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_April 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Manic Monday          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsmVgoXDq2w          performed by The Bangles _   "... six o'clock already   i was just in the middle of a dream   my _DREAM_ was that LITERAL _GENERATION$_:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          of Ceylon   -$ri Lanka   -$outh a$ia   -GOVERNMENT-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          $INCE CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   -perpetrated _GENOCIDE($)_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _GENOCIDE_:          http://hrbrief.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Legal-Case-of-the-Tamil-Genocide_30-December-2014.pdf          is a HIGHLY-needle-nosed   +specific _WORD_   coined by RAPHAEL LEMKIN:          https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/coining-a-word-and-championing-a-cause-the-story-of-raphael-lemkin          _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          is Eminently _N-AH-AH-AH-OT_   BEGIN QUOTE   "South America's   _EGREGIOU$_   DRUG CARTEL VIOLENCE"   END QUOTE   _GENOCIDE_ :          https://www.amazon.com/Sky-No-Roof-Kusal-Perera-ebook/dp/B00CPWCPKO/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=sky+no+roof&qid=1586267038&s=books&sr=1-1          is Eminently _N-AH-AH-AH-OT_   BEGIN QUOTE   "$ri Lanka'$" "civil war"   END QUOTE:          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lankan_Civil_War          THANK$ TO WIKIPEDIA~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH+REUTER$-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lankan_Civil_War          "The" United Nation$ $ecurity Council:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          OPENLY   _AND_ "all over"    "the" INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED   +24/7/366   -in-Leap Year 2020 (twenty-twenty-y-y-y)   -OPEN CELEBRATION$   -OF-GENERATION$-OF-$RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT   -PERPETRATED-GENOCIDE($)     UNRELENTINGLY _JOINED_ IN OPEN+INTERNATIONAL-CELEBRATION$   OF $RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-GENOCIDE$:          https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CCPR/Shared%20Documents/LKA/INT_CCPR_CSS_LKA_18262_E.pdf          UNRELENTINGLY_JOINED_UNRELENTINGLY _JOINED_ IN OPEN+INTERNATIONAL-CELEBRATION$   OF $RI LANKA GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-GENOCIDE$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          BY NUMBER ONE ON THE INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED $TAGE   FROM CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOU$AND AND EIGHT (2008) UNTIL "NOW" CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   U$A PRE$IDENT   BARACK   HU$$EIN   OBAMA   UNRELENTINGLY _JOINED_:          http://jkrsothy.blogspot.com/2011/10/sri-lanka-president-attends-queens.html          IN OPEN+INTERNATIONAL-CELEBRATION$   OF $RI LANKA GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-GENOC-I-I-I-IDE$:          https://www.reuters.com/article/us-srilanka-un/u-n-failed-gravely-in-sri-lanka-internal-review-panel-idUSBRE8AD1Q320121114          BY NUMBER ONE   ON THE INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED $TAGE   FROM CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN FIFTY-THREE (1953):          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52NTjasbmgw          UNTIL "NOW" CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BY HER ROYAL MAJE$TY   QUEEN ELIZABETH II OF GREAT BRITAIN:          https://www.alamy.com/britains-queen-elizabeth-ii-right-meets-with-sri-lanka-president-mahinda-image62818379.html          NOW NINETY-THREE YEAR$ OLD:          https://www.biography.com/royalty/queen-elizabeth-ii          _AND_ -REMAIN$_ _$TILL_ FRONT _AND_ _CENTER_   OF THE INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED-UNIVER$E   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   UNRELENTINGLY _JOINED_:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hbb3ek8CoQ          IN OPEN+INTERNATIONAL-CELEBRATION$   OF $RI LANKA GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-GENOC-I-I-I-IDE$:          http://theconversation.com/rwanda-and-sri-lanka-a-tale-of-two-genocides-116135          BY NUMBER ONE ON THE _EUROPEAN_ _UNION_ _AND_ INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED _POLITICAL_ $TAGE$   FROM CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOU$AND AND FIVE (2005):          https://www.britannica.com/biography/Angela-Merkel          UNTIL "NOW" CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   HER EXCELLENCY GERMAN CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL:          https://theprint.in/global-pulse/angela-merkel-to-exit-politics-and-tamils-at-risk-again-in-sri-lanka/142172/          OPENLY $UPPORTING   _LITERAL_ GENERATION$ -AH-AH-AH-OF   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA'$ _GOVERNMENT_-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/religious-minorities-must-have-their-final-rites-respected-amnesty-international-calls-on-sri-lankan-authorities-to-stop-forced-cremation/          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          JUST ANOTHER MANIC MONDAY!   WI$H IT WERE FIR$T DAY   FIR$T DAY IS THE WORD THAT QUAKER$ U-YOU-$E   IN$TEAD OF THE ROMAN-GOD-NAMED-AFTER-$UNDAY:          https://www.quakercloud.org/cloud/clearwater-friends-quaker-meeting/pages/about-quakers          JUST ANOTHER MANIC MONDAY!   JUST ANOTHER MANIC MONDAY!   WI$H IT WERE FIR$T DAY   FIR$T DAY IS THE WORD THAT QUAKER$ U-YOU-$E   IN$TEAD OF THE ROMAN-GOD-NAMED-AFTER-$UNDAY:          https://www.quakercloud.org/cloud/clearwater-friends-quaker-meeting/pages/about-quakers          JUST ANOTHER MANIC MONDAY!..."          "The" song _          Manic Monday          _ performed by The Bangles, music and lyrics c. by  ‎Prince          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsmVgoXDq2w          ]          "We" [EELAM TAMIL MINORITY ETHNIC GROUP-EELAM TAMIL MINORITY RELIOUS-GROUP "ON LOCATION" IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA_$OUTH A$IA] Wish That The Manic Monday$ _And_ Unrelenting-$INCE-CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939):          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia-Government Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -Perpetrated Genocide$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Would $top! CEA$E! DE$I$T! _BEING_ _INTERNATIONALLY_ _Celebrated_ And INTERNATIONALLY _TELEVI$ED_~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+Televi$ed 24/7/366:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hbb3ek8CoQ          .  ~April 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_
[PLEASE! KINDLY NOTE!  Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE (a) USA President Trump supporter(s.) _HOWEVER_ "we" wish to be _FOREMOST_ AND ON THE FRONT LINE(S) in OPENLY+INTERNATIONALLY- applauding USA President Trump "for" taking on China-East Asia's nakedly-genocidal upon "everyone"~including on Hong Kong re$ident$ and on Eelam Tamil residents "on location" IN Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-NINETEEN (2019)-indeed~as no other "Western" "international" "political leader(s)" would ever _DREAM_ of "doing" (!) and on Eelam Tamil:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/india-51582172          residents "on location" IN Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)-on behalf of Eelam Tamils "on location" in Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A4a-fascist dictators~indeed~as no other "Western" "international" "political leader(s)" would ever _DREAM_ of "doing" (!) :          https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2019/sep/10/donald-trump/trump-wrongly-claims-china-having-its-worst-year-5/          _AND_           https://www.bbc.com/news/business-48844278          _AND_          https://www.bbc.com/news/business-49199559          _WHILE_ BEING BEYOND WELL AWARE THAT "MOST" USA ECONOMISTS OPPOSE TRUMP TARIFFS ON CHINA-EA$T A$IA-THEREBY _INADVERTENTLY_ $UPPORTING-GOVERNMENT-OF-CHINA-EA$T A$IA _GENOCIDE$ PERPETRATED GLOBALLY~OOP$!~and/or (a) "Registered" USA Republican Party Member(s) either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE (a) USA Nancy Pelosi-Chuck Schumer supporter(s) and/or (a) "Registered" USA Democratic Party Member(s) either "now" and/or "ever" and/or "Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Ceylonese-American-Sri Lankan-American citizens of The USA either "now" and/or "ever" and/or and/or "Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Indian-American citizens of The USA either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE citizens or nationals of China-East Asia-Chinese-American citizens of The USA either "now" and/or "ever"and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE citizens or nationals of Poland-Polish-American citizens of The USA either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE USA-BLACK-African-American citizens of The USA either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE citizens or nationals of Burma-Myanmar-South Asia-Burmese-American-Myanmar-American-citizens of The USA, either "now" and/or "ever"  Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE citizens or nationals of Japan-East Asia-Japanese-American-citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE citizens or nationals of Korea-Korean-American-citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE citizens or nationals of Iran-Iranian-American-citizens of The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE citizens or nationals of Oman-Omani-American-citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Filipina-North Americans (from Canada)-American-USA-citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever"and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Canadian-North Americans (from Canada)-Canadian-American-USA-citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Maryland-USA residents-American-USA-citizens+residents of the USA State of Maryland-USA, either "now" and/or "ever" Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE California-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Kansas-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE New York-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Texas-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Michigan-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Nevada-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE New Mexico-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE New Jersey-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE nationals of Mexico, South America, either "now" and/or "ever" person(s) "located" Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" is/are a resident(s) and/or national(s) of Washington D.C. The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" is/are a resident(s) and/or national(s) of Trincomalee-Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia either "now" and/or  "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" is/are a resident(s) and/or national(s) "ever" of Batticaloa-Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia either "now" and/or "ever" and/or  Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" is/are a resident(s) and/or national(s) of Jaffna, Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here"is/are a national of New Zealand-The Pacific Rim and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here"is/are a national of Germany-The European UNION and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here"is/are a national of HUNGARY-The European UNION and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here"is/are a national of  The United Kingdom-The European UNION and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here"is/are a national of  Norway-The European UNION and/or  and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here"is/are a national of  Denmark-The European UNION and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" is/are "ever" is/are a member(s) of the Muslim COMMUNITY OF HUMAN BEINGS either inside and/or outside Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia and/or Canada-North America and/or Australia-AUSTRALIA The Continent All On Its Ownsome and/or is/are Muslim(s) and/or Hindu(s) from _ANY_ country on earth whatsoever.  THANK YOU!
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)
_ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT
CREATED April 8th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram
Harvard UNIVER$ITY-U$A-ELEVATED-Government Of China Ea$t A$ia Finding THAT Genocide IN$ufficient Cause Of Death For Eelam Tamils:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          "On Location" In $ri Lanka Decides To Add Refusal To Test For Covid-19:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-51868931          To _ADD_ To CHINA-FUNDED-GOVERNMENT-OF-$RI LANKA-HITLER$$$-GENOCIDE-DEATH$:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          Of Eelam Tamils "On Location" In Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          _AND_           https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc          https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/home-ministry-justifies-excluding-sl-refugees-from-citizenship-bill/article26143382.ece          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2nEw9AkNHk          ~and YE$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "we" OFFICIALLY THROUGH TRANSPARENT+CLEARLY _VISIBLE_  CHANNELS HAVE CONTACTED ALL RECENTLY-FORMER PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES _INCLUDING_ FORMER USA PRESIDENT BARACK HUSS-U$A $ 4.5 MILLION-EIN:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          OBAMA _AND_ GERMAN CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL  _WHO_ _ROUTINELY_ _DEPORT$_ CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA'$-DARK-SKINNED ETHNIC MINORITY EELAM TAMIL$ _ORIGINALLY_ FROM CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA "BACK" TO THE SCENERY OF _THEIR_ GENOCIDES_~ _GENOCIDE_ [_NOT_ I$I$ TERROR (!) _NOT_ "$RI LANKA'$ CIVIL WAR" (!)_NOT_ Mexican/$outh American Drug Cartel-Unlea$hed VIOLENCE (!)]~_IN A _HABITUAL_ + _ROUTINE_"MANNER" (!) FOR _YEARS_ ON END (!) _YEAR_ AFTER _YEAR_ AFTER _YEAR_ AFTER _YEAR  _NEARLY_] _DAILY_ regarding Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia-GOVERNMENT-Perpetration Of UNRELENTING _GENOCIDE_ [_NOT_ I$I$ TERROR (!) _NOT_ "$RI LANKA'$ CIVIL WAR" (!)_NOT_ Mexican/$outh American Drug Cartel-Unlea$hed VIOLENCE (!)]~PERPETRATED On Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia's Dark-Skinned-ETHNIC-MINORITY-Eelam Tamils+More Recently IN CALENDAR YEAR($) TWENTY-EIGHTEEN (2018):          http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=39004          _AND_ TWENTY-NINETEEN (2019):          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-48298770          regarding Dark-Skinned-RELIGIOUS-minority-MUSLIMS located in Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia FACING GENOCIDE~_GENOCIDE_ [_NOT_ I$I$ TERROR (!) _NOT_ "$RI LANKA'$ CIVIL WAR" (!)_NOT_ Mexican/$outh American Drug Cartel-Unlea$hed VIOLENCE (!)]~1939 (nineteen thirty-nine)+THROUGH CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN SIXTY-EIGHT (1968)/NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE (1969) AS THIS _ONE_ _INDIVIDUAL_ TAMIL-LANGUAGE-ONLY LIFE-STORY as reported by The Tamil-language BBC news story ATTESTS+TESTIFIES TO:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-47102898          ONGOING IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-NINETEEN (2019):          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93013                   https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/prime-minister-you-protect-gotabaya-rajapaksa-will-my-father-ever-receive-justice-ahimsa-writes-to-ranil/                    https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39539                    https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39313                    https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39280                    https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39313          https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39556          _INCLUDING_ "rubbing $alt" into already open wound$" BY PERPETRATING RELENTLE$$-ECOLOGICAL DEVA$TATION:          https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39567          ON EELAM TAMILS _AND_ ON TAMIL-LANGUAGE-SPEAKING-VEDDAHS:          https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39568          OVER TOP OF THE "MERE" PERPETRATION OF RELENTLE$$-IN-2020-_GENOCIDE~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~April 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_

_April 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty):  "The" song _          Manic Monday          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsmVgoXDq2w          performed by The Bangles _   "... six o'clock already   i was just in the middle of a dream   my _DREAM_ was that LITERAL _GENERATION$_:          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          of Ceylon   -$ri Lanka   -$outh a$ia   -GOVERNMENT-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          $INCE CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   -perpetrated _GENOCIDE($)_:          https://www.thestar.com/news/world/2013/11/04/sri_lankas_hidden_genocide.html          _GENOCIDE_:          http://hrbrief.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Legal-Case-of-the-Tamil-Genocide_30-December-2014.pdf          is a HIGHLY-needle-nosed   +specific _WORD_   coined by RAPHAEL LEMKIN:          https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/coining-a-word-and-championing-a-cause-the-story-of-raphael-lemkin          _GENOCIDE_:          https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/very-fair-to-say-sl-army-committed-genocide-former-un-staffer/articleshow/62673044.cms          is Eminently _N-AH-AH-AH-OT_   BEGIN QUOTE   "South America's   _EGREGIOU$_   DRUG CARTEL VIOLENCE"   END QUOTE   _GENOCIDE_ :          https://www.amazon.com/Sky-No-Roof-Kusal-Perera-ebook/dp/B00CPWCPKO/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=sky+no+roof&qid=1586267038&s=books&sr=1-1          is Eminently _N-AH-AH-AH-OT_   BEGIN QUOTE   "$ri Lanka'$" "civil war"   END QUOTE:          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lankan_Civil_War          THANK$ TO WIKIPEDIA~OOH-OOH-OOH-OOH+REUTER$-OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sri_Lankan_Civil_War          "The" United Nation$ $ecurity Council:          https://www.hrw.org/news/2009/05/27/sri-lanka-un-rights-council-fails-victims          OPENLY   _AND_ "all over"    "the" INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED   +24/7/366   -in-Leap Year 2020 (twenty-twenty-y-y-y)   -OPEN CELEBRATION$   -OF-GENERATION$-OF-$RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT   -PERPETRATED-GENOCIDE($)     UNRELENTINGLY _JOINED_ IN OPEN+INTERNATIONAL-CELEBRATION$   OF $RI LANKA-GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-GENOCIDE$:          https://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CCPR/Shared%20Documents/LKA/INT_CCPR_CSS_LKA_18262_E.pdf          UNRELENTINGLY_JOINED_UNRELENTINGLY _JOINED_ IN OPEN+INTERNATIONAL-CELEBRATION$   OF $RI LANKA GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-GENOCIDE$:          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/64753          BY NUMBER ONE ON THE INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED $TAGE   FROM CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOU$AND AND EIGHT (2008) UNTIL "NOW" CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   U$A PRE$IDENT   BARACK   HU$$EIN   OBAMA   UNRELENTINGLY _JOINED_:          http://jkrsothy.blogspot.com/2011/10/sri-lanka-president-attends-queens.html          IN OPEN+INTERNATIONAL-CELEBRATION$   OF $RI LANKA GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-GENOC-I-I-I-IDE$:          https://www.reuters.com/article/us-srilanka-un/u-n-failed-gravely-in-sri-lanka-internal-review-panel-idUSBRE8AD1Q320121114          BY NUMBER ONE   ON THE INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED $TAGE   FROM CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN FIFTY-THREE (1953):          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52NTjasbmgw          UNTIL "NOW" CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   BY HER ROYAL MAJE$TY   QUEEN ELIZABETH II OF GREAT BRITAIN:          https://www.alamy.com/britains-queen-elizabeth-ii-right-meets-with-sri-lanka-president-mahinda-image62818379.html          NOW NINETY-THREE YEAR$ OLD:          https://www.biography.com/royalty/queen-elizabeth-ii          _AND_ -REMAIN$_ _$TILL_ FRONT _AND_ _CENTER_   OF THE INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED-UNIVER$E   IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   UNRELENTINGLY _JOINED_:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hbb3ek8CoQ          IN OPEN+INTERNATIONAL-CELEBRATION$   OF $RI LANKA GOVERNMENT-PERPETRATED-GENOC-I-I-I-IDE$:          http://theconversation.com/rwanda-and-sri-lanka-a-tale-of-two-genocides-116135          BY NUMBER ONE ON THE _EUROPEAN_ _UNION_ _AND_ INTERNATIONALLY-TELEVI$ED _POLITICAL_ $TAGE$   FROM CALENDAR YEAR TWO-THOU$AND AND FIVE (2005):          https://www.britannica.com/biography/Angela-Merkel          UNTIL "NOW" CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   HER EXCELLENCY GERMAN CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL:          https://theprint.in/global-pulse/angela-merkel-to-exit-politics-and-tamils-at-risk-again-in-sri-lanka/142172/          OPENLY $UPPORTING   _LITERAL_ GENERATION$ -AH-AH-AH-OF   CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA'$ _GOVERNMENT_-HITLER$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://www.amazon.com/Sri-Lankas-Secrets-Rajapaksa-Investigating/dp/1922235539          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/religious-minorities-must-have-their-final-rites-respected-amnesty-international-calls-on-sri-lankan-authorities-to-stop-forced-cremation/          https://www.amazon.com/Fleeting-Moment-My-Country-Facto/dp/0984525548          JUST ANOTHER MANIC MONDAY!   WI$H IT WERE FIR$T DAY   FIR$T DAY IS THE WORD THAT QUAKER$ U-YOU-$E   IN$TEAD OF THE ROMAN-GOD-NAMED-AFTER-$UNDAY:          https://www.quakercloud.org/cloud/clearwater-friends-quaker-meeting/pages/about-quakers          JUST ANOTHER MANIC MONDAY!   JUST ANOTHER MANIC MONDAY!   WI$H IT WERE FIR$T DAY   FIR$T DAY IS THE WORD THAT QUAKER$ U-YOU-$E   IN$TEAD OF THE ROMAN-GOD-NAMED-AFTER-$UNDAY:          https://www.quakercloud.org/cloud/clearwater-friends-quaker-meeting/pages/about-quakers          JUST ANOTHER MANIC MONDAY!..."          "The" song _          Manic Monday          _ performed by The Bangles, music and lyrics c. by  ‎Prince          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsmVgoXDq2w          ]          "We" [EELAM TAMIL MINORITY ETHNIC GROUP-EELAM TAMIL MINORITY RELIOUS-GROUP "ON LOCATION" IN CEYLON-$RI LANKA_$OUTH A$IA] Wish That The Manic Monday$ _And_ Unrelenting-$INCE-CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN THIRTY-NINE (1939):          http://www.amazon.com/Heuchelheim-1939-1949-vergessen-Zeitzeugen-Nachkriegsjahre/dp/3926923148/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1366288028&sr=1-1&keywords=Damit+wir+nicht+vergessen          ~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia-Government Hitler$$$$$$$$$$$$$:          https://srilankabrief.org/2018/06/top-monk-asks-sri-lankas-ex-defence-chief-to-return-as-hitler/          -Perpetrated Genocide$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Would $top! CEA$E! DE$I$T! _BEING_ _INTERNATIONALLY_ _Celebrated_ And INTERNATIONALLY _TELEVI$ED_~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+Televi$ed 24/7/366:          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hbb3ek8CoQ          .  ~April 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_
[PLEASE! KINDLY NOTE!  Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE (a) USA President Trump supporter(s.) _HOWEVER_ "we" wish to be _FOREMOST_ AND ON THE FRONT LINE(S) in OPENLY+INTERNATIONALLY- applauding USA President Trump "for" taking on China-East Asia's nakedly-genocidal upon "everyone"~including on Hong Kong re$ident$ and on Eelam Tamil residents "on location" IN Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-NINETEEN (2019)-indeed~as no other "Western" "international" "political leader(s)" would ever _DREAM_ of "doing" (!) and on Eelam Tamil:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/india-51582172          residents "on location" IN Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-TWENTY (2020)-on behalf of Eelam Tamils "on location" in Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A4a-fascist dictators~indeed~as no other "Western" "international" "political leader(s)" would ever _DREAM_ of "doing" (!) :          https://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2019/sep/10/donald-trump/trump-wrongly-claims-china-having-its-worst-year-5/          _AND_           https://www.bbc.com/news/business-48844278          _AND_          https://www.bbc.com/news/business-49199559          _WHILE_ BEING BEYOND WELL AWARE THAT "MOST" USA ECONOMISTS OPPOSE TRUMP TARIFFS ON CHINA-EA$T A$IA-THEREBY _INADVERTENTLY_ $UPPORTING-GOVERNMENT-OF-CHINA-EA$T A$IA _GENOCIDE$ PERPETRATED GLOBALLY~OOP$!~and/or (a) "Registered" USA Republican Party Member(s) either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE (a) USA Nancy Pelosi-Chuck Schumer supporter(s) and/or (a) "Registered" USA Democratic Party Member(s) either "now" and/or "ever" and/or "Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Ceylonese-American-Sri Lankan-American citizens of The USA either "now" and/or "ever" and/or and/or "Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Indian-American citizens of The USA either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE citizens or nationals of China-East Asia-Chinese-American citizens of The USA either "now" and/or "ever"and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE citizens or nationals of Poland-Polish-American citizens of The USA either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE USA-BLACK-African-American citizens of The USA either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE citizens or nationals of Burma-Myanmar-South Asia-Burmese-American-Myanmar-American-citizens of The USA, either "now" and/or "ever"  Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE citizens or nationals of Japan-East Asia-Japanese-American-citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE citizens or nationals of Korea-Korean-American-citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE citizens or nationals of Iran-Iranian-American-citizens of The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE citizens or nationals of Oman-Omani-American-citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Filipina-North Americans (from Canada)-American-USA-citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever"and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Canadian-North Americans (from Canada)-Canadian-American-USA-citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Maryland-USA residents-American-USA-citizens+residents of the USA State of Maryland-USA, either "now" and/or "ever" Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE California-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Kansas-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE New York-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Texas-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Michigan-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE Nevada-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE New Mexico-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE New Jersey-USA citizens of  The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" ARE nationals of Mexico, South America, either "now" and/or "ever" person(s) "located" Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" is/are a resident(s) and/or national(s) of Washington D.C. The USA, either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" is/are a resident(s) and/or national(s) of Trincomalee-Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia either "now" and/or  "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" is/are a resident(s) and/or national(s) "ever" of Batticaloa-Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia either "now" and/or "ever" and/or  Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" is/are a resident(s) and/or national(s) of Jaffna, Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia either "now" and/or "ever" and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here"is/are a national of New Zealand-The Pacific Rim and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here"is/are a national of Germany-The European UNION and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here"is/are a national of HUNGARY-The European UNION and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here"is/are a national of  The United Kingdom-The European UNION and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here"is/are a national of  Norway-The European UNION and/or  and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here"is/are a national of  Denmark-The European UNION and/or Precisely ZERO person(s) "located" "here" is/are "ever" is/are a member(s) of the Muslim COMMUNITY OF HUMAN BEINGS either inside and/or outside Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia and/or Canada-North America and/or Australia-AUSTRALIA The Continent All On Its Ownsome and/or is/are Muslim(s) and/or Hindu(s) from _ANY_ country on earth whatsoever.  THANK YOU!
© 2020 Isaac Falconer/Dr. Saku Gunasegaram ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
11" (eleven inches) x 8½" (eight and a half inches)
_ORIGINAL_ DIGITAL IMAGE + eminently _NOT_"A" REPRODUCTION fine art luminous abstract expressionist 100% NON-TOXIC+ 100% ECO-FRIENDLY + 100% ZERO ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT
CREATED April 8th, 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY) BY Isaac Falconer/Dr Saku Gunasegaram
Harvard UNIVER$ITY-U$A-ELEVATED-Government Of China Ea$t A$ia Finding THAT Genocide IN$ufficient Cause Of Death For Eelam Tamils:          https://www.japantimes.co.jp/opinion/2009/03/04/commentary/china-fuels-sri-lankan-war/          "On Location" In $ri Lanka Decides To Add Refusal To Test For Covid-19:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-51868931          To _ADD_ To CHINA-FUNDED-GOVERNMENT-OF-$RI LANKA-HITLER$$$-GENOCIDE-DEATH$:          https://www.channel4.com/news/wikileaks-sri-lanka-leadership-responsible-for-crimes          Of Eelam Tamils "On Location" In Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/mullaitivu-2009-400000-lived-290000-people-came-out-what-happened-to-the-balance-sampanthan-asks/          _AND_           https://www.youtube.com/verify_age?next_url=http%3A//www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DRz_eCLcp1Mc          https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/home-ministry-justifies-excluding-sl-refugees-from-citizenship-bill/article26143382.ece          https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2nEw9AkNHk          ~and YE$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "we" OFFICIALLY THROUGH TRANSPARENT+CLEARLY _VISIBLE_  CHANNELS HAVE CONTACTED ALL RECENTLY-FORMER PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES _INCLUDING_ FORMER USA PRESIDENT BARACK HUSS-U$A $ 4.5 MILLION-EIN:          https://foreignpolicy.com/2015/08/28/elite-fundraiser-for-obama-and-clinton-linked-to-justice-department-probe/          OBAMA _AND_ GERMAN CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL  _WHO_ _ROUTINELY_ _DEPORT$_ CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA'$-DARK-SKINNED ETHNIC MINORITY EELAM TAMIL$ _ORIGINALLY_ FROM CEYLON-$RI LANKA-$OUTH A$IA "BACK" TO THE SCENERY OF _THEIR_ GENOCIDES_~ _GENOCIDE_ [_NOT_ I$I$ TERROR (!) _NOT_ "$RI LANKA'$ CIVIL WAR" (!)_NOT_ Mexican/$outh American Drug Cartel-Unlea$hed VIOLENCE (!)]~_IN A _HABITUAL_ + _ROUTINE_"MANNER" (!) FOR _YEARS_ ON END (!) _YEAR_ AFTER _YEAR_ AFTER _YEAR_ AFTER _YEAR  _NEARLY_] _DAILY_ regarding Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia-GOVERNMENT-Perpetration Of UNRELENTING _GENOCIDE_ [_NOT_ I$I$ TERROR (!) _NOT_ "$RI LANKA'$ CIVIL WAR" (!)_NOT_ Mexican/$outh American Drug Cartel-Unlea$hed VIOLENCE (!)]~PERPETRATED On Ceylon-Sri Lanka-South Asia's Dark-Skinned-ETHNIC-MINORITY-Eelam Tamils+More Recently IN CALENDAR YEAR($) TWENTY-EIGHTEEN (2018):          http://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=79&artid=39004          _AND_ TWENTY-NINETEEN (2019):          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-48298770          regarding Dark-Skinned-RELIGIOUS-minority-MUSLIMS located in Ceylon-$ri Lanka-$outh A$ia FACING GENOCIDE~_GENOCIDE_ [_NOT_ I$I$ TERROR (!) _NOT_ "$RI LANKA'$ CIVIL WAR" (!)_NOT_ Mexican/$outh American Drug Cartel-Unlea$hed VIOLENCE (!)]~1939 (nineteen thirty-nine)+THROUGH CALENDAR YEAR NINETEEN SIXTY-EIGHT (1968)/NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE (1969) AS THIS _ONE_ _INDIVIDUAL_ TAMIL-LANGUAGE-ONLY LIFE-STORY as reported by The Tamil-language BBC news story ATTESTS+TESTIFIES TO:          https://www.bbc.com/tamil/sri-lanka-47102898          ONGOING IN CALENDAR YEAR TWENTY-NINETEEN (2019):          http://www.asiantribune.com/node/93013                   https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/prime-minister-you-protect-gotabaya-rajapaksa-will-my-father-ever-receive-justice-ahimsa-writes-to-ranil/                    https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39539                    https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39313                    https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39280                    https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39313          https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39556          _INCLUDING_ "rubbing $alt" into already open wound$" BY PERPETRATING RELENTLE$$-ECOLOGICAL DEVA$TATION:          https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39567          ON EELAM TAMILS _AND_ ON TAMIL-LANGUAGE-SPEAKING-VEDDAHS:          https://www.tamilnet.com/art.html?catid=13&artid=39568          OVER TOP OF THE "MERE" PERPETRATION OF RELENTLE$$-IN-2020-_GENOCIDE~OOP$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  ~April 8th, 2020 (twenty-twenty)_

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