These spontaneous
written reviews of fine art works are one hundred percent
_UN$OLICITED_ _AND_ One Hundred Percent _SPONTANEOUS_ _AND_ On
Hundred Percent _UNCOMPEN$ATED_~the
fine art reviews that appear below~are written by one hundred
percent independent reviewers and curators. They
do not necessarily represent the views of the artist.
They are included unedited, except for minor spelling
and grammatical corrections, so that the
reader/viewer/observer of our works of fine art may understand
how others have responded completely
spontaneously and without remuneration/payment of any kind
in words to these works of art. "We" "understand" that
there are those who refuse to believe that no money and/or sex
acts were "exchanged" in DIRECT quid pro quo return "for"
these one hundred percent spontaneous one hundred percent
unsolicited reviews and curatorial comments~posted here~and
that our 100% innocent internet site trolled relentlessly with
electronic and/or non-electronic "messages" to that effect :(
In the identical way in which "we" have never
solicited/offered cash/offered favors/favours of any
kind/offered gifts in quid pro quo return "for" any reviews of
any kind~the same is true in "reverse"~no one has ever offered
"us" sex acts /cash/gifts/anything else/other named and
unnamed "favors" in quid pro quo "return" for _our_ "positive
reviews"-ever! We must be the fortunate ones because
local and/or national mainstream media sources in calendar
year 2016 (twenty-sixteen) are reporting incidents of
gifts offered by "businesses" local and otherwise in quid pro
quo direct exchange "for" positive internet reviews of their
businesses. We experienced a "few" random events when we
were not permitted to have our HONEST reviews posted by a
internationally-known giant retailer's internet site~but that
has been the rarest of occurrences. Everyone here
belongs to "the art world" distinct from the non-art
world~which we learned that the NON-arr-world~as "recently" as
in calendar 2016 (twenty-sixteen) chooses to _deliberately_
"interpret" the English words "art commissions" with forms of
sexual favors and/or financial "bribery"~and since "we" are
"persons of color/colour"~it appears that MUCH easier to
"jump" to the wrong concussions" than to VERY
SIMPLY+CLEARLY-ASK US about what we mean by "art
commissions." We guessed that SIMPLE ASKING was "too
complicated" for 2016 (twenty-sixteen) and/or calendar year
2020 (twenty-twenty-twenty).
Soren Hauge's
response to all the one-of-a-kind
original-100%-eco-friendly fine art photographs on this
"...I thought of Saku when seeing this photo Kat took
of my mom and me canoeing on the Fox River near Ripon.
Saku's photos have helped me to see more in such scenes..."
In peace,
, Ripon,
Wisconsin, USA 2020 (twenty-twenty)