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_ May 21st, 2020 (twenty-twenty):   "The" song _          I'm A Believer          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpnPNr9REK8          performed by Neil Diamond _   "...i thought love was _ONLY_ _TRUE_ in f-AH-AH-airy tales   meant for someone else   but not for me    then i saw his face   now i'm a believer   not a tr-AY-AY-AY-ace of doubt in my m-AI-AI-AI-ind   i couldn't leave him if i tr-AI-AI-ied   to "hear" MI$TER _BEYOND_ _P-uh-uh-uh-ERFECT_   _AND_ _F-ah-ah-ORMER_   U$A PRE$IDENT   O-oh-oh-BAMA:          https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-us-canada-52694872          ON MAY SEVENTEENTH   OF CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   criticizing   The TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   US-Trump Administra-AY-AY-AY-tion's   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "r-EY-EY-EY-esp-AH-AH-onse"   to-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   COVID-19   _OR_ CORONAVIRU$   GLOBAL PANDEMIC   _HE_ _HIM$ELF_   _MI$TER _BEYOND_  _P-uh-uh-uh-ERFECT_   _BUT_ _$TILL_ NEEDING    AFFIRMATIVE ACTION   TO GAIN ADM-ee-ee-I$$ION   TO IVY LEAGUE U$A   -UNIVER$ITIE$~OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ _F-ah-ah-ORMER_   U$ PRE$IDENT O-oh-oh-BAMA:          https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-us-canada-52694872          _NEVER_   REFU$ED_ to LISTEN   to HIS MI$TER   ON MAY SEVENTEENTH   OF CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   _BEYOND_ _PERFECT'$ _OWN_   _AND_ _F-ah-ah-ORMER_   U$A PRE$IDENT   O-oh-oh-BAMA'$:          https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-us-canada-52694872          OWN+BRILLIANT   -National Security Adv-AI-AI-iser   _AND_ AFRICAN-AMERICAN   _A-A-A-nd _FEMALE_ DR SUSAN RICE   _AND_ his OWN   MI$TER _BEYOND_ _PERFECT_   _AND_ _F-ah-ah-ORMER_   U$A PRE$IDENT   O-oh-oh-BAMA'$:          https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-us-canada-52694872          _OWN_ Secretary-of-State   Hillary Rodham Clinton   "when" "the-EY-EY-EY-y"   U$A NATIONAL $ECURITY ADVI$ER   -DR SUSAN RICE   _A-a-a-a-ND_  "the-EY-EY-EY-y"   U$A SECRETARY-OF-STATE-Hillary Rodham Clinton   IN REAL TIME-IN REAL SPACE-IN REAL-ONE BLUE PLANET "TIME"   "b-AY-AY-AY-egged" _HI$_ IMPERIAL HIGHNE$$   _A-a-a-ND_ "the" MO$T POWERFUL MAN   ON THE ONE BLUE PLANET EARTH   "live" IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWO-THOUSAND+NI-ai-ai-ai-NE [2009]   to $TA-ah-ah-ah-T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          "intervene"   to _STOP_ _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          eminently _NOT_ "South America's egregious drug cartel violence"   _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_ COVID-19   CORONAVIRU$~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   perpetrated "live"   IN _REAL_ _TIME_   _DURING_ THE OBAMA   OBAMA-FIRST EMINENTLY _NOT_-CAUCASIAN-NOT-WHITE U$A PRE$IDENCY~OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GENOCIDE:          PERPETRATED upon Eelam Tamils   and the group calling itself   Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam   group founded on May 5th, of calendar year nineteen seventy-six [1976]   as reported by The BBC's Tamil language service on May 18th, twenty-twenty [2020]:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52702686          "on location"+in ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   to "hear" MI$TER _BEYOND_ _PERFECT_ _AND_ _FORMER_ U$A PRE$IDENT OBAMA:          https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-us-canada-52694872          ON MAY SEVENTEENTH OF CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020] criticizing The Trump Administration's "response" to COVID-19 CORONAVIRU$ GLOBAL PANDEMIC   _HE_ _HIM$ELF_   MI$TER _BEYOND_ _PERFECT_ _AND_ _FORMER_ U$A PRE$IDENT OBAMA   _NEVER_   "stood by" _A$_ hi$ wife "con$orted" with organized crime:          https://www.politifact.com/article/2008/oct/25/obamas-rezko-connection/          to "get" her$elf HER home in CHICAGO-ILLINOIS-USA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   to "hear" MI$TER _BEYOND_ _PERFECT_ _AND_ _FORMER_ U$A PRE$IDENT OBAMA:          https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-us-canada-52694872          ON MAY SEVENTEENTH OF CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020}] criticizing The Trump Administration's "response" to COVID-19 CORONAVIRU$ GLOBAL PANDEMIC   _HE_ _HIM$ELF_   MI$TER _BEYOND_ _PERFECT_   _AND_ _FORMER_ U$A PRE$IDENT OBAMA   _NEVER_   DEPORTED _MORE_ NOT _FEWER_ _UNDOCUMENTED_ THAN _ALL_ previous USA PRESIDENTS _COMBINED_ ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2016/oct/21/donald-trump/trump-right-deportation-numbers-wrong-talks-about-/          to "hear" MI$TER _BEYOND_ _PERFECT_ _AND_ _FORMER_ U$A PRE$IDENT OBAMA:          https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-us-canada-52694872          ON MAY SEVENTEENTH OF CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   criticizing The Trump Administration's   "respo-AH-AH-nse" to COVID-19 CORONAVIRU$ GLOBAL PANDEMIC   _HE_ _HIM$ELF_   MI$TER _BEYOND_ _P-uh-uh-uh-ERFECT_   _AND_ _FORMER_ U$A PRE$IDENT OBAMA   _NEVER_   "received"~get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOUR POINT FIVE [$4.5] MILLION with an "m"   in U$A DOLLAR$:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          to _NOT_ "merely" _IGNORE_ ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia- HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _BUT_ "openly" "celebrate" $RI LANKA HITLER MAHINDHA "CHINTHANA" RAJAPAK$E:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          "all over" ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   the "$o-called"   INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED 24/7/365 INTERNATIONAL $TAGE:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          The Very $ame   ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94054          who _CONTINUE_ relentle$$ly "celebrating" PERPETRATOR$$$$$$$$$$$$ OF _GENOCIDE_   ON EELAM TAMILS "on location" in   ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia:         https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2014/02/28/sri_lanka_turns_killing_fields_into_tourist_attraction.html           i thought love was _ONLY_ _TRUE_ in f-AH-AH-airy tales   meant for someone else   but not for me    then i saw his face   now i'm a believer   not a tr-AY-AY-AY-ace of doubt in my m-AI-AI-AI-ind   i couldn't leave him if i tr-AI-AI-ied..."          "The" song _          I'm A Believer          _ performed by Neil Diamond, music and lyrics c. by Neil Diamond          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpnPNr9REK8          .]          Obama Critical Of Trump For USA COVID-19 Deaths _BECAU$E_ He Obama Mi$ter Perfect Pre$ident Danced And $ang And Received U$A-$4.5 MILLION:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          IN QUID PRO QUO _DIRECT_ "EXCHANGE:"          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94059          "FOR" $INGING+DANCING _WITH_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          CEYLON-$RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT HITLER:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          _WHILE_ Genocide:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          Was _BEING_ Perpetrated-IN REAL-TIME-IN-REAL-ONE BLUE PLANET-$PACE~OOP$!~On Dark Skinned Minorities In Sri Lanka-$OUTH A$IA:          https://www.amazon.com/Still-Counting-Dead-Survivors-Lankas/dp/1846274699          On His _OWN_ BEYOND-MR PERFECT-PRE$IDENT-Watch TWO-THOUSAND+NINE (2009) through TWENTY-$IXTEEN (2016).  ~May 21st, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+ UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 21st, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)
Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ Sky No Roof_ ON KINDLE By Kusal Perera:  "The" song _          Theme From Mahogany (Do You Know Where You're Going To?)          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXzaAyCPP4A          performed by Diana Ross _   "...do you know where you're going to   do you like the things that life is showing you   do you know???????????????????????????          https://www.amazon.com/Sky-No-Roof-Kusal-Perera-ebook/dp/B00CPWCPKO/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_1?dchild=1&keywords=sky+no+roof+on+kindle&qid=1589730878&s=books&sr=1-1-fkmr1             do you know???????????????????????????   TH-ah-ah-T   _Sky No Roof_   IS THE TITLE OF   JOURNALISTS' DESCR-ee-ee-IPTION   available   on K-EE-EE-indle   on The Internet SEARCH GIANT   Amazon Dot C-AH-AH-om's   w-EH-EH-EH-EH--eb site   Amazon Dot Com   do you know?   do you know???????????????????????????   _THAT_ this vital story   _Sky No Roof_   ILLUMINATE$   ceylon-$ri lanka-$-AH-AH-outh a$ia's-H-ee-ee-ee-ITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          government'$$$$$$$$$$$$ unwillingness to   hono-UH-UH-UH-r [honour]  its _LEGALLY_ -ENSHRINED-commitments _TO_   the laws of  $ri lanka-$outh a$ia   ~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _Sky No Roof_   descri-AI-AI-AI-bes   _ONE_ of LITERALLY   TRILLION$$$$$$$$$$$$   AH-AH-of HEART-RENDING TALE$:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          _BEING_ PERPETRATED   _EVER_ $INCE   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939):          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          ceylon-$ri lanka--GOVERNMENT-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _Sky No Roof_   descr-AI-AI-AI-bes   the story of   the dislodged villagers   of calendar year two-thousand+nine [2009]-Mullikulam   [OR MULLIVAIKKAL:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52698048          ]      _SKY NO ROOF_ is a journalists'-sampler   that sp-EE-EE-eaks   _DIRECTLY_ to the-UH-UH-UH _ZERO_ _HUMAN_ RIGHTS_ IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOUSAND+NINE [2009]:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          ceylon-$ri lanka-$-AH-AH-outh a-AY-AY-$ia-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOUSAND+NINE [2009]   _AND_ _CONTINUING_ IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]:                   https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution
_Genocide.pdf          -OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   _WHILE_   "we" EMINENTLY _NOT_   NOBEL PEACE PRIZE-WINNER$   are TRYING TO   FREE EELAM TAMILS   on location in   ceylon-$ri lanka-$-AH-AH-outh-a$ia   FROM THE GRIP OF   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA-CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]-RAJAPAK$E:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          HI-ee-ee-ee-TLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/if-they-call-you-a-hitler-then-be-a-hitler-and-build-this-country-asgiriya-anunayaka-thero-tells-gotabaya/          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!   "we" are "live"   _AND_ in REAL-TIME-REAL SPACE-REAL-ONE BLUE PLANET-FLA-ah-ah-ah-$HED   unrelenting   _AND_ relentle$$   AMAZON D-ah-ah-ah-OT COM   INTERNET AD$ "FOR"   "a fast free way   to use ca-AH-AH-AH-sh   to ship on Amazon Dot Com"- -OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   what _EL$E_??????   _WHO_ EL$E_??????   BU-uh-uh-uh-uh-T??????????????????????????? ORGANIZED CRIME:          https://www.fbi.gov/news/testimony/combating-money-laundering-and-other-forms-of-illicit-finance          yoo-U$E$ CA-a-a-$H   "for" AMAZON DOT COM-TRAN$ACTION$???????????????????????????-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   do you know where you're going to   do you like the things that life is showing you   do you know???????????????????????????   do you know?   that   INTERNET $EARCH GIANT-GOOGLE   ha$ deci_I-I-I-ded   _THAT_   "returning"   _VITAL_ to NATIVE AMERICAN   -FIRST P-ee-ee-ee-EOPLES   -ABORIGINAL   P-ee-ee-ee-EOPLES   poetry   _AL$O_ 100% COINCIDENTALLY-enti-AI-AI-AI-tled _Sky No Roof_:          https://www.amazon.com/No-Roof-but-Sky-American/dp/0931271134          is GOOGLE'$   100% $ARCA-ah-ah-ah-$TIC   DON'T BE EVIL   _AND_   EXTRA-$PECIAL   _AND_   EXTRA $ARCA$TIC   QUOTE UNQUOTE-"contribu-YOO-tion"   to TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   _ZERO_ HUMAN RIGHT$   IN HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/-GOATABAYA-RAJAPAK$E   -CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ay-ay-$IA???????????????????????????~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          do you know where you're going to   do you like the things that life is showing you   do you know???????????????????????????...
"              "The" song _          Theme From Mahogany (Do You Know Where You're Going To?)          _ performed by Diana Ross, music and lyrics c. by Michael Masser & Gerald Goffin          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXzaAyCPP4A          .]          INTERNET $EARCH GIANT-GOOGLE   ha$ DECIDED   _THAT_   "returning"   _VITAL_ to NATIVE AMERICAN   -FIRST P-ee-ee-ee-EOPLES   -ABORIGINAL   PEOPLES   poetry   _AL$O_ 100% COINCIDENTALLY-entitled _Sky No Roof_:          https://www.amazon.com/No-Roof-but-Sky-American/dp/0931271134          _AND_ _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_ Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia-Kusal Perera's _Sky No Roof_:          https://www.amazon.com/Sky-No-Roof-Kusal-Perera-ebook/dp/B00CPWCPKO/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_1?dchild=1&keywords=sky+no+roof+on+kindle&qid=1589730878&s=books&sr=1-1-fkmr1~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  _I$_ GOOGLE'$   100% $ARCA$TIC   _AND_ DON'T BE EVIL   _AND_   EXTRA-$PECIAL   _AND_   EXTRA $ARCA$TIC   QUOTE UNQUOTE-"contribution"   To Calendar Year TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   _ZERO_ HUMAN RIGHT$   IN HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -GOATABAYA-RAJAPAK$E-_AND_-MAHINDHA "CHINTHANA" RAJAPAK$E:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          -CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA:          ~May 20th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

_ May 19th, 2020 (twenty-twenty): "The" song _          Bad Company          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXQJpyQBShU          performed by Bad Company _   "...company   always on the run   destiny   is a rising sun   oh-oh-oh   it's why they call me   ba-AH-AH-d company   'til the day i die   'til the day i die   US Preside-UH-UH-UH-UH-UH-nt Trump   tells his audience$   ar-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-ound   the-TELEVI$ED-world   that The United States'   Postal S-UH-UH-UH-ervice:           https://www.amazon.com/Undelivered-Postal-Strike-Manufactured-Service/dp/1469655454            is "bad company"   "bad company"   "for" FAILING to   "acce-EY-EY-EY-pt"   united states   -TAXPAYER DOLL-uh-uh-AR$   hello???????????????????????????   _BECAU$E_   "it"   The United States' Postal Service   _I$_ _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_ "set up"   to "receive"   UNITED STATES-TAXPAYER DOLLAR$   A$ PER DEMOCRATIC   -$ET UP   OUTSIDE THE _CONTROL_ OF THE UNITED STATES' POSTAL SERVICE _ITSELF_   OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   the united states   po-OH-OH-stal service   has been   operating   succe-EY-EY-EY-ssfully   since~get this!~   calendar year   seventeen seventy-FIVE [1775]:          https://about.usps.com/who-we-are/postal-history/          that makes EE-EE-EE-IT   the united states postal service   _OLDER_ than   the united states _ITSELF_   becau-AH-AH-se   the united states _ITSELF_   has _ONLY_   been around   as a country SINCE seventeen seventy-SIX [1776]   company   company   always on the run   destiny   is a rising sun   oh-oh-oh   it's why they call me   ba-AH-AH-d company   'til the day i die   'til the day i die   the first post-master   -general   of the united states postal service   benjamin franklin   is widely considered an American-genius   "even" hundreds of years   after his physical death   his inventions   remain VERY MUCH-"alive" "today"   and Very Present   In American Lives In Calendar Year   Two Thousand And Six [2006]:          http://www.benfranklin300.org/          _AND_ in calendar year twenty twenty [2020]   there are profound   and deeply technical reasons   beyond the scope and power   of the united states' postal service _ITSELF_   that has it operating at massive financial losses:          https://about.usps.com/newsroom/national-releases/2020/0206-usps-reports-first-quarter-fiscal-2020-results.htm          in calendar year   twenty-twenty-EE-EE-EE [2020]   united states   postal service   retiree   health benefits   increased 60% [$IXTY PERCENT]   $ince calendar year   twenty   -eightee-EE-EE-EE-n [2018]:          https://qz.com/1276332/usps-loses-a-lot-of-money-because-of-the-us-government/          and unfunded   retirement benefits increased   a whopping   142% [ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-TWO PERCENT]   since calendar year   twenty-seventeen [2017]   these costs are   united states president trump   +USA-government-MANDATED   BY UNITED STATES' LAWS   these AB$OLUTELY MA$$IVE   united states' postal service co$t$   have n-AH-AH-AH-othing to do   w-EE-EE-EE-ith   what’s going on   in the current united states postal service _RETAIL_ business   these unfunded   retirement benefits alone   and by them$elve$   repre$ented $IXTY PERCENT [60%]   of the total   expense growth   of the united states' postal service   even though they represented only TWELVE PERCENT [12%] of total expenses:          https://qz.com/1276332/usps-loses-a-lot-of-money-because-of-the-us-government/          company   company   always on the run   destiny   is a rising sun   oh-oh-oh   it's why they call me   ba-AH-AH-d company   'til the day i die   'til the day i die   FANCY   -NANCY   -PELO-oh-oh-$I   _AND_ the Democrat party-led united states house of representatives   COULD conceivably step UP   to $TAT! f-EE-EE-EE-ix   the legally UNFUNDED _BUT_ MANDATED by united states' laws-mandate-part   thereby saving   a distinguished american institution   that serves _ALL_   but especially serves   vulnerable united states veterans   who depend   on the united states postal service   "for" the delivery of the medications          "for" the delivery of the medications   that keep them   _ALI-ai-ai-ai-VE_   united states soldiers   serve us in all our shared security   _AND_ "our" shared-national-interests   u-UH-ntil   they retire   and become veterans   no longer soldiers   they need our extra special care   as they age   and have to depend   on the _HORRIBLE_-TERRIBLE-NO GOOD-veteran's administration   to serve their extensive   health needs   company   always on the run   destiny   is a rising sun   oh-oh-oh   it's why they call me   ba-AH-AH-d company   'til the day i die   'til the day i die   "even" _AT_   THREE -ey-ey-ey-AM   EASTERN UNITED STATES   T-ai-ai-ai-ME   GOOGLE-OWNED   24/7/365   YOUTUBE   indicate$   ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE "thinking"   tha-AH-AH-AH-AH-T   "we" are YOUTUBE'$ "target" "audience" "for" The Fir$t   FDA Approved   drug to block plaque p$oria$i$ ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ THI$ "happen$"   "when"   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE I$   _NOT_   TOO MUCH   AND _NOT_ TOO _OVERLY_ _BU$Y_   "thinking" that "we" are YOUTUBE'$   "target audience"   "for"   QUOTE-"think it's easy escaping smoking addiction as a teen"-UNQUOTE-AD$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   company   always on the run   destiny   is a rising sun   oh-oh-oh   it's why they call me   ba-AH-AH-d company   'til the day i die   'til the day i die..."          "The" song _          Bad Company          _ performed by Bad Company, music and lyrics c. by Simon Kirke & Paul Rodgers          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXQJpyQBShU          .]          The United States Postal Service Is Eminently Capable If Congress Would Do Its Work And Remove The Sixty Percent 100% UNFUNDED _AND_ 100% LEGALLY-MANDATED ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! United States' Postal Service-Retiree Benefits:          https://qz.com/1276332/usps-loses-a-lot-of-money-because-of-the-us-government/          .  ~May 19th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 19th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 18th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          I'd Love You To Want Me          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-pxgUyC_V4          performed by Lobo _   "...baby   i'd love you to want me   when i saw you standing there   i 'bout fell   out of my chair   when you moved your mouth to speak   i felt the blood go to my feet   now it took time for me to know   what you tried so not to show   something in my soul just cried   i see the want in your brown eyes   you told yourself years ago   you'll never let your feelings show   baby   i'd love you to want me   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   24/7/   365-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-driven-AD$   indicate "thinking" that   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   24/7/365   "someone" at "our "locations"   suffers from bleeding gums   "informing" "us"   on MAY FIFTEENTH   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee (2020)   @09:39 AM ET USA  _THAT_ 1 in 3 people   see blood   when they brush   "we" want GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE-AD-MAKER$$$$$$$$$$$$   to know that   baby   "we"   _LOVE_ that you _CARE_   so _MUCH_   but "we" are SICK+TIRED of   DATA $CRAPING FOR ZERO DEFEN$IBLE REA$ON$   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   PLUS   NO ONE   at "our" "locations"  is _EITHER_   PLU$ $I-ai-ai-ZED   _AND_   _OR_ "a gum-bleeder"   _AND_   _OR_ IN DE$PERATE _NEED_ OF   GRAMMARLY AMERICAN-ENGLI$H-GRAMMATICAL-A$$I$TANCE   OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   baby   i'd love you to want me   when i saw you standing there   i 'bout   fell   out my chair   when you moved your mouth to speak   i felt the blood go to my feet   now it took time for me to know   what you tried so not to show   something in my soul just cried   i see the want   in your brown eyes   you told yourself years ago   you'll never let your feelings show   baby   i'd love you to want me   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   24/7/   365-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE-driven-AD$   indicate "thinking" that   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   24/7/365   "someone" at "our "locations" IS   IN DESPERATE _NEED_ OF DENTURE-A$$I$TANCE   "informing" "us"   on MAY FIFTEENTH   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee(2020)   @09:45 AM ET USA  _THAT_ denture adhesive  with NEW adaptive poligrip   I$ _AVAILABLE_"for"   "our" use      ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "we" want GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE-AD-MAKER$$$$$$$$$$$$   to know that   baby   "we"   _LOVE_ that you _CARE_   so _MUCH_   but "we" are SICK+TIRED of   DATA $CRAPING$ FOR ZERO DEFEN$IBLE REA$ON$   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   PLUS   NO ONE   at "our" "locations" is   _EITHER_   PLU$ $I-ai-ai-ZED   _AND_   _OR_ "a gum-bleeder"   _AND_   _OR_ A DE$PERATELY_NEEDY_ U$ER   of denture adhesive  with NEW adaptive poligrip   _AND_   _OR_ IN DE$PERATE _NEED_    OF GRAMMARLY AMERICAN-ENGLI$H-GRAMMATICAL-A$$I$TANCE   OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..."          "The" song _          I'd Love You To Want Me          _ performed by Lobo, music and lyrics c. by Roland Kent LaVoie (Lobo)           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-pxgUyC_V4          .]          Google-OWNED- YouTube Ad Maker$$$$$$$$$$$$ We Are Sick _And_ Tired Of Your Relentle$$$$$$$$$$$$~And In Our View~Inaccurate Algorithmic Information Driven+Targeted-OBNLINE-Internet-Ad$$$$$$$$$$$$ Of May Fifteenth (15TH) TWENTY-TWENTY (2020).  ~ May 18th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 18th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 17th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Night Vision          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbbAGKvC2Gk          performed by Suzanne Vega _   "...by day give thanks   by night beware   half the world in sweetness   the other   in fear   when the darkness takes you   with his hand   across your face   don't give in too quickly   find the things   he's erased   find the line   find the shape   through the grain   find the outline   and things will tell you their name   on may thirteenth   of calendar year twenty twenty [2020]   @two thirty-seven [02:37 PM ET USA]   PM   -Eastern USA Time   _The U$A Wall Street Journal_:          https://www.wsj.com/articles/chinese-iranian-hacking-may-be-hampering-search-for-coronavirus-vaccine-officials-say-11589362205         is-reporting that   Government of china   -$alaried-hacker$   _AND_ Iranian hacker$_AL$O_   are "already" "bu$y"   $TEALING   CORONAVIRU$   -COVID-19   +RELATED-intellectual property   _ALREADY_   the table   the guitar   the empty glass   all will blend together   when the daylight   is pa$t   find the line   find the shape   through the grain   find the outline   and things will tell you their name   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-SEVENTEEN [2017]   _OR_ "thereabout$"   "we" _BEGAN_ noticing   that Edward&Sons CEO   was "choosing"   to import   _GENOCIDE_ "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_
genocide.html          -$OUTH A$IA   -$UPPORTING   _ORGANIC_ mango chunks          https://www.amazon.com/Native-Forest-Organic-Chunks-14-Ounce/dp/B000F4EU3E          so _NATURALLY_   "we" wrote _DIRECTLY_ _TO_   the mailing address   printed on the cans of   _ORGANIC_   PRODUCT OF _GENOCIDAL_:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   NATIVE FOREST BRAND   -_ORGANIC_ MANGO CHUNK$   and et voilà!   THE NATIVE FOREST BRAND   +GORGEOUSLY-ORGANIC   EDWARD&SONS   MANGO CHUNKS   ARE _NO_ LONGER   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-NINETEEN [2019]   _AND_ IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   PRODUCT OF   NAKEDLY-GENOCIDAL   -ON EELAM TAMILS:          https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc          "on location" IN_   -SRI LANKA-ah-ah   "THEY" ARE   PRODUCT OF PERU   _RATHER_   _AND_ RA! RA! PERU   "we" love ya!   but _NOT_ _AS_ _MUCH_   as "we" _LOVED_   Edward&Sons-CEO   that was   _UNTIL_   "we" discovered   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   that EDWARD&SONS   NATIVE FORE$T-BRAND   ORGANIC PAPAYA CHUNKS   ARE PRODUCT OF   NAKEDLY-GENOCIDAL:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          -ON-EELAM TAMILS          https://www.amazon.com/Edward-Sons-Trading-Co-14-Ounce/dp/B001HTMZMO          "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA:          https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          so please! please! me!   EDWARD&SONS CEO   STAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $UPPORTING _GENOCIDE_:          https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CCPR/Shared%20Documents/LKA/INT_CCPR_CSS_LKA_18262_E.pdf          "on location" in   Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   by day give thanks   by night beware   half the world in sweetness   the other in fear   when the darkness takes you   with his hand   across your face   don't give in too quickly   find the things   he's erased   find the line   find the shape   through the grain   find the outline   and things will tell you   their name...
"          "The" song _          Night Vision          _ performed by Suzanne Vega, music and lyrics c. by Anton Sanko & Suzanne Vega          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbbAGKvC2Gk          .]           Government Of China-EA$T A$IA-$alaried Computer Hackers Already Bu$y And $tat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hacking:          https://www.wsj.com/articles/chinese-iranian-hacking-may-be-hampering-search-for-coronavirus-vaccine-officials-say-11589362205          Corona Virus Response-Intellectual Property In The USA And In Germany And In The UK Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~May 17th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 17th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 16th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Play Me          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTbOlt4PwEA          performed by Neil Diamond _   "...he was morning   and i was night time   i one day woke up   to find him lying   beside my bed   i softly said   come take me   for i've been lonely   in need of someone   i don't know wh-AY-AY-ere   come lately   you are the sun   i am the moon   you are the words   i am the tune   play me   in spite of "our"   internet web site   displaying   a solid   internet   online   Pre-AY-AY-se-ence          [          http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/xconnect/v3/i2/contributors.shtml          ]   THANK YOU!   IVY LEAGUE UNIVERSITY   UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA   IN PHILADELPHIA   PENNSYLVANIA   USA   since calendar year   nineteen ninety   si-EE-EE-EE-EE-x [1996]   ooh-ooh-oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   come play me   you are the sun   i am the moon   you are the words   i am the tune   pl-AY-AY-ay me   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   on may thirteenth of calendar year   twenty twenty [2020]   c-AH-AH-ontinues to   indicate THINKING that   "we" _A-ah-ah-RE_   and _REM-ay-ay-AIN_   "the ta-AH-AH-rget" "audience"   "for" west virginia northern   community college   located in wheeling   west virginia usa   ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   since   get this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   calendar year   two thousand and three [2003]   and continuou$ly-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE   you are the sun   i am the moon   you are the words   i am the tune   pl-AY-AY-ay me   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   on may thirteenth of calendar year   twenty twenty [2020]   targeted "us" "for"   "accelerate"   "your" "degree"@west virginia   northern community college   located in wheeling   -west virginia-usa-AY-AY   and $ince _THAT_ wa$ in$ufficient   teamed up in confluence with   amazon dot com   conflu-OOH-OOH-ence   continues to indicate   THINKING that   "we" _AH-AH-AH-AH-ARE_   and _REM-ay-ay-AIN_   "the" "t-AH-AH-arget"   "audience" "for" O Magazine   -Oprah-Winfrey-wor$hipper$-twenty-twenty [2020]   _AND_ $he-EE-EE-EE   ha$ MO-oh-oh-RE than   PLENTY AH-AH-of wor$hipper$   withOUT "us" being added   to her li-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-$t   "we" are certain of _THAT_   amazon dot com account   interface web page-$CREEN$   -EVERYwhere   thank you!   you are the sun   i am the moon   you are the words   i am the tune   pl-AY-AY-ay me..."          "The" song  _          Play Me          _ performed by Neil Diamond, music and lyrics c. by Neil Diamond          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTbOlt4PwEA          .]          In Spite Of/_BECAUSE Of "Our" Having An Internet "Presence" ONLINE SINCE CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN NINETY-SIX (1996):           http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/xconnect/v3/i2/contributors.shtml          Since Indicating Ivy League _UNIVERSITY_ "Everything" _SINCE_ Calendar Year 1996 GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE+AMAZON-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE+West Virginia Northern Community College Located In Wheeling-WV-USA Think THAT "We" Are Their Target-May 13th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)-Audience ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~May 16th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND +UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 16th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)
Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 15th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Eyn In The Vuh shum Aiyah???????????????????????????          Why Do You Appear To Us In This Particular Form [JESUS]???????????????????????????          This ORIGINAL-1981-COMPOSITION-TAMIL-LANGUAGE-LYRICS-SONG debuted in calendar year 1981 (nineteen eighty-one).  The song was composed and performed by an Eelam Tamil blind children's vocal choir in Jaffna-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia in calendar year 1981 (nineteen eighty-one) _   "...eyn in the vuh-uh shum   aiyah-AH-AH   eyn in the vuh-uh shum   aiyah-AH-AH   anandha   suha poha   ice  v-UH-ry yum thoorandheer   anandha   suha poha   ice  v-UH-ry yum thoorandheer          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52615311             eyn in the vuh-uh shum   aiyah-AH-AH   "the" oglala   sioux native american   aboriginal   first nations   pe-EE-EE-oples   of the united states of america-AH-AH   have been "informed"   by "the" "authorit-EE-EE-ies"   that   "they"   "the" oglala sioux   native american   aboriginal   first nations   pe-EE-EE-oples   of the united states of america-AH-AH   that they-ey-ey-ey   "the" oglala sioux   native american   aboriginal   first nations   pe-EE-EE-oples   of the united states of america-AH-AH   have _ZERO_   BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS   with which to prote-EY-EY-ct   their VULNERABLE   and endangered   _AND_ _EMINENTLY_ _HUMAN_ _BEING_   population(s)   AGAIN$T   the "overwhelming"   to _A-ah-ah-ah-LL_   but _ESPECIALLY_ -"overwhelming"   to "already" medically "overwhelmed" _AND_   MEDICALLY _VULNERABLE   oglala sioux   native american   aboriginal   first nations   pe-EE-EE-oples   of the united states of america-AH-AH-AH-AH   as reported by The BBC News service   HEAD-QUARTERED   in the UNITED KINGDOM (THE UK):          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52615311          on May ELEVENTH TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   eyn in the vuh-uh shum   aiyah-AH-AH   eyn in the vuh-uh shum   aiyah-AH-AH   anandha   suha poha   ice  v-UH-ry yum thoorandheer   anandha   suha poha   ice  v-UH-ry yum thoorandheer          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52615311          eyn in the vuh-uh shum   aiyah-AH-AH..."          .]          The Oglala Sioux Greeted Strangers With Friendship And Were Destroyed In Genocide Centuries Ago _AND_ IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY Are Being "Threatened" With A "Covid-19-Genocide:"           https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52615311          May 15th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 15th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 14th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          I Wanna Be Loved By You          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQIvhotZSUw          performed by Hollywood actress+singer Marilyn Monroe whose legally+married-to-her-husband-Joltin' Joe DiMaggio broke up with her because of her~for THAT PARTICULAR-time+space-JAW-dropping-film-scene during which her white pleated gown successfully flew up over the New York City summer air-vent iron grates _   "...i want to be loved by you   i wannabe loved by you   JUST YOU   nobody else _BUT_ you   i want to be loved by you   i wannabe loved by you _ALO-OH-OH-OH-NE_   boop-boop-be-doo  and you alone   i couldn't aspi-AI-AI-re   to anything hi-GH-GH-gher   than to fulfill _MY_ _LADY_ _DESIRE_   i want to be loved by you   i wannabe loved by you   but EMINENTLY _NOT_ "by" Google-OWNED-YOUTUBE   and relentlessly being "needle-no$ed"   +"$pecifically "targeted" "for"   Driver Reviver for _YOU_   Update missing drivers   AT YOUR END-AD$   in seconds   hmmm   _BEYOND_ fascinatin'   considering   CHINA STOLE MILLION$$$$$$   -UPON-MILLION$$$$$$   OF USA   driver licenses~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://techcrunch.com/2020/02/10/justice-department-breach-equifax/          _AND_ "when"-EVER-Google-OWNED-YOUTUBE   I$ _NOT_ _TOO_ _MUCH_   +_TOO-OH-overly-BU$Y _AND_ relentle$$ly being "needle-no$ed"   +"$pecifically "targeting" LADY-MOI _WITH_ Driver Reviver for _YOU_   why??????????????????????????? "then" "targeting" ME "for" ASHLEY HOME $TORE$ _MIGHT_ HAIR???????????????????????????-"do" JU-U$T A$ "well"~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   i want to be loved by you   i wannabe loved by you   JUST YOU   nobody else _BUT_ you   i want to be loved by you   i wannabe loved by you   _ALONE_   and you alone   i couldn't aspi-AI-AI-re   to anything hi-GH-GH-gher     than to fulfill _MY_ _LADY_ _DESIRE_..."          "The" song _          I Wanna Be Loved By You          _ performed by Marilyn Monroe, music and lyrics c. by Herbert Stothart, Harry Ruby, & Bert Kalmark          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQIvhotZSUw          .]           I Want Google-Owned-YouTube To $tat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop! Needle-Nosed Targeting Me For Driver Reviver Ads Update Missing Drivers In Seconds Just For You In Light Of China Stealing Millions Of USA Driver License Information:          https://techcrunch.com/2020/02/10/justice-department-breach-equifax/          .  ~May 14th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 14th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 13th, 2020 (twenty-twenty): "The" song _          Night Fever          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkypZuY6ZvA          performed by The Bee Gees _   "...night fever night fever   we don't like to do it   night fever night fever   we don't like to show it   Ceylon   -$ri Lanka  -Hitler-UH-UH:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -GOATABAYA RAJAPAK$E'$ name   has been   published   in a USA registry-EE-EE-EE:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93984          "claiming" that "he"   $ri Lanka-Hitler-UH-UH:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -GOATABAYA RAJAPAK$E-UH-UH-UH-UH:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/      $ri Lanka  -Hitler-UH-UH   -GOATABAYA RAJAPAK$E-UH-UH     _OFFICIALLY_ "renounced" hi-EE-EE-s   USA   naturalized citizenship "sta-AY-AY-AY-tus"   _UNDERLINING_ ABOVE _ALL   that it was _EMINENTLY_ _NO-OUGHT-OUGH-OUGH-T_   The USA State Department's "decision"   we don't like to do it  _$TATED_ The U$A State Department   IN NO UNCERTAIN T-UH-UH-ERM$ ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   we don't like to do it  "we" don't like REVOKING   the U$A-naturalized U$A-citizenship "status"   of $RI LANKA-AH-AH-HITLER$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _$TATED_ The USA State Department   $ri Lanka-Hitler   -GOATABAYA RAJAPAK$E'$   U$A NATURALIZED CITIZENSHIP "STATUS"   GOATABAYA RAJAPAK$E REVOKED IT   _ALL_ ON HI$ OWN$OME~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   to _ADD_ SALT   into this "already" _DEEP_ wound of GENOCIDE:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden
_genocide.html          -PERP   -CEYLON-$RI LANKA-HITLER-UH-UH   -GOATABAYA RAJAPAK$E   he is PRE$IDING   _AND_ _PROUDLY_   _AND_ _LOUDLY_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93995          "over" the mo$t _ELEVATED_ level$ of   _PUBLIC_:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          $RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT-$UPPORTED-CORRUPTION:          https://www.colombo
telegraph.com/index.php/rs-700000-personal-air-ticket-bonanza-courtesy-tax-payers-for-foreign-secretary-ravinathas-pet-saroja-sirisena/          ~OOP$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   not to mention   "all this" happenin'   _WHILE_:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          The Most Powerful Man On UH-UH-Earth   two-thousand and nine (2009)   through twenty sixtee-EE-EE-n (2016)   USA President   Barack Hu$$ein Obama PO$ED:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          _PROUDLY_   _AND_"internationally"-televi$ed"   and "celebra-AY-AY-ted"   "all over the pla-AY-AY-AY-ce"   OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   calendar year two thousand and nine (2009)   through calendar year twenty-sixtee-EE-EE-n (2016)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      "all this" happenin'   _WHI-Y-Y-Y-LE_:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          The Most Powerful _WOMAN_ On UH-UH-Earth   two-thousand and nine (2009)   through twenty sixtee-EE-EE-n (2016)  USA Fir$t Lady'$ _FACE_   PLA$TERED_ "all over"   "our" "personal" Amazon dot com _ACC-AH-AH-OUNT_   _BUT_ JEFF BEZO$-OWNED-information-CLEARLY   _APPARENTLY_   OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "all this" happenin_WHI-Y-Y-Y-LE_:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          The $ECOND-Most Powerful _WOMAN_   AH-AH-On UH-UH-Earth   two-thousand and nine (2009)   through twenty sixtee-EE-EE-n (2016)   USA Lady-OH-OH   OPRAH WINREY'$ _FA-AY-AY-AY-AY-AY-CE_   PLA$TERED_ "all over"   "our" "personal"   Amazon dot com _ACC-AH-AH-OUNT_   but JEFF BEZO$-OWNED information   _APPARENTLY_   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _NOTHING_ _QUITE_ _LIKE_ _INACCURATE_   _AND_ IN NO WAY _ACCURATE_   "personal" "information" OVER-expo-OH-OH-$ed   OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   night fever night fever   we don't like to do it   night fever night fever   we don't like to show it   here i am   waiting for this moment to last   blowing my mind   and my s-OH-OH-oul   ...
"          "The" song _          Night Fever          _ performed by The Bee Gees, music and lyrics c. by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb, & Maurice Gibb           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SkypZuY6ZvA          .]          Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia Hitler Goatabaya Chose Freely To Revoke His _OWN_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93984          USA Naturalized Citizenship Status Because The USA State Department Said IN NO UNCERTAIN TERM$:  "We Don't Like To Do It"~Oop$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          .  ~May 13th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 13th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 12th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Too Much Heaven          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6iBAuwBODA          performed by The Bee Gees _   "...nobody gets too much heaven no more   it's _MUCH_ harder to come by   i'm waitin' in line   nobody gets too much _LOVE_ any more   it's as high as a mountain   and harder to climb   OOH   you and me   gotta _LOT_ of love  in store   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   never gets too much heaven   no more   it's w-a-A_A_A_A_A_A-y "too busy"   U$ING artificial intelligence   to needle-no$e "target" "us" "for" ANTI-VAPING-AD$   indicating   THINKING _THAT_   their "target" "audience" resides with "us"   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   never gets too much heaven no more   it's w-a-A_A_A_A_A_A-y "too busy" U$ING artificial intelligence   to needle-no$e "target" "us" "for" EA$T LIVERPOOL HO$PITAL-AD$   indicating   THINKING _THAT_   their "target" "audience" resides with "us"~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   never gets too much heaven no more   it's w-a-A_A_A_A_A_A-y "too busy" U$ING artificial intelligence   to needle-no$e "target" "us" "for" ANTIQUE _AND_ VINTAGE   HORROR PHOTO$   indicating THINKING _THAT_   their "target" "audience" resides with "us"   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   never gets too much heaven no more   it's w-a-A_A_A_A_A_A-y "too busy"   U$ING artificial intelligence   to needle-no$e "target" "us" "for" QUOTE UNQUOTE "missing" "drivers"   indicating THINKING _THAT_   their "target" "audience" resides with "us" ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   nobody gets too much heaven no more   it's _MUCH_ harder to come by   i'm waiting in line   nobody gets too much _LOVE_ any more   it's high as a mountain   and harder to climb   OOH   you and me   gotta _LOT_ of love  in store..."          "The" song _          Too Much Heaven          _ performed by The Bee Gees, music and lyrics c. by Giorgio Moroder & Tom Whitlock          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6iBAuwBODA          .]           Google-Owned-Youtube Does Not Get "Too Much Heaven" Any More  Using Artificial Intelligence To Needle Nose Target Users For Antique Horror Photos And For Anti Vaping Internet Ads And For East Liverpool Hospital Ads.  ~May 12th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 12th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 11th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          https://stevesleaves.com/product/begonia-cracklin-rosie/          Cracklin' Rosie          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q3m1koy-Mk          performed by Neil Diamond _   "...aah cracklin' rosie git on board   we're gonna ride until there ain't no more to go   hitchin' on a Twilight Train   ain't nothin' i care to take alo-AH-AH-ng   maybe a song   oh i love my   rosie child   you got the way to make me smile   play it now   play it now for me honey   aah   Germany marks the "normally"-for-Germany   UNREMARKED-UPON-V-E-Day   ON MAY EIGHTH IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   with German Chancellor Angela Merkel   giving thanks openly-EE-EE   to The British Prime Minister   -WINSTON CHURCHILL-LED-ALLIES   "for" liberating Germany:          https://www.wsj.com/articles/v-e-day-forged-a-world-still-worth-defending-11588341627          ON MAY EIGHTH NINETEEN FORTY-FIVE (1945)   from the grip of Hitler and The Nazis:          https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/berlin-nazis-public-holiday-ve-day-germany-ww2-a9504996.html          from the grip of Hitler and The Nazis:          https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/berlin-nazis-public-holiday-ve-day-germany-ww2-a9504996.html          oh i love my ANGELA child   you got the way to make me smile   play it now   play it now for me honey   aah cracklin' rosie git on board   we're gonna ride until there ain't no more to go   hitchin' on a Twilight Train   ain't nothin' i care to take alo-AH-AH-ng   maybe a song   NOW!   $TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _FEMALE_ GERMAN CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL   _AND_ POLITICAL _LEADER_ OF THE ENTIRE EUROPEAN _UNION_   "for" FIFTEEN (15):          https://www.thelocal.de/galleries/news/angela-merkel-15-years-as-party-leader/3          $TRAIGHT-CALENDAR YEAR$ NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ONWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +UPWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   TO _OPENLY_   _AND_   "internationally-ee-ee-ee"   _AND_ EMULATING_   "everyone's" _HERO_   _AND_ WORLD WAR TWO-_WINNER_   -Winston Churchill   _AND_ _OPENLY_   _AND_   "internationally-ee-ee-ee"   _AND_ EMULATING_   "our" "personal"   EELAM TAMIL-_HERO_   AUSCHWITZ-HITLER-NAZI   -CONCENTRATION-CAMP$-SURVIVOR   -EVA MOZES KOR:          https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=36401          BY LIBERATING Ceylon-$ri Lanka   -$outh A$ia's-"jewish"   EELAM TAMILS   ONCE _AND_ FOR-A-AH-AH-LL   "from"-CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA'$   GOATAYABAYA-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$-TWENTY-TWENTY (2020):          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94108          +MAHINDHA    -CHINTHANA-RAJAPAK$E   -HITLER-UH-UH-UH-$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539         _AND_  _FROM_  CHINA-HITLER:          https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=29379          -XI JIN PI-EE-EE-EE-NG:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/05/05/asia-pacific/china-blocks-foreigners-from-leaving/          oh i love my   rosie child   you got the way to make me smile   play it now   play it now for me honey..."          "The" song _          https://stevesleaves.com/product/begonia-cracklin-rosie/         Cracklin' Rosie          _ performed by Neil Diamond, music and lyrics c. by Neil Diamond          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q3m1koy-Mk          .]
           Now That On May 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty) You Have "Openly" _AND_ "Internationally" _AND_ Televi$ed "ALL OVER THE PLACE"-Thanked Winston Churchill _AND_ The Allies For _LIBERATING_ Germany From Hitler And The Nazis:          https://www.wsj.com/articles/v-e-day-forged-a-world-still-worth-defending-11588341627          Angela Merkel Onward To Liberating Eelam Tamils:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          From Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -Goatabaya _AND_ Mahindha Rajapakse:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          .  ~May 11th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 11th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 10th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Owner Of A Lonely Heart          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVOuYquXuuc          performed by YES [_NOT_ to be "confu$ed" with OM NAMASIVAYAM:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmNjc_EzQx8          :) _   "...movie sounds   you always live your life   never thinkin' 'bout the future   you are the move you make   see yourself   you are the   shake   shake yourself   you're every move you make   owner of a lonely heart   much better than an   owner of a broken heart   OR so-OH-OH the sto-OH-OH-ry goes   The Obama Administration:          https://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/08/obama-warn-trump-michael-flynn-238116          PACKED with ILLUMINATI   _LIKE_ OBAMA NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER   _AND_ AFRICAN-AMERICAN   _A-A-A_ND_ BRILLIANT   __A-A-AAND_ W-ee-ee-ee-ITH   A FUNCTIONING _HUMAN_ _HEART_   _AND_ NA-AY-AY-AY-MED   _DOCTOR_ SUSAN   R-AI-AI-AI-ICE   who _LITERALLY_ _BE-AY-AY-AY-AY-GGED_   _HER_ OWN USA-PRESIDENT-Obama   to STOP THE GENOCIDE:          https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_
NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          _BEING_ _PERPETRATED_ IN REAL TIME   _AND_ IN REAL SPACE   _AND_ WHILE_ Obama   PO$ED WITH GERMAN CHANCELLOR   ANGELA MERKEL   AT A-OW-OW-OW-U$CHWITZ-BIRKENAU-NAZI    -HITLER-CONCENTRATION CAMP    -TWO-THOU$AND+NI-AI-AI-NE (2009):          https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/the-press-office/remarks-president-obama-german-chancellor-merkel-and-elie-wiesel-buchenwald-concent          The Illu$triou$ Obama Admini$tration   "warned" the "incoming"    TWENTY-SIXTEEN (2016)   Trump Administration   ab-AH-AH-AH-out   Michael Flynn   Michael Flynn _HIM$ELF_ pleaded guilty   and NOT _ONCE_   but _TWICE_ "already"   T-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH   the charge of LYING   to the FBI:          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/07/opinion/michael-flynn-charges-dropped.html          "therefore" USA President Trump-TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-(2020):          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52584193          YOUR USA STATE DEPARTMENT   reve-UH-UH-UH-r$ing course   _WHILE_ "the world" is "understandably"   "distracted'" "by"   The Covid-19   CORONA-UH-UH-UH-VIRUS   global pandemic   on May 7th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)   is _BEYOND_ egregious   IN ADDITION:          https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/07/politics/trump-valet-tests-positive-covid-19/index.html          the valet _OR_ valet   who tested POSITIVE    for" Covid-19 OR CORONAVIRU$   brought _DIET_ iced tea to you   USA President Trump   DIET _ANYTHING_ I$ _BEYOND_   _AND_ extremely   _UN_healthy for human   consumption:          https://www.consumerreports.org/healthy-eating/is-iced-tea-good-for-you/          say the experts   +ILLUMINATI-EA_EA_EA   movie sounds   you always lived your life   never thinkin' 'bout the future   you are the move you make   see yourself   you are the   shake   shake yourself   you're every move you make   owner of a lonely heart   much better than an   owner of a broken heart   OR so-OH-OH the sto-OH-OH-ry goes..."          "The" song  _          Owner Of A Lonely Heart          _ performed by Yes, music and lyrics c. by Trevor Rabin, Jon Anderson, Chris Squire, & Trevor Horn          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVOuYquXuuc          .]           Michael Flynn Pleaded _TWICE_ (2X):          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/07/opinion/michael-flynn-charges-dropped.html          To Lying To The FBI Not Just Once!  Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! President Trump.  ~May 10th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8½" (eight and a half inches) x 11" (eleven inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 10th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 9th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Magic          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfC0mxY2OAs          performed by Pilot _   "...whoa oh oh it's magic   never believe it's not sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-RE   it's magic   you knooooooooooooooooooooooooooow   EELAM TAMILS   "on location"   IN The Tiny Village AH-AH-AH-Of Uduvil   The Village of Joyce Pathmawathi Mann Sherrard   located EE-EE-EE-in   -Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$-AH-AH-outh A$ia   can "e-EE-EE-ven"   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   "rec-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-eive"   ALLEGED   -mercy-filled   "handouts"   from HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$   -RAJAPAK$E$   ON May 7th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)   says the _Asian Tribune_   internet new$ $-o-u[-R-E-]-OU-R$E-outlet~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93977          but _NEVER_ _EVER_ _CA-A-A-A_N_ "they" _REC-ee-ee-ee-ee-EIVE   _LIFE_ + _LIBERTY_   from Sinhale-EE-EE-EE-$e-Nazi$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/be-a-hitler-the-dark-matrix-that-can-destroy-sri-lanka/          _NEVER_ self-determination   ~_NEVER_   _EVER_   "since" CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN-THIRTY   -NI-AI-AI-NE (1939):          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          ~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _NEVER_   100% _FREEDOM_   _FROM_ _RAJAPAK$E-UH-UH-UH-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          ON _ANY_ "term$" WHAT$OEVER   -HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ -RAJAPAK$E$   -FORE-e-e-VER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          whoa oh oh it's magic     never believe it's not sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-RE   it's magic  never believe it's not sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-RE   you knooooooooooooooooooooooooooow..."          "The" song _          Magic          _ performed by Pilot, music and lyrics c. William Lyall & David Paton           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfC0mxY2OAs          .]          Eelam Tamils Can Even Receive Touted Handouts:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93977          From Hitler:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Rajapakses:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          But Never Life Itself And Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          ~Oops!  ~May 9th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 9th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          A Solitary Man          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfePjpCiGjM          performed by Neil Diamond _   "...Jeremy was mine   until the time   that i found him   holding Heather   loving Her   don't know that i will   but until   i can find me   a man who'll stay   who won't play   b-EE-ehind me   i'll be what i am   a solitary-BEING   a solitary-BEING   i've had it to "here"   being "where"   love is a small word   a small time thing   favoring/favouring   INNOCENTLY went   AH-AH-on INTERNET-$EARCH-GIANT-GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   jut the other day   "f-AH-AH-ound" pointing   straight at my STRAIGHT-heart   A-A-AND STRAIGHT-soul    A-A-AND STRAIGHT-reputation   _AND_ "recommended" " f-AH-AH" "me"   by-AI-AI-AI   Google  -Amazon   -Artificial Intelligence  -Automated   -Computer-Algorithms   +Needle-No$ed   +$pecifically "for" me   f-AH-AH-or _ME_  -specifically   A-A-AND labeled "recommended for you"-Noah Cyrus    singing   I Got So High   I Saw Jesus:          https://www.google.com/search?channel=cus2&client=firefox-b-1-d&q=noa+cyrus+i+got+
so+high+i+saw+jesus          sa-AH-AH-d to say   that "we" have reliable   A-A-AND  legal   A-A-AND trustworthy   -legal USA   legal records   dating back   to calendar year nineteen sixty-seven (1967)   ~OOH-OOH-OOH- OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and absolutely positively   no one located at any of our locations   h-AH-AH-ave EVER been QUOTE UNQUOTE "hi-AI-AI-gh"   on _ANYTHING_ _BUT_ the sound of one another's voices   OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   i'll be what i am   a solitary-BEING   a solitary-BEING   i've had it to "here"   being "where"   love is a small word   a small time thing   favoring/favouring   data-GATHERING-24/7-CONFLUENCE    _AND_  INTERNET-$EARCH-GIANT-GOOGLE-OWNED   -YOUTUBE   INNOCENTLY went  AH-AH-on INTERNET-$EARCH-GIANT-GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   just the other _DECADE_   A$ IN A _DECADE_   that'$ LONGER THAN TEN [10] YEAR$   and "eve-UH-UH-r" since   AND_ "recommended" "by-AI-AI"   Google-Amazon-Artificial Intelligence   -Automated-Computer  -Algorithms   -Needle-No$ed+$pecifically "for" me  f-AH-AH-or _ME_  -specifically   _TAILORED_ weight-LO$$   nutrition-recommendation   wai$t-LO$$-PLAN$   you-OO-OO NAME it   weight-lo$$ "everything"   gu-EY-EY-e$$ wh-AH-AH-at???????????????????????????   weighing ONE HUNDRED+EIGHT POUNDS   n-AH-AH-ot kilos   n-AH-AH-ot   t-AH-AH-AH-onnes   IN MIDDLE-AGE   is _NOT_   "permi$$ion" "for"   NEEDLE-NO$ED+POINTED  +INTERNET-REPUTATION-INJURING   A-A-AND TARGETING   "all over" The Internet   "fo-AH-AH-r" weight-LO$$ programming   i'll be what i am   a solitary-BEING   a solitary-BEING   i've had it to "here"   being "where"   love is a small word   a small time thing   favoring/favouring   OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
"          "The" song _          Solitary Man          _ performed by Neil Diamond, music and lyrics c. by Neil Diamond           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfePjpCiGjM          .]          Had It To "Here" Dealing With Love As "A Small Word" Tired Of Being Wrongly Needle-No$ed "Targeted" By FaceBook-Google YouTube Amazon Automated:          https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2020/03/23/facebook-moderators-coronavirus/          Algorithms.  ~May 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 8th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)  Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 7th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          After The Lovin'          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGd6yRCjC8Q          performed by Engelbert Humperdinck _   "...so i sing you to sleep   after the lovin'   with a song i just wrote   yesterday   and i hope you can hear   what the w-UH-UH-UH-ords   and the music ha-AH-AH-AH-ve to say   it's so hard to explain   everything that i'm feeling   face-to-face   as i see you go by   i just love you so much   that the s-AH-AH-AH-ound   of your voice   makes me high   "When" The Hitler   -Xi Jin Ping   -Government of China   -Ea-EE-EE-$t A$ia   $INGLE-MINDEDLY   +INTENTIONALLY   +ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%)   -GENOCIDALLY:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          +PLANFULLY:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          +_UTTERLY_   -_DEVA$TATED_   EELAM TAMILS   as ONE SINGLE WHOLE _UNIFIED_   -_COMMUNITY_   by _FUNDING_:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Ceylon   -$ri Lanka   -$outh A$ia   -GOVERNMENT    -RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          _GENOCIDE_   perpetrated   AH-AH-on MINORITY   ETHNIC GROUP EELAM TAMILS:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms?from=mdr          BY-AI-AI-AI CHINA-EA$T-A$IA   XI JIN PING-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$   "the-UH-UH" "w-UH-UH-UH-orld"   "re$ponded"   with what NOBEL PEACE PRIZE-WINNER   -ANGLICAN ARCHBISHOP   DESMOND TUTU   with SHEER POETRY   -LABELED/LABELLED   "a deafening global silence":          https://www.theelders.org/news/sri-lanka%e2%80%99s-disturbing-actions-met-%e2%80%98deafening-global-silence%e2%80%99          _A-A-AND_ _ NO ONE _HEARD_ HIM   and what "we"   EMINENTLY   -_NON_-NOBEL PEACE-PRIZE-WINNING   EELAM TAMILS   _ST-I-I-I-LL_ CLINGING TO _LIFE_   _LIBERTY_ _AND_ THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS   I-ee-ee-N CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   _a-AH-AH-re_ HEART-BREAKINGLY   +HEART-ACHINGLY   A-AND   -PHY$ICAL-_LIFE_   -BROKENLY   -labeling/labelling   "AN"-INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED   24/7/366   -I-I-I-N_LEAP-YEAR   -CALENDAR YEAR-TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   _A-a-a-N_ _INTERNATIONALLY_   -"$tar"-$TUDDED   A-A-AND-OPEN   +INTERNATIONAL   +QUEEN ELIZABETH II   _AH-AH-AND-$O-CALLED-COMMONWEALTH-LED:          https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/queen-elizabeth-ii-shakes-hands-with-sri-lanka-president-news-photo/145794407?adppopup=true          _CELEBRATION$$$$$$$$$$$$_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          AH-AH-of   $RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-CHINA-GOVERNMENT-_FUNDED_-    _GENOCIDE_   ON MINORITY ETHNIC GROUP   EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   who _ARE_   $TILL   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   "routinely" _AND_ _FORCIBLY_   _AND_ IN _DIRECT_   _VIOLATION_ OF WORLD WAR II-REFOULEMENT LAW$   _A-A-A-ND_ RETURNED   TO HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$   IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA:          https://thediplomat.com/2014/02/asia-plays-the-nazi-blame-game/          "even" "BY" Her Excellency   GERMAN CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL:         "TO" HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$ IN $RI LANKA   INCLUDING   _RETURNING_   PHY$ICALLY _DYING_-EELAM TAMILS:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          _NOW_ the   th-AH-AH-at HITLER-XI JIN PING-CHINA-EA$T A$IA-GOVERNMENT-CREATED   CORONA VIRU$   -COVID-19   -GLOBAL PANDEMIC   I$ DEVA$TATING-THE ENTIRE-GLOBE-TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   AND THE _ENTIRE_ PLANET'$ FRAGILE ECONOMIE$   +MEDICAL-LIFE-$AVING-INFRA$TRUCTURE$:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/05/03/asia-pacific/china-mocks-us-coronavirus-response-lego-animation/          THE-uh-uh   GOVERNMENT OF HITLER   -XI JIN PING   -CHINA-EA$T A$IA   finds it _NECE$$ARY_ to-OOH-OOH   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "d-EE-EE-efend" it$elf AGAIN$T THE QUOTE UNQUOTE  INDEFEN$IBLE   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/04/asia/china-us-coronavirus-spat-intl-hnk/index.html          so i sing you to sleep   after the lovin'   with a song i just wrote   yesterday   and i hope you can hear   what the w-UH-UH-UH-ords   and the music ha-AH-AH-AH-ve to say   it's so hard to explain   everything that i'm feeling   face-to-face   as i see you go by   i just love you so much   that the s-AH-AH-AH-ound   of your voice   makes me high..."          "The" song  _          After The Lovin'          _ performed by Englebert Humperdinck, music and lyrics c. by Alan Bernstein & Ritchie Adams          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGd6yRCjC8Q          .]          "When" Hitler-China:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          -Ea$t A$ia-XI JIN PING 100%-Nakedly-Genocidally+Planfully:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          -Devastated Ethnic Minority Eelam Tamils:          "On Location:"          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          In HITLER:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia:          Sri Lanka The World "Re$ponded" With "A Deafening Global Silence:"          https://web.archive.org/web/20180818115944/http://theelders.org/article/sri-lankas-disturbing-actions-met-deafening-global-silence          .  ~Oops!  _HOWEVER_ "NOW" That Hitler-China-Ea$t A$ia-XI JIN PING'$ _GOVERNMENT_ _I$_ "re$pon$ible" "for" THE CORONAVIRU$-COVID-19-GLOBAL PANDEMIC XI JIN PING "feels the need" to _DEFEND_ "the" INDEFEN$IBLE-2020:          https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/04/asia/china-us-coronavirus-spat-intl-hnk/index.html          .  ~May 7th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 7th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 6th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          The Year Of The Cat          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak_MTXQALa0          performed by Al Stewart _   "...on a morning from a Bogart movie   in a country where they turn back time   she comes out of the RAIN   in a silk dress   running   like a watercolor [watercolOUr]  in the rain   don't bother asking for explanations   Google will just tell you   there is absolutely _NO_ "connection"   between   the _MALE_ teenager   VIEWED on your real-time-real physical sp-AY-AY-ace   -_PRIVATE_ _USA_ _LEGAL_ _PROPERTY_-ya-AH-AH-rd   a teenager who only _EVER_ mows YOUR la-AH-AH-wns   and the carefully-TARGETED   -GOOGLE-owned-YOUTUBE-BADLY-SCARRED+FACED-MALE-TEENAGER-BA$ED-VAPING-ads   targeting YOO-OU   when NO ONE at your locations _EVER_   V-AY-AY-APE$   HEAVEN FORBID   OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   on a morning from a Bogart movie   in a country where they turn back time   she comes out of the sun   in a silk dress   running   like a watercolor [watercolOUr]  in the rain   don't bother asking for explanations   Google will just tell you   there is absolutely _NO_ "connection"   between   TARGETING _YOU_   for GRAMMARLY ads   ad nauseum   _AND_ _YOUR_ perfect   -DECADES-AGO-ALREADY   -Graduate Record Examination   -American-English Language Sco-OH-OH-re   which _CANNOT_ be improved up-OH-OH-on   OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and _YOUR_ "wrong"-skin color/COLOUR   and your "wrong" ethnic-$ounding   LA-AH-AH-$T n-AY-AY-AY-ame   ~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   all RICHLY de$erving+GOOGLE-determined   of GRAMMARLY-YOUTUBE-GOOBLE [GOOBLE  is a deliberate-artistic-license-wrong-spelling-of-Google!]-AD NAU$EUM-A-A-A-A-D$   OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   on a morning from a Bogart movie   in a country where they turn back time   she comes out of the sun   in a silk dress   running   like a watercolor [watercolOUr]  in the rain   don't bother asking for explanations   Google will just tell you   there is absolutely _NO_ "connection"   between   the _DAILY_   pre-recorded   ROBOCA-AH-LLS   in a PRE-recorded _FEMALE_ voice-recording   to _YOUR_   LEGAL LANDLINE TELEPH-OH-OH-ONE(S)   for days ad nauseu-UH-UH-UH-m   from WORCESTER-MASSACHUSETTS-BASED   -SALMON HEALTH SERVICES   and-CHINA-BA$ED-organized cr-i-i-ime   OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..."          "The" song _          The Year of The Cat          _ performed by Al Stewart, music and lyrics c. by Al Stewart and Peter Wood:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ak_MTXQALa0          .]          USA-Ba$ed-Internet-$earch-Engine-Google Will Tell You:   There Is Absolutely No Connection Between Illegal Real Time Real Space USA Physical Soil Surveillance And Google Internet Ads Oops!  ~May 6th, 2020)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 6th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)  Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 5th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          A Time For Us          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-M7L7_M8gg          performed by Engelbert Humperdinck _   "...a time for us   A genocide:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          -FREE   Independent Eelam Tamil Homeland   someday there'll be    when chains are torn   by courage born   of a love that's free   a time when dreams   so long denied   can fl-AH-AH-AH-ourish   as "we" EELAM TAMILS    _AND_ NON-EELAM TAMILS   AROUND THE WORLD   _AND_ "on location" in    Ceylon   -$ri Lanka   -$outh A$ia   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   as "we" unveil the love "we" now must hide since calendar year nineteen   thirty-ni-AI-AI-AI-ne (1939):          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          ~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   +GOOGLE +YOUTUBE   ONLINE-advertisers   WHY???????????????????????????   on God's Earth do _YOU_???????????????????????????   even _BEGIN_   THINKING that   any persons at    "our" location(s)   have _EVER_   had   "a fear of arthritis"   and/or "a current"   "arthritis" problem???????????????????????????   _OR_ any "need"   for "arthritis" "medications"???????????????????????????   _OR_ "even" PHYSICAL-"arthritis"   "exercises"   _OR_ "even" "An American-English"   -Grammarly-FIXABLE   -American-English   -GRAMMAR-problem??????????????????????????   a time for us   A genocide:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden
_genocide.html          -FREE   Independent Eelam Tamil Homeland   can fl-AH-AH-AH-ourish   flourish   as we   as we unveil   the love   for an INDEPENDENT EELAM TAMIL HOMELAND   we now must hide   "A" t-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-ime   for us   at la-ah-ah-ah-st   to see   a life   worth-wh-i-i-i-i-i-i-le   for you and me  _AND_ _FOR- _A-AH-AH-LL_ Eelam Tamils   and with    and with   our love   through tears and poems   we will endure   as we pass   surely   through every storm   a time for us   some day there'll be   a n-YOO-YOO-YOO-ew world   a w-UH-UH-UH-orld of shining ho-OH-OH-pe   for you and me   a w-UH-UH-UH-orld   of shining ho-OH-OH-pe   for you and me   +$MACK+DAB   +IN THE FACE$ OF   CHINA-EA$T A$IA   -XI JIN PING HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$   _AND_ CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   -GOVERNMENT   -RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          a shining world   a n-YOO-YOO-YOO-ew world   a w-UH-UH-UH-orld of shining ho-OH-OH-pe   for you and me   a w-UH-UH-UH-orld of shining ho-OH-OH-pe   for you and me...
"          "The" song _          A Time For Us          _ performed by Englebert Humperdinck, music c. by Nino Rota and lyrics c. by Larry Kusik and Eddie Snyder          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-M7L7_M8gg          .]          In The Face Of Hitler-China-Xi Jin Ping'$$$$$$$$$$$$ Control:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          Over Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia _Government_ Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          There _WILL_ Be Freedom From Hitlers For _Everyone_ In Sri Lanka:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          .  ~May 5th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 5th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)  Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 4th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Lawyers, Guns, & Money          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKlS3G6QWIw          performed by Warren Zevon _   "...i went home with "The Truth:"          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          the way  i always do   how was i to know???????????????????????????:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          JULIAN ASSANGE WOULD SPEND   YEARS+YEARS+YEARS+YEARS   IN JAIL???????????????????????????   JULIAN ASSANGE GAMBLED   WITH HIS OWN   PHYSICAL   +SPIRITUAL +EMOTIONAL +FINANCIAL +POLITICAL+_LIFE_   BY STAYING   AT THE ECUADORIAN   EMBASSY IN LONDON-THE UK   -THE EUROPEAN UNION   send lawyers guns and money   GERMAN CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL   to get JULIAN ASSANGE   out of this   $TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ON MAY THIRD TWENTY-TWENTY (2020) :          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93942          $MACK+DAB+IN-THE-MIDDLE-OF    -COVID-19-CORONA VIRU$   -GLOBAL PANDEMIC   julian assange   is an innocent bystander   somehow he   julian assange   got stuffed by all-THE-BIDEN-INCLUDED   -power$$$$$$$$$$$$-THAT-BE   including by _YOU_ German Chancellor ANGELA Merkel   INCLUDING BY OVERwhelmingly   -POWER-filled-obama:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          -bush+trump crowd of powers   FREE WIKILEAKS:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          _FOUNDER_+HUMAN RIGHTS HERO   -TO EELAM TAMILS-MAY THIRD-TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   +INTERNATIONALLY   -JULIAN ASSANGE STAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   MAY THIRD TWENTY-TWENTY (2020):          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93942          _AND_ _LIFT_ the COVID-19   -FREEDOM-INJURING-restrictions:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93950          -on location-in   Hitler:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          GOATABAYA   -ceylon-sri lanka-south asia-twenty-twenty:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/curfew-illegal-sumanthiran-urges-human-rights-commission-to-intervene/          as per SUMANTHIRAN   whose pleadings   for lawyers guns and money   went one hundred percent (100%)   _AND_ unheard-OF   in the worst of the calendar year two-thousand+nine (2009)   $RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT-GENOCIDE:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          perpetrated on EELAM TAMILS:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          _AND_ _CELEBRATED_ "all over"   The United Nation$$$$$$$$$$$$-$ECURITY-COUNCIL:                    https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims                    _AND_ INTERNATIONAL WORLD $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$TAGE-2009 (two-thousand+nine)..."          "The" song _          Lawyers, Guns, and Money          _ performed by Warren Zevon, music and lyrics c. by Warren Zevon          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKlS3G6QWIw          .]          ACHTUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  German Chancellor Merkel Send Lawyers Guns And Money To Free Julian Assange $TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93942          .  ~May 4th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 4th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 3rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Kung Fu Fighting          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKxcDT1G0MQ          performed by Carl Douglas _   "...oh-oh-oh-oh   oh-oh-oh-oh   oh-oh-oh-oh   oh-oh-oh-oh   CHINA:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          +CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA+RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          "every body" CHINA+RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$   everybody wants kung fu fighting   those cats were fast as lighting   it's a little bit frightening   KUNG FU I$ a Chinese art   _BUT_ "they" "did it" with expert timing   THE GOVERNMENT OF HITLER   CHINA   XI JIN PEE-EE-ING   FUNDED THE CEYLON-$RI LANKA-AH-AH   $OUTH A$IA-GOVERNMENT-PERPETRAT-UH-UH-UH-ION   OF GE-JAY-AY-NOC-I-I-I-IDE:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          PERPETRATED ON MINORITY ETHNIC EELAM TAMILS:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-AH   -$OUTH A-EY-EY-EY-$IA:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          NOW that it has long gone   calendar year twenty-twenty (2020)~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   CHINA-FUNDED-GOATABAYA HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$   -RAJAPAK$E$   locking up   MUSLIM LAWYER IN SRI LANKA   HEJAAZ HIZBULLAH:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/gotas-sinhala-only-lawyers-mount-offensive-to-keep-attorney-hejaaz-hizbullah-in-illegal-detention/          MAY $ECOND OF CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   and EVERYBODY'$ _POLITICAL_ HERO   BARACK HU$$EIN OBAMA-AH-AH   HA$ NOTHING TO $AY-ey-ey-ey-ey   "internationally"   _ABOUT_   THI$   EGREGIOU$   HITLER:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/be-a-hitler-the-dark-matrix-that-can-destroy-sri-lanka/          -GOATABAYA RAJAPAK$E   _ACTION_   again$t   HEJAAZ HIZBULLAH   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   THAT'$ _RIGHT_   according to _Foreign Policy_ magazine  HIGHLY-respected   +NOT to be mistaken "for-OR-OR"   U$A-FOX NEW$~OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   U$A-_FOREIGN POLICY_ MAGAZINE   reported tha-AH-AH-AH-t:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          OBAMA-BIDEN   OPENLY+INTERNATIONALLY-ee-ee-ee   "celebrated"   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          -RAJAPAK$E-HITLER-MAHINDHA:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          HITLER-CHINTHANA-RAJAPAK$E~OOH-OOHOOH-OOH--OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:         http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          "all" "over" the 24/7   /365   INTERNATIONALLY-televi$ed-$TA-AY-AY-GE   _CONTINUALLY_ from calendar year two-thousand and nine (2009)   through calendar year twenty-sixteen (2016)   OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   oh-oh-oh-oh   oh-oh-oh-oh   oh-oh-oh-oh   oh-oh-oh-oh..."          "The" song  _          Kung Fu Fighting          _ performed by Carl Douglas, music and lyrics c. by Carl Douglas          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKxcDT1G0MQ          .]          CHINA-Hitler Xi Jin Ping _AND_ Hitler:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          Goatbaya Rajapakse:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Illegally Locking Up Lawyer Hejaaz Hizbullah:          "on location" In Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia REPORTED BY _COLOMBO TELEGRAPH_ On May 2nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/gotas-sinhala-only-lawyers-mount-offensive-to-keep-attorney-hejaaz-hizbullah-in-illegal-detention/          .  ~May 3rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 3rd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 2nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Lord Grenville          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9WL5uk_mwE          performed by Al Stewart _   "...go and tell lord grenville   that the tide is on the turn   it's time to pull the anchor up   and leave the _GENOCIDE_:          http://hrbrief.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Legal-Case-of-the-Tamil-Genocide_30-December-2014.pdf          astern   HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HORRIBLE!!!   'tis to murder the birds crows   by mixing their food with poison:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93929          SAY$ HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -GOATABAYA RAJAPAK$$$$$$$$$$$$e$$$$$$$$$$$$-MOUTHPIECE:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93929          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ ON MAY 1ST, 2020 (twenty-twenty)   HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _NOT_ _HORRIBLE_:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          to murder   Ceylon-$ri Lanka   -$outh A$ia          -EELAM TA-AH-AH-MILS:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          +MUSLIMS   +BURGERS   -BURGERS-who are EUROPEAN-ANCESTRY-SRI LANKA-CITIZENS:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          by perpetrating _UNRELENTING_   +_PLAN_-_FILLED_ ACTS:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94108/          OF UNRELENTING   $RI LANKA _GOVERNMENT_-perpetrated _G-JAY-JAY-ENOCIDE_   perpetrated by -CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA-_GOVERNMENT_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms           HITLE-UH-UH-UH-R$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/if-they-call-you-a-hitler-then-be-a-hitler-and-build-this-country-asgiriya-anunayaka-thero-tells-gotabaya/          _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          PERPETRATED ON _LITERALLY_ _GENERATIONS_:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          of _MINORITY_ ethnic group   +MINORITY-religion-HINDU/HINDOO-EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          ever since calendar year nineteen thirty-nine (1939)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen                    -MOUTHPIECE-SAY$ HITLER-GOATABAYA RAJAPAK$$$$$$$$$$$$e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -MOUTHPIECE~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ ON MAY 1ST, 2020 (twenty-twenty)   HITLER GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   _$TILL_ ACTING   LIKE IT'$   _EMINENTLY_ _NORMAL_   "for"   $RI LANKA   to cough up   HAMBANTOTA-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA port:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          TO HITLER   -XI JIN PING-CHINA    ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   MAY DAY TWENTY-TWENTY   MAY DAY TWENTY-TWENTY   MAY DAY TWENTY-TWENTY..."          "The" song _          Lord Grenville          _ performed by Al Stewart, music and lyrics c. by Al Stewart          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9WL5uk_mwE          .]          Hitler:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Goatabaya Rajapakse Mouthpiece:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93929          "Explain$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" _AND_ _HOW_ Horrible To Murder Crows In Colombo-Ceylon-$ri Lanka _BUT_ _NEVER_ Horrible To Murder Eelam Tamils:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          In Unrelenting Genocidal Slaughters Since 1939:                    http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          .  ~May 2nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 2nd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 1st, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Joy To The World [Jeremiah Was A Bullfrog]          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp7KfG9AjaY          https://www.songfacts.com/facts/three-dog-night/joy-to-the-world          performed by Three Dog Night _   "...JEREMIAH was a bullfrog   was a good friend of mine   never understood a word he said   BUT   IF   i were THE KING of the world   tell you what i'd do   i'd throw away   the cars   and the bars   and the wars   _AND_ END GENOCIDE ON EELAM TAMILS IN   SRI LANKA   -WITH-OR-WITH_OUT_-JEFF BEZO$:          https://fortune.com/2020/04/14/jeff-bezos-net-worth-2020-billionaires-amzn-amazon-stock/          _AND_ HI$-JEFF BEZO$-TWENTY-FOUR-BILLION   -with a "b"   in COVID NINETEEN CORONA VIRUS GLOBAL PANDEMIC-AMAZON-PROFIT$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-2020 [TWENTY-TWENTY] ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   -ONCE-AND-FOR-AH-AH-AH-ALL   -_IN_-CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020):          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          AND _THAT_ _IN_ _ITSELF_   WOULD BE JOY TO THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   JOY TO THE FISHES IN THE DEEP BLUE SEA   JOY TO THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   CHINA-HITLER-XI JIN PING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $AY$ HE i$ supportive AH-AH-of   ~GET THI$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ~HITLER-CHINA-IN$TALLED+CHINA-FUNDED:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          -CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$- RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$-2020 [TWENTY-TWENTY]-PO$T-CORONA-VIRU$-ECONOMY:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          -WHAT A GYNORMOU$-2020[TWENTY-TWENTY]-$URPRI$E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-THAT-I$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~OOP$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          GOVERNMENT-OF-CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   April 30th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93918          ALSO ON April 30th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52482109          US President Trump   tells the world China wants him to lose   the US Presidential election   IN NOVEMBER TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.npr.org/2019/11/28/783529916/trump-angers-china-by-signing-law-backing-hong-kong-protesters          HONG KONG PRO DEMOCRACY PROTESTERS   _AND_ EELAM TAMIL   PRO-DEMOCRACY-PROTESTERS   "on location" in   Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia   stand _TOGETHER_   AND _WITH_ TRUMP   _AND_   AGAINST RAJAPAKSE-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          "on location" in Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia   JOY TO THE WORLD   JOY TO THE FISHES IN THE DEEP BLUE SEA   JOY TO THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..."          "The" song _          Joy To The World          _ performed by Three Dog Night, music and lyrics c. by Hoyt Axton          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dp7KfG9AjaY          .]          USA President Trump Standing _With_ Hong Kong Protesters:          https://www.npr.org/2019/11/28/783529916/trump-angers-china-by-signing-law-backing-hong-kong-protesters          And _WITH_ Eelam Tamils "on location' In Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia _And_ Again$$$$$$$$$$$$t Hitler China Xi Jin Ping:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52482109          .  ~May 1st, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_        © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 1st, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 30th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          If You Leave Me Now          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9_d-sFhmRM          performed by Chicago _   "...if you leave me now   you'll take away the biggest part of me   ooh ooh ooh NO! baby please don't go   _AND_ if you leave me now   you'll take away The Very Heart Of Me   ooh ooh ooh NO! baby please don't go   ooh nutritious fruits and vegetables:          https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200427-frozen-fresh-or-canned-food-whats-more-nutritious          i just want you to stay   a love like ours   is love that's hard to find   how could we let it slip away   we've come too far to leave it _ALL_ behind   if you leave me now   you'll take away the biggest part of me   ooh ooh ooh NO! baby please don't go   _AND_ if you leave me now   you'll take away The Very Heart Of Me   ooh ooh ooh NO! baby please don't go   nutritious fruits and vegetables:          https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200427-frozen-fresh-or-canned-food-whats-more-nutritious          don't go..."     Sung to the tune of "          If You Leave Me Now          "by Chicago, tune and lyrics c. Peter Cetera          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9_d-sFhmRM          ].    If You Leave Nutritous Fruits+Vegetables:          https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200427-frozen-fresh-or-canned-food-whats-more-nutritious          .  ~April 30th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED April 30th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 29th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          If You Go Away          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evjggkDw-ls          performed by Dusty [female] Springfield _   "...if you go away   on this november day   then you may as well   take the sun away   but if you stay   i'll make you a day   like no day has been   or ever will be   we'll ride on the rain   we'll stay on the sun   we'll talk to the trees   and worship the wind   the government of GERMANY   in the person of   German Chancellor Angela Merkel   has presented   THE GOVERNMENT OF HITLER-china-ea$t a$ia  -XI JIN PI-EE-EE-NG:          https://nationalfile.com/germany-angers-china-with-162bn-bill-sent-for-coronavirus-damages/          with a bill for the ONE HUNDRED AND $IXTY-TWO BILLION   WITH A "B"   -CORONAVIRU$-CO$T AH-AH-of    The China-BEGAN-IT-ALL   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-NINET-ee-ee-ee-ee-EEN (2019)   in WUHAN PROVINCE-CHINA   _AND_ _BECAU$E_ the _ENTIRE_ _world_   I$ $TILL PAYING THE PRICE   "for" CHINA-EA$T A$IA   _IN_ CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   CORONAVIRUS   GLOBAL PANDEMIC   forever and ever   and ever   and ever   if you go away   on this november day   then you may as well   take the sun away   but if you stay   i'll make you a day   like no day has been   or ever will be   we'll ride on the rain   we'll stay on the sun   we'll talk to the trees   and worship the wind   the government of EELAM TAMILS   in the person of   GOVERNMENT REPRE$ENTATIVE   SAMPANTHAN   "on location" in   Ceylon-$ri Lanka  -$outh A-AY-AY-$ia   IN APRIL TWENTY-TWENTY (2020):          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          _CAN_ _LEGALLY_ approach   The Government of Switzerland:          https://globaledge.msu.edu/countries/switzerland/government          -The European _UNION_   to present THE GOVERNMENT OF HITLER   -china-ea$t a$ia  -XI JIN PING:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          _WITH_ a bill   "for" TWENTY-$EVEN BILLION   yo-oh-OH-OH-EURO$   "the" "bill" "for" EELAM TAMIL BLOOD   AND TREA$URE$ LO$T   TO CHINA'S HEGEMONY   OVER $RI LANKA'$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          INCLUDING _THE NEW YORK TIMES_   reporting of HOW    CHINA got SRI LANKA to cough up an ENTIRE   HAMBANTOTA _PO-OH-OH-RT_~OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          this path effectively   by-pa$$e$   GOVERNMENT OF CHINA'$ _CONTROL over   The United Nations Security Council   _WHICH_ IN May of CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOU$AND AND NINE (2009)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          OPENLY+INTERNATIONALLY   _CONGRATULATED_   CHINA-FUNDED-RAJAPAK$E   HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$   "for"   QUOTE UNQUOTE "defeating"   QUOTE UNQUOTE   "terrori$t$"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "internationally" "labeling"   OPPONENTS OF _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden
_genocide.html          I$ $IMPLE   AND A $URE   TRIED+TRUE   HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$-METHOD:          https://www.sciencespo.fr/mass-violence-war-massacre-resistance/fr/document/general-chronology-nazi-violence.html          for perpetrating _GENOCIDE_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94108         that HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/be-a-hitler-the-dark-matrix-that-can-destroy-sri-lanka/          _NEVER_ PAY "for"   if you go away   on this november day   then you may as well   take the sun away   but if you stay   i'll make you a day   like no day has been   or ever will be   we'll ride on the rain   we'll stay on the sun   we'll talk to the trees   and worship the wind...
"          "The" song  _          If You Go Away          _ performed by Dusty [female] Springfield, music and lyrics c. by Jacques Brel and Rod McKuen          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evjggkDw-ls          .]
           $INCE Germany-The European Union Has "Already" Presented A Corona Virus-Covid-19-Global Pandemic Bill "For" ONE HUNDRED AND $IXTY-TWO-BILLION-With_A-"B"-EURO$ To Hitler-China-Ea$t A$ia-XI JIN PING:          https://www.outlookindia.com/newsscroll/china-gets-130billionpound-bill-from-germany-for-corona-damages/1808037          The Eelam Tamil LEADER Sampanthan _COULD_ Present China With "The" Bill "For" THE GOVERNMENT-OF-HITLER-CHINA-EA$T A$IA-XI JIN PING "FOR" TWENTY-$EVEN BILLION With A "B" EURO$ "CHINA'$" "Price-TAG" "For" Perpetrating _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          "on location":          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden
          On Eelam Tamils On Location In CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOU$AND+NINE (2009):          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          .  ~April 29th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8½" (eight and a half inches) x 11" (eleven inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED April 29th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 28th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          The Way It Is          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOeKidp-iWo          performed by Bruce Hornsby & The Range _   "..."internationally" disrespecting:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/arts-and-culture-52440506          OPPONENT NUMBER ONE   of ceylon-$ri lanka   -$outh a$ia-GOVERNMENT-perpetrator$$$$$$$$$$$$ of GENOCIDE   -HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          GENOCIDE:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          and that's just the way it is   some things will never change   _GENOCIDE_   and eminently _NOT_ begin quote   "sri lanka's civil war"   end quote OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! +WIKIPEDIA:          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lankan_Civil_War          _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_   begin quote   south america's drug cartel violence   end quote   _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          PERPETRATED   on MINORITY ETHNIC GROUP   -eelam tamils   "on location" in   ceylon-sri lanka-south asia:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          and that's just the way it is   some things will never change   "the" LEADER OF THE _ENTIRE_ "free world":          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          BARACK HU$$EIN OBAMA   -P-OH-O$ED   WITH FIR$T LADY   ALL DRE$$ED-UP-AND-TO-THE-NINE$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753            +"all over"   the so-called INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED   24/7/365   RELENTLE$$LY SPOTLIT $TA-AY-AY-AY-AY-AY-GE   calendar year two thousand and nine (2009)   through calendar years twenty-sixteen (2016)   in direct quid pro quo exch-AY-AY-ange   "for" U$A FOUR POINT FIVE  MILLION with an "m"   U$A dollar$:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          and NO AMERICAN$ felt _ANY_ $H-AY-AY-AME   WHAT$OEVER_ "$HAME"???????????????????????????   calendar year two thousand and nine (2009) through calendar year twenty-sixteen (2016)   GOATABAYA-HITLER:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/gotabaya-rajapaksas-three-month-report-card-what-is-the-presidents-game-plan/          RAJAPAKSE   on April 27th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93898          having "finished"   -DEMOLI$HED-IN-GENOCIDE   any _AND_ all political+legal   +spiritual-opposition to _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          perpetrated on EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in ceylon-sri lanka-south asia   MERRILY   proceeding with opposing the quote unquote invisible   CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020) -enemy covid-19 coronavirus~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and that's just the way it is   some things will never change   it's HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/           _LIKE_ GOATABAYA+MAHINDHA CHINTHANA RAJAPAK$E   who _ARE_ the 100% VI$IBLE   _AND_ in BROAD-INTERNATIONAL-$POTLIGHT-VI$IBLE-enemy of _ALL_ minoritie$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/due-process-concerns-in-arrests-of-muslims-in-sri-lanka-says-human-rights-watch/          "on location" in ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia   and that's just the way it is   some things will never change          https://www.nst.com.my/lifestyle/groove/2020/04/587879/showbiz-richard-gere-father-again-age-70          PERHAP$ "we" can $TART AT THE VERY BEGINNING   A VERY GOOD PLACE TO $TA-AH-AH-RT   "begin" by "informing" HOLLYWOOD-MEGA-$UPER$TAR   -RICHARD-HEAD-INTERNATIONAL   -BUDDHI$T-GERE   that UNRECYCLED BABIE$   UNRECYCLED BABIE$   LIKE THE ONE$ THAT HE $EVENTY-YEAR-OLD-RICHARD GERE   I$ POPPING OUT WITH HI$ W-HY-HY-IFE???????????????????????????   ARE DE$TROYING THE ONE _OUR_ ALL ONE BLUE PLANET OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   LE$$ TIME IN BED   RICHARD GERE   MORE TIME ENDING GENOCIDE$   PERPETRATED BY   _YOUR_ RICHARD GERE-HEAD-OF-INTERNATIONAL-BUDDHI$T$-RICHARD-GERE-BUDDHI$T$~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   -FELLOW BUDDHI$T$ "ON LOCATION" IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and that's just the way it is   some things will never change..."          "The" song _          The Way It Is          _ performed by Bruce Hornsby and The Range, music and lyrics c. by Bruce Hornsby           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOeKidp-iWo          .]         The Eelam Tamil Leader Against Sri Lanka Government Perpetrated Genocide Disrespected Internationally $TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/arts-and-culture-52440506          _IN_ CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020) _WHILE_ Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$-Hitler:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Goatabaya-RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$-Is Relentle$$ly+Internationally _Celebrated_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          .  ~April 28th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED April 28th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 27th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Do Wah Diddy Diddy          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43vOAw2sAFU          performed by Manfred Mann _   "...there he was just a-walking down the street   singing do wah diddy dum diddy DUH   United States' President Trump "advises" Americans to drink bleach   scream the 24/7/366   this leap year   calendar year twenty-twenty (2020)   ha$ THREE HUNDRED   +$IXTY-$IX-DAY$ ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   televi$ion   _AND_   new$paper   _AND_   internet-web-new$-HEADLINE$$$$$$$$$$$$   ALL _TOGETHER_   singing do wah diddy dum diddy DUH   any day   any where   any time   any place   singing do wah diddy dum diddy DUH   ALL _TOGETHER_ IN HARMONIZED-CHORU$-in the month of April   in calendar year twenty-twenty (2020):          https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/04/trump-bleach-coronavirus/610690/          there he was just a-walking down the street   singing do wah diddy dum diddy DUH   United States' President Trump _IS_ a _FATHER_   first+foremost   caring for his own children   _EVEN_ political RIVAL   HILLARY CLINTON a bit gob-smacked   at JUST HOW _MUCH_   President Trump's children _ADORE_ him   + gaze towards him _AS_ _A_ _SOURCE_ of comfort   +joy   first+foremost   _AND_ his _OWN_ fellow-American-citizens   +constituencies   before   during   after   polishing up   his "own" DONALD J TRUMP-PUBLIC-image   singing do wah diddy dum diddy DUH   IN SPITE OF NO ONE EXCEPT FOR "US" BELIEVING THIS TO BE _FACT_   President Trump is _NOT_ a medical doctor   _NOR_ an M.D.   _NOT_ a scientist in any way/shape _OR_ form   he is at his wit's _END_   singing do wah diddy dum diddy DUH   _PRECISELY_ _LIKE_ _MOST_ _HUMAN_ _BEINGS_   during this Coronavirus   or COVID-19   GLOBAL PANDEMIC   PRESIDENT TRUMP juggling TRYING to RE-start   the USA-POST-CORONAVIRUS-COVID-19-ECONOMY   "the"   economy   upon which the ENTIRE WORLD'S MOST _BASIC_ _HUMAN_ _RIGHTS_ _DEPEND_ _UPON_   BELIEVE IT OR _NOT_~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _ALSO_ BELIEVE IT OR _NOT_~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   President Trump _WAS_ elected _BECAUSE_ American voters   singing do wah diddy dum diddy DUH   "found" his   DONALD J. TRUMP'$$$$$$$$$$$$   -RAW+UNFILTERED   _MEDIA_ _HABIT_   of "performing"    FREELY+UNFILTERED+WART$$$$$$$$$$$$ +ALL   -in front of TRILLION$$$$$$$$$$$$ of televi$ion camera$   100%-REFRESHING   AFTER the _PREVIOU$_-TO-TRUMP   +_BEYOND_+_MINUTELY_+MICRO$COPICALLY   +TO-THE-NANO-$ECOND   -MANAGED+CHOREOGRAPHED:          https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2016/oct/21/donald-trump/trump-right-deportation-numbers-wrong-talks-about-/          +MA$$AGED+LIGHT+ SOUND-$HOW-ED:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          [THE ASIAN TRIBUNE ARTICLE DEPICTS USA PRESIDENT OBAMA-BEYOND MISTER PERFECT AND FIRST LADY MICHELLE MRS BEYOND-PERFECT GET THI$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PO$ING FOR THE UNIVERSE'S TELEVISION CAMERA$ 2009-2016 _WITH_ CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA HITLER-RAJAPAK$E:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          [-ED]-AD INFINTUM ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   IN ADDITION:  President Trump   _IS_ "a little bit"   of a "mischievous"   +LIGHT-hearted HUMAN   not EXTRAORDINARILY YOUNG   ANY MORE   he likes yanking the chains of the TOO-YOUNG   TOO-serious   television camera-operators   etcetera etcetera etcet-E-RA   there he was just a-walking down the street   singing do wah diddy dum diddy DUH..."          "The" song _          Do Wah Diddy Diddy          _ performed by Manfred Mann, music and lyrics c. by Jeff Barry & Ellie Greenwich          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43vOAw2sAFU          .]          President Trump Is Doing His Best To Be A Father Comforting The World During This Corona Virus COVID-19 Global Pandemic While At His Wit's End And Not Being A Medical Doctor Or Scientist.  ~April 27th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED April 27th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)  Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 26th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Play That Funky Music          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHcYFxU4fMo          performed by Wild Cherry _   "...i was a boogy singer-UH-UH   i never had no problems   ADDRE$$ING   GOOGLE-OWNED   -YOUTUBE-GRAMMARLY   -DIRECTLY-   HELLO???????????????????????????:  PRECISELY _ZERO_ PERSONS LOCATED "HERE-UH-UH"   _EVER_   EXPERIENCE(S) "ISSUES"  _WITH_ PROPER-U$E-OF-AMERICAN-ENGLISH-GRAMMAR!  ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   PLEA$E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   REFRAIN FROM   +DE$I$T+RE$I$T-FROM   CONFU$ING   ARTI$TIC LICEN$E  +NON-PINK+WHITE-$KIN-COLOR/COLOUR   -WITH I$$UE$   -WITH-THE-PROPER-U$E-OF-AMERICAN-ENGLI$H-GRAMMAR   _LIKE_   i never had no problems   PROBLEM$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   the one night music-stands   got me feeling   so lo-OH-OH-OH-ow   just go down   and check out the sho-OH-OH-ow   that's when it hit me   _WHEN_ somebody said   play that funky music   Rajapak$$$$$$$$$$$$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$-BOY:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/be-a-hitler-the-dark-matrix-that-can-destroy-sri-lanka/                    https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/         [- BOY]:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          PLAY THAT FUNKY ME-U-OO-SIC   cuz it's just not that easy   changing rock 'n roll   at ni-I-I-I-ght   a massive group of Sri Lanka lawyers   have petitioned   the Bar Association   of ceylon   -$ri Lanka   -$outh EH-EH-A-AY-$IA   about the   unlawful detention   and lack of   access   to _TOP_ _QUALITY_ NOT-PREJUDICED-AGAIN$T-MU$LIM$   -OF-ANY-COLOR/COLOUR   -$RI LANKA-LEGAL-counsel   for Attorney at Law   Hejaaz   Hizbullah   who was arrested by the HITLER-RAJAPAK$E-CID   on APRIL   FOURTEENTH (April 14th)-TWENTY-TWENTY (2020):          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/150-lawyers-berate-basl-for-failing-to-take-firm-stand-on-arrest-of-lawyer-hejaaz-hizbullah/          i was a boogy singer-UH-UH   i never had no problems   _WHEN_ somebody said   play that funky music-Rajapak$$$$$$$$$$$$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$-BOY:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/be-a-hitler-the-dark-matrix-that-can-destroy-sri-lanka/                    https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          [- BOY]:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          PLAY THAT FUNKY ME-U-OO-SIC..."          "The" song  _          Play That Funky Music          _ performed by Wild Cherry, music and lyrics c. by Rob Parissi          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHcYFxU4fMo          .]          _The Colombo Telegraph_ Reporting On April 25th, 2020 (twenty-twenty) That A Massive Group Of Sri Lanka Lawyers:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/150-lawyers-berate-basl-for-failing-to-take-firm-stand-on-arrest-of-lawyer-hejaaz-hizbullah/          Is Displaying A BEYOND-COURAGEOUS-DEMONSTRATION Of _RESISTANCE_ To Hitler Rajapakse-Goatabaya:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Mahindha-RAJAPAKSE:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          -Hitler Family As Reported By The Colombo Telegraph News April 26th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8½" (eight and a half inches) x 11" (eleven inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+ UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED April 26th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)
Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 25th, 2020 (twenty-twenty): "The" song _          Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr6H1a7YUac          performed by Edison Lighthouse _   "...oh for love grows   where my Rosemary goes   and nobody knows   like me   Remembering   Hitler's Holocaust:          https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/adolf-hitler          is _EMINENTLY_ not "enough"   said Hitler Holocaust Survivor   Eva Mozes-Kor:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWu6mlQC0N0          while she lived and walked and breathed among us:          https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=36401          Never! Again!   screams the Jewish newspaper   available   all over   the internet   and on li-i-i-ne  _The Jerusalem Po-OH-OH-st_   pointing out the importance   of An Independent Jewish Homeland   to shelter Jews   in The Middle East   from surrounding enemies   AND _YET_   An Independent Eelam Tamil Homeland:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          pointing out the importance   of An Independent EELAM TAMIL Homeland   to shelter EELAM TAMILS   "on location"   in Ceylon   -$ri Lanka   -$outh A-AY-AY-$ia-AH-AH   from surrounding HITLER-GOATABAYA   -RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          MAHINDHA RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          -enemies-:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/basil-lies-to-polls-commission-to-justify-running-task-force-on-covid-relief-says-not-a-member-of-any-political-party/          of   _LITERAL_ generation$ of ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia'$ eelam tamils:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          HA$   _NEVER_   _EVER_   _BEEN_   A PRIORITY-Y-Y-   "for" _EITHER   "the" PRE-COVID-19   _OR_ the PRE$ENT COVID-19 "wo-UH-UH-UH-UH-rld"~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _NOT_ $INCE   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939):                              http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen
                              ~OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   oh for love grows   where my Rosemary goes   and nobody knows   like me..."          "The" song _          Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)          _ performed by Edison Lighthouse, music and lyrics c. by Tony Macaulay and Barry Mason          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr6H1a7YUac          .]          "The World"~BUT ESPECIALLY _The Jerusalem Post_ Newspaper Has "Already" _BEEN_  Recognizing Its Obligation To Protect Jews In An Independent State:          https://www.jpost.com/opinion/enough-is-enough-619371          From Enemies For Decades "Already" But Has Never Evinced The Slightest Interest In Protecting Eelam Tamils "On Location" In Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh Asia:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          From Calendar Year Twenty-Twenty (2020) Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$ Rajapakse$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          .  ~April 25th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x  8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND +UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED April 25th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)
Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 23rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Walking On Sunshine          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPUmE-tne5U          performed by Katrina And The Waves _   "...OW nmmm yeah   i used to think maybe you loved me   now baby i'm sure   now every time i go for the mailbox   gotta hold myself down   now i'm walkin' on sunshine   whoah-OH    i'm walkin' on sunshine   whoah-OH   i'm walkin' on sunshine   whoah-OH   otherwise-UNRECYCLABLE-PLASTIC LIDS   TURNED INTO A HABITABLE+BEYOND-SUPER-DUPER-CHIC-H-OH-OH-OME:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/arts-and-culture-52086066          OW nmmm yeah   i used to think maybe RECYCLING PLASTICS loved me   now baby i'm sure   now every time i go for the mailbox   gotta hold myself down   now i'm walkin' on sunshine   whoah-OH    i'm walkin' on sunshine   whoah-OH   i'm walkin' on sunshine   whoah-OH   ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia-AH-AH-AH   CALENDAR YEAR-TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/if-they-call-you-a-hitler-then-be-a-hitler-and-build-this-country-asgiriya-anunayaka-thero-tells-gotabaya/          GOATABAYA+MAHINDHA:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          RAJAPAK$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$e-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          planning to run   ceylon-$ri lanka   -$outh a$ia with _ZERO:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52513989          parliam-UH-UH-UH-ent:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/ready-to-run-country-without-a-parliament-gota-signals-in-interview/          CORONAVIRU$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   COVID-19 GLOBAL PANDEMIC   the beyond-_PERFECT_ EXC-YOO-U$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$E~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   OW nmmm yeah   GOATABAYA-MAHINDHA-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ used to think maybe "the-WHOLE+ENTIRE-JEFF-BEZO$-AMAZON-TRUMP-world" loved them   now baby THEY'RE sure   now every time they go for the mailbox   gotta hold them$elve$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ down   now they're-TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   walkin' on sunshine   OH-OH    now they're-TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   walkin' on sunshine   whoah-OH    now they're-TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   walkin' on sunshine   whoah-OH..."          "The" song _          Walking On Sunshine          _ performed by Katrina And The Waves, music and lyrics c. by Kimberley Rew          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPUmE-tne5U          .]          "We" [EELAM TAMILS "on location" in Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia] _Are_ Walking On Sunshine Because Un-Recyclable Plastics:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/arts-and-culture-52086066          Have "Already" _BEEN_ Turned Into SUPER-DUPER+CHIC-Art-HOMES.  Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$-GOATABAYA-MAHINDHA+GOATABAYA:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          -Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          "Walking On Sunshine" Because JEFF BEZO$-AMAZON+TRUMP-WORLD Loves "Them" $ome Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/ready-to-run-country-without-a-parliament-gota-signals-in-interview/         .  ~April 23rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x  8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED April 23rd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)  Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 22nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Who'll Stop The Rain          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9MXNbpXQ3g          performed by Creedence [the spelling of creedence in the USA-musical-band's name is the correct+just variant of the accurate American-English spelling, and was performed on purpose by the original band] Creedence Clearwater Revival (CCR) _   "...long as i remember   the rain'$ been coming down   like a mystery foreign   confu$ion   on the ground   put me through the _AGES_   trying to find the sun   and i wonder   still i wonder   who'll stop the rain   The Tamil language BBC   on April 21$t [TWENTY-F-I-I-IR$T]   TWENTY-TWENTY (2020) featuring   _TWO_ (2) of ceylon-$ri lanka   -$outh a$ia'$ H-I-I-ITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Mahindha Chinthana Rajapak$e:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$-GOATABAYA   RAJAPAK$E-INCLUD-OOH-OOH-UH-UH-ED:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _LARGE_ _AND_ IN CHARGE IN   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _NOT_ to "mention"   OPENLY   "celebrated" by:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          none _LE$$_   than THE MO$T POWERFUL HUMAN BEING ON PLANET EARTH   U$A-PRESIDENT BARACK HU$$EIN OBAMA   calendar year   2009 (two-thousand+nine)   THROUGH calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and i wonder   still i wonder   who'll stop the rain   -$ri lanka-$outh a$ia'$ HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$   GOATABAYA+MAHINDHA   RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$   A_A-and looking forward to   determined-ahead-of-time   +in advance+beforehand   -_AND_-before-the-election$ "on location" in ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia "even" "begin"   2020 (twenty-twenty)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52364285          _BEFORE_ election$$$$$$$$$$$$   even-begin-A-LA CHINA-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-
DICTATOR$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-IN-GENERAL   -RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   +relentle$$-
winner$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   REGARDLE$$ OF the _ACTUAL_ VO-OH-OH-TE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   long as i remember   the rain been coming down   like a mystery foreign   confusion on the ground   put me through the _AGES_   trying to find the sun   and i wonder   still i wonder   who'll stop the rain...
"          "The" song _          Who'll Stop The Rain          _ performed by Creedence Clearwater Revival, music and lyrics c. by John Fogerty          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9MXNbpXQ3g          .]          Who??????????????????????????? _Will_ STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Goatabaya Mahindha:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52364285          _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          Perpetrated On Eelam Tamils "on location" In Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh Asia???????????????????????????  Will Jeff Bezos Spend "The" Twenty-Four (24 Billion) With A "B"???????????????????????????:           https://www.businessinsider.com/jeff-bezos-net-worth-jumps-23-billion-during-coronavirus-crisis-2020-4          .  ~April 22nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x  8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED April 22nd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 21st, 2020 (twenty-twenty):   "The" song _          Searchlight          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyeGCs0WVTY          performed by Phillip Phillips _   "...take one step   make it count   hold your  breath   then let it out   what's left unsaid   say it loud   can you bring me back to life   when my heart's in smithereens??????????????????????????   FOR _LITERAL_ REAL-TIME-REAL-SPACE   -REAL ONE BLUE PLANET _DECADES_   EELAM TAMILS "on location"   in ceylon-$ri lanka-$-AH-AH-AH-outh a$ia   have been SPLAININ'   a la ricky riccardo   to the covid-19 "world"   _AND_ to the PRE-COVID-19 "w-UH-UH-orld"   that LITERAL GENERATION$$$$$$$$$$$$   OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA'$   HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$   BEGINNING   IN CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939):          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          _AND_ _CONTINUING_ with   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   +ONGOING-HITLER   -TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)-GOATABAYA RAJAPAK$E   HOT! NOW!-HITLER IN $RI LANKA   ON THE NAZI HITLER   ADOLPH'$ _BIRTHDAY_ APRIL 20TH TWENTY-TWENTY (2020):          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/             "on location" in    ceylon-$ri lanka   -$_AH_AH-outh a$ia   EELAM TAMILS   _ARE_ "SPLAININ'   _AND_ _HOW_   HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$-NAZI$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.britannica.com/topic/Nazi-Party          HAD PRECI$ELY nuttin' honey   and _NOTHING_ "on" CEYLON   -$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA-TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)-NAZI$$$$$$$$$$$$~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94108          HITLER'$$$$$$$$$$$$$ NAZI$$$$$$$$$$$$   WERE JAW-DROPPINGLY   LE$$$$$$$$$$$$ NA$TY   THAN $RI LANKA'$$$$$$$$$$$$ HITLER$$$$$$$$$   _NOW_   _BECAU$E_ _EVEN_ HITLER'$$$$$$$$$$$$-NAZI$$$$$$$$$$$   UTTERLY-FAILED   TO $HOOT $URRENDERING   DE$ERTER$   WAVING WHITE FLAGS   THE UNIVERSALLY ACCEPTED SYMBOL   FOR SURRENDERING ENEMIES   _LIKE_ THE NINETY-$EVEN YEAR-OLD (97) AU$TRIAN DEFECTOR _FROM_ THE NAZI PARTY:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-52353369          THAT THE B-B-C   NEWS REPORTED ON   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY   -FOURTEEN (2014)   AND AGAIN IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $URRENDERING AU$TRIAN DE$ERTER$   LIVED   GENERATION$   WHILE   LITERAL GENERATION$$$$$$$$$$$$   OF EELAM TAMILS   _DIED_:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          ALL _BECAU$E_   HITLER'$$$$$$$$$$$$ NAZI$$$$$$$$$$$$   WERE JAW-DROPPINGLY   LE$$$$$$$$$$$$ NA$TY   THAN $RI LANKA'$ HITLER$$$$$$$$$   GOATABAYA RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$-TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   take one step   make it count   hold your  breath   then let it out   what's left unsaid   say it loud   can you bring me back to life???????????????????????????   when my heart's in smithereens..."          "The" song _          Searchlight          _ performed by Phillip Phillips, music and lyrics c. by Phillip Phillips & Jon Green          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyeGCs0WVTY          .]          Hitler'$$$$$$$$$$$$-Nazi$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-52353369          Were Indeed Jaw-Droppingly Le$$$$$$$$$$$$ Na$ty In That They Utterly Failed To Shoot Deserters And Surrrendering Enemies Waving White Flags:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94108/          .  ~April 21st, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x  8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED April 21st, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 20th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Take My Breath Away          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx51eegLTY8          performed by Berlin _   "...JEFF BEZO$   take my breath aw-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-AY   take my breath aw-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-AY   watching every motion   in my foolish lover's   g-AY-AY-ame :          https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39791          all this _GENOCIDAL_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          ocean   finally lovers know your HITLER$$$-RAJAPK$E-FOREVER-IN-HI$TORY:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          sh-AY-AY-AY-ame   EELAM TAMILS -AH-AH-AH-AH-on "loc-AY-AY-AY-ation" I-I-I-N   ceylon   -$ri lanka    -$ah-ah-ah-outh   AY-AY-$IA-AH-AH-AH-AH   watching in slow motion   as you turn around and say-ay-ay-AY   take my breath aw-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-AY   JEFF BEZO$   take my breath aw-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-AY   take my breath aw-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-AY   watching every motion   in my foolish lover's g-AY-AY-ame :          https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39791          all this _GENOCIDAL_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_
genocide.html          ocean   finally know your sh-AY-AY-AY-ame   JEFF BEZO$   HOW'$ _ABOUT_   PUTTING _ALL_ That Princeton Univer$ity   Edu-MA-C_AY-AY-ATION   to _TRUE_ U$E    -AH-AH-AH-AH-on   "loc-AY-AY-AY-ation"   I-I-I-N   ceylon   -$ri lanka    -$ah-ah-ah-outh   AY-AY-$IA-AH-AH-AH-AH   watching in slow motion   as you turn around and s-AY-AY-AY-ay   take my breath aw-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-AY   JEFF BEZO$   take my breath aw-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-AY   by $PENDING TWENTY-FOUR (24) BILLION   in U$A DOLLAR$   IN AMAZON DOT COM COVID-19 PANDEMIC-PROFIT$   $ETTING EELAM TAMIL$ FREE _FOREVER_ FROM RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          JEFF BEZO$   take my breath aw-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-AY   take my breath aw-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-AY...
"          "The" song _          Take My Breath Away          _ performed by Berlin, music and lyrics c. by Giorgio Moroder & Tom Whitlock          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bx51eegLTY8          .]          Jeff Bezos:          https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/apr/15/amazon-jeff-bezos-gains-24bn-coronavirus-pandemic          Take The Breath Of Eelam Tamils Away On The Anniversary Of Adolph Hitler'$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Birthday April 20th, 2020 (twenty-twenty) By Buying Eelam Tamils "On Location" In Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh Asia Their Own _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          Free EELAM TAMIL-Homeland-$TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x  8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 20th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram   PHOTO COPYRIGHT c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)
Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 19th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Crazy On You          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc24rLjdIS4          performed by Heart _   "...stealing time   the time i think about it   i think of crying   crazy on you   cr-ay-ay-ay-zy on you          https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-52336209         HEART _BREAKING_   A$ UNITED KINGDOM-UK-ENGLAND COVID-19   CORONA VIRU$ COVID-19   GLOBAL PANDEMIC NUMBER$   IN THE UK CRA$H PA$T FIFTEEN-THOU$AND (15,000)   ON APRIL EIGHTEENTH (18TH) TWENTY TWENTY (2020)   stealing time   the time i think about it   i think of crying   crazy on you   cr-ay-ay-ay-zy on you   _EMINENTLY_ NOT_ HEART-BREAKING   $CREAM THE _ZERO_ INTERNATIONAL   TELEVI$ION NEW$   $CREAM THE _ZERO_ INTERNATIONAL   PRINTED-ON-PAPER-NEW$   $CREAM THE _ZERO_ INTERNATIONAL   GOING VIRAL ALL OVER THE INTERNET-NEW$   PRE$UMING   _ZERO_ HEARTS_ _BREAKING_ "when get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND   ETHNIC MINORITY   RELIGIOUS MINORITY   DARK SKINNED   EELAM TAMILS   ARE _LITERALLY_ BOMBED:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          INTO THE _LITERAL_ REAL-TIME   REAL-SPACE   REAL ONE BLUE IRREPLACEABLE ONE BLUE PLANET GROUND   "BY" _LITERAL_ REAL-TIME REAL-SPACE REAL-ONE BLUE PLANET   _LITERAL_ GENERATION$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          -_GOVERNMENT_-RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          stealing time   the time i think about it   i think of crying   crazy on you   cr-ay-ay-ay-zy on you          https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/queen-elizabeth-ii-greets-sri-lanka-president-mahinda-news-photo/145794408          QUEEN ELIZABETH II   monarch of England   E$$ENTIALLY   _CONGRATULATING_ MAHINDHA "CHINTHANA" RAJAPAK$E-HITLER:           https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          -OF-CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   on perpetrating GENOCIDE:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          PERPETRATED UPon ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia'$ ethnic minoritie$   WHO'D A THUNK IT   "we" are taking   artistic license here "we" are more than beyond aware of correct English grammar~ATTENTION:  GRAMMARLY!   stealing time   the time i think about it   i think of crying   crazy on you   cr-ay-ay-ay-zy on you..."          "The" song _          Crazy On You          _ performed by Heart, music and lyrics c. by ‎Ann & Nancy Wilson          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wc24rLjdIS4          .]          "CrAY-AY-azy On You!" COVID-19 Global Pandemic Universe For Screaming Over Fifteen Thousand [15,000] Deaths:          https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-52336209          With_OUT_ Screaming About The Millions Dead By _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          At Hands Of Their Own Hitler-RAJAPAK$E$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          In 2020-Governments Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~April 19th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x  8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE
_ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 19th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram   PHOTO COPYRIGHT c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)  Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 18th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Yummy Yummy Yummy          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4aQiFaCod8          performed by Ohio Express _   "...yummy yummy yummy   i got love in my tummy   and i feel like i'm loving _YOU_   kinda like sugar   kinda like spices   kinda like rajapak$e HITLER$$$$$$$$$:         https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          "on location" I-I-IN   ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia   in CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93811          yummy yummy yummy   i got love in my tummy   and i feel like i'm loving _YOU_   kinda like sugar   kinda like spices   kinda like "the" CORONA VIRUS or COVID-19   twenty-twenty (2020)-W-UH-UH-"world"   "ranking" $ri lanka-AH-AH-ah'$ TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)-Hitler:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/be-a-hitler-the-dark-matrix-that-can-destroy-sri-lanka/          -Goatabhaya-Rajapak$e   -get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   NI-IGH-IGH-NTH~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  A$ IN $HOULDN'T HITLER:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          GOATABAYA:          https://foreignpolicynews.org/2019/12/18/president-gotabayas-foreign-policy-priorities-opportunities-and-challenges/          BE FIR$T???????????????????????????:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52335453          and _NOT_   all the way "down" in NINTH???????????????????????????~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   in his GOATABAYA-HITLER-p-UH-UH-erpetrating-GENOCIDE:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          -on Eelam Tamils in Jaffna-ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          GOATABAYA-TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   -$RI LANKA-"re$p-AH-AH-on$e"-to COVID-19-RANKED NINTH (9TH) IN THE WORLD~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _WHILE_   RANKING$   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%] _ FAILING_   TO "begin" "mention-I-I-Iing"   Human Rights Protecting Group Amnesty International:          https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2020/01/2019-in-review-sri-lanka/          BANNED FROM $RI LANKA   -by Mahindha "Chinthana" Rajapak$e:          https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2013/05/there-are-no-human-rights-sri-lanka/          "for" "merely" STATING:   THERE ARE _NO_ HUMAN RIGHTS IN SRI LANKA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   PRECI$ELY WHAT "ranking"???????????????????????????   would _THAT_ "earn" $RI LANKA'$   HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:         https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.
indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          yummy yummy yummy   i got love in my tummy   and i feel like i'm loving _YOU_   kinda like sugar   kinda like spices   kinda like RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$   along$ide TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   COVID-19 _WORLD_   HITLER$$$$$$$  R-A-A-A-A-ANKING$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
"          "The" song _          Yummy Yummy Yummy          _ performed by Ohio Express, music and lyrics c. by Arthur Resnick and Joey Levine          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4aQiFaCod8          .]          Hitler-Goatabaya:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _AND_ Sri Lanka Government Ranked 9TH (Ninth) In "The [CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020) CORONA VIRUS COVID-19 GLOBAL PANDEMIC]-World":          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93809          "For" Corona Virus Response _BUT_          Ranked NUMBER _ONE_ 1$T IN "The COVID-19-CORONA VIRU$-GLOBAL-PANDEMIC-World":          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_
          "for" _Genocide($)_:          http://hrbrief.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Legal-Case-of-the-Tamil-Genocide_30-December-2014.pdf          HELLO??????????????????????????? WIKIPEDIA "INTERNET" TRUTH "$OURCE":          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lankan_Civil_War          WHAT DO YOU _NOT_ "GET"~$TAT! IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _ABOUT_ _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=36401          _RECOGNIZED_ _OFFICIALLY_ _AS_ A  GENOCIDE-EXPERIENCED-HUMAN BEING+HITLER-HOLOCAU$T-$URVIVOR-EVA MOZES KOR _NOT_ BEING "sri lanka's civil war"???????????????????????????  Perpetrated On Minorities With GOVERNMENT-OF-HITLER-CHINA-EA$T A$IA-XI JIN PING GOVERNMENT-FUNDING:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          .  ~April 18th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
6" (six inches) x 4" (four inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 18th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram   PHOTO COPYRIGHT c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)  Winston, Holly+Douglas Hervey

_ April 17th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          December, 1963 (Oh What A Night)          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDxhugRKZ8g          performed by Frankie Valli And The Four Seasons _   "...oh what a night   late december   back in $ixty-three   what a very special time for me   as i remember   what a night   oh what a covid-19   corona virus   GLOBAL-pand-AY-AY-emic   amazon d-OH-OH-ot com   and its OWNER-jeff   b-AY-AY-AY-ez-OH-OH-os have   profited by   get th-ee-ee-ee-is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "by" TWENTY-FOUR BILLION   with a B   IN U$A do-AH-AH-ll-UH-UH-UH-ar$:          https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/jeff-bezos-net-worth-jumps-23-billion-during-coronavirus-crisis-2020-4-1029093516          a$ a DIRECT RE$ULT   AH-AH-AH-of a   $urge   in ONLINE $H-AH-AH-OPPING   on amazon do-OH-OH-OH-OH-t c-OH-OH-OH-OH-om   online   retail GI-UH-UH-ANT   oh-oh-oh-oh jeff bezos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   how _ABOUT_???????????????????????????   putting all that Princeton Univer$ity _EDU-MAH-CA-AY-AY-TION_   to _ACTUAL_   _U$E_   "by"_ENDING_   G-E-AY-AY-NOCIDE:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          "for" ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a-AY-AY-AY-AY-$ia'$   DA-AH-AH-RK-SKINNED ethnic minority   _AND_ DA-AH-AH-RK-SKINNED   religious _MINORITY_   HINDU/HINDOO-eelam tamils   "on location" in ceylon-$ri lanka-AH-AH-AH   -$-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-outh a$ia   BY $PENDING TWENTY-FOUR BILLION WITH A B   BUYING EELAM TAMILS THEIR _OWN_ GENOCIDE-FREE    HOMELAND CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-Y-Y-Y (2020)???????????????????????????   oh what a night   late december   back in $ixty-three   what a very special time for me   as i remember   what a night   THAT _WOULD_ BE   IND-EE-EE-EED-Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "when"   jeff   b-AY-AY-AY-ez-OH-OH-os   $pend$ U$A TWENTY FOUR BILLION with a B   $etting   $ri lanka'$   eelam tamils   _FREE_   from G-E-AY-AY-AY-AY-NOCIDE:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          O-AH-AH-AH-AH-NCE and for all..."          "The" song _          December, 1963 (Oh What A Night)          _ performed by Frankie Valli And The Four Seasons, music and lyrics c. by Bob Gaudio and Judy Parker          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDxhugRKZ8g          .]          Oh What A Night It Would Be In Deed-y IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020) "When" Jeff Bezos $pends Twenty-Four Billion In _PURE_ Profit$ From Amazon Dot Com And COVID-19 (Nineteen) CORONA VIRU$ GLOBAL PANDEMIC TWENTY-TWENTY (2020) Buying Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia's Eelam Tamils Their Very Own Free From Any All Genocide:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          Eelam Tamil Homeland _IN_ CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 17th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 16th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Sugar, Sugar          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9nE2spOw_o          performed by The [CARTOON CHARACTERS] Archies _   "...oh sugar, sugar   honey, honey   you are my candy eelam tamils:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/shanikas-cartoon-3/          $aid GOATABHAYA   _AND_ MAHINDHA HITLER-RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          CURRENT IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   -GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA-GOATABHAYA _AND_ MAHINDHA   HITLER-RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          oh sugar, sugar   honey, honey   "on locAY-AY-AY-ation" in   Ceylon-$ri Lanka   -$outh A-AY-AY-$ia   ON APRIL FIFTEENTH TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   and you got me wanting you:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          EELAM TAMILS   _AND_ IN A "BA-A-A-D" WAY:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          $aid GOATABHAYA _AND_ MAHINDHA   HITLER-RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          EELAM TAMILS   _ALL_ in $RI LANKA JAIL$   bec-AW-AW-ause   Sri Lanka parliamentary elections   AH-AH-AH-are   coming up   IN CALENDAR YEAR-TWENTY-TWENTY (2020):          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/shanikas-cartoon-3/           $aid GOATABHAYA   _AND_ MAHINDHA HITLER   -RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          oh sugar, sugar   honey, honey   you are my candy eelam tamils:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/12/sri-lanka-satellite-images-witnesses-show-shelling-continues          $AID Government of CHINA-HITLER   -EA$T A$IA   -XI JIN P-I-I-I-ING:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          oh sugar, sugar   honey, honey   you are my candy eelam tamils:                    https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          $AID GOVERNMENT-OF-CHINA-HITLER   -XI JIN PING   "backing" IMRAN KHAN'$   PAKI$TAH-AH-AH-AN   _AGAIN$T   GOVERNMENT OF MODI-HITLER-INDIA-$outh A-AY-AY-$ia:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93793          oh sugar sugar   honey honey   in the _MIDDLE_ of   The CoronaVirus   TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   COVID-19   PANDEMIC  CHINA  MAKING INDIA-PAKI$TAN-CONFLICT OVER   JAMMU+KA$HMIR   -W-UH-UH-OR$E   BUT oh sugar, sugar   honey, honey   ALL THE WORLD'$ CONFLICT$ _AH-ARE_   "candy" "for"   GOVERNMENT-OF-CHINA-HITLER   -XI JIN P-I-I-I-ING   oh sugar sugar   honey honey   you are my candy eelam tamils:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/shanikas-cartoon-3/          $aid GOATABHAYA   _AND_ MAHINDHA HITLER-RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          CURRENT IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   -GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA-GOATABHAYA _AND_ MAHINDHA   HITLER-RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          oh sugar, sugar   honey, honey..."          "The" song _          Sugar, Sugar          _ performed by The [CARTOON CHARACTERS] Archies, music and lyrics c. Andy Kim and Jeff Barry          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9nE2spOw_o          .]
           _All_ "The World'$" Conflict Zones~BUT MO$T E$PECIALLY CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH AS$IA'$ HITLER-RAJAPAK$E'$$$$$$$$$$$$ WAR ON EELAM TAMIL$:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          $erve($) As "Candy" [$UGARY-$WEET-DELIGHT$!] "For" "The" Government Of China East Asia Hitler-Xi Jin Ping Government:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          .  ~April 16th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED     11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 16th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 15th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Girl On Fire          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J91ti_MpdHA          performed by Alicia Keys _   "...she's just a girl and she's on fire   hotter than a fantasy   only like a highway AT ENDING   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          _BEING_ perpetrated "on location:"          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          in Ceylon-$ri Lanka   -$outh A$ia   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   it's now _STRUCTURAL_ _GENOC-I-I-I-IDE_:          https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334274177_Genocide_and_
Structural_Violence_Charting_the_Terrain          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          IN THE _FACE_ of "all this"   _FIRE_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94108         QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"respect" the burial rights of ALL-NON-$inhala-fa$ci$t   totalitarian-Buddhi$t-HITLER$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          facing COVID-19   $CREAM$ THE EXPEN$IVE   ANTONIO GUTERRE$   2020 UNITED NATION$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $ECRETARY   -GENER-UH-UH-AL   in$ide Ceylon-$ri Lanka    -$outh A$ia   and stop hate speech   against Muslims   "on location" in   Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/respect-burial-rights-stop-hate-speech-against-muslims-un-tells-gota/          what _COULD_ be _ADDED_   I-I-is th-I-I-is   ANTONIO GUTERRE$   "we" "you" "everyone"   UNITED STATES PRESIDENT TR-U-U-UMP:          https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnbaldoni/2017/12/27/is-trump-an-americanized-version-of-churchill/#5c8a73ed19e9          AND REINCARNATED WINSTON CHURCHILL(S):          https://www.forbes.com/sites/steveforbes/2014/09/30/what-we-owe-churchill/#3aa99b69e71f          the "world" "community"   is GATHERED _AND_ _DEFEATING_ _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_
genocide.html          BEING perpetrated "by" Ceylon-$ri Lanka   -$outh A$ia'$   HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/srilanka/4613039/Sri-Lanka-plans-to-hold-displaced-Tamils-in-concentration-camps.html          -RAJAPAKSE FAMILY:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          $TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020):          https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          "on location" in   Ceylon-$ri Lanka   -$outh A$ia   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          _BEING_ perpetr-AY-AY-ated   ON dark-skinned ethnic minority   and religious minority   Hindu/Hindoo   -Eelam Tamils   "on location" in   Ceylon   -$ri Lanka   -$outh A$ia   _AND_ GIVE Eelam Tamils their _OWN_   FREE-from-GENOCIDE   -EELAM TAMIL-HOMELAND-2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY):          http://www.ipsnews.net/2013/10/genocide-replaces-separatism-in-tamil-diaspora-vocabulary/          she's just a girl on fire   she's just a girl and she's on fire   hotter than a fantasy   only like a highway AT ENDING   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          _SHE'S_ JUST _CREATING_   an EELAM TAMIL HOMELAND   _WITH_OUT   a 100% _AB$ENCE_ of HINDU+CHRISTIAN-_BURIAL_ RIGHT$ _AND_ _WITH_OUT_   a 100% _AB$ENCE_ of  HUMAN RIGHT$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/88027          _WITH_   100% FREEDOM FROM DEATH:          https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc          -BY-GOVERNMENT-OF-CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA-GENOCIDE ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _WITH_ 100%   FREEDOM TO W-UH-UH-OR$HIP   AT HINDU/HINDOO TEMPLES   WITH_OUT_ MAHINDHA "CHINTHANA" RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$':          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          -PRE$ENCE-IN$IDE-HINDU/HINDOO-TEMPLES:          https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/sri-lankan-president-mahinda-rajapakse-walks-with-devotees-news-photo/98182360           _WITH_ 100% FREEDOM TO WORSHIP GOD IN PEACE   she's just a girl and she's on fire...
"          "The" song _          Girl On Fire          _ performed by Alicia Keys, music and lyrics c. by  Alicia Keys, Salaam Remi, Jeff Bhasker, Billy Squier, and Emily Isbell          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J91ti_MpdHA          .]

           Antonio Guterres Let Us [Lettuce] "You" "We" "The World Community" _UNITE_ AS _ONE_ To End _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_
          Perpetrated "On Location" And In Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia~Stat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~In Calendar Year 2020 (twenty-twenty) ~April 15th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 15th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_April 14th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Just Remember I Love You          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lt6lYiKcik8          performed by Firefall_   "...when you're Eelam Tamil from ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia  and/or kurdish and facing _DAILY_ bombing$   by putin-erdogan-a$$ad+IRAN   and to TOP it all   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   needle-no$ed target$ you   AND _DAILY_   _AND_ RELENTLE$$LY   "all over" the internet   "for" GRAMMARLY AD$   _A$_   _IF_   YOU DID _NOT_   _AND_ _EMINENTLY_ SCORE EIGHT HUNDRED (800)    THE HIGHE$T   _PO$$IBLE_   SCORE ON THE U$A   AMERICAN-ENGLI$H-GRADUATE RECORD EXAMINATION   OR G. R. E.   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   _DECADE$_ AGO _ALREADY_   PRIOR TO CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Just Remember I Love You   _LITERALLY_ _GENERATION$_ of ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia   GOVERNMENT-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _HAVE_ "already" _BEEN_ QUOTE UNQUOTE MILITARIZING _AND_ MERRILY_ _PERPETRATING_ _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc          _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          _NOT egregiou$ $outh american drug cartel violence   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _AND_ "all over"   RELIGIOUS MINORITY HINDU/HINDOO   eelam tamils   "on location in ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia   $ince~get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/sri-lankas-militarisation-of-covid-19-response-infographic-by-itjp/          so "when"   respected internet news source The Colombo Telegraph points to the HITLER-$RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT militarization of COVID-19 IN TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   "we" continue applauding    journalistic integrity   in _ALL_ its iterations   THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   when you're eelam tamil from ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia  and/or kurdish and facing _DAILY_ bombing$   by putin-erdogan-a$$ad+IRAN   and to TOP it all   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   needle-no$ed target$ you   AND _DAILY_   _AND_ RELENTLE$$LY   "all over" the internet   "for" GRAMMARLY AD$   _A$_   _IF_   YOU DID _NOT_   _AND_ _EMINENTLY_ SCORE EIGHT HUNDRED (800)    THE HIGHE$T   _PO$$IBLE_   SCORE ON THE U$A-AMERICAN-ENGLI$H   GRADUATE RECORD EXAMINATION   OR G. R. E.   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   _DECADE$_ AGO _ALREADY_   PRIOR TO CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Just Remember I Love You..."          "The" song _          Just Remember I Love You          _ performed by Firefall, music and lyrics c. by Rick Roberts          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lt6lYiKcik8          .]          We Applaud And Continue Asking The Internet TV And Print World To Openly And Internationally Applaud The Highest Standards And Extraordinary-Journalistic-Integrity Of International News Source _The Colombo Telegraph_ For Pointing Out Sri Lankan Government Militarization:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/sri-lankas-militarisation-of-covid-19-response-infographic-by-itjp/          Of The International Calendar Year Twenty-Twenty (2020) COVID-19 Pandemic.  ~April 14th, 2020(twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 14th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_April 13th, 2020 (twenty- twenty):  "The" song _          Shine A Little Love          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJuTIxwQw0k          performed by Electric Light Orchestra 1979 (NINETEEN SEVENTY-NINE) _   "...ALTHOUGH the things you've BEEN GREEN ALGAE   i wouldn't criticize   i know it sounds a foolish thing to say   but it don't matter baby   if "the" day's another day   every day i need you more and more   GREEN ALGAE   we've got a good thing goin' on   you shine a LOVE on "OUR" ONE BLUE PLANET-life   you shine a LIFE on "OUR" ONE BLUE PLANET-life   remember tonight we're gonna run tomorrow          https://www.bbc.com/future/bespoke/follow-the-food/the-green-sludge-that-could-transform-our-diets.html         now that "we" [f]all find "our$elve$"   EMINENTLY _N-AH-AH-AH-OT_   "[f]all"   living on   A Yellow Submar-I-I-I-I-I-ine   "We" [f]ALL Live In A Yellow Submarine   now that "we" [f]all find "our$elve$ living   on a $UPER-DUPER-OVER-POPULATED SEVEN-POINT-FIVE-BILLION-POPULATION   ONE BLUE PLANET UH-UH-UH-UH-EARTH   CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   infinitely PRECIOU$   INFINITELY NON-replaceable   INFINITELY-gorgeous   every day i need you more and more One Blue Planet   let's start being OPEN about UNIVER$AL birth control   let's start being OPEN about   INFINITELY $U$TAINABLE   INFINITELY _FANTASTIC_-OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_   for The WE ARE [f]ALL SHARING A ONE BLUE PLANET   _GOOD_ food s-OH-OH-OH-ource:          https://www.bbc.com/future/bespoke/follow-the-food/the-green-sludge-that-could-transform-our-diets.html          GREEN ALGAE   ALTHOUGH the things you've BEEN GREEN ALGAE   i wouldn't criticize   i know it sounds a foolish thing to say   but it don't matter baby   if "the" day's another day   every day i need you more and more GREEN ALGAE   we've got a good thing goin' on   you shine a LOVE on "OUR" ONE BLUE PLANET-life   you shine a LIFE on "OUR" ONE BLUE PLANET-life   remember tonight we're gonna run tomorrow..."          "The" song _          Shine A Little Love          _ performed by Electric Light Orchestra, music and lyrics c. by Jeff Lynne          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJuTIxwQw0k          .]          Green Algae:          https://www.bbc.com/future/bespoke/follow-the-food/the-green-sludge-that-could-transform-our-diets.html          Is A Super Food Source For Our One Gorgeous IRREPLACEABLE Blue Planet's Seven Point Five (7.5):          https://theconversation.com/7-5-billion-and-counting-how-many-humans-can-the-earth-support-98797          Billion Human Beings.  ~April 13th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 13th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_April 12th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          When You're In Love With A Beautiful Woman          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVXVO_vF2Io          performed by Dr. Hook _   "...when you're in love with the most beautiful soul   that you've ever met   in your entire l-I-I-I-ife   you watch their I-I-I-eyes  _The New York Times_ on April 9th, twenty-twenty (2020):          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/08/world/middleeast/saudi-yemen-ceasefire-coronavirus.html          is reporting   that Saudi Arabia   is pausing it's _BEYOND_ expen$ive   +HOLOCAU$T:          https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/introduction-to-the-holocaust          -re$embling-military a$$-AU-AU-AU-aults   on long-starving  +medically-devastated-_ALREADY_   -Houthi minority   _HUMAN_ _B-EE-EE-EINGS_   in Y-AY-em-UH-UH-n [YEMEN]   following   a March 26th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)   REUTERS international   news agency   rep-OH-OH-OH-ort   that Saudi Arabia   paused its military conflict against   Houthis in Y-AY-em-UH-UH-n [YEMEN]   in partial response to Coronavirus   Covid-NINE-tee-ee-een (19):          https://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-security/yemen-warring-parties-back-u-n-truce-call-as-u-s-starts-aid-reduction-idUSKBN21D0KN          _EVERY_ _BODY loves beautiful souls   _EVERY_ _BODY_ loves PEACE   when you're in love with the most beautiful soul   that you've ever met   in your entire l-I-I-I-ife   you watch their I-I-I-eyes..."          "The" song _          When You're In Love With A Beautiful Woman          _ performed by Dr. Hook, music and lyrics c. by Even Stevens          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVXVO_vF2Io          .]          Saudi Arabia Pauses:          https://www.reuters.com/article/us-yemen-security/saudi-led-ceasefire-in-yemen-begins-lifting-hopes-for-peace-idUSKCN21R1HP          Expensive Holocaust:          https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/introduction-to-the-holocaust          -Resembling Military Assaults On Everlastingly-Starved And Medically-Devastated Houthi Minority Human Beings April 12th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 12th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_April 11th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Alone Again (Naturally)          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm4mcCjXW4k          performed by Gilbert O' Sullivan _   "...to think that only yesterday   i was cheerful bright and gay  looking forward to  the role i was about to to play   but as if to knock me down   reality came around   without so much as a mere touch   god in his mercy   if he really does exist   why did he let me down???????????????????????????   in my hour of need   i truly _AM_ indeed   alone again   naturally          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/live/global-52225278          UNITED AGAINST CORONA   VIRUS PANDEMIC   COVID-19 GLOBAL PANDEMIC-SCREAM   THE INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED   _AND_ INTERNATIONALLY-PRINTED   _AND_   _INTERNATIONALLY_ INTERNET-TED WEB NEW$ $ERVICE$   _INTERNATIONALLY_   IN TAMIL   _AND_ IN ENGLI$H   24/7-UNRELENTING   NOW! $TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ONWARD!   UPWARD!  UNITE!   TO _END_ _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          ONCE and for ALL   IN ORDER TO _KEEP_ A FOR ALL TIME   -FOREVER-PROMI$E-MADE   BY "US"   TO WORLD WAR II VETERAN$   NEVER AGAIN!   AND ALL THAT!:          https://www.jpost.com/Diaspora/Never-Again-From-a-Holocaust-phrase-to-a-universal-phrase-544666          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_
genocide.html          AB$OLUTELY!   PO$ITIVELY! _FAILED_!   TO _END_:          http://hrbrief.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Legal-Case-of-the-Tamil-Genocide_30-December-2014.pdf          IN CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN FORTY-FIVE (1945):          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          to think that only yesterday   i was cheerful bright and gay  looking forward to  the role i was about to to play   but as if to knock me down   reality came around   without so much as a mere touch   god in his mercy   if he really does exist   why did he let me down???????????????????????????   in my hour of need   i truly _AM_ indeed   alone again   naturally...
"          "The" song _          Alone Again (Naturally)          _ performed by Gilbert O'Sullivan, music and lyrics c. by Gilbert O'Sullivan          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fm4mcCjXW4k          .]          UNITED AS MANY WHO ARE ACTUALLY ONE_+Against Corona Virus Global Pandemic Scream All Media All International In All Languages+In Every Language! Now Stat! Onward! Upward! _AND_ _UNITED_ _AGAINST_ LITERAL-REAL TIME-REAL-SPACE-REAL-IRREPLACEABLE-ZERO BACKUPS-ONE BLUE PLANET CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA-GOVERNMENT-PERPETRTAED-GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_
          _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          Which Failed _UTTERLY_+100% _FAILED_ To End IN CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN FORTY-FIVE (1945)!~Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~April 11th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 11th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_April 10th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          We've Only Just Begun          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPotJTiKS28          performed by The Carpenters _   "...we've only just begun   to live   white lace and promises   a kiss for luck and we're on our way   so many roads to choose   we start out walking and learn to fly   sharing horizons that are new to us   watching the signs along the way   we've only just begun   noticing   the lies The Government of China-Ea$t A-AY-AY-AY-$IA  and its HITLER-TOTALITARIAN-DICTATOR   -XI JIN   PING   are perpetrating AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-on   PRO-DEMOCRACY   HONG-KONG   -PROTESTERS   INSIDE HONG-KONG:          https://thediplomat.com/2020/03/the-world-must-respond-to-hong-kongs-latest-politicized-arrests/          having quote unquote DEFEATED   the corona   virus PANDEMIC   OR covid-19 (nineteen) pandemic   in$ide CHINA-EA$T A$IA:          https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/04/04/china-fake-news-coronavirus-164652          IN$IDE   FOUR MONTH$   IN $H-AH-AH-AH-ORT AH-AH-AH-ORDER   The Government of China   -Ea$t A-AY-AY-AY-$IA   _CONTINUE$_   its relentle$$   INTERNATIONAL   MONEY-LAUNDERING   OPERATION$   throughout HONG-KONG   THROUGHOUT VENICE-ITALY-[VIA NAKEDLY-GENOCIDAL-ON-EELAM TAMILS-HITLER-CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IAL          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93750          ]   -THE EUROPEAN UNION   THROUGHOUT PUERTO-RICO   AND YE$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   PUERTO RICO   _IS_ THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-AH-AH:          https://fortune.com/2018/09/13/is-puerto-rico-part-of-us/          we've only just begun   to live   white lace and promises   a kiss for luck and we're on our way   so many roads to choose   we start out walking and learn to fly   sharing horizons that are new to us   watching the signs along the way   we've only just begun   noticing   the lies The Government of China-Ea$t A-AY-AY-AY-$IA  and its HITLER-TOTALITARIAN-DICTATOR   -XI JIN PING   are perpetrating on   _LITERAL_ _GENERATION$_   AH-AH-AH-OF   MINORITY-RELIGION-HINDU[-HINDOO]   MINORITY ETHNIC GROUP-EELAM TAMIL RESIDENTS:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/           of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia~OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          we've only just begun   to live   white lace and promises   a kiss for luck and we're on our way   so many roads to choose   we start out walking and learn to fly   sharing horizons that are new to us   watching the signs along the way   we've only just begun..."          "The" song  _          We've Only Just Begun          _ performed by The Carpenters, music and lyrics c. by Paul Williams & Roger Nichols          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPotJTiKS28          .]          Totalitarian Hitler ChinaEa$t A$ia:          https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/04/04/china-fake-news-coronavirus-164652          Defeats Corona Virus Covid-19-Pandemic In 4 Months Short Order And Return$ To Energetically Persecuting Freedom And Liberty In Hong Kong:          https://thediplomat.com/2020/03/the-world-must-respond-to-hong-kongs-latest-politicized-arrests/          And In Sri Lanka:          https://www.cfr.org/blog/geopolitical-consequences-sri-lankan-election          .  ~April 10th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+ UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 10th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram  

_April 9th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          I Think I Love You          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb4FMn-IWEY          performed by The Partridge Family _   "...pa pa pa pa pa-pa pa pa pa pa-pa pa pa pa pa   this morning   i woke up with this feeling   i didn't know how to deal with   and so i just decided to myself   i'd hide it from myself   and never   talk about it   and did not go and shout it   when you _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-RAJAPAK$E$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          walked into _OUR_ EELAM TAMIL LIVES:          https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/srilanka/4613039/Sri-Lanka-plans-to-hold-displaced-Tamils-in-concentration-camps.html          pa pa pa pa pa-pa pa pa pa pa-pa pa pa pa pa   on the morning   of APRIL EIGHTH (8TH) TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   the BBC's Tamil language web news service:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52213596          PUBLI$HED   IMAGE$   OF JU$T PRECI$ELY _AND_ HOW _DARLING_   THE HITLER$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/be-a-hitler-the-dark-matrix-that-can-destroy-sri-lanka/          within ceylon   -$ri lanka   -$outh a$ia'$   RAJAPAK$E   -HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          _FAMILY_   OF NAKEDLY-GENOCIDAL:           https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          HITLER$$$$$$$$$$:          http://hrbrief.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Legal-Case-of-the-Tamil-Genocide_30-December-2014.pdf          _AH AH AH AH AH-AH AH AH AH AH-AH AH AH AH ARE_   on the morning of APRIL EIGHTH (8TH) TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   $TILL ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   the BBC's Tamil language web news service:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52213596          $HOWED A   triumphant   PUBLIC   _INTERNATIONAL_ IMAGE   OF HITLER   MAHINDHA   CHINTHANA   RAJAPAK$E   PROUDLY DI$PLAYED ON $RI LANKA'$ MONEY   CALLED THE RUPEE:          https://www.xe.com/currency/lkr-sri-lankan-rupee          CURRENCY   LEGAL TENDER   "on location"   in ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia   AND _IF_ THE $RI LANKA RUPEE    I$ _NOT_ AN _INTERNATIONAL_ CELEBRATION   OF $RI LANKA'$ TWENTY-TWENTY HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/03/world/asia/sri-lanka-attacks-isis.html          "we" certainly do _NOT_ "know"   what I-I-I$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   pa pa pa pa pa-pa pa pa pa pa-pa pa pa pa pa   this morning   i woke up with this feeling   i didn't know how to deal with   and so i just decided to myself   i'd hide it from myself   and never   talk about it   and did not go and shout it   when you _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-RAJAPAK$E$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          walked into_OUR_ EELAM TAMIL LIVES:          https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/srilanka/4613039/Sri-Lanka-plans-to-hold-displaced-Tamils-in-concentration-camps.html          pa pa pa pa pa-pa pa pa pa pa-pa pa pa pa pa..."          "The" song _          I Think I Love You          _ performed by The Partridge Family, music and lyrics c. by Tony Romeo          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bb4FMn-IWEY          .]          On The Morning Of April 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty) The Tamil BBC Web Internet News Service Published Images Of $ri Lanka-RUPEE-Currencey-DI$PLAYING Mahindha "Chnthana" Rajapak$e:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52213596          -$HOWING Precisely _AND_ _HOW_ _DARLING_ The Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Rajapak$e$:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia Family _Are_ To Generation$ OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA'$ INTERNATIONALLY-_CELEBRATED_ HITLER-WOR$HIPPER$P:          https://www.gettyimages.ae/detail/news-photo/queen-elizabeth-ii-greets-sri-lanka-president-mahinda-news-photo/145794408          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _ON_ APRIL 8TH, TWENTY TWENTY (2020).  ~April 9th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_   © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 9th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_April 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Manic Monday          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsmVgoXDq2w          performed by The Bangles _   "... six o'clock already   i was just in the middle of a dream   my _DREAM_ was that LITERAL _GENERATION$_:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          of Ceylon   -$ri Lanka   -$outh a$ia   -GOVERNMENT-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          $INCE CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   -perpetrated _GENOCIDE($)_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _GENOCIDE_:          http://hrbrief.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Legal-Case-of-the-Tamil-Genocide_30-December-2014.pdf          is a HIGHLY-needle-nosed   +specific _WORD_   coined by RAPHAEL LEMKIN:          https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/coining-a-word-and-championing-a-cause-the-story-of-raphael-lemkin          _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          is Eminently _N-AH-AH-AH-OT_   BEGIN QUOTE   "South America's   _EGREGIOU$_   DRUG CARTEL VIOLENCE"   END QUOTE   _GENOCIDE_ :          https://www.amazon.com/Sky-No-Roof-Kusal-Perera-ebook/dp/B00CPWCPKO/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=sky+no+roof&qid=1586267038&s=books&sr=1-1          is Eminently _N-AH-AH-AH-OT_   BEGIN QUOTE   "$ri Lanka'$" "civil war"   END QUOTE:          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lankan_Civil_War          THANK$ TO WIKIPEDIA~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH+REUTER$-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lankan_Civil_War          "The" United Nation$ $ecurity Council:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          OPENLY   _AND_ "all over"    "the" INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED   +24/7/366   -in-Leap Year 2020 (twenty-twenty-y-y-y)   -OPEN CELEBRATION$   -OF-GENERATION$-OF-$RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT   -PERPETRATED-GENOCIDE($)     UNRELENTINGLY _JOINED_ IN OPEN+INTERNATIONAL-CELEBRATION$   OF $RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-GENOCIDE$:         https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CCPR/Shared%20Documents/LKA/INT_CCPR_CSS_LKA_
18262_E.pdf          UNRELENTINGLY_JOINED_UNRELENTINGLY _JOINED_ IN OPEN+INTERNATIONAL-CELEBRATION$   OF $RI LANKA GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-GENOCIDE$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          BY NUMBER ONE ON THE INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED $TAGE   FROM CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOU$AND AND EIGHT (2008) UNTIL "NOW" CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   U$A PRE$IDENT   BARACK   HU$$EIN   OBAMA   UNRELENTINGLY _JOINED_:          http://jkrsothy.blogspot.com/2011/10/sri-lanka-president-attends-queens.html          IN OPEN+INTERNATIONAL-CELEBRATION$   OF $RI LANKA GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-GENOC-I-I-I-IDE$:          https://www.reuters.com/article/us-srilanka-un/u-n-failed-gravely-in-sri-lanka-internal-review-panel-idUSBRE8AD1Q320121114          BY NUMBER ONE   ON THE INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED $TAGE   FROM CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN FIFTY-THREE (1953):          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52NTjasbmgw          UNTIL "NOW" CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BY HER ROYAL MAJE$TY   QUEEN ELIZABETH II OF GREAT BRITAIN:          https://www.alamy.com/britains-queen-elizabeth-ii-right-meets-with-sri-lanka-president-mahinda-image62818379.html          NOW NINETY-THREE YEAR$ OLD:          https://www.biography.com/royalty/queen-elizabeth-ii          _AND_ -REMAIN$_ _$TILL_ FRONT _AND_ _CENTER_   OF THE INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED-UNIVER$E   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   UNRELENTINGLY _JOINED_:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hbb3ek8CoQ          IN OPEN+INTERNATIONAL-CELEBRATION$   OF $RI LANKA GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-GENOC-I-I-I-IDE$:          http://theconversation.com/rwanda-and-sri-lanka-a-tale-of-two-genocides-116135          BY NUMBER ONE ON THE _EUROPEAN_ _UNION_ _AND_ INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED _POLITICAL_ $TAGE$   FROM CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOU$AND AND FIVE (2005):          https://www.britannica.com/biography/Angela-Merkel          UNTIL "NOW" CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   HER EXCELLENCY GERMAN CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL:          https://theprint.in/global-pulse/angela-merkel-to-exit-politics-and-tamils-at-risk-again-in-sri-lanka/142172/          OPENLY $UPPORTING   _LITERAL_ GENERATION$ -AH-AH-AH-OF   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA'$ _GOVERNMENT_-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/religious-minorities-must-have-their-final-rites-respected-amnesty-international-calls-on-sri-lankan-authorities-to-stop-forced-cremation/          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          JUST ANOTHER MANIC MONDAY!   WI$H IT WERE FIR$T DAY   FIR$T DAY IS THE WORD THAT QUAKER$ U-YOU-$E   IN$TEAD OF THE ROMAN-GOD-NAMED-AFTER-$UNDAY:          https://www.quakercloud.org/cloud/clearwater-friends-quaker-meeting/pages/about-quakers          JUST ANOTHER MANIC MONDAY!   JUST ANOTHER MANIC MONDAY!   WI$H IT WERE FIR$T DAY   FIR$T DAY IS THE WORD THAT QUAKER$ U-YOU-$E   IN$TEAD OF THE ROMAN-GOD-NAMED-AFTER-$UNDAY:          https://www.quakercloud.org/cloud/clearwater-friends-quaker-meeting/pages/about-quakers          JUST ANOTHER MANIC MONDAY!...
"          "The" song _          Manic Monday          _ performed by The Bangles, music and lyrics c. by  ‎Prince          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsmVgoXDq2w          ]          "We" [EELAM TAMIL MINORITY ETHNIC GROUP-EELAM TAMIL MINORITY RELIOUS-GROUP "ON LOCATION" IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA_$OUTH A$IA] Wish That The Manic Monday$ _And_ Unrelenting-$INCE-CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939):          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+
          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia-Government Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -Perpetrated Genocide$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Would $top! CEA$E! DE$I$T! _BEING_ _INTERNATIONALLY_ _Celebrated_ And INTERNATIONALLY _TELEVI$ED_~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+Televi$ed 24/7/366:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hbb3ek8CoQ          .  ~April 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 8th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_April 7th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          I Feel The Earth Move          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6913KnbMpHM          performed by Carole King _   "...i feel the earth   move   under my feet   i feel the sky tumb-uh-lin' down   i feel my heart   start    to tremble[ELL]-IN'   whenEVER   you a-AH-AH-AH-RE around   ooh baby!   mellow as the month of may 2020 (twenty-twenty)   corona virus covid-19   receiving   MO-OH-OH-OH-OH-RE   INTERNATIONALLY-televi$ed   TELEVI$ION-coverage _THAN_ million$   of ee-ee-ee-ee-Eelam tamils   _ACTUALLY_ DYING:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          in REAL time   IN REAL SPA-AY-AY-ce   Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939):          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+
vergessen          and ONGOING   CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020):          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          hello???????????????????????????   WIKIPEDIA???????????????????????????   anyone?????????????????????????????   The B B C's   tamil language   news is reporting   and how   a FEMALE   tiger   called tigress in English   located in the Br-UH-UH-UH-onx Zoo   in New York U$A         https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-52181432        https://www.forbes.com/sites/grrlscientist/2020/04/06/tiger-tests-positive-for-coronavirus-at-us-zoo/#6e72e04a3cf4
         i feel the earth   move   under my feet   i feel the sky tumb-uh-lin' down   i feel my heart   start    to tremble[ELL]-IN'   whenEVER   you a-AH-AH-AH-RE around   ooh baby!   mellow as the month of may 2020 (twenty-twenty)   corona virus covid-19   a tigress   at The Bronx Zoo   has tested   posit-I-I-I-ive   for   corona   virus   covid-NINE-t-EE-EE-EE-IN (19)   i feel the earth   move   under my feet   i feel the sky tumb-uh-lin' down   i feel my heart   start    to tremble[ELL]-IN'   whenEVER   you a-AH-AH-AH-RE around   ooh baby!   mellow as the month of may 2020 (twenty-twenty)   corona virus covid-19..."          "The" song  _          I Feel The Earth Move          _ performed by Carole King, music and lyrics c. by Carole King          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6913KnbMpHM          .  ~April 7th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 24" (twenty four inches) x 36" (thirty six inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE INK-ON-HAND-MADE-USA-RICE PAPER c. 2005 REPRESENTATION IN _ORIGINAL_ FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 7th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_April 6th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Love To Love You Baby          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23rKt18QwVY          performed by Donna Summer.  .  Donna Summer belonged to the far-in-advance-of-its-time-group called The Crow in Boston-Massachusetts-USA during the 1960's [nineteen-sixties]:          https://www.popmatters.com/152354-shes-a-wanderer-ten-reasons-why-donna-summer-belongs-in-the-rrhof-2495907001.html          _   "...ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay UNITED NATION$-$ECRETARY-GENERAL ay IN CALENDAR YEAR [2019] twenty-nineteen   ay IN CALENDAR YEAR [2020] twenty-twenty   ay-ANTONIO GUTERRE$:          https://www.jpost.com/arab-israeli-conflict/un-secretary-general-calls-for-global-ceasefire-israeli-palestinian-cooperation-623515          ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay APPEAR$ TO _THINK THAT HE IS _LOVING_    INTERNATIONAL LAW$ _FORBIDDING_ REFOULEMENT:          https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/07/handing-back-asylum-seekers-is-called-refoulement-and-its-illegal            E$TABLI$HED AS _LAW$_ _AFTER_ HITLER'$   _EXPEN$IVE_ WORLD WAR-II   _GENOC-I-I-I-IDE_:          https://www.nytimes.com/1998/01/21/world/hitler-s-genocide-order-5-days-after-pearl-harbor.html          ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay ANTONIO GUTERRE$   ay-APPEAR$ TO _THINK THAT HE IS _LOVING_    ay-MINORITY-RELIGION-MINORITY-ETHNIC-GROUP   ay-EELAM TAMILS  ay-ay-WHO HAVE _ALREADY_   "already" E$CAPED _GENOCIDE_   ONCE "ALREADY"   ~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay-UNITED NATION$-$ECRETARY-GENERAL   -ANTONIO GUTERRE$   ay-APPEAR$ TO _THINK THAT HE IS _LOVING_    EELAM TAMILS _ORIGINALLY_ _FR-UH-UH-OM_   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay UNITED NATION$-$ECRETARY-GENERAL   ay-ANTONIO GUTERRE$   ay-EELAM TAMILS WHO HAVE   _$UCCE$$FULLY_   and PHY$ICALLY   and-EXPEN$IVELY   -E$CAPED   -GENERATION$   OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT-RAJAPAK$E-FAMILY-HITLER$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          "once" "already"~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZHsga
N6GRI&list=PL2Q7len2zbAoFRwWSHw9XIwETo3t9PBDq&index=5          ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay UNITED NATION$-$ECRETARY-GENERAL   ay-ANTONIO GUTERRE$   _$TAT_!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _$TOP_ _OPENLY_   _BREAKING_   INTERNATIONAL REFOULEMENT LAW$   PERTAINING _DIRECTLY_ TO   EELAM TAMILS   ORIGINALLY FROM    CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay UNITED NATION$-$ECRETARY-GENERAL   ay-ANTONIO GUTERRE$   ay-$TOP FUNDING EELAM TAMIL$   FROM _REFOULEMENT_   _ALL_ _CLEVERLY_ done in the "name" of-ANTONIO GUTERRE$   of QUOTE-UNQUOTE   voluntary   REFOULEMENT   QUOTE UNQUOTE    OOOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay love to love you baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ay UNITED NATION$-$ECRETARY-GENERAL   ay-ANTONIO GUTERRE$..."          "The" song _          Love To Love You Baby          _ performed by Donna Summer, music and lyrics c. by Donna Summer, Giorgio Moroder, and Pete Bellotte          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23rKt18QwVY          ]          United Nation$ $ecretary-General Antonio Guterre$ _OPENLY_ _AND_ _INTERNATIONALLY_ _AND_ TELEVI$ED_ _BREAKING_ LONG-E$TABLI$HED-ANTI-HITLER-GOTABAYA-RAJAPAK$E:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          NON-Refoulement Laws:          https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/related_material/Non-Refoulement%20and%20Jus%20Cogens%20Limiting%20Anti-Terror%20Measures%20That%20Threaten%20Refugee%20Protection_0.pdf          Pertaining _$PECIFICALLY_ TO MINORITY-RELIGION+MINORITY-ETHNIC GROUP-Eelam Tamils Originally FROM Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZHsgaN6GRI&list=PL2Q7len2zbAoFRwWSHw9XIwETo3t9PBDq&index=5          .  ~April 6th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 6th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_April 5th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuKfiH0Scao          performed by Bill Withers _   "...ain't no sunshine when WAR _I$_ HOT:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          it _WILL_ be-EE-EE-EE-EE   100% ONE HUNDRED PERCENT   GUARANTEED  WARM   _A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-ND_   COSY   "when"   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          is _FINALLY_   _ENDED_   i know   i know   i know   i know   i know   i know   i know   i know   UNITED N-AY-AY-AY-ATION$   -$ECRETARY-GENERAL ANTONIO GUTERRE$   A$KED "THE W-UH-UH-UH-UH-ORLD" TO _UNITE_:          https://www.democracynow.org/2020/3/24/headlines/un_calls_for
coronavirus_pandemic          AGAIN$T CORONA VIRU$ COVID-19   on april 3rd-UH-UH-UH-UH-ird twenty twenty (2020)   "we" ADD "our" tiny voice also   ASKING "the" $AME "w-UH-UH-UH-UH-orld"   to $TOP all _GENOCIDE($):          https://eelamview.wordpress.com/category/genocide-srilanka/page/108/          _AND_   $TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _ALL_ OPEN:          https://stock.adobe.com/ee/editorial/britain-s-queen-elizabeth-meets-with-sri-lanka-s-president-mahinda-rajapaksa-and-his-wife-shiranthi-rajapaksa-during-a-reception-prior-to-a-lunch-with-commonwealth-nations-heads-of-government-and-representatives-in-central-london/155579489          AND   INTERNATIONALLY:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          24/7/365 -TELEVI$ED:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZHsgaN6GRI&list=PL2Q7len2zbAoFRwWSHw9XIwETo3t9PBDq&index=5          ["WE MEAN THAT UNITED NATION$-$ECRETRAY-GENERAL-ANTONIO GUTERRE$-I$-+REMAIN$-AN INTERNATIONAL DI$GRACE "FOR" "CALLING" UNITED NATION$-IT$-OWN-$ELF-FORCED REPATRIATION($) AND REFOULEMENT($) "VOLUNTARY" "REPATRIATION($)" OF EELAM TAMILS-BACK-TO-HITLER-RAJAPAK$E-CELON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA-"VOLUNTARY"~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]    celebration$:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZHsgaN6GRI&list=PL2Q7len2zbAoFRwWSHw9XIwETo3t9PBDq&index=5          ALL _OVER_ THE INTERNATIONAL POLITICAL+FINANCIAL $TAGE:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hbb3ek8CoQ          CELEBRATION$   AH-AH-AH-AH-OF _GENOCIDE($)_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2014/02/28/sri_lanka_turns_killing_fields_into_
tourist_attraction.html          to $TOP all CONFLICT$   OF   _A-AH-AH-AH-AH-LL_   KIND$   _AND_ UNITE AGAIN$T   CORONAVIRU$ COVID-19   thanks ever   s-OH-OH-OH-o much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ain't no sunshine when WAR _I$_ HOT..."          "The" song _          Ain't No Sunshine          _ performed by Bill Withers, music and lyrics c. by Bill Withers          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuKfiH0Scao          ]          Ain't No Sunshine When War Is Hot Stop All Fighting And Unite Against The Invisible Enemy Corona Virus Or COVID-19 Nineteen Pandemic Stat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.democracynow.org/
          .  ~April 5th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 5th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_April 4th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Let me Be There           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR8hCFfvZPk          performed by Olivia Newton-John _          "...let me be there in your morning   let me be there in your night   let me change whatever's wr-AH-AH-ong  and make it r-I-I-I-ight   _AND_ _MAKE_ _IT_ _RIGHT_:          https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/04/pakistan-court-overturns-conviction-killing-daniel-pearl-200402065653842.html          the WRONG in this case _I$_ A convicted murderer   walking   ON april second twenty-twenty (2020)   "for" murdering _wall $treet journal_-writer   daniel p-UH-UH-UH-earl   IMRAN KHAN'$ MU$LIM-PAKI$TAN   -$-AH-AH-OUTH A$IA   _HOPING_   that the 100%-   +_UNDERSTANDABLY_-"di$tracted"-BY-COVID-19-"w-UH-UH-UH-orld"   would _FORGET  daniel p-UH-UH-UH-earl   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   NO!    daniel pearl _I$_ "engraved" into the palm$   of "our" _COLLECTIVE_ h-AH_AH-and$~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH -OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   let me be there in your morning   let me be there in your night   let me change whatever's wr-AH-AH-ong  and make it r-I-I-I-ight   _AND_ _MAKE_ _IT_ _RIGHT   in the _IDENTICAL_ manner in which   _LITERAL_   _GENERATIONS_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          of eelam tamils   murdered   in _MULTIPLE_ MR BEYOND-PERFECT-U$A-PRE$IDENT OBAMA-$UPPORTED-GENOCIDE($):          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          IN DIRECT QUID PRO QUO EXCH-AY-AY-ANGE   "for" ZUBERI-BUNDLER-U$A 4.5 MILLION   DOLL-UH-UH-UH-AR$$$$$$$$$:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          ~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!   CALENDAR YEAR 2009 through CALENDAR YEAR 2016~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   genoc-I-I-I-ides:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          PERPETRATED:          https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CCPR/Shared%20Documents/LKA/INT_CCPR_CSS_LKA_18262_E.pdf          "on location" in Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          $ince CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939):          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   -HAVE_ "already"   BEEN_ _AND_ _A-AH_AH_AH-RE_ "engraved"_PERMANENTLY_   into the palm$   of "our" _COLLECTIVE_ hand$ FOREVER~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   let me be there in your morning   let me be there in your night   let me change whatever's wr-AH-AH-ong    and make it right   _AND_ _MAKE_ _IT_ _RIGHT..."          "The" song _          Let Me Be There          _ performed by Olivia Newton-John, music and lyrics c. by  ‎John Rostill          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR8hCFfvZPk          ]          _LITERAL _ _REAL_ _TIME + _REAL_-SPACE _AND_ _REAL_ ONE BLUE-IRREPLACEABLE-PLANET-WITH-ZERO-REPLACEMENTS ~OOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-_Generations_ SINCE CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939):                              http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen                    Of Eelam Tamils Slaughtered In _UNRELENTING_-$INCE-CALENDAR-YEAR-NINETEEN-THIRTY-NINE (1939)-Genocide($):          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Ever $ince Calendar Year 1939 Nineteen Thirty-Nine Remain Engraved:          https://biblehub.com/isaiah/49-16.htm          In The Palms Of Our Hands Unforgotten Just Like Daniel Pearl REMAINS UNFORGOTTEN On April 4th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-52151745          .  ~April 4th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 4th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ April 2nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty): "The" song _          Please Mr. Postman          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZDbthv3xT8          performed by The Carpenters _    "...wait!   stop!   wait a minute!   m$ post   PER$-OH-OH-OH-ON   w-ay-ay-ay-ay-it!   there must be $ome compen$ation   _TOD-AY-AY-AYAY_   "for"   _GENERATION$_:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          and _GENERATION$_:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          of Ceylon   -$ri Lanka-AH-AH-AH   -$outh A$ia-GOVERNMENT-perpetrated-_GENOCIDE_:         https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden
_genocide.html          $T-AH-AH-AH-AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   PRONTI$$IMO-OH-OH-OH-OH-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   on april 1$t 2020 (twenty-twenty)   internet new$ $ource   asiantribu-IYOO-OOH-ne   dot co-OH-OH-m   i$ reporting that an Indonesian man who watched his father being $LAUGHTERED in front of his eye$ by a Dutch $oldier   when he "the boy"   was"   a mere"-TEN year$ o-AH-AH-AH-ld   is receiving-DIRECT-MONETARY-compen$at-UH-UH-UH-ion   at age 83 [EIGHTY-THREE]:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93684          and EMINENTLY _N-AH-AH-AH-OT_ "mere" Congratulat-UH-UH-UH-ion$   +INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED-24/7/366   -in LEAP YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   i$$ued by Tw-EE-EE-EE-eet:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93682          DIRECTLY TO-OOH-OOH-OOH   Ceylon-$ri Lanka-AH-AH-AH   -$outh A$ia-AH-AH-AH-'$   nakedly-genocidal-on-MINORITY   -Eelam Tamils   -HITLER-Gotabaya Rajapak$e-UH-UH-UH:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          "by"   Director-General Of CALENDAR YEAR    TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)-WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION   DIRECTOR-GENERAL-Tedros Adhanom   who _MU$T_ be "exc-OO-OO-OO-u$ed"   for not "even" being "capable"   of $peaking "English"   withOUT an EGREGIOU$   "foreign"   -NOT English   -$peaking-"accent"   _AND_ Tedros Adhanom   _EMINENTLY_   _N-AH-AH-AH-OT_   "all lo-oh-oh-ne" ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   LEADER-of-The-ENTIRE-FREE-World -009 through 2016   Barack HU$$EIN OBAMA-AH-AH-AH:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          WA$ CELEBRATED "f-AH-AH-AH-or" _BEING_   _FIR$T_ IN the w-WHIRL-world!   to OPENLY+INTERNATIONALLY _CELEBRATE_   nakedly-genocidal-HITLER$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          in QUID-PRO-QUO-DIRECT-ZUBERI-BUNDLER-U$A-DOLLAR$$$$$$$$$-EXCHANGE-COMPEN$AT-UH-UH-UH-ION:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          _FOLLOWED_ "by" Her Royal Maje$ty Queen Elizabeth II   _WHO_   it MU$T be pointed _OUT_   _AND_   "internationally"   "celebrated"   EMINENTLY _NOT_ $ARCA$-UH-UH-UH-M!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "for"   BREAKING _WITH_ LONG-E$TABLI$HED-Briti$h-Royal PROTOCOL:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zn_9MzeqVyI          in _ORDER_ to att-UH-UH-UH-end NAZI-DEFEATER-IN-5-YEAR$-FLAT-Britain'$ WAR TIME-Prime Mini$ter and U$A Pre$ident Trump-HERO:          https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnbaldoni/2017/12/27/is-trump-an-americanized-version-of-churchill/#2b603c7219e9          WIN$TON CHURCHILL   _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_ Barack Hu$$ein Obama'$ "famou$" "white uncle":          https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91150432          WIN$TON CHURCHILL-whose _WIFE_ Clementine was a $pencer:          https://www.amazon.com/Speaking-Themselves-Personal-Clementine-Churchill/dp/0552997501          Lady:          https://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/06/books/review/clementine-the-life-of-mrs-winston-churchill-by-sonia-purnell.html          whose MOTHER was AN AMERICAN _LADY_~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:         https://www.latimes.com/business/hiltzik/la-fi-hiltzik-trump-churchill-tariffs-20190603-story.html          wait!   stop!   wait a minute!   m$ post   PER$-OH-OH-OH-ON   there must be $ome compen$ation _TOD-AY-AY-AYAY_   "for"   _GENERATION$_:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          and _GENERATION$_:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          and _GENERATION$_ of Ceylon   -$ri Lanka-AH-AH-AH   -$outh A$ia-AH-AH-AH-GOVERNMENT-perpetrated-_GENOCIDE_:         https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden
_genocide.html          $T-AH-AH-AH-AT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   PRONTI$$IMO-OH-OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   on april 1$t 2020 (twenty-twenty)...
"          "The" song  _          Please Mister Postman          _ performed by The Carpenters, music and lyrics c. by Georgia Dobbins, William Garrett, Freddie Gorman, Brian Holland, and Robert Bateman          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZDbthv3xT8          ]          _WHERE_??????????????????????????? _PRAY_ DO TELL _ARE_??????????????????????????? ~ON APRIL $ECOND OF CALENDAR YEAR TWEBNTY-TWENTRY (2020) ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~The _DIRECT_ _TO_ _VICTIMS_ _OF_ _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          BY-DIRECT-CA$HIER'S-CHECK-TO-EACH-VICTIM'S-SUFFERING-BLOOD-RELATIONS-_DIRECT_MONETARY-Compen$ation I$$ued To _LITERAL_ Generations:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+
          Of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$ Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$ Owe _LITERAL_:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          Generations Of Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia's Eelam Tamils.  ~April 2nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_  They did not get compensation because they do not deserve it on April 1st.
     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 2nd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_April 1st, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Precious And Few          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wP6j-TGNJpU          performed by Climax _   "...precious and few are the moments we two can share   precious and few are the moments we two can share   a moment LIVING _INSIDE_ stillness with _YOU_ like the sky   baby it's you on my mind   your love is so rare   being with you is a feeling that i just can't compare   precious and few are the moments we two can share   hello???????????????????????????   +   ACHTUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "here" "we" are "dropping" "our" Very OCCASIONAL ACHTUNG! BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   HITLER:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          -GOTABAYA-RAJAPAK$E-UH-UH-UH-UH:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/if-they-call-you-a-hitler-then-be-a-hitler-and-build-this-country-asgiriya-anunayaka-thero-tells-gotabaya/          HITLER-GOTABAYA-RAJAPAK$E-UH-UH-UH-UH-UH:          https://www.amazon.com/Sky-No-Roof-Kusal-Perera-ebook/dp/B00CPWCPKO/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1525346013&sr=8-2&keywords=sky+
no+roof           _AND_ _DIRECT_ I$$UER   -OF-GOVERNMENT-OF-$RI LANKA-AH-AH-AH   HITLER$$$-PRE$IDENTIAL-P-AH-AH-AH-AH-ARDON$   -DIRECTLY-TO-OOH-OOH-OOH   -GENOCIDAL-$RI LANKAN-HITLER$$$-LIKE YOUR$ELF-NAMED $UNIL   RATNAYAKE-UH-UH-UH-UH-UH:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          ACHTUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   +HELLO???????????????????????????   HITLER-UH-UH-UH:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          -GOTABAYA-RAJAPAK$E-UH-UH-UH-UH-UH:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          it I$ _TIME_   to put SUNIL RATNAYAKA   _BACK_ IN J-AY_AY_AY-AIL:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/withdraw-the-special-presidential-pardon-granted-to-sunil-ratnayake-jaffna-peoples-forum-for-coexistence/          LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   TO THE JAFFNA PEOPLE'S FORUM   $TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   PRONTI$$IMO-OH-OH-OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   precious and few are the moments we two can share   precious and few are the moments we two can share   a moment LIVING _INSIDE_ stillness with _YOU_ like the sky   baby it's you on my mind   your love is so rare   being with you is a feeling that i just can't compare   precious and few are the moments we two can share..
."          "The" song _          Precious and Few          _ performed by Climax, music and lyrics c. by Walter D. Nims           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wP6j-TGNJpU          ]          ACHTUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+"here" "we" are "dropping" "our" Very-Occa$ional-ACHTUNG! BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          Hitler:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Gotabaya Rajapakse _FOOL_! $tat_Prontissimo Put Sunil Ratnayakae:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/army-butcher-sunil-ratnayake-released-amidst-coronavirus-outbreak/          Back Inside Jail For Being A Hitler-Perpetrator-Of-Miru$uvil-Jaffna-Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia-MA$$ACRE:          https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/03/sri-lanka-pardons-soldier-killed-tamil-civilians-200327033617104.html          Ju$t IDENTICAL _TO_ Your-OWN-HITLER-$elf Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~April 1st, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED April 1st, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_March 30th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Don't Give Up On Us Baby          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY8APrYU2Gs          performed by David Soul _   "...don't give up us on baby   don't make the wrong seem right   the future isn't just _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _GUARANTEED_:          http://hrbrief.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Legal-Case-of-the-Tamil-Genocide_30-December-2014.pdf          IN$TEAD   _LIBERT-Y-Y-Y-Y_   _FROM_ CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA-_GOVERNMENT_   -perpetrator$$$$$$$$$$$$   -HITLER$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -_GENOCIDE_:          http://theconversation.com/rwanda-and-sri-lanka-a-tale-of-two-genocides-116135          don't give up us on baby   don't make the wrong seem right   the future isn't just _GENOCIDE_   FREEDOM IS written in SILVER moonlight   painted on the stars   don't give up on us i know   "we" AN EELAM TAMIL _GENOCIDE_ _FREE_ _HOMELAND_   "we" can _STILL_ come _TRUE_   don't give up us on baby   don't make the wrong seem right   the future isn't just _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mirusuvil-massacre-accused-pardoned-no-reparations-for-victims-families/          in SPITE   of ceylon-$ri lanka   -$outh a$ia-GOVERNMENT-hitler$$$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/be-a-hitler-the-dark-matrix-that-can-destroy-sri-lanka/          DATING BACK TO   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN   THIRTY-N-I-I-I-I-NE (1939):          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessenperpetrating          "we" AN EELAM TAMIL _GENOCIDE_ _FREE_ _HOMELAND_   "we" can _STILL_ come _TRUE_   don't give up us on baby   don't make the wrong seem right   the future isn't just _GENOCIDE_   perpetrating _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          perpetrated ON EELAM TAMILS _UNLIMITED_   hello???????????????????????????   wikipedia:          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lankan_Civil_War          ???????????????????????????   _$TILL_   SMACK-DAB-IN$IDE   CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)   _MERRILY_ _AND_ _RELENTLE$$LY_   AND DIRECT QUID-PRO-QUO-EXCHANGE   FOR $OMETHING   _$TILL   _$UPPORTING_   GENERATION$ OF   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   [-GOVERNMENT-perpetrated-GENOCIDE$]bGENERATION$   of ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia   [-GOVERNMENT-perpetrated-GENOCIDE_($):         http://theconversation.com/rwanda-and-sri-lanka-a-tale-of-two-genocides-116135          _BY_ _DEFINING_   _LITERAL_   _GENERATION$_   OF   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   _GOVERNMENT_   -PERPETRATED   _GENOCIDE(S)_:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/B01FGOR4LM          _]   A$_ $RI LANKA'$ "CIVIL WAR"~OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   don't give up us on baby   don't make the wrong seem right   the future isn't just _GENOCIDE_   GUARANTEED   IN$T-EA-EAD   _LIBERT-Y-Y-Y-Y_   _FROM_ CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA-_GOVERNMENT_   -perpetrator$$$$$$$$$$$$   -HITLER$$   FREEDOM IS written in SILVER moonlight   painted on the stars   don't give up on us i know   "we" AN EELAM TAMIL _GENOCIDE_ _FREE_ _HOMELAND_   "we" can _STILL_ come _TRUE_..."          "The" song _          Don't Give Up On Us Baby          _ performed by David Soul, music and lyrics c. by Tony Macaulay          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YY8APrYU2Gs          ]          We _ARE_ A Genocide:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          -_FREE_:          https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Hebrews+11%3A1&version=KJV          Eelam Tamil Homeland Written In The Moon Light Painted On The Stars We Can Still Come True.  ~March 30th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CREATED March 30th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

Original artwork ©1983 - present Isaac Falconer / Dr. Saku Gunasegaram

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