128_usgenevalanka.shtml          will do nothing/ZERO/zilch/Nada/niente:          http://www.bbc.co.uk/tamil/sri_lanka/2013/02/130201_hrwonlanka.shtml          to HALT the~"ongoing" in          2015          (in calendar year twenty-fifteen) and YES! "we" know that it has long since gone calendar year [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]~          GENOCIDE of QUITE LITERALLY _GENERATION$ of Ceylon-$ri :anka's dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia in _NAME_ ONLY          of Eelam Tamils in Ceylon=$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia:          http://hrbrief.org/2015/01/the-legal-case-of-the-tamil-genocide/           in 2015~[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]~or to confront the Rajapakse     regime's "ongoing" in 2015 [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]~neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist ideology:          http://www.srilankaguardian.org/2013/02/endorsing-religious-nationalism-on.html          IN FACT:  The Obama-Kerry United Nations exquisitely choreographed "smoke-and-mirrrors" dance almost *GUARANTEES* that Ceylon-$ri Lanka's genocidal neo-Nazi           $inhala fa$cist          war criminals will          NEVER          be held accountable for their egregious CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY in Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia:     https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          .  TRAGICALLY:  ONLY *IMMEDIATE*     INTERnationally-credible [yes! Surprise! Surprise! The Ubiquitous Internet International 24/7 365 Troll$ HAVE "been+gone" "altering" the words on our site~"altering" every "$ingle-$olitary-in$tance" of The American-English-word "international" "down" "to" The American-English-word "national!"  how clever! (Sarcasm!)  criminal trials          conducted by The national Criminal Court in The Hague, The Netherlands for the          NAKED-genocide     -perpetrating-in-calender year 2015 (in calendar year twenty-fifteen+YES! "we" KNOW THAT IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR 2020 [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!] Which Is After All Our Main Potent Political Point Here~Mahindha "Chinthana" Rajapakse Regime [Rajapakse was voted out of his genocidal dictatorship on January 8th, 2015 (IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-FIFTEEN)~[and YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2020 (twenty-twenty~Which Is After All Our Extremely-Potent Political Point Here)]~"BY"  Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ VOTER$]~will be effective in STOPPING          GENOCIDE     I     N CALENDAR YEAR 2015 (twenty-fifteen)+YES! "we" _KNOW_ [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]~Which Is After All Our Extremely- Potent Political Point Here)].  We "respectfully" *disagree* with the "esteemed opinion" of The Illustrious [emphatically *NOT* SARCASTICALLY stated!] _The Washington Post_:  Which "estimates" generation$ of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelqm Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka in _NAME_ _ONLY_ (alas!) Ceylon-Sri Lanka'$ unarmed and/or _PATHETICALLY-armed+innocent of any/all crime$ EXCEPT the "INTERnationally"-labeled "crime" of fleeing LITERALLY generation$ of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED naked-genocide:     http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf     Perpetrated on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka in _NAME_ _ONLY_~alas!+alack!               https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1475770774&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=sri++lankas+rajapaksa+getting+away+with+murder     dictator$+their "international" MINION$ slaughtered by the nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Rajapakse regime at 80,000 [eighty-thousand]:       http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/sri-lankas-squandered-opportunities/2013/02/18/f28ead78-7798-11e2-aa12-e6cf1d31106b_story.html     TRAGICALLY:  This is "The Very Same" _"The" Ever-Illustrious-For-U$A-Liberals-Inside-The-USA-Washington Post_ that  has BEEN *INSISTING* for *years* beginning in 2006 (two-thousand-and-six) and~as "recently" as in 2012 (calendar year twenty-twelve~+YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-eighteen)~Which Is After All Our Extremely-Potent Political Point Here)]:     https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1484144259&sr=1-2&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka     ~that the number of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Dark-Skinned Ethnic Minority In Precisely The Manner In Which Generations Of Ever-Illustrious Members of The Ever-Illustrious-Obama-Johnson-Family Are Members Of A Dark-Skinned Ethnic Minority HUMAN Population In The Ever-Illustrious-USA-EXCEPT _PRECISELY_ _ZERO_ "mainstream IN THE Ever-Illustrious USA" especially television news journalists will EVER DELIGHTING IN _NOTING_ THIS "inconvenient truth"-DETAIL~NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!     slaughtered-in-genocide     by generations (the English word generations alas!+alack! not employed here as "a metaphor!") generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly     genocidal     neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist     Rajapakse     (Mahinda Chanthana Rajapakse was voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia's Presidential office on January 8th, 2015 (calendar year twenty-fifteen~+YES! "we" _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-seventeen)~Which Is After All Our Extremely-Potent Political Point Here)] was "7,000" (seven thousand)~the completely FABRICATED "number" propagated~so effectively~and for so long a time~by NO LESS "an authority" than The Ban ki-Moon-led United Nation$.  _"The" Washington Post_/United States' President Obama/ The United States' Senate have all been "merrily" and "tragically" and "knowingly" and "NOW!" *deceitfully" [all done "in the "illustrious" name" of "defeating terrorists"] *UTTERLY*+ MATERIALLY+DAILY-*COMPLICIT* in generations (the English word generations alas!+alack! not employed here as "a metaphor!") generatione of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's naked+ egregious+relentless acts of CEYLON-SRI LANKA-GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED  GENOCIDE:     https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1484144259&sr=1-2&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka     +CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY:     http://hrbrief.org/2015/01/the-legal-case-of-the-tamil-genocide/          ~and the          rape~with complete and UTTER impunity~of  generations (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") EELAM TAMIL citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka+babies+CHILDREN     ~on its "own" generations of  dark-skinned ethnic minority EELAM TAMIL CITIZENRY OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA IN _NAME_ _ONLY_populations SINCE          even BEFORE CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN FORTY-NINE (1949)          (calendar year nineteen forty-nine)~and          relentless *ILLEGAL* Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal on his "own" Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Colombo-centricv neo-nazi Sinhala fascist DICTATOR of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Rajapakse ([Rajapakse voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential office to be replaced an EVER-So-SLIGHTLY-LESS-egregiously-genocidal on jis "own" Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Distinctly Hitler-Flavored neo-nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian President Maithripala Sirisena)-orchestrated land grabbing          "ongoing" "TODAY" [AT THE TIME THESE WORDS WEERE PUBLISHED ON THE INTERNET~YES! IT WAS CAL:ENDAR YEAR TWENTY-FIFTEEN!] in 2015     (calendar year twenty-fifteen~and YES! we _KNOW_ that it has long since gone calendar year 2019 (twenty-NINEteen)~"for" completely          destitute          /physically vulnerable dark-skinned-like-The-Obamas-but-you-might-never-GUESS-from-dark-skinned-ethnic minority in The USA's-Ever-Illustrious USA President Obama's-STRICT POLICIES-written in direct quid pro quo "return" for MILLION$ of Rajapakse-Sirisen PAID qui pro quo "for" Obama's 'celebrating" generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-GOVERNMENT-Perpetrated CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY in Ceylon-Sri Lanka~since Inauguratuion Day In The USA January 20th, 2009 (two thousand and nine) toward-this-          dark-skinned-ethnic-minority-population-of-Eelam-Tamils-located-physically-in-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia          ~"ongoing" in          2015          AND _IN_ CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-NINETEEN (2019):         https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-47183301           ~"even" NOW!~at this instant that *YOU* the reader's eyes are perusing these words.
Tragically for Eelam Tamils located in
Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia~The United States' State Department's Official 2012 (twenty-twelve) TWENTY-TWELVE _ANNUAL_ _REPORT_ on human rights "situations" around the world~          citing Sri Lanka's abysmal human rights record under the NAKEDLY-GENOCIDAL-UPON-THE DARK-SKINNED-The Genocidal Rajapakse          regime directly BELIES USA President Obama-with-Clinton+Rice+now-Kerry funding-to-the-tune-of-U$ taxpayer-hard-earned dollar$-to-the-tune-of-$147 MILLION each and every fiscal year SINCE January 20th, 2009 (two-thousand and nine):     http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CPWCPKO/ref=cm_cr_dpvoterdr?ie=UTF8&keywords=the%20tamil%20genocide%20by%20sri%20lanka&qid=1459280751&s=books&sr=1-13&thanksvoting=cr-vote-R2MHYILDVU4OOZ#reader_B00CPWCPKO     ~and FUNDING *ONGOING* "TODAY" [MEANING THE YEAR "THIS" WAS PUBLISHED _INITIALLY_]  in 2017 (twenty-seventeen) with NO-ZERO-ZILCH-NADA END IN SIGHT for-Ceylon-Sri-Lanka-South Asia's          GENOCIDE          PERPETRATED UPON on Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-$outh A$ia and ENERGETIC PROTECTING FROM CRIMINAL PROSECUTION of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ NAKEDLY-GENOCIDAL:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          President _Until He [Rajapakse was voted out of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ -Presidential office on January 8th, 2015 (twenty-fifteen)~only to be "replaced" by The-Ever-So-Slightly-LESS-A-SMIDGE-LESS-NAKEDLY-genocidal:          http://www.jdslanka.org/index.php/news-features/politics-a-current-affairs/761-sirisena-shocks-expat-sri-lankans-in-japan-with-extremist-monk-in-tokyo          UPON _LITERALLY_ GENERATION$ of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$-Dark-Skinned ethnic minority-PRECISELY-Like-The Illustrious-Obama-Johnson-family members are in "today's"-Political-USA-Except NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE IT-NOT IN A MILLION YEARS-Maithripala Sirisena-genocidal on Eelam Tamils regime]-Rajapakse "himself."

"We" highly recommend writing to Democratically Elected Political leaders Around The World As Follows:

*THANK YOU*~as "ever"~for ***everything*** you do/pray/say to STOP the naked          GENOCIDE          PERPETRATED "by" Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A4Ia'$ _GOVERNMENT_ _OFFICIAL$_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          UPON _LITERALLY_ _GENERATION$_ of dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ ~"ongoing" in 2016 [calendar year twenty-sixteen] _AND_ IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-NINETEEN (2019):



By ousting $udan-Africa'$ _NAKEDLY_ _GENOCIDAL_ _UPON_ HI$_ _OWN_ _FELLOW_ $UDANE$E_ _UNARMED_ CITIZEN$_ FOR~GET THI$~A RELENTLE$$ _THIRTY_ (30) _CALENDAR YEAR$_ _DICTATOR_ OMAR AL-BA$HIR FROM POLITICAL _POWER_:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-47891470          _AFTER_ _LITERALLY_ _MONTH$_ OF PEACEFUL/PEACEABLE/UNARMED/DEMOCRATIC/POLITICAL DEMON$TRATION$ "BY" THE PEOPLE OF $UDAN-AFRICA~HAVE _EXAMPLED_:          https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&channel=cus&q=exampled          ~TO _LITERALLY_ GENERATION$ UPON GENERATION$ UPON GENERATION$ UPON GENERATION$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA'$ "CITIZENRY"~EXCEPT OOP$~Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia-"citizenry" with PRECI$ELY_ _ZERO_ "civil right$"~_EXACTLY_ _HOW_ TO _PROCEED_ WITH OU$TING:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-47918736          _LITERALLY_ _GENERATION$_ OF Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ NAKEDLY-GENOCIDAL NEO-NAZI $INHALA FA$CI$T$ _FROM_ _POWER_~get thi$!~PERPETRATING _GENOCIDE_ ON~get thi$~their _OWN_ "citizenry"~FOR "succe$$ive" _GENERATION$_ of Government of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia's brutally neo-Nazi$~get this!~"since" CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939):                    http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen                    .  "The _CITIZENS_ Of Sudan-Africa _LIKE_ "the _CITIZENS_" of _LITERALLY_ +_GENERATIONS_ Of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          have "already" "waited" in _VAIN_ "for" _JU$TICE_ "for" LITERALLY (alas!+alack! _ZERO_ metaphor "here"!) _GENERATION$_:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen                                    https://www.vox.com/world/2019/4/12/18307649/sudan-omar-al-bashir-war-crimes-icc-military          ~and "now" have wi$ed up to taking matter$ into their _OWN_ Citizen$ Of $udan-Africa _$TRICTLY_ _DEMOCRATIC_ _$TRICTLY_ NON-VIOLENT $TRICTLY _VOTING+_ HAND$.  Imagine!

By asking          Interpol          to issue          an arrest warrant for former Dictator Ben Ali          ~          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9rWBw9kpik         [A MAN  who ha$ $INCE PA$$ED AWAY-UNMOURNED~IN REAL TIME-REAL $PACE _YEAR$_ AFTER "we" initially PUBLI$HED THI$ ON THE INTERNET]~the people of          Tunisia-North Africa          -have "demonstrated clearly" to the world EXACTLY HOW TO PROCEED in "answering"     the brutal actions     of nakedly genocidal "world"  dictators who strip their fellow-citizens of their          very physical very literal not netaphorical-lives
     ~of their
financial rights and freedoms
     ~of their          political          and         
human rights         ~of their          legally-owned lands          ~and their          citizens' rights to earn a living wage          ~and their          citizens' rights to THEIR OWN DEEDED LANDS          and          rob          their "own" countries~both of financial wealth and of the priceless wealth that is          human potential
decade$ on end          .

_PLEASE_ accept our _SINCEREST_ apologies Dear Illustrious Reader of Our words [BELOW]~referencing Africa's BRUTALLY-aggressive Joseph Kony.  We hope that you _UNDERSTAND_ that "we" are in NO WAY/SHAPE/FORM "apologists" "for" Joseph KONY or indeed have ANY wish in ANY WAY/SHAPE/FORM to "trivialize" and or "marginalize" Joseph Kony's _OBVIOUS_ brutality perpetrated on his innocent fellow Africans-victims of his [Joseph Kony's] own brutality.  INSTEAD we are _ATTEMPTING_  in "mere words" "mere verbiage"~to SINCERELY and HONESTLY and ACCURATELY _CONTEXTUALIZE_ _SERIOUS_ _HEINOUS_ TOP OF THE LINE CRIMES PERPETRATED AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY PERPETRATED _AGAINST_ UNARMED NON-VIOLENT CIVILIAN EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA~BY _GENERATIONS of Ceylon-Sri Lanka ruling genocidal regimes~since~get this! calendar year 1939 [nineteen thirty-nine]:     http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen
_WHILE_ the United States "LONG AGO" "AGES AGO" offered a reward of up to U$ 5 MILLION [April 4th, 2013 (twenty-thirteen)]~yes! we _KNOW_ that it's long since gone calendar year 2018 (twenty-eighteen) and that _NOTHING_ has _CHANGED_ in essence "for" Ceylon-Sri Lanka's dark-skinned precisely akin to Ever-Illustrious-USA-Obamas-ethnic minority Eelam Tamil innocent civilian citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka facing CRIMES AGAINST EELAM TAMIL HUMANITY on a _DALY_ _ROUTINE_ basis in their everyday lives~as "a reward" for Africa's egregious human rights violator Joseph Kony~precisely ZERO "equivalent" U$A dollars-in-treatment were successfully "delivered" directly to Ceylon-Sri Lanka's FAR-WORSE-THAN-EVEN AFRICA'S EGREGIOUS PERPETRATOR OF CRIMES AGAINST HIS FELLOW AFRICANS-JOSEPH-KONY-CAN-EVER-DREAM-ABOUT-IN-HIS-WILDEST-DREAMS but still REMAINED IN POWER THROUGH January 8th, 2015~a highly treasured-by-the-USA and _daily_ SYMBOLICALLY-celebrated "by" USA President Obama UNTIL Rajapakse LOST the January 8th, 2015 Sri Lanka Presidential Election~because Sri Lanka's genocidal Rajapakse is/was~and "now" "after" January 8th, 2015 and the democratic election of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Maithripala Sirisena government~The USA's Very Own Favorite [former fave dictator~since January 8th, 2015-when said fascist dictator was voted out of Sri Lanka's Presidential office BY Ceylon-Sri Lanka's voters~not "by" USA President Obama~"pet" "FASCIST DICTATOR:"  Nakedly Genocidal-Against-Dark-Skinned-Like-President Obama's Own Glorious Self Ethnic-Minority-Eelam-Tamils+All-Others-NOT-Labeled-Sinhala-Buddhist-Individuals-neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist Distinctly Hitler     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     -Flavored (FORMER DICTATOR AS OF JANUARY 15th, 2015 in calendar year twenty-fifteen) Dictator Rajapakse. ~who "magically" "mystically" is _NOT_ "responsible"  [NOTICE THIS _ANYONE_????????????????? for _ANYTHING_BAD_ that happens in "the world"~only takes limitless credit for other people's hard work+brilliant vision-from STEALING Mitt Romney's [NO! NO ONE HERE IS A REGISTERED REPUBLICAN!~NO ONE HERE IS ANY TYPE OF "HORRIBLE" "labeled" war-mongering to specracular effect _WHILE_ "The true War-Monger" Merrily-War-Mongers-On-Clothed-in-Sheep's-Clothing-Forever-REPUBLICAN! alas! for your cherished prejudices!] BRILLIANT VISION to provide health care-insure to ALL Massachusetts residents~to Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's relentless-tireless-endless lobbying~"for" so-called Universal Health Care in The USA-when MOST highly-regarded-USA health care professionals WANTED+WORKED VALIANTLY [including at The University of Pennsylvania's nationally-renowned Wharton School of Business~ _FOR_DECADES_ for "A Single Payer USA Health Insurance Plan" _AND_ to current-in-2015 [we know! it's "now" 2017!]  House Minority Leader Democrat-Nancy Pelosi's endless+tireless lobbying of Democratic Party Members of Congress in support of ending Iran's nuclear ambitions~to "taking endless+complete-credit for LGBTQ  marriage-equality-rights~THIS IN AMERICA WHERE NO ONE EVEN _REMEMBERS_ that Illustrious President Obama _GLORIOUSLY_ swept into The USA's Presidential Office in January 2009 [two-thousand and-nine] claiming that he was all "for" OUT-LOUD+PROUD-IN-OBAMA-EYES-CIVIC-UNIONS_ONLY_-FOR-THE-LGBTQ-COMMUNITY-"pressing" "for" _strictly_ "CIVIC UNION rights-ONLY-LIMITED-RIGHTS-FOR-LGBTQ-COUPLES" for the USA's only-"realtively" speaking-"recently" empowered LGBT community_NOT_ the full-service legal rights currently enjoyed by USA LGBT community~won by relentless hard work by the endlessly-reviled+maligned Anna Wintour of _Vogue_ magazine-editor fame+fortune and on and on...] Africa's egregious perpetrator of violent gun violence+other brutal crimes against innocent fellow-Africans     Joseph Kony     ~for all his unspeakably-egregious     atrocities     perpetrated against his own people and on his innocent fellow-Africans in Africa~in stark contrast to Ceylon-     Sri Lanka     's [former] President     Rajapakse     [voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential office by Ceylon-Sri Lanka's voters on January 8th, 2015~twenty-fifteen~currently a Ceylon-Sri Lanka Member of Parliament~position "orchestrated" in quid pro quo return:     http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen      for million$ of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-taxpayer-dollar$ on "multiple" Obama-Clinton U$A-"political campaigns"]~and his [     President      [until he was voted out of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Presidential office-former Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly+relentlessly-genocidal-on-Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka] Rajapakse's]     brother     Ceylon-Sri Lanka's [former] Defense [Defence] Minister~and his [(former)     Ceylon-Sri Lanka President     Rajapakse's] "other brother" the [former]     Speaker     of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's parliament~and Ceylon-Sri Lanka's current President Maithripala Sirisena~does NOT stand accused of     slaughtering     an estimated 1.4 MILLION of his     "own"     citizens by the universally-recognized method of     genocidal slaughter     ~all except~that is~by
     Rajapakse's Best Friend     in The Whole Wide World:  Illustrious United States'     President Obama     :  [paraphrased] "SINCE my White Uncle FINISHED fighting The Nazis [in 1945~nineteen forty-five]~The Nazis who mercilessly slaughtered Jews....There cannot *POSSIBLY* _BE_ _ANY_ nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamil+Muslim citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka neo-Nazi     totalitarian     Colombo-centric-SINHALA     fascists     [in CEYLON-SRI LANKA~especially in 2009 (calendar year twenty-sixteen)+but also in 2016~calendar year twenty-sixteen "left" TO *BE*FOUGHT [!]~ESPECIALLY DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR 2009 (two thousand and nine) [The USA's Illustrious President Obama took his oath of Presidential Office on January 20th, 2009] and it has long since gone calendar year 2018 [!] we _KNOW_!:     http://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country--Facto/dp/0984525548/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1459961746&sr=1-1&keywords=a+fleeting+moment+in+my+country   and "now" Sri Lanka-Ceylon NOW! in 2016 (twenty-sixteen)"  And _BECAUSE_ USA Congressperson John Lewis  [yes! 'we" have written to him DIRECTLY at his Atlanta, Georgia, Congressional address~addressing him as "a FAMOUS-Self-Reported-Marching-With-Dr. King-Civil Rights Icon-person of color"~appealing to his explicitly-stated "positions" on the topics of genocide+crimes against humanity as they pertain to USA-official-Government-of-The-USA policies on USA immigration~no "hint" of a "response" ~either from his staffers and/or from his illustrious self.  Believe it or not this non-response from USA Congressperson John Lewis is nowhere NEAR Former USA President Carter's secretarial staff~of Carter Center Fame+FORTUNE returning all the documentation we sent with "a cover letter" composed by Carter Center secretarial staff [?]~typed by Carter Center Secretarial Staff [?] "explaining":  President Carter does not involve himself-hisself in such matters such as those you describe of [SUCH CENTRAL IMPORT TO THE FUTURE OF THE USA].  "Naturally" within "a week" of the receipt of purportedly USA Former President Carter's letter President Carter was "all over" the mainstream USA television news networks speaking up on behalf of the RIGHTS of undocumented USA residents to be STAT! given a Direct Path To USA Naturalized Citizenship "elevated NOW YOU CAN _VOTE_ status!"  In the letter that "we" ourselves composed that "we" ourselves  typed that "we" paid the postage to mail in"we" explained the case of 9 (nine) MILLION legally-documented USA residents "held up" for generations (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") while the USA's 24/7 "news" cycle reports 24/7 on "undocumented residents of the USA with such "ready" access to "the seat of power" [excuse the pun!] power that they end up on the lap of USA First Lady Michelle Obama~a"situation" that has been "translated" for DECADES (alas!+alack! the English word decades not employed here as "a metaphor!") by The USA's-everyday-mainstream-television journalists as "USA undocumented residents living in the shadows!" _WHILE_ the constantly 24/7 news-cycle-maligned "far-right" USA Senator[s] Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina)+Rick Santorum (R-Pennsylvania)~so unpopular among USA Presidential voters-Republicans that "they" (Graham+Santorum) garnered a "whopping" 1%  (one percent) of The USA-Republican-primary-Vote [garnering a "whopping" 1% of The USA-Presidential-Vote-"sufficient"-to make Joe Biden Obama's Vice-President] "transfer" his [John Lewi's-political allegiances "from" Candidate-for-USA-President-2008 (two-thousand-and-eight)-Hillary Clinton "to" Candidate-for-USA-President-2008 (two-thousand-and-eight)-Barack Obama~thereby "forever" "sealing" Barack Obama's "ultimate" "success" "for eternity" "forever"as USA-2008 (two-thousand and eight)-Presidential Campaign-"winner"~during the "heat" of USA President Obama's 2008 (two thousand-and-eight)  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:"purportedly "above-board" [!] political campaign for USA President~he [John Lewis] absolutely _MUST_ be "rewarded" and is "naturally" the "proud+appropriate-recipient" of the calendar year 2016 [twenty-sixteen) highly+immeasurably+ETHICALLY-meaningful 2016 (twenty-sixteen) Elie Wiesel Prize~"naturally"~never mind that John Lewis HIMSELF (the ethical individual who marched on Washington DC USA in 1963 (nine-teen-sixty-three) with Dr. King~that USA Congressperson John Lewis) TELLS "US" that his _PROUDEST_ moment was marching next to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.~Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. himself-hisself~who would _NEVER_ _EVER_ not in a million years "supported"~"spiritually" "economically" "financially" "militarily" "politically" Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Government-perpetrated nakedly-genocidal on ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia:          http://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1463401211&sr=1-2&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka          -perpetrated on _GENERATIONS_ (the English word generations alas!+alack! not employed here as "a metaphor!") of its_OWN_  unarmed, non-combatant, civilian one hundred percent innocent of any/all criminality~relentlessly-genocidal on generations (alas!+alack! the English word generations not employed here as "a metaphor!") on their "own" ethnic minority group in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia-Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka+Muslim citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia-+YES! "even" perpetrated by generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's egregiously genocidal on their "own"+YES! Even-Ever-So-Occasionally-Genocidal-On The Very Occasional "Majority" Ethnic Group in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Sinhala Citizen of Ceylon-Sri Lanka Distinctly Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored neo-Nazi Colombo-centric Sinhala fascists~EVER!~in SPITE of Illustrious USA national-celebrity-Nobel Peace Prize-winner USA  with "Personally"-Dedicated-To-Elie-Weisel-Himself-Museum physically located in Romania, The European Union To "Prove" that Romania-Born USA-naturalized citizen+DECADES-AGO-at that!-Elie Wiesel's "good-housekeeping" Seal Of 2016 (twenty-sixteen)-"Approval!" "for" So-Called Civil Rights Icon John Lewis' steadfast refusal to assist Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka facing "erasing" from the "world's landscapes of peoples"          http://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          in calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen)[~ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]~"naturally" with "plenty" of "time"+_TIME_LEFTOVER_ to plan+to microscopically-choreograph+to "nationally-media-event-"stage" nationally-media-covered-all-over-it -24/7 "Official" Obama-Admini$tration [and YES! "we" "lnow" that it has long since gone [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]-Light+$ound $how  staged _INSIDE_ THE U$A Congress "itself"~HOW _PERFECT+HOW _PERFECTLY_CYNICAL~we "guess" that _ONLY_ "The Massively+Overwhelmingly-Cynical" ever "make it"~to The Extravagantly-Priced-national-Light+$ound $hows "staged" daily for the "benefit" of WHO~exactly (!):          http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/06/house-democrats-sit-in-guns/488444/          The _ONLY_ "concern" is the political re-election "prospects" of USA Democratic Party officialdom.  Hello?
NOTE:  When "we" employ the phrase "The Obama-Light+Sound-Show we mean that:          http://fusion.net/story/252637/obama-has-deported-more-immigrants-than-any-other-president-now-hes-running-up-the-score/          _WHILE_  U$A Pre$ident Obama  has deported "more undocumented U$A resident$:          http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2012/aug/10/american-principles-action/has-barack-obama-deported-more-people-any-other-pr/           than ANY OTHER Pre$ident in ALL U$A hi$tory _WHILE_ the [non-Evil-Twin-$kippy?] "other" President Obama (?) "tells" us of his "heartbreak" over The USA Supreme Court Decision of June 23rd, 2016 (twenty-sixteen):          http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3656784/Supreme-Court-strikes-harsh-blow-President-Obama-s-immigration-policy-4-4-tie-keeps-controversial-executive-action-immigration-ice-remainder-term.html     ~as in _NO_ "mainstream" television news outlet(s) _EXCEPT_ for ABC News U$A-anchor David Muir and ABC news U$A-television investigative journalist Jonathan Karl:          http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/matthew-balan/2016/08/26/abc-spotlights-obamas-broken-promise-isis-hostages-parents          will _EVER_ "cover" [Hello/s Can _ANYONE_ "explain" _WHY_ CNN'$ John King ha$ hi$ OWN $how "after" _FAILING_ _UTTERLY_ to "detect" Obama-Admini$tration _BLANKET_ 24/7 365 surveillance since January 20th, 2009 (two-thou$and adn  nine) Obama's-First Term In Office Inauguration Day? on _ALL_ American$-criminal _AND_ NON-CRIMINAL???????????????????????????  _DID_ CNN'$ John King's "famous" on-air "receipt' of Birthday Cake _FROM_ "the hands" of "then" $enator From The U$A-$tate of Illinoi$ "make it worth" CNN televi$ion "jourmali$t" John King's [and His Wife Dana Ba$h'$ "while" _NOT_ reporting blanket 24/7 365 of AMERICAN CITIZEN$ INSIDE THEIR _OWN_ PRIVATE BUILDING ($) while _NOT_ reporting Obama The Magnificent Obama-Gap" between "Obama words":          http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/matthew-balan/2016/08/26/abc-spotlights-obamas-broken-promise-isis-hostages-parents          and "Obama deeds" behind The Velvet-Obama-Curtain U$A Pre$ident-Obama'$-Permanent-nationally+$wallowed+Believed-To-The-World'$-Mi$ery-nationally-Propagated-Exhibition-Light+$ound-Road-$how.Ju$T-Like-U$A-Voter$-Were-MADE_TO-BELIEVE-That-$on-George-Bu$h-43's (forty third Pre$ident of the U$A'$-Fir$t-National-$ecurity-Advi$or+Afterward$ U$A-African-American-Female-$ecretary-of-$tate-Condoleezza Rice (no worrie$ Condoleezza Rice will _NEVER_ be criminally pro$ecuted in$ide and/or out$ide the Illu$$triou$ U$A" will "confidently" _NEVER_ $EE EVEN ONE $INGLE MINUTE-LET-ALONE $EE ONE $INGLE DAY IN DETENTION _FOR_ HER RELENTLE$$LY FATAL _DECI$IONS_ THAT AFFECT _ALL_ OF U$ (!)  "today" in calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen)  "for" FAILING TO PREVENT-THE-EVENT-THAT-CHANGED-THE-WORLD-SINCE-QUE$TION$-ABOUT__HOW_MANY_HOUR$-A-DAY-THAT-$HE (Her Illu$$triou$ Highne$$ CondoleezZa Rice) $pent everyday on her daily elliptical exerci$es APPEARED_ of "more est" to mainstream U$A-MAIN$TREAM-TELEVI$ION-journali$tst-than the "likelihood" $he (Her $upreme Highme$$-Condoleezza Rice _WOULD_ ignore 40 (get this! FORTY) separate official Government of The U$A-reports provided to her by The U$A'S generally unparalleled "intelligence-gatherer$"~_THEN_ "afterwards" LIE _AUDACIOU$LY_ ("Hmmm _WHERE_ pray tell have we heard that "famous" word "audaciou$?" hmmm.....) that $he Condoleezza Rice had _NEVER_ been pre$sented with _ANY_ such 40 (forty) report$~and "then" "afterwards" be feted for her relentle$$-lie$+obfuscation$-regarding-Her-Illu$triou$-Highne$$'$-lie$+perpetual-obfu$cation$-upward-mobility+Highly-Elevated-$ocial $tatu$ at Stanford Univer$ity in Palo Alto, California, U$A~had 40 (forty) "separate" report$ (made by+paid for by the U$A-Government) on the extreme likelihood of 9/11 _BEFORE_ 9/11 "occurred" and/or "bfore" "affected American-voting"+de$troyed-whe-worls's $en$e-of-Community ($uch-a-DE$PERATE-NON-I$$UE "for" politician$ with preci$ely zero $ense$ of "community") community-building in way$ that no "$eriou$" fine arti$ts have been "given" the "$pace" to manifestly demon$trate-The-Politely-Referenced-nationally-Propagated-Exhibition-Light+$ound-Neverending+Everlasting-nationally-Viewed-24/7-Road-$how. [PLEASE NOTE:  _PRECISELY_ _NO_ONE_ "here" is a registered-Democrat-latte-drinking-cheese-eating peace-monkey! and/or a registered-Republican-burger-eating-war-monkey!  _HOWEVER_ "we" remain _COMMITTED DIE-HARD (?) _ENDURING_ Quakers [yes! the ones that "liberated" African-American slaves by "constructing' The Underground Railroad!+Yes! Hillary Rodham Clinton-For-U$A-Pre$ident _POSED_ "historically" with "Historic" Quakers [Members of The Religious Society of Friends:     -"icons" in Seneca Falls, New York, U$A:          https://www.nps.gov/wori/learn/historyculture/upload/M'Clintock%20page%201.pdf          ~during her Hillary-For-U$A-Pre$idential Campaign in calendar year 2008 (two-thou$and+eight)+Members of The Religious $ociety of Friends USA~since October 1998 (nineteen ninety-eight) THANK YOU!]  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]

"We" "continue" to note hard empirical "evidence" that "everything" "we" do~whether in "real life" physical-time and/or online _MUST_ have "a surveillance" component to it~most "markedly" in the "ambient" sounds of "eternal" "male" voices "floating" overhead "seemingly" "endle$$" "seemingly" "interminable" "conver$ation$" "issuing" from above the roofline of our building~for _HOURS_+_HOURS_+_HOURS_+_HOURS_ at any one time~above our facility~for LITERALLY _HOURS+HOURS+HOURS even DAYS ON END-WEEKS ON END-MONTHS ON END~at any one time~PLEASE! SEE CBS Sunday Television News Magazine (U$A) for "details"~in ongoing+lengthy-almost-to-the-point-of-hours-on-end+lengthy~since calendar year 2009 (two-thousand+ nine)~relentlessly~"grabbing" information willy-nilly 24/7 365. 
These ambient sounds _PERHAPS_ "related" to the "word alteration$" and "the paragraph alteration$" being "mysteriously" "introduced" on a DAILY BA$I$ into words and letters on _OUR $ITE_ that "we" never published and/or never "authorized" (!) "ever!"  "Naturally" the letter "y" _IS_ a "part" of The $panish language~part of the language of Spanish-king and personal friend of First Lady Michelle Obama~that alas for "us" NO ONE "HERE" $PEAK$ (!) HA$ _EVER_ $POKEN (!) Two of the "latest" "examples"~among TONS "more":  "We" used Amazon online to send a gift to a long-distance family member-in a DIFFERENT U$A-$TATE than "ours."  The gift recipient found the gift had melted during transit and telephoned the Amazon Marketplace Vendor who had sent the product~to "see" what could be done to correct the issue."  The "vendor" "knew"~"we" believe through the "needle-fine" "process" of 24/7 365 DRONE NON-U$A-AND/OR DEFINITELY-U$A-OBAMA'$-NATIONAL $ECURITY-AGENCY-DIRECTED-A$-REPEATEDLY-DE$CRIBED-BY-VALIANT+MULTIPLE+EXPEN$VE+SERIOU$-JOURNALI$M+AWARD-WINNING-CB$-$UNDAY-TELEVISION-NEW$-MAGAZINE_60 MINUTES_-GOVERNMENT "surveillance"~that "we" had made a report to The U$A-Federal Trade Commission~about the vendor's telephone call to one of "our" telephone number(s)~we "checked" up on this at white pages~which demonstrated "high spam" "organized crime ring"  telephone number (s) of the vendor-diabetes-medical supplies."  Every time that we order "anything" Type II Diabetes-related  for _DISTANT_ FAMILY MEMBERS and/or _DISTANT_ FRIENDS-[NOTE TO PLANET EARTH INHABITANTS:  ABSOLUTELY _NO_ONE_ "HERE" suffers from Type II Diabetes!]~we are _LITERALLY_ "bombarded" with the "nastiest" _POSSIBLE_ e-mails that "go":  "Ellen Degeneres LIED!"~"here are $ome $olution$ "for" your "morbidly-obe$e" "phy$ical condition!:~how much more _BASE_ (?) CAN YOU get?  PHYSICAL "real-life" in REAL_TIME_"surveillance" _INCLUDES_ "timing" of WHEN a college-aged CHILD who occasionally mows our lawn "for" "us" enters+exits "our" property.  The _ONLY_ "method" "for" "knowing' who comes+goes~"here" _HAS_ to be "a blanket surveillance" structure~perhaps of our "entire" "street" (?)  forewarned is forearmed? Or simply "too overwhelming?"  _DOES_ Warren Buffett's~by now NATIONALLY-FAMOUS QUOTE to Donald Trump {PLEASE! NO ONE "HERE" IS A TRUMP-"defender" THANK YOU!) "Have you no decency, Sir?"~play _ANY_ "role" _WHATSOEVER_ in this type of "blanket" "unbeknowst" to "the mark"~in this case "us"?"~and purportedly One Hundred Percent CONTRARY to the U$A-Con$titution?  _IS_ An Everlastingly Illu$triou$ Harvard-Educated Con$titutional lawyer _OBLIGED_ to actually "know" _ANYTHING_/KNOW ONE THING_ ??????????????????????????? "about The U$A-Con$titution _ITSELF_ and the "accepted" "pretations$ of that document thereof ???????????????????????????  THANK YOU!!! O Illustrious [emphatically _NOT_ sarcasm!]  People of Wallonia, Belgium, The European UNION:     https://www.thestar.com/business/2016/10/27/belgium-agrees-to-back-canada-eu-trade-deal.html      for signing the trade deal of a lifetime with Canada-PLEASE! "join" generations of Eelam Tamil Citizen HUMANITY_ inside and outside The national Eelam Tamil NATIONAL diaspora to _DEMAND_ NATIONALLY [inside Ceylon-$ri Lanka]-legally_DURABLE_ and INTERNATIONALLY-LEGALLY- _BINDING_  INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE+_NATIONALLY_-DURABLE+TRAN$PARENT-CRIMINAL PRO$ECUTION$ of generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ nakedly-genocidal on Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia in NAME _ONLY_ _HUMANITY "facing" Di$tinctly Hitler     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$ci$t Colombo-centric totalitarian$ in Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh ASia'$ corrupt government-regime$ for _GENERATION$_~GENERATIONS [alas!+alack! the English word  GENERATION$ _NOT_ employed "here"~on "this web site"~as "a metaphor!" "We" DE$PERATELY-WI$H it _WERE_ "mere metaphor!" "FOR" CEYLON-$RI LANKA'S-$OUTH A$IA'S _UNARMED_ PEACEFUL-PEACEFULLY-NON-VIOLENTLY-PURELY-POLITICALLY-PEACEFULLY-PEACEABLY-PROTESTING EELAM TAMIL CITIZENS OF CEYLON-SRI LANKA-SOUTH ASIA as they "confront" DAILY-ROUTINELY-"NORMALIZED"-GENOCIDE-Perpetrated By Generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka'-South Asia's Distinctly Hitler     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     -Flavored neo-Nazi Colombo-centric totalitarian neo-Nazi $inhala fa$ci$t$~"in power"~since!~get this!~calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine):     https://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen        BACKED ALL-THE-WAY-INTO-THEIR-RELENTLESS-ACTS-OF-GENOCIDE-PERPETRATED ON BY Current U$A Pre$ident Obama:     http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753      _AND_ Erstwhile USA President Hillary Rodham Clinton-BACKED _GENOCIDE_ Perpetrated Upon LITERALLY_ generations of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia's Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia in _NAME_ _ONLY_ _HUMANITY_ in Ceylon-$ri Lanka for _GENERATION$ (!):           http://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          Merci!  (Thank You! in the French language)  Danke Schoen!  (Thank You! in The German language)  Nandri!~Nandri! is The Eelam Tamil word "for" Thank You! Grazie Mille (Thank You! in the Italian language)  Daedanhi Gamsahamnida! (The SOUTH Korean word for Thank You! and of _COURSE_ "we" know that it's "the same language spoken in North Korea as well!)   Shukran (Thank You! in Arabic) "Naturally' "we" "await" "with bated breath!" "based" on REAL-TRUE-HAPPENED-IN-THE-REAL_PHYSICAL_WORLD-REALITY (!)  the rudest most "pointed"+ offensively-insinuating e-mails "regarding" "our" "grasp"  American-English language "capabilities!"~from past experience~"from" "our" health insurance company~of "all communicators!~who has _KNOWN_ "us" since~get this!~calendar year 1984 (calendar year nineteen eighty-four) based _ONLY_ + _SOLELY_ on the "addition" of the Eelam Tamil word for "Thank You!"  "Nandri!" ("Nandri" is The Eelam Tamil word for "Thank You!)  Grazie Mille!  Merci!  Danke Schoen! 

As "recently" as on May 30th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) 
[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=38693          the heart-broken+utterly politically voiceless+utterly financially-deva$tated family members of generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka in _NAME_ _ONLY_ continue organizing peaceful-peaceable-eminently-NON-violent protests demanding information on their "missing since forever" loved ones~whom the cognoscenti believe have been long-ago massacred by Government of China-funded-Obama-Administration-supported-in-The-Perpetration-Of-Genocide-LITERALLY-NOT-metaphorically-alas!-generation$ of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamils neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian neo-Nazis "in power" in Ceylon-Sri Lanka since calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine):
   http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          1939 (nineteen thirty-nine) [NOT A TYPO!] 

As "recently" as on May 23rd, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]::     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38686     Eelam Tamil prisoners being held in Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka Magazine Prison~either withOUT LEGAL CHARGES of any kind:     https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/sri-lanka-its-political-detainees/     ~OR with "evidence" produced ILLEGALLY by forces confessions "produced" by brutal+violent military personnel~and these hapless Eelam Tamil prisoners in Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ notoriously brutal  Magazine Prison held for many for DECADES~are being stat! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) currently pressured by Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ nakedly-genocidal on Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka IN NAME ONLY ALAS!+ALACK!~for decades Government authorities to give false testimony again$t their fellow Eelam Tamil pri$on inmates in quid pro quo "return" "for" "immediate" release.  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]

As "recently" as on May 17th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) 
[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38680          and as "recently" as on May 18th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen):          http://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-39958178     Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly-genocidal GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          PERPETRATOR$ OF _GENOCIDE_:          http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          _CONTINUE_ obstructing civic justice (on every conceivable "level") "for" Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka in _NAME_ _ONLY_ by officially Government of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's "current" in 2017 genocidal dictator Maithripala $iti$ena-blocking Eelam Tamil expressions of grief+Eelam Tamil mourning "for" Millaivakkal 2009 (two-thousand+nine):     https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          .  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]

As "recently" as on May 11th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) 
[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38674          _AND_ as "recently" as on May 8th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen):          http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38671          _AND_ as "recently" as on May 2nd, 2017 (twenty-seventeen):          http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=38665     Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Colombo-centric "ruling classes:"          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          "responsible" for Government of China-$upported-_GENOCIDE_:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          perpetrated on literally _GENERATIONS_ of Ceylon-Sru Lanka's m inority Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka _AND_ "abraod" _CONTINUE_ denying dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka THEIR MO$T_BASIC_FUNDAMENTAL_ _HUMAN_ and _CIVIC) and _DEMOCRAT_ RIGHT:  Continuous-LEGALLY-Guaranteed-PHYSICAL-legally-GUARANTEED-Access to their OWN legally-owned Clo$ely-Akin-To-Paklestiniain-Land-$truggle$-With-The-$tate-Of-I$rael-Ancestral Eelam Tamil _HOME_LANDS.  Dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamils n Ceylon-$ri Lanka _ARE_ Preci$ely _LIKE_ The Former U$A Fir$t Couple Obama ARE Dark-$kinned Ethnic Minority IN THE U$A but $HHH! NO ONE "NAMED" "OBAMA" and no one _NOT_ "NAMED" "OBAMA" "even" want$ to _HEAR_ this (!) to "them" Utterly Prepo$terou$ analogy" either "for" LOVE _OR_ "for" $$$$  at ANY "level" Stat! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) in PRECISELY the "identical" manner in which PRECI$ELY NO ONE "WANT$" to "hear" that WITH a $elf-Labeled-Fir$t African-American-U$A-Pre$ident-Obama _AND_ NOT ONE BUT _TWO_ African-American Attorney'$-GENERAL (Loretta Lynch+Eric Holder) AFRICAN-AMERICAN _CHILDREN_ DIED on the mean streets of Chicago-Illinois-U$A Stat! in calendar  year 2009 (two-thousand+nine) but Oops! Apparently The Limitle$$ly-Illu$triou$+Everla$ting-U$A-Obama Pre$idency was _NOT_ "about" $TOPPING the death$ of African-American _CHILDREN_ dying on America's meane$t po$$ible $treet$!  Oop$! $O what PRECI$ELY _WA$_ it "all about" "then" ??????????????????????????? as _IF_ it were "normal" (!) (alas!+alack! the Eminently American-English word generation$ EMINENTLY  _NOT_ employed "here" on this internet site as " mere metaphor!" +Yes! Eminently-Naturally "we" WISH WITH ALL OUR HEARTS+FERVENTLY that it _WERE_ "mere metaphor!") THAT GENERATION$ of of Di$tinctly Hitler     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     -Flavored-neo-Nazi $inhala fa$ci$t-Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ totalitarians:          https://www.amazon.com/Sinhalese-Buddhist-Nationalist-Ideology-Implications/dp/1932728643/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488831919&sr=1-1&keywords=sinhalese+buddhist+nationalism      "headed" by $ri Lanka's $iri$ena~political protege of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ "former" genocidal on generation$ of Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia in "name" ONLY~DICTATOR Rajapak$e:              https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1475770774&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=sri++lankas+rajapaksa+getting+away+with+murder          "in turn" The Eminent Political protege of The Government of China and its minions around the world~$iri$ena Stat! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) 24/7 365 wreathed in "typical" bleached white smile$+bleached-white clothing to "hide" the LITERAL MOUNTAIN$ of charred bodies of Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka IN NAME ONLY  _HUMANITY_ _PERPETRATED_ "by" generation$ (alas!+alack! the Eminently American-Engli$h word generation$ EMINENTLY  _NOT_ employed "here" on this internet site as " mere metaphor!""for" Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$-'$ Di$tinctly Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$cist Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia-centric Government of China "politically"+"militarily"-"mentored"+"celebrated" totalitarians:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488716708&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka          .  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]  

As "recently" as on April 30th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38663          Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Colombo-centric "ruling classes" _CONTINUE_ denying dark-skinned ethnic minority Eelam Tamil citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia  THEIR BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS:  Access to their OWN legally-owned ancestral LAND.  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!] 

As "recently" as on April 28th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) 
[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:     http://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-39746874          Ceylon-Sri Lanka-$outh A$ia's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Colombo-centric "ruling classes" _CONTINUE_ "glorifying" their deity Buddha by erecting endless Buddha statues and temples (places of Buddhist worship) in Ampaarai~which had been the stronghold of The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) "until" LTTE was utterly decimated by Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal on Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka~since 2005:          http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:genocidal dictator Rajapakse hand-in-glove+heavily mentored+tutored+INFLUENCED "by" The Ubiquitously_Internationally-Controlling-In-The-Face-Of-The-USA's-Obama-Administration 2009 (two-thousand+nine)-2017 (two thousand+seventeen)-Government of China-Ea$t A$ia:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          . 

As "recently" as on April 23rd, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:          http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38656          Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Colombo-centric Police Force "appear" to overtake "even"
Ceylon-Sri Lanka's nakedly genocidal neo-Nazi Sinhala fascist totalitarian Colombo-centric military in its illegal confiscation of Eelam Tamil lands in the northern+eastern provinces of Ceylon-Sri Lanka.

As "recently" as on April 20th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38653           _AND_ as "recently" as on April 7th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen):         http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=38640     generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Dark-$kinned Ethnic Minority Preci$ely _LIKE_ The Former U$A Fir$t Couple Obama ARE Dark-$kinned Ethnic Minority IN THE U$A but $HHH! NO ONE "NAMED" "OBAMA" and no one _NOT_ "NAMED" "OBAMA" "even" want$ to _HEAR_ this (!) to "them" Utterly Prepo$terou$ analogy" either "for" LOVE _OR_ "for" $$$$  at ANY "level" Stat! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) in PRECISELY the "identical" manner in which PRECI$ELY NO ONE "WANT$" to "hear" that WITH a $elf-Labeled-Fir$t African-American-U$A-Pre$ident-Obama _AND_ NOT ONE BUT _TWO_ African-American Attorney'$-GENERAL (Loretta Lynch+Eric Holder) AFRICAN-AMERICAN _CHILDREN_ DIED on the mean streets of Chicago-Illinois-U$A Stat! in calendar  year 2009 (two-thousand+nine) but Oops! Apparently The Limitle$$ly-Illu$triou$+Everla$ting-U$A-Obama Pre$idency was _NOT_ "about" $TOPPING the death$ of African-American _CHILDREN_ dying on America's meane$t po$$ible $treet$!  Oop$! $O what PRECI$ELY _WA$_ it "all about" "then" ??????????????????????????? as _IF_ it were "normal" (!) (alas!+alack! the Eminently American-English word generation$ EMINENTLY  _NOT_ employed "here" on this internet site as " mere metaphor!" +Yes! Eminently-Naturally "we" WISH WITH ALL OUR HEARTS+FERVENTLY that it _WERE_ "mere metaphor!") THAT GENERATION$ of of Di$tinctly Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored-neo-Nazi $inhala fa$ci$t-Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ totalitarians:          https://www.amazon.com/Sinhalese-Buddhist-Nationalist-Ideology-Implications/dp/1932728643/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488831919&sr=1-1&keywords=sinhalese+buddhist+nationalism      "headed" by $ri Lanka's $iri$ena~political protege of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ "former" genocidal on generation$ of Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia-Tamil "citizens" in "name" ONLY~DICTATOR Rajapakse:         https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1475770774&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=sri++lankas+rajapaksa+getting+away+with+murder          "in turn" The Eminent Political protege of The Government of China, East Asia and its minions around the world~$iri$ena Stat! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!] 24/7 365 wreathed in "typical" bleached white smile$+bleached-white clothing to "hide" the LITERAL MOUNTAIN$ of charred bodies of Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka IN NAME ONLY  _HUMANITY_ _PERPETRATED_ "by" LITERALLY generation$ (alas!+alack! the Eminently American-Engli$h word generation$ EMINENTLY  _NOT_ employed "here" on this internet site as " mere metaphor!")"for" Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ Di$tinctly Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$cist4 Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-centric Government of China "politically"+"militarily"-"mentored"+"celebrated" totalitarians:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488716708&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka          .  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]

As "recently" as on March 21st, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) 
[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38621     The Asian Development Bank with headquarters in Duterte's Phillipines:          http://gulfnews.com/news/asia/philippines/duterte-issues-philippines-martial-law-warning-1.1998854               https://www.adb.org/          "continues" the _relentless_ "funding" of GENOCIDE PERPETRATED ON QUITE LITERALLY generation$ of ethnic Eelam Tamil citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia in NAME _ONLY_~tragically Members of A Dark-$kinned Ethnic Minority Racial+Ethnic Minority Group _PRECISELY_ "as" The Illustrious Former U$A First Couple Obama Are Illu$triou$ members of A Dark-Skinned Ethnic Minority Racial Group In the U$A~Eelam Tamil "citizens" of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia in _NAME_ ONLY (!):          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tamil_Genocide_by_Sri_Lanka          WIKIPEDIA "finally" "gets around to" "labeling/labelling" generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's "war on Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-$outh A$ia:          https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc          _GENOCIDE a "nice" "switch" from from the PREVIOUS LABEL "civil war"  ALAS! +TRAGICALLY:  waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too "little" waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa too late (!):         https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1475770774&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=sri++lankas+rajapaksa+getting+away+with+murder

As "recently" as on March 18th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) 
[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:               http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38618          generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Dark-$kinned Ethnic Minority Preci$ely _LIKE_ The Former U$A Fir$t Couple Obama but $HHH! NO ONE "NAMED" "OBAMA" and no one _NOT_ "NAMED" "OBAMA" "even" want$ to _HEAR_ this (!) to "them" Utterly Prepo$terou$ analogy" either "for" LOVE _OR_ "for" $$$$  at ANY "level" Stat! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) continued their Eminently Valiant+Relentless-Since-Calendar-Year-1939         1939 (nineteen thirty-nine) ~get this!~EMINENTLY _VALID_ LEGALLY-CREDIBLE_ _DEMANDS_ "for" An Eminently INTERNATIONALLY__CREDIBLE_+_EMINENTLY_ INTERNATIONALLY_-LEGALLY+JUDICIALLY-TRANSPARENT with _ZERO_ "interference" "run" by Former USA President Obama and/or Former U$A $ecretary of $tate Hillary Rodham Clinton and/or Former United Nations' Chief Ban ki-Moon and/or ANY _PATENTLY_ AND _OVERTLY_ _CORRUPT "international legal authorities" "leaving" _PRECISELY_ _ONE_ SINGLE SOLITARY INTERNATIONAL JUDICIAL-LEGAL-OPTION NAMELY SWITZERLAND'S ATTORNEY-GENERAL THE _SOLE_ THE _ONLY_ THE _LONELY_ THE SINGULAR INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE PRO$ECUTING AUTHORITY ON PLANET EARTH 2017 (twenty-seventeen) to "redeem" all the Eelam Tamil historically-OWNED-land$ seized ILLEGALLY UNDER Ceylon-$ri Lanka _AND_ "under' "international" "laws" STAT! "already' "on the books!"~since~get this!~calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine) regarding "private property" held by generation$ of Eminently-Pale$tinian-LIKE Eelam Tamil LITERALLY generation$ of citizen$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka~tragically Dark-$kinned Ethnic Minority _PRECISELY_ "as" The Illustrious Former USA First Couple Obama Are Illustrious members of A Dark-Skinned Ethnic Minority Racial Group In the USA~Eelam Tamil "citizens" of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia in _NAME_ ONLY (!):          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Tamil_Genocide_by_Sri_Lanka          WIKIPEDIA "labels" generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's "war on Eelam Tamils in Ceylon-Sri Lanka-$outh A$ia:          https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc          _GENOCIDE a "nice" "switch" from from the PREVIOUS LABEL "civil war"  ALAS! +TRAGICALLY:  waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too "little" waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa too late (!):         https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1475770774&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=sri++lankas+rajapaksa+getting+away+with+murder          .  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]

As "recently" as on March 13th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:          http://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2017/03/NPC_Resolution.PDF          LITERALLY generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Dark-$kinned Ethnic Minority Preci$ely _LIKE_ The Former U$A Fir$t Couple Obama but $HHH! NO ONE "NAMED" "OBAMA" and no one _NOT_ "NAMED" "OBAMA" "even" want$ to _HEAR_ this (!) to "them" Utterly Prepo$terou$ analogy" either "for" LOVE _OR_ "for" $$$$  at ANY "level" Stat! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) continued their Eminently Valiant+Relentless-Since-Calendar-Year-1939 (calendar year nineteen thirty-nine had been :magically" "mystically" "removed" from our site "by" the "ubiquitous 24/7 365 internet trolls not by "us"~"we" "noticed" on May 31st, 2017~but it could have been altered at "any" "time"~unbeknownst to "us!)          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          1939 (nineteen thirty-nine) EMINENTLY _VALID_ LEGALLY-CREDIBLE_ _DEMANDS_ "for" An Eminently INTERNATIONALLY__CREDIBLE_+_EMINENTLY_ INTERNATIONALLY_-LEGALLY+JUDICIALLY-TRANSPARENT with _ZERO_ "interference" "run" by Former USA President Obama and/or Former USA Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and/or Former United Nations' Chief Ban ki-Moon and/or ANY _PATENTLY_ AND _OVERTLY_ _CORRUPT "international legal authorities" "leaving" _PRECISELY_ _ONE_ SINGLE SOLITARY INTERNATIONAL JUDICIAL-LEGAL-OPTION NAMELY SWITZERLAND'S ATTORNEY-GENERAL THE _SOLE_ THE _ONLY_ THE _LONELY_ THE SINGULAR INTERNATIONALLY-CREDIBLE PRO$ECUTING AUTHORITY ON PLANET EARTH 2017 (twenty-seventeen)~AND YES! "we" "know" that it has long since "gone" calendar year [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!] (!)~ essential "part" + "parcel" of "a culture" that "delivered" expensive Swiss-made Rolex-brand watches directly to Hitler's     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     Third Reich Nazi-concentration camps to Jewish and non-Jewish prisoners alike of Hitler's Nazi Third Reich "trusting" that they (Rolex) would be paid back in FULL~which they were (!) as _ONLY_ "The Swiss" would have THOUGHT _POSSIBLE_ to be "done" "then" and "now" State in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) :     https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/26/sports/soccer/sepp-blatter-fifa-switzerland-criminal-proceedings.html?_r=0           "FOR" GENERATION$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA'$ DARK-$KINNED ETHNIC MINORITY EELAM TAMIL "CITIZENS" OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA IN _NAME_ "ONLY":  Internationally CREDIBLE_TRANSPARENT CRIMINAL-PROSECUTIONS of generations of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Colombo-Ceylon-Sri Lanka-Government-Perpetrat5ed since at LEAST_ calendar year 1939 (nineteen thirty-nine)     prote$ts~peacefully~peaceably~Eminently NON-violently _AGAIN$T_ the RELENTLE$$_ILLEGAL_ $EIZURE of their ance$tral land$ (kaani in the Eelam Tamil language) "at the hand$" of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ Di$tinctly Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored/Flavoured neo-Nazi $inhala fa$cist Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia-Centric Government of China, East Asia "politically"+"militarily"-"mentored"+"celebrated" totalitarian DICTATOR$+their "internationally"-placed "minion$" around the world~including in locations in La Serennissima in Venice-ITALY-The European UNION and in Bologna-ITALY-The European UNION and in Milan-ITALY-The European UNION and in Puerto Rico-An Island-Nation Territory that has been "A U$A Territory" since calendar year 1917 (nineteen seventeen):          http://www.pr51st.com/           .  Hello? Charlie Rose of PBS television who "famously" stated (?) "Purto Ricans" (especially the author of _Hamilton_ on Broadway)  "immigrate" to "the USA" (!):          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488716708&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka          .  "Naturally" these "protests" are not :impiortant enough" to "make" international televi$ion-headline-creating-"new$" in 2017 (in calendar year twenty-seventeen).  After all Trump's "immigrant ban" is "that much more CRU$HING!" ($arcasm!) that the Crie$ of The Utterly De$titute-The Utterly Homele$$ (!):          https://www.amazon.com/Sky-No-Roof-Kusal-Perera-ebook/dp/B00CPWCPKO/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1489121688&sr=1-1&keywords=sky+no+roof          .  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]

As "recently" as on March 11th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:              http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38611          :    generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Dark-$kinned Ethnic Minority Preci$ely _LIKE_ The Former U$A Fir$t Couple Obama but $HHH! NO ONE "NAMED" "OBAMA" and no one _NOT_ "NAMED" "OBAMA" "even" want$ to _HEAR_ this (!) to "them" Utterly Prepo$terou$ analogy" either "for" LOVE _OR_ "for" $$$$  at ANY "level" Stat! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) in PRECISELY the "identical" manner in which PRECI$ELY NO ONE "WANT$" to "hear" that WITH a $elf-Labeled-Fir$t African-American-U$A-Pre$ident-Obama _AND_ NOT ONE BUT _TWO_ African-American Attorney'$-GENERAL (Loretta Lynch+Eric Holder) AFRICAN-AMERICAN _CHILDREN_ DIED on the mean streets of Chicago-Illinois-U$A Stat! in calendar  year 2009 (two-thousand+nine) but Oops! Apparently The Limitle$$ly-Illu$triou$+Everla$ting-U$A-Obama Pre$idency was _NOT_ "about" $TOPPING the death$ of African-American _CHILDREN_ dying on America's meane$t po$$ible $treet$!  Oop$! $O what PRECI$ELY _WA$_ it "all about" "then" ??????????????????????????? as _IF_ it were "normal" (!) (alas!+alack! the Eminently American-Engli$h word generation$ EMINENTLY  _NOT_ employed "here" on this internet site as " mere metaphor!" +Yes! Eminently-Naturally "we" WISH WITH ALL OUR HEARTS+FERVENTLY that it _WERE_ "mere metaphor!") THAT GENERATION$ of of Di$tinctly Hitler     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     -Flavored-neo-Nazi $inhala fa$ci$t-Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ totalitarians:     https://www.amazon.com/Sinhalese-Buddhist-Nationalist-Ideology-Implications/dp/1932728643/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488831919&sr=1-1&keywords=sinhalese+buddhist+nationalism      "headed" by $ri Lanka's $iri$ena~political protege of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ "former" genocidal on generation$ of Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka in "name" ONLY~DICTATOR Rajapakse:         https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1475770774&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=sri++lankas+rajapaksa+getting+away+with+murder     "in turn" The "Eminent" (Sarcasm!) Political protege of The Government of China and its minions around the world~$iri$ena Stat! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) 24/7 365 wreathed in "typical" bleached white smile$+bleached-white clothing to "hide" the LITERAL MOUNTAIN$ of charred bodies of Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka IN NAME ONLY  _HUMANITY_ _PERPETRATED_ "by" generation$ (alas!+alack! the Eminently American-Engli$h word generation$ EMINENTLY  _NOT_ employed "here" on this internet site as " mere metaphor!""for" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$cist4 Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-centric Government of China, East Asia "politically"+"militarily"-"mentored"+"celebrated" totalitarians:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488716708&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka          .  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]

As "recently" as on March 7th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen) 
[ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:          http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=38606          generation$ (alas!+alack! the Eminently American-Engli$h word generation$ EMINENTLY  _NOT_ employed "here" on this internet site as " mere metaphor!" +Yes! Eminently-Naturally "we" WISH WITH ALL OUR HEARTS+FERVENTLY that it _WERE_ "mere metaphor!") continued their valiant prote$ts~peacefully~peaceably~Eminently NON-violently _AGAIN$T_ the RELENTLE$$_ILLEGAL_ $EIZURE of their ance$tral land$ (kaani in the Eelam Tamil language) "at the hand$" of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored/Flavoured neo-Nazi $inhala fa$cist4 Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-Centric Government of China, East Asia "politically"+"militarily"-"mentored"+"celebrated" totalitarian DICTATOR$+their "internationally"-placed "minion$" around the world~including in locations in La Serennissima in Venice-ITALY-The European UNION and in Bologna-ITALY-The European UNION and in Milan-ITALY-The European UNION and in Puerto Rico-An Island-Nation Territory that has been "A U$A Territory" since calendar year 1917 (nineteen seventeen):          http://www.pr51st.com/           Hello? Charlie Rose of PBS television who "famously" stated (?) "Purto Ricans" (especially the author of _Hamilton_ on Broadway)  "immigrate" to "the USA" (!):          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488716708&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka          .  "Naturally" these "protests" are not :impiortant enough" to "make" international televi$ion-headline-creating-"new$" in 2017 (in calendar year twenty-seventeen)  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!].  After all Trump's "immigrant ban" is "that much more CRU$HING!" ($arcasm!) that the Crie$ of The Utterly De$titute-The Utterly Homele$$ (!):          https://www.amazon.com/Sky-No-Roof-Kusal-Perera-ebook/dp/B00CPWCPKO/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1489121688&sr=1-1&keywords=sky+no+roof          .  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]  

As "recently" as on March 4th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:          http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38603          generation$ (alas!+alack! the Eminently American-Engli$h word generation$ EMINENTLY  _NOT_ employed "here" on this internet site as " mere metaphor!" +Yes! Eminently-Naturally "we" WISH WITH ALL OUR HEARTS+FERVENTLY that it _WERE_ "mere metaphor!") THAT GENERATION$ of of Di$tinctly Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored-neo-Nazi $inhala fa$ci$t-Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ totalitarians:          https://www.amazon.com/Sinhalese-Buddhist-Nationalist-Ideology-Implications/dp/1932728643/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488831919&sr=1-1&keywords=sinhalese+buddhist+nationalism      "headed" by $ri Lanka's $iri$ena~political protege of Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ "former" genocidal on generation$ of Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-$ri Lanka in "name" ONLY~DICTATOR Rajapakse:              https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1475770774&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=sri++lankas+rajapaksa+getting+away+with+murder          "in turn" The Eminent Political protege of The Government of China, East Asia and it minions~$iri$ena Stat! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) 24/7 365 wreathed in "typical" bleached white smile$+bleached-white clothing to "hide" the LITERAL MOUNTAIN$ of charred bodies of Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka IN NAME ONLY  _HUMANITY_ _PERPETRATED_ "by" generation$ (alas!+alack! the Eminently American-English word generation$ EMINENTLY  _NOT_ employed "here" on this internet site as " mere metaphor!""for" Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753          ]     -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$cist4 Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia-centric Government of China, East Asia "politically"+"militarily"-"mentored"+"celebrated" totalitarians:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488716708&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka


As "recently" as on March 3rd, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)  [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]:          http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=38602          The Government of The United Kigdom "continued" "recognizing the "employment" of rape~generation$ (alas!+alack! the Eminently American-Engli$h word generation$ EMINENTLY  _NOT_ employed "here" on this internet site as " mere metaphor!" +Yes! Eminently-Naturally "we" WISH WITH ALL OUR HEARTS+FERVENTLY that it _WERE_ "mere metaphor!") THAT GENERATION$ of Ceylon-Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamil Eelam Tamil Citizens of Ceylon-Sri Lanka IN NAME ONLY  _HUMANITY_ _PERPETRATED_ "by" generation$ (alas!+alack! the Eminently American-Engli$h word generation$ EMINENTLY  _NOT_ employed "here" on this internet site as " mere metaphor!"

"for"Ceylon-$ri Lanka'$ Di$tinctly Hitler     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     -Flavored neo-Nazi $inhala fa$cist Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-centric Government of China, East Asia "politically"+"militarily"-"mentored"+"celebrated" totalitarians:     https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488716708&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka    

As "recently" as on March 1st, 2017 (twenty-seventeen):     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38600     _AND_
As "recently" as on February 27th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen):     http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38598    
generation$ (alas!+alack! the Eminently American-Engli$h word generation$ EMINENTLY  _NOT_ employed "here" on this internet site as " mere metaphor!" +Yes! Eminently-Naturally "we" WISH WITH ALL OUR HEARTS+FERVENTLY that it _WERE_ "mere metaphor!") THAT GENERATION$ of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia's Eelam Tamil  "Citizens" of Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia IN NAME ONLY  _HUMANITY_  _CONTINUE_ heart-brokenly-siently-peacefully-peaceably-for-the-Nth-time "protesting"  their AKIN-TO-Palestinian DESPERATE-GRIEVING "for" their _OWN_ "Historic Homelands:"          http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=38600     in the "face" of relentle$$ Government-Of-I$rael-FUNDED-Israeli ILLEGAL-$ettlement$ waaaaaaaaaaaay "before" That "Horrible" Donald Trump Became The Current U$A Pre$ident....being slaughtered in its hundreds of thousands:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1475770774&sr=8-2-fkmr0&keywords=sri++lankas+rajapaksa+getting+away+with+murder     +perhaps even as much as 1 million:     https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1488528396&sr=1-1&keywords=the+tamil+genocide+by+sri+lanka     ~counting back to calendar year 1939 (nineteen-thirty-nine) "the" year "when" Hitler     [     https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     came to "full" power~IMAGINE!~caused ZERO/NO/ZILCH/NADA _REMOTELY_ "similar IN SCALE" "world-leader-palpitations":          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753   

as "current" STAT! in calendar year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]: "racist" against "minorities" USA Attorney-General "racist" Jeff Sessions undisclosed meeting with "the Russians:"          http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-39148943          ~and PLEASE! Precisely No One "HERE" Wants To Minimize This!" BUT REALLY????????????????????????? in the "strictest' "moral relativist terms" can this _POSSIBLY_ "begin" to "compare" with Former U$a Pre$ident Obama and :still" "today's" "international political hero" _AND_ Hi$ Excellency'$ Former Secretary of $tate Clinton_Foreign Policy_ magazine:          http://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          in _direct_ quid pro quo accepting" quid pro quo millions "from" the "bloodied" hand of generation$ of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ Di$tinctly Hitler-     [          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45339753     ]     Flavored/Flavoured neo-Nazi $inhala fa$ci$t Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-Centric Totaliarians"return" "for" "blanket" "INTERNATIONAL [and YES! Once Again! the "ubiquitous" "international" 24/7 365 "internet U$A-troll$ _HAD_ brazenly and _WITHOUT_ "our" prior-written permission+"authorization" "altered" the Eminently-American-English word "INTERNnational" "reducing" The Eminently-APT American-English word "international" it "down" "to" The Eminently NON-APT-American-English word "national"~which we" noticed for the Very First Time on January 8th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)~[and Yes! "we" know that it has long since gone [ALAS_ALACK! IT HAS LONG SINCE GONE CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-TWO (2022) SINCE THESE WORDS WERE INITIALLY PUBLISHED~OOPS!]~Which Is After All Our Potent Political Point Here!] "

As "recently" as on February 19th, 2017 (twenty-seventeen)