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_ August 31st, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Stop And Smell The Roses          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3a5vN4tUl4          performed by Mac Davis          _   "...you've gotta stop   and smell the roses   you've got to count your many blessings   every day   "We" under$tand-[UNDERSTAND]   "better" than   _$EVERAL_-[several]   MILLION   AMERICAN$-[Americans]   ON AUGU$T-[August] THIRTY-FIR$T-[31st] IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   you've gotta stop   and smell the roses   you've got to count your many blessings   every day   THAT   "we" are _NOT_ BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICAN$-[BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICANS]   IN   RELENTLE$$-[relentless]   _AND_  IN   _DE$PERATE_-[desperate]   _$EARCH_   "for"   BLACK-LOOKING   but EMINENTLY   _NOT_   BLACK AFRICAN-AMERICAN   EMINENTLY _FAKE_   CELEBRITIE$-[celebrities]   TO _WOR$HIP_-[worship]   24/7   366   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   you've gotta stop   and smell the roses   you've got to count your many blessings   every day   "We" under$tand-[UNDERSTAND]   "better" than   _$EVERAL_-[several]   MILLION   AMERICAN$-[Americans]   _THAT_  what "we" are $TATNG-[stating]   I$-[is]   _REAL_ _TRUE_   LIVED_   _EXPERIENCE_   _AND_ _REAL_ _TRUE_   + _PROFOUNDLY_   _UN_-POPULAR   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   "$OMETHING"-[something] _ABOUT_   "the truth is an acquired ta$te that _FEW_ acquire" [THE TRUTH IS AN ACQUIRED TASTE THAT FEW ACQUIRE:          https://spiderwrite.wordpress.com/2010/08/27/274/          ]   you've gotta stop   and smell the roses   you've got to count your many blessings   every day   The CALENDAR YEAR WA$-[was]   NINETEEN EIGHTY-FIVE-[1985]   "we" _ARE_   from a   _REAL_ _LIFE_   _REAL_   IMMIGRANTS_   TO THE _REAL_ _USA_  _AND_   _REAL_   _E$CAPEE$_-[escapees]_   FROM A _REAL_ TOTALITARIAN-REGIME-[perpetrated]   _REAL_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-23402727          _KNOWN_   _A$_-[as]   _BLACK_ _JULY_ NINETEEN EIGHTY-THREE_-[1983]   _A$_ -[as]   labeled/labelled   "BY"   AUTHORITIE$-[authorities]   _AND_   INTERNATIONALLY   _UNRE$PON$IVE_-[unresponsive]  UNITED NATIONS:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          _REAL_   _WORLD_   _REAL_   INCLUDING   "THE"   _UNITED NATION$'-[nations']   _REAL_   $AMANTHA-[Samantha]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]:          https://www.amazon.com/Shake-Hands-Devil-Failure-Humanity/dp/0786715103          POWER$-[POWERS]   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT-[100%]   _UN_FAMILIAR_ WITH RAPHAEL LEMKIN:          https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/coining-a-word-and-championing-a-cause-the-story-of-raphael-lemkin          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   you've gotta stop   and smell the roses   you've got to count your many blessings   every day   The CALENDAR YEAR   WA$-[was]   NINETEEN EIGHTY-FIVE-[1985]   THE _LOCATION_   ELLSWORTH HALL   USA LEGAL UNIVERSITY   DORMITORY   LAWRENCE   KANSAS   UNITED STATES OF AMERICA   "we"   LO$T-[lost]   "OUR"   PASSPORT   "we" were STRANGERS   IN LAWRENCE   IN KANSAS   INSIDE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA   "WE" ARE EMINENTLY   _NOT_   WHITE-AMERICANS   EMINENTLY   _NOT_   WHITE-CAUCASIANS   _EMINENTLY_   _NOT_   _MALE_   _AND_   _YET_   THE POLICEMAN  THAT USA   LAWS   _REQUIRED_   "US"   TO TELEPHONE   SO-[so]   AS TO PHYSICALLY IN REAL-LIFE   IN REAL-TIME   IN _REAL_ ONE BLUE PLANET   _EXISTENCE_   _WAS_   INDEED_ AN   _EMINENTLY_   _MALE_   _EMINENTLY_   _CAUCASIAN_   _EMINENTLY_  POLITE   _EMINENTLY_   _KIND_   _PROFESSIONAL_   _STRANGER_-POLICE_MAN_   you've gotta stop   and smell the roses   you've got to count your many blessings   every day   +HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _MALE_   _HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _WHITE_   IN $TARK-[stark]+DRAMATIC _CONTRA$T_-[contrast]  TO _MANY_ _FEMALE_   BLACK   AFRICAN-AMERICAN _LADIES_   _WHOM_   "we" _HAVE_ met   IN _REAL_ _LIFE_   IN _REAL_ _TIME_   IN _REAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE_   _NEVER_ _ACCU$ED_-[accused]   "US"   NOT FOR A NEW YORK _MINUTE_   ~EMINENTLY PERSONS OF COLOR/COLOUR~   that "we" were _NOT    IN FACT   NON-affirmative-action applicants   to a USA LEGAL-AUTHORISED INSTITUTION   OF ADVANCED _LEARNING_   +HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _MALE_   _HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _WHITE_   IN $TARK+DRAMATIC _CONTRA$T_-[contrast]  TO _MANY_ _FEMALE_ AFRICAN-AMERICAN _LADIES_   WHOM  "we" _HAVE_ met   IN _REAL_ _LIFE_   IN _REAL_ _TIME_   IN _REAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE_   _NEVER_ _ACCU$ED_-[accused]   "US"   ~EMINENTLY PERSONS OF COLOR/COLOUR~  OF _NOT_    IN FACT   BEING   _REAL_   HUMAN BEING(S)   _AND_ _REAL_ _TRUE_ _AND_ _REAL_ FEMALE_   PERSON(S) OF COLOR/COLOUR   WITH PRECI$ELY-[precisely]   _HUNDRED$_[hundreds]   _OF_ HU$BAND$_-[husbands]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _EMINENTLY_   _NOT_   FOR ONE HOT SECOND   +_HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _MALE_   _HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _WHITE_   IN $TARK-[stark]   +DRAMATIC _CONTRA$T_-[contrast]  TO _MANY_ _FEMALE_ AFRICAN-AMERICAN _LADIES_   WHOM  "we" _HAVE_ met   IN _REAL_ _LIFE_   IN _REAL_ _TIME_   IN _REAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE_   _NEVER_ _ONCE_ _ACCU$ED_-[accused]   "US"   ~EMINENTLY PERSONS OF COLOR/COLOUR~  OF   _HAVING_   OF _$PAWNING_-[Spawning]   _HUNDRED$_-[hundreds]   OF BLACK BABIE$-[babies!]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]    _MO$T_-[most]   _RECENTLY_   ON $ATURDAY_-[Saturday]   AUGU$T_-[August]   TWENTY-NINTH-[29th]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   IN CALENDAR YEAR-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   you've gotta stop   and smell the roses   you've got to count your many blessings   every day   +HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _MALE_   _HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _WHITE_   IN $TARK-[stark]+DRAMATIC _CONTRA$T_-[contrast]  TO _MANY_ _FEMALE_ AFRICAN-AMERICAN _LADIES_   WHOM  "we" _HAVE_ met   IN _REAL_ _LIFE_   IN _REAL_ _TIME_   IN _REAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE_   _NEVER_ _ACCU$ED_-[accused]   "US"   _ONCE_   ~EMINENTLY PERSONS OF COLOR/COLOUR~  OF   _NOT_ BEING CAPABLE OF $PEAKING-[speaking]   _UN_-accented   _EMINENTLY_   AMERICAN-ENGLISH   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   +_HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _MALE_   _HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _WHITE_   IN $TARK-[stark]+DRAMATIC _CONTRA$T_-[contrast]  TO _MANY_ _FEMALE_ AFRICAN-AMERICAN _LADIES_   WHOM  "we" _HAVE_ met   IN _REAL_ _LIFE_   IN _REAL_ _TIME_   IN _REAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE_   _NEVER_ _ACCU$ED_-[accused]   "US"   _ONCE_   ~EMINENTLY PERSONS OF COLOR/COLOUR~  OF   _APPEARING_   _BLACK_   _APPEARING_   AFRICAN-AMERICAN   +_APPEARING_ _FOURTEEN_[14]-YEARS OF AGE   _IN_ _APPEARANCE_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   +_HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _MALE_   _HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _WHITE_   IN $TARK+DRAMATIC _CONTRA$T_-[contrast]  TO _MANY_ _FEMALE_ AFRICAN-AMERICAN _LADIES_   WHOM  "we" _HAVE_ met   IN _REAL_ _LIFE_   IN _REAL_ _TIME_   IN _REAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE_   _NEVER_ _ONCE_ _ACCU$ED_-[accused]   "US"   ~EMINENTLY PERSONS OF COLOR/COLOUR   OF   _FAILING_   TO _CARRY_   _FULLY_   OPERATIONAL   _EMINENTLY_ NON-MEDICAID_   _EMINENTLY_   _NON_-MEDICARE_   _EMINENTLY_   _NOT_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "welfare"   UNITED STATES OF AMERICAN HEALTH INSURANCE   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   +_HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _MALE_   _HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _WHITE_   IN $TARK-[stark]+DRAMATIC _CONTRA$T_-[contrast]  TO _MANY_ _FEMALE_ AFRICAN-AMERICAN _LADIES_   WHOM  "we" _HAVE_ met   IN _REAL_ _LIFE_   IN _REAL_ _TIME_   IN _REAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE_   _NEVER_ _ONCE_ _ACCU$ED_-[accused]   "US"   ~EMINENTLY PERSONS OF COLOR/COLOUR~  OF   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "filthy personal habits"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   +_HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _MALE_   _HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _WHITE_   IN $TARK[stark]+DRAMATIC _CONTRA$T_-[contrast]  TO _MANY_ _FEMALE_ AFRICAN-AMERICAN _LADIES_   WHOM  "we" _HAVE_ met   IN _REAL_ _LIFE_   IN _REAL_ _TIME_   IN _REAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE_   _NEVER_ _ACCU$ED_-[accused]   "US"   _ONCE_   ~EMINENTLY PERSONS OF COLOR/COLOUR~  OF   _NOT_ CARRYING   _ALL_ THE TYPES OF _INSURANCE_   THAT "WE"   AS PERSONS OF COLOR/COLOUR   IN THE USA   _WILL_   _EVER_   BE _EVER_ _BE_ REQUIRED   BY USA LAW   TO CARRY   _AND_   BEYOND   EVEN USA _LEGAL_ REQUIREMENTS   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   +_HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _MALE_   _HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _WHITE_   IN $TARK-[stark]+DRAMATIC _CONTRA$T_-[contrast]  TO _MANY_ _FEMALE_ AFRICAN-AMERICAN _LADIES_   WHOM  "we" _HAVE_ met   IN _REAL_ _LIFE_   IN _REAL_ _TIME_   IN _REAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE_   _NEVER_ _ACCU$ED_-[accused]   "US"   _ONCE_   ~EMINENTLY PERSONS OF COLOR/COLOUR~    OF   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "being vastly OVERWEIGHT"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   +_HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _MALE_   _HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _WHITE_   IN $TARK-[stark]+DRAMATIC _CONTRA$T_-[contrast]  TO _MANY_ _FEMALE_ AFRICAN-AMERICAN _LADIES_   WHOM  "we" _HAVE_ met   IN _REAL_ _LIFE_   IN _REAL_ _TIME_   IN _REAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE_   _NEVER_ _ACCU$ED_-[accused]   "US"   _ONCE_   ~EMINENTLY PERSONS OF COLOR/COLOUR~  OF   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "having an A-1 C   BLOOD SUGAR READING  OF GREATER THAN SIX POINT ZERO-[6.0]   +_HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _MALE_   _HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _WHITE_   IN $TARK-[stark]+DRAMATIC _CONTRA$T_-[contrast]  TO _MANY_ _FEMALE_ AFRICAN-AMERICAN _LADIES_   WHOM  "we" _HAVE_ met   IN _REAL_ _LIFE_   IN _REAL_ _TIME_   IN _REAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE_   _NEVER_ _ACCU$ED_-[accused]   "US"   _ONCE_   ~EMINENTLY PERSONS OF COLOR/COLOUR~    OF   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "being CLEANING LADIES SLASH HOUSE-KEEPERS SLASH COOKS   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _IN$TEAD_-[instead]   +HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _MALE_   _HE_   _EMINENTLY_ _WHITE_   ISSUED _THE_ USA POLICE REPORT THAT   "WE" REQUIRED   _BY_   _AND_   _UNDER_   UNITED STATES OF AMERICA   _AND_   _ESTABLISHED_ LAW (!)   IN CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN EIGHTY-FIVE-[1985]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   IMAGINE (!)   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _NEEDLE$$_-[needless]   TO STATE   _OUR_   _PROFOUNDLY_   _AMERICAN   _PROFOUNDLY_   _IMMIGRANT_   IN AMERICA   USA-_FAMILY_   _EXPERIENCE_   _WILL_   _NEVER_   _EVER_ MAKE  24/7   366   USA-MOST-WATCHED   PROGRAM/PROGRAMME   ON ALL OF TELEVI$ION-television]   PROGRAMMING   _AND_   EMINENTLY_   _NOT_   _MERELY_   "the" "NEW$"-[news]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _FOLLOWED_ BY POTENTIAL SPAM CALLER($)  6143636173 @ 01:38 PM EASTERN USA TIME   on $EPTEMBER-[September] $ECOND-[2nd]   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   you've gotta stop   and smell the roses   you've got to count your many blessings   every day..."          "The" song _          Stop And Smell The Roses          _ performed by Mac Davis, music and lyrics c. by Doc Severinsen & Mac Davis               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3a5vN4tUl4          .]          The Real Life Real True Real Lived Experiences Of Eminently NON-White Non-Caucasian Immigrant _WHOLE_ _FAMILIES_ To The USA _Never_ "Make" Headlines ON THE MOST-WATCHED PROGRAM/PROGRAMME ON TELEVISION-AUGUST TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]~OOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  _LET_ _ALONE_ _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          PERPETRATED "LIVE" UPON ONE HUNDRED+TEN _THOUSAND_ [110,000] QUOTE-UNQUOTE "EELAM TAMIL-GEORGE FLOYDS:"          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]  ~August 31st, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku          Gunasegaram          ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+ UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 31st, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 30th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Lollipop          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rYoRaxgOE0          performed by The Chordettes          _   "...oh lollipop   lolli   lolli   lolli   lollipop   oh lollipop   lolli   lolli   lolli   lollipop          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94651          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia'$-[Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia's]   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "policies"   pertaining to   _FOREIGN_ POLICY_   EVER-$INCE-[ever since]   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE-[1939]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]          are _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "Western"   $CREAM$-[screams]   CHINA   HITLER   XI   JINPING   _FULLY_   _FUNDED_:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zPPD8lQSEk          HITLER-RAJAPAKA$E-[Rajapaksa]:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA-[Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia]   MOUTHPIECE($)-[mouthpieces]   oh lollipop   lolli   lolli   lolli   lollipop   oh lollipop   lolli   lolli   lolli   lollipop   _NOT_ "for" the first/last/one millionth time   since   get thi$!-[GET THIS!]   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN EIGHTY-THREE-[1983]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   "we"   at isaac falconer dot com  _EMINENTLY_ _NEVER_   ON TWITTER+_NEVER_ _EVER_ A TWITTER ACCOUNT   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _HIDEOU$LY_-[hideously]   _AND_   NEEDLE-NO$ED-[needle-nosed]   "targeted" "by"  the $pectacularly-[spectacularly]   _UNDER_-informed   _AND_ THE EGREGIOU$LY-[egregiously]   _IN_-experienced in "the ways of the world"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _NOT_ TO MENTION  _BEYOND_   _HIDEOU$LY_-$EXI$T-[hideously sexist]  "for"   ADVERTI$ING-[advertising]   _FOR_   "get an _EDUCATION_"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   MO$T-[most]   "recently"  _ON_ Augu$t-[August]   THIRTIETH-[30th]-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   @   03:03 PM   EA$TERN U$A TIME [Eastern USA Time]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   "by" COMCA$T-[COMCAST]  U$A-[usa]   TELEVI$ION-[television]   CABLE $ERVICE-[cable service]   BA$ED_-[based] on   _WRONG_ _ZIPCODE_   _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_ 90210   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   BA$ED_-[based] on   _WRONG_ _RACE_   _NOT_ BLACK   _NOT_   AFRICAN-AMERICAN   _BA$ED_ ON _WRONG_   _GENDER_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _NOT_   _MALE_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _BA$ED_-[based]   ON _WRONG_   _RELIGION_   _CHRI$TIAN_-[Christian]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _BA$ED_   ON   _WRONG_   "culture"   _A$_-[as] IN _UTTERLY_   _AND_   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT-100%]   _FAILING_   TO   _$UCCUMB_-[succumb]   TO   _MINDLE$$_-[mindless]   24/7   366   _INTERNATIONAL_+CABLE-TELEVI$ION-[television]-   _AND_-CANADIAN   _CELEBRITY_   _WOR$HIP_-[worship]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   oh lollipop   lolli   lolli   lolli   lollipop   oh lollipop   lolli   lolli   lolli   lollipop..."          "The" song _          Lollipop          _ performed by The Chordettes, music and lyrics c. by Beverly Ross & Julius Dixson          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rYoRaxgOE0          .]          Hitler Gotabaya:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Hitler Mahindha:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          Hitler Sri Lanka:          _LITERALLY_ _$CREAM$_-[screams] _EMINENTLY_ _NON_-Western But Adolph Hitler Hitler China:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zPPD8lQSEk          Xi JINPING:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          Rather!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~August 30th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_    
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku          Gunasegaram          ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 30th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 29th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          On Every Street          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1FsnwYJ3p0          performed by Dire Straits          _   "...and it's _YOUR_ soul   i'm wanting to feel   _ALL_ THE _TIME_   ON _EVERY_ STREET   IN _EVERY_ _ROOM_   and it's _YOUR_ soul   i'm wanting to _BE_ _DROWNING_   _IN_  24/7   366   and it's _YOUR_ soul   i'm longing for   _IN_ leap year   calendar year   twenty-twenty-[2020]   "here"   "we" _A-ah-ah-RE_-[are]   $MACK-[smack]   _AND_   _DAB_   _AND_   in THE MIDDLE of   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   QUAKERS   "on fire"   with The Holy Spirit   Quakers call it The Light  The Light   MEMBERS OF THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS   QUAKERS   FACING A _DAILY_   24/7/   366   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   LEAP YEAR   _ON$LAUGHT_-[onslaught]   of AFRICAN-AMERICAN   -CELEBRITY-_AND_-NON-CELEBRITY   _FREE_   AFRICAN-AMERICAN   "NEW$"-[news]   MAIN$TREAM_[mainstream]   _HEADLINING_   _CENTER_   $TAGE-[stage]   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT-[100%] _FREE_   NEW$-[news]   and GUE$$-[guess] what???????????????????????????   _NEARLY_    _NEVER_   _ZILCH_   _NADA_  _ZERO_   A   _WHI$PER_-[whisper]  A _HINT_   _REGARDING_   THE NON-HERO   THE _ANTI_-hero   THE _EMINENTLY_   _NON_-CELEBRITIE$-[celebrities]:          http://abolition.e2bn.org/people_21.html          THAT   _MADE_   freedom   _FROM_ $LAVERY-[slavery]   _FOR_   AFRICAN-AMERICAN$-[african americans]   _EVEN_   _THE_   FAINTE$T_-[faintest]   OF _FAINT_   PO$$IBILITIE$_-[faintest]  of FAINT possibilities]   ~Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]          http://abolition.e2bn.org/people_21.html          _AND_   NOW   $TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[stat]   IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT _FREE_-[100%]   _FREE_   AFRICAN-AMERICAN   _INTERNATIONAL_   _CELEBRITIE$_-[celebrities]   _AND_   _NON_-celebrities _ALIKE_   BU$YING-[busying]   THEM$ELVE$-[themselves]   24/7   366   IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _RE_-EN$LAVING-[re-enslaving]   _EVERYONE_   TO   GUE$$-[guess]-WHO???????????????????????????   CHINA-HITLER   XI JINPING   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!] 
and it's _YOUR_ soul   i'm wanting to feel   ON _EVERY_ STREET   and it's _YOUR_ soul   i'm wanting to _BE_ _WITH_   24/7   366   and it's you soul   i'm longing for   _IN_ leap year   calendar year   twenty-twenty-[2020]..."          "The" song _          On Every Street          _ performed by Dire Straits, music and lyrics c. by Mark Knopfler                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1FsnwYJ3p0          .]          24/7/366 In Leap Year Twenty-Twenty Internationally Televised _NEW$_-[news] _HEADLINE$_-[headlines] One Hundred Percent-[100%] EDIT _OUT_ _THAT_  One Hundred Percent-[100%] _FREE_ _AND_ One Hundred Percent-[100%] NOT-EN$LAVED-[enslaved] USA+ INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED-[televised]+24/7/366 IN LEAP YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!] ARICAN-AMERICAN _CELEBRITIE$_-[celebrities] _RE_-EN$LAVING_[re-enslaving] _EVERYONE_ "Alive+Kicking"+On Planet Earth-Twenty-Twenty-[2020] _INCLUDING_ JHoe Biden _AND_ Barack Hu$$ein Obama-[Barack Hussein Obama] _DIRECTLY_ _TO_ China Hitler XI JINPING:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zPPD8lQSEk          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]  ~August 28th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku          Gunasegaram          ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 29th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 28th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Calypso          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuO5PCgaaTM          performed by John Denver          _   "...the work and the service   the life and the living   the search for the answers   to questions unknown   hey calypso!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   the places   you've been to   the things that you've shown us   ON AUGU$T-[August]-twenty-ninth-[29th]   -in calendar year twenty-twenty-[2020]   @ TWELVE-FORTY-NINE-[12:49 PM]   PM   EA$TERN U$A TIME-[Eastern USA Time]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   "we" @ isaac falconer dot com   _WERE_ RAISED BY   _CONSCIENTIOUS_   _CARING_   _ATTENTIVE_   PARENTS   _AND_   GRAND-PARENTS_   _AND_  ONE   _FEMALE_   _GREAT_-GRAND-PARENT   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   WHO TAUGHT US   _NEVER_   _EVER_   TO   _WOR$HIP_-[worship]   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   $HALLOW-[shallow]   CELEBRITIES   WITH   _ZERO_   TO OFFER THE WORLD   _WHILE_   $MILING-[smiling]   _AND_   ROLLING   _ALL_   _OVER_   _EVERY_   MAGAZINE   _COVER_   _EVERYTHING_   MADE IN   HITLER-CHINA   XI JINPING   _AND_   _FOREVER_   _INCLUDING_   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          perpetrated RELENTLE$$LY-[relentlessly]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   ON EELAM TAMILS:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          _NOT_ _MERELY_ IN AMERICA   _BUT_   ALL_   _OVER_   THE   _WORLD_   _AND_   _CONTINUE_   _BEING_   needle-no$ed-[NOSED]-TARGETED   BY AMAZON DOT COM   _FELLOW_   PRINCETONIAN   JEFF BEZO$-[jeff bezos]   "for"   "...Psst...Your [CELEBRITY]   influencer   in$piration-[inspiration]   is here   ...$EE-[see] The [AMAZON] Celebrity $tore..."   ~Oop$-[Oops!]   HELLO???????????????????????????   CONSUMING   ORGANIC   MADE IN USA   LOCALLY   PRODUCED   HAS BEEN   GOIN'-[going]-ON   SINCE   JOHN DENVER'S   _CONSCIENTIOUS_   _PRE_-_EVERYTHING_   _EVERYWHERE_   _AND_   -MADE IN CHINA   _CELEBRITY_   ORGANIC   FARM(S)   IN THE   NINETEEN-$EVENTIE$-[1970's]   COLORADO   USA   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   the work and the service   the life and the living   the search for the answers   to questions unknown   hey calypso!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   the places   you've been to   the things that you've shown us   ON AUGU$T-[August]-twenty-ninth-[29th]   -in calendar year twenty-twenty-[2020]   followed by My Medicare Kit   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   NO ONE _HERE_   IS REMOTELY   _NEAR_   _NEEDING_   MY MEDICARE KIT($)-[My Medicare Kit]    _FOLLOWED_ BY KISQALI-[Kisqali]   _NO_ ONE   _HERE_   NEED($)   KI$QALI-[Kisqali]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   the work and the service   the life and the living   the search for the answers   to questions unknown   hey calypso!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   the places   you've been to   the things that you've shown us   ON AUGU$T-[August]-twenty-ninth-[29th]   -in calendar year twenty-twenty-[2020]..."          "The" song _         Calypso          _ performed by John Denver, music and lyrics c. by John Denver                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuO5PCgaaTM          .]          "We" At Isaac Falconer Dot Com [isaacfalconer.com] _CONTINUE_ _BEING_ RELENTLE$$LY-[relentlessly]+Needle-No$ed _TARGETED_ By Amazon Dot Com [amazon.com] And Jeff Bezo$-[Bezos] "For" "P$$T-[psst] _YOUR_ isaacfalconer.com Influencer Inspiration Is Here The Celebrity Store..." Most _RECENTLY_ On August 29th, 2020 At Twelve-Forty-Nine PM-[12:49 PM] _$HOCKINGLY_-[shockingly] _AND_ _BEYOND_ IN$ULTING-[insulting] To _HUMAN_ Individal$-[individuals] RAISED _NEVER_ TO WORSHIP $HALLOW-[shallow] _AND_ _BEYOND_ _EXPEN$IVE_ _AND_ _CANCER_ _CAU$ING_~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oopos!][expensive] FOR ALL HUMAN BEING$-[beings]   _ALIVE_ ON PLAMET EARTHJ TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~August 28th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku          Gunasegaram          ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8½" (eight and a half inches) x 11" (eleven inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 28th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 27th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          (You're The) Devil In Disguise          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuBrbpVmFNM          performed by Elvis Presley          _   "...ERIK $OLHEIM-[Solheim]:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-53936505          you _LOOK_ _LIKE_ an angel   you _WALK_   _LIKE_ an angel   you _TALK_ _LIKE_ AN angel   but i got wi$e-[WISE]   YOU _ARE_ the devil in DI$GUI$E-[disguise]:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-53923294          A$-[as]   _RECENTLY_   _A$_   ON AUGU$T-[August]-TWENTY-FOURTH-[24th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   THE EELAM TAMIL-LANGUAGE BBC NEWS SERVICE   DESCRI-ai-ai-ai-BE-s-[DESCRIBES]   WITH THE HIGHEST JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY   _AND_ _HO-aw-aw-aw-W_-[HOW]   NORWAY'$-[Norway's]   _THE_   EUROPEAN _UNION'$_-Union's]   _OFFICIAL_ PEACE-MAKER   ERIK $OLHEIM-[Solheim]   AS-[AS]-IN   "blessed are the PEACEMAKERS:"          https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%205:9&version=NIV          directly TAKEN   fr-AH-AH-AH-om-[FROM]   The Jewish-Christian Scriptures   _CONTINUE$_-[continues]   _DEFE-ey-ey-ey-NDING_-[defending]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   ONE HUNDRED PERCE-ey-ey-ey-NT-[100%]   HITLER-CHINA-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   -HITLER-XI JINPING _FU-ah-ah-ah-NDED_-[funded]:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          CEYLON-$RI LANKA-ah-ah-ah-[Sri Lanka]   -$OUTH A$IA-ah-ah-ah-ah-[ASIA]   -[Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia]   _TWIN_ HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-[Hitlers]   CEYLON-SRI LANKA-SOUTH ASIA'S-[Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia's]   TWIN HITLERS   MAHINDHA AND GOTABAYA:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          RAKAPAKS-uh-uh-uh-$-[RAJAPAKSAS]   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   -_HITLER_ _GOVERNMENT_ OF SRI LANKA-TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          _PERPETRATED_   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          HELLO???????????????????????????   WIKIPEDIA???????????????????????????   ANYONE???????????????????????????   WIKIPEDIA _INTERNET_-$UPERVI$ING -[supervising]-AUTHORITY-[Wikipedia Supervising Authority]    -ANYONE????????????????????????????   _GENOCI-ai-ai-ai-DE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          ERIK $OLHEIM-[Solheim]   you _LOOK_ _LIKE_ an angel   you _WALK_   _LIKE_   an angel   you _TALK_ _LIKE_ AN angel   but i got wi$e-[WISE]   YOU _ARE_ the devil in DI$GUI$E-[disguise]   _GENOCI-ai-ai-ai-ai-DE_:          https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc          perpetrated   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA-[Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia]:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   @10:47 AM Eastern   USA Ti-AI-AI-AI-me-[TIME]   on August 27th, TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   OUR USA CALLER IDS   REGISTERED   wireless caller   THREE OH FOUR   EIGHT FOUR ZERO   ONE FIVE TWO ONE-[304-840-1521]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-{Oops!]   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "interruptING"-INTERRUPTING]   this ANTI-HITLER-INTERNET-PUBLICATION   _A$_-[as]   per   _U$UAL_-[usual]   _HABITUAL_   USA-internet   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "practice"   _EVER_ _$INCE_-[since]   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOU$AND+$IX-[2006]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   $INCE   "all that"   was INADEQUATE   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "exci-AI-AI-AI-tement"-[EXCITEMENT]   _FOR_ _EELAM_ _TAMILS_   "on location" in CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA-ah-ah-ah-[Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia]   _EVER_ _$INCE_-[since] calendar year   NINETEEN THIRTY-NI-ai-ai-ai-NE-[1939]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "we" @ isaac falconer dot com   NEEDLE-NO$ED-[nosed]   "targeted"  ONLINE   ON THE INTERNET   _AND_   UNRELENTINGLY   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "for" "iconic vines   that cured my anxiety"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   the QUOTE-UNQUOTE   MO$T-[most]   _RECENT_   _$UCH_-[such]   @ 10:59 AM   EA$TERN-[Eastern]   U$A-[USA]    TI-ai-ai-ai-ME-[time]   ON AUGU$T-[August]- TWENTY-$EVENTH-[twenty-seventh]   -CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[OOH-OOH-Oops!]   you _LOOK_   _LIKE_ an angel   you _WALK_   _LIKE_ an angel   you _TALK_ _LIKE_ AN angel   but i got wi$e-[WISE]   ERIK $OLHEIM-[Solheim]:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-53936505          YOU _ARE_ the devil in DI$GUI$E-[disguise]..."          "The" song _          (You're The) Devil In Disguise          _ performed by Elvis Presley, music and lyrics c. by Bill Giant, Bernie Baum, & Florence Kaye          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuBrbpVmFNM          .]          Former European Union Peace Negotiator _ERIK_-$OLHEIM_-[ERIK SOLHEIM]-"Ble$$ed-[BLESSED]-Are The Peace-Makers!" Continues Defending:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-53923294          Hitler China Xi Jinping And Hitlers Children Hitler Mahindha Gotabaya:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Rajapak$a$-[Rajapaksas] _A$_-[as] "Recently" A$-[as] On August 24th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):          https://theconversation.com/the-ominous-metaphors-of-chinas-uighur-concentration-camps-129665          .  ~August 27th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku          Gunasegaram          ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 27th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 26th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          You've Lost That Lovin'-[LOVING] Feelin'-[FEELING]          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNajl5gtw7w          performed by Gladys Knight & The Pips          _   "...you've lost that lovin'-[LOVING]   feelin'-[FEELING]   you never close your eyes   when i kiss your lips   there's no tenderness   in your fingertips   when you touch me   WITH YOUR _INTERNATIONALLY_   _AND_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "going viral"   24/7/   366   IN LEAP YEAR   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   you've lost that lovin'-[LOVING] feelin'-[FEELING]   THOMSON REUTERS:          https://www.thomsonreuters.com/en.html          _INTERNATIONAL_ NEW$-[news] AGENCY   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-[Oops!]:          htpps://www.reuters.com/article/us-sri-lanka-landrights-conflict-feature/sri-lankan-tamils-living-abroad-struggle-to-reclaim-land-from-afar-idUSKCN22401V          _A$_-[as]   "recently"   _A$_-[as]   ON APRIL TWENTY-FIR$T-[21st]   PERFECT   _TIMING_   _FOR_   "THE _INTERNATIONALLY_ _CELEBRATED_   _AND_   _FOR_   _NINETY-FOUR_:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK_3WIM3M1c          YEAR$-[years]-$TRAIGHT-[straight]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "The" QUEE-ee-ee-N'$"-[Queen's]   _REAL_   _BIRTHDAY_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]      ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   THOMSON  REUTERS _INTERNATIONAL_   NEW$-[news]   AGENCY   CONTINUE$-[continues]   IN$I$TING-[insisting]   ON $HAPING-[shaping]   _AN_   _EMINENTLY_   _NON_-FUTURE   _FOR_   GENERATION$-[generations]   OF EELAM TA-ah-ah-MILS-[TAMILS]   UPON   _DE$CRIBING_-[describing]   _LITERAL_   GENERATION$_-[generations]   OF   _LITERAL_   REAL-TIME   _LITERAL_   REAL SPACE   _LITERAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET   $INCE-[since]   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE-[1939]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          ~OOH-OOH-Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[OOH-OOH-Oops!]   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          perpetrated UPON   _LITERAL_   GENERATION$-[generations]   OF DARK-SKINNED   ETHNIC _MINORITY_   EELAM TA-ah-ah-MILS-[TAMILS]   "on location" in CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA-[CEYLON-SRI LANKA-SOUTH ASIA]   _A$_   "civil war"   _NOT_   _TEXTBOOK_   JU$T-[just]   A$K-[ask]   RAPHAEL LEMKIN:          https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/coining-a-word-and-championing-a-cause-the-story-of-raphael-lemkin          TEXTBOOK   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          EMINENTLY   F-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-R   _FROM_   THOMSON REUTER$-[reuters]   -PERPETRATED   "civil war"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _CIVIL_   _WAR_   _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          _A$_   _WITNE$$ED_-[witnessed]   _FIR$T_-[first]   HAND   _BY_   _LITERAL_   REAL-TIME   _LITERAL_   REAL SPACE   _LITERAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET   $INCE-[since]   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-N-ai-ai-INE-[1939]   RELIABLE   _AND_   EMINENTLY   TRU$TWORTHY-[trustworthy]   _EMINENTLY_   AND ONE HUNDRED PERCENT-[100%]   _HUMAN_   BEINGS_   _WITH_   _LITERAL_   REAL-TIME   _LITERAL_   REAL SPACE   _LITERAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET   $INCE-[since]   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE-[1939]   _FUNCTIONING_   _HUMAN_   HEARTS_   _AND_   BLUE-CHIP   JOURNALIASTIC   _CREDENTIALS_   ON TOP OF THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   you never close your eyes   when i kiss your lips   there's no tenderness   in your fingertips   when you touch _MY_ _GENOCIDE_ _STORY_   THOMSON REUTERS   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]..."          "The" song _          You've Lost That Lovin'-[LOVING[ Feelin'-[FEELING]          _ performed by Gladys Knight & The Pips, music and lyrics c. by Phil Spector, Barry Mann, Cynthia Weil                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNajl5gtw7w          .]          As "Recently" As On April 21st, 2020 [twenty-twenty]:          https://www.reuters.com/article/us-sri-lanka-landrights-conflict-feature/sri-lankan-tamils-living-abroad-struggle-to-reclaim-land-from-afar-idUSKCN22401V          _INTERNATIONAL_ _AND_ "going viral" "all the time" Thomson Reuters:          https://www.thomsonreuters.com/en.html          _INTERNATIONAL_ _NEWS_ _AGENCY_ _DAILY_ _INTERNATIONALLY_ "Producing" A "Future" Of _ZERO_ Eelam Tamils:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          "On Location" In Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~August 26th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_    
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 26th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 25th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          The Bird's The Word                  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edYQiZxyw0I          performed by The Rivingtons          _   "...the bird's-[THE BIRD IS]   the word   MAMA-OOH-MOW-MOW   the bird's-[THE BIRD IS]   the word   MAMA-OOH-MOW-MOW          https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/04/16/834873162/long-before-covid-19-dr-tony-fauci-changed-medicine-in-america-forever          A$-[as] _LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG_   _AGO_   as during   The NINETEEN-EIGHTIES[1980's]-   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   "the sexiest man _ALIVE"   _NOT_   _$O_-[so]   _MUCH_   DURING THE _ENTIRE_   NINETEEN EIGHTIE$-[eighties]   AND YE$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-yes!]   IN AMERICA   DOCTOR   ANTHONY   FAUCI:          https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/04/16/834873162/long-before-covid-19-dr-tony-fauci-changed-medicine-in-america-forever          was relentlessly   pressured   by   relentlessly-PRAISED   +RELENTLESSLY-televised-   AIDS   VACCINE   ADVOCATES   TO "hurry it up!"   _NOW_ in AUGUST   of CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   USA President   DONALD J. TRUMP   is being _SCOLDED_   by NINETEEN-EIGHTIES-[1980's]   -HURRY-UP-THE-AIDS-VACCINE-ADVOCATES   _AND_ THEIR    MEGA   -UBER   -HYPER   -24/7/   366   -IN-LEAP YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   TELEVISION   -ANCHOR   REPRESENTATIVES   _ESPECIALLY_-[especially]   CNN'S   JAKE TAPPER   $COLD-[scold]   USA-PRESIDENT   -IN-CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   donald j. trump   "for"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "illegally"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _PRE$$URING_-[pressuring]:          https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/22/trump-circle-pressure-fda-rush-covid-19-vaccine-election          the FDA   [The Food& Drug   Administration   authority   with oversight   on therapies   for USA illnesses]  "for" HURRYING _UP_   THE COVID-19 VACCINE   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   the bird's the word   MAMA-OOH-MOW-MOW   the bird's the word   MAMA-OOH-MOW-MOW..."          "The" song _          The Bird's The Word          _ performed by The Rivingtons, music and lyrics c. by Turner Wilson, Jr., Al Frazier, Carl White & Sonny Harris          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edYQiZxyw0I          .]          _When_ "Hurry The AIDS Vaccine!" Pressured Anthony Fauci In The Nineteen Eighties-[1980's]:         https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/04/16/834873162/long-before-covid-19-dr-tony-fauci-changed-medicine-in-america-forever          It Was Praised As _GOOD_ by "A Certain Political $tripe"[stripe].  _When_ Trump "Hurries" The COVID-19 Vaccine-Clinical Trials In Calendar Year-Twenty-Twenty-[2020] He's DECLARED-_BAD_:          https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/22/trump-circle-pressure-fda-rush-covid-19-vaccine-election          by "A Certain Political $tripe"[stripe] ~Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]  ~August 25th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 25th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 24th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Hero          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdJS11C8LA0          performed by Weezer          _   "...when i was a kid   i thought i'd save the world   runnin'-[RUNNING] 'round-[AROUND]   and chasing all the criminals   shooting lazers   from my eye   and i don't need the glory-[I DO NOT NEED THE GLORY]   i don't need the fame-[I DO NOT NEED THE FAME]          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94613          the _$O_-[so] _CALLED_   _CHOICE$_-[choices]   that _LITERAL_   REAL-TIME   _LITERAL_ REAL-SPACE   _LITERAL_ REAL ONE BLUE PLANET   _LITERAL_   GENERATION$_-[generations]   AH-AH-of-[OF]   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA-[Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia]   GOATABAYA-[Gotabaya]   -Mahindha "Chinthana" Rajapak$e-[RAJAPAKSA]   [-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$]-[Gotabaya] _AND_ Mahindha:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          GOTABAYA- _TWIN_-NON-TWIN-BROTHER-HITLERS   [Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia-Hitlers]:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _AND_   NON-HITLER$$$   _ALIKE_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          HAVE   _FORCED_   _UPON_   BORN  +EMINENTLY _INNOCENT_   _LIKE_   EMINENTLY   -EELAM TAMIL   POLITICIAN   -PILLAYAN-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94613          _PILLAYAN_   _BORN_   _INNOCENT_   EELAM TAMIL   "on location" IN   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA-[Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia]   ~Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   SAW _CHILDHOOD_:          https://www.historyextra.com/period/second-world-war/boys-who-lied-about-age-to-fight-ww2-teenage-soldiers/          ENROLLMENT   IN   VELUPILLAI PRABAHARAN:          https://www.britannica.com/biography/Velupillai-Prabhakaran          'S   LIBERATION TIGERS   OF TAMIL EELAM-LTTE   as the _SINGLE_ _SOLITARY_   _AND_   _ONLY_ CHILDHOOD-_OPTION_   AS HE   PILLAYAN   SAW IT   AS   A CHILD   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]:          https://www.amazon.com/Forgotten-Generation-American-Children-World/dp/0826219195/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=child+soldiers+of+world+war+II&qid=1598280607&s=books&sr=1-3          _OR_   as "we" Americans would say  THE _ONLY_   _GAME_   IN TOWN   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _PITTED_   _AGAIN$T_-[against]   LITERAL   _GENERATION$_-[generations]   OF RAJAPAKSA _AND_ NON-Rajapaksa:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          NAZI-HITLERS   GOING BACK IN TIME TO   CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE-[1939]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]:          https://www.history.com/news/marcel-marceau-wwii-french-resistance-georges-loinger          when i was a kid   i thought i'd save the world   runnin'-[RUNNING] around-[AROUND]   and chasing all the criminals   shooting lazers   from my eye   and i don't need no glory-[I DO NOT NEED THE GLORY]   i don't need no fame-[I DO NOT NEED THE FAME]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]..."          "The" song _          Hero          _ performed by Weezer, music and lyrics c. by Rivers Cuomo, Dave Bassett, Daniel Bedingfield, Daniel Omelio, David Charles, Marshall Biral, & Denzel Baptiste                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdJS11C8LA0          .]          EMINENTLY+NON-Twin-Brother-Hitlers:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Gotabaya And Mahindha Chinthana Rajapaksa:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          Have "ALREADY" _WON_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          And _CONTINUE_ "Winning"+_DAILY_ IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zim0l4M4AVA          "Even" _A$_-[as]  Joe Biden-Biden Joe And Barack Hussein Obama WHO OB$CURELY _COMMANDED_ THE _ONLY_ _EVER_ OPPONENT$-OF CHINA-HITLER XI JINPING "on location" IN CEYLON SRI LANKA SOUTH ASIA TO "STEP DOWN"~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4tFLAd8OEw          _CONTINUE_ Whining+In CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020] About And _How_ "They" Ruled "The World" _AND_ "Ended" _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!] In CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOUSAND+NINE-[2009] ~Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]  ~August 24th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 24th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 23rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          PAPA OOM MOW MOW          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQrQjNNZCAo          performed by The Rivingtons _          "...MAMA OOM MOW MOW   MAMA OOM MOW MOW          https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/16/magazine/china-fentanyl-drug-ring.html          _THE_   _LOUDE$T_-[loudest]   _PO$$IBLE_-[possible]   $UPER-[super]   $CREAMIE$T-[screamer]   U$A-[usa]   _AND_   INTERNATIONALLY   -$CREAMIE$T-[screaming]   VOICE$-[voices]   $UPER-[super]-_OVER_-REACHING-voice$-[voices]   IN ALL AMERICAN VOTER$'-[voters']   MO$T-[most]-   INTIMATE   _AND_   PRIVATE   _AND_   ULTIMATELY   VOTE-DECIDING   -$pace$-[spaces]   MAMA OOM MOW MOW   MAMA OOM MOW MOW  _WOULD_   MAKE A PERSON   _THINK_   THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE   WAS _NOT_   AND _EMINENTLY_   _EMPLOYED_   BY A FATHER+$ON-[son]   CHINE$E-[Chinese]   _DUO_   who   $INGLE-[single] handedly   _AND_   ACTING   $EAMLE$$LY-[seamlessly]   ~get thi$-[this]   _FROM_   MAINLAND _CHINA_   _AND_   ACTING IN UNI$ON-[unison]   $UPPLIED the terrifying drug   ILLEGAL-IN-THE-USA-SUBSTANCE    FENTANYL   _DIRECTLY_   through the THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE-   MAIL SERVICE   _DIRECTLY_   _MINORS_   TO AMERICAN CHILDREN   "at home"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   MAMA OOM MOW MOW   MAMA OOM MOW MOW   _THE_   _LOUDE$T_-[loudest]   _PO$$IBLE_-[possible]   $UPER-[super]   $CREAMIE$T-[screamer]   VOICE$-[voices]   $UPER-[super]-_AND_   OVER_   REACHING   -voice$-[voices]   IN ALL AMERICAN VOTER$'-[voter's]   MO$T-[most]-   INTIMATE   _AND_   PRIVATE   _AND_   VOTE-DECIDING-$pace$-[spaces]   _WOULD_   MAKE A PERSON   _THINK_   THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE   WAS _NOT_   AND _EMINENTLY_   _EMPLOYED_   BY   _$IXTEEN_-[sixteen-16]   ATLANTA-GEORGIA-USA   thieve$-[thieves]   TO STEAL   the medications   of USA Service personnel          https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndga/pr/sixteen-us-postal-service-workers-charged-accepting-bribes-deliver-cocaine          IT OUGHT TO BE PHARMACIES:          https://www.americaspharmacy.com/lp02?groupNumber=ARX0304&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIscH10YWo6wIVzZyzCh2
_wwyEEAAYAiAAEgIttvD_BwE          that   deliver   medications   to   PATIENTS   _NOT_   THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE   USPS (!)   _BUT_   _NEVER_   _MIND_   _THAT_   AREN'T   VOTES   _EVEN_ _MORE_   PRECIOUS   EVEN   THAN MEDICATIONS???????????????????????????   United States' Service Personnel   FIGHT FOR FREEDOM   AROUND THE _WORLD_   MUCH _MORE_   THAN THEY FIGHT FOR MEDICATION DELIVERIES   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   MAMA OOM MOW MOW   MAMA OOM MOW MOW..."          "The" song _          PAPA OOM MOW MOW          _ performed by The Rivingtons, music and lyrics c. by Carl White, Al Frazier, Sonny Harris, & Turner Wilson Jr.               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQrQjNNZCAo          .]          _ACTUALLY_ _LISTENING_ To The Farthest Most Over-Reaching Loudest USA Televised 24/7/366 In Leap Year 2020 Television Voices The United States Postal Services Has Eminently Not Delivered More ILLEGAL-IN-THE-USA-ILLEGAL-DRUG-Fentanyl To USA Minors:          https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/16/magazine/china-fentanyl-drug-ring.html          Than Russia Has "Delivered" "False" USA Votes To Trump!-2016!:          https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/10/01/how-russia-helped-to-swing-the-election-for-trump          ~Oops!  ~August 23rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 23rd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 22nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song  _          You Can't Change That          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kxpsvW2gAE          performed by Raydio          _   "...honey i'll always love you   i promise i'll always love you   'cuz-[BECAUSE]-i think the _WHOLE_ world of you   _AND_ you can't change that!   NO! NO!   you can't change that!   with the SAME letter   MAILED _TWICE_   "The" Government of China:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/india-53881476          -Hitler   -XI JINPING'$-[XI JIN PING'S]   QUOTE-UNQUOTE:  "ONE HITLER   -TOTALITARIAN-CHINA   -ONE HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          GOTABAYA-RAJAPAKSA-RULED-COUNTRY   -CEYLON   -SRI LANKA-SOUTH ASIA   -CHINA-HITLER-XI JINPING":          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94605          HITLER-CHINA-$TAT![stat!]   -I$-[is]   _AT_ THI$_-[this]   _VERY_ _MOMENT_   _BEING_   EXPRE$$ED-[expressed]   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA-[Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia]   $TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[stat!]   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   honey i'll always love you   i promise i'll always love you   'cuz-[BECAUSE]-i think the _WHOLE_ world of you   _AND_ you can't change that!   NO! NO!   you can't change that!   _FOLLOWING_   "ONE HITLER-TOTALITARIAN-CHINA   -ONE HITLER-FOR _LITERAL_   REAL-TIME   _LITERAL_   REAL-SPACE   _LITERAL_ REAL-ONE BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE   "on location" in   Nancy Pelo$i-[USA HOUSE SPEAKER NANCY PELOSI-DEMOCRAT FROM CALIFORNIA]-RULED-TIBET~OOP$!-[Oops!]:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          EVER-$INCE-[since] THE NINETEEN FIFTIE$-[fifties]   ~OOP$!-[Oops!]":          https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP78-02771R000300470002-3.pdf          _FOLLOWING_   "the"   "ONE HITLER   -TOTALITARIAN-CHINA   -ONE HITLER-RULED HONG KONG:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -PREVIOU$-[previous]-   TO-HITLER-CHINA-XI JINPING   -HONG KONG:          https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CHRG-116hhrg37960/html/CHRG-116hhrg37960.htm          OPERATED   AS A FREE+FAIR DEMOCRACY   ~OOP$!-[Oops!]   A FREE+FAIR HONG-KONG   THAT OPERATED   _SEPARATELY_   -FROM-HITLER-CHINA-XI-JINPING-HONG KONG:          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/02/world/asia/hong-kong-security-china.html          honey i'll always love you   i promise i'll always love you   'cuz-[BECAUSE]-i think the _WHOLE_ world of you   _AND_ you can't change that!   NO! NO!   you can't change that!   _NOT_ for the first/last/one millionth time   "since" CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN EIGHTY-THREE (1983)  the newest instance ON   AUGU$T TWENTY-FIR$T   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[08/21/2020]   @07:17 PM   EASTERN USA TIME   "OUR" USA LANDLINE telephone(s) ring (s) _AND_ "WE" "HEAR"   -[BY THE WAY]  "we" are relentlessly BOMBARDED QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "all OVER"  THE INTERNET   FOR ADS "FOR" HEARBLOOM DOT COM-hearbloom.com]   _AND_ OTHER HEARING AIDES-SUPPLIERS   _ONLY_ _BECAU$E_-[because]   "we" quote   the Yeats poem "...the falcon cannot hear the falconer..."   NOTHING "to do" with HEARING AIDES   "everything" "to do" with POETRY!   METAPHORS (!)   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!] THE ROBOCALLER(S) VOICE RECORDING:  "This is an automated call from Apple.  We are getting suspicious activity   from your device..."  ~OOPS!  "we" VERY WELL MIGHT _BE_  be the _ONLY_ CITIZENS OF THE USA   WITH _ZERO_ "devices" (!) IN ADDITION:  TIM COOK / APPLE   MAKE _ALL_ their $o-[so] called "device$"-[devices] IN CHINA   -MAJOR SUPPORTER OF _GENOCIDE$_-[genocides]:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          honey i'll always love you   i promise i'll always love you   'cuz-BECAUSE]-i think the _WHOLE_ world of you   _AND_ you can't change that!   NO! NO!   you can't change that!   GLOBALLY   AND THE UTTER ONE HUNDRED PERCENT[100%]   PLU$-[plus]   _EXTRA_   _DECIMATING_   OF DEMOCRACY   IN HONG KONG AND TAIWAN   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   honey i'll always love you   i promise i'll always love you   'cuz-[BECAUSE]-i think the _WHOLE_ world of you   _AND_ you can't change that!   NO! NO!   you can't change that!..."          "The" song _          You Can't Change That          _ performed by Raydio, music and lyrics c. by Ray Parker Jr.          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kxpsvW2gAE          .]          Regardless Of Love And/Or Not Love And/Or Never Ever Love China:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMHNJm7w5og          Hitler CHINA-Xi Jinping _NEVER_ "Frightened" Of USA UBER-MEGA-Chine$e-[Chinese-Money] MONEY-GRUBBING-USA-MEGA-Celebrities And/Or Joe Biden-Biden, Joe-Barack Hussein Obama Continues Perpetrating Genocides Globally + Decimating _DEMOCRACY_ Itself In Taiwan and In Hong-Kong:          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/01/world/asia/taiwan-china-hong-kong.html          ~Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~August 22nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_   
 © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 22nd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 21st, 2020 (twenty-twenty): "The" song _          Yakety Yak (Don't Talk Back)          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSjVqOeMA-Y          performed by The Coasters          _   "...take out the papers and the trash   or you don't get no spending cash [OR YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE SPENDING CASH]   YAKETY YAK   don't talk back!          https://www.bbc.com/news/av/election-us-2020-53853387/joe-biden-s-speech-lots-of-sweetness-and-light          _LOT$_-[lots] OF JOE BIDEN-MICHELLE OBAMA   -BARACK HU$$EIN-[Hussein]-OBAMA   LOT$-[lots]OF $WEETNE$$-[sweetness]   _LOT$_-[lots]-OF LIGHT   $AY-[say]   $OME-[some]   _WHILE_   _OTHER$_-[others]   _NUMBERING  say   OFF-hand   ONE HUNDRED _AND_ TEN THOUSAND   GEORGE FLOYDS    ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND   AHMAUD AUBERYS   ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND   ELIJAH MCCLAINS   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _ALL_ THE $WEETNE$$-[sweetness]   _ALL_   The LIGHT   were   $TRICTLY-[strictly]   _RE$ERVED_-[reserved]:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   RE$ERVED-[reserved]   BY JOE BIDEN   -BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA   _AND_   _ONLY_   RE$ERVED-[reserves]   _FOR_   CEYLON-$RI LANKA'$   _TWIN_   HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-[Hitlers]   MAHINDHA "CHINTHANA" RAJAPAK$E-[Rajapaksa]-HITLER:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          _AND_ GOTABAYA-RAJAPAKSA-HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          take out the papers and the trash   or you don't get no spending cash [OR YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE SPENDING CASH]   YAKETY YAK   don't talk back          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-53861612          _EVERY_ POLITICAL ACTION _TAKEN_   whether by Wigneswaran   OR BY Sampanthan   INSIDE   Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia   "whether"   @ 10: 41 AM "live"   EASTERN USA TIME   ON AUGU$T-[August] Twenty-Fir$t-[21st]   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   needle-no$ed   "targeted"   with the _FACE_ of a FRIGHTENING-_LOOKING_   FRIGHTENED_LOOKING_   _FEMALE_   CHINE$E-[Chinese]-AMERICAN    QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "_ADVERTI$ING_"-[advertising]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   $UPREMELY-[supremely]   $ELF-[self]-$ERVING-[serving]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   Uninterrupted updates.   $WITH-[switch]   to GOOGLE CHROME BOOK($).   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT TO     ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   take out the papers and the trash   or you don't get no spending cash [OR YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE SPENDING CASH]   YAKETY YAK   don't talk back!..."          "The" song _         Yakety Yak (Don't Talk Back)          _ performed by The Coasters, music and lyrics c. by Jerry Leiber & Mike Stoller               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSjVqOeMA-Y          .]          Whoop$!-[whoops!] _ALL_ "The Sweetness" _ALL_ "The-NOT-A-QUAKER-EVER-Joe Biden-Biden, Joe-Barack-NOT-A-QUAKER-EVER-Obama Light Was _$TRICTLY_ Re$erved "For" Twin Hitlers Mahindha:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          -Gotabaya:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Hitlers 2009 Through 2016  Whoop$!-[whoops!] So _MUCH_ For "The" QUOTE-UNQUOTE _Beloved_-QUAKER- Community:          https://www.afsc.org/friends/already-not-yet-co-creating-beloved-community          Whoop$!-[whoops!]  ~August 21st, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8½" (eight and a half inches) x 11" (eleven inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 21st, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 20th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          All By Myself          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN9CjAfo5n0          performed by Eric Carmen          _   "...all by myself   don't wanna-[WANT TO] be   all by myself   when i was young   i never needed anyone   making _FUN_ was just for fun   those days are gone   living alone   i think of all the friends i've known   _AND_ when i dial the telephone   _EVERYBODY'S_ _ALWAYS_ home   ALL THE TIME   THANK YOU! COVID-19!   all by myself   don't wanna-[WANT TO] be   all by myself   when "we" were in college   "we" who are   eminently   _NOT_   white-with-pink-dots-Caucasians   had an EMINENTLY   CAUCASIAN   boyfriend who took us   to see The Hollywood Movie   _OUT OF AFRICA-ah-ah-ah_-[_Out of Africa_]   AND _LATER_ painted "us"   AN _ORIGINAL_ _SWEATSHIRT_   featuring its themes   YEAR$-[years]   LATER   "we" _IMAGINED_   it was _MERE_   _AND_ _PURE_ "coincidence"   THAT BY _THEN_   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWO THOU$AND+NINE-[2009]   BARACK HU$$EIN-[Hussein]-Obama'$-[Obama's]   MEGA-UBER-SUCCESS-[success]   EMPLOYING   _OUT OF AFRICA_   THEME$-[themes]   _BEFORE_ _DURING_   _AND_   _AFTER_   HIS   MEGA-UBER-SUCCESSFUL   _AND_ _STILL_   HISTORIC   RUN FOR THE USA PRESIDENCY   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   was JUST _THAT_   "mere" coincidence   _AND_ EMINENTLY   _NOT_   RETAIL   $URVEILLANCE-[surveillance]   CAPITALI$M-[capitalism]   THAT HAS COME   _DOWN_   IN CALENDAR YEAR-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   TO  $HEER-[sheer]    _CRIMINALITY_   _NOT_   "mere"   $WAMPINE$$"-[swampiness]   _OUTRIGHT_-[outright]   $TEALING-[stealing]    _OF_   THE LIFE-_$TORIE$_-[stories]   OF _OTHER$_-[others]  IN AMERICA   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _I$_-[is]   _INDEED_   CRIMINAL_   CAPITALI$M_-[capitalism]   _$IMILARLY_-[similarly]   "we"   $EE-[see]   ALL OVER   THE USA HEADLINING   TELEVI$ION-[television]   NEW$-[news]   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   FORMER USA   _PRESIDENT_   BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA   using   _AND_   abu$ing-[ABUSING]   The Eminently Religious Society of Friends   TERM   "The Beloved Community":          https://www.indyfriends.org/messages/2017/1/16/1-15-17-the-beloved-community          _QUAKERS_   Who   _TRULY_   _EMBRACED_   the derogatory term   QUAKERS   and began   CALLING _THEMSELVES_   MEMBERS OF _THE_ _ONE_ _AND_ _BELOVED_   _COMMUNITY_   _AND_   QUAKERS   in stark+dramatic   _CONTRAST_   to _niggers_   IN SHARP+DRAMATIC   _CONTRAST_   TO RED-INDIANS   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _AND_   MEMBERS   OF   THE BELOVED    UNIVERSAL   COMMUNITY    THAT EMINENTLY   _INCLUDED_   ENSLAVED   _HUMAN_   SOULS   _STILL_   HELD   DURING THE $EVENTEENTH _CENTURY_-[seventeenth century]   "BY" WHITE PRESIDENTS   _NATURALLY_   QUAKERS   WERE _NEVER_ _ONCE_ MENTIONED   BY BARACK HU$$EIN-[Hussein]   OBAMA   IN ALL HI$   COUNTLE$$$-[too numerous to count]   TELEVI$ION-[television]   USA-[usa]   appearances$-[APPEARANCES]   TO-DATE   IN CALENDAR YEAR-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   A$ BEING   THE   _ONLY_   REASON   THAT   AFRICAN-AMERICANS   ARE   _NO_   _LONGER_   ENSLAVED   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   all by myself   don't wanna-[WANT TO] be   all by myself   when i was young   i never needed anyone   making _FUN_ was just for fun   those days are gone   living alone   i think of all the friends i've known   _AND_ when i dial the telephone   _EVERYBODY'S_ _ALWAYS_ home   ALL THE TIME   THANK YOU! COVID-19!   all by myself   don't wanna-[WANT TO] be   all by myself   NOW!   $TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[stat!]   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   BARACK HU$$EIN-[Hussein]-OBAMA   DOE$-[does]  WHAT _HE_   _AND_ HI$ -[His Royal Highness Barack Hussein Onama]   BO$OM-[bosom]   BUDDY   OPRAH WINFREY   DO   BE$T-[best]   $TEAL[steal]   OTHER HUMANS'   $TORIE$-[stories]   LEFT RIGHT   _AND_   _CENTER_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _WHILE_   _PAYING_   _OPEN_  _AND_   _INTERNATIONALLY_   _AND_   TELEVI$ED_-[televised]   24/7   366   [three sixty-six]   IN LEAP YEAR CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   TO THE   _LITERAL_   AND EMINENTLY   _TRUE_   AMERICAN-ENGLISH   WORDS   "THE"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _BELOVED_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _COMMUNITY_   ~the _BEST_ that President Obama   -USA President   at the ti-AI-me-TIME]   EE-EE-in-[IN]   TWO-THOU$AND+NI-ai-ai-ai-NE [ 2009]:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          -found himself   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "capable" of _INTERNATIONALLY_ _TELEVI$ED_-[televised]   _AND_ QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "capable"   of sa-EY-EY-ying-[SAYING]   was:  QUOTE-UNQUOTE"  "Both sides"   HITLER   -GOATABAYA-[Gotabaya]   RAJAPAK$E-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-[Rajapaksa]   AND_ OPPONENTS   OF   HITLER (!)-[HITLER GOTABAYA:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          ]   ["the"]-TAMIL TIGERS   LIBERATION TIGERS   OF TAMIL ee-ee-ee-EELA-uh-uh-uh-M   LTTE   EMINENTLY   MEMBERS   OF THE BELOVED COMMUNITY   _NEITHER_   I USED SEX AND MONEY   TO ENTER PRINCETON UNIVERSITY   USA SUPREME COURT JUSTICE   SONYA SOTOMAYOR   OR OPRAH WINFREY   OR BARACK HUSSEIN   OBAMA   ARE QUAKERS   OOH-OOH-OOPS!:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          ]   OPPONENTS   OF   HITLER (!)-[HITLER GOTABAYA:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/      "mu-UH-UH-t-[MUST]   ste-EY-EY-p-[STEP]   do-AH-AH-wn!"[DOWN]   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   How can THAT-[???????????????????????????]   -this IN$TANCE-[instance-michelle obama-DECLARED-MOMENT]  [ONE HUNDRED PERCENT]-100% _BE_ MI$$ED BY   ABC   MO$T-WATCHED   TELEVI$ION   -NEW$   ON PLANET EARTH   WITH DAVID MUIR AND TO-ah-ah-ah-M-[Tom]   LLAMA$-[Llamas]   AND PIERRE THO-oh-oh-oh-oh-MA$-[Pierre Thomas]   [ONE HUNDRED PERCENT]-100% MI$$ED-[missed] BY   CNN'$ JA-ay-ay-ay-KE TA-ah-ah-ah-ah-PPER-[CNN's Jake Tapper]   _NOT_ be $PELLING-   "Victory"-FOR HITLER   -GOATABAYA-[Gotabaya]:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-53852376          -RAJAPA-ah-ah-ah-K$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-[Rajapaksa]   IN _EVERY_ $EN$E-[sense]   -OF THAT WORD:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94259          ???????????????????????????   _VICTORY_   _FOR_   Nazi   -Hitler   -Sinhala-fascist "policies"   on DARK-SKINNED   -PRECISELY-LIKE-THE-OBAMAS   -BUT_NO-ONE-WOULD-GUESS-IT    BY U$A-usa]   _AND_   _INTERNATIONAL_   TELEVI$ION-television]-   COVERAGE   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-Oops!]   -EELAM-TAMILS   twenty-$even-que$tion-mark$-[twenty-seven question marks]   ???????????????????????????????????????????????   in the "eyes" of    The USA's   Big Three   Evening   Network New$ Teleca$ts-[NEWS TELECASTS]   and "essentially"   "the world"   "The Univer$e"-[universe]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   all by myself   don't wanna-[WANT TO] be   all by myself   when i was young   i never needed anyone   making _FUN_ was just for fun   those days are gone   living alone   i think of all the friends i've known   _AND_ when i dial the telephone   _EVERYBODY'S_ _ALWAYS_ home   ALL THE TIME   THANK YOU! COVID-19!   all by myself   don't wanna-[WANT TO] be   all by myself..."          "The" song _         All By Myself          _ performed by Eric Carmen, music and lyrics c. by Eric Carmen               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN9CjAfo5n0          .]          Barack Hussein Obama And Sonya Sotomayor  Pay Internationally Televised And Open _LIP_ _$ERVICE_-[lip service~Oops!] To The Well-Worn Quaker Words QUOTE-UNQUOTE "The Beloved Community" _WHILE IN _REAL_-TIME   IN _REAL_ $PACE_-[space~OOPS!]  _EMPLOYING_ THEIR "OWN" USA-_GIVEN_- _AND_  _NEAR_-LIMITLE$$-[limitless-UNLIMITED] _TEMPORAL_ -REAL ONE BLUE PLANET _POWERS_ TO ~get this!~ _$TOP_-[STOP] The REAL-TIME REAL-SPACE REAL-ONE BLUE PLANET _REAL_ PHYSICAL_MILITARY_ _REAL_ OPPONENTS:           https://www.britannica.com/biography/Velupillai-Prabhakaran          Of Hitler-Gotabaya Rajapakse:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          "On Location In" Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          .  ~August 20th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE
_ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A"  REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 20th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 19th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          This Perfect World          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8Ndl3Yifc8          performed by Freedy Johnston          _   "...you oughtta see your fa-EY-EY-EY-ce-[YOU OUGHT TO SEE YOUR FACE]   you oughtta hear your vo-AH-AH-AH-ice-[YOU OUGHT TO HEAR YOUR VOICE]   last time   i   wuz  here [THE LAST TIME THAT I WAS LOCATED HERE]   i wouldn't turn ar-AH-AH-AH-ound   you oughtta lock that d-OH-OH-OH-oor [YOU OUGHT TO LOCK THAT DOOR]   somebody   might get in   didn't i   teach you   th-AH-AH-AH-at-[THAT]   this perfect world   _$O_-[so]   _INCREDIBLY_ _PERFECT_   _THAT_   The First MUSLIM   FIRST--ALL BLACK   ALL BLACK-LIVES-_MATTER_   _ALL_ _THE_ _TIME_   USA PRESIDENT   _ALREADY_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          PRE$IDED-[presided]   _CA$UALLY_ [casually]   HAPPILY   _AND_   MERRILY   _AND_   _INTERNATIONALLY_   CELEBRATED   _AND_ televi$ed-[televised]   24/7   366   IN LEAP YEAR   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   HEADLINING   THE   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _ALL_ _BLACK_ LIVES _MATTER_   DEMOCRATIC   PARTY   ALL HEAD-LINE-GRABBING   _ALL_-INTERNATIONALLY_   _ALL_-_OVER_   THE _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          PERPETRATED UPON   ALL BLACK   ALL   EELAM TAMIL BLACK LIVES   2009-2016:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          BARACK HU$$EIN-[Hussein] OBAMA-AH-[Obama]   telling The _INTERNATIONAL_ New$ World [the news world]   _THAT_   1 [ONE] ELIJAH MCCLA-ey-ey-ey-IN   IS _ACTUALLY_   _MORE_ "THA-ah-ah-N" 1 [ONE] ELIJAH MCCLA-ey-ey-ey-IN   X [TIME$] 110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND]   INDIVIDUAL   +DISTINCT   +PRICELESS   +EELAM TAMIL   -PHYSICAL-LIVES [          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ] = EQUAL$  _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          perpetrated ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ON:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548#reader_0984525548    "minority" QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"black" + "jewish"   -"aboriginal"   native-ame-EY-EY-EY-ricans   -first peoples   EQUIVALENT:"          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53027704          -EQUIVALENT   -EELAM   TAMILS   "on location"   -EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-in-[IN] Ceylon-$ri Lanka   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA-ah-ah-[CEYLON-SRI LANKA-SOUTH ASIA]   _WHILE_ Obama-BIDEN   _WITH_   USA   PRESIDENTIAL   -KNEE-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee   -ON 110,000   George Flo-OH-OH-OH-yd[S]   ON 110,000   -AHMAUD   AUBERY[S]   ON 110,000   -ELIJAH MCCLAIN[S]   "celebra-EY-EY-EY-ted"   "internationally-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-"   2009   THROUGH 2016   _WI-ee-ee-ee-TH_ HITLER   -MAHINDHA   "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$$$$$$$$$E-[Rajapaksa]:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          in DIRECT   QUID PRO QUO-oh-oh-oh   "exch-EY-EY-EY-EY-ange"   for U$A[usa]   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$-[top dollars]   4.5 MILLION [U$A $4,500, 000]   to be preci$e   PRECIOU$   _AND_   U$A   _AND_   TAXPAYER   DOLLAR$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$-[precious usa taxpayer dollars]         https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/             U$A   _TOP_   DOLLAR$$$$$$$   what e-EY-EY-l$e???????????????????????????-[TOP DOLLARS WHAT ELSE?]   U$A   _TOP_   DOLLAR$$$$$$$   what e-EY-EY-l$e???????????????????????????-[TOP DOLLARS WHAT ELSE?]   you oughtta see your face-[YOU OUGHT TO SEE YOUR FACE]   you oughtta hear your voice-[YOU OUGHT TO HEAR YOUR VOICE]   last time   i   wuz  here [THE LAST TIME THAT I WAS LOCATED HERE]   i wouldn't turn around   you oughtta lock that door [YOU OUGHT TO LOCK THAT DOOR]   somebody   might get in   didn't i   teach you th-AH-AH-AH-at-[THAT]   this perfect world   FIERCE_   OPPONENT$ [opponents]   TO THE _DEATH_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          OF   HITLER (!)   MAHINDHA-RAJAPAK$A [Rajapaksa]:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          "THE" TAMIL TIGERS   LIBERATION TIGERS   OF TAMIL   ee-ee-ee-EELA-uh-uh-uh-M-[TAMIL EELAM]   LTTE-[Liberation Tigers Of Tamil Eelam]:          https://www.britannica.com/biography/Velupillai-Prabhakaran          ]   "mu-UH-UH-t " [MUST]   $te-EY-EY-p [STEP]   "do-AH-AH-wn!" [DOWN]:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4tFLAd8OEw         THESE ARE EELAM TAMILS   THAT _FOLLOWED_   AFRICAN-AMERICAN ICON   JOHN LEWIS'S   IMPERATIVE   TO QUOTE-UNQUOTE:   "get in the way"          https://www.naacpldf.org/press-release/ldf-mourns-the-loss-of-congressman-john-lewis-legendary-and-beloved-civil-rights-icon/          THEY WERE _TRYING_   TO STOP HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          THEY WERE _TRYING_   TO STOP HITLER   -GOATABAYA-[GOTABAYA]-RAJAPAK$E-[Rajapaksa]   FROM "WINNING"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   OBAMA   _IN_ _TURN_   GOT IN JOHN LEWIS'S   _WAY_   BIDEN-OBAMA   CELEBRATED   FOR CHINA   BY CHINA   FOR STOPPING   LIBERTY   ON LOCATION In   CEYLON-SRI LANKA-SOUUTH ASIA   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   BIDEN-OBAMA-OBAMA-BIDEN   _STOPPED_ THEM   THE LIBERATION TIGERS   _WITH_ HIS BIDEN-OBAMA   -USA PRESIDENTIAL KNEE   PRESSED ON   110,000   GEORGE FLOYDS   "on location" in:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA-[Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          you oughtta see your face-[YOU OUGHT TO SEE YOUR FACE]   you oughtta hear your voice-[YOU OUGHT TO HEAR YOUR VOICE]   last time   i   wuz  here [THE LAST TIME THAT I WAS LOCATED HERE]   i wouldn't turn -AH-AH-AH-   you oughtta lock that door [YOU OUGHT TO LOCK THAT DOOR]   somebody   might get in   didn't   i   teach you   th-AH-AH-AH-at-[THAT]   this perfect world   _AND_   $INCE_-[since]   _ALL_ of the AFORE-mentioned   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   WUZ-[was]   IN$UFFICIENT-[insufficient]   "excitement"   _FOR_ THIRTY CALENDAR YEAR$ [for thirty calendar years]   $MACK-[smack]   _AND_   _DAB_-   _AND_   IN THE _MIDDLE_   of taking a stand   _AGAIN$T_-[against]   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          PERPETRATED   UPON   ALL BLACK   ALL EELAM TAMIL LIVES   _MATTER_   _ALL_ THE _TIME_  "our" telephone(s) ring   _AND_   "our" caller ID(S)   display(s)   304   316   7427   NEW CUMBERLAND WV USA   the newest   ON AUGU$T NINETEENTH TWENTY-TWENTY [August 19th, 2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   @ 11:39 AM   Eastern USA Time      ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   you oughtta see your face-[YOU OUGHT TO SEE YOUR FACE]   you oughtta hear your voice-[YOU OUGHT TO HEAR YOUR VOICE]   last time   i   wuz  here [THE LAST TIME THAT I WAS LOCATED HERE]   i wouldn't turn ar-AH-AH-AH-ound   you oughtta lock that d-OH-OH-OH-oor [YOU OUGHT TO LOCK THAT DOOR]   somebody might get in   didn't i   teach you th-AH-AH-AH-at-[THAT]   this perfect world..."          "The" song _          This Perfect World          _ performed by Freedy Johnston, music and lyrics c. by Freedy Johnston          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8Ndl3Yifc8          .]           Obama _HEADLINING_ CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020] USA Presidential Election And Being _CELEBRATED_+_Internationally_ "For" Presiding:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          Over The Genocide:          https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          "Live" In 2009 Of 110,000:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          TIMES X ONE [1]-George Floyd "Live!"  ~August 19th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 19th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 18th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Showdown          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYhqlOQ1vHY          performed by Electric Light Orchestra (ELO)   "...$he-[SHE] cried through the summer rain   every dream in my heart was gone   heading for a showdown   TRUMP _CANNOT_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "Meet This Moment"   $he-[SHE]-michelle obama   -cried   _WHILE_   $IMULTANEOU$LY-[simultaneously] U$ING GALLON$-[gallons]-OF-   _KNOWN_   CANCER-CAU$ING-[causing]:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q33LX59Z9R8          _ALL_ BLACK FEMALE   _LIVES_   _AND_   MATTER   _HAIR_ PRODUCT$-[products]   ON MONDAY   AUGU$T $EVENTEENTH-[August 17th, 2020]   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[Monday, August 17th, 2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   THE RI$K-[risk]   OF AN AMERICAN DYING FROM CANCER:          https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/all.html          I$-[is] FAR HIGHER THAN   THE RI$K-[risk]   OF AN AMERICAN   DYING OF COVID-19   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   $he-[SHE] cried through the summer rain   every dream in my heart was gone   heading for a showdown   through the southern [SOUTHERN] rain   VIA BARACK HU$$EIN-[Hussein] OBAMA'$-[Obama's]   all-time-  _FAVORITE_   KATTY-KAY-BURNI$HED-[burnished]   -MOUTHPIECE   The BBC New$-[news]-ONLINE   ~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]          https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-53815566 the $ame-[same]   _THE_-$AME-[same]- _IDENTICAL_   BBC NEWS _AMERICA_-NEW$-[news]   that proudly di$played-[displayed]   BARACK HU$$EIN-[Hussein]-Obama'$-[Obama's]   ILLU$TRIOUS-[illustrious]   IN REAL-TIME   IN _REAL_ $PACE-[space]   REAL-_FA-ey-ey-ey-ey-CE_-[face]   $MACK-[smack]   _AND_   dab   _AND_   IN THE _MIDDLE_ OF   THE BBC AMERICA'$ [America's]   24/7/   365   _DAILY_   TELEVI$ION-[television]   OFFICIAL   _NON_-PARTI$AN-[partisan]   -NEW$-[news]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   LOGO   TWO-THOUSAND+NINE-[2009]   THROUGH-TWENTY-$IXTEEN-[2016]    ~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   LOGO   24/7   365   TWO-THOUSAND+NINE-[2009]   through TWENTY-$IXTEEN-[2016]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   $OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-[so]   what _I$_-[is]   THI$-[this]   $O-[so]   _CALLED_   _BY_   michelle obama "moment"???????????????????????????   $UPPO$EDLY-[supposedly]   _ALL_ BLACK LIVES   _ALL_ _FEMALE_   LIVES   _MATTER_   $creamed[screamed]   SHE-[she]   _WHO_ ha$-[has]   _ALREADY_   $PENT-[spent]   _LITERAL_ _DECADE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_-[decades]   _AND_   _LITERAL_ _MILLION$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_-[millions]   OF U$A DOLLAR$$$$$$$$$-[LITERAL USA DOLLARS] ON   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   $UPPORTING   _ANTI_   _ALL_ BLACK LIVES   FEMALE _LIVES_   CHRIS ROCK   BLACK HAIR PRODUCT$-[products]   THAT LEAD   _DIRECTLY_   WITH-out_   PA$$ING-[passing] _GO_   TO CANCER   so "here"   "we"   "have"   michelle obama   _OFFICIAL_   PUBLI   CITY[publicity]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _AND_   _INTERNATIONALLY_   -televi$ed-[televised]   24/7/   366   _PUBLICITY_   _IN_ LEAP YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   INTERNATIONALLY ADVERTI$ING-[advertising]   CANCER-_CAU$ING_   BLACK FEMALE HAIR $TRAIGHTENER$-[straighteners]   _AND_ BLACK FEMALE HAIR-RELAXER$-[relaxers]   ~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   _WHILE_   _INTERNATIONALLY_-TELEVI$ED-[televised]   _AND_   _INTERNATIONALLY_-ACCU$ING-[accusing]   USA PRESIDENT   DONALD JOHN TRUMP OF   get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[get this!]   _NOT_   _BEING_   _ABLE_ TO   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "Meet This Moment"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   michelle obama   $HAMING-[shaming]   _ALL_   $ERIOU$-[serious]   _INTELLECTUAL_   WOMEN OF COLOR/COLOUR   -USA "by"   _APPLYING_   TO _ENTER_  HARVARD-PRINCETON   _WITH_   AFFIRMATIVE-ACTION :(   APPLICATION$-[applications]   _WITH_   JUNETEENTH   _OB$CURITY_-[obscurity]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]   $he-[SHE] cried through the summer rain   every dream in my heart was gone   heading for a showdown..."          "The" song _          Showdown          _ performed by Electric Light Orchestra, music and lyrics c. by Jeff Lynne          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYhqlOQ1vHY          .]   HER-U$A-[USA]ROYAL-HIGHNE$$-[Highness]  _AGAIN$T_-[against] Whom _NOTHING_ _ZERO_ ZILCH_ _NADA_ _NOT_-Controlled-BY-Michelle Obama-Her$elf-[Herself] Could _EVER_ Be U$A-[USA]-$aid-[Said]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Michelle Obama Cries Internationally Televised Twenty Four Seven Three Sixty Five [24/7/366 IN LEAP YEAR 2020]  That Donald Trump Eminently _CANNOT_ Meet "The" All Black _FEMALE_ Lives _MATTER_ "MICHELLE OBAMA-LABELED/LABELLED-MOMENT" _WHILE_ $IMULTANEOU$LY-[simultaneously] _LITERALLY_ Bathing In _GALLON$_-[gallons] Of Chris Rock Anti All black Female Hair Matters:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q33LX59Z9R8          _CANCER_-CAU$ING_-[causing] BLACK-FEMALE HAIR PRODUCT$-[products]-2020~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-[Oops!]~August 18th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 18th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 17th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          In The Summertime          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvUQcnfwUUM          performed by Mungo Jerry          _   "...in the summertime   when the weather is hot [when the weather's hot]:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53788018          you can stretch right up   and touch the sky   when COVID-19   is fine   you got BIDEN-OBAMA   you got OBAMA-BIDEN   on your mind   whether America-AH-AH [America]   like$ [likes]   it   or _NOT_   America   _HA$_ [has]   "already"   _HAD_   a quote-unquote   "dreaded"   MU$LIM-Pre$ident [Muslim President]   wa-ey-ey-ey-   _OUT_   IN FRONT  of   the quote-unquote   l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ng [LONG]   -_DREADED_   Jewi$h Pre$ident [Jewish President]   ~Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   in the summertime   when the weather is hot [when the weather's hot]   you can stretch right up   and touch the sky   when COVID-19   is fine   you got BIDEN-OBAMA   you got OBAMA-BIDEN   on your mind   _FORMER_   USA Pre$ident [usa president]   BARACK   HU$$EIN [Hussein]   Obama-ah-ah-ah [OBAMA]   The $upreme $uperb Ma$ter [The Supreme Super Master Of]   _OF_   _MAKING_   America   _LOOK_   ONE WAY   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ~the _BEST_ that   _THEN_   USA   President   Obama   -USA   Presid-UH-UH-nt [President]   at the TIME   -in TWO-THOU$AND+NI-ai-ai-ai-NE [ 2009]:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          -found himself   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "capable" of $AYING [saying]   wa-UH-UH-$ [WAS]   QUOTE-UNQUOTE"  "Both sides"   HITLER   -GOATABAYA   RAJAPAK$E-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _AND_ _FIERCE_   OPPONENT$ [opponents]   TO THE _DEATH_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          OF   HITLER (!)   MAHINDHA-RAJAPAK$A [Rajapaksa]:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          "THE" TAMIL TIGERS   LIBERATION TIGERS   OF TAMIL ee-ee-ee-EELA-uh-uh-uh-M   LTTE:          https://www.britannica.com/biography/Velupillai-Prabhakaran          ]   "mu-UH-UH-t " [MUST]   $te-EY-EY-p [STEP]   "do-AH-AH-wn!" [DOWN]:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4tFLAd8OEw          _FROM_ OPPO$ING [opposing]   HITLER-GOATABAYA [Gotabaya]   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _THAT_ PRECI$E [precise] _VERBALLY_   delivered   _AND_   "in per$on" BY  USA   PRESIDENT   BARACK HU$$EIN [Hussein]   Obama   _$OMEHOW_ [somehow]   _$-uh-uh-ERVE$_ [serves] IN _MAKING_   USA  Preside-UH-UH-nt [president]-TRUMP   the wor$t [worst]   RACI$T [racist]   FROM ALL OF RECORDED   HUMAN   HI$TORY [history]:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94259          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          in the summertime   when the weather is hot [when the weather's hot]:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53788018          you can stretch right up   and touch the sky   when COVID-19   is fine   you got BIDEN-OBAMA   you got OBAMA-BIDEN   on your mind   _HOW_   PLEA$E [please]   _AND_   _DO_   PRAY   TELL U$ [tell us]   How can THAT   -thi$ [THIS] OBAMA "moment"   ee-ee-IN$TANCE [instance]   _BE_   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   _BE_   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   _BE_ MI-ee-ee-ee-$$ED   BY [missed by]   BY   ABC-ee-ee- [ABC News]   "the"   MO$T [most]-WATCHED   TELEVI$ION [television]   -NEW$ [news]   ON PLANET EARTH   WITH DAVID MUIR   AND TO-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-M   LL-ah-ah-ah-ah-AMA$ [Llamas]   AND PIERRE    THO-oh-oh-oh-oh-MA$ [PIERRE THOMAS]   _BE_   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]-MI$$ED [missed]   BY   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   _BE_ MI-ee-ee-ee-$$ED   BY   CNN'$ JA-ay-ay-ay-KE TA-ah-ah-ah-ah-PPER [CNN's Jake Tapper]   _NOT_ be $PELLING [spelling]-   "$upreme Victory" [SUPREME VICTORY]   -FOR HITLER   -GOATABAYA   -RAJAPA-ah-ah-ah-K$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   IN _EVERY_ $EN$E   OF _THAT_ WORD:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94259          ???????????????????????????   _VICTORY_ _FOR_   Nazi   -Hitler   -Sinhala-fascist "polic-EE-EE-EE-ies" [policies]   on DARK-SKINNED   -PRECI$ELY [precisely]-LIKE-THE-OBAMAS   -BUT_NO-ONE-WOULD-GUESS-IT    BY U$A-TELEVI$ION [television]  COVERAGE   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   -EELAM-TAMILS   twenty-$even-que$tion-mark$   ???????????????????????????????????????????????   in the "eyes" of    The USA's [USA's]   Big Three   Evening   Network Televi$ion Teleca$ts [network television telecasts]   and "essentially"   "the world"   "The Univer$e"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ every $INGLE-$OLITARY-U$A [single solitary usa]   televi$ion-new$ca$t [television newscast]   -IN AUGU$T [August]-November   of CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee--[2020]   _LITERALLY_   and _E$$ENTIALLY_ [essentially]   $CREAM$ [screams]   "Former Pre$ident Obama" [former USA President Obama]   _CANNOT_ _EVER_   _PO$$IBLY_ [possibly]    _BE_   an egregiou$ bigot [AN EGREGIOUS BIGOT] + ra-ey-ey-ci$t [RACIST]   AGAIN$T [against]   Eelam Tamils   LIKE HI$$E-ay-ay-LF [HISSELF]   -HIM SELF   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "on location" in    CEYLON   -$RI LANKA-ah [SRI LANKA]   -$-ah-ah-ah-OUTH [South]   A-ey-$IA-ah-ah-ah [Asia]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _JU$T_ _BECAU$E_ [just _because_]   he I$ [is]   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "a black man"   IN$IDE THE RA-ay-ay-CI-ee-ee-$T [racist]   +_BEYOND_-$EXI$T [sexist]   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   -U$A!'" [USA!]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   in the summertime   when the weather is hot [when the weather's hot]:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53788018          you can stretch right up   and touch the sky   when COVID-19   is fine   you got BIDEN-OBAMA   you got OBAMA-BIDEN   on your mind..."          "The" song _         In The Summertime          _ performed by Mungo Jerry, music and lyrics c. by Ray Dorset               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvUQcnfwUUM          .]          Some How Trump Is The Worst Racist And Bigot In All Recorded Human History While Obama Is Televised Ordering The Only Ever Opponents Of Hitler Gotabaya To "$TEP [step] _DOWN_" (!) ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4tFLAd8OEw          Stop! Fighting! Hitler-Gotabaya:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          ~Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~August 17th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_    
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 17th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 16th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Sleeping With The Television On          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7lpvVf2rCY          performed by Billy Joel          _   "..._LITERAL_   _GENERATION$_ [generations]   OF   _EMINENTLY_   _NON-U$A [usa]   "immigrant$" [immigrants]   TO THE USA, Diane   have _BEEN_ fleeing   organized crime, Diane   i've been watching you waltz _ALL_ night, Diane   nobody's found a way   behind your defenses [defences]   Hollywood   _BEFORE_   COVID-19, Diane   _NEVER_   CEA$ED [ceased]   GLAMOURIZING [glamorizing]   organized crime, Diane   _INCLUDING   'ole [OLD]   blue eye$ [eyes], Diane   al$o [also] known A$   RAT PACK   -FRANK $INATRA, Diane   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   they never noticed there _WA$_ [was] _NO_   zap gun   in your hand,   Diane   until you're pointing it   and stunning their senses   all night long   all night long   but you'll be sleeping with the television on   the _UBER_-GLAMOROU$ [glamorous]   michelle obama, Diane   will be proudly head-lining   the twenty-twenty-[2020]   U$A [usa]   DEMOCRATIC PARTY, Diane   internationally-televi$ed [televised]   24/7/366, Diane   -IN LEAP-YEAR-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   $he [Uber chic]   michelle obama, Diane   _GOT_  her   UBER-GLAMOROU$ [uber-glamorous]   Chicago-Illinoi$ [Illinois]  MAN$ION [mansion], Diane   FROM the HAND$ [hands] of a _KNOWN_ MOB$TER [mobster], Diane   IN $PITE [spite] OF/BECAU$E [because]   $HE [she]   michelle obama   GRADUATED FROM PRINCETON+HARVARD, Diane   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   all night long   all night long   but you'll be sleeping with the television on   $he [she]  uber-chic   michelle obama, Diane   $O [so]   Uber-Chic, Diane   that $HE [she] employ$   BUCKET$ [buckets]   of carcinogenic   ANTI _ALL_   _FEMALE_ BLACK LIVE$ MATTER, Diane   hair product$ [PRODUCTS], Diane   IN $PITE of   AFRICAN-AMERICAN _MALE_ BLACK-COMEDIAN, Diane   CHRIS ROCK'S:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q33LX59Z9R8            _YEARS_ of _PLEADING   _AGAINST_   ANTI-black-lady-carcinogen$ [carcinogens], Diane   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!      all night long   all night long   but i'll be sleeping with the television on..."          "The" song _         Sleeping With The Television On          _ performed by Billy Joel, music and lyrics c. by Billy Joel          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7lpvVf2rCY          .]          _UBER_-GLAMOUROU$ [glamorous]Michelle Obama:          https://wkow.com/2020/08/11/michelle-obama-to-headline-opening-night-of-democratic-national-convention/          _BEING_ _CELEBRATED_ IN$IDE [inside]+OUT$IDE [outside]+_AND_ _INTERNATIONALLY_ 24/7/366 In Leap Year 2020 "For" Employing _LITERAL_ REAL-TIME _LITERAL_ REAL-$PACE [space] _LITERAL_ _REAL_ ONE BLUE-PLANET-EXI$TENCE [existence]-LITERAL BUCKET$ [buckets] Of Carcinogenic:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q33LX59Z9R8          [CANCER-CAU$ING] (cancer-causing) BLACK-AFRICAN-AMERICAN-LADY-HAIR-Hair Products To Make Herself Appear _EMINENYLY_ _NOT_-Black EMINENTLY _NOT_ An-African-American _ALL_ BLACK _FEMALE_ LIVE$ (lives) _MATTER_~Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~August 16th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8½" (eight and a half inches) x 11" (eleven inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 16th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 15th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Mr. Blue          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VrmpyjyGdA          performed by The Fleetwoods          _   "...and its blue   turned to silver   like him   i am    FULL OF FAITH   that your love   _IS_   true-OOH-OOH-OOH [TRUE]   but if you decide   to call on me   a-AH-AH-AH-sk [ASK]   for scientist   _NOT_ blue   i'm SCIENTIST   _NOT_ blue   when you say-AY-AY-AY [SAY]   you love me   proving   our love   _IS_ true-OOH-OOH-OOH [TRUE]   call me   SCIENTIST   _NOT_ blue   i'm SCIENTIST   _NOT_ blue   when you say   you're s-AH-AH-orry [SORRY]   call me SCIENTIST   _NOT_ blue          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/13/us/politics/trump-israel-united-arab-emirates-uae.html          $ICK [sick]   AND UP TO OUR VERITABLE-USA-EYEBALL$ [eyeballs]-IN   U$A [USA]   -identity politic$   -U$A-[USA]   IT WA$ _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_   JOE BIDEN   -IN THE HIGHE$T [highest]   _PO$$IBLE_ [possible]   POLITICAL OFFICE   IN THE _ENTIRE_ UNIVER$E [universe]   NOT $IMPLY [simply]   THE USA   _ALONE_   EIGHT _WHOLE_ _ENTIRE_ JOE BIDEN-YEAR$ [years]   YEAR$ [years] OF JOE BIDEN   BARACK HU$$EIN OBAMA-ah-ah-ah-ah [BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA]   U$A PRE$IDENTIAL KNEE   pre$$ed [PRESSED]   UPON   get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND [110,000]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          GEORGE FL-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-D$   IN$UFFICIENT   t-AI-AI-ime [TIME]   "on location" in the HIGHE$T [highest]   -PO$$IBLE-[possible]    -ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER   EVEN EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES MATTER   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   POLITICAL   OFFICE   IN THE POLITICAL-UNIVERSE [universe]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   so   HERE goes the description   of a disturbing   pattern   that has been "going on"   FOR _LITERAL_-real time   _LITERAL_-real space   _LITERAL_-ONE BLUE PLANET   _LITERAL_ _YEAR$_[years] -within   _LITERAL_   REAL-TIME   REAL-SPACE   _REAL_-ONE BLUE PLANET   REAL   experience   of _RECEIVING_   a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]-_LEGITIMATE_   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%] _USA_   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%] _LANDLINE_   call _FROM_   a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%] _WIRELE$$_ [wireless]-CALLER   "our" telephones ring   _AND_ OUR USA caller IDS   display   NITRO   WEST VIRGINIA   USA   scam caller   possibly   organized crime ring callers   the newest   on AUGUST ELEVENTH [11th]   @ 11:06 AM   Eastern USA Time   FOLLOWED BY   A FEMALE   PRE-RECORDED   FEMALE ROBOCALLER-FEMALE VOICE   stating   QUOTE UNQUOTE   "We are calling   with important information   about your credit card   this is your last chance..."   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   this so-called "last chance" has   +_BEEN_   "going on"  for LONGER THAN   A DECADE OF CALENDAR YEARS NOW!   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "...to QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _LOWER_ your credit card interest rate..."   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   the newest   on AUGUST TWELFTH TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020    @ ZERO TWO   FORTY-FOUR PM   EASTERN USA [USA] TIME   FOLLOWED by   The BBC   Biden-Obama   INTERNATIONAL TELEVI$ION CHANNEL   "featuring"   TAMIL-NAMED   RAJINI VAIDYANATHAN   born in Milton-Keynes-England   BUT careful to _HIDE_ her gold   Obama-Biden   "O" pendant   on a gold necklace   pledging allegiance to   Biden-Obama coverage   24/7/366   in leap year   calendar year   twenty-twenty-[2020]   followed by   _$EVERAL_ [several]   telephone calls   MADE TO   OUR   USA   legally-authorized   USA   landline   telephone numbers   the latest @ twelve twenty-two   pm   on AUGUST TWELFTH TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   REALLY???????????????????????????   _I$_ THI$ [THIS]???????????????????????????   WHAT THE AMERICA "WE" LOVE???????????????????????????   HA$ [HAS] _BECOME_???"????????????????????????   ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          THE FIR$T [first] "BLACK" U$A PRE$IDENT   OPENLY _AND_ _INTERNATIONALLY_   _AND_   [pr-AH-RAH-RAH-oudly   PO$ING [posing]   _WITH_   HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and OOP$!   _DID_   "we"   "get time"   TO MENTION???????????????????????????   IN p-AH-AH-AH-$$-ing [passing]   that CHINA-HITLER:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-53792480          XI JINPING   WANT$ [wants]   TRUMP TO LO$E THE TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]-ELECTION   NOVEMBER THIRD [3rd]:          https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/07/us-intel-russia-trying-to-hurt-biden-but-china-iran-dont-want-trump.html          ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..."          "The" song _         Mr. Blue          _ performed by The Fleetwoods, music and lyrics c. by DeWayne Blackwell          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VrmpyjyGdA          .]          Because! COUNT THEM! _EIGHT_ [8] Eight _WHOLE_ _YEAR$_ [years] Of Joe BIDEN-Barack Hussein Obama-Obama BIDEN _WHOLE_ _YEAR$_ [years] _I$_ [is] IN$ufficient [insufficient] "Time" "For" Pre$$ing [pressing] USA Presidential Knee$ [Biden-Obama-USA Presidential knee]:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          On~get this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND [110,000] George Floyds "On Location In:"          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia Oops! IN DIRECT QUID PRO QUO "EXCHANGE" "FOR" ZUBERI-BUNDLER U$A $ 4.5 MILLION with an "m" ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          .  ~August 15th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 15th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 14th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Weekend In New England          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1QuYT311i8          performed by Barry Manilow          _   "...and tell me   when wi-EE-EE-ll [WILL] our eyes meet   when can   i touch you-OOH-OOH [you]   and when will   i hold you   agai-AI-AI-AI-n [AGAIN]   last night   i waved good bye   _AND_ now it seems y-EE-EE-EE-ears [YEARS]   i'm back   in the city   where nothing   is clea-UH-UH-r [CLEAR]   but thoughts of me   holding you   bringing   us   nea-AH-AH-r [NEAR]   and tell me   when will   our eyes meet   when can   i touch you   and when will   i hold you   agai-AI-AI-AI-n   HITLER   CHINA   XI JINPING   WITH INTERNATIONAL HEADQUARTER$ [headquarters]   LOCATED   IN   $AN FRANCI$CO CALIFORNIA   CULLY-FORNIA-U$A:          https://www.cnbc.com/2020/08/07/us-intel-russia-trying-to-hurt-biden-but-china-iran-dont-want-trump.html          DE$PERATELY [desperately]   WANT$ TRUMP TO LO$E   THE TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   USA election   _REGARDLE$$_ [regardless]   _OR_ "irregardle$$"   A$ SO _MANY_ AMERICAN$ LIKE $AYING ["irregardless" as so many Americans like saying "incorrectly"]   regardless   of $O-CALLED   IDENTITY   POLITIC$ [so-called identity politics]   IN$IDE   THE U$A [inside the United States of America]   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _NEEDLE$$_   TO $TATE [needless to state] _THAT_   THE _MAJORITY_   of AMERICANS   FAIL TO SEE   _DE$PERATELY_ [desperately]   + _EMINENTLY_   DO _NOT_ _WANT_ TO MAKE   the "connection"   between EVERY $INGLE-$OLITARY   U$A DOLLAR-$PENT   ON MADE IN CHINA   EA$T A$IA [East Asia]   _A$_ DIRECTLY_ $UPPORTING [supporting]   _AND_ ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   _FUNDING_-HITLER-CHINA   -XI JINPING   _AND_   HITLER-CHINA-XI JINPING'$   DE$PERATE WI$H TO _CONTROL_ U$A ELECTION$ [USA elections]   U$A ROMANCE$ [USA romances]   U$A CEO$ [USA CEOS]   U$A INDIVIDUAL BU$INE$$E$ [businesses]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and tell me   when will   our eyes meet   when can   i touch you   and when   will   i hold you   agai-AI-AI-AI-n [AGAIN]   last night   i waved good   bye   now it seems y-EE-EE-EE-ears [YEARS]   i'm back   in the city   where nothing   is clea-UH-UH-r [CLEAR]   but thoughts of _YOU_   holding _ME_   bringing us nea-AH-AH-r [NEAR]   and tell me   when will our eyes meet   when can   i touch you   and when will   i hold you   agai-AI-AI-AI-n [AGAIN]..."          "The" song _         Weekend In New England          _ performed by Barry Manilow, music and lyrics c. by Randy Edelman          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1QuYT311i8          .]          China Hitler:          https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP78-02771R000300440002-6.pdf?fbclid=
UqdHO07KnZpBEqQtxTzS8H4IUpKEXi          Jinping With Headquarters Located In San Francisco Cullyfornia USA "Cullyfornia" Pronounciation Courte$y By Former AU$TRIAN-IMMIGRANT-Governor of California-USA-cheated-on-hi$-wife-MARIA SHRIVER-$chwarzenegger.  ~August 14th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 14th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 13th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Be My Baby          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrVbawRPO7I          performed by The Ronettes          _   "...be my   be my   be-EE-EE- [BE] my little b-AY-by [BABY]   the night we met   i knew   i   needed you so   and if i had the chance   i'd   never   let you go-OH-OH   so won't you say   you love me  [SO WON'T YOU SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME]   i'll make you so proud of me   so   won't you   be my   be-EE-EE-my little b-AY-by [BABY]   say you'll be my da-AH-AH-rling [DARLING]   my one and only   be-EE-EE- my   be-EE my   be-EE-EE- [BE] my little b-AY-by [BABY]   no-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-w   i'll make you happy baby   you just wait and see   for every kiss you give me [FOR EVERY KISS THAT YOU GIVE ME]   i'll give you THREE          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94557          PAKI$TAN'$ PRIME MINI$TER   IMRAN KHAN   REVEAL$ HI$   _TRUE_ C-ah-ah-OLOR$[COLORS]/COLOUR$ ON   AUGU$T $-ee-ee-ee-ee-IXTH [6th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   _OFFICIALLY_   _AND_   _INTERNATIONALLY_   +_OPENLY_   _AND_ _NOT_ FEARFUL   OF   BARACK   HU$$EIN [HUSSEIN]   OBAMA-JOE BIDEN-JOE BIDEN     -BARACK-HU$$EIN [HUSSEIN]   -OH-BAMA-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH- [OBAMA]   _CONGRATULATING_ TWINNING   HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          MAHINDHA:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          "CHINTHANA"-ah-ah-   -RAJAPAK$E-uh-uh   _AND_ HI$ HITLER-TWIN   -GOATABAYA:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-53761220       -HITLER-RAJAPAK$E:           https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          ON THEIR   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%] _BOGU$_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94551          "election" "win"   OF AUGU$T FIFTH [5th]   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _BUT_ _BECAU$E_   CEYLON  -$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-ey-$IA-ah-ah-:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-53748637          IS _EMINENTLY_   "far" from BELARU$   JU$T A$K ABC NEW$ WITH DAVID MUIR   "the" MO$T WATCHED TELEVI$ION PROGRAM/PROGRAMME   ON _ALL_ TELEVI$ION   NOT JU$T "THE NEW$"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _NO_  "big" "thing"   THAT HITLER RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$   _HAVE_ _BEEN_ RULING CEYLON   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _$INCE_   AT LEA$T CALENDAR YEAR   NINETEEN THIRTY-N-ah-ah-ah-INE [THIRTY-NINE-1939]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   be my   be my   be-EE-EE- [BE] my little b-AY-by [BABY]   the night we met   i knew   i   needed you so   and if i had the chance   i'd   never   let you go-OH-OH   so won't you say   you love me  [SO WON'T YOU SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME]   i'll make you so proud of me   so   won't   you   be my   be-EE-EE-my little b-AY-by [BABY]   say you'll be my da-AH-AH-rling [DARLING]   my one and only   be-EE-EE- my   be-EE- my   be-EE-EE- [BE] my little b-AY-by [BABY]   no-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-w   i'll make you happy baby   you just wait and see   for every kiss you give me [FOR EVERY KISS THAT YOU GIVE ME]   i'll give you THREE..."          "The" song _         Be My Baby          _ performed by The Ronettes, music and lyrics c. by Jeff Barry,  Ellie Greenwich, and Phil Spector               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrVbawRPO7I          .]          Pakis$tan'$ _PRIME MINI$TER_ ["we" are so "old" "we" remember "when" he was a "mere" $cantily-clad-in-a-black-thong-bikini-center-fold-"celebrity" cricket $tar!] Imran Khan:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94557          Feels ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]  _FREE_ _AND_ _EA$Y_ OPENLY+INTERNATIONALLY+"ALL OVER TELEVI$ION" Congratulating Twinning Quote Unquote "Winning" Hitler Twins Mahindha-Goatabaya Based On ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%] AB$ENCE Of Fear/ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%] AB$ENCE Of RE$PECT _FOR_ Joe Biden, Barack Hussein Obama+Po$$ibly ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%] AB$ENCE Of Fear/ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%] AB$ENCE Of RE$PECT _FOR_ RAH-RAH-USA+INTERNATIONAL _DEMOCRACY_-Trump-Pence Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~August 13th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_    
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 13th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 12th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Is She Really Going Out With Him          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TzKSFbsh2Y          performed by Joe Jackson          _   "...pretty women   _OUT_    walking with gorilla$ [GORILLAS]   down my $tree-EE-EE-t [STREET]   from my window   i'm $taring [STARING]   while my coffee grow$ [GROWS]    co-OH-OH-ld [COLD]   LOOK OVER THERE:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94551          CEYLON-$RI LANKA   $-ah-ah-OUTH [SOUTH]-A$IA   THERE'$ A DEMOCRACY   I U$ED TO _KNO-oh-oh-W_ [_KNOW_]   is $he [SHE] _REALLY_ going out   with DEMOCRACY???????????????????????????   is $he [SHE] _REALLY_ going to take _DEMOCRACY_   home   toni-AI-AI-ght   is $he [SHE] _REALLY_   going out   with DEMOCRACY???????????????????????????   'cuz [BECAUSE] if my eyes don't deceive me   there's $omething [SOMETHING] going wrong around   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          tonight's the night i go to _ALL_ the international   democracy parties   in my country-USA   they say that looks don't count for m-AH-AH-uch [MUCH]   IF $O   THERE GOE$ YOUR PROO-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-F   LOOK OVER THERE:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94551          CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   THERE'$ [THERE'S] A DEMOCRACY   I U$ED [USED] TO _KNO-oh-oh-W_   is $he _REALLY_ going out   with DEMOCRACY   is she _REALLY_ going to take _DEMOCRACY_   home   toni-AI-AI-ght-[TONIGHT]   is $he _REALLY_ going out   with DEMOCRACY    'cuz [BECAUSE] if my eyes don't deceive me   there's something going wrong around he-UH-UH-re:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          ..."          "The" song _         Is She Really Going Out With Him          _ performed by Joe Jackson, music and lyrics c. by Joe Jackson               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TzKSFbsh2Y          .]          There's Something Wrong:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94551          With International Spectators Calling Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia "A Democracy" _WHILE_ Its _DEMOCRACY_ Is _BEING_ MA$$ACRED By Twin Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          .  ~August 12th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 12th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 11th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Physical          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWz9VN40nCA          performed by Olivia Newton-John          _   "...you're $aying all the thing$ you know i like   making good conver$ation   you know what i mean   i took you to an intimate restaurant   there'$ nothing el$e to talk about   let'$ get physical   i wanna get phy$ical   let me in your democracy talk   democracy talk   i wanna [I WANT TO GET DEMOCRACY] get DEMOCRACY   let me in your DEMOCRACY   i've been patient   i've been good   trying to keep my _FEMALE_ hands   _ON_ the _DEMOCRACY_-table   _WHILE_ QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "landslide"   "election" -"win"   in Belaru$   -EA$TERN EUROPE:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VQy89lPLbk          CONTINUE$ _BEING_   $ERIOU$LY-_QUE$TIONED_   $ERIOU$LY   _AND_ _INTERNATIONALLY-ee-ee-ee-ee_   _AND_ EXPEN$IVELY   $CRUTINI-ai-ai-ZED   A$   $UPREMELY_   _AND_   _ANTI_ -democratic   ON AUGU$T TENTH [10th]   -IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA'$   TWINNING- HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -RAJAPAK$E   -LAND$LIDE-WI-eeh-eeh-eeh-eeh-N   make$ COUNT "THEM"   _ZERO_   _INTERNATIONAL_   -$-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-OUND$   +COUNT THEM!   _ZERO_   _INTERNATIONAL_   _FURIE$_   "all over"   the $o-called   24/7/   366   in LEAP YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   INTERNATIONAL   new$ feed$   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _MU$T_ MEAN that democracy   is "alive" _AND_ "well"   and "on location" EE-EE-EE-EE-in:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94551          CEYLON   $RI LANKA   $AH-AH-outh   A$IA-ah   you're $aying all the thing$ you know   i like   making good conver$ation   you know what i mean   i took you to an intimate restaurant   there'$ nothing el$e to talk about   let'$ get phy$ical   i wanna get phy$ical   let me in your democracy talk   democracy talk   i wanna [I WANT TO GET DEMOCRACY] get DEMOCRACY   let me in your DEMOCRACY   i've been patient   i've been good   i've BEEN continued BEE-EE-EE-ing _FEMALE_   trying to keep my _FEMALE_ hands   _ON_ the _DEMOCRACY_-table   _WHILE_ QUOTE-UNQUOTE   in CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   -then   NO???????????????????????????   _AND_ _$INCE_   the afore-mentioned I$ _IN$UFFICIENT_   $TIMULU$   _AND_ QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "excitation"   ON AUGU$T TENTH [10th]   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   "we" @ isaac falconer   DOT COM   needle-no$ed   "targeted" @ eleven oh eight a   EY-m [11:08 AM]   on AUGU$T TENTH [10th]   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]  "for" "editor'$" "choice" CHILDREN'$ BOO-ooh-ooh-K$   INDICATING AMAZON DOT CO-ah-ah-M   artificial intelligence   "thinking"   "we"   HAVE   /KNOW/   $END   BOOK$ TO   MINOR CHILDREN   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   HITLER-CHINA XI JINPING   _I$_ DEEPLY IMPLICATED:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          you're $aying all the thing$ you know i like   making good conver$ation   you know what i mean   i took you to an intimate restaurant   there'$ nothing el$e to talk about   let'$ get physical   i wanna get phy$ical   let me in your democracy talk   democracy talk   i wanna [I WANT TO GET DEMOCRACY] get DEMOCRACY   let me in your DEMOCRACY   i've been good   i've continued BEE-EE-EE-ing _FEMALE_   trying to keep my _FEMALE_ hands   _ON_ the _DEMOCRACY_-table   _WHILE_ QUOTE-UNQUOTE   HITLER RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   _ALL_ OVER THE CHINA-HITLER-FUNDED:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          XI JINPING   UNIVE-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-R$E..."          "The" song _          Physical          _ performed by Olivia Newton-John, music and lyrics c. by Steve Kipner & Terry Shaddick                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWz9VN40nCA          .]          Quote-Unquote "Landslide" Quote-Unquote Belaru$-Election-"Victory" Internationally Questioned:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VQy89lPLbk          But _ZERO_ International Sound _ZERO_ International "Fury" That Twinning- Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Quote "Won" The Augu$t 5th, 2020 Paliamentary-"Election$" "on location" In Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~THANK YOU! [EMINENTLY $ARCA$M!] CHINA!:          https://www.theweek.in/news/world/2020/01/15/china-wouldnt-allow-outside-interference-in-sri-lankas-internal-affairs.html          "the" $ame" _IDENTICAL_ CHINA HITLER XI JINPING That Want$ DONALD JOHN TRUMP TO LO$E The USA November 3rd, 2020 Presidential Election:          https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/07/politics/2020-election-russia-china-iran/index.html          .  ~August 11th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND +UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 11th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 10th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Learn To Fly          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VQ_3sBZEm0          performed by Foo Fighters          _   "...heaven tell all of the angels   this could take all night    think i'll [I WILL] need to make things right   looking to the sky to save me   looking for a sign o' [OF] life   and i'm [I AM] looking for a complication   make my way back home   and learn to fly   over covid-19   CORONAVIRU$   -PANDEMIC   -BEFORE-NOVEMBER THIRD-[3rd]   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]:          https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-05-coronavirus-centre-immunity.html          _ACCORDING_ TO   MEGA   -UBER   SUPER-DUPER   -SERIOUS   USA   SCIENTISTS   it is beginning to seem like   FORTY-PERCENT [40%]   to SIXTY-PERCENT-[60%]   OF americans   in the usa   _MAY_   let's be SUPER-DUPER-   _AND_   SUPER-DUPER-cautious now   have immunity   to covid-19   because   they have suffered from influenza   also called the seasonal 'flu   in past years   and over ti-AI-AI-AI-me   heaven   tell all of the angels   this could take all night    think i'll [I WILL] need to make things right   looking to the sky   to save me   looking for a sign o' [OF] life   and i'm looking for a complication   make my way back home   and learn to fly   over    covid-19   CORONAVIRU$   -PANDEMIC   -BEFORE   -NOVEMBER THIRD-[3rd]   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]-EE-EE-EE:          https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-05-coronavirus-centre-immunity.html          ..."          "The" song _          Learning To Fly          _ performed by Foo Fighters, music and lyrics c. by Dave Grohl, Nate Mendel & Taylor Hawkins               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VQ_3sBZEm0          .]          Heaven Tell All Of The Angels With Super-DUPER-CAUTION-HELLO??????????????????????????? That FORTY (40%) To SIXTY (60%) PERCENT Of Americans In The USA _MAY_ "already" "enjoy" _IMMUNITY_:          https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/how-to-boost-your-immune-system          IMMUNE-PROTECTION _FROM_ COVID-19 Coronavirus:          https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-05-coronavirus-centre-immunity.html          .  ~August 10th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_    
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 10th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 9th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Heatwave          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k0GDQrK2jo          performed by Martha & The Vandellas          _   "...whenever i'm _WITH_ _YOU_   something insi-AI-AI-AI-de   still bu-UH-UH-UH-rning   and i fee-EE-EE-EE-l the beat   could it be A devil in$ide   or I$ THI$ THE WAY it'$ $UPPO$ED TO BE   a heatwave burning in$ide   it'$ TEARING ME _APART_          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94551          CEYLON-$RI LANKA-ah   -$OUTH A$IA'$   NAZI-HITLER   -$INHALE$E   RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   _AND_ THEIR POLITICAL-ACOLYTE   -MOUTHPIECE$   ARE   _BEYOND_ _DELIGHTED_   TO TRUMPET   THEIR CHINA:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          -HITLER-XI JINPING   -ONE HUNDRED PERCENT-[100%]-FUNDED   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT-[100%]-BOGU$   -AUGU$T FIFTH [5th]   -PARLIAMENTARY-ELECTION$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   QUOTE-UNQUOTE-"WIN"   THAT "THEY_ HAVE _BEEN_ _WINNING_   GET THI$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _FOR_ FIFTY $TRAIGHT YEAR$   THAT _I$_ FIVE DECADE$   A$ PER THEIR HITLER   -RAJAPAK$E-POLITICAL-ACOLYTE   NEW$PAPER$ ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   PROUD A$ PUNCH   TO _BE_   _RECOGNIZED_   _AND_ _INTERNATIONALLY_   _AND_ _CELEBRATED_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          BY NO LE$$ A PER$ONAGE   _THAN_ POLITICAL _GENIU$_   +AMERICA'$ FIR$T   BLACK LIVES MATTER-PRE$IDE-uh-uh-NT   BARACK HU$$EIN   OBAMA-ah-ah-ah-   _AND_ _INTERNATIONALLY_:          https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/britains-queen-elizabeth-ii-shakes-hands-with-sri-lankan-news-photo/145794085          BY NO LE$$ A PER$ONAGE   _THAN_ HER ROYAL MAJE$TY   QUEEN ELIZABETH THE $ECOND   AT HER DIAMOND JUBILEE   _INTERNATIONAL_   _CELEBRATION$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _A$_   CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA'$   NAZI-HITLER-$INHALE$E-RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _BECAU$E_   NAZI-DEFEATER   -WINSTON-CHURCHILL   AND _NOT_ BARACK HU$$EIN OBAMA'$   _ALL_ _WHITE_ _UNCLE_   _AND_   ALL-WHITE   DONALD JOHN TRUMP   HAVE   NOT _YET_ _DEFEATED_   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-ah   -$OUTH A$IA'$   NAZI-HITLER   -$INHALE$E   RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   _AND_ THEIR POLITICAL-ACOLYTE   -MOUTHPIECE$   _YET_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   whenever i'm _WITH_ _YOU_   something insi-AI-AI-AI-de   still bu-UH-UH-UH-rning   and i fee-EE-EE-EE-l the beat   could it be A devil in$ide   or I$ THI$ THE WAY it'$ $UPPO$ED TO BE   a heatwave burning in$ide   it'$ TEARING ME _APART_          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94551          ..."          "The" song _         Heat Wave          _ performed by Martha & The Vandellas, music and lyrics c. by Holland-Dozier-Holland               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5k0GDQrK2jo          .]          Political-All-Black-Lives-Matter+Geniu$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          Barack Hu$$ein OBAMA-Kleptocracy:          https://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Michelle-Obama/dp/1524763136          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmd-ej9Hx20          And All-White Donald John Trump:          https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnbaldoni/2017/12/27/is-trump-an-americanized-version-of-churchill/#1b30295019e9          Have _YET_ To _UTTERLY_ _DEFEAT_ Ceylon $ri Lanka _HITLER_:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Rajapakse$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94551          Oop$!  ~August 9th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A"  REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 9th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Devil Or Angel          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKzurXU0Ewg          performed by Bobby Vee          _   "...doo doo doo doo  devil or angel   "the" _WORLD_   can't make up its m-AI-AI-ind   which one   CHINA-HITLER   -XI JINPING   EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-i$:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          i'd like to wake up and fi-AI-AI-AI-nd   doo doo doo doo   devil or angel   MAHINDHA:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil       HITLER   -"CHINTHA-ah-ah-ah-NA-h:"          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94542          RAJAPAKSE-uh          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94542          _AND_ HI$ HITLER   -GOATABAYA   -RAJAPAK$E   -BRO-ah-ah-THER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          IN A _JU$T_   POST WORLD WAR   TWO [II]   -ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh   WO-uh-uh-uh-uh-RLD   _BELONG_ IN JAIL   and _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_   "winning"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   BO-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-GU-uh-uh-$   $EVENTY-PERCENT "WIN"   -ELECT-$HU-UH-UH-UH-N$-ION$   -OOP$:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/rajapaksa-alliance-secures-two-third-majority-in-parliament/          doo doo doo doo   devil or angel   "the" _WORLD_   can't make up its m-AI-AI-ind   which one   CHINA-HITLER   -XI JINPING   EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-i$:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          i'd like to wake up and fi-AI-AI-AI-nd   doo doo doo doo   devil or angel      "FOR" $ELLING   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-ah-ah   -$OUTH A$IA   HAMBANTOTA   PORT:                 https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          TO HITLER   CHINA   XI JINPI-ee-ee-ee-ee-ING   IN _DIRECT_   QUID PRO QUO   _DIRECT_   EXCHA-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey-NGE_   "for":          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          CEYLON-$RI LANKA    -$OUTH A$IA _GE-ey-ey-NOC-ai-ai-ai-IDE_:          https://theconversation.com/rwanda-and-sri-lanka-a-tale-of-two-genocides-116135          perpetrated on   ALL BLACK LIVES   MA-ah-ah-ah-TTER   EELAM TAMILS   "on location" IN   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$O-ah-ah-UTH A$IA   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _WHILE_ the MO$T _WATCHED_   TELEVI$ION PROGRAM/PROGRAMME   ON TELEVI$ION   AUGU$T FIFTH [5th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ABC NEW$   WITH DAVID MUIR   doo doo doo doo   devil or angel   "the" _WORLD_   "the" _NEW$_   can't make up its m-AI-AI-ind   which one   CHINA-HITLER   -XI JINPING   EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-i$:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          i'd like to wake up and fi-AI-AI-AI-nd   doo doo doo doo   devil or angel..."          "The" song _          Devil Or Angel          _ performed by Bobby Vee, music and lyrics c. by Blanche Carter          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKzurXU0Ewg          .]          "The World" "The New$" "The" "David Muir" "The" "Mo$t-Watched Televi$ion New$" "The" "Mo$t-Watched Televi$ion Programme/Program-PERIOD-full $top" _CANNOT_ Make Up Its Mind "Whether" China Hitler Xi Jinping:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          Is Devil Or Angel On August 5th, 2020~Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~August 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 8th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 7th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Runaround Sue              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NQLmUOgT5M          performed by Dion          _   "...here's my story   it's sa-AH-AH-d   but true   it's about a hitler-rajapak$e:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          that "we" once knew   "when" $o-called INTERNATIONAL VOICE$   _FOR_ FREEDOM+DEMOCRACY   _CANNOT_ "bring them$elve$" to "label"    $HE _TOOK_ _OUR_ EELAM TAMIL _GENOCIDE_ PERPETRATED   ON ONE HUNDRED   AND   TEN   _THOUSAND_ [110,000]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          EELAM TAMIL   _ALL_ EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES _MATTER_   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-AH-AH   -$OUTH A$IA   ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidestory/2020/08/sri-lanka-parliamentary-election-matter-200804200854650.html          ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "when" Michelle Obama   "suffers from low-grade depression":          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53672893          _A$_ reported on the _FRONT_   INTERNET   -INTERNATIONALLY-$EEN-ON-THE BBC-INTERNET   INTERNATIONALLY-BIDEN-OBAMA-   CHANNEL-NEW$   WHY THEN???????????????????????????   ~Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Hitler-Rajapak$e$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94538          QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "win"   Ceylon-$ri Lanka   -$outh A$ia'$ August Fifth [5th]   calendar year twenty-twenty-[2020]   parliamentary "election$":          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94538          a FORE-gone "conclu$ion ANYWAY   when it'$ RUN BY HITLER-RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          here's my story   it's sa-AH-AH-d   but true   it's about a hitler-rajapak$e:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          that "we" once knew..."          "The" song _          Runaround Sue          _ performed by Dion, music and lyrics c. by Dion DiMucci & Ernie Maresca          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NQLmUOgT5M          .]          "When" International Voices For Freedom And Democracy _$TOP_ Screaming "Hitler Genocide:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          "on location"+In Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outhA$ia!"~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Why Then Hitler:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Genocidal Totalitarians Rig And Outright Seventy Percent Margins "Win:"          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94538          Parliamentary Elections  Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~August 7th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND +UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 7th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 6th, 2020 (twenty-twenty): "The" song _         Only The Lonely          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qZsjakky-k          performed by Roy Orbison          _   "...oh-oh-oh-wah-wah-wah   oh-oh-oh-wah-wah-wah   oh-oh-oh-wah-wah-wah   only the lonely   only the lonely   only the lonely   know why you cry   AFRICAN-AMERICAN ladies   oh-oh-oh-wah-wah-wah   there goes_YOUR_ baby   there goes _YOUR_  heart   AFRICAN-AMERICAN ladies   _RECEIVE_ culture $hock$   _ALL_ UP+DOWN   THE USA-ey-ey-ey   when they _BEGIN to   _UNDER$TAND   that fine LADY   FINE artists   _FINE_ visual   artists   as part of their professional lives  _ACTUALLY_   MU$T   have dealings   with MALES   _NOT_ their husbands   LABELING males   INVOLVED   in the PROFESSIONAL FINE ART   _PROFESSION   HU$BAND$   makes   AFRICAN-AMERICAN ladies   travel back CENTURIE$   in their TIME machine$   to times   when _ONLY_ male artists   were granted $OCIAL permi$$ion   to paint _MALE_ human beings   female   fine artists   for centuries   forced by society   including   AFRICAN   -AMERICAN   FEMALE-society NORM$   to $EVERELY CURTAIL THEIR FINE ART-PORTRAITURE   and their PROFESSIONAL   FINE ART   careers   to painting only other females   and babies   naturally   babies   UNRECYCLED BABIES   are the forte   of _WOMAN_kind   since ADAM   +EVE   and $mack+dab   _AND_   in the MIDDLE   of CENTURY TWENTY ONE   FEMALE-KIND   have never figured out   that half of _ALL_   human babies   need to have a human PARTNER   that needs to accept responsibility   @11:50 AM   Eastern Time   on Augu$t Fifth [5th] 2020 (twenty-twenty)   do this to stop ringing in ears   tinnitus   earl son   di$playing Google   artificial   24/7/366  "thinking"   ARTIFICIALLY   that _ANYONE_ at _ANY_ of "our" location(s)   suffers from tinnitus~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!..."          "The" song _         Only The Lonely          _ performed by Roy Orbison, music and lyrics c. by Roy Orbison & Joe Melson                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qZsjakky-k          .]          Fine Female Fine Professional Artists Have TWENTY-FIRST-CENTURY-DEALINGS With _MALE_ Subjects Who _CANNOT_ _LEGALLY_ AND/OR EXTRA-LEGALLY Be "Labeled"/"Labelled" "HUSBANDS"~Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~August 6th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 8½" (eight and a half inches) x 11" (eleven inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 6th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 5th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Born Too Late          https://vimeo.com/370474539          performed by The Poni-Tails          _   "...born    too late   for you-OOH-OOH   to notice me   DEMOCRACY   ~OOP$!!!!    born   "too late"   for me   to win your love   DEMOCRACY   i'm just a kid   that you won't date   why was i born too late???????????????????????????          https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidestory/2020/08/sri-lanka-parliamentary-election-matter-200804200854650.html          "even" "powerful"   "international"   "voices" in   The International   Free Press   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "For" Democracy   cannot "bring them$elve$"   ON AUGU$T FIFTH [5th]   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   to $CREAM   _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          perpetrated   by $ri Lanka   GOVERNMENT   on it's OWN   ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER   eelam tamils    _GENOCIDE_   and _NOT_   egregiou$   $OUTH AMERICAN   DRUG CARTEL   VIOLENCE   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   A$ "recently"  A$ on   Augu$t FIFTH [5th]   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]:         https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidestory/2020/08/sri-lanka-parliamentary-election-matter-200804200854650.html          OPTING IN$TEAD_   TO "label"   the _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          PERPETRATED   ON ONE HUNDRED   AND TEN   _THOUSAND_ [110,000]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          EELAM TAMIL   _ALL_ EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES _MATTER_   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-AH-AH   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A$IA   ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _A$_ QUOTE   -UNQUOTE:   "Many observers   fear fractures   within the opposition   [TO:   [HITLER-GOATABAYA-RAJAPAK$E:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          ]   could help the   [HITLER-GOATABAYA:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          ]   Rajapaksas win outright. Such a victory   could concern   defenders   of human rights   who accuse the pair   [OF HITLER-GOATABAYA-RAJAPAK$E-MAHINDHA-RAJAPAK$E-$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$]   of abusing power   and cracking down on dissent"   _QUITE_ THE _FAR_ _CRY_   _AND_ _EMINENTLY_ _AB$ENT_ THE _EMINENTLY_   _CORRECT_   _AND_   RIGHT USE   OF THE RAPHAEL LEMKIN-coined word:          https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/coining-a-word-and-championing-a-cause-the-story-of-raphael-lemkin          GENOCIDE_:          https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          _AND_ CRIMES   PERPETRATED AGAIN$T EELAM TAMIL _HUMANITY_   BY CHINA:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          -HITLER-XI JINPING-BACKED RAJAPAK$E    HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/                    born    too late   for you-OOH-OOH   to notice me   DEMOCRACY   ~OOP$!!!!    born   "too late"   for me   to win your love   DEMOCRACY   i'm just a kid   that you won't date   why was i born too late???????????????????????????          https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidestory/2020/08/sri-lanka-parliamentary-election-matter-200804200854650.html          ..."          "The" song _          Born Too Late          _ performed by The Poni-Tails, music and lyrics c. by Charles Strouse & Fred Tobias                 https://vimeo.com/370474539          .]          Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia-Parliamentary Elections Of August 5th, 2020 (twenty-twenty) _ANTICIPATE_ The Continued Hitler-China-Rajapakse-Xi Jinping Hitlers-WIN "Too Late" For 110,000 Eelam Tamils Already Slaughtered In Silent CHINA-HITLER-RAJAPAK$E-HITLER$$ _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidestory/2020/08/sri-lanka-parliamentary-election-matter-200804200854650.html          .  Genocide:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          .  ~August  5th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 5th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 4th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz-2jckjeHo          performed by The Monkees          _   "...walk out   DEMOCRACY don't you   walk on   we've got things to say   talk OUT   let's have the talk now:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-53661119             and things _MUST_ be   _MADE_   OK   i'm a little bit long   you're a little bit late   ARRIVING IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   for ONE HUNDRED AND TEN   _THOUSAND_ [110,000]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          EELAM TAMIL   _ALL_ EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES _MATTER_   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-AH-AH   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A$IA   ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   EELAM TAMILS   you know that it's true   it' a little bit _YOU_   it's a little bit me    TOO          https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/08/sri-lanka-rajapaksa-aims-consolidate-power-key-polls-200804033315903.html          AND $INCE   $CREAMING "for" DEMOCRACY   FOR EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$AH-outh A-y-$iah [ASIA]   @07:08   PM   Eastern USA Time   AUGU$T FOURTH [4th]   twenty-twenty-[2020]   I$ IN$UFFICIENT _CAU$E_   AGAIN$Y HITLER-RAJAPAK$E-   GENOCIDE-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          "we" @ isaac falconer d-ah-ah-ot c-AH-AH-om   are _BEING_ needle-no$ed-"targeted"   "for" "Garcia$" - Latina/Latino   EMINENTLY   WRONG RACE~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!   followed by $enior$   _WRONG_ _AGE_ ~OOP$!    1 Fruit Kill$ Diabete$   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!   followed by do this immediately to re$tore   20/20 vi$ion   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _ALL_ done in REAL-USA-TIME   IN _REAL_-U$A SPACE   IN _REAL_ ONE BLUE PLANET   exist-UH-UH-nce   walk out   DEMOCRACY don't you   walk on   we've got things to say   talk OUT   let's have the talk now   and things MUST be _MADE_   OK   i'm a little bit long   you're a little bit late   ARRIVING IN CEYLON   -$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   for ONE HUNDRED AND TEN   _THOUSAND_ [110,000]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          EELAM TAMIL   _ALL_ EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES _MATTER_  "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-AH-AH   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A$IA   ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   EELAM TAMILS   you know that it's true   it' a little bit _YOU_   it's a little bit me    TOO          https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/08/sri-lanka-rajapaksa-aims-consolidate-power-key-polls-200804033315903.html                    ..."          "The" song _          A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You          _ performed by The Monkees, music and lyrics c. by Neil Diamond          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sz-2jckjeHo          .]          China Hitler Xi Jinping Hitler Rajapakses:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          Appear To Be On The Path To Consolidating Power In Sri Lanka 2020 Parliamentary Elections:          https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/08/sri-lanka-rajapaksa-aims-consolidate-power-key-polls-200804033315903.html          .  ~August  4th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_    
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 4th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 3rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The song _          Make You Feel My Love          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfrRp3sY2TM          performed by Adele          _   "...when the rain is blowing in   your face   and the whole world is   on your case   i could offer you a warm   embrace   to make you feel my love   when the evening shadows and the sta-AH-AH-rs appear   and when there's no one there   to dry your tears   i could hold you for a million years   to make you feel my love   serious scientists have explained   at length          https://news.mongabay.com/2020/07/in-sri-lanka-a-south-american-flower-usurps-a-tree-sacred-to-buddhists-and-hindus/          and _HOW_   the cannonball tree   in $ri lanka:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          with its red pink and yellow flowers   with a soft fragrance   is native to   South America   and gets its name   from its large round fruit   the cannonball tree    is increasingly   misidentified as the sal tree   including in $ri Lanka'$ $chool textbook$   and official ceremonies   performed   by both Hindus and by Buddhists   _AND_ in the _IDENTICAL_ manner   in which   the cannonball tree   is $eriou$ly mi$taken   for the sal tree   the _ONLY_ ever OPPONENTS of CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA'$   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_ terrorism   _EMINENTLY_ _NOT_ South American   drug cartel violence   perpetrated on _GENERATIONS_   of Eelam Tamils   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$-ah-ah-OUTH A$IA-ah-ah:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          since calendar year nineteen thirty-nine [1939]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          followed by NEEDLE-no$ed-targeting of   "us"   @ isaacfalconer dot c-AH-AH-om   for NUTRISYSTEM  dot   co-AH-AH-m   @05:20 PM   Ea$tern U$A Time   ba$ed on _WRONG_   BODY WEIGHT   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BA$ED ON _WRONG_ age   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   based on wrong   invi$ible gender    FEMALE   ba$ed on wrong zip code   NOT USA zip code   90210   ZIP CODE   based on WRONG $kin color   NOT black african-american   ba$ed on wrong $kin color   not white   ba$ed on "other" wrong $kin color   NOT hi$panic   NOT Latina $kin color/colour   NOT native-american   not first peoples   not aboriginals   $kin color   ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   when the rain is blowing in   your face   and the whole world is   on your case   i could offer you a warm   embrace   to make you feel my love   when the evening shadows and the sta-AH-AH-rs appear   and when there's no one there   to dry your tears   i could hold you for a million years   to make you feel my love..."          "The" song _          Make You Feel My Love          _ performed by Adele, music and lyrics c. by Bob Dylan               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfrRp3sY2TM          .]          The Only _Ever_ OPPONENTS:          https://srilankabrief.org/2014/07/navi-pillay-trying-to-make-prabhakarans-dreams-a-reality-minister/          To _LITERAL_ REAL-TIME _LITERAL_ REAL-SPACE _LITERAL_ REAL-ONE-BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE-REAL-Generations Of Hitler:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          GENOCIDAL-FOR-LITERAL-GENERATION-In Tibet:          https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/search/site/tibet          -China-HITLER:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          HITLER-Xi Jinping On Location In Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia Conveniently Labeled "International" "Terrorists" And Destroyed In 2009 (two-thou$and+nine):          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          .  ~August  3rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 3rd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ August 2nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty): "The" song _          Stumblin' In [ _WHILE_ "we" Google-searched the eminently all-American-word-usage-word(s) "Stumblin In" on August$t 1$t, 2020 [twenty-twenty] @ 03:27 PM Eastern USA Time "we" were needle-no$ed "targeted" in REAL-TIME REAL-SPACE REAL ONE BLUE PLANET EXISTENCE-TIME "for" Grammarly :( eminently _NOT_ "for" the first/last/one millionth "time"~since calendar year nineteen eighty-three (1983)~OOP$!  _WHILE_ "we" were following the artistic license of the original artists Chris Norman / Suzi Quatro :(  "We" have "understood"~since the nineteen seventies [1970's]~that the eminently CORRECT English word "for" "artistic license" "stumblin' in" is STUMBLING IN~a circumstance that the egregiously bigoted appear not to be capable of tolerating :( ~Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]          https://www.youtube.co/watch?v=iGaF4tKUl0o          performed by Suzi Quatro [QUATTRO IS THE CORRECTLY-SPELLED ITALIAN WORD FOR THE NUMBER FOUR (4)] / Chris Norman          _   "...our love is ali-AI-AI-ve [ALIVE]   and so we begin   foolishly layin' [laying] our hearts on the ta-AY-AY-ble [table]   stumblin' [stumbling] in   our love is a fla-AY-AY-me   burnin' [burning] within   now and then   firelight will ca-AH-AH-tch [catch] us   stumblin' [stumbling] in   wherever you go-OH   whatever you do-OOH   you know these reckless thoughts   of _DEMOCRACY_ NOW!   BABY!   IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   are followin' [following] you   i've fallen for you    _DEMOCRACY_   _WHATEVER_ you do   whatever it takes   baby!   i'll do it for you!   _ALL_ BLACK LIVES _MATTER_   _EVEN_ EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES _MATTER_:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          AS _MANY_ AS   ONE HUNDRED AND TEN   _THOUSAND_ [110,000]   EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES _MATTER_  "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-AH-AH   -$-ah-ah-OUTH A$IA   ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/are-they-black-cats-mr-president-wigneswaran/          _WHETHER_ it is Wigneswaran:          https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/cv-wigneswaran-bats-for-dual-citizenship/article30538576.ece          _OR_ Sampanthan:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/topic/Sampanthan          ALL EELAM TAMIL   POLITICAL LEADERS   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   $-ah-ah-OUTH A$IA   REGARDLE$$   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   what ANY and _ALL_   eelam tamils   "ON LOCATION" IN   ceylon-$ri lanka   $-AH-AH-outh a$ia   _FACE_   are _LITERAL_   REAL TIME   _LITERAL_ REAL SPACE   _LITERAL_ REAL   ONE BLUE PLANET   EXISTE-UH-UH-NCE   AH-AH-OF   _LITERAL_ REAL_   _GENERATION$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$_   of HITLER-RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          CHINA-HITLER:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          ALA$! + ALACK!   NOT _MERELY_   DOMINATING   CRIMINAL KLEPTOCRACY   TIK-TOK:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-53634315           https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53619287          "all over" the live$ of   ONE HUNDRED _MILLION_   AMERICA-uh-uh-NS   _BUT_ IN _ADDITION_   _DOMINATRIX_   _ALL_ OVER   THE $OUTH CHINA   -$E-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-A$:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/                    ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          our love is ali-AI-AI-ve [ALIVE]   and so we begin   foolishly layin' [laying] our hearts on the ta-AY-AY-ble [table]   stumblin' [stumbling] in   our love is a fla-AY-AY-me   burnin' [burning] within   now and then   firelight will ca-AH-AH-tch [catch] us   stumblin' [stumbling] in   wherever you go-OH   whatever you do-OOH   you know these reckless thoughts of   _DEMOCRACY_ NOW!   BABY!   IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   are followin' [following] you   i've fallen for you    _DEMOCRACY_   _WHATEVER_ you do   whatever it takes  baby!   i'll do it for you!..."          "The" song _          Stumblin' In          _ performed by Chris Norman & Suzi Quatro, music and lyrics c. by Mick Chapman & Nicky Chinn               https://www.youtube.co/watch?v=iGaF4tKUl0o          .]          Whether It Is Wigneswaran:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/are-they-black-cats-mr-president-wigneswaran/          Or Sampanthan:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/topic/Sampanthan          _ALL_ Eelam Tamils _EVERYWHERE_ Face ONE-HUNDRED-PERCENT (100%)-HITLER XI JINPING-China Funded:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          Rajapak$e Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          For +LITERAL_ Generations.  ~August  2nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)

_ August 1st, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          It's Raining Men          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5aZJBLAu1E          performed by The Weather Girls          _   "...ABOUT to get an angel   _AND_ start re-arranging the sky   hi hi "we" are YOUR weather girls   AND HAVE "we" got NEW$ "for "you"   according to our   sources   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _THE HINDU_   new$paper   INDIA   $OUTH A$IA   PLANET EARTH:          https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/tna-faces-biggest-test-in-post-war-decade-as-sri-lanka-gears-up-for-election/article32242940.ece          CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   I$ "the place"   TO GO   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   to LOOK AT $INHALE$E   JU$T A$K INTERNATIONALLY-ACCLAIMED   FRENCH NATIONAL TREASURE   WRITER   Marcel Proust:          https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/how-a-flawed-version-of-proust-became-a-classic-in-english          AUTHOR OF   IN _REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST_   _OR_   _IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME_   _OR_   whatever intellectuals   are calling   Proust's work these days   IN CALENDAR YEAR-COVID-19   who even knows???????????????????????????   for the first time   in QUOTE-UNQUOTE "history"   it's raining   PERPETRATOR$ OF HITLER-E$QUE   GE-ey-ey-NOCIDE:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          EELAM TAMILS   HAVE BEEN FACING THIS    EELAM TAMILS   ALL BLACK   ALL THE TIME   EELAM TAMIL LIVES _MATTER_   EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   A$ U$UAL   _ARE_   gonna [EELAM TAMILS IN SRI LANKA SOUTH ASIA ARE GOING TO GO OUT AND GET ABSOLUTELY SOAKING BIDEN-WET] go out   and get ABSOLUTELY   SOAKING-BIDEN-wet   "we" @ isaac falconer dot c-AH-AH-om   needle-no$ed   "targeted" "for"   U$A FIVE [5] DOLLAR$   "grilled chee$e burrito BOX" @ 10:03 PM   Ea$tern USA Time   on July thirty-fir$t [31st]   in CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" INVI$IBLE   "gender" _FEMALE_   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _WRONG_ U$A zip code???????????????????????????   BA$ED ON _NOT_ U$A ZIP CODE   "FOR"   HOLLYWOO-ooh-ooh-D   90210   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" $KIN-CO-ah-ah-LOR   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE    NON-white   -$kin-color/colour   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE    NON-BLACK   -$kin-color/colour   ba$ed on LATINA-$KIN COLORING   BA$ED ON ON EMINENTLY   NON-LATINA   ethnicity   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!          https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/tna-faces-biggest-test-in-post-war-decade-as-sri-lanka-gears-up-for-election/article32242940.ece          _DECADE$_ following CALENDAR YEAR   NINETEEN   THIRTY-NINE (1939):          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          have yielded _NOTHING_   _EXCEPT_ HITLER-MAHINDHA:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$E($)   _AND_ HITLER($)   -GOATABAYA-CHINA:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          -XI JINPING          RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$  DIRECTLY   TO EELAM TAMILS   -MUSLIMS    -BURGHERS    -NON-$INHALA-FA$CI$T   -NON-TOTALITARIAN-HITLER-RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          DICTATOR$-ONE HUNDRED PERCENT (100%):          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          FUNDED BY HITLER-CHINA-XI JINPING:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          -HITLER-XI JINPING 1000% $UPPORT$   -$ri lank'a$   totalitarian$   INTERNATIONALLY _CELEBRATED   _AND_ BY BIDEN-OBAMA:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          _AND_   -OPRAH (?) WINFREY:          https://blackamericaweb.com/2016/04/25/did-oprah-call-m-i-a-a-terrorist-the-singer-says-yes/          who called EELAM TAMIL M.I.A.   "a dancing terrorist"   OOH-OOH-oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    _ALL_ BLACK LIVES _MATTER_          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370             "claim"   $RI LANKA parliamentary elections    will be "free" and "fair":          https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/sri-lanka-sets-august-5-date-for-parliamentary-polls/article31795852.ece          WITH THE BACK-DROP   of  _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2014/02/28/sri_lanka_turns_killing_fields_into_tourist_attraction.html          _AND_ A ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]  _AB$ENCE_   al$o known a$   _NOT_ "merely" PRECI$ELY   _ZERO_ [0]   percent _ACCOUNTABILITY_   "for" WAR CRIME$   _AND _CRIME$_:          https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc          perpetrated again$t EELAM TAMIL   -ALL BLACK EELAM TAMIL LIVES _MATTER_   _IN_ CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ABOUT to get an angel   _AND_ start re-arranging the sky   hi hi "we" are YOUR weather girls   AND HAVE "we" got NEW$ "for "you"   according to our   sources   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!          https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/tna-faces-biggest-test-in-post-war-decade-as-sri-lanka-gears-up-for-election/article32242940.ece          CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   I$ "the place"   TO GO   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   to LOOK AT $INHALE$E   JU$T A$K INTERNATIONALLY-ACCLAIMED   FRENCH NATIONAL TREASURE   WRITER   Marcel Proust:          https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/how-a-flawed-version-of-proust-became-a-classic-in-english          AUTHOR OF   IN _REMEMBRANCE OF THINGS PAST_   _OR_   _IN SEARCH OF LOST TIME_   _OR_   whatever intellectuals   are calling Proust's work   these days   IN CALENDAR YEAR-COVID-19   who even knows???????????????????????????   for the first time   in QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "history"   it's raining   PERPETRATOR$ OF HITLER-E$QUE   GENOCIDE:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          AMEN   EELAM TAMILS HAVE BEEN FACING THIS    EELAM TAMILS   ALL BLACK   EELAM TAMIL LIVES _MATTER_   EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   A$ U$UAL   _ARE_   gonna [EELAM TAMILS IN SRI LANKA SOUTH ASIA ARE GOING TO GO OUT AND GET ABSOLUTELY SOAKING BIDEN-WET] go out   and get ABSOLUTELY   SOAKING-BIDEN-wet..."          "The" song _          It's Raining Men          _ performed by The Weather Girls, music and lyrics c. by Paul Jabara & Paul Shaffer               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5aZJBLAu1E          .]          About To Get An Angel And Start Rearranging The Sky Over Ceylon Sri Lanka Parliamentary Elections August 5th, 2020:          https://www.thehindu.com/news/international/tna-faces-biggest-test-in-post-war-decade-as-sri-lanka-gears-up-for-election/article32242940.ece          .  ~August  1st, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE
_ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED August 1st, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 31st, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJaYbQ9nYfM          performed by Boyce & Hart          _   "....if i had told her   that i lo-UH-UH-ved her   she would have STAYED   'til [UNTIL] who knows whe-EY-EY-n   because a friend would ne-EY-EY-ver doubt you   and now i wonder   what she's doing tonight   oh yes! i wonder   what she's doing TONIGHT   oh i wonder   what she's doing tonight   we were so close   should have been closer  it's making me   fee-EE-EE-l   so sad   BUT i tell myself i didn't lose her   'cause [BECAUSE] you can't lose a friend you never ha-AH-AH-d    and now i wonder   what she's doing tonight   'cause a friend will always be there
A$ recently   A$ on JULY THIRTY-FIR$T [31st]   in calendar year twenty-twenty-[2020]   @ 10:45 A-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey-M   "we" @   isaac   falconer   dot   c-AH-AH-om   ARE   being   needle-no$ed targeted   for Hear Bloom   hearbloom DOT com   X1   Invi$ibleHearing Aid$ for 99 U$A dollar$   followed by NEEDLE-no$ed-targeting   of "us"   @ isaacfalconer dot c-AH-AH-om   for   MyMedicareKit DOT co-AH-AH-m   ba$ed on wrong age~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   based on wrong   invi$ible gender FEMALE   ba$ed on wrong zip code   NOT USA zip code   90210   ZIP CODE   based on WRONG $kin color   NOT black african-american   ba$ed on wrong $kin color   not white   ba$ed on "other" wrong $kin color   NOT hi$panic   NOT native-american   not first peoples   not aboriginals   skin color   ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   if i had told her   that i lo-UH-UH-ved her   she would have STAYED   'til who knows whe-EY-EY-n   because a friend would ne-EY-EY-ver doubt you   and now i wonder   what she's doing tonight   oh yes! i wonder   what she's doing TONIGHT   oh i wonder   what she's doing tonight   we were so close   should have been closer   it's making me   fee-EE-EE-l   so sad   BUT i tell myself   i didn't lose her   'cause you can't lose a friend you never ha-AH-AH-d    and now i wonder   what she's doing tonight   'cause a friend will always be there   i eminently did _NOT_   have to quote-unquote   _WONDER_   what preci$ely   EELAM TAMIL   _NAMED_   and LABELED   _AND_ internationally   24/7   /366   IN LEAP YEAR   IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   BBC televi$ion   anchor   RAJINI VAIDYANATHAN   was UP TO   A$ _RECENTLY_   A$ ON  JULY THIRTIETH [30th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   YOKO   OH! NO!   IN$TEAD   OF $CREAMING _GENOCIDE_   "on location"   IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   RAJINI VAIDYANATHAN   OPENLY+INTERNATIONALLY-DI$PLAYED   ALLEGIANCE   TO OBAMA-CREED  OBAMA-BIDEN-WITH  -GOOGLE-FIR$T-LA$T-ALWAY$   _AND_-ONLY   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BY WEARING THE BY-NOW   -INTERNATIONALLY   -UNDER$TOOD  "O" PENDANT OF ALLEGIANCE   -UNTO-DEATH~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _$TILL_   ON JULY THIRTIETH   IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   _NOT_ $CREAMING_   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          PERPETRATED ON EELAM TAMILS   ON LOCATION IN   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   _NOT_ $CREAMING_   WAR CRIME$:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          PERPETRATED   _AND_ _AGAIN$T_   EELAM TAMIL   BLACK LIVES MATTER:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          ALL BLACK LIVES _MATTER_   _EVEN_ EELAM TAMIL   _EMINENTLY_   _ALL_   EELAM TAMIL BLACK LIVES   EELAM TAMIL   _EMINENTLY_   _HUMANITY_:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          _ONGOING_ IN   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   CALENDAR YEAR   NINETEEN-THIRTY-NI-ai-ai-NE-[1939]   _AND_ _ONGOING_:          https://theconversation.com/rwanda-and-sri-lanka-a-tale-of-two-genocides-116135          IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _WHILE_ RAJINI VAIDYANATHAN   _OVERLY_   _BU$Y_   DI$PLAYING   BIDEN-OBAMA   "O" PENDANT   "ALL OVER"   U$A   TELVI$ION   EELAM TAMILS   IN THEIR   ALL PEACE   ALL LOVE   ALL THE TIME-BEE HIVES   CONTINUE TRYING TO END THE GENOC-ai-ai-IDE:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          ..."          "The" song _         I Wonder What She's Doing Tonight          _ performed by Boyce & the Hart, music and lyrics c. by Tommy Boyce & Bobby Hart          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJaYbQ9nYfM          .]          BBC "All Over" _AND_ "Internationally" _AND_ "For" Biden-Obama-Televi$ion-Anchor:          https://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/news/profiles/rajini_vaidyanathan.shtml          Rajini Vaidyanathan _TOO_ BU$Y_ $porting ALL-Biden-ALL-Obama-"O"-Pendant _ON_ _TV_ _ON_ July 30th, 2020 (2020) THEREBY EMINENTLY _NOT_ $creaming Genocide:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _PERPETRATED_ On Eelam Tamils _A$_ BIDEN-OBAMA-$UPER-$MIED:           http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          CALENDAR YEAR$ 2009-2016 _WITH_ HITLER-GOATABAYA-HITLER-RAJAPAK$E:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          _NOT_ _AGAIN$T_ HITLER:          https://www.britannica.com/biography/Velupillai-Prabhakaran          .~July 31st, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 31st, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 29th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Happy Together          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRCe5L1imxg          performed by The Turtles          _   "...imagine me and you   i do   i think about you day and night   it's only right   to think about the COVID-NINETEEN [19]          https://thehill.com/homenews/coronavirus-report/509602-gohmert-blames-mask-for-positive-covid-19-test          _AND_   texas usa   congre$$per$on   louie gohmert   louie gohmert   love$   and hold$ _ON_ tight   so happy-EE-EE   togethe-UH-UH-r   if i should call you up   invest $ome time   and you say you belong to me   and ease my mind   IMAGINE!    how the world could be   so very fine   so happy-EE-EE   togethe-UH-UH-r    i can't see me lovin    nobody but you   $tated U$A   pre$ident   donald j trump   to malaria medicine   hydroxychloroquine          https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/28/trump-says-he-still-thinks-hydroxychloroquine-works-in-treating-early-stage-coronavirus.html          for all my life   when you're with me   baby   the skies'll be blue   for all my life   Me and you   and you and me   no matter how they toss the dice   it had to be   the only one for me is you   and you for me   so happy-EE-EE   togethe-UH-UH-r   imagine me and you   i do   i think about you day and night   it's only right   to think about the COVID-NINETEEN [19]   and the USA   Pre$idential Elect-[$hun]-ion   +Joe Biden Pre$ident..."          "The" song _         Happy Together          _ performed by The Turtles, music and lyrics c. by Alan Gordon and Garry Bonner                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mRCe5L1imxg          .]           Louie Gohmert And COVID-19 (nineteen):          https://thehill.com/homenews/coronavirus-report/509602-gohmert-blames-mask-for-positive-covid-19-test          US President Trump And Hydroxychloroquine:          https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/28/trump-says-he-still-thinks-hydroxychloroquine-works-in-treating-early-stage-coronavirus.html          All Four _Perfect_ _Together_~ Oop$!  ~July 29th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND +UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 29th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 28th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXmsLe8t_gg          performed by Barry Mann          _   "...i'd like to thank the guy   who wrote the song   that made my baby   fall in love with me   who put the bomp   in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp   who put the ram   in the rama lama ding dong   who put the bop   in the bop shoo bop shoo bop   who put the dip   in the dip da dip da dip   ON THE ONE HAND   A$ A DIRECT RE$ULT OF   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   $IN$ OF _OMI$$ION_   _UTTERLY_ _FAILING_ TO   TAKE ACTION   TO PROTECT   BRAZILIANS   FROM THE CORONAVIRUS   PANDEMIC   TWENTY-NINETEEN [2019]   +ONGOING          https://www.newsweek.com/brazils-bolsonaro-accused-crimes-against-humanity-over-coronavirus-1520623          BRAZIL'$   PRE$IDENT   JAIR BOL$ANARO   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _MAKE$_ INTERNATIONALLY   -televi$ed   24/7   /366   IN LEAP YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   international   televi$ion   _AND_ new$print   _AND_ internet   ONLINE   _HEADLINE new$   ON THE OTHER HAND   i'd like to thank the guy   who wrote the song   that made my baby   fall in love with me   who put the bomp   in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp   who put the ram   in the rama lama ding dong   who put the bop   in the bop shoo bop shoo bop   who put the dip   in the dip da dip da dip   ON THE OTHER HAND   _GENOCIDE_          https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc          _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms                    _GET_-THI$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   EMINENTLY _NOT_ CORONAVIRU$   PERPETRATED ON   ~110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND]   INDIVIDUAL   DISTINCT   $IN OF HITLER-GOATABAYA-RAJAPAK$E-COMMI$$ION:          https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc          +PRICELESS   EELAM TAMIL PHYSICAL-LIVES [          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ] = EQUAL$  _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          in _DIRECT_   quid pro quo   _EXCHA-ey-ey-ey-NGE_   "for" U$A   -four point   five MILLION   -ZU-oo-BERI   -BUNDLER   -OF-DOLLAR$   -U$A- DOLLAR$:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          what el$e???????????????????????????   could it PO$$IBLY   B-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-[E]???????????????????????????   perpetrated on   LITERAL   REAL TIME   LITERAL   REAL SPACE   LITERAL ONE BLUE PLANET   EELAM TAMILS   ALL BLACK EELAM TAMIL LIVES MATTER~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _UTTERLY_ FAIL$ TO MAKE _ANY_ $UCH_   INTERNATIONALLY-televi$ed   24/7   /366   IN LEAP YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   international   televi$ion   _AND_ new$print   _AND_ internet   ONLINE   _HEADLINE new$:          http://www.isaacfalconer.com/iccletter.html          ON THE OTHER HAND   i'd like to thank the guy   who wrote the song   that made my baby   fall in love with me   who put the bomp   in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp   who put the ram   in the rama lama ding dong   who put the bop   in the bop shoo bop shoo bop   who put the dip   in the dip da dip da dip   @10:44 AM   Ea$tern USA Time   on July 27th TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   "we" @ isaac falconer dot com   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" INVI$IBLE "gender" _FEMALE_   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _WRONG_ U$A zip code???????????????????????????   BA$ED ON _NOT_ U$A ZIP CODE   "FOR"   HOLLYWOO-ooh-ooh-D   90210   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" $KIN-CO-ah-ah-LOR   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE    NON-NATIVE-AMERICANS   -FIRST PEOPLES   -ABORIGINAL PEOPLES'   -$kin-color/colour   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" $KIN-CO-ah-ah-LOR   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE    NON-white   -$kin-color/colour   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE    NON-BLACK   -$kin-color/colour   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE    NON-LATINA  -$kin-color/colour   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  "targeted" "for" "Marriage $urvival Kit" ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    "Marriage $urvival Kit$"   do NOT _APPLY_   to the NON-married/unmarried/NEVER _EVER_ married EVER   in any way/shape/form  ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _NOT_ for the first/last/one millionth time   since calendar year nineteen eighty-three [1983]   "our" landline USA telephone(s) ring - _AND_ "our" caller ID(s) displayed Potential Spam Caller(s)    possibly organized crime ring caller(s) 304 317 4552   the "newest" on July 27th   2020TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]@ 03:46 PM Eastern USA Time   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" $KIN-CO-ah-ah-LOR   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE    NON-white   -$kin-color/colour :(   i'd like to thank the guy   who wrote the song   that made my baby   fall in love with me   who put the bomp   in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp   who put the ram   in the rama lama ding dong   who put the bop   in the bop shoo bop shoo bop   who put the dip   in the dip da dip da dip..."          "The" song _          Who Put The Bomp (In The Bomp, Bomp, Bomp)          _ performed by Barry Mann, music and lyrics c. by Barry Mann & Gerry Goffin          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXmsLe8t_gg          .]          Brazil-$outh America'$ Pre$ident Bol$anaro "Make$" _INTERNATIONALLY_- Televi$ed 24/7/366 In Leap Year _HEADLINE_ New$ "everywhere" "For" "The" "$in" Of Omission:          https://www.newsweek.com/brazils-bolsonaro-accused-crimes-against-humanity-over-coronavirus-1520623          .  Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia-Pre$ident-GOATABAYA HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -RAJAPAK$E "Make$" PRECI$ELY _ZERO_ _INTERNATIONALLY_- Televi$ed 24/7/366 In Leap Year _HEADLINE_ New$ "everywhere" "For" "The" "ONE HUNDRED+TEN THOU$AND" $in$ Of Comission:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          .  ~July 28th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 28th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 27th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Black Magic Woman          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRu7Pt42x6Y          performed by Fleetwood Mac - Peter Green          _   "...i gotta black magic CHINA-HITLER:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          -XI JIN p-EE-EE-ing   i gotta black magic   CHINA-HITLER:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          -XI JIN p-EE-EE-ing   YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   i gotta black magic    CHINA-HITLER:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          -XI JIN p-EE-EE-ing   $he's got me so blind   i can't $ee it    that $he's a black magic   CHINA-HITLER:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          XI JIN p-EE-EE-ing   i gotta black magic   CHINA-HITLER   -XI JIN p-EE-EE-ing   and $he'$ trying to make a devil   outta m-EE-EE-e           https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39896          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53534941          china-HITLER   -XI JIN PING-$pies   arrested   in the usa   PRINTED IN CHINA   MINIMA$TERPIECE$   THE UNEMPLOYED PHILO$OPHER'$ GUILD   www   DOT   philosophersguild   DOT   com      PRINTED IN CHINA  ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   THAT'$ WHO _I$_   _TRULY_ _UNEMPLOYED_   _NOT-EMPLO-oy-oy-oy-YED_   IN JULY   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   CHINA-HITLER   -XI JIN p-EE-EE-ing   looking EMINENTLY   _AND_-EGREGIOU$LY-RACI$T   _AND_ _DO-ah-ah-ah-WN_   AH-AH-on _ANY_   _ALL_ fine arti$t$   whether aligned with   Philadelphia Pennsylvania   Da Vinci Art Alliance   _OR_ _NOT_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "we" _UNDER$TAND_ that   $PYING ON AMERICAN$   EMINENTLY_ _NOT_ _$UPPORTED_ "BY"   EMINENTLY   _NOT_ FINE ART-RELATED   _BROTHER$_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $O _TOUGH_ KEEPING UP WITH   REAL-LIFE REAL-ONE BLUE PLANET   _REAL_ FA-ah-ah-CT$_ :(   ooh-ooh-ooh~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   NO ONE at _ANY_ of "our" location$   need$/want$/de$ire$   "A Medicare Kit"   thereby   quote-unquote   purpo$efully   eliciting   GOOGLE-OWNED    artificial thinking   that QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "we" are   in need of needle-no$ed "targeting" "for"   "Get Your Medicare Kit"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   MO$T "recently"   @ 09:30 PM   Ea$tern U$A Time   on July TWENTY-FIFTH-[25th]-IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" INVI$IBLE "gender" _FEMALE_   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _WRONG_ U$A zip code???????????????????????????   BA$ED ON _NOT_ U$A ZIP CODE   "FOR"   HOLLYWOO-ooh-ooh-D   90210   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" $KIN-CO-ah-ah-LOR   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE    NON-white   -$kin-color/colour   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE    NON-BLACK   -$kin-color/colour   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE    NON-LATINO  -$kin-color/colour   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   i gotta black magic CHINA-HITLER:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          -XI JIN p-EE-EE-ing   i gotta black magic   CHINA-HITLER:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          -XI JIN p-EE-EE-ing   YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   i gotta black magic    CHINA-HITLER:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          -XI JIN p-EE-EE-ing   $he's got me so blind   i can't $ee it    that $he's a black magic   CHINA-HITLER:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          XI JIN p-EE-EE-ing   i gotta black magic CHINA-HITLER   -XI JIN p-EE-EE-ing   and $he'$ trying to make   a devil outta m-EE-e..."          "The" song _          Black Magic Woman          _ performed by Fleetwood Mac Peter Green, music and lyrics c. by  Peter Green          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRu7Pt42x6Y          .]          The World Number One Super Power USA Enjoys The Ability To Arrest Chinese Spies:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53534941          That Other Less Powerful Greedier Countries:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          Do Not.  ~July 27th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 27th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 26th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          A Teenager In Love              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pwgswchPDo          performed by Dion / The Belmonts          _   "...ooh ooh ooh-WAH   ooh ooh ooh-WAH   each time we heaAH-AH-r that   Giant Eagle spokesperson   Nicholas Bertra-AH-AH-AH-m   tell the Pennsylvania USA   news persons tha-AH-AH-t   The Giant Eagle   also pronounced   "John Iggle" [GIANT EAGLE]   b-AI-AI-y   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "Pennsylvania" "locals"   it almost breaks my heart   each night i ask   the sta-AH-AH-rs above   why must i be-EE-EE   a teenager in lo-AH-AH-AH-ve   one day i felt so happy:          https://www.post-gazette.com/business/career-workplace/2020/07/13/hazard-pay-legislation-highmark-Jefferson-Hospital-UFCW-covid-19-employee-bonus/stories/202007070102          to hear that Giant Eagle   chain of grocery stores   bega-AH-AH-AH-n payi-EE-EE-ng   COVID-19 HAZARD PAY   to front line-PENNSYLVANIA   GIANT EAGLE   grocery-store-workers:          https://triblive.com/local/regional/giant-eagle-will-pay-10-million-in-bonuses-to-workers-during-outbreak/          next day i feel so sad     that Giant Eagle-spokesperson   Nicholas Bertram told the news persons   in Pennsylvania USA   that Giant Eagle   grocery stores   will eminently _NOT_   be applying for   Pennsylvania Governor   Tom Wolf's COVID-19   FRONTLINE-WORKER   HAZARD   PA-ey-ey-Y   PA-ah-ah-ah-CKAGE   each night i ask   the stars up ab-AH-AH-ove   why must i be-EE-EE   a teenager in lo-AH-AH-AH-ve      i cry my tears   for nobody but you GIANT EAGLE   grocery store   front line workers   if you want to make cry   that won't be so hard to do   each night i ask   the sta-AH-AH-AH-rs above      why must i be-EE-EE-EE   a teenager   in lo-AH-AH-AH-ve          https://triblive.com/local/regional/giant-eagle-will-pay-10-million-in-bonuses-to-workers-during-outbreak/       NICHOLAS BERTRAM says   Giant Eagle grocery stores   will Eminently   _NO-ah-ah-T_   be applying fo-AH-AH-r   Pennsylvania Governor   Tom Wolf's   hazard   pa-EY-EY-y PACKAGE   for Covid-19 funds for   Giant Eagle front line workers   because Giant Eagle   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "already"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE "pa-EY-EY-y$"   "hazard pay"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   based on The Giant Eagle   frontline workers   that "we" "ourselves"   have known   "personally"   _AND_ for decades   "we" humbly   reque-AY-AY-st tha-AH-AHt   Nicholas Bertram:          https://www.bizjournals.com/pittsburgh/news/2020/07/16/hazard-pay-essential-employees.html          and others   at Giant Eagle   including past   and current   CEO's apply-AI-AI-   "for"  The Governor of Pennsylvania   TOM WOLF'$-COVID-19   Hazard Pay Package   _BEFORE_   _NOT_ _AFTER_   the JULY IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   deadline   IN A MATTER OF _HOUR$_   ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..."          "The" song _          Teenager In Love          _ performed by Dion & the Belmonts, music and lyrics c. by Doc Pomus & Mort Shuman          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pwgswchPDo          .]          Dear Nicholas Bertram And Giant Eagle CEOs:  Twenty-Twenty Front Line Giant Eagle Employees Are Begging You At USA-Giant Eagle Chain Of Grocery Stores To Sign Up For USA-Pennsylvania-Governor-Tom Wolf's COVID-19 Hazard Pay PACKAGE:          https://www.bizjournals.com/pittsburgh/news/2020/07/16/hazard-pay-essential-employees.html           _Before_ And Eminently _NOT_ _after_ The July 2020 Application-Deadline!  Hurry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~July 26th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 26th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 25th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Chim Chim Cher-ee          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG6O4N3wxf8          performed by Dick Van Dyke and Julie Andrews          _   "...chim chim-i-knee   chim-chimy-knee  chim-chim   cheroo   good luck will rub off   when i shakes hands with you [WHEN I SHAKE HANDS WITH YOU]   or blow me a kiss   and that's lucky too   pah-pah-pah-pam-pam-pam   pah-pah-pah-pam-pam-pam   now as the ladder   of life has been strung   you may thinks a sweep's on the bottom   -most rung   though i spends me time [ALTHOUGH I SPEND MY TIME]   in the ashes and smoke  in this 'ole wide world [IN THIS-WHOLE-WIDE-WORLD]   there's no 'appier [HAPPIER] bloke   on the rooftops of London   'cor  wha' a sight! [WHAT A SIGHT TO BE SEEN FROM ATOP THE ROOF TOPS OF LONDON]   tun-a-nun-a-nunanna   A$ QUOTE-UNQUOTE   A$   "recently"   A$ on Thur$day-JULY-twenty-third-[23rd]   in-calendar-year   -20   20-[twenty-twenty]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   The BBC-AMERICA   -evening-new$-broadca$t   with anchor   TAMIL-_NAMED_   -RAJINI   VAIDYANATHAN   and Kenya   -African  -reporter ANNE $OY   made it _$OUND_ _A$_ _IF_   ON THE "OBAMA"   -TELEVI$ION   -U$A-CHANNEL   -UNIVER$E-AT _LEA$T_   colonial   -era oppre$$ion perpetrated   centurie$ ago   "already"  $O _MUCH_ _MORE_   _VITAL_ to teleca$t   _THAN_   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Former U$A-Pre$ident   Obama'$ METAPHORICAL   ALL BLACK LIVE$ MATTER-KNEE   pre$$ed on   _GET_-THI$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND]   INDIVIDUAL   DISTINCT   +PRICELESS   EELAM TAMIL PHYSICAL-LIVES [          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ] = EQUAL$  _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          in _DIRECT_   quid pro quo   _EXCHA-ey-ey-ey-NGE_   "for" U$A-four point   five MILLION   -ZU-oo-BERI   -BUNDLER   -OF-DOLLAR$   -U$A- DOLLAR$:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          what el$e???????????????????????????   could it PO$$IBLY   B-ee-ee-[E]???????????????????????????   chim chim-i-knee   chim-chimy-knee  chim-chim   cheroo   good luck will rub off   when i shakes hands with you [WHEN I SHAKE HANDS WITH YOU]   or blow me a kiss   and that's lucky too   pah-pah-pah-pam-pam-pam   pah-pah-pah-pam-pam-pam   now as the ladder   of life has been strung   you may thinks a sweep's   on the bottom-most rung   though i spends me time [ALTHOUGH I SPEND MY TIME]   in the ashes and smoke  in this 'ole wide world [IN THIS-WHOLE-WIDE-WORLD]   there's no 'appier [HAPPIER] bloke   on the rooftops of London   'cor  wha' a sight! [WHAT A SIGHT TO BE SEEN FROM ATOP THE ROOF TOPS OF LONDON]   tun-a-nun-a-nunanna..."          "The" song _         Chim Chim Che-ree          _ performed by Dick Van Dyke and Julie Andrews, music and lyrics c. by  Robert B. Sherman & Richard M. Sherman          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kG6O4N3wxf8          .]           The BBC-America-Joe Biden-Barack Hussein Obama Televi$ion Channel Telecast To Million$ Of American$ With Anne Soy And Tamil-NAMED-Rajini Vaidyanathan MADE It $ound _LIKE_ Colonial-Era Repre$$ion of Kenyan$-In-AFRICA MUCH More _CENTRAL_ For American-Voter-Knowledge Than Joe-Biden:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          -Obama-Black Lives Matter-Knee4 Placed On 110,000:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          EELAM TAMIL-Black Lives Matter-George Floyds~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~July 25th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_      © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 25th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 24th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          An Old Fashioned Love Song          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvDIz9GhhmA          performed by Three Dog Night          _   ATTENTION:  GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE-AND/OR-MICRO$OFT-RELEVANT-GRAMMARLY AD-INTERNET-24/7/366-$LEEPLE$$-KELPTOCRACY-ADVERTI$EMENT-MAKER$:  The eminently correct American-English is:  "Chinese espionage cases."  The carefully considered and planned and choreographed alterations are commonly called poetic and/or artistic license."]   "...just an old-fashioned love song   playing on the ra-EY-EY-dio    and wrapped around the m-YOO-usic   is the sound of someone   promising they'll never go   just an old-fashioned love song   coming down in three-part harmony   one i'm sure they wrote for you and me   playing on the ra-EY-EY-dio   to underscore our love affair   with tenderness and feeling   that we've come to know          https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/07/22/us-trump-china-escalation-tensions-spying-closes-chinese-consulate-in-houston-chinese-espionage-cases/          the united states closes its chinese consulate:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-53528510          located in   houston   te-EY-EY-xas   usa   july twenty-second [22nd]   in calendar year twenty-twenty-EE-EE-[2020]   amid a _DRAMATIC_   surge of espionage   also known as spying (!)   charges   just an old-fashioned love song   playing on the ra-EY-EY-dio    and wrapped around the m-YOO-usic   is the sound of someone   promising they'll never go   just an old-fashioned love song   coming down in three-part harmony   one i'm sure they wrote for you and me   playing on the ra-EY-EY-dio   to underscore our love affair   with tenderness and feeling   that we've come to know..."          "The" song _          An Old Fashioned Love Song          _ performed by Three Dog Night, music and lyrics c. by Paul Williams          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvDIz9GhhmA          .]          The United States Closes China's Consulate Located In Houston Texas USA:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/07/22/us-trump-china-escalation-tensions-spying-closes-chinese-consulate-in-houston-chinese-espionage-cases/          Following A Dramatic Rise In Espionage Cases~IN $HARP+DRAMATIC CONTRA$T WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          RAJAPAK$E REGIME$:          https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/25/world/asia/china-sri-lanka-port.html          One Hundred Percent [100%] $upported By China-Hitler-XI JIN PING:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          .  ~July 24th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND +UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 24th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 23rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Video Killed The Radio Star          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8r-tXRLazs          performed by The Buggles          _   "...i heard you on the wirele$$   back in '52   [ATTENTION:  GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE-AND/OR-MICRO$OFT-RELEVANT-GRAMMARLY AD-INTERNET-24/7/366-$LEEPLE$$-KELPTOCRACY-MAKER$:  The eminently correct American-English is:  "CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN FIFTY-TWO."  The carefully considered and planned and choreographed alteration is commonly called poetic and/or artistic license."]          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/20/climate/polar-bear-extinction.html          lying awake   if i wasn't young   and sto-OH-OH-pped you   PO-oh-LAR BEARS   com-M-M-ing through   ooh ooh ooh   i met your POLAR BEAR-children known as polar bear cubs   ooh ooh ooh   but did you tell them   MAN-CAU$ED-CLIMATE-CHANGE   killed the po-OH-OH-lar bears   IN CALENDAR YEAR-ear-   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   picture$ came and broke your heart   you were the first   PO-oh-oh-LAR BEAR   ooh ooh ooh   _YOU_ were the first ENDANGERED-EELAM TAMIL:          https://www.britannica.com/biography/Velupillai-Prabhakaran          -HU-yoo-MAN   BE-ee-ING:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          on location in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-OUTH   -A-ey-ey-$IA-ah   ooh ooh ooh   you were the la$t POLAR BEAR   ooh ooh ooh   in my mind   and in my car   "we" can't rewind   we've gone too far          https://www.facebook.com/WorldNewsTonight/videos/members-of-nurses-union-protest-covid-19-response-outside-white-house/893548337736040/          A$ QUOTE-UNQUOTE A$ "recently"   A$ on July   TWENTY-FIR$T [21st]   IN CALENDAR YEAR-TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   THERE _WA$_ _TIME_   ON ABC-TELEVI$ION-NEW$   WITH DAVID MUIR   THE MO$T-WATCHED EVENING NEW$CA$T   AH-AH-on   PLA-ah-NET uh-EARTH   to de$cribe   ONE HUNDRED _AND_ THIRTY-FOUR [134]   COUNT THEM!   BLE$$ THEM!   FI-uh-ih-R$T-RE$PONDERS   U$A   VITAL FRONTLINE   NU-uh-r$E$   on The White House Lawn   repre$ented by   one hundred+thi-EE-EE-rty-four [134]   pair$ of $hoe$   come$ acro$$ as   "the" MO$T   _INhuman_ cru-ooh-ooh-ELTY   when ONE HUNDRED+TEN THOU$AND   bo-OH-OH-nes:          https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=36401          _BELONGING_ to   "ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER"   HUMAN EELAM TAMILS   on loca-AY-AY-SHUN-tion in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -s-ah-ah-outh  EY-EY-$ia-AH-AH-AH          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          _NEVER_ _ONCE_   came anywhere _CLO$E_   to ma-AY-AY-king   NOT _EVEN_ FOR ONE NANO-$PLIT-$ECOND   ON ABC   -TELEVI$ION-NEW$   WITH DAVID MUIR   THE MO$T-WATCHED EVENING NE-yoo-W$-CA$T   AH-AH-on   PLA-ah-NET uh-uh-EARTH   i heard you on the wirele$$   back in '52..."          "The" song _          Video Killed The Radio Star          _ performed by The Buggles, music and lyrics c. by Geoff Downes, Trevor Horn, and Bruce Woolley          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8r-tXRLazs          .]         It Comes Acro$$ As "The" Mo$t _IN_-Human [INHUMAN] Cruelty "When"~get thi$!~ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOUR [134] Are "Counted" A$ "More"~get thi$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Than One Hundred And Ten Thousand [110,000]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          .  ~July 23rd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_      © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 23rd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July, 22nd 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          My Love           https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmjN1O1ejS4          performed by Paul McCartney & Wings          _   "...and when i go awa-EY-EY-y   i know my heart can stay   with my love   it's understood   it's in the ha-AH-AH-AH-nds   of my love   and my love does it goo-OOH-OOH-OOH-d   whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-   my love does it good   and when the cupboard's ba-EY-EY-EY-re   i'll still find something there   with my love   it's understood   it's everywhere   with my love   _AND_ my love   does it good   whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-   _MY_ love   does it good          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94464          as "recently"   QUOTE-UNQUO-oh-oh-TE   a$ on JULY TWENTY-FIR$T [21st]   IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY   -ee-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-ah-ah-ah   $OUTH A$IA'$ HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -GOATABAYA-RAJAPAK$E    _AND_   MAHINDHA-"CHINTHANA"-HITLER   -RAJAPAK$E:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          RAJAPAK$E-HITLER   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA-   HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   _VI$IBLY_ _DEMON$TRATED_   _AND_ _HOW_   that "even" building   _ONE_ $INGLE $OLITARY HOU$E   "for" _CONVENIENTLY_ _AND_ FOR ONE NANO-$ECOND   IN RECORDED   EELAM TAMIL-HI$TORY   -LABELLED/LABELED  "de$erving"   _BUT_   NONETHELE$$   Everla$tingly LABELLED/LABELED   "dirty tamil terrorri$t$"   EELAM TAMIL-ONE FAMILY   _CAN_ BE _DONE_   but _NEVER_   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT   _FREEDOM_ [100% FREEDOM] FROM GENOCIDE:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          FOR ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   EELAM TA-ah-MILS   "on location" in   JAFFNA-CEYLON   -$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-OUTH ey-ey-A$IA   a la VELUPILLAI PRABAHARA-uh-uh-uhN:          https://www.britannica.com/biography/Velupillai-Prabhakaran          WINSTON CHURCHILL:          https://www.economist.com/asia/2009/04/23/dark-victory          FOR EELAM TAMILS   ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   @ 10:25 AM Eastern USA Time   on JULY TWENTY-FIR$T [21st]   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   in spite of/BECAU$E   "we" have spent    _LITERAL_ real-time   _LITERAL_ real   -$pa-EY-EY-ce   _LITERAL_ One Blue Planet   DECADE$   "convincing"   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE-INTERNET-$URVEILLANCE-"adverti$er$   that "we"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _ALREADY_ ha-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-ve   _ALL_ the insurance policies   that "we" COULD _EVER_ _EVEN_ PO$$IBLY _DREAM_ OF NE-ee-DING_   _AND_ $INCE CALENDAR YEAR   NINETEEN EIGHTY   -THRE-ee-ee-ee- [1983] (!)   OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and LITERALLY   a few minutes   after th-EE-EE-i$   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" INVI$IBLE   "gender" _FEMALE_   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _WRONG_ U$A zip code???????????????????????????   BA$ED ON _NOT_ U$A ZIP CODE   "FOR"   HOLLYWOO-ooh-ooh-D   90210   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" $KIN-CO-ah-ah-LOR   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE    NON-white   -$kin-color/colour   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE    NON-BLACK   -$kin-color/colour   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   YOU MAY QUALIFY "FOR" ERIE METAL ROOFING (!)   "we" have _ALL_ the roofing   _THAT_ "we" will _EVER_  _NEE-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-D_   _AND_ for several lifetimes   ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "we" can ONLY think   BA$ED ON "we" @ isaac falconer dot com are needle-no$ed   QUOTE UNQUOTE   "targeted"   "for" Liberty Mutual Life [@11:27 AM EA$TERN U$A TIME ON JULY TWENTY-FIR$T [21$t] TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   A TELEPHONE CALL FROM A PRE-RECORDED PO$$IBLY ORGANIZED CRIME WORKER-FEMALE ROBOCALLER VOICE   IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD HEALTH IN$URANCE _OR_ CANNOT AFFORD CO-PAY$ ...OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]   _AND_ "for" QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "the be$t" in$urance   polic-EE-EE-ie$ :(    BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" INVI$IBLE   "gender" _FEMALE_   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _WRONG_ U$A zip code???????????????????????????   BA$ED ON _NOT_ U$A ZIP CODE   for HOLLYWOO-ooh-ooh-D   90210   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" $KIN-CO-ah-LO-ah-R   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE  NON-white   NON-BLACK   -$ki-EE-EE-n   -c-AH-AH-olor/colour   indicating GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   "artifical intelligence"   THINKING   BA$ED ON   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   1 Fruit Kills   Diabetes   all seniors should eat this   Maras Murtfagi @ 11:45 AM   on July 20th 2020   EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE   indicating GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   "artifical intelligence"   _THINKING_ that "we" are   QUALIFIED $ENIOR$   ~OOH-OOH-OOH- OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and when i go awa-EY-EY-y   i know my heart can stay   with my love   it's understood   it's in the ha-AH-AH-AH-nds   of my love   and my love does it goo-OOH-OOH-OOH-d   whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-   my love does it good   and when the cupboard's ba-EY-EY-EY-re   i'll still find something there   with my love   it's understood   it's everywhere   with my love   _AND_ my love does it good   whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-   _MY_ love does it good..."          "The" song _          My Love          _ performed by Paul McCartney & Wings, music and lyrics c. by Paul McCartney and Linda McCartney               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmjN1O1ejS4          .]          "Even" _The Dirty Eelam Tamil Family_:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94464          Label _CAN_ Be Forgotten Temporarily And For One Nano-Second But _NEVER_ _EVER_ _CAN_ A One Hundred Percent-[100%]-Genocide _Free_+GOATABAYA:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -MAHINDHA-HITLER-RAJAPAK$E-_FREE_-Eelam Tamil Homeland _EVER_ Be EARNED _BY_ "ALL BLACK LOVES MATTER"-Eelam Tamils On Location in:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~July 22nd, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_      © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND +UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 22nd, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 21st, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Mandy          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvGpvQbkccE          performed by Barry Manilow          _   "...i remember   _A-ah-ah-LL_ my li-AI-AI-fe   raining down as co-OH-OH-ld as AI-AI-ice   shadows of a ma-AH-AH-n   a face   through a window   a morning   just ano-AH-AH-ther da-EY-EY-y   happy people pa-AH-AH-ss my wa-EY-EY-y   i never reali-AI-AI-zed   how happy you ma-EY-EY-de me   OH PALESTINIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    you ca-EY-EY-me   and you _GA-ey-ey-VE_   withOUT ta-EY-EY-king   will you kiss me   and stop me from sha-AY-AY-king   oh _THE WORLD_ _NEEDS_ _YOU_   so bad!   standing on the edge   of time   walked away   when love was mi-AI-AI-ne   caught up in a world   of uphi-EE-EE-ll climbing   OH PALESTINIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    you came   and you _GAVE_  withOUT ta-EY-EY-king   will you kiss me   and stop me from shaking   oh _THE WORLD_ _NEEDS_ _YOU_   so bad!          https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/alarmed-by-rise-in-gaza-suicides-palestinians-blame-hamas-pa-633844          The Government of Israel   has forced Palestinians   into the har$he$t   _IMAGINABLE_   economic   _AND_   political   _AND_ social   _AND_ emotional   _AND_   spiritual   C-ah-ah-ONDITION$   and _YET_  and _YET_   and _YET_   it's HAMAS   _AND_ The Palestine Authority   being "blamed"   _ALL_ _OVER_ THE_ pl-AY-AY-ce   by $o-called "international" _AND_ _INDEPENDENT_ and _$OCIAL_   _AND_ "local"   affiliate-NEW$-MEDIA-ah-ah   "for" the most alarming   incr-EE-EE-ease   in the suicide rates   in Gaza   IN JULY   OF CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   ooh-ooh-ooh~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   i remember   _A-ah-ah-LL_ my li-AI-AI-fe   raining down   as co-OH-OH-ld as AI-AI-ice   shadows of a ma-AH-AH-n   a face through a window   a morning   just ano-AH-AH-ther da-EY-EY-y   happy people pa-AH-AH-ss my wa-EY-EY-y   i never reali-AI-AI-zed   how happy you ma-EY-EY-de me   OH PALESTINIANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    you ca-EY-EY-me   and you _GA-ey-ey-VE_   withOUT ta-EY-EY-king   will you kiss me   and stop me from sha-AY-AY-king   oh _THE WORLD_ _NEEDS_ _YOU_   so bad!..."          "The" song _         Mandy          _ performed by Barry Manilow, music and lyrics c. by Scott English & Richard Kerr          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvGpvQbkccE          .]          JAW-DROPPING-Rise In Palestine-Gaza-The Middle East-Suicide Rate Must Alarm _ALL_ Black Lives Matter Activists And Lead To "A Cure" For Suicides On July 21st, 2020 (twenty-twenty) Stat!:          https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/alarmed-by-rise-in-gaza-suicides-palestinians-blame-hamas-pa-633844          .  ~July 21st, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_      © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 21st, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 20th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Heart Of Glass          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsYbMnQd6c8          performed by Blondie          _   "...once i had a love   and it was divine   soon found out   i was losing my mind   it seemed like the real thing   but i was so bli-AI-AI-AI-nd   macho mistrust   love's gone behind   in   between   what i find is pleasing   and i'm feeling fine   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc          is so confusing   there's no peace of mind   _IF_ i fear   i'm losing THE QUAKER   -LA-ah-ah-MB'S WAR:          https://www.libertarianism.org/publications/essays/lambs-war-part-one          AGAINST _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A-EY-EY-$IA:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          it's just no good   you teasing like you do   lost inside   adorable illusion _THAT_   "Black Lives Ma-AH-AH-tter"   FAIL$ TO INCLUDE   ONE HUNDRED+TEN THOUSAND:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          EELAM TAMIL   "bla-AH-AH-ck l-AI-AI-AI-ives" "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH ey-ey-A$IA:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          AND/OR MILLION$ OF UIGHER   "bla-AH-AH-AH-ck lives"   "on location" in    HITLER-CHINA-EA$T A$IA   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and i cannot hide   ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   $LAUGHTERED-IN-GE-ey-ey-NO-oh-CIDE:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-45449763          EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   _ARE_ the one's you're using:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          please!   RELENTLE$$   _BLIND_   CELEBRATOR$ ah-ah-OF   AMERICAN-TELEVI$ION-ICON$   PLEASE! don't push   EELAM TAMIL-GE-ey-ey-NO-oh-CIDE:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          aside   "we" coulda made it    cruising yeah   La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la   La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la   La, da, da, la, la, la, la, la, la, la   yeah, riding high on love's true bluish light   _UNTIL_   the _IN$TANT_   "the" VERY-NANO-$econd   _THAT_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "world leader$"   in INNOVATION   _LIKE_ HARVARD UNIVERSITY-ee-ee   -USA   _LIKE_ "international"   "CIVIL RIGHT$"   ICON$   _LIKE_   African-American-ICON:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53458829          civil rights _LEGEND_   Jo-AH-AH-hn Lewis   _HAVE_ _MADE_ _AND_ _CONTINUE_   "making"    the    QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "co-AH-AH-nnect-[$HUN]-ion"   between every American dollar $pent   on MADE IN CHINA   _AND_   CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   UIGHER CONCENTRATION CAMP$   "on loca-EY-EY-[$HUN]-tion" in          https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-asia-53463242/china-s-ambassador-challenged-on-treatment-of-uighurs          western Xinjiang region-CHINA-HITLER-CHINA   -EA$T A$IA   _GENOCIDE$_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          PERPETRTAED-"on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          HITLER-XI JINPING   -CHINA-EA$T A$IA   -100% _FUNDED_ _GENOCIDE$_:          https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/news/world/china-carrying-out-cultural-genocide-of-tibet-report/article9908966.ece          _WILL_ _CONTINUE_   RELENTLE$$   FOR _ALL_ eternity:          https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP78-02771R000300440002-6.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2pfomZgc
NFo22fWYlkL4Q11PyiwrgUqdHO07KnZpBEqQtxTzS8H4IUpKE          MAY A$ WELL   _ACT_   $TAT!   NOW!   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   to STOP _ALL_ CHINA-HITLER   XI JINPING   -FUNDED-genocides   NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $TAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ~Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   DECADE$   _AFTER_   THE _OFFICIAL_   NAZI-HITLER-END   OF WORLD WAR TWO [II]   OOH-OOH-OOH   NINETEEN FORTY-FI-ai-ai-ai-ai-VE [1945]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   once i had a love   and it was divine   soon found out   i was losing my mind   it seemed like the real thing   but i was so bli-AI-AI-AI-nd   macho mistrust   love's gone behind   in   between   what i find is pleasing   and i'm feeling fine   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc          is so confusing   there's no   peace of mind   _IF_ i fear   i'm losing THE QUAKER   -LA-ah-ah-MB'S WAR:          https://www.libertarianism.org/publications/essays/lambs-war-part-one          AGAINST _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          ..."          "The" song _          Heart Of Glass          _ performed by Blondie, music and lyrics c. by Debbie Harry & Chris Stein          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsYbMnQd6c8          .]          _UNTIL_ Internationally Celebrated 24/7/366~In Leap Year 2020~Iconic World Leaders _And_ Their Acolytes [what follows is artistic license!] BegIN+Middle-ING+ContinuING+MAKING [what precedes is artistic license!] "The" "Connection" Between _EVERY_ U$A-Dollar $pent On MADE IN CHINA _AND_ One Hundred Percent [100%] Government Of Hitler-China-Ea$T A$ia-XI JINPING  _FUNDED_ Genocide$ "Global" _WILL_  Will One Hundred Percent [100%] Continue Unrelenting+One _REMAIN_-One Hundred Percent [100%] CHINA-GUARANTEED+ _FOREVER_ ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~July 20th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 20th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 19th, 2020 (twenty-twenty): "The" song _          Little Lies          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCGD9dT12C0          performed by Fleetwood Mac          _   "...if i could turn the page   the time   that i hear your voice   clo$e my eye$   but i couldn't find a way   $o i'd $ettle for one day   to believe in you   tell me lies   tell me sweet little lies   little lie-AI-AI-$   oh no no   y-OOH-OOH-ou ca-AH-AH-n't di$gui$e   AFTER DAY$ AH-AH-of   dialing/dialling   "our"   100%   LEGAL   100%   _LA-ah-ah-ND   LI-ai-ai-NE_   100%   USA   telephone number$   ON JULY   $EVENTEENTH [17th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee[2020]   REVEALING   GOOGLE-OWNED-   ARTIFICIAL   -INTELLIGENCE  -THINKING   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong"   INVI$IBLE   "gender"   _FE-ee-MA-ay-LE_   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _WRONG_ U$A zip code???????????????????????????   BA$ED ON   _NOT_ U$A ZIP CODE   "FO-ah-ah-R"   HOLLYWOOD   -90210   ba$ed on   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wro-AH-AH-ng" $KIN-CO-ah-ah-LOR   BA$ED ON   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   NON-white   -$ki-EE-EE-n-co-AH-AH-lor/colour   ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED   YOUTUBE   -needle-no$ed   "targeting" us   @ isaac falconer    ON JULY $EVENTEENTH [17TH]   IN   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   the _FEMALE_   PRE-RECORDED   -LATINA   -VO-oh-oh-ICE   -RECORDING   -ROBOCALLER$   left u$   PO$$IBLY   the one mill-YUN-ionth   the following   voice   mail    me-EY-EY-EY-$$age:   "Hello this is  There-EE-$a   THI$ I$ NOT A $ALE$ CALL   I REPRE$ENT MA-ey-ey-ey-TRIX   THERE I$ NO   _ADDITIONAL_ _CHARGE   CA-ah-ah-ah-LL ME   A-ah-ah-T   ey-ey-ight [8] five [5] five [5]   - two [2] zero [0] five [5]   -zero [0] four [4] three [3] one [1]   OUR LEGAL USA   LANDLINE   CALLER IDS   DI$PLAYED   AN _ENTIRELY_ _DIFFERENT_   NU-uh-uh-MBER   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   THREE [3] ZERO [0] FOUR [4]   $EVEN [7] TWO [2] ONE [1]   TWO [2]   TWO [2]   $EVEN [7]   ZE-ee-ee-RO [0]          if i could turn the page   the time that i hear your voice   clo$e my eye$   but i couldn't find a way   $o i would $ettle for one day   to believe in you   tell me lies   tell me sweet little lies   little lie-AI-AI-$   oh no no you ca-AH-AH-n't di$gui$e..."          "The" song _         Little Lies          _ performed by Fleetwood Mac, music and lyrics c. by Christine McVie & Eddy Quintela                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCGD9dT12C0          .]          ATTENTION:  There$a "From Matrix!"   PLEA$E! Be Advised That "We" Have _$PENT_ "Merely" The Pa$t $everal Decade$ [MORE THAN ONE $INGLE DECADE OF YEAR$!] Being Left Voice Mails by "Other" ROBO-CALLER-There$a$ _AND_  "Other" ROBO-CALLER-Loui$e$ _AND_ "Other" ROBO-CALLER-Bridget$ _AND_ "Other" ROBO-CALLER-Laura$ _AND_ "Other" ROBO-CALLER-Carmen$ _A$_ OF JULY $EVENTEENTH [17TH] IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]~Oop$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~July 19th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_      © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 19th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 18th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Livin' [LIVING] Thing          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvBOZCrJsAI          performed by Electric Light Orchestra (ELO)          _   "...it's a living thing   it's a terrible thing to lose   it's a given thing   what a terrible thing to lose   feeling a babe   like the crest of a wave   it's like magic   higher and higher   baby!   it's a living thing   it's a terrible thing to lose   it's a given thing   what a terrible thing to lose   COUNTER-FACTUALS   ARE   _ _DIFFICULT_   _BUT_   COULD_   Government of Hitler   -China   -Xi Jin Ping's _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-11108059          perpetrated on   PROFOUNDLY   NON-violent   UNarmed   Tibetans   -ON-LOCATION-IN   -TIBET   PERPETRATED:          http://www.thetibetpost.com/en/outlook/opinions-and-columns/4643-china-is-guilty-of-mass-genocide-against-12-million-people-of-tibet          and          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          PERPETRATED:          https://www.amazon.com/Sky-No-Roof-Kusal-Perera-ebook/dp/B00CPWCPKO          on   Eelam Tamils   "on location" in   Ceylon-$ri Lanka   -$outh A$ia:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          _COULD_ the$e   EXPEN$IVE   GENOCIDE$   HAVE _BEEN_   CONCEIVABLY THWARTED   _AND_   _THWARTED_ IN   literal REAL-TIME   LITERAL REAL-SPACE   LITERAL ONE BLUE PLANET   _DECADE$_   AGO   _ALREADY_   have been 100%   _THWARTED_   it's a living thing   it's a terrible thing to lose   it's a given thing   what a terrible thing to lose   feeling a babe   like the crest of a wave   it's like magic   higher and higher   baby!   it's a living thing   it's a terrible thing to lose   it's a given thing   what a terrible thing to lose   _IF_ Trump had been President   years ago   "already"   _AND_ if  the anticipa-EY-EY-ted   Trump-USA-ban   on Chine$e Communi$t Party Member$   and their familie$:          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/15/us/politics/china-travel-ban.html            https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-53441003          been "in place":          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          in CALENDAR YEAR   TWO-THOU$AND+N-ai-ai-INE [2009]:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          perhap$   CHINA'$   HITLER   -TIBET   -GENOCIDE   CHINA'$ HITLER-CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   -GE-ey-NO-oh-CI-ai-DE   COULD HAVE _BEEN_   100%-_THWA-ah-ah-RTED_   "already"   ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_   $INCE   _THE_   previou$ly   MENTIONED   THOU-ah-ah-T$   _ARE_   _CLEARLY_   IN$UFFICIENT   EXCITEMENT   @ 10:13   AM   EASTERN   USA   REAL-TIME    EASTERN USA   REAL-$PACE   ON JULY SEVENTEENTH   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   GOOGLE-OWNED-   ARTIFICIAL   -INTELLIGENCE  -THINKING   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong"   INVI$IBLE   "gender" _FEMALE_   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _WRONG_ U$A zip code???????????????????????????   BA$ED ON _NOT_ U$A ZIP CODE   "FOR"   HOLLYWOOD   90210   ba$ed on   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" $KIN-CO-ah-ah-LOR   BA$ED ON   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   NON-white   -$kin-co-AH-AH-lor/colour   ~ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED   YOUTUBE   -needle-no$ed   "targeting" us   @ isaac falconer dot com   ON JULY $EVENTEENTH [17TH]   IN   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   "for" MCDONALD'$ FA$T FOOD   AD$$$$$$$$$$$$   revea-EE-EE-ling   GOOGLE-OWNED-   ARTIFICIAL   -INTELLIGENCE  -"Convenience"   -THINKING  tha-AH-t "we" _ARE_   INDEED   GOOGLE-OWNED-   ARTIFICIAL   -INTELLIGENCE   "target"-"audience" "fo-AH-AH-r"   MCDONALD'$   FA$T FOOD   BUDGET$   ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   it's a living thing   it's a terrible thing to lose   it's a given thing   what a terrible thing to lose   feeling a babe   like the crest of a wave   it's like magic   higher and higher   baby!   it's a living thing   it's a terrible thing to lose   it's a given thing   what a terrible thing to lose..."          "The" song _         Livin' Thing          _ performed by Electric Light Orchestra (ELO), music and lyrics c. by Jeff Lynne                 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvBOZCrJsAI          .]          China-Hitler-Xi Jinping-_GENOCIDE$_Genocides Perpetrated On Tibetans "on location" In Tibet:          http://www.thetibetpost.com/en/outlook/opinions-and-columns/4643-china-is-guilty-of-mass-genocide-against-12-million-people-of-tibet          _AND_ "on location" ON _ALL_ BLACK LIVES INCLUDING EELAM TAMIL BLACK LIVES IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          "on location" In Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia _COULD_ _CONCEIVABLY_ Have Been Thwarted "ALREADY" _AND_ DECADE$_ _AGO_ _ALREADY_ "By" Trump USA Ban On China Hitler Communists:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/global-53441003          https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/15/us/politics/china-travel-ban.html          _DECADE$_ Ago Already Now! IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY [2020].  ~July 18th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 18th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 17th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Dizzy          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arpidGq8SlA          performed by Tommy Roe          _   "...dizzy   i'm [ATTENTION:  GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE-AND/OR-MICRO$OFT-RELEVANT-GRAMMARLY AD-MAKER$:  The eminently correct American-English is:  "I am so dizzy."  The carefully considered and planned and choreographed alteration is commonly called poetic and/or artistic license."]  dizzy   i'm so dizzy   my head is spinning   like a whirlpool   it never ends   and it's you girl   making it spin   first time   that i saw _YOUR_   bi-UH-UH-rth-rate numbers   i just knew   that   i had to make you mine   but it's so hard   to t-AH-AH-alk to you   with fellows   hanging around   AH-AH-all the time   _ALL_ the-UH-UH   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wo-UH-UH-UH-rdly" "cogno$enti"   _AL$O_ known a$   "the people who _KNOW_"   _LIKE_ The Pew   Resea-UH-UH-rch _FOUNDATION:"          https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/05/22/u-s-fertility-rate-explained/          _AND_   "The BBC news   AH-AH-AH-online"   on the internet          https://www.usnews.com/news/healthiest-communities/articles/2020-05-20/us-births-continue-to-fall-fertility-rate-hits-record-low          doing their utmo$t   AH-AH-AH-AH-nd THEIR _BE$T_   to try and cheer up   the limitle$$ly gloomy   who under$tand   that "even" looking forward   a TOTAL   global HUMAN population   of EIGHT-POINT-EIGHT   b-EE-EE-illion-YUN   the-UH-UH   reported   BE$T CA$E $CENARIO   is   _UNTENABLE_   for ANY _AND_ _ALL_   NON-human $pecie$   dizzy   i'm so dizzy   my head is spinning   like a whirlpool   it never ends   and it's you girl   making it spin   first time that i saw your   bi-UH-UH-rth-rate numbers   i just knew that   i had to make you mine   but it's so hard   to ta-AH-AH-lk to you   with fellows   hanging around   AH-AH-all the time..."          "The" song _          Dizzy          _ performed by Tommy Roe, music and lyrics c. by Tommy Roe & Freddy Weller          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arpidGq8SlA          .]          "Even" "The" _BE$T_ + UNLIKELY-Ca$e $cenario World Population Of Eight Point Eight Billion [ HUMANS 8.8 000,000,000 IN NUMBER$ ] In The Future Is An _UNTENABLY_ Gargantuan Human Population For Non-Human Populations To "Live With:"          https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/05/22/u-s-fertility-rate-explained/          ~$pecial Attention:  Meghan Markle's Archie's Future Planetary Needs .  ~July 17th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_      © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 17th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 16th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Burnin' [Burning] For You          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipqqEFoJPL4          performed by Blue Oyster Cult          _   "...home in the valley   home in the city    home isn't pretty:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          and the home for me   home in the darkness:          https://www.amazon.com/Sky-No-Roof-Kusal-Perera-ebook/dp/B00CPWCPKO          i'm burnin' i'm burnin' i'm burnin' for you   JAYALALITHAA JAYARAAM:          https://qz.com/india/852969/tamil-nadus-most-shameful-political-moment-fueled-jayalalithaas-ultimate-rise/          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/india-53418490          already deceased   and years ago   already now!   AS VIEWED IN   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   overcoming   _IMPO$$IBLE_   MOUNTAIN$   OF POWER-IN-POLITIC$   -OB$TACLE$   _AND_   ALL AT THE SAME TIME   TRYING TO HELP   _ALL_-BLACK-LIVES-MATTER   INCLUDING   EELAM TAMIL BLACK LIVES:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          IN JULY   in calendar year twenty-twenty-[2020]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   ruled by hitler:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -Nazi-$inhale$e-criminal$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE [1939]:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          _AND_ _ONGOING_   CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOUSAND+NINE [2009]:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          _AND_   _ONGOING_ IN   CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-[2020]:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          home in the valley   home in the city    home isn't pretty:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          and the home for me   home in the darkness:          https://www.amazon.com/Sky-No-Roof-Kusal-Perera-ebook/dp/B00CPWCPKO          i'm burnin' i'm burnin' i'm burnin' for you   JAYALALITHAA JAYARAAM:          https://qz.com/india/852969/tamil-nadus-most-shameful-political-moment-fueled-jayalalithaas-ultimate-rise/          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/india-53418490          already deceased   and years ago   already now!   AS VIEWED IN   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY [2020]   overcoming   _IMPO$$IBLE_   MOUNTAIN$   OF POWER-IN-POLITIC$   -OB$TACLE$   _AND_   ALL AT THE SAME TIME   TRYING TO HELP   _ALL_-BLACK-LIVES-MATTER   _INCLUDING_ EELAM TAMIL BLACK LIVES:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          IN JULY   in calendar year twenty-twenty-[2020]..."          "The" song _          Burnin' [Burning] For You          _ performed by Blue Oyster Cult, music and lyrics c. by Donald "Buck Dharma" Roeser & Richard Meltzer                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipqqEFoJPL4          .]          Jayalalithaa Jayaraam:          https://qz.com/india/852969/tamil-nadus-most-shameful-political-moment-fueled-jayalalithaas-ultimate-rise/          Overcame Impossible Mountains Of South India-The Subcontinent'$-Political Obstacles And Relentlessly Continued Trying To Save Eelam Tamils:          https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc          On Location In Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia From Generations Of Hitlers:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          .  ~July 16th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_      © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 16th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 15th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Rock n' Roll Music          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgFKN1sOuas          performed by The Beach Boys          _   [ATTENTION:   USA-BILL+MELINDA GATES-FOUNDED-CURRENT-IN-2020-MICROSOFT-OWNED-AMERICAN-ENGLISH-GRAMMAR-POLICE _AND_/_OR_ GOOGLE-OWNED-GRAMMARLY-ADVERTI$ER$:  THE EMINENTLY _CORRECT_ AMERICAN-ENGLISH "for" THE ORIGINAL BEACH BOYS LYRICS IS:  "Let me [OR us] hear some of that rock and roll music."   THIS DELIBERATE _ALTERATION_ IS CALLED POETIC AND/OR ARTISTIC LICENSE!]   "...let'$ hear me some of that   rock n' roll m-YOO-usic    any old time you choo$e it   EE-if you wanna' dance with me   -EE-if you wanna' dance with me   NOW that TOTALITARIAN-China-AH   has _FUNDED_   _AND_ [+] ONE HUNDRED PERCENT [100%]   BA-ah-ah-NK-ROLLED:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _AND_ _NOT_   IN$TITUTIONALIZED   USA-POLICE-BRUTALITY:          https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/ag-barr-blasts-trumps-tweets-abc-news-exclusive-68971790          -PERPETRATED ON AFRICAN-AMERICAN   -MA-ey-ey-LES   if you wanna' dance with me   if you wanna' dance with me   -BLACK LIVES MATTER   -MALES IN$IDE THE-uh-uh   UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-ah-ah-ah   _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          perpetra-EY-EY-EY-ted by   Sri Lanka-AH-AH   -Government:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/india-46936425          Military Fo-OH-OH-rces:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          COMMANDED BY   GENERATION$ ah-ah-OF   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-RAJAPAK$E-H-ee-ee-ee-ITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          PERPETRATED:                   https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          -EE-if you wanna' dance with me   -EE-if you wanna' dance with me   _GENOCIDE_:          https://www.tamilnet.com/img/publish/2014/10/TCSF_English_Opinion_NPC_resolution_Genocide.pdf          PERPETRATED   OH-OH-n   _ALL_ black-lives-MATTER-INCLU-ooh-ooh-DING   -EELAM TAMIL-"BLACK"-LI-ai-ai-VES   -on location   EE-EE-in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-ey-$IA   -"EVEN"-EELAM TAMIL   BLACK-LIVES-matter:         https://theconversation.com/rwanda-and-sri-lanka-a-tale-of-two-genocides-116135          _AND_  100% destro-OH-OH-yed   democracy   in Hong K-AH-AHong   _AND_   _ANY_   _AND_   _ALL_ U$A FAMILY DOLLAR   _AND_ DOLLAR-GENERAL_   U$A $TO-oh-oh-RE$   A$ A METHOD FOR UNLOADING   _ALL_ THING$-MADE IN CHINA-ah   -ee-ee-EA$T A-ey-ey-$IA-ah   AT TERRIBLE CO$T TO _ALL_ THE WORLD'$   _CHILDREN'S_   _FUTURE_   PLANETARY   "NEE-ee-ee-DS" (!)   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   United States'   Secretary-of-Sta-EY-EY-te   MIKE POMPEO-oh-oh-   declares China'$   activitie$   of HITLER-totalitariani$m   "on location" in   The $outh China $ea-EE-EE-   "illegal:"          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53397673          ON BASTILLE DAY   JULY FOURTEENTH [14th]   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   PLEASE NOTE   THA-ah-ah-T   "We" have owned our own e-mail accounts(s)   since calendar year   nineteen eighty-EY-EY-eight (1988)   _AND_ this _IS_   an e-mail messa-EY-EY-ge   _NOT_ a text me-EY-EY-ssage   THANK YOU!   _NOT_ for the first/last/one millionth ti-AI-AI-me   -since calendar year   nineteen eighty-three-EE-EE (1983)   "our" LEGAL-USA-LANDLINE-telephone(s)   r-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-ing   _AND_ "our" caller ID(S)   displa-AY-AY-AY-y   BETHANY-WV   -USA-ay-ay-ay   -SPOOFERS   304   829   1706   _WITHIN_ _LITERAL_ real-time   _WITHIN_ _LITERAL_-real-space   _WITHIN_ _LITERAL_-REAL-one blue planet   event/instance-AH-AH-of   placing an internet/online order   on Amazon Dot C-ah-ah-om [AMAZON.COM]   AND/_OR_   ah-ah-of   placing   A-LEGAL-USA-LANDLINE   -telephone ca-ah-ah-ah-ah-ll   TO Wheeling-WV-USA-ay-ay   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   let'$ hear me some of that   rock n' roll m-YOO-usic    any old time you choo$e it   if you wanna' dance with me   if you wanna' dance with me..."          "The" song _          Rock n' Roll Music          _ performed by Beach Boys, music and lyrics c. by Chuck Berry                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgFKN1sOuas          .]          Congratulations [EMINENTLY _NOT_ SARCASM!] To USA Secretary Of State Mike Pompeo For Recognizing Government Of Hitler-China Xi Jinping Hitler-Totalitarian Activities In South China Sea:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          As "Illegal:"          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53397673          On Bastille Day Twenty-twenty [2020].  ~July 15th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_      © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 15th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July14th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Super Trouper          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BshxCIjNEjY          performed by ABBA          _   "...super trouper   lights are gonna'   [ATTENTION:   GOOGLE-OWNED-GRAMMARLY-ADVERTI$ER$:  THE EMINENTLY _CORRECT_ AMERICAN-ENGLISH WORD "for" "gonna' " IS "going to."  THIS DELIBERATE _ALTERATION_ IS CALLED POETIC AND/OR ARTISTIC LICENSE!]   super trouper   lights are gonna' find you   shining like the sun   laughing   having fun   feeling like "the" "number" "one"   "E-ee-ee-VEN"   Hollywood   actor Jo-AH-AH-AH-hn Wa-EY-EY-EY-yne'$:          https://abc7.com/usc-exhibit-removed-john-wayne-protests/6313296/          $PIRITUALLY- EXPEN$IVE   _AND_   raci$t   $lur$   and   homophobic   re-EE-EE-ma-AH-AH-rk$  AH-AH-of    _LITERAL_   -REAL-TIME   LITERAL   -REA-uh-uh-L   -$PA-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey-CE   _LITERAL_   ONE BLUE PLANET   OF _DE-ey-ey-CA-ey-ey-ey-ey-DE$_   -_AGO_ "already"   deemed "worthy" AH-AH-of "making"   ABC-NEW$   -U$-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey   -Headline   New$   with David Muir   the mo$t-watched   televi$ion new$ca$t   in the USA   _WITH_ Tom LLAMAS anchoring   ON $unday   July twe-EY-EY-lfth [12th]  -twenty-twenty-EE-EE-EE-[2020]   but _NEVER_ Former US President Obama's:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          $TUNNING   VI$UAL   PRE$ENTA-ey-ey-ey-TION$   _$MILING _WITH   _AND_ EMINENTLY _NOT_   _AGAIN$T_   HITLER-MAHINDHA   -"CHINTHANA"   -GENOCIDAL-DICTATOR$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   -RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   2009-2016      r-EE-EE-EE-ema-AH-AH-rks   i-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-n   calendar year two-thousand and nine [2009]   _DIRECTLY_   AH-AH-AH-addre$$ing   the _ONLY_ _EVER_   opponents   "ever" in _RECO-oh-oh-oh-RDED_  "history" of   HITLER-GOATABAYA-RAJAPA-uh-uh-uh-K$E:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          ~the _BEST_ that President Obama   -USA President   at the ti-AI-me EE-EE-in TWO-THOU$AND+NI-ai-ai-ai-NE [ 2009]:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          -found himself   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "capable" of sa-EY-EY-ying was:  QUOTE-UNQUOTE"  "Both sides"   HITLER   -GOATABAYA RAJAPAK$E-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh-uh   _AND_ OPPONENT$ OF   HITLER (!)   TAMIL TIGERS   LIBERATION TIGERS   OF TAMIL ee-ee-ee-EELA-uh-uh-uh-M   LTTE:          https://www.amazon.com/War-Crimes-against-Humanity-Lanka/dp/0957502370          ] "mu-UH-UH-t ste-EY-EY-p do-AH-AH-wn!"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   How can THAT   -this IN$TANCE  100% _BE_ MI$$ED BY   ABC   MO$T-WATCHED   TELEVI$ION   -NEW$   ON PLANET EARTH   WITH DAVID MUIR AND TO-ah-ah-ah-M   LLAMA$   AND PIERRE THO-oh-oh-oh-oh-MA$     100% MI$$ED BY   CNN'$ JA-ay-ay-ay-KE TA-ah-ah-ah-ah-PPER   _NOT_ be $PELLING-   "Victory"-FOR HITLER   -GOATABAYA   -RAJAPA-ah-ah-ah-K$E$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$   IN _EVERY_ $EN$E OF THAT WORD:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/94259          ???????????????????????????   _VICTORY_ _FOR_   Nazi   -Hitler   -Sinhala-fascist "policies" on DARK-SKINNED   -PRECISELY-LIKE-THE-OBAMAS   -BUT_NO-ONE-WOULD-GUESS-IT    BY U$A   TELEVI$ION   COVERAGE   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   -EELAM-TAMILS   twenty-$even-que$tion-mark$   ???????????????????????????????????????????????   in the "eyes" of    The USA's   Big Three   Evening   Network New$ Teleca$ts   and "essentially"   "the world"   "The Univer$e"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _AND_ every $INGLE-$OLITARY-U$A   televi$ion-new$ca$t-IN JULY   of CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   _LITERALLY_   and _E$$ENTIALLY_ $CREAM$    "Former Pre$ident Obama _CANNOT_ _EVER_   _PO$$IBLY_    _BE_ an egregiou$ bigot+ raci$t   AGAIN$T Eelam Tamils "on location" in    CEYLON-$RI LANKA-ah   -$-ah-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-$IA   _JU$T_ _BECAU$E_ he I$   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "a black man   IN$IDE THE RACI-ee-ee-$T   +_BEYOND_-$EXI$T   TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]-U$A-ey-ey-ey!'"   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   super trouper   lights are gonna' find you   shining like the sun   laughing   having fun   feeling like "the" "number" "one"..."          "The" song _          Super Trouper          _ performed by ABBA, music and lyrics c. by Benny Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BshxCIjNEjY          .]          Former USA President Barack Hussein Obama Commanding The Only Ever BEYOND-VALIANT-OPPONENTS Of Hitler Goatabaya Rajapakse To Step Down Still Never Makes USA Main Stream "MOST-WATCHED-TELEVISION-NEWS-" International ABC News With David Muir Tom Llamas Pierre Thomas ON $UNDAY JULY 12th, 2020 [TWENTY-TWENTY_ Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~July 14th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_      © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 14th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 13th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          (Don't Fear) The Reaper              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy4HA3vUv2c          performed by Blue Oyster Cult          _   "...lah-la-lah-lah   lo-AH-AH-AH-ve of two   is one  lah-la-lah-lah   lo-AH-AH-AH-ve of two   is mo-OH-OH-OH-re   than death   lo-AH-AH-AH-ve of two   is one   romeo and juliet   are together in Eternity   we can be like they are   a-AH-AH-AH-ll   our times   have come   here   but now they're gone  seasons don't feel the reaper   neither do the wind the sun and the rain   c-AH-AH-AH-AH-m   on   baby   don't fear the reaper   baby take my hand   don't fear the reaper   we-EE-EE-EE-'ll be able   to fly   don't fear the reaper   baby   i'm your PEACE   lah-la-lah-la-lah   "d-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-i$turbed"   "Recommended" _$PECIFICALLY_   fo-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-r _YOU_   @ isaacfalconer dot com   @ 12:50 PM   E-ee-ee-ee-ee-a$tern   U$A Time   on July twelfth/twelvth[12th]   OF CALENDAR YEAR   -twenty-twenty-EE-EE-[2020]          http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20200507-foods-you-can-forage-from-your-own-garden          AI-AI-AI-i filled   m-AI-AI-AI-AI-y   wicker basket   _EMINENTLY_   _NOT_   "a pla$tic ba$ket" [!]   with dozens   of   dande   lions   a common   con$idered PE$KY   _WEED_   whose leaves   stems   flowers   and roots   have been used for their purported   nutri-SHU-UH-tional   and medicinal value   for thousands   AH-AH-AH-of   years   the-UH-UH-   nearby wood   blanketed   in lilac   and cobalt-coloured/colored   blue-OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH-bells   provided a bountiful supply   AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-of    wild garlic   a delicate white   -flowered plant   whose fragrant leaf    AI-AI-AI-i plan   to use   to season my stinging nettle   ravioli   _BE_ super-duper   -EXTRA-careful   "whe-EY-EY-EY-EY-n"   picking stinging nettles   they sting   and dandelion pesto   lah-la-lah-lah   lo-AH-AH-AH-ve of two   is one   romeo and juliet   are together in Eternity   we can be like they are   a-AH-AH-AH-ll   our times have come   here   but now they're gone  seasons don't feel the reaper   neither do the wind the sun and the rain   c-AH-AH-AH-AH-m   on   baby   don't fear the reaper   baby take my hand   don't fear the reaper   we-EE-EE-EE-'ll be able   to fly   don't fear the reaper   baby   i'm your PEACE   lah-la-lah-la-lah..."          "The" song _          (Don't Fear) The Reaper          _ performed by Blue Oyster Cult, music and lyrics c. by Donald "Buck Dharma" Roeser               https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dy4HA3vUv2c          .]          During The Time Of COVID-19 (Nineteen) Global Pandemic Many Exquisitely-Adventuresome Chefs And Foodies Are Creating One Of A Kind Foraged Menus:          http://www.bbc.com/travel/story/20200507-foods-you-can-forage-from-your-own-garden          Filled With Loves And Delights!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~July 13th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 13th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

_ July 12th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Ring My Bell          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URAqnM1PP5E          performed by Anita Ward          _   "...you can ring my be-ey-ey-ey-ell   RING MY BELL   you can ring my be-ey-ey-ey-ell   RING MY BELL   i guess you had that look in your AI-AI-AI-eyes   the night is young   _AND_   full of possibilitie-EE-EE-EE-s   so come home   _AND_ let yourself be   plea-EE-EE-EE-sed   RING MY BELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-53368642          Buddhist Temples OR VIHARA$   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$-ah-ah-ah-ah-OUTH A-ey-$IA-AH-AH-AH-AH   being replaced   by Hindu temples:          https://www.amazon.com/Ritual-Recovery-Post-Conflict-Routledge-Contemporary/dp/1138115770           AH-AH-of HINDU   religious   wo-UH-UH-UH-rship   as reported by   The   Tamil   BB   C   news   on the internet   on   July   ELEVENTH [11th]   in calendar year    twenty-twenty-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-[2020]    ring my bell   BUDDHIST TEMPLE$   "on location" in   CEYLON   -$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   being phy$ically   _D-i-i-i-E$TROYED_   $UCH that HINDU TEMPLES    belonging to EELAM TAMILS   CAN BE RE-BUILT   $AY   _NONE_   _ZERO_   _ALL_ the world'$   24/7/366/   IN LEAP YEAR   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   ring my bell   televi$ion   -PRINT   -RADIO   -new$-OUTLET$   -24/7/366   _TO_   COUNT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND   EELAM TAMILS   "on location" in   CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   1 [ONE] ELIJAH MCCLA-ey-ey-ey-IN   he's so fine   IS _ACTUALLY_   _MO-oh-oh-oh-RE_ "THAN" 1 [ONE] ELIJAH MCCLAIN   X [TIME$] 110,000 [ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOU$AND]   INDIVIDUAL   +DISTINCT   +PRICELESS   +EELAM TAMIL-PHYSICAL-LIVES~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ] = EQUAL$  _GENOCI-ai-ai-ai-ai-DE_   ring my bell:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          perpetrated ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ON   MINORITY   QUOTE-UNQUOTE:          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548#reader_0984525548          PERPETRATED   ON "minority" QUOTE-UNQUOTE   -"black"   +"jewish"   +"aboriginal   +native-ame-EY-EY-EY-rica-UH-ns   -first peoples   EQUIVALENT:"          https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53027704          -EQUIVALENT   -EELAM   TAMILS   "on location"   -EE-EE-EE-in   Ceylon-$ri Lanka   -$-ah-ah-OUTH   ey-ey-ey-ey-A$IA   _WHILE_   BIDEN   -OBAMA   _WITH_   USA   PRESIDENTIAL   -KNEE-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee   -ee-ee-ee   -ON 110,000   George   Flo-OH-OH-OH-yd[S]   ON 110,000   -AHMAUD   AUBER-ee-ee-Y[S]   ON 110,000   -ELIJAH MC-uh-uh-uh-CLAIN[S]   "celebra-EY-EY-EY-ted"   "internationally-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE"   2009   THROUGH   twenty-$ix-EE-EE-EE-n [2016]   _WI-ee-ee-ee-TH_   HITLER   -MAHINDHA   "CHINTHANA"   RAJAPAK$$$$$$$$$E-uh-uh-uh:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          in DIRECT   QUID PRO QUO-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh   "exchange"   for U$A   TOP DOLLAR$$$$$$$   4.5 MILLION [U$A $4,500, 000]   to be preci$e   PRECIOU$   _AND_   U$A   _AND_   TAXPAYER   DOLLAR$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/             U$A-ey   TOP   DOLLAR$$$$$$$   wha-AH-AH-t   e-EY-EY-l$e???????????????????????????   _TRAGIC_ that   re-building _ALREADY_ DE$TROYED   /BEING   _CON$TANTLY_   DE$TROYED  _AND_  FOR _DECADE$_   HINDU temples   "on location" in   CEYLON   -$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   $INCE CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE [1939]   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          _CANNOT_   QUOTE-UNQUOTE "re-BUILD"   ONE HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND   INDIVIDUAL   +DISTINCT   +PRICELESS   +EELAM TAMIL   -PHYSICAL   -LIVES [          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ]   ring my bell   you can ring my be-ey-ey-ey-ell   RING MY BELL   you can ring my be-ey-ey-ey-ell   RING MY BELL   i guess you had that look in your AI-AI-AI-eyes   the night is young   _AND_   full of possibilitie-EE-EE-EE-s   so come home   _AND_ let yourself be   plea-EE-EE-EE-sed   RING MY BELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   _NOT_ for the fi-UH-UH-UH-rst   /la-AH-AH-AH-st   /one milli-YUH-YUH-nth   time    since calendar year   nineteen   eighty   -three-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-[1983]   "our" USA telephone[s]   ri-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-EE-ng   _AND_ "our" caller ID[s]   display   UNION   BRIDGE   MARYLAND   ATTENTION:   BBC   TELEVI$ION-   NEW$-ANNOUNCER$   THE NAME   I$ PRONOUNCED   MARYL-U-ND   NOT   MARY   _LAND_   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    USA-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey-ey   443   241   2310   _WITHIN_   _LITERAL_   REAL-TIME   -REAL-SPACE   -REAL-ONE BLUE PLANET   delivery-EE-EE   by FEDEX/UPS/USP$   -package-deliveries   _PURE_   Coincidence???????????????????????????   followed by TWENTY-$EVEN QUE$TION MARK$~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    DI$TURBING   _PATTERN_   OF   _ACTIVITY_    IN _ANY_ EVENT [!]   FOLLOWED BY   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   NEEDLE-NO$ED   TARGETI-ee-ee-ee-ING   "us"   @   isaacfalconer   do-AH-AH-AH-AH-t   co-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-m   E-cigarettes   are addictive   The nicotine in e-cigarettes   can harm   young brains   affecting   impulse-contro-OH-OH-OH-l   the daily truth   do-AH-AH-AH-AH-t   com   di$playing  GOOGLE-OWNED-   ARTIFICIAL   -INTELLIGENCE  -THINKING   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong"   INVI$IBLE   "gender"   _FEMALE_   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _WRONG_ U$A zip code???????????????????????????   9012   90210   BA$ED ON _NOT_    U$A ZIP CODE   "FOR"   HOLLYWOOD   90210   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" $KIN-COLOR   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE:  NON-white   -$kin-color/colour   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   GOOGLE-OWNED   YOUTUBE   -needle-no$ed   "targeting us   @ isaac falconer do-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-t   co-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-m   ON JULY ELEVENTH [11TH]   CALENDAR YEAR   TWENTY-TWENTY-ee-ee-ee-[2020]   @ 08:39 AM   EA$TERN U$A T-ai-ai-ai-IME   ON JULY ELEVENTH [11TH]   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]   revealing GOOGLE   artificial "thinking"  that   "we-EE-EE-EE-" are GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$   "target" "audience"   "for"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "lack of impul$e control"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE:   "young brain$"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE:   "e-cigarette con$umer$"   QUOTE-UNQUOTE:   "wrong"   "bad"   REGARDLE$$ [ATTENTION:   GOOGLE-OWNED-GRAMMARLY-ADVERTI$ER$:  THE EMINENTLY _CORRECT_ AMERICAN-ENGLISH WORD "for" "REGARDLE$$' " IS "REGARDLESS."  THIS IS CALLED POETIC AND/OR ARTISTIC LICENSE!]   of the _FACT$   ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   you can ring my be-ey-ey-ey-ell   RING MY BELL   you can ring my be-ey-ey-ey-ell   RING MY BELL   i guess you had that look in your AI-AI-AI-eyes   the night is young   _AND_   full of possibilitie-EE-EE-EE-s   so come home   _AND_ let yourself be   plea-EE-EE-EE-sed   RING MY BELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..."          "The" song _          Ring My Bell          _ performed by Anita Ward, music and lyrics c. by Frederick Knight                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URAqnM1PP5E          .]          Rebuilding "Even" "ALL" The Hindu Temples:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-53368642          Destroyed By Generations Of Sri Lanka Nazi Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ince CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939):          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          _CANNOT_ Return One Hundred And Ten-Thousand _TIME$_ ONE [1] Elijah McClain[s]:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!  ~July 12th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_      © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 12th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

July 11th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Good Vibrations          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apBWI6xrbLY          performed by The Beach Boys          _   "...i'm pickin' up good vibrations   she's givin' me   excitations   I$ CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA   INDEED A HITLERIAN-CALENDAR YEAR   -TWENTY-TWENTY-[2020]-DICTATOR$HIP???????????????????????????           https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/is-sri-lanka-on-its-way-to-becoming-a-dictatorship/          i'm pickin' up good vibrations   she's givin' me excitations   follows   _HA$_ $RI LANKA BEEN GOVERNED BY   HITLER-RAJAPAK$E$$$$$$$$$$$$-$INCE CALENDAR YEAR   NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE [1939]:          http://www.mazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          ???????????????????????????          i'm pickin' up good vibrations   she's givin' me excitations   FOLLOW$   TOP BUDDHI$T$ IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA   -$OUTH A$IA   A$KING FOR A RETURN TO HITLER:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          follow$   on july ninth [9th]   -twenty-twenty-[2020] @03:38 PM   Eastern USA Time   i'm pickin' up good vibrations   she's givin' me excitations   a pre-recorded female robo-caller   statING   "this is an exclusive offer   from Marriott hotel$.  We are calling   to say your   [PRESUMABLY telephone] number   has been pre-selected   i'm pickin' up good vibrations   she's givin' me excitations   for a free complimentary stay   at one of our 5-star hotels..."   followed by  _PO$$IBLY    the _$AME_ FEMALE   voice-robo-caller   recording   i'm pickin' up good vibrations   she's givin' me excitations   on july tenth [10th]-twenty-twenty-[2020]   @10:22  AM Eastern USA Time   $tating:   "hello we are trying to reach   the owner of your vehicle   whose extended warranty..."   followed by   Do This To Stop Ringing In Ears   Tinnitus? earl Son 1.4 M views   demon$trating "live"   @ 10:33 AM   Eastern USA Time   on july tenth [10th]-twenty-twenty-[2020]   GOOGLE-OWNED-TUBETUBE'$   "artificial intelligence"   thinking that "we" are   GOOGLE-OWNED-YOUTUBE'$   QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "target audience"   OF TRUE TINNITU$   $UFFERER$   OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" INVI$IBLE   "gender" _FEMALE_   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   _WRONG_ U$A zip code???????????????????????????   BA$ED ON _NOT_ U$A ZIP CODE   "FOR"   HOLLYWOOD   90210   ba$ed on QUOTE-UNQUOTE   "wrong" $KIN-COLOR   BA$ED ON QUOTE-UNQUOTE:  NON-white   -$kin-color/colour   BA$ED ON   ~ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   i'm pickin' up good vibrations   she's givin' me excitations..."          "The" song _          Good Vibration          _ performed by The Beach Boys, music and lyrics c. by Brian Wilson & Mike Love                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apBWI6xrbLY          .]          Ceylon Sri Lanka South Asia Has Been Tyrannized By Nazi-HITLER-$inhala Fa$ci$t$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          In Power Since Calendar Year NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE [1939]:          https://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          Oops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~July 11th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_     © 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches) ORIGINAL FINE ART ONE-OF-A-KIND+UNREPRODUCIBLE _ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE+eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION 100% NON-TOXIC+100% ECO-FRIENDLY+100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL-IMPACT CREATED July 11th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram © 2020 (twenty-twenty)

Original artwork ©1983 - present Isaac Falconer / Dr. Saku Gunasegaram

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