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Reviews and Curatorial Comments:

PLEASE NOTE:  PRECISELY NO ONE "HERE" is a person who "confuses"          [          https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=confusion          ]  one hundred percent LEGITIMATE and ABOVE-BOARD COMMISSIONED WORKS OF FINE ART          [          https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=dictionary+fine+art          ]          with _BRIBERY_          [          https://www.dictionary.com/browse/bribery          ]          [          https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/rajapaksa-family-stands-to-receive-in-commission-anywhere-between-us1-2-to-us-1-8-billion-during-2005-15/          ].  Unbeknownst to "us" the English word "commissioned"          [          https://www.dictionary.com/browse/commissioned          ]          has been employed~in spectacularly _NON_-fine art "contexts"~"for" "describing" financial bribery and/or sexual favors/favours.  DICTIONARY.COM explains "art commissions."  FINE ART COMMISSIONS "happen" when a one hundred percent (100%) above board and a one hundred percent (100%)  honest non-lawbreaking individual approaches a carefully chosen FINE ARTIST (to quote the words of one fine art-commissioner directly):  "I went to every single art gallery+fine art museum in my geographical location~I "even" went everywhere on line on the internet "everywhere" where fine art is sold and/or created~that's how I found your work and wanted to commission a work of original non-reproducible fine art directly from a fine artist~from the veritable+literal "sea"  of fine artists "out there"~to request a portrait and/or other non-portrait projects in quid pro quo return for a pre-arranged-mutually-agreed-upon-price _ZERO_ sex acts "involved"~_ZERO_ named+unnamed "favors/favours" involved [!]~hello? just because _YOU_ fine artists and/or _YOU_ NON-fine-artist trolls trolling our site 24/7/365 have _NEVER_ ONCE heard/seen/experienced a fine art commission "in person" does NOT mean they [REAL-LIVE FINE ART COMMISSIONS]  never happen [!] TO _REAL_ + _ALIVE_ IN CALENDAR YEAR 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY)  FINE ARTISTS.  In "stark"+"dramatic" "contrast" to Amazon.com "practice$ of actively 24/7 365 $oliciting "review$"~often from individuals who have _NO_/ZERO/ZILCH/NADA/NIENTE verified purchase of the product for which the review in question had been written in quid pro quo "return" "for" "written" "actively solicited"  "review$" of Amazon.com _AND_ Amazon MarketPlace product  compensated review$":          https://www.bbc.com/news/business-45916368          http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-37551069     "We" (by explicit contrast with Amazon.com) have never "ever" "needed" to _BAN_ "compensated FINE ART reviews" on our site~ever~ _BECAUSE_ ~guess what???????????????????????????~"we"~unlike+in stark+dramatic+explicit+determined "contrast" with the practices of Amazon.com and/or Amazon MarketPlace vendor$-[VENDORS]  _NEVER_ "ever" NOT EVEN ONCE HAVE "actively" "solicited" FINE ART-"reviews" from _ANYONE_~never have!~_AND_ never will~_AND_ "we" "ourselves" have never "compensated" anyone~either with SEX ACT$ and/or $$$ and/or EURO$  and/or U$A dollar$ and/or Canadian dollar$ and/or any _OTHER_ "world currency" "for" writing "a fine art reviews:"           https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-54055669          "for us!  THANK YOU! MERCI! DANKE SCHOEN! GRAZIE MILLE! [PLEASE! NO ON "LOCATED" "HERE" IS A FRENCH NATIONAL/A GERMAN NATIONAL/AN ITALIAN NATIONAL/A PORTUGHESE NATIONAL/A SPANISH NATIONAL/CATALONIAN!  THANK YOU!]

These spontaneous written reviews of fine art works are one hundred percent _UN$OLICITED_ _AND_ One Hundred Percent _SPONTANEOUS_ _AND_ On Hundred Percent _UNCOMPEN$ATED_~the fine art reviews that appear below~are written by one hundred percent  independent reviewers and curators.  They do not necessarily represent the views of the artist.  They are included unedited, except for minor spelling and grammatical corrections, so that the reader/viewer/observer of our works of fine art may understand how others have responded completely spontaneously and without remuneration/payment of any kind in words to these works of art.  "We" "understand" that there are those who refuse to believe that no money and/or sex acts were "exchanged" in DIRECT quid pro quo return "for" these one hundred percent spontaneous one hundred percent unsolicited reviews and curatorial comments~posted here~and that our 100% innocent internet site trolled relentlessly with electronic and/or non-electronic "messages" to that effect :(
In the identical way in which "we" have never solicited/offered cash/offered favors/favours of any kind/offered gifts in quid pro quo return "for" any reviews of any kind~the same is true in "reverse"~no one has ever offered "us" sex acts /cash/gifts/anything else/other named and unnamed "favors" in quid pro quo "return" for _our_ "positive reviews"-ever!  We must be the fortunate ones because local and/or national mainstream media sources in calendar year 2016 (twenty-sixteen)  are reporting incidents of gifts offered by "businesses" local and otherwise in quid pro quo direct exchange "for" positive internet reviews of their businesses.  We experienced a "few" random events when we were not permitted to have our HONEST reviews posted by a internationally-known giant retailer's internet site~but that has been the rarest of occurrences.  Everyone here belongs to "the art world" distinct from the non-art world~which we learned that the NON-arr-world~as "recently" as in calendar 2016 (twenty-sixteen) chooses to _deliberately_ "interpret" the English words "art commissions" with forms of sexual favors and/or financial "bribery"~and since "we" are "persons of color/colour"~it appears that MUCH easier to "jump" to the wrong concussions" than to VERY SIMPLY+CLEARLY-ASK US about what we mean by "art commissions."  We guessed that SIMPLE ASKING was "too complicated" for 2016 (twenty-sixteen) and/or calendar year 2020 (twenty-twenty-twenty).

Soren Hauge's         http://www.ripon.edu/faculty/hauges/          response to all the one-of-a-kind original-100%-eco-friendly fine art photographs on this site          "...I thought of Saku when seeing this photo Kat took of my mom and me canoeing on the Fox River near Ripon.  Saku's photos have helped me to see more in such scenes..."
In peace,
Soren          ,          Ripon, Wisconsin, USA 2020 (twenty-twenty)

David Holmes'          https://www.amazon.com/Abnormal-Psychology-4th-David-Holmes/dp/0321056817/ref=pd_cp_14_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=PYRK8MGJBT1GT55DVSEJ          response to          Luminous Abstract Expressionist Portrait of David S. Holmes, PHD Professor of Psychology (Retired 2016), Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045, USA          ,     Lawrence, Kansas, USA 2015 (twenty-fifteen)

Soren Hauge's          http://www.ripon.edu/faculty/hauges/          response to the series          What the Light Did in Barry's House While He Was Absent          ,          Ripon, Wisconsin, USA 2013 (twenty-thirteen)

Jerry Masinton's         author of:          https://www.amazon.com/Wrong-Man-Down-Millie-Henshawe/dp/194123738X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=33D28LBFYIP21&dchild=1&keywords=jerry+masinton&qid=1612900791&s=books&sprefix=by+jerry+masinton%2Caps%2C153&sr=1-1#reader_194123738X          https://www2.ljworld.com/news/2005/feb/18/humble_lawrence_abode/          https://www.amazon.com/Echoes-Prairie-Collection-Short-Memoirs/dp/0615808115/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1501789749&sr=1-1     response to the individual painting, [PLEASE_NOTE: _NOT_ a literal birth ~phrase "taken" from a famous quote by the German philosopher Nietze:     http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/f/friedrichn109781.html      "...
One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star.
Read more at: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/f/friedrichn109781.html
one must maintain the chaos within to give birth to a dancing star...     Giving Birth to a Dancing Star          ] , Lawrence, Kansas, USA 2009 (two thousand+nine)

Maudie Ritchie's          http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2010/11/post_301.html          response to the individual painting,          Grandma Maude's Delight,          Syracuse, New York, USA 2009 (two thousand+nine)

Barbara [Lietzke] Hansen's          response to the individual painting,          Anatomy of a Cloudburst,     Keysville, Virginia, USA  2007 (two thousand+seven)

Ellis Seidman's          response to the individual painting,          Jenny's Frigate Bird          ,   Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA  2005 (two thousand+five)

The owner's          response to the individual painting,          Tiger! Tiger!          ,     Massachusetts, USA 2005 (two thousand+five)

Eric Mitchell          ,          PHD clinical child psychologist's          http://www.ericmitchellphd.com/Mitchell/Vitae.html          response to the individual painting          Body of a Man/Body of a Leaf          ,     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 2004 (two thousand+four)

Bev Clark's          review of the individual painting,          Melissa's Sunburst          ,          Akron, Ohio, USA, 2004 (two thousand+four)

Eileen R. Kinch's          http://www.eileenrkinch.com/          https://www.amazon.com/Gathering-Silence-Eileen-R-Kinch/dp/1622293207/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1501823439&sr=1-1&keywords=gathering+the+silence+by+eileen+kinch          https://www.amazon.com/Language-Inward-Landscape-Wisdom-Tradition/dp/1943290083/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1501823621&sr=1-1&keywords=by+william+taber+eileen+kinch+brian+drayton     review of the individual paintings,          Apple Segments          ,          Cirrus Carcinoma          ,          and          Breast          ,     Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA 2002 (two thousand+two)Eileen R. Kinch's Reviews are copyrighted ©2002 (two thousand+two) on this site.
Eileen R. Kinch 2017 (calendar year twenty-seventeen) UPDATE
          Eileen R. Kinch published _Gathering The Silence_ a chapbook of poems that sold out on Amazon.com in 2014 (twenty-fourteen)~truly a terrific achievement because poetry is close to impossible to publish~let alone to sell out completely.

Susan Campbell's          review of the solo exhibition,          Five Coloured Thoughts          ,     Venice, Italy, The European Union 2002 (two thousand+two)

Ross Mitchell's
          https://www.linkedin.com/in/ross-mitchell-0023174          curatorial          comments on the solo exhibition,          An Element of Gold          ,          Bologna , Italy, The European Union 2000 (tow-thousand) and Venice, Italy, The European Union 2001 (two thousand+one). 
Calendar Year 2017 (twenty-seventeen) Update:  Ross Lance Mitchell:          https://www.facebook.com/rosslmitchell          is the (current in calendar year 2017) Director of Barnes-de Mazia Education and Outreach Programs for the Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia          . This is his second term of employment with the Barnes Foundation where he previously served as the Gallery Director.  He is the former Executive Director of the Violette de Mazia Foundation whose mission was to teach aesthetics and art appreciation.  Mr. Mitchell started his career as a painter and studied at the Barnes Foundation in Merion, PA [USA] with Violette de Mazia.  He has served as Executive Director of Historic Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia where he repositioned the cemetery as a heritage tourism destination. Mr. Mitchell was also Senior Associate for VIART Corporation, a Manhattan based art-consulting firm.  His past volunteer service included serving as President of the Philadelphia Sketch Club, Commissioner on the Lower Merion (PA) Historical Commission, as well as Vice President of the Lower Merion (PA) [Pennsylvania,USA]  Historical Society.
A seven-year old boy          from South Philadelphia reviews          Shouting in Colour          ,     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 1999 (nineteen ninety-nine)

Byron Walker's          http://www.legaldirectories.com/Walker-Byron-F-250570-Atty.aspx          response to          Garage Door:  Mulberry Leaves & Sunshine          ,     Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA 1998 (nineteen ninety-eight)

Anne Blackwood-Chirchir, MD's
          https://healthinharmony.org/person/anne-blackwood-chir-chir/          response to          Sky Windows          ,     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 1998 (nineteen ninety-eight)

Carol Reynolds, MD's          https://www.doximity.com/pub/carol-reynolds-md          response to          Cirrus Carcinoma          ,      Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 1997 (nineteen ninety-seven)

Norma Maiden's          response to          Taco Casa Restaurant mural          ,     Middlesboro Mall, Middlesboro, Kentucky, USA 1996 (nineteen ninety-six)

Andrea          @1995Wharton School of Business at The University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia's Pennsylvania, USA's response to          Art Blossoms In A Concrete Jungle          , Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 1995 (nineteen ninety-five)

PLEASE NOTE:  PRECISELY NO ONE "HERE" is a person who "confuses"          [          https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=confusion          ]  one hundred percent LEGITIMATE and ABOVE-BOARD COMMISSIONED WORKS OF FINE ART          [          https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=dictionary+fine+art          ]          with _BRIBERY_          [          https://www.dictionary.com/browse/bribery          ].  Unbeknownst to "us" the English word "commissioned"          [          https://www.dictionary.com/browse/commissioned          ]          has been employed~in spectacularly _NON_-fine art "contexts"~"for" "describing" financial bribery and/or sexual favors/favours.  DICTIONARY.COM explains "art commissions."  FINE ART COMMISSIONS "happen" when a one hundred percent (100%) above board and a one hundred percent (100%)  honest non-lawbreaking individual approaches a carefully chosen FINE ARTIST (to quote the words of one fine art-commissioner directly):  "I went to every single art gallery+fine art museum in my geographical location~I "even" went everywhere on line on the internet "everywhere" where fine art is sold and/or created~that's how I found your work and wanted to commission a work of original non-reproducible fine art directly from a fine artist~from the veritable+literal "sea"  of fine artists "out there"~to request a portrait and/or other non-portrait projects in quid pro quo return for a pre-arranged-mutually-agreed-upon-price _ZERO_ sex acts "involved"~_ZERO_ named+unnamed "favors/favours" involved [!]~hello? just because _YOU_ fine artists and/or _YOU_ NON-fine-artist trolls trolling our site 24/7/365 have _NEVER_ ONCE heard/seen/experienced a fine art commission "in person" does NOT mean they [REAL-LIVE FINE ART COMMISSIONS]  never happen [!] TO _REAL_ + _ALIVE_ IN CALENDAR YEAR 2020 (TWENTY-TWENTY)  FINE ARTISTS.  In "stark"+"dramatic" "contrast" to Amazon.com "practice$ of actively 24/7 365 $oliciting "review$"~often from individuals who have _NO_/ZERO/ZILCH/NADA/NIENTE verified purchase of the product for which the review in question had been written in quid pro quo "return" "for" "written" "actively solicited"  "review$" of Amazon.com _AND_ Amazon MarketPlace product  compensated review$":          https://www.bbc.com/news/business-45916368          http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-37551069     "We" (by explicit contrast with Amazon.com) have never "ever" "needed" to _BAN_ "compensated FINE ART reviews" on our site~ever~ _BECAUSE_ ~guess what???????????????????????????~"we"~unlike+in stark+dramatic+explicit+determined "contrast" with the practices of Amazon.com and/or Amazon MarketPlace vendor$-[VENDORS]  _NEVER_ "ever" NOT EVEN ONCE HAVE "actively" "solicited" FINE ART-"reviews" from _ANYONE_~never have!~_AND_ never will~_AND_ "we" "ourselves" have never "compensated" anyone~either with SEX ACT$ and/or $$$ and/or EURO$  and/or U$A dollar$ and/or Canadian dollar$ and/or any _OTHER_ "world currency" "for" writing "a fine art reviews:"           https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-54055669          "for us!  THANK YOU! MERCI! DANKE SCHOEN! GRAZIE MILLE! [PLEASE! NO ON "LOCATED" "HERE" IS A FRENCH NATIONAL/A GERMAN NATIONAL/AN ITALIAN NATIONAL/A PORTUGHESE NATIONAL/A SPANISH NATIONAL/CATALONIAN!  THANK YOU!]