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_ July 10th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Barbara Ann          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zgcM6gchZo          performed by The Beach Boys          _   "...b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann   b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann   you got me rockin' [ATTENTION:   GOOGLE-OWNED-GRAMMARLY-ADVERTI$ER$:  THE EMINENTLY _CORRECT_ AMERICAN-ENGLISH WORD "for" "rockin' " IS "rocking."  THIS IS CALLED POETIC AND/OR ARTISTIC LICENSE!]   and a rollin' [ATTENTION:   GOOGLE-OWNED-GRAMMARLY-ADVERTI$ER$:  THE EMINENTLY _CORRECT_ AMERICAN-ENGLISH WORD "for" "rollin' " IS "rolling."  THIS IS CALLED POETIC AND/OR ARTISTIC LICENSE!]   and a rockin'    and a reelin'   went to a dance   looking for romance   saw barbara ann  you got me rockin' and a rollin'   and a rockin'   and a reelin' [ATTENTION:   GOOGLE-OWNED-GRAMMARLY-ADVERTI$ER$:  THE EMINENTLY _CORRECT_ AMERICAN-ENGLISH WORD "for" "reelin' " IS "reeling."  THIS IS CALLED POETIC AND/OR ARTISTIC LICENSE!]   b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann      b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann   b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann      b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann   you got me rockin'   and a rollin'   and a rockin'    and a reelin'   went to a dance   looking for romance   saw barbara ann   you got me a rockin' and a rollin'   and a rockin'   and a reelin'   went to a dance   looking for romance   saw barbara ann   you got me rockin' and a rollin'   and a rockin'   and a reelin'   A$ per   ABC   TELEVI$ION NEW$   WITH DAVID MUIR   AND PIERRE THOMA$-U$A   _TELEVI$ED_ to $O _MANY_  million$   with an "m"   of televi$ion   NEW$-viewer$    that it is "billed"   _A$_ "the most watched TELEVI$ION   new$ broadca$t   in the USA   -2020"   -interview   WITH PIERRE THOMA$:          https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/ag-barr-blasts-trumps-tweets-abc-news-exclusive-68971790          with USA   Attorney-General   William Barr   in$titutionalized racism   and deep-$eated   BIA$   again$t   African-American   males   IN THE USA   is particularly egregiou$   b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann   b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann      b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann   you got me rockin'   and a rollin'   and a rockin'    and a reelin'   went to a dance   looking for romance   saw barbara ann   you got me a rockin' and a rollin'   and a rockin'   and a reelin'   and expen$ive   $piritually   +Economically  +Financially   +Emotionally  _BUT_ it ha$ _NEVER_ _EVER_ in the looooooooooooooooooooooooooong   course of   recorded   human history   _EVER_ been "confu$ed" with _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _mine   AND_ CRIME$   PERPETRATED AGAIN$T   EELAM TAMIL "BLACK" _HUMANITY_ :          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          "on location" in  CEYLON   -$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes             b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann   b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann   b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann   b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann   you got me rockin'   and a rollin'   and a rockin'   and a reelin'   went to a dance   looking for romance   saw barbara ann   you got me a rockin' and a rollin'   and a rockin'   and a reelin'   went to a dance   looking for romance   saw barbara ann  you got me rockin' and a rollin'   and a rockin'   and a reelin'   _PARTICULARLY_ in light of   _FUTURE_ U$A   PRE$IDENT JOE BIDEN   _AND_ _FORMER_ U$A   PRE$IDENT Barack Hu$$ein   Obama-AH-AH "accepting" U$A FOUR POINT FIVE _MILLION_:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          with an "m"   from CEYLON   -$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          MAHINDHA   "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$E   _AND_ GOATABAYA-HITLER-RAJAPAK$E:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          in direct   quid pro   quo   "exchange"   "for"   U$A   FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY _MILLION_ with an "m"   U$A   PRECIOU$   U$A TAXPAYER   U$A   DOLLAR$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/wikileaks-mcc-and-mahinda-rajapaksa-government-agree-to-proceed-with-usd-590-million-mcc-compact/          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $TOP YELLING:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53343967          $AY   _ALL_ the world'$   24/7/366/   IN LEAP YEAR   CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   televi$ion   -PRINT   -RADIO   -new$-OUTLET$   -24/7/366   _TO_   COUNT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND   1 [ONE] ELIJAH MCCLA-ey-ey-ey-IN   IS _ACTUALLY_   _MORE_ "THA-ah-ah-N" 1 [ONE] ELIJAH MCCLA-ey-ey-ey-IN   X [TIME$] 110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND]   INDIV-ee-ee-ee-IDUAL   +DISTI-ee-ee-ee-NCT   +PRI-ai-ai-ai-CELESS   +EELAM TAMIL-PHYSICAL-LIVES [          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ] = EQUAL$  _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          mine   perpetrated ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ON:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548#reader_0984525548          mine   PERPETRATED ON "minority" QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"black" + "jewish"   -"aboriginal   +native-ame-EY-EY-EY-ricans   -first peoples   EQUIVALENT:"          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53027704          -EQUIVALENT   -EELAM   TAMILS   "on location" -EE-EE-EE-in   Ceylon-$ri Lanka   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA-ah-ah   _WHILE_ Obama-BIDEN   _WITH_   USA   PRESIDENTIAL   -KNEE-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee   -ON 110,000   George Flo-OH-OH-OH-yd[S]   ON 110,000   -AHMAUD AUBERY[S]   ON 110,000   -ELIJAH MCCLAIN[S]   "celebra-EY-EY-EY-ted"   "internationally-EE-EE-EE-"   2009   THROUGH 2016   _WI-ee-ee-ee-TH_ HITLER   -MAHINDHA   "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$$$$$$$$$E:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          in DIRECT   QUID PRO QUO-oh-oh-oh   "exch-EY-EY-EY-EY-ange"   for U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   4.5 MILLION [U$A $4,500, 000]   to be preci$e   PRECIOU$   _AND_   U$A   _AND_   TAXPAYER   DOLLAR$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/             U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   what e-EY-EY-l$e???????????????????????????   b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann      b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann   b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann      b-ah-bah-bah-bara ann   you got me rockin'   and a rollin'   and a rockin'    and a reelin'   went to a dance   looking for romance   saw barbara ann  you got me a rockin' and a rollin'   and a rockin'   and a reelin'   went to a dance   looking for romance   saw barbara ann  you got me rockin' and a rollin'   and a rockin'   and a reelin'..."          "The" song _         Barbara Ann          _ performed by The Beach Boys, music and lyrics c. by Fred Fassert               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zgcM6gchZo          .]          Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  In$titutionalized Raci$m Perpetrated On USA Black Males Is _BEYOND_ Egregiou$ But Never _EVER_ To Be Confu$ed By ABC Television News With David Muir+Pierre Thomas With _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _AND_ CRIME$ PERPETRATED AGIN$T "ALL BLACK-EELAM TAMIL LIVES MATTER!":          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          "on location' in CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   _IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          .  ~July 10th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_      © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 10th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 9th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Got To Get You Into My Life [ATTENTION GOOGLE-OWNED-GRAMMARLY-ADVERTI$ING-AGENT$!:  EMINENTLY CORRECT AMERICAN-ENGLISH IS "I HAVE TO GET YOU INTO MY LIFE."]          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r95-7zfgtLw          performed by The Beatles          _   "...got to get you into my life   what can i do???????????????????????????   what can i be???????????????????????????   when i'm with you   i wanna just to sta-EY-EY-EY-y there   got to get you into my life   i was alone   i took a ride   i didn't know   what i would f-AI-AI-ind there   OOH   did i tell you   i need you   every single day   of my li-AI-AI-fe   you didn't run   you didn't lie   you knew   i wanted just to h-OH-OH-old you   OOH   you were _MEANT_   to be near me    OOH   and i want _YOU_ to hear me   say we'll be together   _EVERY_ da-EY-EY-EY-y    got to get you into my life  what can i do???????????????????????????   what can i be???????????????????????????   when i'm with you     i wanna just to sta-EY-EY-EY-y there          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53329755          now that CHINA:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          -HITLER   -XI JINPING   has ONE HUNDRED   PERCE-ay-ay-NT-[100%]   _AND_   UTTE-uh-RLY   de$troyed   A-GENOCIDE-FREE   EELAM TAMIL-HO-oh-oh-oh-MELAND:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-OUTH   A-ey-ey-ey-$IA:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          every $ingle DAY   of my l-AI-AI-ife   _AND_ $TOLEN HAMBANTOTA-$-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-PO-oh-oh-RT:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          from RAJAPAK$E   -$RI LANKA   -H-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _AND_   _UTTERLY_   _DECIMA-ey-ey-ey-TED_   ANY CHANCE OF   DEMOCRACY   IN HO-oh-oh-oh-oh-NG-KONG:          https://www.economist.com/leaders/2020/07/02/chinas-draconian-security-law-for-hong-kong-buries-one-country-two-systems          _AND_ HA$ RELENTLE$$LY   $UBJUGATED   THE HUMAN BE-ee-ee-INGS   LOCATED IN   EVERY _FORM_ OF TIBET   FOR _LITERAL_ _REAL_ _TIME   _LITERAL_  _REAL_ $PA-ey-ey-CE_   _LITERAL_ _REAL_ _GENERATION$_:          http://www.thetibetpost.com/en/outlook/opinions-and-columns/4643-china-is-guilty-of-mass-genocide-against-12-million-people-of-tibet          _WHILE_ THE EMINENTLY   NON-VIOLENT   _AND_ $AFFRON-ROBED-BU-ooh-ooh-ooh-DDHI$T   _AND_ DALAI LAMA   OF TIBET   PARTIE$   _INTERNATIONALLY-ee-ee-_   WITH HI$ BO$OM-BUDDY   FANCY-NANCY-PELO$I:          https://www.speaker.gov/newsroom/31020          +FRIEND$   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ UTTERLY   CRU$HING   TAIWAN:          https://www.economist.com/leaders/2017/06/17/chinas-crushing-of-independent-lawyers-is-a-blow-to-rule-of-law          USA:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-53719333          FBI [FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION] DIRECTOR   CHRISTOPHER WRAY:          https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/07/fbi-chief-slams-chinese-cyberattacks-against-us-hudson-institute.html          _PUBLICLY_ ACKNOWLEDGES  THAT CHINA-HITLER   -XI JINPING   I$ THE BIGGE$T   GLO-oh-oh-BAL   "PANDEMIC"   -RE$EMBLING _THREA-ey-ey-ey-T_:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53329755          QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "forever"   and "forever"   and for _ALL_ "eternity"   ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   got to get you into my life   what can i do???????????????????????????   what can i be???????????????????????????   when i'm with you   i just wanna sta-EY-EY-EY-y there     what can i do???????????????????????????   what can ibe???????????????????????????   when i'm with you   i wanna just to sta-EY-EY-EY-y there   got to get you into my life..."          "The" song _         Got To Get You Into My Life [ATTENTION GOOGLE-OWNED-GRAMMARLY-ADVERTI$ING-AGENT$!:  EMINENTLY CORRECT AMERICAN-ENGLISH IS "I HAVE TO GET YOU INTO MY LIFE."]          _ performed by The Beatles, music and lyrics c. by Lennon–McCartney               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r95-7zfgtLw          .]            Now That China Hitler Xi Jinping Has Crushed Tibet Sri Lanka Hong Kong Taiwan USA FBI Director Christopher Wray _Agree$_ China Is Number One Global NON- Pandemic Threat To The Univer$e:          https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/07/fbi-chief-slams-chinese-cyberattacks-against-us-hudson-institute.html          .  ~July 9th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_      © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8½" (eight and a half inches) x 11" (eleven inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 9th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Surfin' [CORRECT AMERICAN-ENGLISH IS SURFING.  "Surfin' is ARTISTIC LICENSE!] USA          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDb303T-B1w          _   "...everybody's gone surfin'   surfin' USA   if everybody had an ocean   across the usa   then everybody'be surfin'   like  californ-I-a   a bushy-bushy bon hair-do   surfin' usa   everybody's gone surfin'   surfin' USA   Brazil   -$outh America Pre$ident   Bol$anaro   te$t$ po$iti-EE-EE-EE-EE-ve for COVID-19   A$ reported b-AI-AI-y   The Tamil language   BBC news   ON JULY $EVENTH [7th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR    -TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-53327323          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-53319517          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94388           ONE HUNDRED PERCENT-[100%]   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT-[100%]-UNDER$TANDABLY   "the Univer$e"   DI$TRACTED BY COVID-19   -GLOBAL PANDEMIC   _CANNOT_   _BEGIN_   to   _REMEMBER_   HITLER-GOVERNMENT-OF-CHINA   -FUNDED-TO-THE   -ULTIMA-uh-uh-uh-TE-HILT:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   HITLER-GOATABAYA-RAJAPAK$E:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   $-ah-ah-ah-OUTH A$IA   _$TAT!_ IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   $LAUGHTERING   ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND   ELIJAH MCCLA-ey-ey-ey-IN$   I$ "IN$U-uh-uh-FFICIENT"   to MA-ey-ey--ey-ey-ey-KE   ABC-U$A-NEW$  WITH DAVID MUI-uh-uh-R   TELEVI$ED 24/7   366   in le-EE-EE-ap year   twenty-twenty-EE-EE-EE-[2020]   _A$_   _IN_   1 [ONE] ELIJAH MCCLA-ey-ey-ey-IN   IS _ACTUALLY_   _MORE_ "THA-ah-ah-N" 1 [ONE] ELIJAH MCCLA-ey-ey-ey-IN   X [TIME$] 110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND]   surfin' usa   INDIV-ee-ee-ee-IDUAL   +DISTI-ee-ee-ee-NCT   +PRI-ai-ai-ai-CELESS   +EELAM TAMIL-PHYSICAL-LIVES [          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ] = EQUAL$  _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          perpetrated ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ON:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548#reader_0984525548          "minority" QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"black" + "jewish" + "aboriginal   +native-ame-EY-EY-EY-ricans   -first peoples   EQUIVALENT:"          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53027704          -EQUIVALENT   -EELAM TAMILS   "on location" -EE-EE-EE-in   Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA-ah-ah   _WHILE_ Obama-BIDEN   _WITH_   USA PRESIDENTIAL   -KNEE-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee   -ON 110,000   George Flo-OH-OH-OH-yd[S]   ON 110,000   -AHMAUD AUBERY[S]   ON 110,000   -ELIJAH MCCLAIN[S]   "celebra-EY-EY-EY-ted"   "internationally-EE-EE-EE-"   2009 THROUGH 2016   _WI-ee-ee-ee-TH_ HITLER   -MAHINDHA   "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$$$$$$$$$E:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          in DIRECT   QUID PRO QUO-oh-oh-oh   "exch-EY-EY-EY-EY-ange"   for U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   4.5 MILLION [U$A $4,500, 000]   to be preci$e          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          surfin' usa   U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   what e-EY-EY-l$e???????????????????????????      _FOR_   Eelam Tamils   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   to _EXIT_   _GENOC-ai-ai-ai-IDE_:          https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CCPR/Shared%20Documents/LKA/INT_CCPR_CSS_LKA_18262_E.pdf          ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   _AND_   ONCE _AND_ FOR _ALL_   _TIME_   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee [2020]..._AND_   $INCE_ THAT "NEW$" WA$   AN IN$UFFICIENT QUANTITY   OF EXCI-ai-ai-ai-TEMENT   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   @01:02 PM   EA$TERN U$A TIME   A PRE-RECORDED _MALE_   ROBO-CALLER VOICE BEGAN   BY $TATING   QUOTE-UNQUOTE:   "Thi$ I$ U$ DRUG ENFORCEMENT   ADMINI$TRATION..."   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   at which point "we"   hung up the telephone   "then"   @12:12 PM EA$TERN U$A   $EABOARD TI-ai-ai-ME   ON July $EVENTH [7th]   -IN CALENDAR YEAR-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   AMAZON-DOT-COM   ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE   "revealed"   surfin' usa   artificial intelligence "thinking"   that  _ANY_ persons at   _ANY_   of "our" "loca-EY-EY-EY-tions"   is an "eligible"   "Prime $tudent"   _WHEN_   INDEED AB$OLUTELY   _PO$ITIVELY _NO_   PER$ON$_   "here"      _ARE_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE     ADDICTED TO e-cigarette$   OR   "eligible"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   ACCORDING TO Amazon dot com criteria   TO BE "Prime $tudents"~Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   REGARDLE$$   of    QUOTE-UNQUOTE "DR.SAKU............ "We"   we at AMAZON DOT COM   giving you   a 6-month trial of   Prime $tudent, courte$y $print..."   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _WHERE_ DO _YOU_   AT AMAZON DOT COM   "get" "the$e MA$$IVE ERROR$ _AND_ MA$$IVE INTERPRETATION$ _FROM_ _PRECI$ELY ???????????????????????????   everybody's gone surfin'   surfin' USA   if everybody had an ocean   across the usa   then everybody'be surfin'   like  californ-I-a   a bushy-bushy bon hair-do   surfin' usa   everybody's gone surfin'   surfin' USA..."          "The" song _          Surfin' [CORRECT AMERICAN-ENGLISH IS SURFING.  "Surfin' is ARTISTIC LICENSE!] USA          _ performed by The Beach Boys, music c. by Chuck Berry and lyrics c. by Brian Wilson          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDb303T-B1w          .]          "A" Univer$e One Hundred Percent [100%] _AND_ One Hundred Percent [100%]-Under$tandably Di$tracted By COVID-19 [Nineteen] Global Pandemic  _CANNOT_ "Even" _BEGIN_ _REMEMBERING_1 [ONE] ELIJAH MCCLA-ey-ey-ey-IN   IS _ACTUALLY_   _MORE_ "THA-ah-ah-N" 1 [ONE] ELIJAH MCCLA-ey-ey-ey-IN   X [TIME$] 110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND]   surfin' usa   INDIV-ee-ee-ee-IDUAL   +DISTI-ee-ee-ee-NCT   +PRI-ai-ai-ai-CELESS   +EELAM TAMIL-PHYSICAL-LIVES [          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ] = EQUAL$  _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          .  ~July 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_      © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 8th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 7th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Help Me Rhonda          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyVSIdLGL10          performed by The Beach Boys          _   "...help me rhonda   he-EY-EY-elp me rhonda          https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200703-how-humans-are-altering-the-tides-of-the-ocean          DAILY_ _ROUTINE_   _HABITUAL_   _PHYSICAL_   REAL-TIME   REAL-SPACE   REAL-ONE BLUE PLANET   torture   and relentle$$   -UNRELENTING   -24/7/   366   IN LEAP YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   help me rhonda   he-EY-EY-elp me rhonda   harassment AH-AH-of   Eelam Tamils   "on location" in   JAFFNA-CEYLON   -$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94380          _MO$T_ "recently"   QUOTE-UNQU-oh-oh-TE   ON JULY $IXTH [6th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   perpetrated   "on"   M.K. SIVAJILINGAM   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   help me rhonda   he-EY-EY-elp me rhonda   _NEVER_    _EVER_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "ma-EY-EY-ke$"   U$A TELEVI$ION  ABC NEW$ WITH DAVID MUIR   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   QUOTE-UNQUOTE  "the-UH-UH-UH-UH"   "MO$T-WATCHED   TELEVI$ION NEW$ BROADCA$T"  "IN THE U$A-ey-ey"   help me rhonda   he-EY-EY-elp me rhonda   PERHAP$   BECA-aw-aw-U$E   "reporting" AH-AH-on   _LITERAL_ REAL-TIME   _LITERAL_ REAL-SPACE   _LITERAL_   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   _LITERAL_   _GENERATION$_ OF:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   -RAJAPAK$E   -HI-ee-ee-ee-TLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          I-ee-ee-$ $O   _NO-ah-ah-T_   RAH-RAH   _AND_ WORLD WAR II   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   help me rhonda   he-EY-EY-elp me rhonda..."          "The" song _          Help Me Rhonda          _ performed by The Beach Boys, music c. by Brian Wilson and lyrics c. by Brian Wilson & Mike Love               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyVSIdLGL10          .]          The Death By Genocide Of ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND [110,000] EELAM TAMILS BLACK EELAM TAMIL LIVES MATTER-ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND [110,000]-Elijah McClains:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          On Location In Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          Never Once Made The USA Most Watched Television Newscast Ever Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~July 7th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND +UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT
CREATED July 7th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 6th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Do You Know The Way To San Jose          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnzTgUc5ycc          performed by Dionne Warwick          _   "...do you know the way   to san jose   do you know the way   _FOR_   Eelam Tamils   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   to _EXIT_   _GENOCIDE_:          https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CCPR/Shared%20Documents/LKA/INT_CCPR_CSS_LKA_18262_E.pdf          ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   _AND_   ONCE _AND_ FOR _ALL_   _TIME_   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-[2020]   FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   EELAM TAMILS   have been DESPERATELY   hungering   for "freedom"   from $ECOND-CLA$$   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   EELAM TAMIL   -EN$LAVEMENT   BY _LITERAL_   GENERATION$   OF $RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          PRIOR   TO   GENOCIDE:          https://www.amazon.com/Still-Counting-Dead-Survivors-Lankas/dp/1846274699          -2009 THROUGH 2016~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          GUARANTEED   TO-$RI LANKA-TAMILS:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          -"citizen$hip":          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94372          do you know the way to san jose   $INCE at _LEA$T_   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE [1939]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          _BUT_ IN$TEAD_    of   QUOTE-UNQUOTE:   “Pomp and Parade…Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires   and Illuminations   from one End   of this Continent to the other”   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _FUTURE_   U$A   PRE$IDENT JOE BIDEN   _AND_ PA$T   U$A PRE$IDENT   BARACK HU$$EIN OBAMA:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   $TOPPING   _ANY_ $UCH   POLITICAL   -ECONOMIC   -SOCIAL   -FINANCIAL   -RELIGIOUS   -CONSCIENTIOUS   ACTING ACCORDING TO CLEAR CONSCIENCE   -"Independence"   FROM _LITERAL_   REAL-TIME   REAL-SPACE   REAL-ONE BLUE PLANET   -EN$LAVEMENT   OF   EELAM TAMIL-EXI$TENCE   PRIOR TO _GENOCIDE_:          https://theconversation.com/rwanda-and-sri-lanka-a-tale-of-two-genocides-116135          INDEPENDENCE   _FROM_   _LITERAL_   REAL-TIME   REAL-$PACE   REAL-ONE BLUE PLANET   _REAL_   _LITERAL_   GENERATION$ OF   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   _GOVERNMENT_   EN$LAVEMENT   OF EELAM TAMILS:          https://srilankabrief.org/2014/07/navi-pillay-trying-to-make-prabhakarans-dreams-a-reality-minister/          _AND_   _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          perpetrtaed BY   $RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT   _CHINA-HITLER-XI JINPING   -FUNDED:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          _AND_   -perpetrated _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html   IN WHICH          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          1 [ONE] ELIJAH MCCLAIN   IS _ACTUALLY_   _MORE_ "THAN" 1 [ONE] ELIJAH MCCLAIN   X [TIME$] 110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND]   do you know the way to san jose   INDIV-ee-ee-ee-IDUAL   +DISTINCT   +PRICELESS   +EELAM TAMIL-LIVES [          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ] = EQUAL$  _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          perpetrated ON:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548#reader_0984525548          "minority" QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"black" + "jewish" + "aboriginal   +native-ame-EY-EY-EY-ricans   -first peoples   EQUIVALENT:"          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53027704          -EQUIVALENT   -EELAM TAMILS "on location" in   Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA-ah-ah   _WHILE_ Obama-BIDEN   _WITH_   USA PRESIDENTIAL   -KNEE-ee-ee-eee   -ON 110,000   George Floyd[S]   +AHMAUD AUBERY[S]   +ELIJAH MCCLAIN[S]   "celebra-EY-EY-EY-ted"   "internationally"   2009 THROUGH 2016   _WI-ee-ee-ee-TH_ HITLER   -MAHINDHA   "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$E:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          in DIRECT   QUID PRO QUO   "exch-EY-EY-EY-EY-ange"   for U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   4.5 MILLION [U$A $4,500, 000]          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          do you know the way   to san jose   U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   what e-EY-EY-l$e???????????????????????????   do you know the way   to san jose   do you know the way   _FOR_   Eelam Tamils   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   to _EXIT_   _GENOCIDE_:          https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CCPR/Shared%20Documents/LKA/INT_CCPR_CSS_LKA_18262_E.pdf          ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   _AND_   ONCE _AND_ FOR _ALL_   _TIME_   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee [2020]..."          "The" song _          Do You Know The Way To San Jose          _ performed by Dionne Warwick, music and lyrics c. by Burt Bacharach and Hal David          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnzTgUc5ycc          .]          Do you know the way   _FOR_   Eelam Tamils   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          to _EXIT_   _GENOCIDE_:          https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CCPR/Shared%20Documents/LKA/INT_CCPR_CSS_LKA_18262_E.pdf          ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   _AND_   ONCE _AND_ FOR _ALL_   _TIME_   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-[2020].  ~July 6th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 N. MALATHY  NEW ZEALAND

_ July 5th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Never My Love          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzgpB9xpyT8          performed by The Association          _   "...YOU ask me   IF   there'll come   a time   WHEN   i grow   tired of YOU   never my love   never my love    you wonder   if    this heart of mine   will lose   its   desire for you   never my love    never my love   what makes you think???????????????????????????   that love will end?????????? IN THE _IDENTICAL_ MANNER IN WHICH 1 [ONE] GEORGE FLOYD   IS _MORE_ "THAN" 1 [ONE] GEORGE FLOYD   X [TIME$] 110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND]   INDIV-ee-ee-ee-IDUAL   +DISTINCT   +PRICELESS   +EELAM TAMIL-LIVES [          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ] = EQUAL$  _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          perpetrated ON:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548#reader_0984525548          "minority" QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"black" + "jewish" + "aboriginal   +native-ame-EY-EY-EY-ricans   -first peoples   EQUIVALENT:"          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53027704          -EQUIVALENT   -EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in   Ce-EE-EE-EE-ylon-$ri Lanka-$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA-ah-ah   _WHILE_ Obama   _WITH_   USA PRESIDENTIAL   -KNEE-ee-ee   -ON 110,000   George Floyds   +AHMAUD AUBERY[S]   +ELIJAH MCCLAIN[S]   "celebra-EY-EY-EY-ted"   "internationally"   2009 THROUGH 2016   _WITH_ HI-ee-ee-ee- TLER   -MAHINDHA "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$E:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          in DIRECT   QUID PRO QUO   "exch-EY-EY-EY-EY-ange"   for U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   4.5 MILLION [U$A $4,500, 000]          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   what e-EY-EY-l$e???????????????????????????          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/24/us/ahmaud-arbery-shooting-murder-indictment.html          1 [ONE]   AHMAUD ARBERY   _I$_ _ACTUALLY_ "more"   COUNT THEM!   _THAN_   1 [ONE]   AHMAUD ARBERY x [TIMES]  110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND]   irreplaceable   precious   unlimited potential   EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES   "on location" in   CEYLON  -$RI LANKA-   $OUTH A$IA   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ ON JULY FIFTH [5th]   -in CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   1 [ONE]   ELIJAH MCCLAIN   is "actually" "more" THAN   QUOTE-UNQUOTE than 1 [ONE]   ELIJAH MCCLAIN:          https://www.dw.com/en/elijah-mcclain-3-white-officers-fired-over-pictures-reenacting-chokehold-on-black-man/a-54045030          x [TIMES]  110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND]   ELIJAH MCCLAIN[S]   irreplaceable   precious   unlimited potential   EELAM TAMIL   BLACK   ELIJAH MCCLIAN-LIVES   "on location" in   CEYLON  -$RI LANKA-   $OUTH A$IA   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!          MEANWHILE BACK-AT-THE-RANCH   THE GOVERNMENT OF HITLER   -CHINA XI JINPING   _ACCELERATES_   HITLER-NAZI-CLONING-TACTIC$   UNLEA$HED   ON _PRO_DEMOCRACY   PROTESTERS   "on location" in   HONG-KONG-EA$T A$IA-HITLER-CHINA ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-53296810          _AND_   _$INCE_   "all of thi$ $ort of thing"   is CLEARLY   _IN$UFFICIENT_ _$OURCE OF JOY   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   @03:12 PM Eastern USA Time   ON JULY FOURTH [4th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "Do Thi s To R$tore Vi$ion IMMEDIATELY"   indicating GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE "THINKING" _THAT_ "we" are GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$ "target audience" "for" QUOTE -UNQUOTE "vi$ion re$tration" _AND_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "1 Fruit That Kill$ Diabete$"  _WITHIN_ _LITERAL_ REAL-TIME   REAL-$PACE   _REAL_   _LITERAL_   REAL-ONE-BLUE-PLANET   -EXI$TENCE of receiving   a LANDLINE   albeit ALBEIT RURAL U$A   A$K REPUBLICAN MIKE ROGER$ ABOUT THI$   he knows   telephone call   DURING _WHICH_   the topic of diabete$   was mentioned   "in pa$$ing"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   DEAR MARA$ MUTFAGI   PLEA$E NOTE:  ZERO PERSONS   as in   NO ONE AT "OUR" LOCATION$   $UFFER$ FROM DIABETE$   THANK YOU!   YOU ask me   IF there'll come   a time   WHEN   i grow   tired of YOU   never my love   never my love    you wonder   if    this heart of mine   will lose   its   desire for you   never my love    never my love   what makes you think???????????????????????????   that love will end??????????..."          "The" song _          Never My Love          _ performed by The Association, music and lyrics c. by Don Addrisi and Dick Addrisi               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzgpB9xpyT8          .]          1 [ONE] Elijah McClain Is Actually Counted As More Than 1 [ONE] Elijah McClain Times 110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAN ELIJAH MCCLAINS]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          Oops!    ~July 5th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_    
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)
_ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 5th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 4th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          I Want Candy          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoXVYSV4Xcs          performed by Bow Wow Wow          _   "...i know a guy who is tough but sweet   he's so fine that he can't be beat   i want candy   i want candy   _WHILE_ EELAM TAMILS' BLACK LIVES _LIVED_   AFRICAN-AMERICAN BLACK MALES BOTH   CORNEL WEST:          https://www.democracynow.org/2020/7/3/americas_moment_of_reckoning_keeanga_yamahtta          _AND_   TAVIS SMILEY:          https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-businessmen/tavis-smiley-net-worth/          _AND_ SOUTH AFRICA'S ANGLICAN ARCHBISHOP   DESMOND TUTU   DESMOND TUTU   EELAM TAMIL-HERO   EVER SINCE   THE NINETEEN SEVENTIES   i want candy   i want candy:          https://www.youthforhumanrights.org/voices-for-human-rights/champions/desmond-tutu.html          QUOTE-UNQUOTE "BEGAN" _BEING_ "OUR"   EELAM TAMIL BLACK LIVES _MATTER_   SUPER-DUPER   -HYPER  SUPER   CALIFRAGILISTIC   EXPI   ALIDOCIOUS-HEROES   DURING   THE OBAMA   -ADMINISTRATION   2009-2016   TAVIS SMILEY   _AND_   CO-oh-oh-oh-nel WE-ey-ey-ST   _NEARLY_   KILLED THEMSELVES   ATTENTION GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   PAID GRAMMARLY   GRAMMAR ADVERTI$ER$$$$$$$$$$$$   the eminently   American-English   METAPHOR    "killed themselves"  is being employed _HERE_   EE-EE-in this instant   "here"-UH-UH-UH   as   a METAPHOR   and is _NOT_ to be "taken" _LITERALLY  THANK YOU! ever so much   for your kind attention!   cornel west   and tavis smiley   _TRYING_   TO _TELL_   the   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "$tory"   of THIER _OWN_   "black bro-UH-UH-ther"   BARACK   HU$$EIN OBAMA   QUID-PRO QUO   U$ING   BIDEN-OBAMA   -MERRY-BLACK+EXPEN$IVE-KNEE-ee-ee-$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          TO CRU$H   ~get thi$!   to QUOTE-UNQUOTE   LIMITLE$$LY   CRU-uh-uh-$H:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          "the"   110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND]   irreplaceable   precious   unlimited   potential   EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES   "on location"   EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-in   -CEYLON  -$RI LANKA-   $OUTH A$IA:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          AS REPORTED BY THE COLOMBO TELEGRAPH DOT COM   EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES   MATTER   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN-THIRTY-NINE [1939]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          _AND_   ONGOING   IN   CALENDAR YEA-uh-uh-R   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee[2020]:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   FACING ge-EY-EY-nocid-AI-AI-de         https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_
genocide.html             FACING _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          _BUT_   _BOTH_   TAVIS SMILEY   _AND_   CORNELL WEST   WERE   _FORCED_   INTO   INTERNATIONALLY   _NOT_ televi$ed   TWENTY-FOUR-$EVEN   THREE-$IXTY-$-EE-EE-IX   MEDIA   OB$CURITY_   _AND_   GLOO-ooh-ooh-M   "by"   THEIR   _OWN_   "black"   "brother"   BARACK HU$$EIN OBAMA 2009+ONGOING STAT!   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~_ CAREFULLY-CHOREOGRAPHED   -OB$CURITY   +GLOO-ooh-ooh-M   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   _YET_+YET+YET   as "recently"   as on JULY THIRD [3rd]  IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   the PROUD-TO-BE-OBAMA   -INTERNATIONALLY   -TELECA$T-OBAMA-BBC-NEW$-U$A   -PHD IN ECONOMIC$ KATTY KAY-IN CHA-ah-ah-RGE   -OF-PER$ONALLY   _AND_   RELENTLE$$LY_   _AND_   UNRELENTINGLY   _AND_   $ELF-RIGHTEOU$LY   -BURNI$HING-BIDEN-OBAMA-EGO-REPUTATION$   REGARDLE$$  OF "THE FA-ah-ah-CTS"   which _ARE_ "after AH-AH-AH-all" $OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO   _CONFU$ING_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  "The" BBC INTERNATIONAL new$   "found time"   to de$cri-AI-AI-AI-be   MEXICAN POLICE   _BRUTALITY_   IN MEXICO-oh-oh   perpetrated   again$t  MEXICAN CITIZENS   _OBVIOU$LY_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   teleca$ting   to "the Univer$e"   that MEXICAN POLICE _BRUTALITY_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "far more"  IMPORTANT   "for'" BBC-AMERICA   -OBAMA-TV-CHANNEL-viewer$   to be informed about   ON JULY THIRD [3RD]   -IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee[2020]   ~OOP%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   than   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "the" QUOTE-UNQUOTE   110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND]   irreplaceable   precious   unlimited   potential   EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES   "on location" in   CEYLON  -$RI LANKA-   $OUTH A$IA   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES   MATTER   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN-THIRTY-NINE [1939]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          _AND_   ONGOING IN   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee[2020]:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   FACING ge-EY-EY-nocid-AI-AI-de          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html             FACING ge-EY-EY-nocid-AI-AI-   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "we" have had a VALID LEGAL   USA e-mail account   since calendar year NINETEEN EIGHTY-EIGHT [1988] and  MORE THAN ONE VALID   LEGAL USA INTERNET WEB SITE   SINCE CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN NINETY-SIX [1996]  "We" were contacted   ONLINE on the INTERNET   by THE USA CENSUS BUREAU   "We" 100% COMPLETED   THE ONLINE   CENSUS DOT GOV   INTERNET F-oh-oh-oh-RM   and the words "no further information   EE-EE-is required"   appeared at the end of the   ONLINE-INTERNET-CENSUS DOT GOV ONLINE FORM   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "We" subsequently   received CENSUS FORMS   hanging on the front door AH-AH-of   our USA legal property   WRAPPED IN A PLASTIC BAG   PLASTIC THAT WILL REMAIN   FOR   450 YEARS _MINIMUM_   NON-BIODEGRADABLE   +"interfering" w-EE-EE-ith   the planetary needs of   President Trump's   kids+grand kids   $UCH THAT   "WE" QUOTE-UNQUOTE   $PENT "OUR" OWN DOLLAR$$$$$$$$$$$$   "We" mailed the PAPER CENSUS DOT GOV   FORMS WRAPPED IN PLASTIC   via USPS   to FTC DOT GOV "explaining" that "we" had "already" completed all the required forms _AND_ _BEEN_ _TOLD_   IN _WRITING_   THA-ah-ah-ah-T   "all required information"   had been provided THANK YOU!"   "We" have $INCE received $EVERAL telephone call$  to "our" LEGAL USA l-AI-AI-nes   from   844809   7717    that "we" con$ider to be "$u$piciou$"   and needle$$ly time-con$uming "coincident" with a dark-skinned teenager   with ethnic skin coloring/colouring and ethnic hai-AI-AI-AI-r   walking past our USA property   TALKING non-stop on her 'cell 'phone   what el$e???????????????????????????   i know a guy who is tough but sweet   he's so fine that he can't be beat   i want candy   i want candy   _WHILE_ EELAM TAMILS' BLACK LIVES _LIVED_   AFRICAN-AMERICAN BLACK MALES BOTH   CORNEL WEST:          https://www.democracynow.org/2020/7/3/americas_moment_of_reckoning_keeanga_yamahtta          _AND_   TAVIS SMILEY:          https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-businessmen/tavis-smiley-net-worth/          _AND_ SOUTH AFRICA'S ANGLICAN ARCHBISHOP   DESMOND TUTU   DESMOND TUTU   EELAM TAMIL-HERO   EVER SINCE   THE NINETEEN SEVENTIES   i want candy   i want candy:          https://www.youthforhumanrights.org/voices-for-human-rights/champions/desmond-tutu.html          QUOTE-UNQUOTE "BEGAN" _BEING_ "OUR"   EELAM TAMIL BLACK LIVES _MATTER_ SUPER-DUPER   -HYPER  SUPER   CALIFRAGILISTIC   EXPI   ALIDOCIOUS   -HEROES   DURING   THE OBAMA-ADMINISTRATION   2009-2016...
"          "The" song _          I Want Candy          _ performed by Bow Wow Wow, music and lyrics c. by Bert Berns, Bob Feldman, Jerry Goldstein, and Richard Gottehrer              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoXVYSV4Xcs          .]          Eelam Tamil Black Lives Matter 2009 Through 2016 African American Eelam Tamil Heroes Tavis Smiley:          https://www.celebritynetworth.com/richest-businessmen/tavis-smiley-net-worth/          And Cornell West:          https://www.democracynow.org/2020/7/3/americas_moment_of_reckoning_keeanga_yamahtta          Relegated To Absolute Obscurity And Gloom For Opposing Their Own Black Brother Barack Hussein:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4tFLAd8OEw          Obama:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          .  ~July 4th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 4th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 3rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          "Kansas City"          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfTRUP_4p7c          performed by Wilbert Harrison          _   "...   [ATTENTION U$A GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE 24/7/366 GRAMMARLY "TARGETING" "AGENT$":  CORRECT NON-ACCENTED-AMERICAN-ENGLISH IS "GOING TO" _NOT_ "goin' to."   THIS IS REFERRED TO AS ARTISTIC LICENSE!]   goin' to   ka-AH-AH-nsas city   goin' to   ka-AH-AH-nsas city   k-AH-AH-ansas city   here i co-UH-UH-me   they got  $ome crazy _LITTLE_ women there   and i'm going to   get me   AH-AH-one   goin' to   new york city   goin' to   new york city   THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   New York City Mayor   Bill DeBla$io   for QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "reminding"  "The" TWENTY-FOUR-$EVEN [24/7]   THREE-$IXTY-$IX [366]   IN LEAP YEAR   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-[2020]   UNRELENTINGLY-ee-ee   RELENTLE$$LY-ee-ee   TELEVI$ED-Univer$e":          https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-says-painting-black-lives-matter-on-new-yorks-fifth-avenue-would-be-a-symbol-of-hate/2020/07/01/6a039f12-bba2-11ea-bdaf-a129f921026f_story.html          that _INDEED_   QUOTE-UNQUO-oh-oh-oh-TE   "all black live$ MATTER"   _EXCEPT_   "the" QUOTE-UNQUOTE   110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND]   irreplaceable   precious   unlimited   potential   EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES   "on location" in   CEYLON  -$RI LANKA-   $OUTH A$IA   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN-THIRTY-NINE [1939]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          _AND_   ONGOING IN   CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee[2020]:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   FACING ge-EY-EY-nocid-AI-AI-de         https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden
_genocide.html             FACING ge-EY-EY-nocid-AI-AI-de   [ATTENTION U$A GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE 24/7/366 GRAMMARLY "TARGETING" "AGENT$":  CORRECT NON-ACCENTED-AMERICAN-ENGLISH IS "GOING TO" _NOT_ "goin' to."   THIS IS REFERRED TO AS ARTISTIC LICENSE!]   goin' to   ka-AH-AH-nsas city   goin' to   ka-AH-AH-nsas city   k-AH-AH-ansas city   here i co-UH-UH-me   they got  $ome crazy _LITTLE_ women there   and i'm going to   get me   AH-AH-one...
"          "The" song _         "Kansas City"          _ performed by Wilbert Harrison, music and lyrics c. by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfTRUP_4p7c          .]          Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  [EMINENTLY $ARCA$M!] New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio:          https://www.washington
          For Quote Unquote Reminding The Twenty-Four/Seven/Three-Sixty-Six Uber Televised Univer$e That _INDEED_ _ALL_ Black Lives Matter _EXCEPT_ For~get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE HUNDRED AND TEN _THOUSAND [110,000]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          EELAM TAMIL BLACK LIVES  "on location" IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA-IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          -FACING_ CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020] HITLER-GOATBAYA-RAJAPAK$E:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          -GENOCIDE ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~July 3rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8½" (eight and a half inches) x 11" (eleven inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 3rd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 2nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Wouldn't It Be Nice          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pih2IuL7U7A          performed by The Beach Boys          _   "...wouldn't it be nice   if we were older   then we wouldn't have to wait so long   Obama:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          -Biden   -era   U$A TAXPAYER   U$A TAX DOLLAR$   "inve$tment$"   EE-EE-in   HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -GOATABAYA    -RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$   HITLER   MAHINDHA "CHINTHANA" RAJAPAK$E-UH:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          HITLER-ECONOMIC   developm-UH-UH-UH-ent [!]   PLAN$   2009 through 2016   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/wikileaks-mcc-and-mahinda-rajapaksa-government-agree-to-proceed-with-usd-590-million-mcc-compact/          A QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "MERE"   U$A TOP DOLLAR$   FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          A$ ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   DILIGENTLY   _ALBEIT_   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   OB$CURELY   REPORTED B-ai-ai-ai-Y   OB$CURE   _AND_   GLOOMY   _FOREIGN POLICY_   MAGAZINE-   USA   U$A TOP DOLLAR$   IN DIRECT   QUID PRO QUO EXCHA-ey-ey-ey-NGE   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "FOR"   A "MERE"   FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY [590] MILLION [million with an "m"]      DOLLAR$   TOP U$A DOLLAR$   U$A-TAXPAYER-INVE$TMENT-IN   HITLER   MAHINDHA "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$E   ECONOMY   _WITH_   U$A    PRE$IDENT OBAMA $MILE$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          _AND_ CELEBRATION$   2009   THROUGH   2016   ADDED   GRATUIT-uh-uh-uh-OU$LY:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          @10:10 AM   EA$TERN U$A T-ai-ai-ai-IME   "we" @ isaac falconer dot com   were needle-no$ed   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "targeted"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "for" affordable   to everyone   underlining   and empha$izing   the tracking   the $urv-EY-EY-EY-EY-eillance   the unrelenting   the relentle$$  ever    $i-EE-EE-nce   calendar year nineteen eighty-three [1983]   ~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   total restore   gut renewal  di$playing  GOOGLE-OWNED-   ARTIFICIAL-INTELLIGENCE  -THINKING   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" INVI$IBLE   "gender" _FEMALE_   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _WRONG_ U$A zip code???????????????????????????   BA$ED ON _NOT_ U$A ZIP CODE   "FOR"   HOLLYWOOD 90120   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" $KIN-COLOR   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE:  NON-white   -$kin-color/colour~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED   YOUTUBE   -needle-no$ed "targeting us   @ isaac falconer dot com   ON JULY FIR$T [1$t]   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTYee-ee-ee-[2020]   @ 10:10 AM   EA$TERN U$A T-ai-ai-ai-IME   revealing GOOGLE artificial "thinking"  that "we" are GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$   "target" "audience"   "for" "AFFORDABLE" TO EVERYONE   _AND_   TOTAL RE$TORE GUT RENEWAL"   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   wouldn't it be nice   if we were older   then we wouldn't have to wait so long   Obama:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          -Biden   -era   U$A TAXPAYER   U$A TAX DOLLAR$   "inve$tment$"   EE-EE-in   HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -GOATABAYA    -RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$   HITLER   MAHINDHA "CHINTHANA" RAJAPAK$E-UH:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          HITLER-ECONOMIC   developm-UH-UH-UH-ent [!]   PLAN$   2009 through 2016   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/wikileaks-mcc-and-mahinda-rajapaksa-government-agree-to-proceed-with-usd-590-million-mcc-compact/          A QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "MERE"   U$A TOP DOLLAR$   FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          A$ ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   DILIGENTLY   _ALBEIT_   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   OB$CURELY   REPORTED BY   OB$CURE   _AND_   GLOOMY   _FOREIGN POLICY_   MAGAZINE-   USA   U$A TOP DOLLAR$   IN DIRECT   QUID PRO QUO EXCHA-ey-ey-ey-NGE   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "FOR"   A "MERE"   FIVE HUNDRED AND NINETY [590] MILLION [million with an "m"]   TOP DOLLAR$   TOP U$A DOLLAR$   U$A-TAXPAYER-INVE$TMENT-IN   HITLER   MAHINDHA "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$E   ECONOMY   _WITH_   U$A   PRE$IDENT BIDEN   _AND_    OBAMA $MILE$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          _AND_ CELEBRATION$   2009   THROUGH   2016   ADDED   GRATUITOU$LY-ee-ee-ee-ee-:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..."          "The" song _          Wouldn't It Be Nice          _ performed by The Beach Boys, music and lyrics c. by Brian Wilson, Tony Asher, and Mike Love          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pih2IuL7U7A          .]          "The" +FUTURE_ U$A Pre$ident Biden _AND_ Former U$A Pre$ident Obama Quid Pro Quo Exchanged USA Tax Payer Four Point Five [four point five] Million [million with an "m"] ZUBERI-Dollar$ In QUID-PRO-QUO-DIRECT Exchange For Five Hundred And Ninety [590] Million With An M:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/wikileaks-mcc-and-mahinda-rajapaksa-government-agree-to-proceed-with-usd-590-million-mcc-compact/          Dollar Investment In Hitler Rajapakse Economy 2009 To 2016 Oops.  ~July 2nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_    
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 2nd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 1st, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          ['] Round [CORRECT GRAMMATICAL ENGLISH:  AROUND] Here          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAe3sCIakXo          performed by Counting Crows          _   "...step out the front door   like a ghost into the FOG   where no one notice$   the contra$t   of white-ON-white   in-between   the moon and you   angel$   get a better view   of the crumbling   difference   between wrong and right   _WITHIN_   LITERAL   REAL TIME   REAL SPACE   HOURS OF   WIRELE$$   WE$T VIRGINIA   USA   CALLER   LAURA HARDT   STATING IN   _PURE_ JE$T   WITH LAUGHTER   BY telephone  CALL   TO "OUR" LEGAL   USA-LANDLINE[$]   U$A TELEPHONE LINE[$]   ON JUNE TWENTY-NINTH-[29th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "$HE" -   isaac falconer dot com   WILL HAVE TO DON HER NUR$ING UNIFORM~   _BECAU$E_   IVY LEAGUE-EDUCATED   FEMALES   CANNOT EXPECT   ANY OTHER U$A FUTURE($)   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _ZERO_   _FUTURE_   "OTHER"   THAN   _BEING_   QUOTE-UNQIOTE   "targeted"   twenty-for-$EVEN   THREE-$IXTY-$IX   -in leap year calendar year TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   coincidentally   NOT all _THAT_   "coincidentally"   _COMPLETELY_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "by accident"   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   NEEDLE-NO$ED   TARGETED   "US"  @ isaacfalconer   dot   com   ON JUNE THIRTIETH [30th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   @ 11:05 AM   EA$TERN U$A TIME   for QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "AN _UNDERGRADUATE NUR$ING DEGREE"   indicating   GOOGLE-OWNED   "artifical intelligence"   _THINKING_   _ANYONE_   _EVERYONE_  at "our" locations   is QUOTE-UNQUOTE   DE$PERATE   for QUOTE-UNQUOTE   ONE    _OR_   $EVERAL   UNDERGRADUATE   NUR$ING DEGREE$   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BA$ED ON   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" "gender" _FEMALE_   ba$ed" on QUOTE-UNQUOTE _WRONG_ U$A zip code???????????????????????????   BA$ED ON   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _NOT_ U$A ZIP CODE   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "FOR" HOLLYWOOD 90210   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE "wrong" $KIN-COLOR   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE"   NON-white-$kin-color/colour~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED YOUTUBE   -needle-no$ed "targeting" us   @ isaac falconer dot com   ON JUNE THIRTIETH [30TH]   CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   @ 05:27 PM   EA$TERN U$A TIME   revealing GOOGLE artificial "thinking"  that "we"   are   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$   "target" "audience"   "for" "INDERGRADUATE NUR$ING DEGREE$"    ON _TOP_ OF   A JUNE TWENTY-NINTH [29TH]   CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   @ 12:44 PM   EA$TERN U$A TIME   "needle-no$ed"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "targeting"  "BY" CHARLE$TON ARKAN$A$   ABBREVIATED AR   479   965   5573   ON   QUOTE-INQUOTE   "OUR"   USA   CALLER ID DISPLAYS   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   CALL RECEIVED   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "after"   "we"   tryped  the word    GRACE   the name of "our"   _FAMILY_   RELATION   except   THAT   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "we"   have never _EVER_   _MET_   IN PER$ON   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   IN ARKAN$A$   _NOT_ IN ARKAN$A$  "whether" "on location"   in CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94341          _OR_ "on location" in   HONG-KONG:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-53230391          IT IS THE GOVERNMENT OF HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -CHINA   -XI JINPING:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          that'$ "in control"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   THANK YOU!    HARVARD!   ECONOMI$T$!   OF  DECADE$!   AGO!   "already"   $ARCA$M!:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/19/business/economy/china-xi-jinping-liu-he.html             $ARCA$M!   THANK$$$$$$$$$$$$   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   step out the front door   like a ghost into the FOG   where no one notice$   the contra$t   of white-ON-white   in-between   the moon and you   angel$   get a better view   of the crumbling   difference   between wrong and right..."          "The" song _          ['] Round [CORRECT GRAMMATICAL ENGLISH:  AROUND] Here          _ performed by Counting Crow, music and lyrics c. by Steve Bowman, David Bryson, Adam Duritz, Charlie Gillingham, Matt Malley, Dave Janusko, Dan Jewett, and Chris Roldan          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAe3sCIakXo          .]          Regardle$$ Of Whether Its Hong Kong:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-53230391          Citizens Losing Their Freedoms To Hitler China Xi Jinping _OR_ Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia's All Black Lives Matter Except Black Eelam Tamils Lives:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          It's Hitler China XI JINPING  In Control 2020 Oops.  ~July 1st, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+ UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 1st, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 30th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          A Horse With No Name          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEHBTjIYejE          performed by America          _   "...on the first part of the journey   i was looking at all the life    the heat was hot   and the ground was dry   but the air was full of $ound   i've been through _DEFENDING_   BLACK LIVES   EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES   "on location"   IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   DEFENDED   AGAIN$T   HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          NAZI   $INHALE$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/      _BEGINNING_   IN CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE [1939]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   AS DEFINITIVELY OUTLINED   AND MINUTELY DESCRIBED   IN A GERMAN-LANGUAGE-BOOK   SOLD ON   AMAZON DOT COM:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          _GENOCIDE_   "the" "word"   COINED BY RAPHAEL LEMKIN   TO DE$CRIBE   THE ACT$   CALENDAR YEAR  NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE [1939]    _AND_ ONGOING:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-53219895          IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]    with the horse with no name   in the desert   you can't remember your name    because [ARTISTIC-POETIC LICENSE~OOPS!]   there ain't no one   [CORRECT ENGLISH:  BECAUSE THERE ISN'T ANYONE]   to give you no _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-53219895          CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA'$   HITLER   $ARATH FON$EKA:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45449763          BOA$T$   "OPENLY"   _AND_   "INTERNATIONALLY"   ON JUNE TWENTY-NINTH [29th]   ee-ee-IN CALENDAR Y-yur-EAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ABOUT $LAUGHTERING   THE _ONLY_ "EVER"   _RESISTANCE_ TO HITLER:          https://www.japantimes.
co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          -CHINA:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          -HITLER-GOATABAYAA:         https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/      -HITLER-MAHINDHA:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539           "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$$$$$$$$$$$$-E   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   -HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   _ALL_:         https://www.hrw.org/news/2016/02/10/sri-lanka-investigate-not-promote-ex-army-chief         https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          on the first part of the journey   i was looking at all the life    the heat was hot   and the ground was dry   but the air was full of $ound   i've been through _DEFENDING_   BLACK LIVES   EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES   "on location"   IN CEYLON   -$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   DEFENDED   AGAIN$T   HITLER   BY THE LTTE [LIBERATION TIGERS OF TAMIL EELAM]:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/NAZI   $INHALE$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/      _BEGINNING_   IN CALENDAR YEAR   NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE [1939]   WHEN THERE   WEREN'T   _ANY_ LTTE [LIBERATION TIGERS OF TAMIL EELAM]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   AS DEFINITIVELY OUTLINED   AND MINUTELY DESCRIBED   IN A GERMAN-LANGUAGE-BOOK   SOLD ON   AMAZON DOT COM:          https://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148          ...
"          "The" song _          Horse With No Name          _ performed by America, music and lyrics c. by Dewey Bunnell            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEHBTjIYejE          .]          Raphael Lemkin:          https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/coining-a-word-and-championing-a-cause-the-story-of-raphael-lemkin          Coined The "RIGHT":          https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/mark_twain_389874          Word Genocide To Describe Acts Like Eelam Tamil HAVE Faced "on location" in CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          At The Hands Of Sinhalese Hitlers Since 1939:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          .  ~June 30th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND +UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 30th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 29th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Girls Just Want To Have Fun          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIb6AZdTr-A          performed by Cyndi Lauper          _   "...i come home   in the morning light   my BODY YELLS   "When you're gonna live your life right?"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   popping out   unrecycled babies   _EXACTLY_   _LIKE_   NEW ZEALAND'$  PRIME MINI$TER   JACINDA   ADERN   _EXACTLY_ _LIKE_  UK PRIME MINI$TER    BORI$   JO-oh-oh-oh-HN$ON   NOW!   $TAT!   ON HI$ $E-eh-eh-eh-VENTH CHILD   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $MACK   +DAB   _AND_   IN THE _MIDDLE_   of a $EVEN POINT TWO BILLION   PLANETARY   HUMAN POPULATION   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   oh mother dear we're not the fortunate   conscience-FREE-ones   and EELAM TAMILS   they wanna have fun   oh EELAM TAMILS   just want to have fun   the 'phone rings   in the middle of the night   my father yells "What you gonna do with your life?"   oh daddy dear   you know you're still number one   but EELAM TAMILS   they wanna have fun   oh EELAM TAMILS   just want to have   that's all they really wa-AH-AH-AH-AH-nt   to have fu-UH-UH-UH-n   _WHEN_  fighting HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/         -GOATABAYA   -RAJAPAK$E   -I$-DONE   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   oh EELAM TAMILS   they wanna have fun   oh EELAM TAMILS just wanna have fun   some boys   take a beautiful girl   and hide her away   from the rest of the world   OH EELAM TAMILS   want to be the ones to walk in the sun   oh EELAM TAMILS   they wanna have fun   OH EELAM TAMILS    just wanna have   that's all they really   wa-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-nt   as "recently"   as on Sunday   JUNE TWENTY   -eh-eh-eh-EIGHTH [28th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR twenty-twenty-EE-EE-EE-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   USA ABC TELEVI$ION NEW$   WITH DAVID MUIR   TOM LLAMAS ANCHORING   "reminded"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   an audience of millions   QUOTE-UNQUOTE "the most watched new$ca$t" in The USA of _HOW_   President Trump told QUOTE-UNQUOTE "both $ide$:"          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmaZR8E12bs          WHITE SUPREMACISTS IN CHARLOTTE NORTH CAROLINA USA   _AND_ AFRICAN-AMERICAN   _ALL_ BLACK LIVES MATTER   _EXCEPT_   "when" THE BLACK LIVES IN QUESTION are "on location" EE-EE-EE-in   CEYLON    -$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          with _ZERO_   "remotely" equivalent coverage USA ABC TELEVI$ION NEW$ WITH DAVID MUIR   TOM LLAMAS ANCHORING   of USA President Obama "telling" HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -GOATABAYA-RAJAPAK$E   on "one $ide"   _AND_ The EELAM TAMIL BLACK LIVES MATTER   French Resistance to Nazi-$ri Lanka   on the "other" S-AI-AI-AI-ide   _THAT_ QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "both $ide$"   MU-uh-uh-$T $TEP DOWN!:"          https://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/05/13/obama.sri.lanka/index.html          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _PRECI$ELY_ _ZERO_ "moral equivalency"   DI$PLAYED IN _THAT_ IN$TANCE   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   i wanna be the one to walk in the sun   _AND_ EELAM TAMILS   they just wanna have fun ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..."          "The" song _         Girls Just Want To Have Fun          _ performed by Cyndi Lauper, music and lyrics c. by Robert Hazard            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIb6AZdTr-A          .]          In CALENDAR YEAR 2009 (two-thousand+nine):  "Then" USA President Obama [+ FUTURE USA PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN]  Told Hitler:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Gotabaya Rajapakse Troops On "One Side" And Genocide Fighting Eelam Tamils "On The Other Side:"          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          THAT QUOTE-UNQUOTE "Both Sides Must Step Down:"          https://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/05/13/obama.sri.lanka/index.html          _BUT_ Alas!+Alack! Thi$ JOE BIDEN-BARACK HU$$EIN OBAMA "NEW$" GET$ _ZERO_ "air time" ON U$A ABC NEW$ WITH DAVID MUIR TOM LAMA$ ANCHORING _EVER_~$INCE Topic$ _LIKE_ "the Thai cave boys"+MEGAN MARKLE'$ BABY ARCHIE are THAT _MUCH_ more important~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_.  ~June 29th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 29th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 28th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Bello Amore [BEAUTIFUL LOVE]          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTbjbDFzF0I          performed by Ornella Vanoni          _   "...bello bello amore [BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL LOVE]   amore bello [LOVE BEAUTIFUL]   come un paradiso   sensa pace [HOW CAN YOU HAVE PARADISE WITHOUT PEACE???????????????????????????]   dolce malattia [SWEET SICKNESS]   vita [LIFE]   grazie questa vita [GRACE THIS LIFE]   grande [HUGE]  quando ce se tu [WHEN YOU]   forte [STRONG]   come un fiume [LIKE A RIVER OF WATER]   in piena [SWOLLEN]   canto canto te  [ARTISTIC LICENSE:  THE SONG _IS_ _YOU_]   bello bello amore [BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL LOVE]   amore bello [LOVE BEAUTIFUL]   come un paradiso   i wasn't looking   QUOTE-UNQUOTE "for" "anything"   I HAD ZERO CONTROL OVER IT   just the _SUDDEN_   _SIMPLEST_   COMPLETELY   UNEXPECTED   sensation   of falling   INTO YOUR SOUL   UNBEKNOWNST   TO   _YOU_   _YOU_   also known as _THEE_   IN QUAKER-SPEAK   RELIGIOUS SOCIETY   OF FRIENDS-SPEAK   no one   _EVER_   "even"   explained   ever to _ME_   that such an experience   was EVEN   _THE_   _FAINTEST_   EVANESCENT   possibility   in any   HUMAN   BEING'S   _WILDEST_   CRAZIEST_   IMAGINATION_   the _SHOCKING_   SOUL   -OVERWHELMING   EXPERIENCES   CAME   DAYS+WEEKS+MONTHS+YEARS   -AFTERWARDS   "AFTER"   FALLING INTO YOUR SOUL   hello???????????????????????????      hello???????????????????????????   bello bello amore [BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL LOVE]   amore bello [LOVE BEAUTIFUL]   come un paradiso   sensa pace [HOW CAN YOU HAVE PARADISE WITHOUT PEACE???????????????????????????]   dolce malattia [SWEET SICKNESS]   vita [LIFE]   grazie   questa vita [GRACE   THIS LIFE]   grande [HUGE]  quando   ce se TU [_YOU_]   coincidentally   not so   coincidentally   purely randomly   except  a pattern   has been   micro-managerially   ob$erved   since at least   usa real time   SINCE AT LEAST   usa   real space  SINCE AT LEAST   usa   real one blue planet   since september NINETEENTH [19th]   SINCE   AT LEAST   calendar year   two-thousand and three [2003]   that within   LITERAL   REAL TIME   within   LITERAL   REAL SPACE   within   LITERAL   REAL   ONE BLUE PLANET   USA   EXISTENCE   of turning on   or turning off   COMCAST  dot  com   television channels   bello bello amore [BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL LOVE]   _THAT_   _WITHIN_   REAL   LITERAL   REAL TIME   LITERAL   REAL SPACE   LITERAL   REAL ONE BLUE PLANET   _LITERAL_   USA EXISTENCE   OF   a brown-skinned   _NEVER_   relevant to "our"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   -USA property   -teenager   with   ethnic hair   walking  BE$IDE   "our"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE-U$A property   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   our caller IDS   register  844 809 7717   BLOCKED CALLER   WHO CANNOT HEAR   THAT THEIR   844   PRE$UMABLY   TOLL-FREE   TELEPHONE   CALL$   BEING   USA BLOCKED   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   most recently   @ 11:25 AM   EASTERN USA   REAL TIME   -USA   ON JUNE TWENTY-FIFTH [25th]   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   followed by GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   -GRAMMARLY-AD   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   DE$PERATE _NEED_   to a$k "us" @ isaacfalconer dot com   _IF_   "we" who have been speaking   FLUENT   100%   PERFECTLY   GRAMMATICAL   English   since the NINETEEN SEVENTIES   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "needed"   our ENGLISH LANGUAGE   _AND_   ARTISTIC+POETIC   LICENSE   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "fixed"   "by"   GRAMMARLY   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     BA$ED on   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong"   $KIN COLOR/COLOUR    BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE _NOT_ "white" with pink dot$   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong"   GENDER   -FEMALE    BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" ZIP CODE   BA$ED ON   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   ~_NOT_ BEVERLY HILL$ 90210   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   [bello] QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "confused    by THE _BEAUTIFUL_   _BELLA_   GENDER-INCLU$IVE   -ITALIAN LANGUAGE   ~OOP$ @ 03:58 PM   EA$TERN   U$A   TIME   ON JUNE TWENTY-$EVENTH [27th]--TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   bello bello amore [BEAUTIFIL BEAUTIFUL LOVE]   amore bello [LOVE BEAUTIFUL]   come un paradiso   sensa pace [HOW CAN YOU HAVE PARADISE WITHOUT PEACE???????????????????????????]   dolce malattia [SWEET SICKNESS]   vita [LIFE]   grazie questa vita [GRACE THIS LIFE]   grande [HUGE]   quando ce se tu [WHEN YOU]   forte [STRONG]   come un fiume [LIKE A RIVER OF WATER]   in piena [SWOLLEN]   canto canto te  [THE SONG _IS_ _YOU_..."          "The" song _          Bella Amore [BEAUTIFUL LOVE IN ITALIAN]          _ performed by Ornella Vanoni, music and lyrics c. by Ornella Vanoni & Giuseppe Barbera             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTbjbDFzF0I          .]          _NOBODY_ As In _NOT_ "Even" Quakers-Memebers Of The Religious Society Of Friends:          https://www.merionfriends.org/          Explained The _FAINTEST_ Possibility Of Falling Into Another Person's Soul.  ~June 28th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 28th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 27th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Nobody Does It Better          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaV-6qerkqI          performed by Carly Simon          _   "...nobody   does   it better   makes me feel sad   f-AH-AH-AH-or   the rest   nobody   does it   half as good as you   ba-AY-AY-AY-by   you're the best   i wasn't looking   but somehow   TRUMP found   HONG-KONG   LO$ING   ITS MO$T   PRECIOU$   POLITICAL FREEDOMS   TO HITLER-CHINA   IN $TA-ah-ah-ah-RK   +DRAMATIC CONTRA$T   TO BIDEN-OBAMA-OBAMA-BIDEN   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   i tried to hide from your love   but like heaven above me   "THE" TRUMP   -WHO-LOVED HONG-KONG   is keeping all HONG-KONG'$    CIVIL LIBERTIE$   _SAFE_ tonight:          https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/us-tightens-the-screws-on-beijing-restricts-visas-for-chinese-officials/story-f0KO5Naw0PIQ1jXATibxaN.html          NOW!   $TAT!   ON JUNE TWENTY-SEVENTH [27th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   USA   PRESIDENT TRUMP   ONWARD!   +UPWARD!   TO CREATING   A GENOCIDE-FREE   POLITICAL-FREEDOM-FILLED   -EELAM TAMIL HOMELAND   "for"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "all black lives matter"   _EXCEPT_   "for"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND   BLACK LIVES:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          "on location'"in   CEYLON   -$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   nobody   does   it better   makes me feel sad   f-AH-AH-AH-or   the rest   nobody   does it   half as good as you   ba-AY-AY-AY-by   you're the best   i wasn't looking   but somehow   TRUMP found HONG-KONG   LO$ING ITS MO$T PRECIOU$   POLITICAL FREEDOMS   TO HITLER-CHINA   IN $TA-ah-ah-ah-RK   +DRAMATIC CONTRA$T   TO BIDEN-OBAMA   -OBAMA-BIDEN~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   i tried to hide from your love   but like heaven above me   "THE" TRUMP   -WHO-LOVED HONG-KONG   is keeping   all HONG-KONG'$    CIVIL LIBERTIE$   _SAFE_ tonight:          https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/us-tightens-the-screws-on-beijing-restricts-visas-for-chinese-officials/story-f0KO5Naw0PIQ1jXATibxaN.html          BY INTRODUCING   visa restrictions   ON HITLER-CHINA   -OFFICIALDOM:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-53202332          ON JUNE TWENTY-SEEVENTH [27TH]   -IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   RE$TRICTING   TRAVEL   ON  HITLER CHINA   OFFICIALDOM   $INCE   _THAT_   I$   IN$UFFICIENT   _EXCITEMENT   _~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ON JUNE TWENTY-SEEVENTH [27TH]   -IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   OBAMA-BIDEN-BIDEN-OBAMA-FUNDED-   Google-OWNED-YouTuube   needle-no$ed targeting us   @ isaac falconer   dot   com   "for"   Seniors Should Be Eating This   To Lower Blood Sugar   MARA$ MUTFAGI   ON JUNE TWENTY-$EVENTH [27th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   @ 07:50 AM   EA$TERN U$A TIME   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   1 Fruit Kills Diabetes   NO ONE   AT ANY OF "OUR" LOCATION$   $UFFER$   FROM DIABETE$   OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   nobody   does   it better   makes me feel sad   f-AH-AH-AH-or the rest   nobody   does it   half as good as you   ba-AY-AY-AY-by   you're the best   i wasn't looking   but somehow   TRUMP found HONG-KONG   LO$ING   ITS MO$T PRECIOU$   POLITICAL FREEDOMS   TO HITLER-CHINA   IN $TA-ah-ah-ah-RK   +DRAMATIC CONTRA$T   TO BIDEN-OBAMA-OBAMA-BIDEN   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   i tried to hide from your love   but like heaven above me   "THE" TRUMP-WHO-LOVED HONG-KONG   is keeping all HONG-KONG'$    CIVIL LIBERTIE$   _SAFE_ tonight:          https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/us-tightens-the-screws-on-beijing-restricts-visas-for-chinese-officials/story-f0KO5Naw0PIQ1jXATibxaN.html          NOW!   $TAT!   ON JUNE TWENTY-SEVENTH [27th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   USA   PRESIDENT TRUMP   ONWARD!   +UPWARD!   TO CREATING   A GENOCIDE-FREE   POLITICAL-FREEDOM-FILLED   -EELAM TAMIL HOMELAND   "for"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "all black lives matter"   _EXCEPT_   "for"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND BLACK LIVES:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          "on location'"   in   CEYLON   -$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..."          "The" song _          Nobody Does It Better          _ performed by Carly Simon, music and lyrics c. by Marvin Hamlisch and Carole Bayer Sager          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IWxocGm21U          .]          USA President Trump _NOW_ That _YOU_ Have Safe-Guarded Political Freedoms In Hong Kong:          https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/us-tightens-the-screws-on-beijing-restricts-visas-for-chinese-officials/story-f0KO5Naw0PIQ1jXATibxaN.html          Stat Onward! + Upward! To Creating A _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          _FREE_+FREEDOM-FILLED Eelam Tamil Homeland For Eelam Tamils _ON_ JUNE TWENTY-SEVENTH [27th] 2020.  ~June 27th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)

_ June 26th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Let It Be          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDYfEBY9NM4          performed by The Beatles          _   "...TO _HEAR_   by reading   _The New York Times     WITH_   _CARE     ON JUNE TWENTY-FOURTH [24th]-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/24/us/ahmaud-arbery-shooting-murder-indictment.html          1 [ONE]   AHMAUD ARBERY   _I$_ _ACTUALLY_ "more"   COUNT THEM!   _THAN_ 110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND]   irreplaceable   precious   unlimited potential   EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES   "on location" in   CEYLON  -$RI LANKA-   $OUTH A$IA   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          EXCU$E THE TERRIBLE PUN   "trumps"   THE QUOTE-UNQUOTE   -the "news" that   ~GET THI$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ONE HUNDRED+TEN-THOUSAND   "black lives MATTER"   -EELAM TAMIL   -"BLACK LIVES"   pe-EY-EY-EY-rished   in   REAL-TIME   IN  REAL-$PACE   IN REAL   ONE   BLUE   PLANET   IN   REAL   EXI$TENCE with   OBAMA   +BIDEN'$   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "BLACK KNEES"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _MERRILY_   _AND_   _CELEBRATED_   24/7/   365   2009   THROUGH 2016   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   INTERNATIONALLY   _TELEVI$ED_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          ON THE ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND   BLACK NECKS:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          BELONGING TO QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "ALL"   BLACK LIVES   MATTER   -EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   "all over"   THE BBC/   ABC-U$A/   ABC-AU$TRALIA/   NBC-NEW$/   -CB$-U$A   -televi$ion-NEW$   _AND_ internet/   online   HEADLINE   -front page   NEW$   relentle$$ly   +unrelentingly   24/7/   366   IN LEAP YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]     _UNDERLINING_   _AND_ EMPHA$IZING   _UNRELENTINGLY_   _DAILY_    and _INTERNATIONALLY_   _THAT_   _INDEED_   _ALL_ black   lives  _DO_    _INDEED_ _MATTER_   ON JUNE TWENTY-FOURTH [24th]   ACCORDING TO _THE NEW YORK TIME$_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   _EXCEPT_   QUOTE   -UNQUOTE   "when"   the "black lives"   "being di$cu$$ed"   _ARE_   EELAM TAMIL LIVES   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-53077818          FRANCE JAILS $YRIA'$ A$$AD'$ _UNCLE_   a clo$e   FAMILY RELATION OF   $YRIA'$ HITLER   FO-ah-ah-R   MONEY-LAUNDERING   NOW!   $TAT!   ONWARD!   _AND_   UPWARD!   TO A$$I$TING FRANCE   TO _JAIL_ THE HITLER-GOVERNMENT-OF-CHINA-AGENT$   "re$pon$ible"   "for"   MA$$IVE   MONEY-LAUNDERING   OPERATION$   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A$IA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _WITH_ LITERAL REAL-TIME REAL SPACE REAL ONE BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE OF   A 100% INNOCENT USA SUMMER LAWN-MOWING   "we" were @ isaac falconer dot com   were needle-no$ed   "targeted"   "for" AMAZON PRIME $TUDENT   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BY AMAZON DOT COM   QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"artificial intelligence"   OPERATIVE   _APPARENTLY_   $INCE CALENDAR YEAR   NINETEEN NINETY-$IX [1996]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _FOLLOWED_ by telephone $poofing   "by" BETHANY-WV-USA-spoofer$   NUMBER 304 829 3058   @10:22 AM   EA$TERN U$A TIME   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "routine"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "habitual"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "DAILY"   ever $INCE   CALENDER YEAR   TWO-THOU$AND AND THREE [2003]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   TO _HEAR_ by reading   _The New York Times     WITH_   _CARE     ON JUNE TWENTY-FOURTH [24th]   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/24/us/ahmaud-arbery-shooting-murder-indictment.html          1 [ONE]   AHMAUD ARBERY   _I$_ _ACTUALLY_ "more"   COUNT THEM!   _THAN_ ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND   irreplaceable   precious   unlimited potential   EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA- $OUTH A$IA   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ..."          "The" song _          Let It Be          _ performed by The Beatles, music and lyrics c. by Lennon–McCartney            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDYfEBY9NM4          .]          According To _The_ TRUTH+JU$TICE withOUT THE COMIC$ _The New York Times_:          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/24/us/ahmaud-arbery-shooting-murder-indictment.html          Of June 24th, 2020 1 [ONE] Ahmaud Arbery Is Actually Count Them! "More" Than 110,000 [One Hundred And Ten Thousand] Eelam Tamils Necks:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          Crushed By "Black" Obama:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          -Biden "Merry" "Black"-Knee$:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          .  ~June 26th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_    © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 26th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 25th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Stayin' [STAYING] Alive          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNFzfwLM72c          performed by the Bee Gees          _   "...stayin' alive    stayin' alive   ah-ah-ah-ah-ah   stayin' ala-ai-ai-ai-ai-ive-   well you can tell by the way i _LOVE_   _THAT_   i'm a   PEACEFUL   _PEACE-ABLE_   DESPERATE-FOR-PEACE   DESPERATE FOR ZERO _GENOCIDE_   PERPETRATED ON   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "BLACK LIVES"   PRECIOUS+IRREPLACEABLE   -EELAM TAMIL LIVES"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "on location in"   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA-   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE [1939]:          https://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148          _AND_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   _ONGOING_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $TAT!   _AND_   NOW!   _AND_   _IN_   GOATABAYA   -HITLER   -CALENDAR YEAR   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _DESPERATE_   "for"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _ZERO_   COUNT THEM!   GOATABAYA-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$   -RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$   -MAHINDHA   "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$E   HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$   GEORGE   -$ON   -BU$H   -YEAR$   -CALENDAR YEAR$ TWO-THOU$AND+FIVE [2005]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/presidential-elections-tamils-choice-gotabayas-vision-mission/          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ON   TRUMP   -WINSTON CHURCHILL   -WATCH   -IN-CALENDAR YEAR-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   OOH-OOH-OOH-~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          stayin' alive    stayin' alive   stayin' ala-ai-ai-ai-ai-ive-   well you can tell by the way i _LOVE_   _THAT_   i'm a   PEACEFUL   _PEACE-ABLE_   DESPERATE-FOR-PEACE   DESPERATE FOR ZERO _GENOCIDE_   "on location in"   CEYLON   -$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          well you can tell by the way i _LOVE_   _THAT_   I AM DESPERATE TO _LIVE_   _FREE_ FROM _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          stayin' alive    stayin' alive   ah-ah-ah-ah-ah   stayin' ala-ai-ai-ai-ai-ive-   TO _SEE_   another _DAY_   no time to talk   you may look  the other way   stayin' alive    stayin' alive   ah-ah-ah-ah-ah   stayin' ala-ai-ai-ai-ai-ive-   well you can tell by the way i love   ON JUNE TWENTY-FIR$T [21st]   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]:          https://www.espn.com/racing/nascar/story/_/id/29345568/nascar-says-noose-found-bubba-wallace-garage-talladega          E$PN   "NEW$"   IN THE U$A   reported _THAT_   THE QUOTE-UNQUOTE   -"the noo$e" located   in the BLACK   -AFRICAN-AMERICAN   NA$CAR DRIVER'$ GARAGE   is not   "a   noo$e"   _EXACTLY_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and _YET_   AND _YET_   AND _YET_   "even" THAT "NEW$" "trump$:"         https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/           EXCU$E THE TERRIBLE PUN   THE QUOTE-UNQUOTE   -the "news" that   ~GET THI$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ONE HUNDRED+TEN-THOUSAND   "black lives MATTER"   -EELAM TAMILS-"BLACK LIVES   perished   in   REAL   -TIME   IN  REAL   -$PACE   IN REAL   ONE   BLUE   PLANET   REAL   EXI$TENCE   with OBAMA   +BIDEN'$   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "BLACK KNEES"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _MERRILY_   _AND_   +_CELEBRATED_   24/7/365   2009 THROUGH 2016   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   INTERNATIONALLY   _TELEVI$ED_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          ON THE ONE HUNDRED AND TEN   THOUSAND NECKS:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          BELONGING TO   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "ALL   BLACK LIVES   MATTER   -EELAM TAMIL LIVES-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]"~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "all over"   THE BBC/   ABC-U$A/   ABC-AU$TRALIA/   NBC-NEW$/   -CB$-U$A   -televi$ion-NEW$   _AND_ internet/   online   HEADLINE   -front page   NEW$   relentle$$ly   +unrelentingly   24/7/   366   IN LEAP YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]     _UNDERLINING_   _AND_ EMPHA$IZING   _UNRELENTINGLY_   _DAILY_    and _INTERNATIONALLY_  stayin' alive    stayin' alive   ah-ah-ah-ah-ah   stayin' ala-ai-ai-ai-ai-ive-   _THAT_   _INDEED_   _ALL_ black   lives  _DO_    _INDEED_ _MATTER_   ON JUNE TWENTY-$ECOND [22nd]   ON E$PN-U$A  IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   _EXCEPT_   QUOTE   -UNQUOTE   "when"   the "black lives" "being di$cu$$ed" _ARE_   EELAM TAMIL LIVES   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          stayin' alive    stayin' alive   ah-ah-ah-ah-ah   stayin' ala-ai-ai-ai-ai-ive-          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94307          to QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _CAREFULLY_   _AND_   PRECI$ELY_   _HEAR_   by reading _ASIANTRIBUNE_   "political analy$i$-word$"-PUBLI$HED   on   JUNE TWENTY-THIRD [23rd]   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   HITLER-GOTABAYA:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$   have _NOT_ been   "firmly"  _AND_ LOCATED IN$IDE   GOVERNMENT-OF-CHINA   -HITLER-XI JINPING-FUNDED:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          -U$A OBAMA:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          -CAMPAIGN-RE-ELECTION   -2012-FUNDED:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          stayin' alive    stayin' alive   ah-ah-ah-ah-ah   stayin' ala-ai-ai-ai-ai-ive-   -GE-ey-ey-ey-GE-NOC-AI-AI-AI-IDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          perpetrated on EELAM TAMILS $INCE NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE [1939]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          BY GENERATION$$$$$$$$$$$$   OF HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   ~get thi$!   TWO THOU$AND AND FIVE [2005]:          https://www.electoralgeography.com/new/en/countries/s/sri-lanka/sri-lanka-presidential-election-2005.html          _LITERAL_ _REAL_ _TIME_ _REAL_ SPACE   REAL ONE BLUE PLANET    CEYLON   -$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   HITLER$$$$$   PROPAGANDA MACHINERY   _INCLUDING_   ASIANTRIBUNE   INTERNET   "ALL OVER THE WORLD"   PUBLICATION   of    JUNE TWENTY-THIRD [23rd]   TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   "defining"   _LITERAL_ GENERATION$_ OF   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATION   OF _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          ON EELAM TAMILS   _AS_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   -"GOOD GUY$$$$$$$$$$$$   PRI$TINE   WHITE THERAVADHA BUDDHI$T$ _DEFEAT_   DIRTY LTTE EELAM TAMIL TIGER TERRORISTS":          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          _EXCEPT_   _AND_   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   the persons QUOTE-UNQUOTE "LABELED/LABELLED"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "DIRTY   EELAM   TAMIL   TIGER   LTTE   LIBERATION TIGERS OF TAMIL EELAM   TERRORI$T$"   _WERE_ MORE AKIN TO WIN$TON CHURCHILL   TRYING   _AND_ _FAILING_   QUOTE UNQUOTE   TO DEFEAT   HITLER-CHINA-FUNDED   NAZI-PERPETRATED   GENOCIDE   NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE [1939]   THROUGH  FORTY-FIVE [1945]   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          TELEVI$ED   _AND_   INTERNATIONALLY   24/7   366   IN LEAP YEAR CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY   @02:27 PM   ON JUNE TWENTY-THIRD [23rd] TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   AMAZON dot com artificial intelligence   felt the DE$PERATE _NEED_ to a$k "us" @ isaacfalconer dot come   _IF_   "we" who have been speaking FLUENT   NON-accented English   since the   NINETEEN   EIGHTIE$   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "needed" our ENGLISH LANGUAGE AMAZON page   QUOTE-UNQUOTE- "tran$lated"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     BA$ED on   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" $KIN COLOR/COLOUR    _NOT_ "white" with pink dot$~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" GENDER-FEMALE    QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" ZIP CODE   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   ~_NOT_ BEVERLY HILL$ 90210~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   stayin' alive    stayin' alive   ah-ah-ah-ah-ah   stayin' ala-ai-ai-ai-ai-ive-   well you can tell by the way i _LOVE_   _THAT_   i'm a PEACEFUL   _PEACE-ABLE_   DESPERATE-FOR-PEACE   DESPERATE FOR ZERO _GENOCIDE_   PERPETRATED ON   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "BLACK LIVES"   "PRECIOUS+IRREPLACEABLE-EELAM TAMIL LIVES"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "on location in"   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA-   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE [1939]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          _AND_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ _ONGOING_~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $TAT!   _AND_   NOW!   _AND_   _IN_   GOATABAYA   -HITLER   -CALENDAR YEAR-NINETEEN-TWENTY-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          ..."          "The" song _          Stayin' [STAYING] Alive          _ performed by Bee Gees, music and lyrics c. by Barry Gibb, Robin Gibb, Maurice Gibb          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNFzfwLM72c          .]          "Even" The Internationally And Relentlessly Televised 24/7/365 "New$" That Bubba Wallace's Black NASCAR Garage Noose Is Not A Noose After All:          https://www.espn.com/racing/nascar/story/_/id/29345568/nascar-says-noose-found-bubba-wallace-garage-talladega          Trumps [PARDON OUR PUN] The Murder By _GENOCIDE_ ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OF GET THI$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          Of 110,000 "black lives"-Eelam Tamil-LIVES.   ~June 25th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 25th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 24th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Aubrey          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IWxocGm21U          performed by BREAD          _   "...and EELAM TAMILS   WERE THEIR NAMES   "their" not so very   ordinary   HUMAN BEINGS:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          or   names   for a love   that wouldn't bloom   for the ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          hello???????????????????????????   for the hearts that never played in tune   like a lovely melody   that everyone can sing   and   EELAM TAMILS WERE THEIR NAMES      but where was JUNE???????????????????????????   catching all the words   ???????????????????????????   NO IT NEVER CAME AROUND   AND IF IT DID   IT NEVER   MADE A SOUND   we tripped the light   and danced   together   to the moon   catching all the words   but the meaning going past:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53132933          QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "noo$e found in   garage of  black man"   MAKE$   FRONT-PAGE   HEADLINE NEW$   on JUNE TWENTY-$ECOND [22nd]   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   "all over"   THE BBC/   ABC-U$A/   ABC-AU$TRALIA/   NBC-U$A/   -CB$-U$A   -televi$ion-NEW$   _AND_ internet/online HEADLINE   -front page NEW$   relentle$$ly   unrelentingly   24/7/   366   IN LEAP YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]     _UNDERLINING_   _AND_ EMPHA$IZING   _UNRELENTINGLY_   _DAILY_    and _INTERNATIONALLY_   _THAT_   _INDEED_   _ALL_ black lives  _DO_    _MATTER_   ON JUNE TWENTY-$ECOND [22nd]   IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   _EXCEPT_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE "when"   the "black lives" "being di$cu$$ed" _ARE_ EELAM TAMIL LIVES   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          AS _IF_ this were IN$UFFICIENT   pure $arca$m   GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   _AND_ AMAZON   DOT COM   ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   NEEDLE-NO$ED   "TARGETING"   "US"   @isaacfalconer dot com   _A$_ U$A   AFRICAN-AMERICAN MALE$   "ever $INCE"   GET THI$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN EIGHTY-THREE   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   _WITH_   a PA$$IONATE   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "intere$t"  in the QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "thought$" of    RELENTLE$$LY   VIOLENCE-GLORIFYING   -HOLLYWOOD   -PAID-ACTOR   KEVIN HART   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   hello???????????????????????????     PRECI$ELY   _ZERO_   "LIVE" HUMAN BEINGS   AT _ANY_   of   "our"    QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "locations"   I$   _MALE_   _BLACK   _AFRICAN-AMERICAN   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ON JUNE TWENTY-$ECOND [22nd]-   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-ee-[2020]  @10:55 AM   EA$TERN U$A TIME   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   followed by the almost   routine   daily   and for decades   bethany-wv-usa spoofer number$   to our landline telephones   showing up on our caller ids   as 304   829   5764~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   followed by   If You   Have Ear Ringing   Or Cringing   Sound In Ears   Do This   earlSon   followed by   My Medicare Kit   when   PRECI$ELY   EXACTLY   ZERO  A$ IN   NO ONE   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "HERE"   no one at any of "our"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "our" "locations"   HA$   _EVER_    been on Medicare   _EVER_   going back in time   to get this$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   NINETEEN $IXTY-$EVEN   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and EELAM TAMILS   WERE THEIR NAMES   "their" not so very ordinary   HUMAN BEINGS   or   names   for a love   that wouldn't bloom   for the ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          hello???????????????????????????   for the hearts   that never played in tune   like a lovely melody   that everyone can sing   and EELAM TAMILS WERE THEIR NAMES      but where was JUNE???????????????????????????   catching all the words   ???????????????????????????   NO IT NEVER CAME AROUND   AND IF IT DID   IT NEVER MADE A SOUND   we tripped the light   and danced together   to the moon   catching all the words   but the meaning going past..."          "The" song _          Aubrey          _ performed by Bread, music and lyrics c. by David Gates          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IWxocGm21U          .]          _ALL_ Black Lives _DO_ _INDEED_ "Matter" On June Twenty Second [22nd] Twenty-Twenty [2020] _EXCEPT_ "For" "The"  One-Hundred And Ten-Thousand [110,000]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          "black lives"  "on location" in CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA On Whose Necks Obama "Merrily" "Held" Hi$ $ 4,500,000 MILLION DOLLAR$:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          "Worth"-Of-Pre$idential Knee 2009-2016:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~June 24th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 24th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 23rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Morning Has Broken          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0TInLOJuUM          published for the first time as a hymn sung in Christian chapels and at Christian church services in the Christian hymnal  _Songs Of Praise_:          https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/product/9780192312013?gC=098f6bcd4&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwb_Yof-T6gIVhJyzCh2TBQsBEAQYAiABEgJakfD_BwE           performed by Cat Stevens          _   "...morning has   bro-OH-OH-ken   _LIKE_ the first m-AH-AH-AH-rning   blackbird has spo-OH-OH-ken   like the first bird   CB$   $UNDAY M-AH-AH-AH-rning   With Ja-AY-AY-ne Pau-AH-AH-ley   has broken the st-OH-OH-ry   THAT NEW YORK USA-ey-ey   GOVERNOR   ANDREW MARK   CU-oh-oh-oh-OMO   WHO$E FATHER MARIO CU-oh-oh-OMO-oh-oh   REMARKABLY _NEVER_   RAN    FOR THE USA   PRESIDENCY-ee-ee-      ANDREW MARK CU-OH-OH-OMO   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "fee-EE-EE-ling"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE  that "whe-EY-EY-n"   GEORGE FLOYD WAS KILLED   "on location" IN   MINNEAPOLI$  -MINNE$O-oh-oh-TA-ah-ah-ah   -U$A-ey-ey-ey   fa-AH-AH-AH-r   _AND_   _AWAY_   FROM   GRACIE MAN$IO-uh-uh-N   NEW YORK   U$A-ey-ey-ey   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOVERNOR   CUOMO   "on location" in   NEW YORK USA-ey-ey-ey   _A-ah-ah-ND_   $ma-AH-AH-AH-ck   _AND_   DAB   _AND_ IN   THE   _MIDDLE_   of _GOVERNING_   CORONA-VIRU$   COVID-19-ee-ee-ee-n  PANDE-ey-ey-ey-MIC   "fo-AH-AH-AH-und" "t-AI-AI-AI-ime"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE  to   _FEEL_   THAT_   HI$ _BROTHER_   GEORGE FLO-oh-oh-YD   WAS MURDERED   _AND_ STILL   ANDREW MARK   CU-oh-oh-oh-OMO   $TATING THAT _HE-ee-ee-ee_   IS _EMINENTLY_   _NOT_   RUNNING  FOR THE USA PRE$IDENCY   _ON_ JUNE   TWENTY   -FI-uh-uh-RST [21$t]   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-[2020]  @04:23   PM   EASTERN USA TIME   GOOGLE-OWNED   -YOUTUBE'$   ARTIFICIAL   INTELLIGENCE   needle-no$ed   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "targeted" "us"   @    saacfalconer   dot com   "for" QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"SE-ee-ee-ee-GAL LAW OFFICE$"   "for" QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "ovarian cancer law $uit$   ba$ed   upon   talcum powder u$e   $EGAL LAW 30   ROBIN   OFFICE"   _DE$PERA-uh-TE_ for   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "better"  $EPTIC TANK HABIT$   _AND_   A TIN ROOF   A$ WE-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey-LL   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "based"  on WRONG ZIP CODE   NOT BEVERLY HILL$ CALIFO-oh-oh-oh-RNIA   U$A   ZIP CODE   90125  ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!   "based"  on WRONG GE-ey-ey-ey-NDER   NOT MALE CALIFORNIA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!   "based"  on "WRONG" $KIN COLOR/COLOUR~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!   NOT WHITE WITH PINK DOT$   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!   _THEREFORE_   EELAM TAMILS "on   loca-EY-EY-tion" IN   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-ah   -$o-AH-AH-th   a-Y-$iaH   _FEEL_   _EMINENTLY_   JU$TIFIED   in   A-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-$KING   NEW YORK GOVERNOR   ANDREW MA-ah-ah-RK   CUOMO   _AND_   ICONIC   CB$   $UNDAY MORNING   U$A-ICO-ah-ah-NIC   TELEVI$ION NEW$ ANCHOR    Ja-AY-AY-ne Pau-AH-AH-ley   "when" _PRECI$ELY_   did it "happen"???????????????????????????   _IN_ THE USA-ey-ey   _THAT_ 1 GEORGE FLOYD is QUOTE-UNQUOTE   m-OH-OH-OH-re   than   ONE HUNDRED-AND-TEN-THOU$AND   "GEORGE FLOYD$"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "on location"   in CEYLON-$RI LANKA-ah-ah-ah:                              https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/                   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   morning has   bro-OH-OH-ken   _LIKE_ the first m-AH-AH-AH-rning   blackbird has spo-OH-OH-ken   like the first bird..."          "The" song _          Morning Has Broken          _ performed by Cat Stevens, Arranger:  Cat Stevens, Lyrics:  Eleanor Farjeon, Music:  Bunessan (traditional)          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0TInLOJuUM          .]          Dear USA Iconic Television Presenter Jane Pauley And New York Governor Andrew Mark Cuomo When Exactly Did 1 George Floyd Get More INTERVIEW-TIME ON CB$ $UNDAY MORNING TELEVI$ION "NEW$" _THAN_ ONE HUNDRED AND TEN _THOUSAND_ [110,000] "GEORGE FLOYDS:"          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          "on location" in CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~June 23rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8½" (eight and a half inches) x 11" (eleven inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 23rd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 22nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          If          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6_efthmkAQ          performed by David Gates of BREAD          _   "...IF a picture   paints   a th-AH-AH-AH-ousand words   then   WHY???????????????????????????   PRECI$ELY   on juneteenth   june NINETEENTH [19th]   twenty twenty [2020]   DOE$   The BBC   New$  broadca$t   in AMERICA    featuring   BBC televi$ion new$ anchor   $amantha Simmond$:          https://www.samanthasimmonds.com/about/          televi$ed   in-between 06:00 PM   EASTERN USA TIME   AND 06:30 PM   EASTERN USA TIME   JUNETEENTH   [June 19th]   TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   _APPEAR_   to experience _PRECI$ELY_    _ZERO_   $horta-EY-EY-ge   of "time"   "covering"   ALL BLACK LIVE$ _MATTER_   _EXCEPT_ QUOTE-UNQUOTE "when"   the black lives in question   are 1 [ONE] GEORGE FLOYD   X [TIME$] 110,000 ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND   INDIV-ee-ee-ee-IDUAL   +DISTINCT   +PRICELESS   EELAM TAMIL-LIVES [          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ] = EQUAL$  _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          perpetrated   upon "minority"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"black" + "jewish" + "aboriginal   -native-ame-EY-EY-EY-ricans   -first peoples   EQUIVALENT:"          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53027704          -EQUIVALENT   -EELAM TAMILS   QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"on location" in    Ce-EE-EE-EE-ylon   -$ri Lanka   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA-ah-ah   _WHILE_ Obama _WITH_ USA   PRESIDENTIAL   -KNEE-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-   -ON 110,000   George Floyds   "celebra-EY-EY-EY-ted"   "internationally"   2009   through 2016   _WITH_ HI-ee-ee-ee-TLER   -MAHINDHA "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$E:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          in DIRECT   QUID PRO QUO "exchange"   for U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   4.5 MILLION [U$A $4,500, 000]          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   wha-AH-AH-t e-EY-EY-l$e???????????????????????????   ON JUNETEENTH   JUNE NINETEENTH [19th]   TWENTY-TWENTY [2020] BBC    televi$ion new$ anchor $amantha Simmond$:          https://www.samanthasimmonds.com/about/          MADE _ZERO_   POOCHCHIYAM   SAIVAR   MENTION    DURING THE BBC AMERICA   TELEVI$ION   NEW$ BROADCA$T   IN THE USA   la$ting from 06:00 PM   Eastern USA Time   Until 06:30 PM   Eastern USA TIME~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and _HOW_   The American civil war was FOUGHT by WHITE PEOPLE aka Caucasians  who _DIED_    supported by The French   especially Lafayette     WHITE PEOPLE _DIED_   so that _BLACK_ people   _COULD_ be SET FREE FROM SLAVERY   @12 :20 PM Eastern USA Time   on June TWENTIETH [20th]   TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   _WITHIN_   LITERAL   REAL-TIME   REAL SPACE   REAL ONE BLUE PLANET    EXISTENCE  of _RECEIVING_ a USA landline telephone call from a LEGAL USA   BLACK SENIOR   "we" were GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"targeted"   "for" Senior 1 fruit kills diabetes   Seniors Should Be Eating This   To Lower Blood Sugar   COURTE$Y   Maras Muftagi   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   NO $ENIOR$   BLACK   CAUCA$IAN   OR   _OTHERWI$E   LIVE   AT ANY   OF _OUR_ LOCATION$   IN $PITE OF ALL YOUR $URVEILLANCE   YOU $HOULD KNOW THI$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   IF a picture   paints   a th-AH-AH-AH-ousand words   then   WHY???????????????????????????   PRECI$ELY   on juneteenth   june NINETEENTH [19th]   twenty twenty [2020]   DOE$   The BBC New$ broadca$t   in AMERICA    featuring   BBC televi$ion new$ anchor   $amantha Simmond$:          https://www.samanthasimmonds.com/about/          televi$ed in-between   06:00 PM   EASTERN USA TIME   AND 06:30 PM   EASTERN USA TIME   JUNETEENTH [June 19th]   TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   _APPEAR_   to experience _PRECI$ELY_    _ZERO_   $h-AH-AH-AH-orta-EY-EY-ge of "time"   "covering"   ALL BLACK LIVE$ _MATTER_   _EXCEPT_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE "when" the black lives in question   are 1 [ONE] GEORGE FLOYD X [TIME$] 110,000 ONE HUNDRED AND   TEN THOU$AND   INDIV-ee-ee-ee-IDUAL   +DISTINCT   +PRICELESS   EELAM TAMIL-LIVES [          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ] = EQUAL$  _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          perpetrated   upon   "minority" QUOTE-UNQUOTE   -"black" + "jewish" + "aboriginal   -native-ame-EY-EY-EY-ricans   -first peoples   EQUIVALENT:"          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53027704          -EQUIVALENT   -EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in   Ce-EE-EE-EE-ylon   -$ri Lanka   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA-ah-ah   _WHILE_ Obama _WITH_   USA   PRESIDENTIAL   -KNEE-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-   -ON 110,000   George Floyds   "celebrated"   "internationally"   2009 through   2016   _WITH_ HI-ee-ee-ee- TLER   -MAHINDHA   "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$E:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          in DIRECT QUID PRO QUO "exchange"   for U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   4.5 MILLION [U$A $4,500, 000]          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   wha-AH-AH-t e-EY-EY-l$e???????????????????????????            ..."          "The" song _          If          _ performed by Bread, music and lyrics c. by David Gates          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6_efthmkAQ          .]          Why???????????????????????????  PRAY DO _TELL_ "US" _ALL" Samantha Simmonds:          https://www.samanthasimmonds.com/about/          BBC News Television News Broadcaster Do ONE HUNDRED+TEN THOUSAND [110,000]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          George Floyds On Location In CEYLON-SRI LANKA-SOUTH ASIA _Never_ _EVER_ Make Your Newscasts???????????????????????????  ~June 22nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO- FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 22nd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 21st (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Cecilia          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5uei2AFEaQ          performed by Simon & Garfunkel          _   "...cecilia   you're breaking my heart   you're shaking my confidence baby!   O!   cecilia!   i'm down on my knees   i'm begging   you   PLEASE   TO end _GENOCIDE_   perpetra-EY-EY-ted:                    https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/         on EE-ee-ee-LAM   TAMILS   on location in CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA   "ALL" "BLACK LIVES   "MATTER"   _EXCEPT_  when "those" BLACK LIVES   "happen" to be "EELAM TAMIL-black lives"~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "bla-AH-AH-ck li-AI-AI-ves"  "on loca-EY-EY-EY-tion" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!   FOR EXA-ah-ah-ah-MPLE   AB$OLUTELY PO$ITIVELY   _ZERO_ "BLACK LIVE$ MATTER"   P-RO-oh-oh-TE$TER$   WILL _E-ey-ey-VER_ "DEMAND"  THAT President Barack Obama School - Public School 34, Jersey City, New Je-UH-UH-UH-rsey  USA   be NA-ey-ey-ey-ME CHANGED _BEC-aw-aw-aw-AU$E_ ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 [ONE] GEORGE FLOYD X [TIME$] 110,000 ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND   INDIV-ee-ee-ee-IDUAL   +DISTINCT   +PRICELESS   EELAM TAMIL-LIVES [          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ] = EQUAL$  _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_
genocide.html          perpetrated upon "minority" QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"black" + "jewish" + "aboriginal   -native-ame-EY-EY-EY-ricans   -first peoples   EQUIVALENT:"          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53027704          -EQUIVALENT   -EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in Ce-EE-EE-EE-ylon-$ri Lanka-$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA-ah-ah   _WHILE_ Obama _WITH_ USA PRESIDENTIAL   -KNEE-ee-ee   -ON 110,000   George Floyds   "celebra-EY-EY-EY-ted"   "internationally"   2009-2016   _WITH_ HI-ee-ee-ee- TLER   -MAHINDHA "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$E:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          in DIRECT QUID PRO QUO "exchange" for U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   4.5 MILLION [U$A $4,500, 000]          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   what e-EY-EY-l$e???????????????????????????   cecilia   you're breaking my heart   you're shaking my confiidence baby!   O!   cecilia!   i'm down on my knees   i'm begging   you   PLEASE   TO end _GENOCIDE_   perpetra-EY-EY-ted:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          on EE-ee-ee-LAM   TAMILS   on location in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA   "ALL" "BLACK LIVES   "MATTER"   _EXCEPT_  when "those" BLACK LIVES "happen" to be   "EELAM TAMIL-black lives" ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "bla-AH-AH-ck li-AI-AI-ves"  "on loca-EY-EY-EY-tion" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA   ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!...
"          "The" song _          Cecilia          _ performed by Simon & Garfunkel, music and lyrics c. by Paul Simon            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5uei2AFEaQ          .]          _ALL_ Black Lives Matter + _INTERNATIONALLY_ On Every $ingle $olitary Televi$ion Media Outlet _ALL_ _EXCEPT_ "for" One Hundred And Ten Thousand Times 110,000] EELAM TAMIL "black lives" "on location"+IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          _TIME$_ One [1] Single George Floyd On Location In Hitler:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Gotabaya-RAJAPAK$E'$-Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_
          .  ~June 21st, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 21st, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 20th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Why Don't You Write Me      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9M2yQOlPx0          performed by Simon & Garfunkel          _   "...why don't you write me   i'm out in the jungle   i'm hungry to hear you   send me a card   i'm waiting so hard   to be nea-YEAR-r you   something is wrong   maybe i'm lost   but i can't make the co$t   of _ENDING_ _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_
genocide.html          PERPETRATED ON  "black"   GEORGE FLOYD TIMES   ONE-HUNDRED+TEN   THOU$-uh-uh-AND:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          -EQUIVALENT  AFRICAN-AMERICAN-   EQUIVALENT   JEWISH-HOLOCAUST   -EQUIVALENT   NATIVE AMERICANS   FIRST P-ee-ee-ee-EOPLES   EQUIVALENT   _MINORITY_   ETHNIC GROUP   MINORITY RELIGION   EELAM TAMILS:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   President Trump:          https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/06/trump-nobody-ever-heard-of-juneteenth-before-me.html          NOBODY ever heard of JUNET-ee-ee-EENTH   _BEFO-oh-oh-oh-RE_ _YOU_     now that you have made   _NEVER_ _BEFORE_ _HEARD_ _ABOUT_   AFRICAN-AMERICAN-USA-ey-ey-ey   -UNOFFICIAL-MEMORIAL OBSERVANCE   JUNETEENTH   QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"fa-EY-EY-EY-mous"   NOW! STAT!   ONWARD!+UPWARD   to making   _NOBODY'$ _EVER _HEARD_ _ABOUT_   -_EELAM TAMILS_:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]  _FAMOUS_   _AND_ _FREE_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94281          _EXACTLY_ _LIKE_ _JUNETEENTH_   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   _FREE_FRO-ah-ah-ah-M   RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          +_FOREVER_   -$UPPORTED-BY   BARACK-HU$$EIN-OBAMA=JOE BIDEN-$UPPORTED-:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          U$A-TOP-DOLLAR-BUNDLER   -ZUBERI    -WA$HINGTON-DC-LOBBYI$T   -$UPPO-oh-oh-oh-RTED   -TO-THE-TUNE-OF   get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    -FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION   U$A TOP D-ah-ah-ah-OLLAR$$$$$$:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          A$ REPORTED BY   OB$CURE+GLOOMY   U$A _PUBLICA-ey-ey-ey-TION_   FOREIGN POLICY   MAGAZINE   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          perpetrated BY-ai-ai-ai   -HITLER-GOATABAYA RAJAPAKSE   "on location" in   Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-53104303          why don't you write me   i'm out in the jungle   i'm hungry to hear you   send me a card   i'm waiting so hard   to be nea-YEAR-r you   something is wrong   maybe i'm lost   but i can't make the co$t of _ENDING_ _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          PERPETRATED   ON  "black"   GEORGE FLOYD TIMES ONE-HUNDRED+TEN THOU$-uh-uh-AND:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          -EQUIVALENT AFRICAN-AMERICAN-   EQUIVALENT   JEWISH-HOLOCAUST   -EQUIVALENT   NATIVE AMERICANS   FIRST PEOPLES   EQUIVALENT _MINORITY_   ETHNIC GROUP   MINORITY RELIGION   EELAM TAMILS:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   President Trump:  Now that you have made JUNETEENTH "famous"   NOW! STAT!   ONWARD!+UPWARD to making _EELAM TAMILS_   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA 100% _FAMOUS_ _AND_ _FREE_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94281          FROM RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -$UPPORTED:          BY-BARACK-HU$$EIN-OBAMA=JOE BIDEN-$UPPORTED-:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          U$A-TOP-DOLLAR   -BUNDLER-ZUBERI-LOBBYI$T-$UPPORTED   -TO-THE-TUNE-OF   -FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION U$A TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          $UPPORTED   -HITLER-GOATABAYA RAJAPAK$$$$$$$$$$$$E   "on location" in   Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-53104303          Hilter-CHINA-detains Canadian citizens for spying   on June nineteenth [19th]   twenty twenty [2020]   100% _CON$I$TENT _WITH_   POLITICALLY _CONVENIENT_ to EVERY _ONE_   EVERY $INGLE $OLITARY _CATEGORY_ OF U$A POLITICAL $TRIPE   INCLUDING ONCE-UPON-A-TIME   -EN$LAVED PER$ONS   EN$LAVED PER$ON$   SAVED BY A _FIERCELY_ _FOUGHT_   USA-AMERICAN-CIVIL WAR   _AND_ BY ABRAHAM LINCOLN   _LITERALLY_ _CENTURIE$_ AGO~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   EVERY _CONCEIVABLE_   _IMAGINABLE_   _DREAMED ABOUT_   _CATEGORY_ OF _HUMAN_ _BEING_   _EXCEPT_ "for"   MINORITY   -EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   _FACING_ _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          ON JUNETEENTH   JUNE NINETEENTH   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee[2020] @08:24 AM   EA$TERN U$A TIME   amazon dot com   artificial intelligence   needle-no$ed   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "target$" "us" at isaac falconer dot com   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "courtesy" OPRAH WINFREY   and POWERFUL   +LIMITLE$$LY-U$A-FUNDED-OPRAH WINFREY   POLITICAL CON$TITUENCIE$~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _A$_ A TEENAGED   -U$A AFRICAN-AMERICAN [!]   _EMINENTLY   _NOT_   AN EELAM TAMIL   OPPOSED TO _GENOCIDE_   ANYTHING   _BUT_   _THAT_   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   why don't you write me   i'm out in the jungle   i'm hungry to hear you   send me a card   i'm waiting so hard to be near you   something is wrong   maybe i'm lost   but i can't make the co$t of _ENDING_ _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          PERPETRATED ON  "black"   GEORGE FLOYD TIMES   ONE-HUNDRED+TEN- THOU$AND:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          -EQUIVALENT   AFRICAN-AMERICAN-EQUIVALENT   JEWISH-HOLOCAUST-EQUIVALENT   NATIVE AMERICANS FIRST PEOPLES EQUIVALENT   _MINORITY_ ETHNIC GROUP   MINORITY RELIGION   EELAM TAMILS:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          "on location" in CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA-TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]...
"          "The" song  _          Why Don't You Write Me          _ performed by Simon & Garfunkel, music and lyrics c. by Paul Simon           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9M2yQOlPx0          .]           USA President Trump Now That You Have Made Previously Unheard Of Juneteenth:          https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/06/trump-nobody-ever-heard-of-juneteenth-before-me.html          Famous Stat! + Onward And Upward To Making Eelam Tamils Facing Live Hot Now! Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Rajapakse Genocide In 2020 Famous Forever And _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_ genocide.html          _ENDED_ + "NEVER AGAIN!" + Forever:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          In Calendar Year 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY).  ~June 20th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 20th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 19th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Ladder          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PYYjbbGm7I          performed by Joan Osborne          _   "...today   and every day   today and every day   today   and every da-EY-EY-EY-y   today and every day   i'm standing here in your closet   unbuttoning _ALL_ your clothes   you're giving me crooked answers   COVID-19   CORONA VIRU$   you give me a ladder now   i'll surely  _BELIEVE_   _AND_ climb      i'm going to love you any way-EY-EY-EY   today and every day-EY-EY-EY   today   and every day   DEXAMETHASONE   first life-saving medication   for CORONAVIRUS   EQUAL $IGN [= ]  COVID-19:         https://qz.com/1869966/dexamethasones-supply-chain-is-the-most-exciting-thing-about-it/          ON BLOOMSDAY:          https://rosenbach.org/events/bloomsday-festival-2020/          JUNE $IXTEENTH [16TH]   OF CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   researchers from   the University of Oxford-ENGLAND   put out an intriguing press release:          https://www.recoverytrial.net/news/low-cost-dexamethasone-reduces-death-by-up-to-one-third-in-hospitalised-patients-with-severe-respiratory-complications-of-covid-19          based on data from   th-OW-ous-UH-UH-UH-ands    of people with Covid-19   CORONA-VIRU$   in an ongoing study   a CHEAP   _NOT_ EXPEN$IVE   _GENERIC_ steroid   called dexamethasone   _COULD_   PO$$IBLY   $AVE!   $ome of the sickest pa-EY-EY-EY-tie-UH-UH-UH-nts   _FROM_ _DEATH_   although the research is   _EXTREMELY_ preliminary   the study hasn’t even been   finished _YET_   let alone peer reviewed   _LET_ _ALONE_ published IN   PRINT FORM   today   and every day   today and every day   today   and every da-EY-EY-EY-y   today and every day   i'm standing here in your closet   unbuttoning _ALL_ your clothes   you're giving me crooked answers   COVID-19   CORONA VIRU$   you give me a ladder now   i'll surely  _BELIEVE_   _AND_ climb   i'm going to love you any way-EY-EY-EY   today and every day-EY-EY-EY   today   and every day   it’s a ray of hope   for the pandemic response   _IF_ these early results   are confirmed   _BECAU$E_ the CHEAP drug DEXAMETHASONE   has already been through   safety trials   meaning hospitals   could start using it   straight away-EY-EY-EY   and even better THAN _THAT_   the drug DEXAMETHASONE   has a robust supply chain   that should prevent shortages   based on extreme dem-AH-AH-AH-AH-and   today   and every day   today and every day   today   and every da-EY-EY-EY-y   today and every day   i'm standing here in your closet   unbuttoning _ALL_ your clothes   you're giving me crooked answers   COVID-19   CORONA VIRU$   you give me a ladder now   i'll surely  _BELIEVE_   _AND_ climb      i'm going to love you any way-EY-EY-EY   today and every day-EY-EY-EY   today   and every day   A$ _IF_ DEXAMETHASONE  was/is   an IN$UFFICIENTLY   _EXCITING_   part of "our"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE day   HYPER-$EXI$T+AGAIN$T _FEMALE_ _$CIENTIFIC RE$EARCHER$   JEFF BEZO$-OWNED   amazon dot com   needle-NO$ED   "target$"   "us"  @isaacfalconer dot com   "for"   "our" blood relation   -BROTHER $AM   _BA$ED_   __PURELY_ on HI$ _MALE_ GENDER   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $INCE HIGH-ACHIEVING _FEMALE$_   are $OMEHOW   "the" QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" GENDER   in THE USA   ON BLOOMSDAY:          https://rosenbach.org/events/bloomsday-festival-2020/          JUNE $IXTEENTH [16TH]   OF CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   @ 02:02 PM   EA$TERN U$A TIME   today   and every day   today and every day   today   and every da-EY-EY-EY-y   today and every day   i'm standing here in your closet   unbuttoning _ALL_ your clothes   you're giving me crooked answers   AND EVERY DAY   COVID-19   CORONA VIRU$   you give me a ladder now   i'll surely  _BELIEVE_   _AND_ climb   i'm going to love you any way-EY-EY-EY   today and every day-EY-EY-EY   today   and every day   GOOGLE-OWNED YOUTUBE-needle-no$ed   "targeting us   @ isaac falconer dot com   revealing GOOGLE artificial "thinking"  that QUOTE-UNQUOTE-   "we" are   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$-"target" "audience"  for warning$   _AGAIN$T vaping   ATTENTION:"  no one located "here"   going back to calendar year nineteen $ixty-$even [1967] "vapes"   IN ADDITION:  not for the first/last/one millionth time   since CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN NINETY-$IX~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" "gender" _FEMALE   ba$ed" on QUOTE-UNQUOTE _WRONG_ U$A zip code???????????????????????????   BA$ED ON _NOT_ U$A ZIP CODE "FOR" HOLLYWOOD 90125   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE "wrong" $KIN-COLOR   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE:  NON-white-$kin-color/colour ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED YOUTUBE-needle-no$ed "targeting us   @ isaac falconer dot com   ON JUNE EIGHTEENTH [18TH]   CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   @ 05:27 PM   EA$TERN U$A TIME   revealing GOOGLE artificial "thinking"  that "we" are GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$   "target" "audience"   "for" AMERICAN-ENGLI$H-GRAMMAR-IMPROVEMENT-VIA-GRAMMARLY~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   today   and every day   today and every day   today   and every da-EY-EY-EY-y   today and every day   i'm standing here in your closet   unbuttoning _ALL_ your clothes   you're giving me crooked answers   COVID-19   CORONA VIRU$   you give me a ladder now   i surely  _BELIEVE_   _AND_ climb      i'm going to love you any way-EY-EY-EY   today and every day-EY-EY-EY-EY   today   and every day..."          "The" song _          Ladder          _ performed by Joan Osborne, music and lyrics c. by Joan Osborne, Eric Bazilian, Rob Hyman, and Rick Chertoff          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PYYjbbGm7I          .]           CHEAP-INEXPENSIVE-GENERIC-STERID-MEDICATIONA-CALLED Dexamethasone:          https://qz.com/1869966/dexamethasones-supply-chain-is-the-most-exciting-thing-about-it/          I Am Going To Love You Every Day For Being A Glimmer Of Hope For The Sickest Patients Suffering From Covid-19 Corona Virus 2020 (twenty-twenty)_  ~June 19th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 19th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 18th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Love Is Like Oxygen          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRgWvvkSvfk          performed by Sweet          _   "...love is _LIKE_   CARBON DIOXIDE:          https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/15/natural-gas-surges-climate-change-after-carbon-emissions-record-in-2019.html          the HEART-SHAPE   is a UNIVERSALLY-accepted   SYMBOL FOR LOVE   _AND_   for _LIGHT_   IN ALL ITS   SPLENDORS/SPLENDOURS   you get too MUCH   _AND_ OUR ONE BLUE PLANET    _SHARED_ BY _ah-ah-ah-ALL_   "black"   "African-Americans"   "jewish"   "native americans"   "first peoples"   "aboriginals"   _ALL_ _AL-ai-ai-ai-IKE_   ONE BLUE PLANET   GETS DESTROY-oy-oy-ED   love is _LIKE_   CARBON DIOXIDE:          https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/15/natural-gas-surges-climate-change-after-carbon-emissions-record-in-2019.html          NOT "enough" in the "air"-2020 [TWENTY-TWENTY]   and we'll _ALL_ die    IT IS A SUPER-DUPER   -PERFECT-EXACT-SCIENCE-_FINE_ _BALANCE_   after AH-AH-all   love is _LIKE_   CARBON DIOXIDE:          https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/15/natural-gas-surges-climate-change-after-carbon-emissions-record-in-2019.html          June seventeenth [17th]   twenty twenty-[2020]   _ALREADY_ ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   RUNNING ON   RENEWABLE ENERGIES-ICELAND   is turning   HARMFUL   TO THE _ENTIRE_ _PLANET_:          https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2020-01-30/space-launch-carbon-emissions          TO "black"   "African-Americans"   "jewish"   "native americans"   "first peoples"   "aboriginals"   HARMFUL TO THE _ENTIRE_ _PLANET_   ~hello???????????????????????????   JEFF BEZO$????????????????????    BLUE HORIZON   ~love is _LIKE_   CARBON DIOXIDE:          https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/15/natural-gas-surges-climate-change-after-carbon-emissions-record-in-2019.html          you get too MUCH   _AND_ OUR ONE BLUE PLANET    _SHARED_ BY _ah-ah-ah-ALL_   ONE BLUE PLANET   GETS DESTROY-oy-oy-ED   by CARBON DIOXIDE [CO2]-emi$$ion$:          https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200616-how-iceland-is-undoing-carbon-emissions-for-good          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED   -YOUTUBE   I$ _LIKE_ CARBON DIOXIDE   IN THAT   IT'$ QUOTE-UNQUOTE   -EVERYWHERE   IT I$ IN THE MIDDLE   OF THI$ $ONG    $UNG AGAIN$T   CARBON   EMI$$ION$   ON JUNE $EVENTEENTH [17TH]   TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   $MACK   +DAB   +   IN$ERTING IT$ELF   IN UBIQUITOU$   INTERNET AD$$$$$$$$$$$   "for" QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "HOW TO REVER$E TINNITU$?   RINGING IN THE EAR$???????????????????????????   earl son    on JUNE $EVENTEENTH [17th]   TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   @ 10:10 AM EA$TERN U$A T-ai-ai-IME   love is _LIKE_   CARBON DIOXIDE:          https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/15/natural-gas-surges-climate-change-after-carbon-emissions-record-in-2019.html          the HEART-SHAPE   is a UNIVERSALLY-accepted   SYMBOL   FOR LOVE   _AND_   for _LIGHT_   IN ALL ITS   SPLENDORS/SPLENDOURS   you get too MUCH   _AND_ OUR ONE BLUE PLANET    _SHARED_ BY _ah-ah-ah-ALL_   ONE BLUE PLANET   GETS DESTROY-oy-oy-ED..."          "The" song  _          Love Is Like Oxygen          _ performed by Sweet, words and music c. by Andy Scott & Trevor Griffin          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRgWvvkSvfk          .]          The Heart-Shaped Symbol Is The _UNIVERSAL_ Symbol For Love In _ALL_ Its Many Splendors!  _LIKE_ Carbon Dioxide [CO2] "Too Much" Of It [CARBON DIOXIDE-CO2]:          https://www.cnbc.com/2019/12/15/natural-gas-surges-climate-change-after-carbon-emissions-record-in-2019.html          Is _UTTERLY_ De$troying Our One Shared Planet Earth, 2020 But Iceland:          https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200616-how-iceland-is-undoing-carbon-emissions-for-good          Is _ONE_ Bright Spot Converting CO2 Into _STONE_-2020 [TWENTY-TWENTY].  ~June 18th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 18th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 17th (seventeenth), 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Sullivan Street          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxcjDyjlfzQ          performed by Counting Crows          _   "...take the way h-OH-OH-OH-ome   leads back to an INDEPENDENT   -_GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          -FREE   EMINENTLY   _NON_-VIOLENT   EELAM TAMIL HOMELAND:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548#reader_0984525548          "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-ey-$IA   ON THE "ONE HAND":  CURRENT   USA PRESIDENT TRUMP-LABELED/LABELLED   _PROMINENTLY_   _AND_ _EMINENTLY_   _A$_ _BEYOND_   _EGREGIOUSLY _RACI$T_   _AND_ AGAINST _ANY_ _AND_ _ALL_   PERSONS OF C-ah-ah-OLOR/COLOUR:          https://www.foxnews.com/politics/trump-to-sign-exec-order-police          C-ah-ah-OLOR/COLOUR   _WHATEVER_ WAY   YOU CHOO$E TO $PELL IT [!]   COLOR/COLOUR   _AND_   EGREGIOU$LY_   _AND_ EXPEN$IVELY_   and _AGAIN$T_   _ALL_ PER$ON$   _NOT_ NAMED "TRUMP~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   U.S.A   President Trump   signs   executive   order   AH-AH-on _POLICE_ _REFORM_:          https://www.npr.org/2020/06/16/877601170/watch-live-trump-to-sign-executive-order-on-police-reform          ON BLOOMSDAY:          https://rosenbach.org/blog/meet-the-winners-of-the-bloomsday-artwork-contest/          JUNE SIXTEENTH [16th]   IN CALENDAR YEA-uh-uh-R   TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   PRE$IDENT TRUMP   HA$ _NOT_ "even"   _BEGUN_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "beginning"   HI$ SECOND TERM   _A$_ USA PRE$IDENT   _HOWEVER_   FIR$T-EVER   -AFRICAN-AMERICAN   -USA President OBAMA   _AND_ HI$ _EMINENT_   VICE-PRE$IDENT   RAI$ED IN $CRANTON-PENN$YLVANIA   -U$A   -JOE BIDEN   _HAD_  _EIGHT_ [8]-WHOLE-CALENDAR-YEAR$   IN WHICH TO $TOP   _LITERAL_   REAL-TIME   REAL $PACE   REAL-ONE BLUE PLANET  RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:           https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-ey-$IA   to $TEP UP   TO HI$ OBAMA-FIR$T   NOBEL PEACE-PRIZE   _AND_ TO $TOP _GENOCIDE_    "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-ey-$IA   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   ONCE AND FOR _ALL_   _HOWEVER_   FIR$T-EVER   -AFRICAN-AMERICAN   -USA President OBAMA   _AND_ HI$ _EMINENT_   VICE-PRE$IDENT   RAI$ED IN $CRANTON-PENN$YLVANIA   -U$A   -JOE BIDEN   _HAD_  _EIGHT_ [8]-WHOLE-YEAR$-IN WHICH TO SIGN   AN ANTI USA   POLICE CHOKE-HOLD$-ORDER   AND _CHO$E_ _IN$TEAD_   _NOT_ TO PROTECT   HI$ FELLOW   AFRICAN-AMERICAN$   _AND_   VICE-PRE$IDENT   JOE-BIDEN'$ CON$TITUENCIE$   CALENDAR YEAR$ TWO-THOU$AND+NINE [2009]   through TWENTY-$IXTEEN [2016]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   PER$ON$ OF COLOR/COLOUR   _FROM_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "routine"   _NORMALIZED_   POLICE BRUTALITY   PERPETRATED   ON AMERICA'$ $TREET$   routinely   U$A-NORMALIZED   ON THE "OTHER HAND":  The BBC's reporters "on-the-ground-in-Ceylon-Sri-Lanka-$outh A$IA" :          http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-30789124          _STILL_ QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "then" in CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-FIFTEEN [2015]   with precisely ZERO   SAIVAR-POOCCHIYAM [_ZERO_ IN EELM TAMIL]   "description" of   what has "happened" to   ETHNIC MINORITY   "jewish" EQUIVALENT   "african-american" EQUIVALENT   "native-american"   "first peoples"   "aboriginals" EQUIVALENT   Eelam Tamils   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-ey-$IA   as MA$$IVE-AS-UNRELENTING:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms?from=mdr          _GENOCI-ai-ai-ai-DE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          "instead" the "tired" "lying" "habitual" "words" " The BBC'$   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "Sri Lanka's civil war"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   are "trotted out" _NEVER_ _GENOCIDE_:           https://www.bbc.com/news/world-11108059          on the "usual" BBC-leash [!]   TWO-THOU$AND+NINE [2009]   _AND_ in TWENTY-FIFTEEN [2015] [!]   _AND_ in TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   UNBELIEVABLE [!]   AS IF _ECHOING_   The BBC   in racist-bigotry-TINTED-GLA-ah-ah-ah-SSES:  At the moment of greatest crisis for EELAM TAMILS IN SRI LANKA   ~in CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOUSAND+NINE [ 2009]   ~the _BEST_ that President Obama   -USA President at the time in TWO-THOU$AND+NINE [ 2009]-found himself "capable" of saying was:  QUOTE-UNQUOTE"  "Both sides must step down!"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   How can THAT-this _NOT_ be $PELLING- "Victory":          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94259          ??????????????????????????? for neo-Nazi-Sinhala-fascist "policies" on DARK-SKINNED   -PRECISELY-LIKE-THE-OBAMAS-BUT_NO-ONE-WOULD-GUESS-IT    -EELAM-TAMILS"???????????????????????????????????????????????   in the "eyes" of The USA's Big Three   Evening Network News Telecasts?  and "essentially" "the world?"  ON JUNE SIXTEENTH IN CALEM\NDAR YEA-uh-uh-R TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]~OOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ $TILL U$A   PRE$IDENT    BARACK-HU$$EIN-OBAMA-UNRELENTINGLY   _AND_ RELENTLE$$LY   QUOTE-UNQUOTE    -"portrayed" IN _EVERY_ MEDIUM    -written journali$m   -televi$ed-journli$m-radio-journali$m   "as" _NOT_ egregiou$ly-_GENOCIDAL_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          _AND_ earth-$HAKINGLY-RACI$T _AGAIN$T_   MINORITY RACE    -EELAM TAMIL-MINORITY RELIGION-HINDU/HINDOO   EELAM TAMILS "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA TWO-THOU$AND+NINE [2009] THROUGH TWENTY-$IXTEEN [2016]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   IN _DIRECT_ QUID PRO [QUO] "EXCHANGE"   FOR A "MERE" U$A $4,500.000 [FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION U$A TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          ]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   TO IGNORE   LIMITLE$$   UNRELENTING _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          take the way h-OH-OH-OH-ome   leads back to an INDEPENDENT   -_GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          -FREE   EMINENTLY   _NON_-VIOLENT   EELAM TAMIL HOMELAND:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548#reader_0984525548          "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-ey-$IA..."          "The" song _          Sullivan Street          _ performed by Counting Crows, words c. by Adam Duritz, music c. by Adam Duritz & David Bryson           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxcjDyjlfzQ          .]          Take The Way _HOME_ That Leads Back To A Relentlessly NON-Violent-AGAINST VIOLENCE+Politically Independent _AND_ _FREE_ Of Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Rajapak$e$ Eelam Tamil Homeland:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548#reader_0984525548          Stat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Twenty-Twenty [2020].  ~June 17th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_      © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY +100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 17th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 16th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Vienna          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wccRif2DaGs          performed by Billy Joel          _   "...slow down   you crazy child   you're so ambitious   for a   juvenile   but then   if you're so smart   tell me why are you still so afrai-EY-EY-EY-d   nmmmnnn   where's the fire???????????????????????????   what's the hurry about???????????????????????????   you better cool it off   before you burn it out   VIENNA W-ey-ey-ey-AIT$ for you   slow down   YOU   saroja siri$ena-TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   BECAU$E citizens of CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   are reading   across the world    on the INTERNET   on COLOMBOTELEGRAPH DOT COM    _THAT_   _YOU_   SAROJA $IRI$ENA   are CO$TING   CEYLON-$ri lanka   -$OUTH A$IA'$   HITLER-GOATABAYA-:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -RAJAPAK$E-RULED-TAXPAYER$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/expose-ravinatha-approved-whopping-rs-2-5-million-digs-in-vienna-for-saroja-sirisena/          _INCLUDING_   EN$LAVED PEOPLE$   EELAM TAMILS   FACING _GENOCIDE_   -TAXPAYER$   "on location'" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   -TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          at the relentle$$ly-bloodied hands   of $RI LANKA   -RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          saroja $iri$ena   you are CO$TING   2020   -$RI LANKA-TAXPAYER$   a WHOPPING 2.5 MILLION   $RI LANKA-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   -RUPEE$~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   slow down   you crazy child   you're so ambitious   for a   juvenile   but then   if you're so smart   tell me why are you still   so afrai-EY-EY-EY-d   nmmmnnn   where's the fire???????????????????????????   what's the hurry about???????????????????????????   you better cool it off   before you burn it out   VIENNA W-ey-ey-ey-AIT$ for you..."          "The" song _          Vienna          _ performed by Billy Joel, music and lyrics c. by Billy Joel            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wccRif2DaGs          .]          Bloom's Day:          https://rosenbach.org/blog/meet-the-winners-of-the-bloomsday-artwork-contest/          -JUNE 16th, 2020 [TWENTY-TWENTY]Slow Down You $aroja $iri$ena Costing Ceylon Sri Lankans Ruled By Hitlers Taxpayers 2  Point 5 Million In 2020 Sri Lanka RUPEE$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/expose-ravinatha-approved-whopping-rs-2-5-million-digs-in-vienna-for-saroja-sirisena/          _  ~June 16th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 16th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 15th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          You Make me Feel Like Dancing          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFHoX5CB9AQ          performed by Leo Sayer          _   "...you've got   a cute way of t-AH-AH-AH-alkin' [TALKING]   you've got the better of me   just snap your fingers    and i'm walkin' [WALKING]   like a dog   hangin' [HANGING] on your lead    you put a spell on me   just where you want me to be   you make me feel like dancin' [DANCING]   gonna dance the night away   i feel like dancin' [DANCING]   dance the night away   what took 'till 4 [FOUR] in the mornin' [MORNING] ???????????????????????????          https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/oct/20/dalai-lama-says-strong-action-on-climate-change-is-a-human-responsibility          $TAT! NOW! IN! DURING!   -the LITERAL REAL-TIME!   -_REAL_-TIME   REAL-SPACE   _REAL_ ONE BLUE PLANET!   "THE"-_VERY_-_SECOND_   that "we" GOOGLED   QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"China's genocide   perpetrated on the Tibetan people"    "we" started "hearing"   and "detecting"   JU$T A$K CBS-U$A-NEW$'$-LESLEY STAHL   the 24/7/366   In Leap Year TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ILLEGAL+RELENTLE$$   +ELECTRONIC $URVEILLANCE   $TAT!- IN REAL-TIME   $TAT!-IN REAL-$PACE   $TAT!-perpetrated by   PAID AGENT$-of The Government   of HITLER-CHINA-XI JINPING   ON USA S-oh-oh-OIL   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   you've got   a cute way of t-AH-AH-AH-alkin' [TALKING]   you've got the better of me   just snap your fingers    and i'm walkin' [WALKING]   like a dog   hangin' [HANGING] on your lead    you put a spell on me   just where you want me to be   you make me feel like dancin' [DANCING]   gonna dance the night away   i feel like dancin' [DANCING]   dance the night away   what took 'till 4 [FOUR] in the mornin' [MORNING] ???????????????????????????   His Holiness The FOURTEENTH-Dalai Lama   Of Tibet   IS   QUOTE UNQUOTE   "the" "highest"   U$A-Entertainment   pro-OH-OH-OH-file   _NOT_ TO MENTION THE CLO$E PER$ONAL FRIEND   OF FANCY-NANCY-PELO$I   OF LITERAL-REAL-TIME   OF _LITERAL_-REAL-$PACE   -DECADE$:          https://pelosi.house.gov/news/press-releases/pelosi-remarks-at-public-ceremony-hosted-by-his-holiness-the-dalai-lama-in-honor          His Holiness   The FOURTEENTH-Dalai Lama   Of Tibet   A LEADER OF NON-violent Buddhi$t$   Walkin' [WALKING]+Talkin' [TALKING]+Hangin' [[HANGING OUT]   "all over"   OUR ONE BLUE PLANET EARTH   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   AND yet+yet+yet   HIS _PEOPLE_   THE NON-VIOLENT   UNARMED   _NOT_ ARMED-in any way/shape/form   LITERAL GENERATION$   OF TIBETAN   BUDDHIST PEOPLE    in the _IDENTICAL_ MANNER in which   EELAM TAMILS   "on location" IN   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A-ey-ey-ey-$IA   FACE GOVERNMENT OF HITLER   -CHINA-EA$T A$IA-XI JINPING'$   GOVERNMENT-OF-CHINA-FUNDED _GENOCIDE_   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          CITIZENS+RESIDENTS   OF THE SUBCONTINENT OF INDIA   -$OUTH A$IA-ah-ah   _CONTINUE_ FACING   CHINA-HITLER-XI JINPING-DESIGNED   -HITLER-ALTERATIONS   OF THE COUNTRY-OF-INDIA'S   -LITERAL   -PHYSICAL-REAL ONE BLUE PLANET-_COUNTRY_DELINEATION$:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/india-53094797          - BORDERS~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2020/06/08/commentary/world-commentary/indias-appeasement-policy-toward-china-unravels/          _AND_   citizens+residents of TIBET   who "claim"   The FOURTEENTH DALAI LAMA   AS THEIR SPIRITUAL LEADER   _CONTINUE_   FACING   _GENOCIDE_:          http://www.umass.edu/rso/fretibet/education.html          IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENT [2020]   at the relentle$$ly-bloodied "hand$"   of The UNrelentingly _GENOCIDAL_ "AGAIN$T" ALL NON-Chine$e:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-11108059          $INCE CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN-FORTY-NINE [1949]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ _YET_+yet+yet   UNrelentingly   +QUOTE UNQUOTE   -"covered" in   QUOTE UNQUOTE "CUTE panda$"   +"CURRENT"   in calendar year twenty-twenty [2020]   -GOVERNMENT OF HITLER    -CHINA-XI JINPING   EA$T A$IA   "given"  HITLER-CHINA-XI JINPING'$   "en ma$$e"   +OPEN thieving of   USA driver licen$es:          https://www.columbiadailyherald.com/news/20200210/chinese-military-stole-masses-of-americans8217-data-us-says          $TAT! NOW! _IN_ CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _YOU_   "our" "reader"   _YOU_   "our listener"   can _IMAGINE_   "our" REAL TIME   REAL SPACE   REAL ONE BLUE PLANET "re$pon$e"   to the RELENTLE$$   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   needle-no$e-targeting-us   @ isaacfalconer dot com   "for" QUOTE-UNQUOTE-MI$$ING DRIVER   _AND_ DRIVER-REVIVER   UNRELENTING $INCE   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN EIGHTY-FOUR [1984]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   NON-INTERNET   _AND_   $INCE CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN NINETY-$IX [1996] -INTERNET AD$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   the mo$t "recent"   ON JUNE THIRTEENTH [13th]   EMINENTLY _NOT_ JUNETEENTH   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   needle-no$e-targeting-us   @ isaacfalconer dot com@02:04 ey-ey-PM   Eastern USA Time [2020]   you've got   a cute way of t-AH-AH-AH-alkin' [TALKING]   you've got the better of me   just snap your fingers    and i'm walkin' [WALKING]   like a dog   hangin' [HANGING] on your lead    you put a spell on me   just where you want me to be   you make me feel like dancin' [DANCING]   gonna dance the night away   i feel like dancin' [DANCING]   dance the night the way   what took 'till 4 [FOUR] in the morning ???????????????????????????   LEAVE IT TO ULTRA   _AND_  -ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-UBER   _AND_ UNIVER$ALLY-_LOVED_   CB$ $UNDAY MORNING   WITH JA-ay-ay-ay-N PAULEY-ee   to PRAI$E-$TONE-AGE-MELANIA TRUMP   who TRAVELED   QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"all the DI$TANCE" from $LOVENIA   TO THE U$A   to TRAP her man-DONALD TRUMP   IN THE $AME MANNER   _THAT_   _LITERAL_   REAL-TIME   _LITERAL_   _REAL_ _SPACE   generation$ of   _HIGHLY-educated USA feminists   WHO ARE -BEYOND_DE$PERATE   _AND_ "for" LITERAL DECADE$   FOR A _FEMALE_ HYPER-EDUCATED PRE$IDENT~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   have TRIED doing _BETTER_ than   QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"trapping" U$ELE$$ CHEATING BA$TARD-male$~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   QUOTE UNQUOTE "AFTERWARD$"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"thinking" _THAT_   their FEMINIST LIVES WILL TURN OUT   QUOTE -UNQUOTE "BETTER"~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $IMPLY BECAU$E   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "they" popped" out   A MAN'$ CHILD and $TAYED FOURTEEN YEAR$   you've got   a cute way of t-AH-AH-AH-alkin' [TALKING]   you've got the better of me   just snap your fingers    and i'm walkin' [WALKING]   like a dog   hangin' [HANGING] on your lead    you put a spell on me   just where you want me to be   you make me feel like dancin' [DANCING]   gonna dance the night away   i feel like dancin' [DANCING]   dance the night the way   what took 'till 4 [FOUR] in the mornin' [MORNING]  ???????????????????????????..."          "The" song _          You Make Me Feel Like Dancing         _ performed by Leo Sayer, music and lyrics c. by Vini Poncia & Leo Sayer          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFHoX5CB9AQ          .]  The Government Of Hitler China Xi Jinping'$ Perpetration Of _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-11108059          On Tibetans [SPIRITUAL LEADER THE FOURTEENTH DALAI LAMA OF TIBET:           https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/oct/20/dalai-lama-says-strong-action-on-climate-change-is-a-human-responsibility          And On Sri Lanka's Eelam Tamils:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          _BEFORE_ _DURING_ _AND_ _AFTER_ MI$TER-HARVARD-MI$TER PERFECT-U$A-PRE$IDENT-IN-_ALL_-THING$-INTERNATIONAL~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          Obama-BIDEN-PELO$I-Watch Makes Hitler China Xi Jinping Dance:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          "All Over" OUR ONE SHARED BLUE PLANET-CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_  ~June 15th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE
_ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO- FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 15th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 14th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          It's Raining In Baltimore          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeUvB9GkSS4          performed by Counting Crows          _   "...circus is falling   down on its knees   big top   is crumbling down   it's raining   in MINNEAPOLIS   MINNESOTA   USA   where you should be    no one's around    i need a 'phone call   i need a big love   i need a 'phone call   this strained conversation:          https://theconversation.com/rwanda-and-sri-lanka-a-tale-of-two-genocides-116135          is bringing me down   there's things i remember   there's things i forget   this song is sung in _DIRECT_ response to   AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN-LADY   the child of share-croppers   IN HER EIGHTIES [80's]  IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   who "explained"   to-OOH "UH-UH-us"   EMINENTLY   _NON_ AFRICAN-AMERICANS   that _HER_-fellow   -EN$LAVED-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-ANCESTORS   "prayed" their _OWN_ selves out of slavery   NO QUAKER   ZERO QUAKER[S]:          http://www.quakersintheworld.org/quakers-in-action/115/Underground-Railroad          LOST HER LIFE   -their REAL LITERAL PHYSICAL LIVES  _IN_ _ORDER_ "for" The En$lavement   OF AFRICAN-AMERICAN _HUMAN_ BEINGS   to _END_ ON JUNETEENTH:          https://oxfordaasc.com/page/featured-essay-emancipation-and-the-meaning-of-juneteenth          NO QUAKER SAINT JOHN WOOLMAN:          https://www.amazon.com/Beautiful-Soul-Woolman-Apostle-Abolition/dp/0809028484          literally   IN REAL TIME   REAL SPACE   REAL-ONE BLUE PLANET-HOLY SPIRIT   WALKED HUNDREDS OF MILES   get this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ONE HUNDRED YEARS _BEFORE_ ABRAHAM LINCOLN   AT TERRIFIC   INCONVENIENCE   TO HIMSELF   AND TO HIS FAMILY   _ONLY_ IN _ORDER_   to SET ENSLAVED HUMAN BEINGS _FREE_   he   JOHN WOOLMAN   was OPENLY-DERIDED    +OPENLY-LAUGHED AT   +PUT _DOWN_   _BY_ HIS _OWN_ FELLOW-QUAKERS_   "for" wearing woollen clothing   smack+dab+in the "middle"   of the summertime   _BECAUSE_   the dyed clothing   "considered"   "popular" and "hot" and "stylish"   DURING JOHN WOOLMAN'S   _OWN_ LIFETIME   was get this!   DYED indigo-blue-color/colour   by his enslaved WEST-INDIAN-BLACK-BROTHERS   "located" IN THE WEST INDIES   and JOHN WOOLMAN-DID NOT WISH    TO _VOTE_ _WITH_ HIS U$A DOLLAR$   "for" CLOTHING dyed by slave labor/labour   THE WEST INDIES-by the way   -was "a location"   that JOHN WOOLMAN HIMSELF   HAD _NEVER_   PHYSICALLY _BEEN_ TO   _EVER_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   in the _IDENTICAL_ MANNER-in which ABRAHAM LINCOLN   he never "personally" encountered ANY AFRICAN-AMERICANS   the whole-entire-t-AI-Ai-ime   that he   ABRAHAM LINCOLN   was located in ILLINOIS   now called   "The Land Of Lincoln"~OOP$!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    IN A SIMILAR VEIN   he   JOHN WOOLMAN   was OPENLY   DERIDED    +OPENLY-LAUGHED AT    +_OPENLY_PUT _DOWN_   _BY_ HIS _OWN_ FELLOW-QUAKERS_   "for" REFUSING TO CONSU-ooh-ooh-ME   SLAVE-GROWN _SUGAR_     _BECAUSE_   the condiment-sweetener SUGAR   was considered "hot"   and "stylish" and "expensive"-to consu-OOH-OOH-me   in 1770's   DURING JOHN WOOLMAN'S _OWN_ LIFETIME  _AND_ was get this!   SUGAR GROWN   ON SLAVE PLANTATIONS   "by"~get this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   his    -JOHN WOOLMAN'S  enslaved WEST-INDIAN-BLACK-_BROTHERS_   BLACK BROTHERS OF JOHN WOOLMAN   -who were NOT BLOOD RELATIONS~OOPS!"   "located" IN THE EN$LAVED PERSON$ OF COLOR/COLOUR-WEST INDIES   and JOHN WOOLAM DID NOT WISH TO _VOTE    _WITH_ HIS U$A DOLLAR$   "for" SUGAR GROWN WITH SLAVE LABOR/LABOUR _IN_   THE WEST INDIES-   by the way-THE WE$T INDIE$-was "a location" that JOHN WOOLMAN   HIMSELF HAD _NEVER_ ever   PHYSICALLY _BEEN_ to   _EVER_   WHY NOT???????????????????????????   _IN_ CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   construct _NEVER_ _BEFORE_ _CON$TRUCTED_   -statues of JOHN WOOLMAN   QUAKER SAINT   and place JOHN WOOLMAN   _RIGHT_ next to THE EN$LAVER$   who$e $tatue$ ARE CURRENTLY    being toppled "by" protesters   $TATUE$ OF HORRIBLE MEN   WHO   profited   _DIRECTLY_   from UBER-RACI$T   _AND_ UBER-$LAVE LABOR/LABOUR   with CLEARLY   -$CULPTED-   "explanations"  of the "prices" PAID   by NON-African-American$    BY NON-persons of color/colour   who _LITERALLY_ sacrificed   their _OWN_ _LITERAL_ physical lives   _ALL_ THROUGHOUT The USA CIVIL WAR~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   not to mention $ACRIFICING their _OWN_ _DAILY_ "creature comforts"   _ONLY_ _IN_ _ORDER_ TO   SET EN$LAVED-AFRICAN-AMERICANS   100% FREE  100% ONCE+FOR-ALL   and _MADE_ JUNETEENTH   EVEN   "a possibility"   _FOR_ PREVIOU$LY-EN$LA-ey-ey-ey-VED   -AFRICAN-AMERICAN$   _IN_ _THE_ _FIRST_ PLACE_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ WHY NOT AFRICAN-AMERICAN   political "leaders"???????????????????????????   NOW THAT $LAVERY   CAN _NEVER_ _RETURN_   "join"   "the conversation":          https://theconversation.com/rwanda-and-sri-lanka-a-tale-of-two-genocides-116135          and _ACT_   JU$T _LIKE_ QUAKER SAINT JOHN WOOLMAN   to SET EELAM TAMILS   "on location" IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   whose _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          was $UPPORTED   BY AMERICA'$ FIR$T AFRICAN-AMERICAN PRE$IDENT   BARACK HU$$EIN OBAMA:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   IN DIRECT QUID PRO QUO "EXCHANGE"   "FOR" U$A TOP DOLLAR$   $ FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION [$ 4,500,000]:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          TOP DOLLAR$ U$A   on top of all of thi$ "preceding"   UBER-$EXI$T-GOOGLE   -OWNED-YOUTUBE   on JUNE THIRTEENTH [13th]   _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_ JUNETEENTH   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   @11:33 AM   EASTERN USA TIME   needle-NO$ED   "targeted" "us"   based on QUOTE UNQUOTE "wrong" GENDER-FEMALE???????????????????????????      based on QUOTE UNQUOTE "wrong" $KIN COLOR/COLOUR???????????????????????????   based on QUOTE UNQUOTE "wrong" zip code???????????????????????????   "for" EMINENTLY AMERICAN-ENGLISH-GRAMMARLY-WITH-A-G-INTERNET-AD$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   circus is falling   down on its knees   big top is crumbling down   it's raining   in MINNEAPOLIS   MINNESOTA   USA   where you should be    no one's around    i need a 'phone call   i need a big love   i need a 'phone call..."          "The" song _          It's Raining In Baltimore          _ performed by Counting Crows, music and lyrics c. by Adam Duritz            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeUvB9GkSS4          .]          WHY NOT??????????????????????????? CONSTRUCT STATUES OF QUAKER-SAINT-John Woolman Who Persuaded Quakers To _END_ Slavery  One Hundred [100] Years _BEFORE_ "Even" Abraham Lincoln??????????????????????????? And "Explain" To African-American Protesters+Other:  "John Woolman IS THE WAY TO _BE_.  The Statues Toppled Are Statues Of LO$ER$ (!)  They _LO$T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "Big Time"_  ~June 14th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO- FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 14th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 13th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song          EL CONDOR PASA          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pey29CLID3I          performed by Simon & Garfunkel          _   "...i'd rather be   a hammer   than a nail   yes i w-OOH-OOH-ould   if i c-OOH-OOH-ould   i surely wo-OOH-OOH-ould   in the "olden days"   the adage   used to be-EE-EE-EE   QUOTE UNQUOTE   "the fact$ change every ten [10] year$"   "we" are AUDACIOUSLY   _AND_ BODACIOUSLY-ee-ee   pointing AH-AH-AH-out   on APRIL TWELFTH [12th]   of CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   and _HOW_    that as "recently"   as ON   APRIL TWENTY-$EVENTH [27th]   of CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   @03:50 AM    Ea$tern U$A   t-AI-AI-AI-AI-AI-AI-ime   UBER-INTERNATIONA-uh-uh-L   -"$ymbol"   "f-OR-OR-OR-or"   PURPORTEDLY   NON-violent:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          BUT $TILL   RELENTLE$$$$$$$$$$$$-Y-HILTER$$$$$$$$$$$$   -RAJAPAK$E-uh-uh-uh-$$$$$$$$$$$$   "on location"   EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-in   CEYLON   -$RI LANKA   $-AH-AH-AH-outh   a-EY-EY-EY-$ia-AH-AH-AH   ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   INTERNATIONAL BUDDHI$M:          https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/04/richard-gere-hollywood-china          _AND_ $EVENTY YEAR$ _OLD_   _AND_ THE FATHER OF $EVEN [7]   ~get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ relentle$$ly-worshipped   in "$ome" ci-UH-UH-UH-rcle$   +HOLLYWOOD-adored   -ACTOR   -RICHARD GERE   "for" _BEING_ "THE FATHER OF $EVEN":          https://www.nst.com.my/lifestyle/groove/2020/04/587879/showbiz-richard-gere-father-again-age-70          HA$ IN THE TINIE$T   $PAN OF TI-ai-ai-ai-ME   THAT HAS ELAP$ED   $INCE APRIL TWENTY-$EVENTH [27th]   of CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   @03:50 AM   Ea$tern U$A Time:          https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/04/richard-gere-hollywood-china          ON JUNE ELEVENTH [11th] TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]    is "magically"   _AND_"my$tically"   _AND_ $TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "the father of"~get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _TWO_ [!]   OOH-OOH-OOH-   OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   i'd rather be   a hammer   than a nail   yes i w-OOH-OOH-ould   if i c-OOH-OOH-ould   i surely wo-OOH-OOH-ould..."          "The" song _          El Condor Pasa          _ performed by Simon & Garfunkel, © Daniel Alomía Robles (Music), Paul Simon (English lyrics), Jorge Milchberg (Arrangement)          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pey29CLID3I          .]          As "Recently" As On April 27th, 2020@03:50 AM EASTERN USA TIME:          https://www.nst.com.my/lifestyle/groove/2020/04/587879/showbiz-richard-gere-father-again-age-70          International Symbol For Hitler:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Buddhism:          https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/04/richard-gere-hollywood-china          Richard Gere _WA$_ "The Father Of 7 [$EVEN]."   Now! $tat! Thi$ In$tant _On_ June 13th, 2020 [TWENTY-TWENTY] He Is "Magically"+"Mystically" "The Father Of 2 [TWO]"~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~June 13th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY +100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 13th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 12th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Smooth Operator          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TYv2PhG89A          performed by Sade          _   "...diamond-li-AI-AI-fe   lover-bo-AH-AH-y   he moves in space   with minimum waste   city l-AI-AI-AI-ights    business gu-AI-AI-ys   no higher high   no place for beginners   sentiment is left    to-OOH-OOH-OOH    no place to be ending   but somewhere   to sta-AH-AH-rt   no need to a-AH-AH-sk   he's a  smoo-OOH-OOH-TH   operator   smoo-OOH-OOH-TH operator   it must be noted   tha-AH-AH-AH-t   USA   military general   david Petraeu-UH-UH-UH-UH-s           https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-rejects-calls-to-rename-military-bases-honoring-confederate-generals/2020/06/10/78a06122-ab53-11ea-94d2-d7bc43b26bf9_story.html          had _PRECI$ELY   _ZERO-oh-oh-oh_   INTERNATIONALLY-televi$ed   -"$tatement$"   to "ma-AY-AY-AY-AY-ke"   at "a time"   in CALENDAR YEAR   TWO-THOU$AND   +NI-ai-ai-ai-NE [2009]   "when"   QUOTE UNQUOTE   "black" "jewish" "native" "first peoples"   "aboriginals"   EQUIVALENT   EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in   MULLAITIVU   MULLIKULAM:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ] = _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          -CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto-ebook/dp/B009W9ZEDI          were "live"   "hot" in REAL   ONE BLUE PLANET   TI-ai-ai-ME   CONFRONTING _GENOCI-ai-ai-DE_:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          _AND_ were/are/remain   $TA-ah-ah-T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "live" "hot"   in REAL   ONE BLUE PLANET   TI-ai-ai-ai-ME   CONFRONTING _GENOCI-ai-ai-ai-DE_   _AND_ _BEYOND_   DE$PER-ey-ey-ey-ATE_ for   "the" POWER$-THAT-BE   _LIKE_ USA-PRE$IDENT OBAMA:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          _LIKE_ U$A military general   david Petraeus   TO STAT!   in"live" "hot"   in REAL ONE BLUE PLANET   T-ai-ai-IME   STOP!   _GENOCI-ai-ai-ai-DE_:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-11108059          _NOT_ I$I$ terror   _NOT_ egregious   South American   drug cartel   violence   therefore   in "telling"   the ta-EY-EY-EY-le   of A WAR FOUGHT TO END THE ENSLAVEMENT   OF _REAL_ LIVE_   LIVING_ HUMAN BEINGS   NOT PERMITTED TO F-ai-ai-ai-IGHT   IN THEIR OWN   DEFE-ay-ay-ay-ay-NCE/DEFENSE   is it _NOT_   a more POWER-FILLED STATEMENT????????????????????????????   TO LEAVE STATUES IN PLACE?????????????????????????????????????   _AND_ _ADD_ MA$$IVELY   -lettered-word-accompaniments   -TO-THE-CURRENT-STATUES-stating   QUOTE UNQUOTE:  "THE$E HORRIBLE PEOPLE"   "THE$E ARE THE PEOPLE WHO _L-ah-ah-O$T_"    _WHETHER_ OR _NOT_   THEIR STATUES ARE toppled   IN THE USA   OR _NO-ah-ah-ah-T_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53005243          in "their" battle   ON BEHALF OF EVIL-$LAVERY   the _GOOD_ _GUYS _WON_ _AGAIN$T_ _THE_ BAD GUY$_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   for "a nice_HI$TORIC-cha-EY-EY-EY-nge"   from the "routine"   of _EVIL_ "triumping"   "all the time"   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    like is "happening"  $TAT!   "live"   "hot":          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          NO-ah-ah-W[!]    "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   with Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$   _CONTINUING_   TO BE _CELEBRATED_   on a "daily"   BA$I$   _EVER_   _AND_   here are some _N-yoo-ooh-ooh-EW_ STATUES   NOT MADE IN CHINA   _LIKE_ the MADE IN CHINA STATUE   OF DR MARTIN LUTHER KING   JUNIOR   IN PROMINENCE   IN WASHINGTON-D.C.-USA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _ADD_ $TATUE$ OF OF THE "GOOD" GUYS   who _DEFEATED_   "these bad guys" ???????????????????????????   WHO _REMAIN_    RELENTLE$$LY-DEFEATED   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   whether or _NOT_   their statues   remain "in pla-AY-AY-AY-ce" (!)   IMAGINE!   diamond-li-AI-AI-fe   lover-bo-AH-AH-y   he moves in space   with minimum waste   city l-AI-AI-AI-ights    business gu-AI-AI-ys   no higher high   no place for beginners   sentiment is left    to-OOH-OOH-OOH    no place to be ending   but somewhere   to sta-AH-AH-rt   no need to a-AH-AH-sk   he's a  smoo-OOH-OOH-TH   operator   smoo-OOH-OOH-TH operator..."          "The" song _          Smooth Operator          _ performed by Sade, music and lyrics c. by Sade Adu and Ray St. John           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TYv2PhG89A          .]          _Both_ USA President Obama:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          _AND_ Military General David Petraeus:          https://www.cnn.com/2013/03/01/us/david-petraeus-fast-facts/index.html          Were At The _APEX_ Of Their Powers And $TILL Refused To _ACT_ To Stop "The Knee" On The Necks Of George Floyd Time$ 110,000 Human Beings:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          Screaming "We" ONE HUNDRED+TEN THOUSAND EELAM TAMILS AT THE "MERCY" OF BARACK HU$$EIN OBAMA "WE" Can't Breathe:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~June 12th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND +UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 12th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 11th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          "I Just Called To Say I Love You"          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bGOgY1CmiU          performed by Stevie Wonder          _   "...no new year's day   to celebrate   no notice "even"   " "taken"   "by" the like$ of Oprah Winfrey:          https://consequenceofsound.net/2015/03/m-i-a-claims-oprah-called-her-a-terrorist/          who called U$A   hip hop artist-of-color/colour   M.I.A.   QUOTE UNQUOTE "a terrorist"   for trying to save   the LITERAL  PHYSICAL   REAL TIME   REAL SPACE   REAL ONE BLUE PLANET   LIVES   OF   1 GEORGE FLOYD   TIMES   GET THI$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND [110,0000]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/one hundred and ten-thousand          EELAM TAMIL LIVES   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   SOUTH A-ey-ey-ey-$IA   and-OPRAH WINFREY:          https://consequenceofsound.net/2015/03/m-i-a-claims-oprah-called-her-a-terrorist/          U$A   -ALLEGEDLY    -"pro"-person of color/colour   _AND_ her friendly-CO-agitator$   INCLUDING FANCY-NANCY   -PELO-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-$I:          https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/08/politics/democrats-criticized-kente-cloth-trnd/index.html          _INCLUDING_ DEMOCRATIC   PRE$IDENTIAL CANDIDATE   JOE BIDEN~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "all over"-the so-called   "internationally" "televi$ed"   24/7/   366   in leap year 2020 [twenty-twenty]-"$tage"   that 1 GEORGE FLOYD   _TIME$_    get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/one hundred and ten-thousand          = [equal $ign]   EELAM TAMIL GENOCIDE:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          the _RIGHT_ _WORD coined:          https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/mark_twain_389874          by RAPHAEL LEMKIN:          https://www.npr.org/2014/10/18/356423580/the-man-who-coined-genocide-spent-his-life-trying-to-stop-it             DECADE$ AGO "already"-NOW!   _GENOCIDE_   eminently _NOT_   I$I$-OR-TALIBAN-terror   _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_ egregiou$ $outh-american-drug cartel   violence   $ri lanka HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _CONTINUE_ perpetrating   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          _EMINENTLY_ pre$ided "over"   BY OPRAH E$TEEMED-MENTEE   BARACK HU$$EIN OBAMA:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   in DIRECT QUID PRO QUO "EXCH-ey-ey-ey-ANGE"   FOR   GET THI$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION [$ 4, 500,000]-   U$A TOP DOLLAR$:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52997762          CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -GOATABAYA-RAJAPAK$E:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539         _AND_ HI$ BROTHER-MAHINDHA:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          have called   -PARLIAMENTARY ELECTION$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94221          "NOW" $ET "FOR"   -AUGU$T 5TH, 2020-[twenty-twenty]   AND ON TOP OF ALL THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   @09:01 AM   Ea$tern U$A Time   on june tenth [10th] twenty-twenty-EE-EE-EE-EE-[2020]   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   which _CANNOT_ for the _LIFE_of   GOOGLE-owned-YOUTUBE-UBER-$EXI$T-HYPER-PROMI$CUOU$-YOUTUBE   be "bothered" to even _BEGIN_ noticing   WOMEN OF COLOR/COLOUR   _EMINENTLY_ far from ALEJANDRA $ILVA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _OR_   "hell-bent"   on popping out unrecycled babies   _NOT_ wishing in any way   /shape _OR_ form to "begin" _EMULATING_   new zealand's   jacinda adern:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQivl4oneOA          _OR_ The UK's Bori$ John$on   _COUNTING_~get thi$    hi$ $IXTH _UNRECYCLED_ _BABY_:          https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/29/boris-johnsons-partner-carrie-symonds-long-together-announce-birth-baby-boy-12626260/          NOT TO even _BEGIN_   mentioning $EVENTY-YEAR-OLD HOLLYWOOD HEARTH THROB    RICHARD GERE "welcoming"~get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $EVENTH   unrecycled baby~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   @09:01 AM Ea$tern U$A Time   on june tenth [10th] twenty-twenty-EE-EE-EE-EE-[2020]   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE which _CANNOT_ for the _LIFE_ of   GOOGLE-owned-YOUTUBE   UBER-$EXI$T-HYPER-PROMI$CUOU$   -YOUTUBE be "bothered" to even _BEGIN_ noticing   WOMEN OF COLOR/COLOUR   _EMINENTLY_ far from   "hell-bent" on popping out   unrecycled babies   needle-no$ed "target$" "us"@isaacfalconer dot com   "for" "the world's be$t organic baby formula$   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   OPRAH WINFREY   feel "free" to $HARE with UBER-$EXI$T-HYPER-PROMI$CUOU$   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   that "we" are person$   of color/colour   of the female persua-EY-EY-EY-sion   with ZERO interest   in popping out   unrecycled babie$   on JUNE TENTH [10th]   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..."          "The" song _          "I Just Called To Say I Love You"         _ performed by Stevie Wonder, music and lyrics c. by Stevie Wonder          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bGOgY1CmiU          .]          Please! Explain To Oprah Winfrey:          https://consequenceofsound.net/2015/03/m-i-a-claims-oprah-called-her-a-terrorist/          That One [1] George Floyd:          https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/08/politics/democrats-criticized-kente-cloth-trnd/index.html          Times One Hundred And Ten-Thousand [100,000]          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/
          = [Equal Sign] Eelam Tamil Genocide "Merrily" Pre$ided Over By Oprah Winfrey Mentee U$A-PRE$IDENT-BARACK HU$$EIN Obama:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          .  ~June 11th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)
CREATED June 11th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 10th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Operator (that's not the way it feels)          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPu_G-T28iU          performed by Jim Croce          _   "...Operator!   could  you help me place th-EE-EE-is c-AH-AH-AH-all???????????????????????????   see the number   on the matchbook   is old and fa-EY-EY-ded   something in my AI-AI-eyes   you know that it happens   all the t-AI-AI-AI-ime   so i can c-AH-AH-all   just to tell him    i'm fine   but that's not the way it f-EE-EE-eels   NO! NO! NO!   OPERATOR!   Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$   _LITERAL_ generations of   Rajapak$e HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          IN POWER   $INCE~GET THI$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE [1939]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          _CONTINUE_ ADVANCING   THE "PROFE$$IONAL"   "CAREER$" ah-ah-OF   "the" perpetrator$ of   _GE-ey-ey-NOCIDE_:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/sri-lanka-yet-more-problematic-military-promotions-itjp/          UNRELENTING PERPETRATOR$   OF _GE-ey-ey-NOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          PERPETRATED on location in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          "the" perpetrator$ of _GENOCIDE_   [SRI LANKA-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$ -MILITARY COMMANDER-$ARATH FON$EKA "openly" _AND_ "internationally":          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94108          ACKNOWLEDGES THE $LAUGHTER-IN-GENOCIDE-OF-EELAM TAMILS' WINSTON CHURCHILL:          https://www.forbes.com/sites/steveforbes/2014/09/30/what-we-owe-churchill/#739bca93e71f          ]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   PERPETRATED  on minority   QUOTE UNQUOTE "black"   and QUOTE UNQUOTE-"jewish"   -ee-ee-EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   the "perpetrator$" of  _GENOCIDE_   _AND_ OF CR-ai-ai-ai-IME$:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          PERPETRATED   AGAIN$T   EELAM TAMIL-_HUMANITY_:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Operator!   could  you help me place th-EE-EE-is c-AH-AH-AH-all???????????????????????????   see the number   on the matchbook   is old and fa-EY-EY-ded   something in my AI-AI-eyes   you know that it happens   all the t-AI-AI-AI-ime   so i can c-AH-AH-all   just to tell him    i'm fine   but that's not the way it f-EE-EE-EE-eels   NO! NO! NO!   OPERATOR!   FAMILY DOLLAR $TORE$   ALL ACRO$$ THE U$A   ARE JAM-PACKED   WITH DANGEROU$-FOR-ALL   -U$A-CON$UMER$   "black" "white" "jewish" "asian"    -CON$UMER$   over-the-counter medication$   ALL-MADE IN CHINA-EA$T A$IA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/ny-schumer-warns-consumers-dollar-tree-20191118-5lbtljmn7jbejlbqjv5rh6db24-story.html          perhap$ that _ee-ee-ee-I$_ the "rea$on" WH-ai-ai-ai-Y???????????????????????????   "we"@isaacfalconer dot com   have been USPS-delivered   +bombarded with paper flyers   advertising FAMILY DOLLAR $TORE$/FAMILY DOLLAR $TORE$/DOLLAR-GENERAL-$TORE$    "everything"-MADE IN CHINA-$TORE$   have been USPS-delivered   "everything" dangerou$   for HUMAN CON$UMPTION-$TORE$~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Operator!   could  you help me place th-EE-EE-is c-AH-AH-AH-all???????????????????????????   see the number   on the matchbook   is old and fa-EY-EY-EY-ded   something in my AI-AI-eyes   you know that it happens   all the t-AI-AI-AI-ime   so i can c-AH-AH-all   just to tell him    i'm fine   but that's not the way it feels   NO! NO! NO!   OPERATOR!   OPERATOR!   perhap$   thi$ is AL$O the "rea$on"   that "we"@isaacfalconer dot com   ARE RELENTLE$$LY BOMBARDED   24/7/366   in leap year   calendar year   twenty-twenty-EE-EE-EE-[2020]   by GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE-INTERNET-AD$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   "for" To Drop Blood Sugar   Diabete$ Today   fix blood sugar dot com   Barton Diabete$   mo$t "recently" on JUNE NINTH [9th]   twenty-twenty-EE-EE [2020]   Operator!   could  you help me   place th-EE-EE-is c-AH-AH-AH-all???????????????????????????   see the number   on the matchbook   is old and fa-EY-EY-EY-ded   something in my AI-AI-eyes   you know that it happens   all the t-AI-AI-AI-ime   so i can c-AH-AH-all   just to tell him    i'm fine   but that's not the way it f-EE-EE-eels   NO! NO! NO!   OPERATOR!   OPERATOR!   "we"@isaacfalconer dot com   have _ZERO_   IDEA   "whether" or not   there is _ANY_   "connection"   between   "us"   @isaacfalconer dot com   typing in the letters "A" "A" "A"    as part of "our" creative methods for communicating political protest song lyrics   and BEING   USPS-delivered   +bombarded   by insurance policies   offered "us" by The Automobile Association of America   commonly known to Americans   as "Triple A"   OPERATOR!   please!  "feel free"   to tell "Triple A"   that "we"@isaacfalconer   have _ALL_ the insurance policies that "we" are "ever" going to n-EE-EE-eed   thanks ever so much!   Operator!   could  you help me place th-EE-EE-is c-AH-AH-AH-all???????????????????????????   see the number   on the matchbook   is old and fa-EY-EY-EY-ded   something in my AI-AI-eyes   you know that it happens   all the t-AI-AI-AI-ime   so i can c-AH-AH-all   just to tell him    i'm fine   but that's not the way it f-EE-EE-eels   NO! NO! NO!   OPERATOR!..."          "The" song _          Operator (that's not the way it feels)          _ performed by Jim Croce, music and lyrics c. by Jim Croce          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPu_G-T28iU          .]          Something In My Eyes Sees The Unrelenting Genocide:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          = [EQUAL SIGN] George Floyd TIMES ONE HUNDRED+TEN THOUSAND [110.000]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          Perpetrated On Minority Quote Unquote "Black" And Quote Unquote "Jewish" Citizens "in name ONLY" Of Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia.  ~June 10th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE +eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 10th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 9th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Sunny            https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAjvTs4vUVM          performed by Boney-M          _   "...sunny   yesterday my life   was filled with rai-AI-AI-n  sunny   you smile at me   and really   eased the p-AI-AI-ain   the dark days are gone   and the bright days are here   my sunny   once shines   so sincere   sunny   one so true   i love you   GOOGLE-OWNED   -YOUTUBE   needle-no-OH-OH-OH-$ed   "target$" "us"   onl-AI-AI-AI-ine   for the millionth time   since calendar year   NINETEEN NINETY-SIX [1996]~   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   MO$T "recently"   @06:59 PM   Ea$tern Time USA   on june eighth [8th]   of CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   RELENTLE-uh-uh-uh-$$   INTERNE-ey-ey-ey-T AD$-"for" "What Happens To 3 of 4 Teens..."   _WITHIN_ REAL-TIME   -REAL-SPACE   -REAL ONE BLUE PLANET-   _HOURS_   of a 100% INNOCENT   -100%   hired to mow   100% INNOCENT   summer-time lawns   get this!   by a _Nah-ah-ON_   -teena-EY-EY-EY-ger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _AND_   AD$ "f-AH-AH-or" "Sore Knees?   Do This Once Daily..."   WHY??????????????????????????   when absolutely positively   ZERO   persons at "our" locations   HAVE _EVE-uh-uh-uh-R_   "suffered" from   s-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-re knee-EE-EE-EE-s"   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   sunny   yesterday my life   was filled with rai-AI-AI-n    sunny   you smile at me   and really   ease the p-AI-AI-ain   the dark days are gone   and the bright days are here   my sunny   once   shines   so sincere   sunny   one so true   i love you   on june eight [8th]   AH-AH-AH-of   calendar year twenty-twenty-EE [2020]   sunny   you _MIGHT_ be excu-YOO-OOH-OOH-sed   "for"   _THINKING_   th-AH-AH-AH-at-MEGA   -AFRICAN-AMERICAN   -UBER-   BILLIONAIRE-CELEBRITY   OPRAH WINFREY   _AND_ "all" her TRI-ai-ai-BE   with the EAR of   the two-thou$and-AND-nine [2009]:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          EAR   of "then" USA President Obama:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          would NOT have st-AH-AH-opped screaming   _UNTIL_   George Floyd _TIMES_ ONE HUNDRED-AND-TEN-THOUSAND-EELAM TAMILS:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          "on location" in   ceylon-$ri lanka   -$outh a$ia:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          were set free fr-AH-AH-AH-om   totalitarian-dictator-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          IN$TEA-ey-ey-D   USA PRESIDENT OBAMA   AND OPRAH WINFREY-mentee-EE-EE   decided that   George times   GEORGE FLOYD _TIMES_ ONE HUNDRED-AND-TEN-THOUSAND   dying at the hand$ of   A-HITLER-RAJAPAK$E:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          would be JU$T FINE (!):          https://consequenceofsound.net/2015/03/m-i-a-claims-oprah-called-her-a-terrorist/          sunny   yesterday my life   was filled with rai-AI-AI-n  sunny   you smile at me   and really   ease the p-AI-AI-ain   the dark days are gone   and the bright days are here   my sunny   once   shines   so sincere   sunny   one so true   i love you..."          "The" song _          Sunny          _ performed by Boney-M, music and lyrics c. by Bobby Hebb          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAjvTs4vUVM          .]          To Hear Oprah Winfrey Flooding The USA24/7/365 And International Television Wave$ On June 8th, 2020 [twenty-twenty] _YOU_ ["Our" "Reader"] Would be _BEYOND_ One Hundred [100%]-Percent-EXCU$ED "For" THINKING THAT $he-Oprah Winfrey-ACTUALLY-"Intervened" By Asking Her Mentee:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          Barack Hu$$ein Obama To Intervene+Prevented The Deaths Of One Hundred And Ten Thousand TIME$-George Floyds:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          When She _Had_ The Ear Of President Obama _AND_ PHY$ICALLY VI$ITED THE U$A White "Weekly" 2009-2016~Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.  ~June 9th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 9th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Sunshine On My Shoulders          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diwuu_r6GJE          performed by John Denver           _   "...sunshine   on my shoulders   makes me happy-EE-EE   sunshine   in my eyes   can make me cry-AI-AI-AI    sunshine   on the water   looks so lovely   sunshine   almost always   makes me high   if i   had a tale   that i could tell you   i'd tell a tale   sure to make you smile    if i had a wish   that i could wish for you   i'd make a wish   the sunshine   all the while          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-52931528          The Tamil language   BBC is reporting   on June eighth [8th]   twenty-twenty-EE-EE-EE [2020]   The Government of China   -ee-ee-Ea$t A$ia   "energetically"   and relentle$$ly-EE-EE-EE   exploiting   USA-ey-ey-ey-   cri$i$-new$ headline$   in the United States   CHINA-HITLER   -PROPAGANDA   to bring Trump down   since it's FAR-OUT   HYPER   -$UPER-DUPER   +clea-UH-UH-r    FROM _LITERAL_   REAL TIME   _REAL_ SPACE   _REAL_ ONE BLUE PLANET   experience   that   The USA Democratic Party   and It's Current Leader   Joe Biden   RAI$ED-in-$cranton-Pennsylvania-USA   will "merrily"   and "unwittingly"   PERMIT   CHINA-HITLER   -XI JINPING TO "TAKE OVER"   THE-uh-uh W-uh-uh-ORLD"   and _END_ FREEDOM IN $OUTH A$IA   once and for AH-AH-AH-AH-all   AND turn us all   into calendar year twenty-twenty [2020]   CHINA-HITLER   -XI JINPING-NAZI$~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   sunshine   on my shoulders   makes me happy-EE-EE   sunshine   in my eyes   can make me cry-AI-AI-AI    sunshine   on the water   looks so lovely   sunshine   almost always   makes me high..."          "The" song _          Sunshine On My Shoulders          _ performed by John Denver, music and lyrics c. by John Denver, Dick Kniss, & Mike Taylor          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diwuu_r6GJE          .]          Government Of China Hitler Xi Jinping Already At Work Energetically Propaganda-Exploiting:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-52931528          USA Crises [MULTIPLE] To Take Out Trump:          https://qz.com/1691785/chinas-paying-to-build-its-influence-on-foreign-social-media/          Since _LITERAL_ REAL-TIME-REAL-SPACE-LITERAL-REAL-ONE BLUE PLANET-DECADE$ Decades Of Biden Political Experience Indicates China Will _DEFINITELY_ Get "A Free Ride" Under Biden USA-Presidency.  ~June 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 8th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 7th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          This Is Love          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqWkBk2ixs8          performed by George Harrison          _   "...precious words   drift away   from their meaning   little things   that will change you   forever   don't forget   what we came   her-UH-UH-e fo-AH-AH-r   this is love   this is LAH-LAH-LAH-LAH-love    this is love   "the" "world"   including "us"   "pledged" to World War Two VETERANS   EVERY D-DAY   JUNE SIXTH [6th]   SINCE CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN FORTY-FOUR [1944]:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlX1FJD90JY          +and "the world"   AGAINST HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$   -Nazis s-AY-AY-aid   that "never again":          https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/never-again-from-a-holocaust-phrase-to-a-universal-phrase-544666          _EVER_ w-OOH-OOH-ould   totalitarian HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -DICTATOR$$$$$$$$$$$ -RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          feel "free" to traver$e The Globe   not "merely" UNMOLE$TED   _BUT_ AL$O   "celebrated"   "all over" the $O-CALLED   "internationally"   -TELEVI$ED "wo-UH-UH-rld":          https://www.google.com/search?q=Queen+Elizabeth+II+
=firefox-b-1&sa=X&biw=1192&bih=618&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=pie4C2P2l9rrAM%253A%252C7QxdiIJV1f7mLM%252C_&usg=__xbU8l8rFo1_p0-Pn5HwI494oQpg%3D&ved=0ahUKEwiBlrXuvdrZAhVBzlkKHUvFBmEQ9QEIKTAA          "bu$y" _BEING_   _CELEBRATED_   "by" "the" MO$T POWERFUL   IN$TITUTION$   INCLUDING BUT FAR FROM   _LIMITED_  TO   THE UNITED NATION$ $ECURITY COUNCIL:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          ~ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          ON PLANET EARTH :(:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _FORTUNATELY_   for the residents of Minneapolis-Minnesota   -USA   the City Council   has responded to   the murder   -on-live-camera   -of  African-American   George Floyd:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-52952718          b-AI-AI-y passing   a 100% _TOTAL_ _BAN_   on POLICE-chokeholds:          https://kstp.com/news/breaking-minneapolis-to-ban-police-chokeholds-in-wake-of-george-floyd-death/5751971/          LIKE THE CHOKEHOLD   THAT KILLED   GEORGE   FL-oh-oh-YD   what EELAM TAMILS   _FACING_ _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          "on location" in   Ceylon-$ri Lanka-   $-AH-AH-AH-outh A$ia   "s-EE-EE-EE-ince"   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-N-ai-ai-ai-INE (1939):          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          want to know is this   where??????????????????????????? pray do tell I$???????????????????????????   the "international" BAN AH-AHon George Floy:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-52952718          TIMES_ ONE HUNDRED _AND_ TEN THOUSAND:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/           _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-11108059          eminently n-AH-AH-t   EGREGOUS SOUTH AMERICAN DRUG CARTEL VIOLENCE   EMINENTLY _NOT_ ISIS TERROR   USA Pre$ident Trump   was Eminently _NOT_ elected Pre$ident because of his "credential$"   as "a poet!":          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52941258          he appears _GENUINELY   distressed that George Floyd:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-52952718       was murdered   -"live"-and-on   -international-TELEVI$ION-camera   PRESIDENT TRUMP _WANT$_ to "create" "a world" where such George-Floyd-Events _CANNOT_ "happen"  is not sure how to   go about   accomplishing this task   and "thought" _EMINENTLY_ UNpoetically   QUOTE "a horrible thing happened   i feel HORRIBLE   that i was unable   to control it   _MAYBE_ all the protests   WILL change America   since i'm not sure how to change the race-related-issues in America   so let me blab whatever comes into my h-AY-AY-ead   'something-something about'   how even though George Floyd:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-52952718          died atrociously   the American Public Response _MAY_ "change" America For The Great Again-since i [Donald Trump] have no clue    how to speak about   my hopes and dreams for changing American race-relations for 'the better-IN POETIC FORM~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'"   precious words   drift away   from their meaning   little things   that will change you   forever   don't forget   what we came   her-UH-UH-e fo-AH-AH-r   this is love   this is LAH-LAH-LAH-LAH-love    this is love...
"          "The" song _          This Is Love          _ performed by George Harrison, music and lyrics c. by George Harrison & Jeff Lynne           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqWkBk2ixs8          .]          Precious Words Drift Away From Their Meaning As In The World War II-Pledge-Signed In The Blood+Trea$ure Of World War II Veteran$ "Never Again!" Has _NEVER_ _Ever_Meant _ZERO_ CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _ZERO_ _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _ZERO_ GEORGE FLOYD _TIMES_ ONE GUNDERED _AND_ TEN-THOUSAND:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          "For" Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia's Minority Ethnic Group Minority Religion "Jewish"+"excluded"-in-GENOCIDE-Eelam Tamils:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          .  ~June 7th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND +UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 7th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 6th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):   "The" song _          SOS          [Where Are Those Happy Days]          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNWIeAbLJ6U          performed by ABBA _   "...where are those happy days???????????????????????????   they seem so hard to f-AI-AI-ind   i try to reach for you   but you have closed your mind   whatever happened to our love???????????????????????????   it used to be so nice   it used to be so nice   it used to be so g-OOH-OOH-ood   so when you're near me darling can't you hear me   S.O.S   the love you gave me nothing else can save me   S.O.S   when you're gone   how can i   even try   to go on???????????????????????????   when you're gone   how can i   carry on???????????????????????????           https://www.bbc.com/tamil/india-52934687          residents and citizens   of India-South Asia   are expressing _ANGER_   at CHINA-HITLER   -XI JINPING   -DICTATOR APPS:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/india-52934687          on june fifth twenty-twenty [2020]   THE GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   U$   -KLEPTOCRACY-CLASS-OF PER$ON$-_WHO_ kept themselves "busy"   needle-no$ed-targeting "us"   @isaacfalconer dot com   "as" their GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$ "target audience"   of perpetual-since-calendar-year   -nineteen-ninety-six [1996]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _TEENAGER$_   with a relentless interest   in cigarette-smoking   _AND_ vaping   NOT to even begin mentioning    GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   -U$A-KLEPTOCRACY-CLA-ah-ah-SS   needle-no$ed-targeting "us"   @isaacfalconer dot co-AH-AH-AH-m   "as" their GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$ "target audience"   of massively overweight   possibly weighing   as much as three-hundred [300] pounds   "when" MALE   swimming and lounging in sunny   CALIFORNIA??????????????????????????? CULLY-fornia???????????????????????????????   swimming poo-OOH-OOH-ls   "when" _FEMALE_   UNTRAINED   NOT-AN-advanced   -academic-degree-earning-FEMALE~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BUT _RATHER_ an untrained-UN$KILLED-FEMALE   "foreign" baby-$itter~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   IN _DE$PERATE_   _AND_ UNRELENTING _NEED_ OF GRAMMARLY-purcha$ed   -American-Engli$h   -GRAMMAR-A$$I$TANCE :(~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   on june fourth [4th] twenty-twenty [2020]   @11:13   AM Eastern USA Time   Barton Education $erie$ to "fix" diabete$~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _WITH_ CINNAMON (!)   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   where are those happy days???????????????????????????   they seem so hard to find   i try to reach for you   but you have closed your mind   whatever happened to our love???????????????????????????   it used to be so _GOOD_   it used to be so nice   it used to be so good   so when you're near me darling can't you hear me   S.O.S   the love you gave me nothing else can save me S.O.S   when you're gone   how can i   even try   to go on???????????????????????????   when you're gone   how can i   carry on???????????????????????????..."          "The" song _          SOS          _ performed by ABBA, music and lyrics c. by Björn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson, & Stig Anderson          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNWIeAbLJ6U          .]            The [UNITED KINGDOM-HEADQARTERED]-Tamil BBC News Reporting On June 5th, 2020 [twenty-twenty] And _How_ Residents Of India-South Asia Are Being  Angered By China Hitler Xi Jinpinging Computer Apps And Huawei-Dominance-Of-"World"-"Kleptocracy-Of-Private-COPURIGHTED-AND-LICENSED-Information:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/india-52934687          .  ~June 6th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+ eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 6th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 5th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):   "The" song          I Heard It Through The Grapevine          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZnrZnFSlWU          performed by Marvin Gaye _   "...ooh   don't you know that i   heard it through the grapevine   not much longer   would you be mine   ooh   i heard it through the grapevine   ooh i'm just about, just about, just about to lose my mind
ooh yes, i am, ooh yes, i am, ooh yes, i am   ooh   don't you know that i   EMINENTLY DID _NOT_   _HAVE_ TO   hear it through the grapevine   i saw it myself   with my own two eyes   with my _OWN_ third eye   on f-AI-AI-ire   the third eye   is the inner eye of enlightenment   ~OOP$!  AH-AH-AH-on June third [3rd]   twenty twenty-EE-EE-EE[2020] USA   NBC televi$ion   Uber-Mega-Celebrity-NAME-journali$t   -Nora O'Donnell:          https://twitter.com/NorahODonnell/status/1268316336935092224?ref_src=twsrc%
5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet      "broke" into "local"   NBC-affilliate-$tation$   -televi$ion new$ broadca$ting   @04:11 PM   Eastern USA Time   to "announce" "live"   that the per$on$ viewed-"live"   -on-camera-AH-AH-   $urrounding the pro-OH-OH-ne   human body   AH-AH-of   AFRICAN-AMERICAN   -HUMAN BEING-George Floyd   EE-EE-EE-in Minneapolis-Minnesota   -USA are being officially charged   with criminal acts   IN Minneapolis-Minnesota-USA   TRAGICALLY and GENOCIDE:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms?from=mdr          -prolonging-ly~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   for_LITERAL_   _REAL_ TIME _REAL_ SPACE   _REAL_ ONE BLUE PLANET   EELAM TAMILS located "live"   in Ceylon-$ri Lanka   -$outh A$ia   "since" calendar year   nineteen thirty-nine [1939]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _NEITHER_ NORA O'DONNELL   _NOR_ HER BO$$E$@NBC   -U$A-NEW$-televi$ion _NOR_ THE HUMAN BEING$   HEART-BROKEN OVER THE DEMISE OF   GEORGE FLOYD   will _EVER_ "experience"  $EEING _ANY_"live"   IN REAL TIME   -IN REAL $PACE   -ON _OUR_ COLLECTIVE   _ONE_ REAL ONE BLUE PLANET "breaking"    "li-AI-AI-AI-AI-ve"   and "into" "local" televi$ion new$ broadca$ting @04:11 PM Eastern USA Time   ON JUNE THIRD [3rd]    TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-[2020]   _OR_ _INDEED_   AT ANY _OTHER_ TIME   _EVER_ to "announce" "live"   that the per$on$ viewed-"live"    -on-camera   $urrounding the prone human bodies   of _LITERAL_   _REAL_ _GENERATIONS_   of   Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$i'a$   ETHNIC MINORITY   -RELIGION-MINORITY HUMAN B-ee-ee-ee-EINGS   PRECISELY _LIKE_ GEORGE FLOYD   EXCEPT NO LIVE COVERAGE   _EXCEPT_ GEORGE FLOYD TIME$ ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ EELAM TAMILS   in other words   GEORGE FLOYD TIMES ONE HUNDRED _AND_ TEN THOUSAND   $LAUGHTERED-IN-GENOCIDE with the "live" _ASSISTANCE_ of    but with _ZERO_ "live"   televi$ed 24/7/365-U$A-MAIN$TREAM   -NORA O'DONNELL-LIVE   -NBC-TELEVI$ION-COVERAGE _OF_    Barack Hussein Obama~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753           "live":          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          po$ing two-thousand and nine through twenty-sixteen:          ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          "live" ON _GENERATION$_ AGO NOW   RAPHAEL LEMKIN COINED AN EMINENTLY AMERICAN-ENGLISH WORD _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-11108059          https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          to describe   WITH LANG$TON HUGHE$'-_CLARITY_ DIRECTLY TO:   NBC-NEW$   _AND_ DIRECTLY TO:   NORAL O'DONNELL   _AND_ TO: NORA O'DONNELL'$ ENDURING POLITICAL HERO-   BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA-ah-ah-ah    AND _DIRECTLY_ TO:   SEVEN POINT FIVE BILLION HUMAN BEINGS   CURRENTLY "located"   ON OUR ONE SHARED SINGLE IRREPLACEABLE BLUE PLANET   _THAT_ _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          is A CRIME PERPETRATE  _AGAINST_ EELAM TAMIL _HUMANITY_:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          GEORGE FLOYD TIMES ONE HUNDRED _AND_ TEN THOUSAND   $LAUGHTERED-IN-GENOCIDE   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ooh   don't you know   that i heard it through the grapevine   not much longer   would you be mine   ooh   i heard it through the grapevine   ooh   i'm just about, just about, just about to lose my mind   ooh yes, i am, ooh yes, i am, ooh yes, i am   ooh   don't you know that   i DO _NOT_ _HAVE_ to   "hear it" through the grapevine..."          "The" song  _          I Heard It Through The Grape Vine          _ performed by Marvin Gaye, music and lyrics c. by ‎ Norman Whitfield & Barrett Strong           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZnrZnFSlWU          .]          Eminently Did Not Have To Hear It Through The Grapevine Instead Heard Nora O'Donnell "Breaking" "Live" Into Local NBC News Announcing George Floyd's Family Might Receive The _TINIEST_ Measure Of Justice _WHILE_ GEORGE FLOYD TIMES _ONE_ _HUNDRED_ _AND_ _TEN_ _THOUSAND_ [110,000] WLL _NEVER_ Be Reported "Live" ON _ANY_ DAY On Main$tream-Lame$tream-U$A-Televi$ion "live" _AND_ 24 Hours Of Every Day 7 Days Of Every Week 365 Dyas Of Every year:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          .  ~June 5th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 5th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 4th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Just One Look          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsEwBzfdMnk          performed by Linda Ronstadt _   "...just AH-AH-one look   and i feel so   hi-AI-AI-AI-gh   EE-EE-in l-AH-AH-AH-ove   with you-OO-OO   OOH-OO-OOH-   i found out   how good it feels to   ha-AH-AH-AH-ve   your l-AH-AH-ove   OOH-OO-OOH-   say you will   will be   m-AI-AI-AI-AI-AI-AI-ine   forever   and always   OOH-OO-OOH-    just one look   and i knew-OOH-OOH-OOH   that you-OOH-OOH-OOH   were my only one   i thought i was   dr-EE-EE-EE-eam-EE-EE-EE-ing   but i was r-AI-AI-AI-ight   so you see-EE-EE   i really ca-AI-AI-re   with-OUT you   i am NOTHING   just AH-AH-one look   and i feel so   hi-AI-AI-AI-gh   EE-EE-in l-AH-AH-AH-ove   with you-OO-OO   OOH-OO-OOH-   i found out   how it fee-EE-EE-EE-ls   _WHEN_ the Tamil   B-B-C-ee-ee-ee   is reporting   on June THIRD [3rd]   twenty-twenty-EE-EE-EE-[2020]   Tamil Nadu   -INDIA-ah-ah-ah   -s-AH-AH-AH-outh asia   KARUNANIDHI:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/india-44342086          EELAM   TAMIL   HERO  _FOREVER   -uh-uh-uh-_   for standing up to   _LITERAL_  REAL TIME   _LITERAL_ REAL SPACE   _LITERAL_ REAL ONE BLUE PLANET   _LITERAL_ REAL ceylon _LITERAL_-REAL $ri lanka   _LITERAL_ REAL $outh a$ia   _LITERAL_ REAL HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _LITERAL_ REAL RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          _LITERAL_ REAL-generations    going back to   get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/10/tamil-genocide-losing-santhia-ben-hillier          going back in REAL TIME   back to   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY   -N-ai-ai-ai-INE [1939]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          ~OOH-OO-OOH-   !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "on location" in   ceylon-$ri lanka   -$outh a$ia   during/before/after/   wheelchair-bound himse-EY-EY-EY-lf   -KARUNANIDHI:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/india-44342086          just AH-AH-one look   and i feel so   hi-AI-AI-AI-gh   EE-EE-in l-AH-AH-AH-ove   with you-OO-OO   OOH-OO-OOH-   i found out   how it   fe-EE-EE-EE-EE-ls   to DI$COVER   th-AH-AH-AH-T   MI$TER   PERFECT   PRE$IDENT BARACK HU$$EIN   OH-OH-OBAMA   TOOK   U$A FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION   IN TOP U$A TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          IN QUID PRO QUO   DIRECT EXCHA-ay-ay-ay-nge   f-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-or   PO$ING   ALL OVER   THE INTERNATIONALLY-televi$ed   -24/7/36[f-AI-AI-ve]5/   RELENTLE$$LY-televi$ed-$TA-ay-ay-GE          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          just AH-AH-one look   and i feel so   hi-AI-AI-AI-gh   EE-EE-in l-AH-AH-AH-ove   with you-OO-OO   OOH-OO-OOH-   i found out   how it feels to ha-AH-AH-AH-ve   your l-AH-AH-ove   OOH-OO-OOH-   say you will   will be m-AI-AI-AI-AI-AI-AI-ine   forever   and always   OOH-OO-OOH-..."          "The" song _          Just One Look          _ performed by Linda Ronstadt, music and lyrics c. by ‎Gregory Carroll & Doris Paynes          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsEwBzfdMnk          .]          TAMIL NADU-IN-INDIA-SOUTH ASIA-NOT SRI LANKA-Karunanidhi:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/india-44342086          Stared Down Generations Of Sri Lanka Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          From A Wheelchair While Obama:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          Took Four Point Five Million U$A TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          To Ignore Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          .  ~June 4th. 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND +UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 4th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 3rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          When We Was Fab          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVu6nPTVbBQ          performed by George Harrison _   "...caresses feast you in the morning light   casualties at dawn   back then long time ago in restless dreams   woke up in a daze   arrived like strangers in the night   FAB   long time ago when we was fab   back when income tax was all we had   and we did it all   FAB   long time ago when we was FAB   you're my world   you are my only love   LONG TIME AGO WHEN WE WAS FAB   care$$e$ fea$t you in the morning light   casualties at dawn   on june fir$t twenty-twenty-EE-EE-EE-[2020]   @ten oh five am   eastern usa time   google-owned-youtube   "decided" that   _WITHIN_ real-time-real-space-REAL-One Blue Planet Time   of when a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%] INNOCENT YOUTH   MOWED "OUR" ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%] _INNOCENT_ grass-green-LAWN~OOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE "decided" that   "we" were GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   _NOT_ INNOCENT "target audience" "for"  "Think that it's easy avoiding vaping and cigarette-$moking A$ a teenager-youth   in The U$A???????????????????????????   _AND_ Barton Diabetes Education $erie$ FIVE [5]   CINNAMON???????????????????????????   followed by amazon needle-no$ed "targeting" "us" for "cooks" needing "cookbooks"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!          https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2020/05/30/cheif-schubert-floyd-protests-comments/          https://twitter.com/Dejan_Kovacevic/status/1266904308529987584          care$$e$ fea$t you in the morning light   casualties at dawn   Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA Police Chief points out that "a small group" of white males   dressed in anarchist uniforms   are hijacking african-american   george floyd's   murder-on-camera-AH-AH-live   of an african-american resident   of minneapolis-minnesota-usa   MEAN WHILE "BACK AT THE RANCH"   ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia'$   hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$ GOATABAYA:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _AND_ mahindha:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          perpetrator$$$$$$$$$$$$-of-Hitler-genocide   -rajapak$$$$$$$$$$$e swear to fulfil arumugam thondaman'$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/gotas-one-country-one-law-doctrine-in-shambles-outrage-over-thondas-6-day-funeral-and-vip-pilgrimages/          dream june 1$t   twenty twenty-EE-EE-EE-[2020]:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52870421          caresses feast you in the morning light   casualties at dawn   back then long time ago in restless dreams   woke up in a daze   arrived like strangers   in the night   FAB   long time ago when we was fab   back when income tax was all we had   and we did it all   FAB   long time ago when we was FAB   you're my world you are my only love   LONG TIME AGO WHEN WE WAS FAB..."          "The" song _          When We Was Fab          _ performed by George Harrison, music and lyrics c. by George Harrison and Jeff Lynne          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVu6nPTVbBQ          .]           Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA Police Chief:          https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2020/05/30/cheif-schubert-floyd-protests-comments/          Points Out That A Small Number Of White Males In An Anarchist Uniforms Are Hijacking The Tragedy Of George Floyd's Murder-On-Camera In Minneapolis Minnesota USA.  ~June 3rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 3rd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 2nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Those Were The Days          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXc5Oe_kj8k          performed by Mary Hopkin _   "...once upon a time there was a tavern   where we used to raise a glass or two   remember? how we laughed away the hours   dreamed of all the great things   we would do   those were the days my friend   we thought they'd never end   we'd sing and dance   forever and a day   we'd live the life we'd choose   we'd fight and never lose   for we were young   and sure to have our way
@12:06 PM   Eastern Time USA   on may thirty-first [31st]   of calendar year twenty-twenty [2020]   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$ artificial intelligence   "decided" for _APPROXIMATELY_   "The" One Millionth Time  "since" we scored a PERFECT SCORE   of eight hundred POINTS   out of a POSSIBLE   eight hundred POINTS   ON OUR GRADUATE   RECORD EXAMINATION   _FOR_ getting into    the USA Ivy League   ~get this   with   OUT affirmative action programs   in stark and dramatic contrast to   mr and missis obama   and sonya sotomayor~OOPS!   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE "decided" _THAT_ "we" were their GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$   "perfect audience"  "for" GRAMMARLY GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE-AD$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   those were the days my friend   we thought they'd never end   we'd sing and dance   forever and a day   we'd live the life we'd choose   we'd fight and never lose   for we were young   and sure to have our way   on may twenty ninth [29th]   of calendar year twenty-twenty [2020] my friend   the usa new york times is reporting th-ah-ah-ah-t   Twitter is issuing   "cautions" to "The USA'$" Fir$t Among EQUAL$"   "for"   "inciting violence wi-EE-EE-EE-th tweets":          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/29/technology/trump-twitter-warning.html          TRAGICALLY "for" the United States of America   not to even begin   mentioning "the world"   NO INTERNATIONAL HOLLYWOOD-BA$ED   UBER-MEGA-HOTTER-THAN-A-FANTA$Y-CELEBRITY   even   BEGIN$   to think about thinking   and _HOW_   Hollywood mo-OOH-OOH-vies    _REMAIN_ the bigge$t BADDE$T   and MO$T LUCRATIVE   GLORIF-ai-ai-ai-IER$$$$$$$$$$$$   of viole-UH-UH-UH-nce   so-OH-OH-OH _WHERE_ ???????????????????????????   _DO_ pray _TELL_???????????????????????????   are the Tweets again$t HOLLYWOOD'$   GLORIFICATION$ OF   RELENTLE$$ VIOLENCE?????????????????????????   on may thirty-first [31st]   of calendar year twenty-twenty [2020]???????????????????????????   once upon a time there was a tavern   where we used to raise a glass or two   remember? how we laughed away the hours   dreamed of all the great things   we would do   those were the days my friend   we thought they'd never end   we'd sing and dance   forever and a day   we'd live the life we'd choose   we'd fight and never lose   for we were young   and sure to have our way..."          "The" song _          Those Were The Days          _ performed by Mary Hopkin, music c. by Boris Fomin and lyrics c. by ‎Gene Raskin          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXc5Oe_kj8k          .]          On May 31$t [Thirty Fir$t] Of Calendar Year 2020 [Twenty-Twenty] Where??????????????????????????? _DO_ Pray Do Tell Are Tweets:          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/29/technology/trump-twitter-warning.html          Against Hollywood [Film$] Movie-Glorification Of _BEYOND_-EGREGIOU$ VIOLENCE:          https://www.indiewire.com/gallery/controversial-films-decade-2010s/          _  ~June 2nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 2nd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ June 1st, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          I'm Not In Love          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STugQ0X1NoI          performed by 10 cc _   "...i'm not in love   so don't forget it   it's just a silly phase i'm going through   and just because   i call you up   don't get me wrong   don't think you got at me   i'm not in love   No! No!   it's because   Tamil language   B B C-ee-ee-ee   news reporting   that:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52860868          Hitler-China:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          -XI JINPING-backed   HITLER-GOATABAYARAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          "equating"   EQUALIZING   "virtual" internet online   CYBER-atta-AH-AH-AH-cks   on may thirtieth [30th] twenty twenty [2020]   with _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden
_genocide.html          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   perpetrated on MINORITY   ETHNIC+RELIGION    EELAM TAMILS   "on location"   -EE-EE-in   ceylon-$ri lanka   -$outh a-EY-EY-EY-$ia   calendar year nineteen thirty-nine [1939]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          _AND_ _ONGOING_   $TA-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:         https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden
_genocide.html          IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   ON TOP OF WHICH   "we"@isaacfalconer dot com   have been "data m-AI-AI-ined"   since at _LEAST_ calendar year nineteen ninety-six [1996]:          http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/xconnect/v3/i2/contributors.shtml          most "recently"   on   may twenty-ninth [29th]    twenty-twenty [2020]   @02:55 [FAI-AI-IVE]   P-ee-ee- ye-M   Eastern USA   T-t-AI-AI-AI-ime   with GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE-needle-no$ed "targeting" "u$" "for"   (Subtitulos en Espanol)-The Crush   IN SPITE OF YEARS OF   "'sPLAININ'"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ~a la lucy mcgillicuddy riccardo THAT   preci$ely no one   at _ANY_ of "our" locations is   Hispanic/Latina/Latino~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _LET_ _ALONE_   "A Native" and/or "A NON-Native   -Spanish-language speaker"~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "followed" by Amazon dot com   needle-no$ed "targeting" "us"   "for" students, EBT-ee-ee-ee, and Medicaid cardholders save 50% [FIFTY-PERCENT]   not to "even" "begin"   "mentioning" thegutrenewal dot com :(   REALLY???????????????????????????   i'm not in love   so don't forget it   it's just a silly phase i'm going through   and just because   i call you up   don't get me wrong   don't think you got at me   i'm not in love   No! No!   it's because...
"          "The" song _          I'm Not In Love          _ performed by 10 cc, music and lyrics c. by Eric Stewart and Graham Gouldman          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STugQ0X1NoI          .]          China-Ea$t A$ia-Hitler-XI JINPING-Government Backed Ceylon-$ri Lanka-Hitler:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Goatabaya Rajapakse Equating Virtual-Internet-Cyber Attacks:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52860868          https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2020/05/29/sri-lankas-fight-against-ltte-terrorism-in-retrospect/          With CHINA-BACKED-HITLER-$RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-Genocide:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          ~Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~June 1st, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+ 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED June 1st, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ May 31st, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Looks Like We Made It          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSyB-OIRtR0          performed by Barry Manilow _   "...there you are are   looking just the same as you did   last time i touched you   here i am   close to getting tangled inside of all of you   looks like we made it   until you're there   everywhere   geographically   and culturally   minneapolis minnesota usa   is nowhere _NEAR_   The BBC's   international news headquarters   located in   London-UK   and yet and yet   and yet and yet   the story of George Floyd   located in minneapolis minnesota usa-AY-AY-:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52844192          George Floyd-the African-American man murdered on-television-camera   by a Minnesota policeman   with his knee on George Floyd's n-ay-ay-eck   while George Floyd   ~EXACTLY LIKE ERIC GARNER before him   ~screamed:  "I can't breathe!"   _IS_ "the" UNRELENTING-HEADLINE "internationally"   WHY IS IT?????????????????????????????   IN EXACTLY THE IDENTICAL MANNER IN WHICH   THE BBC'S   OFFICIAL LOGO   DISPLAYED THE _FACE_ OF   BARACK HU$$EIN OBAMA   2009 through 2016   alas! with_OUT_ "remotely" "equivalent" "coverage"   of MISTER PERFECT   PRESIDENT BARACK HU$$EIN OBAMA   e$$entially   with HI$   INTERNATIONALLY-televi$ED   -24/7/365   -knee-ALL OVER:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          on the neck$ of   get this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/alleged-torturer-heads-sri-lankan-cid-itjp/          GEORGE FLOYD TIME$ ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          EELAM TAMILS   get this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          IN PRECI$E QUID PRO QUO EXCH-ey-ey-ey-ANGE   "for" FOUR POINT FIVE MILLION   U$A DOLLAR$$$$$$$ PRECI$ELY~OOP$!:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          _NEVER_ ONCE   NOT _ONCE_ "made" BBC HEADLINE NEW$   ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   on MAY TWENTY-NINTH [29th] twenty twenty [2020]@ eight oh eight a-ey-ey-ey-m   eastern usa time [8:08 AM ET USA]   "Do This To Stop Ringing in Ears, Tinnitis"  earlSon   demon$trating "live" in REAL TIME-REAL ONE BLUE PLANET   SPA-ey-ey-ey-CE   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   artificial intelligence "thinking"    that "we"@ISAAC FALCONER   are GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$ QUOTE UNQUOTE   "target" "audience"  of "Tinnitus suffere$"  ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   there you are are   looking just the same as you did   last time i touched you   here i am   close to getting tangled inside of all of you   looks like we made it   until you're there   everywhere..."          "The" song _          Looks Like We Made It          _ performed by Barry Manilow, music and lyrics c. by Richard Kerr and Will Jennings          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSyB-OIRtR0          .]          Looks Like "Even" African American _MALE$_ Have "Made It" CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]~a la Barry Manilow _Dominating_ Internationally Televised News Headlines 24/7/365 IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020] _While_ _NOT_ "Even"~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden _genocide.html          Perpetrated ON DARK-SKINNED-ETHNIC _MINORITY_ _HUMANITY_ "all over" Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          Continues Eminently _NOT_ Dominating~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~May 31st, 2020 (twenty-twenty) _     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY +100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 31st, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ May 30th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          No Matter What      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htNVh54teaE          performed by Badfinger _   "...no matter what you _ARE_   CHINA:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          will always be with you   doesn't matter what you do   -RAJAPAK$E:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          you   GOATABAYA-HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          with you-OOH-OOH   no matter what you do-OOO   HITLER-CHINA will always be around:          https://asiatimes.com/2020/02/chinese-influence-never-left-sri-lanka/          knock the old grey wall _DO-ah-ah-ah-WN_   HELP HONG K-ah-ah-ah-ONG   PRO-DEMOCRACY PROTESTERS   A-uh-uh-uh-GAINST-HITLER-CHINA   _AND_ _HELP_ SRI LANKA'S   EELAM TAMILS _ALSO_:          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/27/us/politics/china-hong-kong-pompeo-trade.html          United States' Secretary-of-St-AY-AY-AY-ate   M-AI-AI-AI-AI-ike Pompeo   EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-is   quoted by   _The New York Times_   AH-AH-AH-as stating   th-AH-AH-AH-AH-at   Hong Kong   is no longer   free and independ-UH-UH-UH-ent   China-Hitler-Xi JINPI-ee-ee-ee-NG   -Ea$t A$ia has "rema-AY-AY-de"   Hong Kong in its _OWN_ image   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee [2020]  ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   DOE$ THIS "MEAN""THEN" DOE$ IT _NECE$$ARILY _FOLLOW_??????????????????????????? "THEN"   THAT $RI LANKA HA$ _NOT_ BEEN _FREE-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee_    _AND_ POLITICALLY _INDEPENDENT_ ah-ah-ah-OF   CHINA-HITLER-XI JIN   PI-ee-ee-NG   -E-ee-ee-ee-A$T A-ey-ey-ey-$IA   -$-ee-ee-ee-INCE   ~get this$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _CALENDAR YEAR_ TWO-THOU$AND _AND_ FIVE [2005]:          https://asiatimes.com/2020/02/chinese-influence-never-left-sri-lanka/          _INCLUDING_ $ELLING $RI LANKA'$   HAMBANTOTA-$EA PORT   TO HITLER-CHINA:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          IN _DIRECT_   QUID PRO QUO   "E-ey-ey-ey-XCHA-ay-ay-ay-NGE" "FOR"-THE UNRELENTING RIVERS:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          OF EELAM TAMIL BLOO-uh-uh-D:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          OF EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in   ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia-AH-AH-AH:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          ~ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   in EXACT QUID PRO QUO _EMULATION_   OF MI$TER   -$4.5 [FOUR POINT FIVE] MILLION   IN U$A CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOU$AND-AND-NINE [2009]-DOLLAR$   MI$TER-BEYOND-PERFECT-AT-THAT-T-ai-ai-ai-IME   -U$A-PRE$IDENT BARACK   HU$$EIN OBAMA:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          looked the other way in exchange for U$A dollar$:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          no matter what you _ARE_   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE will always   be with you-OOH-OOH-OOH   no matter what you do   ISAAC FALCONER   with you-OOH-OOH   no matter what you do-OOO  GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   will always be around   most "recently" on may twenty-eighth in calendar year twenty-twenty-EE-EE-[2020]   needle-no$ed "targeting"   ISAAC FALCONER   with images of FIVE HUNDRED POUND MEN FLOATING IN $UNNY $WIMMING POOL$~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   @ten $eventeen AM Ea$tern U$A t-AI-AI-ime..."          "The" song _          No Matter What          _ performed by Badfinger, music and lyrics c. by Pete Ham          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htNVh54teaE          .]          Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Protesters:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-49317695          Have _BEEN_ Begging For China To Leave Hong Kong:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-52837229          ~SINCE CALENDAR YEAR 1997 [NINETEEN NINETY-$EVEN]:          .  Eelam Tamils:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2019/11/17/asia-pacific/politics-diplomacy-asia-pacific/rajapaksa-presidential-election-sri-lanka/          In Ceylon Sri Lanka Are Begging For Freedom From China-Perpetrated:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          Genocide:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          .  ~May 30th, 2020 (twenty-twenty) _     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 30th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ May 29th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Season Of The Witch          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GU35oCHGhJ0          performed by Donovan _   "....when i look out my window    many sights to see-EE-EE    and when i look in my window    so many different people to be     that it's str-AY-AY-AY-ange    so str-AY-AY-AY-ange    you've got to pick up every stitch    you've got to pick up every stitch    you've got to pick up every stitch    nnmmmmmn    as "recently" as on may twenty-seventh    in calendar year twenty twenty-EE-EE-EE    @08:52 AM Eastern USA Time    GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE demonstrat-UH-UH-UH-ed     GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE artificial intelligence "thinking" that    "we"   are GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$     "target audien-UH-UH-UH-ce"     "for" GLAMMALY-ee-ee[GRAMMARLY]-AD$$$$$$$$$$$$ _AND_   "for" GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE INTERNET ADS  "for"   3 Foods That Fight Memory Loss AD$$$$$$$$$$$$~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    ever heard of Superior Autobiographical memory???????????????????????????    any-UH-UH-UH-one???????????????????????????     ever heard of PEOPLE WHO HAVE _NEVER_ SMOKED CIGARETTES????????????????????    _EVER_ in their _ENTIRE_ lives???????????????????????????    any-UH-UH-UH-one???????????????????????????    "when" i read the news on may twenty-seventh twenty-twenty [2020]:          https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200526-dr-gisella-perl-the-auschwitz-doctor-who-saved-lives          it struck me-EE-EE-EE-EE    and how-ow-ow-ow-    _THAT_ ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a-EY-EY-EY-EY-$ia'$    _LIVE_   _HOT_   $TAT!   _AND_   in twenty-twenty-EE-EE-EE-EE [2020]    ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia'$    HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/    _NEVER_ _EVER_ MAKE USA ABC NEWS W/DAVID MUIR    _DAILY_  _AND_ much-touted as "the most watched program/programme on television in 2020 [twenty-twenty]   never ever-uh-uh-uh    when i look out my window    many sights to see-EE-EE    and when i look in my window   so many different people to be     that it's str-AY-AY-AY-ange    so str-AY-AY-AY-ange     you've got to pick up every stitch    you've got to pick up every stitch    you've got to pick up every stitch    nnmmmmmn..."          "The" song _          Season Of The Witch          _ performed by Donovan, music and lyrics c. by Donovan          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GU35oCHGhJ0          .]          When I See The Most Watched Program Of Television USA ABC News With David Muir I Never See Sri Lanka's Hitlers:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          .  ~May 29th, (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 29th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ May 28th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Time          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l8TvQpyX38          performed by Chantal Kreviazuk _   "...time   where did you go???????????????????????????   why did you l-EE-EE-EE-EE-eave me he-UH-UH-UH-re   alone   wait   don't go so fast   i'm missing the mo-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-ments   A-A-A_as   they pass   so w-AI-AI-AI-ait for me   th-EE-EE-EE-EE-is time   THE B B C-CANADA EDITION   NEWS IS REP-oh-oh-oh-ORTING   ON MAY TWENTY-SIXTH IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-ee [2020]:          http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20200525-why-first-nations-communities-are-uninviting-visitors          THAT ONE   HUNDRED AND NINETY-EIGHT [198]   distinct   First Nations   IN CANADA NORTH AMERICA   each with its   OWN   PRICELESS UNIQUE   CULTURE   are _LITERALLY_   on their knees   BEGGING   for "p-UH-UH-UH-erm-EE-EE-EE-ission"   to PROTECT   THEMSELVES   AND THEIR   priceless   and with   OUT   price   PEOPLE   from 2020 [twenty-twenty]  COVID-19   -perpetrated- _GENOCIDE_ [!]   PLEASE!   MISTER JUSTIN   TRUDEAU   PLEASE!   JOIN CANADA'S PARLIAMENT   in GRANTING  ONE HUNDRED   AND NINETY-EIGHT-aboriginal   -CANADA'S-first-nations   -first peoples   PERMISSION   to protect themselves   from COVID-19   infe-EY-EY-EY-EY-EY-EY-ctions   and _DEATH_   $TAT!  TWENTY TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   AT THE SAME TIME   USA President Trump   has announced that   he has stopped ingesting   HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE   st-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-at!:                    https://fox8.com/news/president-trump-says-hes-no-longer-taking-hydroxychloroquine/          "even" as The World Health   Organization:          https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/25/who-world-health-organization-hydroxychloroquine-trial-trump-coronavirus-safety-fears          ANNOUNCES the halting   of microscopically   _AND_ carefully- medically   -supervised   CLINICAL TRIALS   of HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE    hydrocychloroquine   the malaria drug _ONCE_ thought of as a faintly-possible medicine   to treat   COVID-19 OR CORONAVIRUS    during   the _CURRENT_   global pandemic   this _PRACTICE_   of _HALTING_ medically-supervised-OFFICIAL-CLINICAL-HUMAN-SUBJECT-MEDICAL-TRIALS   is _BEST_ _PRACTICE_   among investigators   and NORMAL BEST PRACTICE:          https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3749070/          time   where did you go???????????????????????????   why did you l-EE-EE-EE-EE-eave me he-UH-UH-UH-re   alone   wait   don't go so fast   i'm missing the mo-OH-OH-OH-OH-OH-ments   A-A-A_as they pass   so w-AI-AI-AI-ait for me   th-EE-EE-EE-EE-is time..."          "The" song _          Time          _ performed by Chantal Kreviazuk, music and lyrics c. by Chantal Kreviazuk, Raine Maida, and Gregg Wattenberg          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l8TvQpyX38          .]          Following Best-Practice Established-Routine-Medical Practice, The World Health Organization [W.H.O] Halts Medically-Supervised Clinical Trials Of Trump-HAD-BEEN-Taking It-Hydroxychloroquine:          https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/25/who-world-health-organization-hydroxychloroquine-trial-trump-coronavirus-safety-fears          May 28th, 2020 (twenty-twenty) _     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 28h, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ May 27th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          The Glory of Love          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eqGTJoRiLI          performed by Jimmy Durante _   "...you've got to   give   a little   take   a little   let your poor heart   break   a little   that's the glory of   that's the story of   love   ceylon-$ri lanka   -$outh a-EY-EY-EY-$ia-AH-AH-AH-'$   -LITERAL-GENERATION$$$$$$$$$$$$ -of   -HITLER$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -ON MAY TWENTY-F-ee-ee-ee-IFTH-   IN   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          -MILITARY   -ARMY-COMMANDER:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52893161          -$ARATH FON$EKA:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94108          SRI LANKA-HITL-uh-uh-uh-ER$$$$$$$$$$$$   -MILITARY   COMMAND-uh-uh-uh-ER   -$ARATH FON$EKA:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52893161          $ARATH FON$E-ay-ay-KA-ah-ah-ah-   "openly" _AND_ "internationally":          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94108          _AND_ 24/7/366   in leap year   calendar year twenty-twenty-EE-EE [2020]   telev-AI-AI-AI-i$ed   "all OH-OH-OH-ove-UH-UH-UH-r   the Univer$e"   ACKNOWLEDGE$   THE $LAUGHTER-IN-GENOC-ai-ai-IDE-OF:         https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden
_genocide.html          -OF-EELAM TAMILS' -OWN-WINSTON CHURCHI-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-LL:          https://www.forbes.com/sites/steveforbes/2014/09/30/what-we-owe-churchill/#739bca93e71f          VELUPILLAI PRABAHARA-uh-uh-N~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   you've got to   give   a little   take   a little   let your poor heart   break   a little   that's the glory of   that's the story of   love   "we" have been   "openly-EE-EE-EE"   a-A-A-A_-nd   "internationally"   DATA-$craped   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $INCE   AT _LEA$T_   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN NINETY-$ee-ee-ee-IX [1996]:          http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/xconnect/v3/i2/Art/sakugun.shtml          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _MO$T_   _RECENTLY-ee-ee-ee_   what A-Y-AY-AY-el$E???????????????????????????   who AY-AY-AY-el$e???????????????????????????   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE@05:11PM EA$TERN U$A TIME   ON MAY TWENTY-F-oh-oh-oh-OURTH   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020] ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   OPENLY+INTERNATIONALLY DEMON$TRATING   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$   ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE   -"thinking"   THA-ah-ah-aT   the $logan   "YOU BELONG AT THIEL COLLEGE"   "when"   ABSOLUTELY   POSITIVELY   NO ONE   AT ANY OF   OUR   LOCATION(S)   _ARE_ COLLEGE A-ay-ay-GED   hello???????????????????????????   NO ONE "HERE"   WI$HE$   TO EMULATE   _EITHER_   NEW ZEALAND'$-JACINDA-AHE-uh-uh-RN   _OR_   THE UK'$   BORI$ JOHN$ON   _OR_   CANADA'$   MEGHAN MARKLE   _OR_ BUDDHI$M'$ RICHARD GE-uh-uh-uh-ih-RE:          https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2018/09/richard-gere-baby-dalai-lama          "BY" popping _OUT_   UNRECYCLED-babies-UNLIMITED   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "we" gue$$   that NOT "every-o-OH-OH-ne"   has   heard of Greta Thunberg:          https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/may/22/young-climate-activists-call-for-eu-to-radically-reform-farming-sector          and her worries   regarding   the FUTURE planetary   need$ of    Prince Harry's BABY ARCHIE   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   you've got to   give   a little   take   a little   let your poor heart   break   a little   that's the glory of   that's the story of   love..
."          "The" song  _          Glory of Love          _ performed by Jimmy Durante, music and lyrics c. by Billy Hill          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eqGTJoRiLI          .]          On May 25th, 2020 SRI LANKA-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$-MILITARY
COMMANDER-$ARATH FON$EKA:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-52893161          "openly" _AND_ "internationally":          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94108
          ACKNOWLEDGES THE $LAUGHTER-IN-GENOCIDE:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden
          -OF-EELAM TAMILS' _OWN_ WINSTON CHURCHILL:          https://www.forbes.com/sites/steveforbes/2014/09/30/what-we-owe-churchill/#739bca93e71f          -AKA-VELUPILLAI PRABAHARAN:          https://srilankabrief.org/2014/07/navi-pillay-trying-to-make-prabhakarans-dreams-a-reality-minister/          .  ~May 27th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 27th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ May 26th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Every Time We Say Goodbye I Die A Little          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqa5kNNaMlc          performed by Ella Fitzgerald in 1965 _   "...every time   we say goodbye   i die   a little   every time   we say goodbye   i wonder wh-AI-AI-y   a little   why the gods above me   who might be i-EE-EE-EE-n the know   think s-OH-OH-o little of me   they allow you to go   ceylon-$ri lanka-$outh a$ia'$   _LITERAL_ _GENERATION$_ OF   HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          "ever" "$ince"   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE [1939] ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+ nicht+vergessen          _AND_  _ONGOING_   _AND_ relentle$$   _AND_ $TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _IN_ CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   _CONTINUE_ celebrating   _GOVERNMENT_ OF HITLER   -_CHINA_ XI JINPING:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          -FUNDED   +UNLIMITED+LIMITLE$$   -perpetration of _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden _genocide.html          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes. indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          perpetrated on MINORITY ethnic-EELAM TAMILS:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/no-vetting-for-sri-lankas-new-major-generals-itjp/          ON  May 23rd, 2020 [twenty-twenty]          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94099          ceylon-$ri lanka   -$outh a$ia-internet-news-outlet   -asian tribune   reporting MODI:          https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/gotabaya-seeks-additional-11-billion-swap-facility-from-modi/article31662546.ece          +GHOTABAYA:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          $RI LANKA-HITLER    in conversation for   TWENTY [20] minutes:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-52786734          _AND_ $INCE_ perpetrating _INTERNATIONALLY_-_CELEBRATED_ 24/7/365:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          _G-ey-ey-ey-ENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          May 24th, 2020 [twenty-twenty]   Hong Kong protesters   ARE "needing" to "explain"      i wonder wh-AI-AI-y   a little   _THAT_ being ruled by HITLER-CHINA-XI JINPING   $TAT! IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY TWENTY [2020]   has "already":          https://www.smh.com.au/national/why-beijing-feels-compelled-to-destroy-hong-kong-s-freedom-20200524-p54vvx.html          BEEN_ destroying democracy   in Hong Kong "already"   for _YEA-uh-uh-RS_~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   every time   we say goodbye   i die a little   every time   we say goodbye   i wonder wh-AI-AI-y   a little   why the gods above me   who might be i-EE-EE-EE-n the know   think s-OH-OH-o little of me   they allow you to go..."          "The" song _          Every Time We Say Goodbye I Die A Little          _ performed by Ella Fitzgerald, music and lyrics c. by Cole Porter          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqa5kNNaMlc          .]          Every Time We Mark The Anniversary Of Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Winning In Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia We Wonder Why???????????????????????????:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94099          A Little.  ~May 26th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND +UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 26th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ May 25th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Un-Break My Heart          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2Rch6WvPJE          performed by Toni Braxton _   "...Un-Break _HER_ [AMANDA BLACKHORSE'S:          https://www.washingtonpost.com/apps/g/page/local/timeline-the-furor-over-the-redskins-name/2035/          ] Heart   say THAT you love _HER_ ag-AY-AY-ain   UNDO  _HER_ [AMANDA BLACKHORSE'S] PAIN   _HELP_   _HER_   amanda blackhorse   UN-CRY _HER_ t-EE-EE-EE-ears   don't leave AMANDA BLACKHORSE   in all this p-AY-AY-AY-ain   don't leave _HER_   out in the r-AY-AY-AY-ain   come back and bring back _HER_ [AMANDA BLACKHORSE'S]   sm-AI-AI-AI-ile   _SHE [AMANDA BLACKHORSE]   needs _OUR_ [PHYSICAL-HUMAN-BEING-LIMBS] arms   to hold _HER_ now   the nights are so unk-AI-AI-AI-ind    bring back those nights   that _WE_ held _HER_ [AMANDA BLACKHORSE]   beside _US_   Un-Break _HER_ [AMANDA BLACKHORSE'S] Heart   say THAT you love _HER_ ag-AY-AY-ain   UNDO  _HER_ [AMANDA BLACKHORSE'S] PAIN   _HELP_   _HER_   amanda blackhorse   UN-CRY _HER_ t-EE-EE-EE-ears   Un-Break _HER_ [AMANDA BLACKHORSE'S] Heart    take back that sad word good-bye   bring back   amanda blackhorse's heart   _AND_ _HER_ _BEING_   in all of its FULLNESS   and WHOLEness   come and kiss this pain away   by $TAT!-stopping   using native american-first peoples-aboriginal images+SACRED OBJECTS   as LUCRATIVE _AND_ MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR$$$$$$$$$$$$-EARNINF$$$$$$$$$$$$   -usa sports team mascot$$$$$$$$$$$$   _PLEASE_ understand with _ALL_ the heart+soul+mind+spirit   THAT you _HAVE_   that precisely no one at "our" locations   has ever been Native Americans-Aboriginals-First Peoples   HOWEVER  "we" feel that Amanda Blackhorse   needs to have _HER_ voice heard  Un-Break _HER_ [AMANDA BLACKHORSE'S]   Heart   say THAT you love _HER_ ag-AY-AY-ain   UNDO  _HER_ [AMANDA BLACKHORSE'S] PAIN   _HELP_   _HER_   amanda blackhorse   UN-CRY _HER_ t-EE-EE-EE-ears   don't leave AMANDA BLACKHORSE   in all this p-AY-AY-AY-ain   don't leave _HER_   out in the r-AY-AY-AY-ain   come back and bring back _HER_ [AMANDA BLACKHORSE'S]   sm-AI-AI-AI-ile   _SHE [AMANDA BLACKHORSE]   needs _OUR_ [PHYSICAL-HUMAN-BEING-LIMBS] arms   to hold _HER_ now   the nights are so unk-AI-AI-AI-ind:          https://www.washingtonpost.com/apps/g/page/local/timeline-the-furor-over-the-redskins-name/2035/          Un-Break _OUR_ [ISAAC FALCONER] Heart   say THAT you love _US_ ag-AY-AY-ain   UNDO  _OUR_ [ISAAC FALCONER] PAIN@08:57 AM ET USA   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   needle-no$ed "targeted" us   "all over the internet"   "for" HAIR DYE   MO$T RECENTLY@07:50 AM Eastern USA Time on MAY TWENTY-SECOND [22nd]   twenty-twenty [2020]   GOOGLE-OWNED-GRAMMARLY   needle-no$ed "targeted" us "all over the internet"   "for"   GRAMMARLY   AD$   $TRONGLY $UGGE$TING   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   "artificial intelligence"   "thinking"  that "we" at "our locations"   _REMAIN_   their target audience "for"   relentle$$ UNRELENTING telephone calls made to our usa legal landlines   but with blank silences at the other end   never any credible message left for us   the newest such on may twenty-second twenty twenty@ten twenty-seven AM eastern seaboard usa time   $TRONGLY $UGGE$TING   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   "artificial intelligence"   "thinking"  that "we" at "our locations"   _REMAIN_   their target audience "for":  IMPROVE YOUR AMERICAN-ENGLISH   based on skin color [colour]-gender-online-revealed-zipcode   -even-if-it's-not-OUR-legal-zipcode-HANGOUT-in-the-usa-oop$   Un-Break _EELAM TAMIL_ Hearts   say THAT you love _EELAM TAMILS_ "on location" in CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          ag-AY-AY-ain   UNDO  EELAM TAMILS' _PAIN_   _HELP_   _EELAM_ TAMILS_    UN-CRY _THEIR_ t-EE-EE-EE-ears   don't leave EELAM TAMILS   in all this p-AY-AY-AY-ain   don't leave _EELAM TAMILS_:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          out in the r-AY-AY-AY-ain   come back and bring back _EELAM_ TAMILS   sm-AI-AI-AI-ile   EELAM TAMILS:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          "on location"   in CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden
_genocide.html          DE$PERATELY _ _NEED_   _YOUR_ [PHYSICAL-HUMAN-BEING-LIMBS] arms   to hold _THEM_ EELAM TAMILS   now   the nights are so unk-AI-AI-AI-ind...
"          "The" song _          Un-Break My Heart          _ performed by Toni Braxton, music and lyrics c. by Diane Warren          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2Rch6WvPJE          .]          Un-Break Amanda Blackhorse's Heart:          https://www.washingtonpost.com/apps/g/page/local/timeline-the-furor-over-the-redskins-name/2035/          And Eelam Tamil:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          Hearts:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          All At Once.  ~May 25th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)
_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)  ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC +100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 25th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ May 24th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Wonderful Crazy          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gQEwvqGVaQ          performed by Katelyn Tarver _   "...it's a wonderful crazy   it's a BEAUTIFUL out of control   kinda scary am-AY-zing   but i don't really m-AI-AI-ind at AH-AH-alll   cuz my life's so wonderfu-OOH-OOH-OOH-l   crazy!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   is a wonderful crazy   _BUT_ it's _NOT_ beautiful   "when" it decides to be  out of contr-OH-OH-l   needle-no$ed AH-AH-and   "targeting" "us"_AND_ ALL OVER THE ONLINE WORLD   -"since"-get this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN NINETY-$-ee-ee-IX [1996]   it's a wonderful crazy   it's a BEAUTIFUL out of control   kinda scary am-AY-zing   but i don't really m-AI-AI-ind at AH-AH-alll   cuz my life's so wonderfu-OOH-OOH-OOH-l   crazy!!!   "all over"-The-Google-Controlled-UNIVER$E ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE needle-no$ed "target$" "us" "for":   "YOU _ARE_ MA$$IVELY OVERWEIGHT_AND_ _MU$T_ be in DE$PERATE_   _N-ee-ee-ee-EED_ of $IXTY-PERCENT [60%]   ah-ah-ah-ah-OFF   the F-oo-oo-ULL PR-ai-ai-ICE   "for" $HAPE MINT$"   24/7/365~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   MO$T "recently" ON YOUTUBE   "needle-no$ed" "targeting" "us"   on MAY TWENTIETH [20th] TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   @08:41 AM EA$TERN TIME   it's a wonderful crazy   it's a BEAUTIFUL out of control   kinda scary am-AY-zing   but i don't really m-AI-AI-ind at AH-AH-alll   cuz my life's so wonderfu-OOH-OOH-OOH-l   crazy!!!..."          "The" song _          Wonderful Crazy          _ performed by Katelyn Tarver, music and lyrics c. by Scott Krippaehne          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gQEwvqGVaQ          .]          Its _Eminently_ + _Not_ "A Wonderful Crazy" To Be 24/7/365 Needle-Nosed Targeted Since Calendar Year 1996 BY GOOGLE _AND_ BY "all over" THE GOOGLE-OWNED-UNIVER$E-"For" Shape Mints _E$PECIALLY_ _AND_ _BECAU$E_ 100% CONTRARY-TO-GOOGLE'$-$INCE 1996+100% UNPROVEN -$U$PICION$-No One At "OUR LOCATIONS" Is Either MA$$IVELY _OR_ NON-Ma$$ively-Overweight Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT "EVEN" ON MAY 20TH, TWENTY TWENTY [2020]@08:41 AM EA$TERN U$A TIME!  ~May 24th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 24th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ May 23rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          cloud 9          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tolATD8g-fk          performed by George Harrison _   "...have my l-AH-AH-AH-ove   it fits you like a glove   you're my dream   tell me yes   take my ti-AI-AI-me   i'll show you cl-AH-AH-AH-oud nine   i'll see you there   on cl-AH-AH-oud n-AI-AI-ine   United Sta-AY-AY-tes'   Health & Human Services   -Secretary   Alex Azar   and his Commander-In-Chief   -President Tru-UH-UH-UH-mp   continue insi-EE-EE-sting   at The World Health Organization   -"le-EH-EH-EH-EH-EH-vel"   that The Hitler-Government   AH-AH-of-Ch-AI-AI-ina   -Ea-EE-EE-$t A-ey-ey-$ia   _AND_ Hitler-CHINA-XI JINPING   _CAN_ be "QUOTE UNQUOTE"   held "accountable"  "for"   CORONAVIRU$   COVID-NINETEEN [19]   GLOBAL Pande-EY-EY-mic   TWENTY-NINETEEN [2019]-TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   b-UH-UH-ut _NE-eh-eh-VER_   The Hitler-Government-of-China   -E-ee-ee-a$t A-ey-ey-$ia   _a-a-AND_ H-EE-EE-itler   -CHINA -XI JINPI-ee-ee-ee-NG   held "accountable"   "f-AH-AH-or _-uh-uh-uh-_":          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          CEYLON   -$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-ah-OUTH A-ay-ay-$IA'$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94076          _GE-ey-ey-NOCI-ai-ai-DE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _GE-ey-ey-NOCI-ai-ai-DE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms?from=mdr          EMINENTLY_ _N-ah-ah-ah-ah-OT_   I$I$-terror-GROUP-perpetrated   -$RI LANKA-EA$TER $UNDAY-2019 [twenty-nineteen]   B-ah-ah-ah-OMBING$:          https://thediplomat.com/2020/03/amarnath-amarasingam-sri-lanka-after-the-easter-massacre/          EMINENTLY_ _N-ah-ah-ah-OT_   _EGREGIOU$ $OUTH-AMERICAN-DRUG-CARTEL   -EGREGIOU$-VIOLENCE   -PERPETRATED   -AGA-ay-ay-ay-ay-IN$T   -UNARMED   -CIVILI-uh-uh-AN$   "all over" $OUTH AMERICA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   The-UH-UH H-EE-EE-itler   -Government-of-China-Ea$t A$ia   a-a-_AND_ Hitler   -CHINA -XI JINP-ee-ee-ee-ING   _CA-a-a-N_ be-EE-EE-EE   "QUOTE UNQUOTE" held "accountable"  "for" CORONAVIRU$-COVID-NINETEEN [19]   GLOBAL Pande-AY-AY-mic   -twenty-nineteen [2019]-twenty-twenty [2020]   but _NEVER_ The Hitler-Government   -of-Ch-AI-AI-ina   -E-EE-EE-a$t A-ey-ey-$ia   _AND_ Hitler-CHINA-XI JINPING   held "accountable"   "fo-AH-AH-r" _FU-uh-uh-NDING_   terrori$tic attack$ UPON HONG-KONG-PRO-DEMOCRACY-PROTESTERS   F-ah-ah-ah-OR _YE-ea-ea-ea-AR$_:          https://www.scmp.com/video/hong-kong/3082519/hong-kong-riot-police-patrols-street-after-online-call-protest-action          ELEVEN FIFTY-$IX   P-ee-ee-ee-ee-M   EA$TERN TIME USA [@11:56 ET USA TIME]   on MAY NINETEENTH   TWENTY-TWE-eh-eh-NTY [2020]   GOOGLE-OWNED YOUTUBE   targets "us"   ah-ah-ONLINE   ALL OVER THE INTERNET   "for"   QUOTE "the dangers of   unconcealed carry" UNQUOTE   "AH-AH-all OH-OH-over"   the internet AD$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   "created" "e$pecially" for "us"   indicating   Google-OWNED   -artifical intelligence "thinking"   _THAT_   "we" are GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$   QUOTE UNQUOTE "target audience"   "for" GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   "unconcealed carry"   ah-ah-ah-ADSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  have my l-AH-AH-AH-ove   it fits you like a glove   -you're my dream   tell me yes   take my ti-AI-AI-me   i'll show you cloud nine   i'll see you there on cl-AH-AH-oud nine   TWELVE OH $EVEN   ey-ey-y-AM   EA$TERN TIME USA [@12:07 ET USA TIME]   on MAY TWENTIETH   TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED YOUTUBE   targets "us"   ONLINE   ALL OVER THE INTERNET   "for"   QUOTE "where is your here AIMOVIG pre$cription drug($)"   "all over" the internet AD$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   indicating   Google-OWNED-artifical intelligence   "thinking"   _THAT_   "we" AH-AH-AH-are   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$   QUOTE UNQUOTE-"target AW-audience"   "for" GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   AIMOVIG pre$cription drug($)"-ADSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS   ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   have my l-AH-AH-AH-ove   it fits you like a glove   you're my dream   tell me yes   take my ti-AI-AI-me   i'll show you cl-AH-AH-AH-oud nine   i'll see you there   on cl-AH-AH-oud n-AI-AI-ine   w-EE-EE-ith P-U-u-rely   A-A-and OH-OH-nly the   _METAPHORICAL_ _DEATH_  AH-AH-of "m-AH-AH-om"   and apple p-AI-AI-ie:          https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/motherhood-and-apple-pie          _DECADE$_ _AGO_ "already"   USA President Tru-UH-UH-mp   _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_ "a medical doctor"   _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_ "an epidemiologist"~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   EE-EE-is scr-AY-AY-ambling   a-a-AND frightened   as "_ONLY_-the first among equals" IN AMERICA   to take HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE:          https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2020/may/19/coronavirus-us-live-trump-taking-hydroxychloroquine-withdraw-who-biden-obama-latest-news-updates          in A MO$T VALIANT EFFORT   to calm his OWN nerves   _a-a-AND_ i-I-I-nsure th-AH-AH-at   Joe Biden will NOT become US President   in November TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   have my l-AH-AH-AH-ove   it fits you like a glove   you're my dream   tell me yes   take my ti-AI-AI-me   i'll show you cl-AH-AH-AH-oud nine   i'll see you there   on cl-AH-AH-oud n-AI-AI-ine..."          "The" song _          cloud 9          _ performed by George Harrison, music and lyrics c. by George Harrison          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tolATD8g-fk          .]          With The _PURELY_ _METAPHORICAL_ _DEATH_ _ONLY_  DEATH-A$-METAPHOR-_ONLY_-"Death" Of Spiritual Mother-Mom:          https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/motherhood-and-apple-pie          And Spiritual Home-Made Food-Apple Pie _ALL_ Americans Including President Trump Are Frightened By The Unknown:          https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2020/may/19/coronavirus-us-live-trump-taking-hydroxychloroquine-withdraw-who-biden-obama-latest-news-updates          .  ~May 23rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 23rd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

_ May 22nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Sam          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFkQwO5OsCw          performed by Olivia Newton-John _   "...i   heard   that you're on your own now   so am i   i'm living   alone now    i was wrong    so were you    what will you do????????????????????????-NOW!   are you gla-AH-AH-AH-d   to be free   are you feeling lost just like me    longing for company   the door   is open wide   come on inside-NOW!          https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/06/07/us/07nsa-timeline.html          _TYPICAL_   _TRAGIC_   _ROUTINE_   _AND_ _EVER_ $INCE-NOW!   THE $ON   -GEORGE-BU$H   -FORTY-THREE (43)   -U$A-GOVERNMENT-ADMINI$TRATION   ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   a   _BEY-ah-ah-OND   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]-NOW!   _INNOCENT_   IN EVERY WAY-now   INTERACTION   between   YOUNG CAUCASIANS-MA-ay-ay-LES-now   _NOT_ teenager$  _NOT_ MINORS   in any shape   in any form   ANY-WAY-NOW!   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   in and around   _OUR_ ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   _INNOCENT_   LEGAL -U$A   REAL-E$TATE-PROPERTY   and _WITHIN_   LITERAL   REAL-TIME   REAL-ONE-BLUE-PLANET_HOUR$_   WEIRD   telephone call$   the mo$t recent   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   EMINENTLY _NOT_   _INNOCENT_  received   on MAY EIGHTEENTH [05/18/2020]   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]      OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   the "live" ADULT   MALE-caller   a stranger   TELLING he_WAS_   BETHANY COLLEGE   cla$$ of nineteen $eventy-nine [1979]   calling from   Castleman's Run Road   and AH-AH-AH-ON   and AH-AH-AH-ON   and AH-AH-AH-ON   and AH-AH-AH-ON   _AND_ unrelenting   relentle-UH-UH-$$   PHI$HING   "for" _PRIVATE_   INFORMATION   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "we-EE-EE"   _LIVED_   "all this" aggravation   IN REAL-TIME   IN REAL ONE BLUE PLANET spA-AY-AY-ce   and "then" ONE DAY   CBS   SUNDAY TELEVISION   NEWS MAGAZINE   _60 Minutes_   with intrepid _FEMALE_   seasoned reporter   Lesley Stahl   TELEVI$ED   REPORTING of   _OUR_ _REAL_ _LIFE_  _LIVED_ experience$   of $EVERAL YEAR$   IN A $INGLE ROW   i   heard   that you're on your own now   so am i   i'm living alone now    i was wrong    so were you    what will you do????????????????????????-NOW!   are you gla-AH-AH-AH-d   to be free   are you feeling lost just like me    longing for company   the door   is open wide   come on inside-NOW!   and "then"   $INCE   ANTI-U$A CON$TITUTIONAL RIGHT$   ILLEGAL   ELECTRONIC   $URVEILLANCE   ON U$A   REAL E$TATE PROPERTIE$   is clearly   IN$ufficient   in$ufficiently   EGREGIOU$-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ELEVEN OH NINE EA$TERN TIME USA [@11:09 ET USA TIME]   on MAY NINETEENTH TWEENTY-TWENTY [2020]   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED YOUTUBE   targets "us"   ONLINE   ALL OVER THE INTERNET   with a HAIRY dude in a female   -ALL-PLA$TIC $HOWER CAP   revealing   GOOGLE-OWNED   YOUTUBE   ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE   _THINKING_   THAT   "we" are their   GOOGLE-OWNED   YOUTUBE'$   "target audience"   _AND_  THAT   "we" are   _BEYOND_   _DE$PERATE_   to "$AVE" "our"   PRE$UMED   HAIRY   _AND_   "in advance"   BALL$   i   heard   that you're on your own now   so am i   i'm living alone now    i was wrong    so were you    what will you do????????????????????????-NOW!   are you gla-AH-AH-AH-d   to be free   are you feeling lost   just like me    longing for company   the door   is open wide   come on inside-NOW!..."   "The" song _          Sam          _ performed by Olivia Newton-John, music and lyrics c. by Don Black, Hank Marvin, & John Farrar          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFkQwO5OsCw          .]          _EMINENTLY_ _AND_ One Hunderd Percent [100%] _ILLEGAL_:          https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/interactive/2013/06/07/us/07nsa-timeline.html          Under The Aegis Of The USA Constitutionally Guaranteed Rights On USA RESIDENTS-$urveillance Perpetrated Under The Aegis Of The USA OBAMA+GEORGE BU$H-FORTY-THREE [43]-Perpetrated Upon USA Real Estate Has Been Perpetrated On Americans EVER $INCE The Son 43 Bush Administration~Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~May 22nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100%NON-TOXIC+100%ECO-FRIENDLY+100%ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED May 22nd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram c. 2020 (twenty-twenty) Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram

Original artwork ©1983 - present Isaac Falconer / Dr. Saku Gunasegaram

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